Newspaper Page Text
mumt TEKMS I'AID IN AI1VAN0E Ono Ycnr 81.50 KlRhtMuiith 1.00 6lx Monlhs 70 IV NOT l'AID IN AI1VAN013 PEOPLE: N T A ti'VJ ICL, t'AI'K H w.vnui Sl tN VMPl t'i'itt,isni:i r Tiir. VOL. 9'7---5029. MONTPELIER, VT., WEDNESDAY, JANUAiiY 7, 1903. NUMBER 1. TEMPLE McGUEN GO. MONTPELIER, VT. HUSLIN UNDER GARMENT5 " Chic " and " Royal " BRANDS. Many Slnglo pieces that we wish to close quickly at a Spccial'LOW PRICE previous to our annual inventory. ,le of Heavy Cotton, tucked yoke. .mburg and Laco Trimmcd. tiiti'. 89c govxs Of Fino Muslin, Empiro stylc, with Embroidcry and Beading. At 98c, $i.:to SKT11TS Made of Muslin with Laco and Ham- burgh deep rutlles. At 79c, 98c, $1,119 CLOAKS SUITS FURS 11VY XOW AX1) SA Vli Tllli DISCOUXT WE AllE OVFEltlXG. has been marvelous, but ve MONTPELIER I State St. THE XHAS FURS Tlie Grreate-t Value. of tlio Season will be offered this weok in Fur Coa's, Neck PieceR, Muffs etc. Note: In order to ma"ke room for the New Furs I am buying now, I will ofier my stock of Reliable Fur Garments aL a good reduction. Electric Jackcts plain Electnc Jackcts trimmcd Every garment guaranteed. money back if you want it. NOW IS WHEN YOU WISH Your house had a good sys tem of Plumbing. Think of the luxury of plen ty of hot water when you want it, and the surety of drainage carefully testcd and guaran teed perfcct. If You Will TellUs Your Wishes We will submit plans and estimatcs for plumbing, as cx tensive or as limited as you like. Nocharge for estimatcs. PECK BROTHERS CO Mnln Stroot, Montpollor, Vt. 6 ii. w. TJitrKSisuity iJHAi). Rnndolph, Vt., Jan. 0. Honry W. 'ewksbury diod on Moudny morning Iftor long illness, duo to tho offects f iujnrios snffored ii n nvilrond reck. IIo wns borii in Bostou, Muss. , .o.n -. 1 . . . . i i r, npnnllnnil Inw 1 ItHO UIlll b UUD w..u j....,. ..... .r 1 1 HT TT Un ixtna lil.rlilv 1 ,,11 .trlin lrtinw liirn TTn wos a wifo nud ouo daughtor. OF GOOD COTTON At 9c Corsct Covors of Fino Muslin with Laco nnd Hambttrg Embroidcry, At lCv, 19c, '49c diia msi:s Umbrella Kutlles, severa! styies, '!,c 'fJr r,0c SIUJITS Mado up of Fino Muslin with Blind Embroidcry. Ilandsomo pattems At $1.09, $1.98 have a good supply left. FUR STORE Sign of the ca S25.00 $35.00 Your A. G. SPIRO 1'A'IAL acoidexi. OrsomuB Snllies, n workmnn ou tho recoustruotion of tho Coutial railwuy'H bridgo uonr tho Sabiu plauo, wiib in- Btnutly killed tliis foroiioou about olovouo 'olock A blook of fmuiite foll from tho pior abovo whoro Sallics wiib working, struck him iu tho broast kiuiug ium lnstautly. Tlio nuibulnnco oi Jolmouotts niul liull wns sum inoucd uud tho body romcvod to tho udndortakors' rooius. For Bonio timo uftor tho nccidout no ono employod on tho bridco, uot ovon tho coiitractor conld toll who tho dcad mau was. llis son, Uontt, a lau ot Bomo Bixteou yoarn, is night vratoh miui ou tho bridgo. Ho wub nsleop at tho timo of tho nccidont. Whon it wub Burmiscd who tlio mau might bo, tho son wns suiniiionod nbout twoh'o o'olock and iustnntly idoutifiod his fathor. MrH. 'Sallios, who is a trnvoliug agont solliiiR corsots, was flnally lo catod in Morrisville Sho wns iu formod by tolophono of tho death nf hor huBiiaud, nud foll into a kwooii from which slio omorgod at about half past ono, and will nrrivo horo by tho ovoniiig traiu. BusideB tho niombors of tho fnmily alroady uanicd thoro is a sou, Mont, flvo yoars old. Tho fnmily had bcon living at Waltor Doylo's on Putnam BtlOOC. It is said that Mr. Sallios carricd two policicB, a lifo polioy of $1,000 in tho Motropolitan, and an acoidont polioy, tho particulars of which aro uot roportod. , Mr. Sallies' ago wns forty-two years. IIo canio lioro from Stowe about two yoars ngo, aud till about two niouths aeo ho had bocn n con- duotor on tho olootrio rallway. Tho namo is uot uukuown, ono of tho fnmily, a rolativo, boing n onudidnto ou tho sooial-donioornt Stato tiokot iu tlio olootion of 1000. STOPg THE OOUGII AND WORK off;tiie gold, Laxativo Bromo-Quinino Tnblota ouro a cold in ono dny, NoOuro, uo vay. Jrico aoo. BusinessMoro Montion. lligliust eash priccs paid fop IIIDES, SKINS, PELTS and TALLOW. Fnnoy priccs for cluan drawn dairy skins. Prinio beof hidi-s G conts pcr jionml. I'rimo rcndurcd talluw 5 eenU pcr pomnl. 1'KCR UHOS.. CO MAIN STREET, MONT PELIER, VT. FOR SALE. Brown mnro, Okyonrs old, woight 1,025, sttinds 15.3, Bouud nud ii good drivor. Also 10 iluo whitu Loghoni pullets nnd 1 lliio roostor. E. F. Smith, Box 103, Plainfield, Vt., FOH SALE Now iitilch cows. J. E. licnjauiin, Moutpolior, Vt. STItllxIC OX Tllli liljlWTltlCS Tho Bnrro & Moutpolior Elcotrio Rnllrond has been tied up by wntor, Biiow, nnd vnrious othor things, in tho past, but novor uutil Suudny did tho trolloys ceaso to whirr bccnnso of n striko. Peoplo who wnited in vain for thoir acoustomcd cnr, ou that dny, flunlly cnino to tho couclusion that tho striko hintod at in Saturdny s .Tourual was iu reality on, and stayed at home or wnlkcd. Ono car camo out of tho baru early Suudny moruing and mado a fow trips betweou Bnrro nnd this city. Tho cnuses of tho strike aro well kuown. Early in tho fiill tho con- ductors aud motormou as individuals askcd tho compauy for au incrcaso of pay. TJns uouglit no invornbio re sults nnd on Dec. 23, thoy nindo n do mnud for nu iucreaso from fourtcen nnd threo-tonths to tweuty conts nu hour. This timo it wns uot ns in- dividnnls but ns tho Anialgnuintcd Associntion of Streot Rnilwny Em. ployes of Anierica, Divisiou 2-42. that tho niovo was mndo. Tho committeo siguiug tho dcninud cousistcd of Cou- ductor W. D. Murray nud Motormeu A. B. Guyer nnd 0. F. Paramoro, all old nud popnlar employoesof tlioroad. Theso meu woro cnlled to hcndqunrtors a fow dnys lntor nnd summnrily dis- charged. In respouso to tho demand tho compauy offored to mako tho fol lowiug ecalo of priccs: First ycnr meu 10, sccoud year meu $11, nnd third yjenr meu 12, por weok. The uuiou took this propositiou nudercou sidcratiou aud refused to nccept it, belioviug thnt it would uot increaso wages nbovo tho preseut rato. F. E. Wecd of Lyun, Mass., ropro Bontiug tho Nntioual Associntion, cnmo lnst weok to look ovor tho situatiou. Saturday night a meotiug was hold and ns a result a striko wcut into im mcdinte oitcct. The strikers desiro that tho publio shall know thoir position iu tho mat tor aud to that oud have issucd tho following stntemout. The quostion uudor discussiou is tho demand mado by tho mou ou Dec embor 28, tho toxt of which follows; Thnt iu tho oporatiou of tho liuos of tho compauy. both partios horoto agreo thnt nll busiuoss shall be trnus. nctod directly botwoou tho proporly acorotiited ollicors of each party liero to. 1. That nll rogulnr motormou nud couductorB nud barn mou shall reoeivo 20 conts por nour, nud for all oxtra mou, workinn flve hours or ovor, tho wages shall bo 20 conts por hour, and for auy timo less thnt flvo hours tho wacos shall bo 25 conts nor hour. 2. A dny's work shall cousist of 10 hours for motormeu nnd conduc tors nnd for nll baru mou shall bo 10 hours. 3. If auy mau is lnid off or dis charged or anv griovnnco nrisos bo- tween tho parties horeto which cannot bo nmicnbly adjustod betweou tho ollicors of said partios,ytho samo shall bo submittcd to nrbitrntion, consist ing of threo disintorobtod pnrties, ono to bo cIiokou by oach party horoto nnd tho two thus clioson shall seloct n third. Immodintoly atfor this board of arbitrntion is formod, thoy shnll nieot nnd each party lo given nn op portunity to submit thoir ovidonco nud tho flnding of n majority of such board of arbitrntiou shall bo 11 nal and biuding npou both parties lioroto. 1. All meu shall havo thoir rospoc tive plnccs on tho list in accordanco with tlioir ago in sorvico, thus giving tlio oldest nian iu Borvico tno proior- ouco of position. J 5. Tiint wlioro n man is sufiponueii, and aftor thorough irvostigation if it is docidod that ho is uot nt fuult, ho shnll bo paid for nll timo lost nt tho samo rnto of wages ho wold hnvo oarnod had ho bcou working. 'l.'lns lu-reemont nuu tho inovisious thorcof shall continuo iu forco nud bo biuding upon both partieH horoto for ono ycnr from tho dato of boing sigucd, , Tho situatinn romains ubout tho samo today. Cnrs on tho Bnrro lino nro rnuuing ou Bohodulo with Burlington nud Rutland conductora aud motor nien but, both in Montpelier aiid IJarro, vory fow pooplo aro patronizing tlio cnrri. Tho comuiittoo appointod at tho di roctors' nieoting yostordny, consisting of R. A. Hoar and II. K Bush of Barro and T. J. Dcnvitt of this city, aud thoBtrikocouiniitteoniet iu R. A. Ilonr's olllco nt tou o'olock this moru ing nro still in sosslon. It is liopod nud beliovod that boiuo ngreoniont will bo ronched booii, rnla slsoBture la on every box of tho gonulo Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tabiou the renndy that curea u colil In ouo loy Montpelier and Vicinity, LOCAL HAPPENNINC Dnuiol Emory is nblo to bo nbout nftor n short illnoss. Ralnh I. Lco hns n position iu Ned J. Roborts' printing offlco nt Bnrro nnd movcd to thnt city todny. Tho ougngomont of Miss Mnbol Goldieth Ingnlls nnd Willinm(Henry Wescott of this city is aunouuced. Miss Anuio Potorson nnd John Westburg, both of this city wero unitcd in mnrriago at 5 o'olock ou Monday ovouing by Rov. T. H. Mit choll of Barro, at his homo on Sum nior streot. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Westburg will resido in Montpelior. Homor L. Skeols of Swnntou, woll known in this city as exccutivo clerk during Gov.Stickuoy 's torm, nud dur iug tho pnst scssion ns assistnnt secro tary of tho Sonnto, hns beou tnkou in to tho lnw flrm of'Sticknoy & Snrgeut nt Ludlow. Ho rend lnw with Mr. Stickuoy. St. Michnol's school oponod ou Mondny for tho wintor torm with tho rcgnlnr corps of tcnchers in chnrgo nud tho ubuuI attoudnnce. Tho school in fairly woll snppliod with fuol nud uo troublo iu hentiug tho buildiug is nuticipatcd "unless severo cold weathor sets iu. Suporinteudent Stauyan of tho M: & W. road said jMouday that no ovortures looking to nu iucrcnsed su burbau sorvico bccauso of tho striko had beou made to him. Ho said travol ou tho road was increascd somowhat ou Mouday but ho thought thoro would bo uo occnsion for an iucrcnsed sorvico Evidences of a better couditiou gou oraly iu tho fuol situation aro roported from nll sides nud nlthough thoro is still n shortngo, couditions hnvo ini proved grently iu tho pnst two weeks. Priucipnl Dnvenport hns succccdod iu getting a fnir supply of soft coal aud is daily oxpectiug nuothor cnrlond, bo tho fenrs thnt Montpelior Seminnry would bo destituto of fuol aro grently rolioved. Iu couuectiou with tho preseut conl famiue nu interestiug iucident hns como to light iu Barro Bnys tho Timos. B. B. Cook of North Semiuary strcet, who genernlly lnys in n bountiful wiuter's supply cnch ycnr, fnilcd to get it this pnst sumnier nnd this win tor is buruiug whnt has accumulated in past yenrs. In this is somo conl thnt ho bonght in 18G4 nt Moutpolier nud drow to Barro with oxen that wintor. Mr. Cook says it burns nenrly ns woll ns theuew. It has beou at tho bottom of tho bin and covored up nll this timo. Tho youug ludies of tho Somiunry aro tnkiugla deop iutorest in baskot ball this wintor and twolvo nro iu cou Btant practiso with Professor Ham 11 tou as coach. From this numbor livo will bo solectcd for tho regular toam. Thoro aro vory fow Indies' baskot ball tcanis in this vicinity, so it will bo impossiblo to nrrnugo mauy gnmos, but lator iu tho Benson tho Goddnrd girls nud donbtloss tho M. II. S. girls will bo niet. Tho girls hnvo procurcd now uuiforms of blue with white trimmings and will appear in thein for tho flrst timo today. II. 0. Scott of Ohicago is tho guest or iirs. j. w. liiins. .Tack Rogors has roturnod from a fow days' stny iu Montrcnl. William Gisborno loft on Mouday for Boston whoro ho hns socurcd n position. Tho wook of prayor isboiug obsorvod at Trinity church by special meotiugs this weok. Dry sixtoon inch wood was quotod nt 9 nud groou four foot wood at 5.50 a cord on Hnynmrkot Bquaro thismorn ing. Saturday nn'd puroluisod tho ontiro lot. Thoy woro shipped to Londoii nu nro destiued for tho Puris marot. Israol Sohwurtz has boou n lnrgo buyor of furs this sensou nnd ho has ,1ust sold a 1,100 lot to tho Now York agont of n Loudou houso. F. E. Sniithsou has ilnishpd work nt tho Lano Mnnufncturing Compauy's shops nud with his wifo has gouo to Lobanon, N. H., to work. Tho Moutpolior croamory mado n Bhipmont of buttor to Chnrlestown, South Garoliun, Monday. This is tlio ilrst woro shipped to thnt placo. William Gisborno, who hns boou oin ployod in tho Flandors & Piorco storo lor sovornl yoars, hns gouo to Bobton whoro ho has n position of insldo snlcs- ninn witn a wiioiesalo narucss lionso. Mr, uud Mrs. Austin Whitcomb of Bovorly,, Mnss., who hnvo beou visit ing friouds in this oity.will lonvo Sat urday for a fow dnys in St. Albans nnd Enosburg boforo roturuiug homo. Prof. II. A. Iliumau, who rosigned n professorship nt tho Sonilnnry dur ing tho fall torm to nocopt n Bimilur poistion nt Cornwnll-on-tho-Hudsou, roturnod to thnt placo Saturday nftor a fow duyB visit iu this city. Tho Docombor torm of Onlqdouia couuty onrt olosod Saturdny nud Jadgo J. II. WnlBou canie homo iu tho nftoruoon. Hugh Watsou, wlio Iihb beon-NBpaudiugiiithelholldny vacation with his pnronts, roturnod to tho U. V. M. Monday nnd Honry Wnt son will roturnod Dartmouth Tties day. Tho fliflt looal baskot ball gnino of tho season will ocour nt tho Armory noxt Mouday ovo.,.Tau. 12, botweon tho Somiunry toam nnd tho Brattleboro Y. M. O. A. Tho Dartmouth Bopho moro toam comos Docombor 11). Mor risvillo nud tho Edmuuds Hlgh school toams aro oxpoctod lator in tho moiith. A. 0. Spiro, tho furrior, comploted tho largost fur denl ovor trausactod iu this vicinity on Saturdny. Lnst weok ho bought n lnrgo qunutity of fox, mink, muskrnt, aud skunk skiuH from a buyor on tho Moutpolior and Wolls Rivor road aud in rosponso to a tclogram a London fur compauy's reprosontntlvo cnmo from Now York II. E. Slnyton is going out of busi uoss iu Montpelior, nud will soon bo glu a cloBing out snlo nt tho Racqnot storo. Ho will go to Hnrdwick whoro ho hns ostnblishod n brauch storo. His fnmily will romain horo unless ho cau boII his rcsidonco on Torraco streot, iu which cnso nll will go to Hnrdwick. Mr. Slnytou hns boou iu busiuoss iu this city for twonty-six yonrs with tho oxcoptiou of a short timo wheu ho was ou tho road. Tho polico dopartmout hns beou ro mnrkably successful iu tho cnscs it hns tnkou up during tho pnst yonr. Sinco Ohiof Roagau took tho roins oii I ob runry 1, nbout ono liuudrod nnd flf teou cnses of vnrious kiuds hnvo beou prosocuted aud couvictions havo ro Bultod iu all but thrce. This good Bhowing is tho rosult of caroful in vostigntiou of ovory cnso before it is tnkeu to court. Ouo of tho worst sulforors from tho conl famiiio in Moutpolier is Eruest Jncobsou, tho ilnrist. His busiuoss is ono that must hnvo hcnt to oxist, nud boiug withont conl ho is uow using wood eutiroly nt n cost of 20 n weok. Added to this is tlio extrn oxpouso of n night uinn to wntch tho flres. Of conrso this iucronsos the cost of pro ducing llowors, but Mr. Jncobsou hns uot ndvnuccd tho selliug price. The ollicors of tho Suudny school of tho Chnrch of the Messinh for tho on suiug yenr are ns follows : Superiu toudout, W. G. Audrows; nssistnnt suporiutondont, F. B. Thouins; socro tary, Mrs. M. E. Mack ; assistaut sec retary, Miss Hattio Peck; troasuror, Mrs. F. B. TJiomas; assistaut troas uror, Miss Florouco Suiith ; librarinu, Miss Alico Bonjamiu ; assistaut li brarinu, Miss Alico Euglish ; pinnist, L. J. Hathawny; assistaut pinuist, Mrs. A. M. Frnukum. Tho baskot ball tenm recently or guuizod by tho niombors of Compnuy H will bogiu prnctico this weok. Tho floor of tho Armory hns beou marked off nnd bnskot terectod. Gnmcs will bo nrrnnged ft-ith othor tenms nud it is hoped to havo a flrst class tenm nnd n successful sensou. Bnskot ball hns nlwnys been n populnr sport nmong tho Nntionnl Guurdsmeu of tho Stnto, Compnuy D of St. Johus bury hnviug hold tho Stnto chnmpiou ship for Bovernl yenrs. ;read a. P. Abljott & Co. 's ndvor- cisomouc. GAS LIGHTING. Moutpolior. Jnn. 1, 1903. Wo rogret to ndviso our customors that wo will closo the gas dopartmout of our busiuoss ou Fobrunry 1, 1903, nud will nt thnt timo coaso to supply gas for auy pnrposo. It has boou our intojition to continuo this busiuoss ns nu nccoinniodatiou to our customors uutil such timo as tho Capitnl Oity Gns Compnuy is iu position to furuish them with gas, nlthouch wo havo boou opornting under vory honvy loss for many montiis; Wo now, howovor, nnd it nbsolutoly necessary to tnko this Btop both ou ncconnt of tho coko ninr kot nnd tho couditiou of our nmins. Coiisolidatod Lighting Compauy. Tho roprosoutativo of tho Capital City Gns Compnuy iuforms tho Jour ual that tho compnuy is nimiug to bogin to furuish gns on Fobrunry 1, nud oxpects to bo nblo to supply ou thnt duto npplicants for lighting by gns. EAST BROOKFIELD. Mrs. Ellon Bnrnes'nnd Mrs. Wnyno Wright with hor childrou, of Willinnis town, visitod nt Mrs. Mary Rjchnrd. sou's ono day last weok. Tho infnnt boiib of Goorgo K. Spraguo nnd Frnnk H. Wilcox woro cliristouoa by Rov. D. II. Stroug last Sundny. Fridny eveniug Jnnunry 2, wns tho occnsion of n most ploasant ovont, whon about thirty gncsts ropairod to tho rcsidouco of Mr. nnd Mjs, Na thauiol Whoatloyby invitatiou ofthoir son, Dr. Tonuoy Ilnll Wheatloy, of Bo, klyu, N. Y.j who had nrrrnngod n compuito Burpriso visit npou tho for tioth unnivorsary of thoir marrago. As a tokon of approuiation of par outal lovo aud dovotion, and ns n mo- flarked Down Sale Gloaks, Gapes, Suits, Skirts, Gliildren's Gamients, Look at the Winter Gloaks, Price $4,75 Now L. meiito of filinl niroction, Dr. Whontloy i hnd purchiiRod for tho occnsiou nn ovnl, ' storliug silvor tray 10x13 iuchcs, on which is ongrnved tho following in- j scrlption: Nnthnniol SVhoatloy, tho' dato of marrliigo, Jano 0. Birnca Hall. ' Ou tho loft of tho inscriptiou is tho I Wheatloy cont of nrms, which dates back to Slr Nnthnniol Wheatleigh (Whontloy) who wns knightcd in Eng land in 1010. On tho right of tho in scriptiou is tho Tounoy coat of nrms diBtinguishing tho Sir Knight, from i ,wliom Mrs. Whontloy is n distlnct lin oal doscondaut. Hon. Marcus Pock iu n woll chosou words, nindo tho pro Bontatiou Bpooch, uud Dr. Whontloy, in bohalf of his pnronts, and iu his customary hnppy niood uud ploasiug mauuor, rospouded with an oxplnnn tiou of both tho Wheatloy and Tonuoy cont of nrms, nud relntod othor his toric duta, eBpocially interestiug aud approprinto nt this timo, nnioug which tho fnct that a gontlomau suruamed Whcatloigh (Whontloy) distinguiNhod himsolf by circumnnvicnting tho globo with Sir Francis Dinko. Othor ploas iug romarks wero mado by tho Rov. Mr. Aborcrombio, .Tudgo Bigolow, Deacon William Grnves.Dencou M. S. Whontloy, William Olark, Jesso Wheat loy' Froomnn Richnrdson nud Mrs. Urinl Olnrk. Tho ovouing passed pleasantly, nud nftor light rofresh monts woro sorved tho compnuy dis persed, wishiug tho vonornblo host nnd nostoss mnny hnppy nunivorsarics of thoir weddiug dny uud -s ith each, tho presnuco of tlioir most hospitablo son.; EAST ROXBURY. Mr. nud Mrs. L. G. Kiddor spent Sundny nt Hnrry Kidder's iu North field. Mrs. Sarah D. .Blnuchnrd. hnd a small family reuuion ou Suudny. Addio Lndd nttoudcd tho Grnugo iu West Brookfield Snturdny ight. Hornco Wnkofield of West Brookfield wns iu towu, Sundny. Jouuie B. Lndd wns iu Roxbury ou uusmess ono dny last weok. Smith Blnnchnrd of West Brookfield wns nt 0. F. Blnnchard's, Sundny. Borthn Tlinyor of Moutpolior camo homo last weok for n short visit. Addio Ladd hns fluished work for Mrs. Mnrshnll Smith nud is workiug for Mrs. Churlio Duko of Northfield. Mr. nud Mrs. Tiin Blnuchnrd or Williamstown nud Mrs. Dnvid Douuy of South Northfield wero visitors iu town lnst week. Rov. N. M. Shnw nnd Mr, Goodwin nro couductiug a series of meotiugs horo. Jesso Cook and Lou Hnzoltou of Northfield wero iu town, Suuday. Mr. aud Mrs. M. C. Flynu of Rox bury woro iu town Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G. Hibbnrd nud dnughtor Fiorouce, of Enst Brookfield visitod ou Fridny nt D. L. Bnck's. Ett Chnmborlniu of Randolph visit od nt Mrs. L. P. Webstor's lnst weok. Elder nnd Mrs. Orza Boyce aro in Lymo Coutor, N. H., whoro thoy aro holdiug a sorios of mootings. Mr. nud Mrs. Johnson of Goulds villo visited nt his brothor's John Dn vis' on Suuday. Mrs. L. A. Enstmau visitod in Northfield last weok. A baud of singors mot Wedupsdny uight nt J. Joues Steolo's nud molo diously welcomed tho Now Yenr iu. Lowis Steolo of Randolph Contor wns iu towu for sovornl dnys lnst week. Mr. nud Mrs. Gcorgo Wnrduor woro in Rnndolph, Wednesdny. Ethol Wnrduor visitod her mothor in Brookfield this weok. R. II. Hall spent threo weoks with his brothor in Moretown, recoutly. Half tho ills that man is hoir to como from iudigcstiou. Burdock Blood Bittors strougthons nnd toues tho stomaoh ; niakcs iudigestiou impossiblo. BARGAINS in FURNITURE Fall Assovlmmit of House Fur?iis7i hiffs. Noiv is tlie time for repairs and Nciv Upholfitcring. YOU give the or der, WE do tlie rest- Undertakers and Puncrnl Directors OF- P. & H. C. REASONS FOR INSURANGE. Expcuscs eat up wages and snl nrics. Year aftor year tho avcr ago man expccts to bnild" up nn cstntu. Tlio uaiml rcsult is uo provision or only a small ono for wifo and clnldren. Life Instir nnco doei tlie work by easy pay mcnts. (Correspondenu solicited ) i S. S. BALLARD, Qeneral Agent, New Langdon Bulldlng, MONTPELIER, - - VT. ANNUAL SHIRT Cents given away with every SHIRT; the num ber you get depends upon the SHIRT you select, it may be a $i.oo, a $1.25 or a $1.50 SHIRT. You pay $.50 all sizes from 14 to 17; some are soft SHIRTS, others are bosom SH IRTS. Any man with 50 cents in his pocket will be tempt ed to swap it for a SHIRT. If your neck is inclined to be large. the better the as sortment. Any SHIRT in our window $.50. A. D. FARWELL GU, Cleason & Co. Furs at CLEASON