Newspaper Page Text
TKHJIS l'Atll IN ADVANOK Ono Yenr 81.80 KlgtitMnntlM 1.00 SlxMonUm 70 II? NOT J'AII) IN AHVANOB PEOPLES WAN A .'' PAIMCK H ivA,i:,M!f sOLflD C im;hlishk i"M l.W U niK VOL. 975029. MONTPELIER, VT., TIIUHSDAY, MARCIl 5, 1903. NUMBEll 9 CLEAN-UP THIS WEEK will be devoted to a Merchandise of every descriptioric of winter merchandise must go need the arriving. room DRESS GOODS 35 Do!X" Blrtck IIosc' Val" f,0c CLOAK, SUITS AND. FURS Short lcngths iu plnin and plaids nt 29c l'air (Wliat wo havo loft.) "9c 39c vard ' " Children's Eidcrdown Cloaks with Fur : OUTINGr FLANNEL ROBES Trimming. Sold Irom $1 00 to $2.75. SILKS 75 nnd 87c. valtie at 39c nt 49o cnch For Waists nnd Dresscs, 39c, 49c, 59c yard SATIN" AND MOREEN LnB nn1 Sllort C,0!lks S1,98- T TPTTTPnAT(! ' Ladies nnd Misses .Tackcts, GINGHAMS, PERCALES PET1IL0A1& . si.98, 32.98 AND DIMITIES Villllc $1-r, to S2.00 now COo Vahio'SlO.OO to $15.00. Value 12 l-2c at 7c yard MUSLIN CURTAINS nkck soarfs 98c si.os, S2.08. COTTON CREPE With Hemstitchcd Rufllo Mado from nll tho Lcading Fnrs Faucy Colors. 49c, G9c and 98c pair. Value doublo ' . Valuo 20c at 9c yard 03 FljK CAI'ES to closo BENNINGTON COTTON at half puice UNDERWEAR 3 Bales 30 in. Cottou, 4 l-2c. Electric Seal, Astrachan; Wool Scal Red, Natural Wool and White 4 Bales 40 in. Cotton, 5 1-2. aud Martcn. Ladies' nnd Gents to closo. tllu yr(l or web Value S1.25 and 81.50 at 09c 28 FUR JACKETS. . 10 Dozcn . wnists niado from Lawn, Electric Scal and Astrachan. OUTINGS Dimity, Giugham nnd Percnlo sold. $10.00,812.50,810.50 Dark and Light, 4c ynrd from 81.00 to 2.00 all good styles nt JUST HALF PRICE. 09c each 30 PIECKS 10 and 12 l-2c Outiug " CHIC " AND ROYAL To closo 0 l-25 yard 100 Paits Lcading Makos in Corsets, if you "RRANDS OF MUSLIN cnn gct your size you liave won a White and Turkcy Kcd Dainask bargain at , 59c pair. UNDERWEAR To close at 23c yard. Vnlue COc Value 81.00 to S2.00 pnir Robcs, 39c, 59o Corset Covers, 9c, 15c, 19c 10 Dozcn Union Suits, Fleeccd Lined " Maukintoslics in IShick, Bluc, Kcd, Tan Drawers, 19c, 29c, 39c 29c each. All wo havo to cls !,t ' $1-93 Skirts, 79c, 98c, 81.39 For the benefit of those who have not been able to settle their accounts due TempIeMcCuen Co., we will grant a time extension of 15 days. FREDERICK J. McCUEN, 5uccessor to OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, NOT8CE -TO- i e Tax Pavers OF TIIE Gity and Montpelier Union District of Montpelier, Vt, A EntoBill of Taxes of the City 01 Montpelier, on the List of 1002, is in my hands for collection, and in ordor to save cost of collection, you are hereby notified to pay the samc to me within thirty days from the date of this notice. TIMOTHY R- MERRILL. Treasurer. Montpelier, Vt,, Feb 28,1903. Lamson & Hubbard Spring Style, 1903 For sale by W. K. Adains & Son, MontJ pelierj Frnnk MoWborter, Barre. for spring goods TEMPLE-HcCUEN CO., SliMTXAJtr OlJtl'S. Tho Moutpolior Somiunry girls do foatod tlie Spauldiug higli sohool girls nt bnskot ball in tho Y. M. O. A. gymunsinm, Snturday ovoniug, b u scoro of 1G to 4.1il ZK". ' ' A lurgo crowd wituossed tho gamo which, from stnrt to iliiish, wns ovi dently in tho hands of tho Moutpolior girls, who ontolassed thoir opponontB in snappy plny iiutl toum work. Most of tlio baskotH woro mado in tho flrst lmlf ns tho Barre toain soenied to bo nroiiBod to groator ott'ort in tho socoud hnlf nud covored thoir plnyors to bot tor ndvuntngo. At tlio ond of tho flrst half tho scoro wns 15 to 2 in fnvor of Moutpolior. Tho lnst half was closo, only ouo baskot from tho flold on oithor Bido boiug mado with ono from tlio foul liuo for Moutpolior, makiug tho flual Bcoro 10 to 4. ThiB placoa tho Somiunry girls at tho hoad of tho list ub tho Spauldiug girls had dofoatod evory toam thoy had plnyod to thiB dato. Tho liuo up was ns follows: Mont polior forwards, Loslio nud Brndford ; ceutro, Marviu; gnnrds, Hopkius und Donahno. Spauldiug Forwards, Riohardfson aud Onldor; contro, Worth on; gunrds, MoDouald and Bemis. Baskots from tho flold, Loslio, 5 ; Mar viu, 2; Caldor.2. Baskot from foul liuo, Loslio, 2, Umpiros. Huntington aud Oarswoll. Heroreo, Harry it. Bollos. Thls wns tho last gamo of tho Boason for tho Moutpolior girls. HHA D Y FOll AG'IIOX. Burro, Maroh 4. Tho board of ul dbrmou olccted ycstordny havo orgau ized by olecthiK Aldormau R. S. Our- rlor ns nrosidont. Ouo of tho flrst' ncta of the now board wna tho ap poiutmont of n Hooiho comraissiou us followi: Rev. B CvBoborts for two yonrs, Dr J. E, MoSwoonoy for four yoars, F. E. Langloy for six yenrs. Tho following polico ollloora woro ro appointod:P. A. Browu.E. E. Porry nud L. N. Gnuthier. Vormout AYatohmnn Co., Job Priutors. SALE Cleaning-Up Sale of Every dollar's worth at some price as we which are daily MONTPELIER, VERHONT. A COUJIT WEDDING. Tho woddiug of Court Mt. Huuger, Forostors of Amoiicn, of Middlesox, nnd Oourt Moutpolior of tliis city oci currod at tho rogular meotiug of tlio lattor on Tuosday Fob. 24. Tlio coro mony was porformod by Doputy Goorgo W. Allou of Muucliostor, IS. H., and honcefortli Court Mt. Hungor will bo nillliatod with tlio ordor iu tliis oity and will shuro nliko iu lts joys aud sorrows. Court Mt. Hungor was orgnur.oci n snoro timo ngo aud al though it was a livoly youugstor, it was toarod that it could not lonc thrivo in tho Bolitudo of Middlosox nnd thouuion nbovomoutiouod washit upou as u Bolutiou of tho dillloulty. Tho coromony waB a simplo ouo but tho attoudiug fostivitios woro all that could bo dosirod nnd it is couutod tho bost of nll tho good thiugs onjoyod by tho Forostors in tho pnst. Kuights of Pythias hall was docoratod witli Unitod States flagB for tho occasiou nnd ono ond of tho room was urraugod as a gato with au archod front ilnuked by Ajinoricau llngs. From tliis stngc a highly outortaiu ing progrnm was givon. It was iu tho form of a littlo lninstrol show with ueorgo Lavolotto aud Goorgo Willotte as ond mon. Tho court orcheBtra furnishod musie, Louis Roborts did a soug uud dnuco spocinlty, aud L. F. Buttorlly, costumod as MorhiBto, gnve a dramatio reading from Morrisou's vorsiou of Fnust whioh iuoludod por tious of tho flrst not. Following tho ontortaiumont camo n bauquot. Tho nlfair will bo loug romomborod ns n vory happy ouo aud the two courts woro so thoroughly joiuod togothor that divorco procood iugs aro nltogothor unlikely to ocour. Court Moutpolior now has oighty bovou mombors and now npplicatious aro ooustautly comiug iu. FAYSTON. Miss AguosE. Kow, n popularyoung tonohor of thls towu, and Houry L. Onsoy nlBQ of this town.'Woro marriod on Wodnosdnv.- Fobruarv 2i. nt thn liomo of tho brido. Tho hanpy oounlo took iv w,oddiug trip to Moutroal. Vermont WatohmaaOo,, Job Priutors Montpelier and Vniciity, LOCAL HAPPENINCS. C. I. Grccno of Waitsfield was in the city on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Houry Wescott nro bonrding nt tho Louuox Ilonsu. Ilalph Brown of Pntnamsvillo was rcglstorod at, tho Moutpolior IIouso on Tuosday. Gortrudo Flnnnigau of Morotown spout Suuday with Mr. nnd Mrs. John FlnnnigMii. Mrs. J. H. Sonvor wout to Plainfield Wodnosday to nttoud tho fanorul of Mrs. Warren. Gcorgo Logior, who is still Hufforing from n poisonod urm, loft for his liomo iu Gouldsvillo. R. 0. Bakor of tho Pnssunipsio Sav iugs Bauk of St. .Tohnsbury wns in tho oity Monday. Kov. N. M. Shaw, D. D., returned to this city from Connecticut on Mouday ovouing. Fred P. Pollard of Peacham is spend ing a few days with his unclc, W. J. Pol lard, in this city. The Saturday aftcrnoon club is plan ning a concert, to be given at some time the near future. T. F Coltou of Obicago is in tho oity on bnsiness couuected with tho Coltou Mauufucturiug Compauy. Assistant Postmaster B. F. Clark re sumed his dutics at the office on Monday, after an illness of several month's dura tion. Elsic IJurrows, who has been visiting for several days at E. E. Joslyn's on Barre street, returned to her home in Newbury Monday moming. Tho Montpelier Somiuury girls do feated the St. Johusbury academy girls 7 to o at basket bnll on Tnesdnj ovening nt St. Johusbury. A. M. Soulo nud .Tohu A. Hickoy of Plninfleld nnd A. F. Smitb. n liv ory mnn, from Morrisville, woro iu tho city on Tuesday. Roy Cnldorwood of St. Johiifibury sneut n fow lionrs in tho city ou Tues dny, on his wny to Northllold, whoro ho is attoudiug Norwioh Uuivorsity. The followiug lotters woro ndvcrtiscd nt tho Moutpolior postofflco ou Mon day: Miss Emmn J. Bnllard, Miss Bortha Butlor, S. L. Brown, B. B. Ely, Carroll Smitb, Jamos W. Wrock. A potition iu bankruptoy hns boou flled by Henry Gobo, a Inboror iu this city. His liabilitics aro .422.45 nud his nssots ?85, of whioh 75 nro ox ompt. Roy Smitli of Wntorbury wns in towu Snturday and, iu compauy with Loon O. Smitli of this city, visitcd nt tho homo of tho luttor in Washington ou Sunday. Mrs. L. A. Ferriu of Warren, N. H., is visitiug her uieco, Mrs. B. F. Kand, on Barre streot, for a fow days. Mrs. Forrin iB oighty yenrs of ngo nnd still nctivo. A close game of cribbage was played between the Foresters and Company H teams on Monday evening which resulted in a victory for the latter by 10 points, the final scores being 5859 and 5849. A bou, Williaui Wells Brook Jr., was boru to Dr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Brook on Suudny. A tologrum cou voying tho iiuportnnt ihformation was sont to J. W. Brock, who is now in Califoruia. ' At tlio mootiug of tho Miuistors" Mouday Club nt tho Y. M. 0. A. rooms Mouday n papcr was rcad by Rov. Guy C. Lamson on "Tho Do volopmont of tho Toiuporal Powor of tho Papncy. " At tho nununl session of tho Vor mont Stato Doutal Assooiation, to bo hold nt Burliugtou on Maroh 18, 10, nnd 20, Dr. K. L. Olonvos of this city will opou a disoussionou "Ornl Auti soptics aud Disoaso Gorms. " Harry G. Eldor, a foriuor employeo of tho Wntchmau Co., U Bponding two woeks in towu ronowiug old ncquaiu tnuces. Mrs. Eldor nccompanies him. Mr. Eldor now roprosouts tho Gormau Modicino Compauy of Oiuoiuunti. Frod Bnncroft. colloctor for tho Now Euglatnd Tolophoua nud Tolo graph Compauy iu this city, is con flned to tho Iiouro by sickuess. W. S. Goss of Chelsea will porform his dutics ns collector for n fow dnys. Tho towor of ico on tlio Brnuoh whioh had forniod from tho draiuago from F. A. Staudish's Btoro begau to rniso tho lloor iu liis. ostablislimont Saturday uight, makiug it noocossary to attnok tlio bouldor with au nxo to provout its doing furthor dninngo. Four plnto glnss wiudows, tWQ 50x 120, ouo 25x108 aud ouo 20x120, con. slguetl to II. A. Rugg, arrivod from tho Bostou Ploto Glnss nnd Window Compauy on Mouday. Thoy aro to ro placo tho brokou wiudoWB in tho now part of Mathor & Tomplo'B Btoro for. inorly ocoupiod by II.""A. Slnytou. C. 0. Holmos' liorsoboonmo frlght ouod whilo Btandiug near tho markot on Tuosday nftornqon aud ran awny, but wns flnnlly cnptured nonr tho pos'ofllco boforo sorlous duningd had lieon dono, otlior than tho masliing of the slcd, Washington couuty contiuues to coutribnto its full quotn of btiHiurss to tho baukrupcoy courts. Iutho dis trict clork's ofllco nt Burlington tho petition of Thomns Burke of Barro wns flled. Ho had liabilitics of 202.- CO nnd ustotH of $'M5, nll of which nro clnimcd oxompt. J .Tudgo J. II. Watson wont to Now port on Tuosday to presido nt tho Mnrch torm of tho Orlcnus county' court which couvoncsWeduesday. Tho torm promises to bo n loug nnd intor csting ouo as tlioro nro soveral person al dninngo cascs against tho Bostou & Maiuorfnilroad. Mrs. Susau Nichols of Barro dind on Tuesday ovnuing at 8 :30, nt tlio ngo of sovouty-two yonrB, from tho oirects of the grippo. Tho fuuernl will bo hold on Fridny nfternoon nt ono o'clock nt hor lnto homo on Washing ton strcot, Rov. J. Edward Wright ofllciating. Rov. Efllo K. M. Joncs of Barre, who wns to hnvo read n papor nt the mootiug of tlio Miuistors' Mouday club iu thls oity this woek, has au nouucod that ou acconnt of ill honlth hor physiciau 1ms ordored hor to tako sovornl wooks' rost. Sho loft Moudny with hor two childron for hor homo iu Knusns. Lnst Suudny wns tho tenth uuuivorsnry of her paslorato in Barro. A. E. Farland, who has been work ing for fomo niouths with tho local gaug of liuomon for tho Now Euglnnd Tolophouo & Tolograph Compnnr, hns flnished work in thnt cnpacity nud loft on Monday for Wntorbury, whoro ho will join n gnug of Wostern Uniou Tolegrnpli liuemon, who nro building a now liuo through Vermont aud iuto Cauadu. In the joint debate nt Barre on Mon day evening the Goddard Seminary boys defeated the Montpelier Seminary team. The event occurred at the opera house and drew a fair sized audience. The question concerned Govcrnment owner ship of public necetsitics and the winners had the afiirmative. The judges were Rev. Guy C. Lamson ftnd Hon. W. E. Ranger of Montpelier, and R. A. Hoar of Barre. The decision was unanimous. Mrs. Thomns Woodward died on Saturdny nt tlio iiomo of hor son, E. O. Woodward, on tho Worcostor brnnch road. Mrs. Woodward wns oighty-two yonrs old. Sho loavos two sous, F, L. aud E. O. Woodward, ono daughtor, Mrs. E. L. Porry of Wntor bury, a brothor, J. M. Sawyor of this city and ouo sistor, Mrs. Josoph Youug, who resides in tlio west. Tho funoral occurred at hor luto homo nt tou o'olock Monday moruing aud tho burial wns iu Greon Mount cenietery. firo nlarm from box No. 58 wns rnug in shortly beforo six o'clock Sut urdny ovouing wlion tho chimnoy on tho honso of Cnpt. Edward Wright ou Emmous streot bumod out. Thore wus n stroug wiud which blew tho flatuo from tho chimnoy vory near to tho roof iu a way thnt soemod daugerous. but tho contiunous dowupour of rnin had sonked tho wood protty thoroughly so that uny dnmuge from this sourco was provontod. Tho "vork of ouo oxtiu guisher wns all that wns requirod to put out tho flro. Tho Burglnr pluyod to n smnll nudi- onco nt tho Blauohard oporn houso on Monday ovening. Tho plny is n sim plo uud pnthotio ono, portrnying tho dopths of sin and dogradation iuto which n uiau may fall. aud how n moro child's simplicity u.ay softou n hardontid nud callousivl hoart. - Tho last act was tho most tauchmg in which tho burglar rotnrus to tho homo of his wifo nnd child nud, aftor bid diug thom all fnrowolli dios iu thoir prosonco, thus ouding n lifo of wiokod- iioss, forgivon nt last by tho friouds ho hns wrongod That tho ability of Mrs. Kato Torrill ns n roador. is npprociatod nbrond as woll ns at homo is ovidoncod by tho followiug olippiug from n locnl uowr- liajior concorning hor work at Rnu dolph rocontly : Mrs. W. E. Torrill, n woll kuown roador of Moutpolior, with tho two-fold ndvnntago of uuns- ual talont nud a ploasiug prosonco, ONE OF Corsets! Models in A.t Tlie IQuLJSy Store is straight front, moderntely low bust, and moderately deep hip. It has a snappy style and real beauty, is comfortable and serviceable All of this season's new models are shown in our Corset Department. Wo can fit all figures with stylish, comfortable corsets. Now is the time to get fitted before Spring Dressmaking. L. P, &H.C;QLEASON gnvo four short pocms with n truo up procintion nnd n powor of oxprossion that brought out. tho benuty of tho I thought. Thoy wcvre "Life nnd Soug" I by Laurior, "Daffodils' by Words- I worth, "Tho ChamborodNnutilus" by Holmos nnd ' Tho Flag" by Bonnott. Mrs. Torrill imporsonatcd tho t charnctors of a littlo skotoh ,in four' scoues ontitlod "A Round Up, " which npponlod irroBistibly to tho sonso of humor of hor hoarors, who cnllcd her back, nud shocloscd tho program with 1 n poom by Edwin Markhnm outitlod "A Prnyor." OUlt XEW OFFICTALS. Rriof Skotchos of tho Mon Whom tho Votors of Moutpolior ' Eloctod to Ofllco on Tuesday. Frauk M. Corrv, mayor-olect. is a nutivo ot Moutpolior nud hns nlwnys livod hero. Ho wns born Soptombor 15, 1835, and was edncntod nt tho Union schools. Whcn fifteou yenrs of ngo ho onterod tho markot whoro his bnsiness lifo has beon s.iout, ns n clork for 0. II. Spinuoy. Bi von yonrs lator ho purchnsod 'tho busi ioss nnd has conducted it coutinuonsiy slnco, build ing up a largo and profitnble trado. Althongh tho littlo Union Honso mar kot has occupied tho grcnter portion of his time nud nttontion, it is ouly n smnll part of his varicd businoss in torcsts. IIo is n part ownor of tlio Coltou Maunfncturing Co. 's works; a dirootor in tho Amorican Fidolity Co., tho Fiist National bnnk, nud tho Wetmoro & Morso Grauito Co. His business cnrcoi hns boou uttouded with unusunl success nnd ho is counted umoug tho solid business mou of con trul Vormont, nnd will uring to his new ofllco tho nbility ongondored by yeais of business oxporionco. Mayor Corry iB n momber of tlio Roman Cntholic chnch, tho Cathoiic Ordor ot Forestors, tho Kuights of Columbus, and Apollo aud Couutry Clubs. Ho has a wifo aud four chil dron and resides at 20 LoomiH strcot. r Harry J. Gutcholl. tho now nldor- mnn from ward 1, will bring to tho city conncii tno irmts ol years of ex porionco iu muiiicipal utl'airs. IIo was connectod with tho Vormont Lifo Iiisurauco Co. of Burliugtou for twer ty-ouo yoars nnd durinc his resi douco in thnt city ho sorved ou tho board of nldormen from wnrd 2 uearly sovou years. Elected fiist in 1893 ho sorved continnonfily, with tho oxcop tion of tho yenr 1897, until 1890 whon ho cnmo to Montiioller. While n moni bor of tho Burliugtou city couucil ho sorved nt vnrious times as chuirmau of tho lluanco, rnilroad and public bnildiugs nnd parks committoes, nnd was presidout of tho couucil iu lbDG. Mr. Gutcholl was born in Keosvillo, Now York in July, 1859, and is at prosont conuocted with tho auditiug committeo of tho National Lifo Insur nuco Co. Hb resides at No. 10 Cednr streot. Aloxuudor Broadfoot; nldormnn from wnrd 2, wus born in Whithorn, Wigtowushiro, Scotland, nnd is forty two yoars of ngo. Ho cnmo to Am orica fifteou years ago, nnd for tlireo yoars lived in Mniue, oomiug to Mout polior twolvo years ngo. Ho is a stouecuttor and until ho wout into bnsiuoss for himself was omployed by tlto Wetmoro nnd Morso Grauito Co. For six yonrs ho wns n pnrtuor with Robert M. F'rasor in tho flrm of Fras or and Broadfoot with sheds at tho Pioneor, until rocontly wheu tho flrm wus ditsolved nnd Mr. Broadfoot bognn work nt his trado with John Ruschor. Ho iB mnrriod and livos tt 84 Barro street. Mr. Broadfoot recoutly hnd tho mis fortuuo to loso tho fiugors of his right hnnd whilo at work setting up n mou ument. This nccidout will provont his working longor at his trado nud ho oxpects to go iuto bnsiness soou. Uharles J. Borry, who is olected to ropresont wnrd 3 in tho city couucil, is woll kuown as nyoung business man of ability. IIo was born iu Waitsfield but most of his aotivo lifo hns beoii spont in this oity. Until recontly ho wns n mombor of tho woll knowu morcnutilo flrm of Brooks & Borry Tho nqw alderman will eutor tho ."onucil with.a kuowledgo of oity nU'uirs gninod by loug rosidonco hore, aud it is gouorally coucodcd that by roason of nbility nnd gouoral eqnip niout ho will bo n stroug nud useful momber of tho oflicinl family. William N. Theriault, wJio succoods Frauk A, Bailoy as oitj graud jnror, is ono of tho bost known nnd most successfnl young lawyors iu Moutpo lior. Ho wns born-in this oity twonty flvo years ngo nnd graduated from tho high Echool in tho olass of '95. Ho read luw with Dilliughum, Huso and Howlnud nnd wns nduiittcd to tho bar in 1899. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORK OFF TIIE COLD, Laxativo Bromo-Quiiiino Tablots ouro a cold iu ono day. No Ouro, no Pay. Prico 25o. THE NEW now shown Dcnonwc cno imciiuamp.C" 1 I1LMOUI1U I Ull IMUUimnuu. Expcnses cat up wagcs nnd sal aries. Yenr nftor yenr tho avcr ngo man oxpects to build up an ustalo. Tho tiMiial restilt is no proviaion or ouly a suiall ono for wifo nnd clnldren. Lifo Insur nnco does the work by easy pay mcnts. (Corresponderce solicitcd ) S. S. BALLARD, Qeneral Agent, New Langdon Building, MONTPELIER, - - VT. SELF-CON-FOBMING GUYER HAT If a Derby, you get more intrinsic worth thau any one else gives Tor 83.00, and as much wearing quality as in most any Derby on the Market. The newest Hats are here. Spring Blocks in in Guyer Hats. Spring Blocks in Stetson Soft Hats. Remember our capital Derby you pay only 82.00. A, D. FARWELL GU. Montpelier Fur Store, 31 State Street. A. C. SPIRO Raw Furs Bought. Highest Cash Prices. SELL ATAUCTION F. J SAWYER, LICRNSEI) A L'rriONIJKR. OFF1CK AN'l) IIKSIHKXCK. 10 Unwning St , Montpelier, ltt'iil fr-tuti uud stoek u speoially Youbnve llin liiMiellt nt our 20 venr? expei leuee, Telopluiiit' fiin , N 257-ai. I 5Ss