Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1903 6 STUDENT SENT H01L ural bobinsqn left college wreckeo inhealth; Frlcnds of tlic Youiir Han Be IieveThat He Had a Narrow Escapc from Dcath. An Inte-view With Hr. Roblnson, "Mr. Ural Robinnson wns a Btudont nt n businoss oollogo in Ciinton, until rccnntly whon lio wns eompollod to nivo np his studies und roiurii to his homo nt Osnnburg, Uliio. 'J.hls wns tho begliiniiig of an itlnoss tlint bronght lilin nonr to denth, ns will bo seon by tho following intorviow : "I broko dowu itll of n sndden, " snys Mr. Kobinsou. "I lind lioiulnclios nll tlio timo nnd wns n norvons wrock. For thrco inoutlis wns uudur a physi cinn's cnro nnd, nlthough I spont con sidorablu inonoy for modieincs, noth ing holpod nie. At this timo n sovoro uttnck of rhouiuntism cmuo 011 nud miido nio helpless. My limbs nnJ linnds woro swollcn nnd cnusod mo iutouso pain. I oould not niovo with ont sufforing ugouios nnd nuy solid food distrossod mo. Tho modiciiio mj doctor gnvo mo wouhl uot Btny ou my stomncli, couscquontly I bocnmo grontly roduccd in flcsh nnd Wns so wonk I could not lunyo my bod. "My motlior hnd gront fnitli iu Dr. Wilinms' Pink Pills for Pnlo Pcoplo nud suggeRted tlmt I try them. I wns agreoably surprised to flnd tlmt my fitoninoli wonld rotnin thoso pills nud soon snw tlmt I wns boing bonofltod. By tho timo I hnd liiiislicil tnking tho flfth bos I wns thoronghly curod. My cnro is pormivnont, too, nnd I luivo uovor onjoyod bottor honlth tlinn I havo sinco boing curod by Dr. Wil liiiuis' Piuk Pills." Mr. Ilobinson's address is Rnrnl Free Dolivory No. 1, Osunburg, Oliio, and his roninrKublo curo of n conipli cntiou of norvons tronblo nnd ncuto rhcumatism cnn bo ensily vorifled. Mr. Hobinson sulYered from two cnnsos n norvous disordor nnd a dis easo of tlio blood. No otlior rotnody would hnvo boon so woll adnptud for his caso ns Dr. 'Willinms' Piuk Pills bocanso thoy nct both 011 tho blood nud on tlio norves. It is this tlmt constitntos tho scoret of Dr. Willinms' discovory nud tliat mnkos tlieso pills diffcrent from otlior mcdicino. It lins boou provon tlint Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills hnvo enred sueh disoases ns lo comotor atuxin, pnrtinl pnrnlysis, St. Vitus' dnneo. scinticn, neurnlgin, rhonniiitisui, norvous hondncho, tho nfter-olleols of tho grip, palpitntion of the honrt, pnlo nud snllow com ploxions nud all forms of wenkuess oitlior iu ninlo or fomalo. Thoy nro sold by nll druggists. or direct from Dr.Willianis' Medieiuo Co., Schonoc tady, N. Y. Prico lifty ceuts por box; six boxes, two dollnrs nud a half. N0RTIIF1ELLD. Mrs. Gcorgo Dunhnm a liiglily ro Bpected woinnn of this villngo died at uoon on Tiiuruay irom isngnt's uis onso, a niahidy from wliich sho hns suilerod for n long timo. Sho loft a hnsbnud, ouo daughtor and four sous to monru tho loss of a kind nud loviug wifo nud mothor. Tho fuuornl was hold ou Suuday and intorniont was at Worcostor. Tlio borenvod fnraily havo tho siucoro sonpathy of all in thoir nillictiou . Tho ladies of St. Mary's church hold n social at tlio parieh houso lnst Thniday ovoning. Mrs. .Tohu Collius, who hns beon visitiug for a fow days at tho honio of hor fntlio'-, Timothy Hollnnd, roturuod to hor liomo at Snrnnno Lake, N. Y, ou Tliursdny. E. P. Ellis nnd sou aro spondiug a wook iu Now York ou businoss. 0. L. Porvior has boon conflnod to tho houso for sovoral dnys by sickuoss. Miss Myra Morse, of Barre, nccom pankd by hor nophow, spout Sunday with hor fntlior in towu. Mrs. Fred .T. Cnllnghau of Montpo lior visited at tlio liomo of hor fatlior, Timothv Ilnrrigan, tho flrst of tho wook. Mrs. Nolljo Tilden hns gouo to Bos tou for n two wooks' visit. Miss Qortrndo Ilnssott hns gnno t Nnshun, wlioro sho will roninin i'or sotiio montliB. ' Mr. Kittrlgdo, foromnn in KIHb Btono sliod, is nioving on to J. O. Dounhno's fnrm on lSnst Hill. Tho ludlos of tho Unlvorsalist sooioty hold a Bociul Fridny nftoruooti in tlio vostry of tlio eliuroh. Oharlos Wright outortalnod tho compauy with n grnpli oliono. Hnrry Pngo .of Barro wns in town 1 Snturdny. I Tho lndios' litornrv sooioty moots with Miss Eiunia Wright Tuosday nf tcrnoou. Olaronco Booth, conductor on tlio Coutral Vermont rallway frolght, is visitiug his faiuily in town for a fow days. E. Ij. Fiold, who hns beon ou a businoss trip to Bostou, roturuod lnst Tliursdny. Mr. nud Mrs. O'Brion of Ludlow, who woro in town to nttoud tho fu uornl of tho daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aldrich.Voturuod liomo- Satur day nioruiug. Miss Minnie Talbot nc ooinpnniod tliom. Tho fuuoral of tho daughtor of Mr. aud Mrs. Frauk Aldrloh was hold Fri day aftoriioou. Mrs. V. J. Qrndy of Bnrro is cnring for hor fathor, Jumcs EvauB, who is siok. The votoran couductor on tho Uon tral Vormout, Honry Oliumborlin, of Burlington, wns iii town Fridny. H. D. Vnil of Worcostor wns in town Fridny, callod horo by tho dcath of his sistor, Mra. Qoorgo Dunhnm. J. O. Dounhuo visitod his brothor, in Moutpolior, Wodnosdny. Jamos H. Burpco of Bostou wns iu town ou Fridny. II. O. Sopor of Knndolph nnd W. V. Sopor of South Royalton visitod thoir sistor nt tho liomo of E. W. Howo ou Suturdny. Mrs. A. M. Morso is visitiug hor daughtor, Mrs. O. M. Willoy, of Barro. Mrs. Ruth Abbott is visitiug iu Randolph. J. 0. Donnhuo is uogotiuting for tho purchnso of tho Coutral Houso. Miss Gortrndo Avorill and Miss Bor tha Morso visitod iu Moutpolior ou Friday. Johu Norton was omployod at tho Natioual Momorini Oillco lnst wook. F. II. Slayton and W. G: Roynolds of Barro woro in town, Thursday. 0. E. ICoinpton, freight conductor ou tho Contial Vermont IRnilroad, is ngaiu at work, aftor a wook's vacn tiou. B. F. Sibloy of Willinmstown wns in towu, Thursday. Miss Kathorino Grady of Boston is visitiug at tho liomo of Jamos Evaus. Miss Maud Purdy of St. Albans, who was an oiuployoo at tho Central Houso, loft ou Wodnosdny for Spriug lield Muss., whoro sho hns n positiou. Tho lndios' rondiug oirclo mot today with Mrs. M. E. Yarriugton. A play oiititlcd " 'Twixt Lovo aud Monoy" will be givou by tho mom bers of tho Northfiold dramatio nssoci utiou in Concert hull, on tho bvoniug of St. Pntriok's dny, Tnosdny March 17, uudor tho auspicos of St. .Tohu's church. Tho adjournod town moot- iug of Tuosday wns hold Saturdny nf tornoon. Aniong tho importnnt busi uoss trnnsncted wns tho votiug n town tax of sovonty-flvc couts; placing two nioces of vonl estnto iu South North field ownod by tho town iu tho hnuds of the solectnion for rout or salo ; tho plaoiug of tho mnttor of ropairs ou tho poor fnrm iu tho hnuds of the se loctmon ; nud votiug lfiO for tho bouo Jlt of tho Northfiold band. A barrol of cidor was takou from tho bnck of W. A. Blnko's store lnst Tues dny, town meotiug dny, nud placed iu tho horso sliod of J. O. Doualmo, whore somo of the contouts woro dis posod of. Mr. Blako found tho rfi niaiiis of tho cidor and also ascor taiuod tho unmos of somo porsons, who havo thought bost to sottlo with him. Tho Graugo will hold a socinblo Woduosdny ovening, Mnroh 11. A mu sicnl nud litornry program hns boon nrrauged. Now Biignr on snow will bo sorvod Arraugoments aro boiug nindo for an old nud young folks' ball to bo hold in the urniory hall tho flrst Fridny nf tor Eastor. Tho ball will bo conduot od by ox-n'ioiubors of Compauy F. Mrs. H. 0. Ondy wns cnllod to Mid dlebury on Tliursdny by tho sorious illuoss of hor motlior. mmsm Food for Thought Feed your land, and it will feed you. Farmcrs havc rcason to be satisfied when looking at theircrops raiscd on BRADLEY'S FERTIUZERS A reputation for reliablo goods is better than a rcputa tlon for low prices. A fertilizer egual to Bradley's at a less price does not exist. Most fertilizers are good; sotnc aro better than others j Bradley's ar'o tho best. Back of Bradley's is a half century of honest effort to make the very best. They have becomo a household word from Maine to Florida on account of tho enormous crops they produce, ' We manufacture fertilizers of all grades, and for all crops. Sold by reliable dealcrs everywhero. Send postal card for our free pamphlets. BRADLEY FERTILIZER WORKS, BOSTON m Officos, 92 Stato St. Like a CoMet famous remedy docsforthestorn ach that whlch U Is unable to do (or Itself, even lf but sllnhtly dlsordered or overburdened. Kodol suDnlles the natural lulces of dlcrestlon and does tho work of tho stomach, rclaxlntr tho nirvous tenston, whlls tho Inflamed muscles and membranes of that ornan are allowcd to and heal. It cures lndlcestlon, flatulence, palpltatlon of the heart, nervou3 dyspepsta and all stomach troubles by cleanslng, purifylng and strengthenlng the glands. membranes of trje stom ach and dlgcsll ve organs. the star 6f health to tho weak and weary dcspon- dentdyspepllc, curlng all stomion troubles and dlgestivo dlsordors. Kodol DyspepsiaCure Yoor Dealer Can Supplj Too. Bottles only. $1.00 Slzs hftldlng 2!i tlmes tho trlat slze, whlch sells for 50c. Prtmred by E. C.DeWITT t CO.. CBICAOO. EAST ROXBURY. Miss Addio Lndd and Hornco Wnko flold of West Brookfiold woro umrriod ou Woduesday nioruiug March 4, nt tho liomo of tho pnrouts of tho brido, llov. N. M. Snnw of Moutpolior por forming tho ceromouty. It wns a quiot nflnir only uonr frionds of tho contrnctiug purtics boiug prosont. Miss Dorn Mnrtin wns bridosmnid nnd John Lndd best mau. Aftor the wod ding brenkfast tho yonng couplo drovo to Randolph whoro thoy took tho train for Doorfiold, Mass., whoro thoy will visit Mrs. Wnkouolrt's sistor, Mrs. Will Androws nud fainily. Mr. aud Mr. Wnkofiold hnvo tho lienrty good wishos of thoir mnuy frionds iu this town. Mr. nud Mrs. L. T. Brooks from Grnuvillo bognn thoir work lnst wook for Mr. nud Mrs. F. O. Allou. Joues Stoolo went to Moutpolior last Wodnosdny whoro ho is to servo as juror in tho spiing torm of court. Elroy Fullor is driving tho morning stago for L. W. Blanchard for a few dnys. Frod Popo of Northfiold visited his sistor, Ruth, nt Gcorgo Ford's, Friday aud Snturdny. Coollo Buck went to South Ryogato lnst wcek to visit frionds. Isnbol Pioreo, who hns boon nt D. Ij. Buck's for tho pnst two woeks, ro turuod to hor liomo iu Union Villngo lnst wook. Luthor Blanchnrd nud Mrs. Elroy Fullor woro cnlled to Warren last week by tho donth of a rolatlvo. Carl Thayor visitod his Bistor Bor thn, in Moutpolior lnst weok. Winnifrod Foss is nt liomo from hor sohool in Now Hnmpshiro for tho spring vncntiou of two weoks. Irving Cndy hns takon n farm iu East Braintree of Waldo Buttorfiold and inovod thoro. Horaco nnd Porly Dnvis woro guosts at Frod Blanchard'B on Friday. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Dauforth of LnGrungo, Ga., snlfored for six uionths with a fright ful runuiug soro ou his leg ; but writes that Bucklou's Aruica Salvo wholly cnred' withiu flvo dnys. For Ulcors, Wounds, Piles, it'B tho bost salvo iu tho world. Guro gunranteod. Only 35 cts. Sold by O. Blnkoly, Druggist. WILLIAMSTOWN. Miss "Aniy Walbridgo will tonch ngnin in Brookfiold the coming Benson, for tho tllird, or fourth timo. Louis M. Soavor is tho ohairman of our Bchool board and Goorgo E. Wil bor, clerk. On Fridny eveuing of this wook, March 13, our school board will moot at tho villago school houso aud will bo glnd tosco tho. citizcns of thoplnco, ou tho oocasiou, for a considoratiou of tho mattor of transportntiou of pu pils, tho coumiug summor. ThiBbonrd will probably hold similar niootiugs twico a mouth, whon thoy will bo pleasod toMiavo our townspooplo prcs out, with any mnttors of iutercst nnd iuiportanco, rolntiug to our schcols. Our high sohool torm, with Miss Mariou Hosford ns tenohor, bognu lnst Moudny. Miss Hosford isgiviiig gront sntisfaotiou horo. John A. Porry, n great colloctor of "autiquos, " hus moro thnu thirty BpooimouB of flrenrms. A Mrs. Granflold of South North field, who hns boon nt work iu tho Monumont Houso is nndor Dr. E. B. Wutson' caro, with rhoumntio fovor. Miss Luoy ,T. White, now of Wator town, Mass., camo hor.i lnst wook Thursday, for n f6w days' rost aud chaugo. She was tho guost of tho Missos Edson. A daughtor wns rooontly borii to Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph Spoucor. Mr. Sponcor's mothor hns boou with him fnr somo wooks. Thoro woro oight or moro additioiis ou probntiou to the Mothodist churoh horo, on n rocont Suuday. Ou Tuos day ovoniug of lnst wook a dologntion from tho Snlvntiou Army of Bnrro, hold asorvico iu tho Mothodist church, SVo do uot rocnll a similar sorvico horo provious to that timo. Piiil Pratt nud his noighbor, Sun ford II. Duttou, nro both ont of honlth at prosont. Miss Ollo Tarboll is 11101101 of hor frioud, Mrs. Edson Holdon, of South Barro. Tho Masonlo biblo ownod by tlio flrst lodao of Mnsous lioro. lunnv voars ngo, lins boou Uopt by Asa Hurriugtou of Bnrre, whoso grand fathor hnd tho caro of it, in nn ourly dny. This biblo and otlior Masoulo ''rollcs" of fho old timo lodgo, aro to bo turnod ovor to tlio ownorshlp of tho prosont Masouio orgnuls'.utlon. Wo nro told tlmt a cor tniu Mnsou, olsowhoro, snld ho would givo a huudrod dollars for this biblo. Tho Mothodist lndios sorvod au ox collont dlnnor in thoir vostry ns usnal, on Mfirch mooting dny, nnd ns usual for lnuch loss than its roal worth. Thoy took in somo $12. Our school bonrd this yonr, is nindo np of Goorgo E. Wilhur, RubsoII M. Joirords, and Lowis M. 3oavor. ' Wo askod ono of our bnsy tnrmors tho otlior day if ho was going to mako Btigar this sonson, nnd lio ropliod, ho could not. got n mnn to hol)) him, add ing that lf ho could it would tuko all tlmt ho could mttko from his sugur plnco, nnd his dniry, bosides, to pny him. Fromout O. Little, tho mnker of somu of our bost muplo sugnr, thinks ho soos hopofnl signs of u good sonson. Somo dnys ngo ho broko a road into his woods, for his coming work. Ho tolls ns that from his sovontoou cows iu sovon mouths up to Fobruary 1, ho sold $805 in niilk. Tho cost of monl iu tho tiuio would bo not moro tlinn $175. In tho history of Dnr town, probnbly no othor man liaB sorvod so mnny yenrs ns solootninn, ns Frnnk Mnrtlu, onlv sou of tho lnto Lymnii R. Mnrtin. Tlmt of itsolf is Bufllciout proo" of tho sntlsfnctioii ho hns givon Ile wns u gnin ro-olootod this year as flrst soloct mnu,but lator iu tho mootiug rosignod and Erviu H. Martin wns olootod to tho oflico. Ono of our ootogonarinus tolls us that ho rocnlls ensily tho flrst gardou rhubarb ho ovor snw eaton. Ho wns somo twouty-throo yours old, nud wns at work in tho fnmily of tho lnto Doa con Oroutt Abbott, whon a rhnbnrb pio wns sorvod. Ho roniombors well tho words and ninunor of Mr. Abbott at tho timo as ho doclnrod, that if ho had not knowu his wifo niadf- it, ho could not oat it, (ho was blossed with a wifo who wns a good cook. ) Mr. Mdsos Parsous, now niuoty-ouo yoars of ngo, tolls us tlmt ho cuuuot rocall that whon ho was n boy that his fnth or's fnmily usod it in cooking, but ro niombors tlint tho root wns usod for modiciuo thon. Mr. Parsous rocallsa rolish usod whou a boy, by hiB fathor's fnmily, tlint ho thinks wns cnllod "sithes. " Wo havo uofor honrd of it boforo nud on reforring to a botany and dictionary, wo coucludo it must bo n specics ot gnrlio, proporly spouou "cives, " and "chivos. " It grow in tufts somo six or sovon iuchos high, iu hollow tubos liko a good si.ed siraw. It wns for tublo uso, cut up fiuo aud sorvod iu vinognr. Tragedy Averted. " Jnet in tho uiok of timo our littlo boy wns savod" writos Mrs. V. Wat kins of Ploasunt Oity, Ohio. "Puon mouin hnd plnyod snd hvnoc with him, nnd n torriblo cough sot iu besides. Doctors trontod him, but ho grow worso ovory dny. At longth wo tried Dr. King's Now Discovory for Con sumptiou, nnd our dnrling wns saved. Ho's now sonud, nud woll. " Evory body ought to know, it'B tho only suro curo for Conghs, Colds and nll Lung discases. Gunranteod by O. Blnkeloy, Druggist. Prico 50o. nud $1.00. Trinl bottles freo. f PAGE'S iFERf z food LTRY nmiiT p.iys Poultrymcn 200 profit if the hcns arq propcrly houscd and cared for. It niakes chickcns grow and prevents discases. You run no risk in ordcring Pnge's Food. It is a genuinc egg producer. Used regularly by successful poultrymcn everywliere. Special induccmcnts offered to ngents in cvery town and village. Write for our booklet of prices and testimonials. REAWAWER: Every Pound is Guarantccd. It Costs but Little. The Freijiht is Prcpald. Pnt yonr nama on a postal card and matl It to-day. CARROLL S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont. Weekly Market Report Boston Produco Markot. KLOUIt. Common cxtrar 2 40 " cnolcc extrks and acconua 2 m " Mlniii'iota clcnrand atralitlit..., 3 20 " MlclilKan, clcar aml trnllit....1 3 40 " New York clonr anil atralitlit 8 m " Ohlo aml St Loulaclenr S 60 " Olilo nml Ht. I.otila atralplit 3 W ' Oliln and 8t. ImuM patcnt S 8S " Wlaconalii and Mlnn, ratcnt 4 11 " COlt.V .Ml'AL. Orannlitteit, liarrel S 20 to Cotninnn, bnrri'' ,,,, 1M " llag mcal 1 12 " 2 6 S 0 8 8 6 8 8 3 8 4 4 0 1. 35 21 11 MHjIj keeij. MliMllnirs, sackecl, ier ton 21 7J lo 25 00 llran, Biickcd, wlntcr 22 7& k ISrnn, auckrd, arirlnK 21 (X) " 22 6 Uotlonsocd meal 27 10" EOOS Eastcrn, cliolce freal 16 to 20 Kaatern.falr togoul,doa 1G " 17 Vt. nml N. II., cliolce tfcali, iloi 19 " 20 COIW. Slcamer yellow,buali . Stramcr kuali Nn, 3 Uood, no grade S7 to 67 "7 rOTATOES. Hudson's visit to Corinth hns nccord ingly bcen givon up for tho prosont. J. W. Bouldry, who rocoutly fnf forod a sovoro iujury to ouo log by a hoavy load of groou wood passiug ovor it, is Blowly improving but uot yot nblo to touch tho foot to tho floor. Lucinu Mooro hns roturued to holp Mr. Bonldry cnro for his fnrm during his recovory. A publio oxamination of tonchors will bo hold in this plnco by Couuty Examiuor 0. D. Mathowson, March 20-21. Mrs. A. W. Huntington of Mout polior is visitiug A. S. Wiuch. Forty-oight couplos attoudod tho cotillion party at Lnmbertou's hall Friday ovoning. MARSIIFIED. 0. F. Knnpp is at work for G. F. Bliss. Mrs.E. W. Gilmnu is quito ill ns is also Mrs. A. T. Davis. Ira H. Edson wout to Lisbon, N. H., Tuesdny nf toruoon to ontor tho omploy of Purkor Young Co. Bornis Pholps hns fluisho( work ns clork for O. S. Adams !fc Co., and Roy Leouard of Enst Cnlnis has takon tho position vncnted by him. S. H. Pnckor wns in Lowoll nnd South Framingham, Mass., apart of tho past wook to visit his brothor, Dr. Ed Packor utnd dnughtor, Mrs. H. F. Dowoy. J. II. Bnllock hns flnished his yonr's work for O. D. Cole nnd moved to the homo of G. H. Eddy on Dopot hill. J. H. Dorr, n young mnu rocontly iu tho omploy of J. W. Dutton tho lnm borniun.hns ongngod with Mr. Colo for tho plaao mado vacnut by Mr. Bullock. Mr. uud Mrs. Guy Moadcr aro visit iug Mr. Mcndor's uuclo nnd nnnt, Jlr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Moador nt tho Coni moroinl houso. J. A. Woodwnrd wns iu Caundn ou businoss from Tuosday until Snturdny of tho pnst wook. Lylo A. Tucker this wook fluishos work for liis fathor, A. O. Tuckor, and will onter tho omploy of F, G. Lamborton. S. Swordfogor has beon nppointod nssistant postniastor, vico 10. 0. Pit kiii rosignod. Constnblo J. Borton Piko nud E. A. Rosobrook aro both throatonod with tho provailing distompor. Roineiubor Colo aud Mrs. O. D. Colo aro ill witn tho grip. Mrs. R. S. Hudsoii, who has boon in fooblo hoalth for a long timo, was tnbon snddonly worso durinc tho onrly part of tho wook, nud Mr. aud Mrs. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. Tho contlnuod uso of Hum phreys' Wltch Hazel Oil per manently cures Pilqs or Hem orrholds Extornal or Internal, Blind or Bleedlng, Itchlng or Burnlng, Flssures and Fistulas. Rellof lmmedlato cura certaln. Tlirro Blzua, SSc, SOr. aud 1.00. Sold by Drui!ltM, or ent iircpnld on recclpt orprlro. Iluinplircva' Medlclno Co., Oor. Wllllani and Jolm Kt., IVew Vork. NERVOUS DEBILITYj Vital Woakness and Proatra Uon from ovorwork and other causcs. Humphroys Homeo pathic Speciflo No. 28, in uso over 40 y'ears, tho only success ful romedy. $1 pervlal.or spec ial packago for serlous casos, $B. Bold by DruggUts, or acnt prcpald on rooclpt of prfco. Humphrejs' Hed, Co., Wllllam &. John Stj., N. Y. This WIU Intcrest fllotliers. Mother Gray's Swect Powdcrs for Children, Cure Feverishness, Bad Stom ach, Teething Disorders, Break up Colds, move anu regulate the JJowels and De stroy Worms. They never fail. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all Druggists, lioc. Sample mailed free. Address, Allen S. Olmstcad, LeRoy, N. Y. Mli. L'Ji OCIO J! A O UKST. Current Coinnient. Washington, Mar. 7. Ou his West Iudiun oruiso in tho dosputch bont Dolphiu, Secrotary of Navy Moody will bo accompauied by Postmaster Goueral Pnyuo, Sontnor Proctor of Vermont, Roprosontntives Cnuuou of Illiuois nud Gillott &f Mnssachusotts, I. II. Poarl, Mr. Moody's law pnrtuor, Judgo Dnubar, anothor Mnsachnsotts frioud, aud Privnto Socrotnry F. L. Fishback. The party will leavo lroro on Monduy for Charleston, whoro the Dolphin will bo iu rondiness. Tho oruiso will iucludo visits to tho now ly ncquirod conling stntions nt Gnnu tauamo nud Bnhin Houda, and to Havaun, Snu luauaud Culobra Island. VVorking Overtime. Eight hour Inws nro ignorod by thoso tiroloss littlo workors Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills. Millions nro ulwnys nt work, liight nnd dny, cur ing Indigcstion, Bilionsuoss, Cou stipntiou, Siok Hondncho nud all Stomncli, Livor nnd Bowol tronblos. Ensy, plensnntj safo, snro. Only 25o. nt 0. Blakely's drug storo. A JIUS1I TO VAXADA. Londou, Mar. 7. It is statod tlint tho bookings of emigrnnts nt Liverpool for Canada aro greator thnu for forty yoars. Tlio stoamor Pnrisinn, sniling Tliursdny, hnd moro than 2,000. Tho advauco bookings aro nbuormnl. Shnke Into Your Shocs Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, IngrQsving Nails, Swollen ann Sweating feet. At all drug gists and shoe stores. 25c. Ask today. SAXKliY JfOT BLIX1). Now York, March 7. -A roport has beon ourront that Ira D. Sankoy, tho famous ovaugolist, singor and writor of hymus, had beon strickon with bliuduoss. At Mr. Sankoy's homo it was said that ho had boon ill for somo timo, but was now rocovoring, and that thoro wns no truth in tho rumor tlint ho wns blind. True Heart Dlsease Is a Rare Thlng. Tlic cnuso of your palpitntion is, probnbly, pre6snro nrismg from gns in tho Btomnch tlint is, gastrio iu digostiou. A fow dosos of Cal-cnrn Solvont, Dr. David IConody's now modioino, will oleauso nway tho foul accuiuulutious nud tho heart will run quiotly nud koop good timo. Writo to tho Cnl-curn Compnny, Rondont, N .Y., for freo sniuplo bottlo. jrOTJifj BUJlNlil). Wntortown, N. Y,, Mnroh 0. Tho Otis houso, ouo of tho lnrgest hotols in tho oUy, wns destroyod by llro this nioruiug. Tho Fni-bnuks blook nd joiuiug wna pnrtinlly burned. . Tho hotol wns crowdod with guests, nnd thoro woro mnuy uarrow oscapoB. All tho stairways boing cut oll' tho guosts cscapod by Inddors and flro os capos. Potor Vnn Brunt, siok ou fourth floor, was loworcd by ropes. Loss 200,000. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears tho gignatnro of lloston, lloston, ineilluru. Flonr. Tho flour market is steady, , with a quiot domand. Mill shipmout, . spring patonts, 4.15 to 4.C5; trado committee, spring wheat, patonts, $4.20 to 5; clears, 3.40 to 4.75; wiutor whent, patonts, 3.00 to4.50;j straights, 3.70 to 4.25; clears, 3.00 to 4.10. Corn moal. Corn meal is stoady; ontmonl quiot but flrm ; Barrol corn moal, 2.115 to 2.70; bng monl, 1.12 to 1.14; granulated nnd boltod, 3.20 to 3.C0; rollod ontmonl, 4.35 to 4.00; cut. S1.7B. to 5: rvn flnur. 83. to 3.7fi: grahnm flour, 2.50 to 4; ryo flour, Smokt-d iiama- oic por uu. Corn is vory steady nt 57 to 57?c for'spot; in trausit, 5&4 to 57 ; to ship, 57 to 57ifc. Oats. Onts aro quiet but steady: Traok No. 2 white, 4Go ; No. 3, 45c ; rojocted, 44,1!, to45o; uo grndo, 43) to -hc : lor siiipmcnt, .;( to ;so ibs., 44 to 44'io; 38 to 40 lbs, 44J-.,to 45,V,o: 40 to 42 fbs, 40 to 40c ; f nnoy, 48o. Hay. Thoro is a steady iunrkot for liay nt uuchnnged prices; mill feod is flrm : Choico hny, 20 to 21 ; No. 1, 17 to 10 ; low grados, 12 to 15 and up; ryo straw, 14 to 15.50; oat straw, 0 to 10; snck, spring brnn, to ship, 21.75 to 22: wiutor, 22.75 to 23; middliugs, 21.75 to 20; mixed food, 23.50 to 24 50; red dog, 24.75; cot touseod menl, 27.75; for shipmout, liuseed meal, 27.75. Pork nud Lard. Lard is highor, but otlior pork provisious aro steady aud unchaiigcd. : Short cut nud heavy backs, 22; loug cut, 22; medium, 20.75; loau onds, 22.50; benu pcyk 18 to 10; fresh ribs 12to corued shonldors lQUo; fresh shouldors 10ijo; smoked shonldors, 11)0 ; lnrd, lio;,'; iu pails, 12 to 12o; hams, 14) to l?.fo; skiunod hnms, 14o; sausage, 106o ; Fraukf urt sausagos, 10c; boilod lmms, 10 to lflio; bacon, 15 to 10c; bolopnas, 9ljC; drossod hams, 12o; raw louf lnrd, 12o; rou dorod lonf lnrd, 12o; iu pails, 123. to 18o; pork tongues, 22; looso salt pork, ll?o; briskets, 12o; sausago nieat, 9?.iO; couutry drossod hogs, Beof. Fresh beof is easy with afnir trado. A few choico heavy cattlo still soll at 7c ; extra sides, 1)i to 7o ; heavy, 0 to 7c; godod, G to Gjo; light grass and cows, 5. to Oc; extra hinds, 04 to (i ; good", y, to 9o ; light, S4 to 80; oxtra fores, 5j'o heavy, 5 to light, to 5o; bnoks G to 710 rattlos, 4 to 4o; ohucks, 41 to 5jjo short ribs, 8 to lio rouuas, 0 to 73iio rnuips, 8 to 11c; rumps nnd 8 to"l2o; loiiis, 8 to 13o Mntaton nnd Lnnibs. Mnttons nnd lnuibs aro flrm aud uuchauugod vonls nrostondy: Spring lnmbs. 0 to 11c yonrlings, 7 to 80 muttous, G to 80; veuls, 10 to 11)jC Poultry. Thoro is n quiot markot for ponltry with wostern fowls aud chickons easior: Wostorn tnrkoys, 18 to 20o; uorthorn fowls, 14 to lGe; wost orn fowli, 14 to 14,1..; ; chickons wostern 14 to lGo; Horthoru,18 to 22o; goeso, 12 to 14o. Hides aud Polts. Tho mnrkot for hidos is dull, but prices aro quotod about tho samo. Tho qnnrautiuo rul ing which provouts hides from boing sliippod ont of tho Stnto intorforos with businoss. Butl's aro hold at 83X to 8)ijo at tho lowor froight poiuts of shipmonts, but trado is dull nt tho top prices. Socouds nud Bs rango about lo bolow bniffl. Now Euglaud hidos aro slow at 0 to CJo for butch ors' woights, tho lattor for heavy steors. Oalf skins nro stondy, with polts unchnngod. Buttor. Buttor is onsior, in sym p:ithy with Now York: Northorn fresh, round lots, 20 to 2730 ; wost ron, 20ij to 27o; jobbiug, jo to lo moro. Chtoso. Ohooso is flrm nnd uu chnnged: Round lots, 14' to 15o; sngo, 15 to 15j$o ; jobbiug, to 2o highor. Livorpool is qaotcd nt G2s Gd for colorod nnd G2s Gd for wliito. Eggs, Eggs nre flrm for choico frosh wostern : Westorn frosh, 18 to 18'o ; storngo.lO to 15o; onstorn, 20 to 21o; nonrby nnd fnnoy, 22 to 23c ; jobbiug, lo to ljo highor. Bonns. BomiB coutinuo quiot nud onsy: Cnrload lots, poa, 2.40; modi um, f2.40; yollow oyos, 2.85 to 2.90; rod kidnoys, 3.25; Cnliforuin smnll white, 3.G0 to 53.05 ; jobbiug, lOo moro. Applns. Thoro is a quiot domaud for apples, with lots solliug nbove quo tntions: Fnuoy Baldwius, 2.25 to 2.50; No. 1 Baldwis, 1.50 to 2; Greonlngs,1.30 to2; No.2, all kinds, 1 to 1.25; Unssots, 1.50 to 2; Hub bnrdston, 1.25 to2; ponud swoots, 1.50 to 3; northorn spios, 1.50 to 3.50; Kings, 3 to3; Tolmnn swoots, 150. to 3.50; common applos, 75o to 1.25. Smnll lots nnd jobbiug from 6O0 to 1 por bbl moro. P.otntoos. Quiot but stoady mnrkot forpotntoes; Houlton Groon nionn tnins, 78 to 8O0 Hobrou, 7U to 75o por bu. York Stnto Groou tnountnins nud rouud whlto, 70o wostorn, 0 to 08o ; Dnkotn rods, 03 to, Co j swoots 4.50. Arooalook Hcbrona 70 to 7ft New llampslilrc llcbrons 73 M 76 Vermont llelirona b8 " 79 OATS, No. 1, cllppcd white to No.2, cllppcdwlilte 43 " 4S) No 8wliltc 44 " 4J Kolcctcd white 41 " 4 11AV AND 8TUAW. Hay, N. V. and Cnn., chulce to fancy.. 17 00 to 18 04 Hay, N. Y.niui t'anaila, fair lo good.. 14 M " 16 00 llay,eastt'rn,chnlcu 12;(j0 "113 00 Hay, tastcrn. onllnary to ralr 10 00 " 12 00 Ilay, castcrn. coinmon 10 00 " 11 00 Straw 8 tO" 0 M HUTTElt. , Vt. and N. II., osortt(I slzcs , NorthernN. Y., assortt'd alzpa i Northern N. V., largo tubs Westorn, asst., Bprncctuha ! Weatern, InrKe asti tuha Crcamery, northern Hrsta , tTrcamcry, castem, best niarka.... , Creamery, castem, fair tOKOod.... Creamery, weatern arats, Creamery, aecnmla Dalry, Vt., extra Dalrv. N. V.. extra Dalry, N. Y. and Vt. Hrsta- I'KOVISIONS. Tork Ilacka.bbl Short cut clear C'lear Lean cnds ! Laid Clty renclcred, pure, lb I Western conipound . 1'ure kcttle, rcnilered 2CK to 2!i 20j " 25 23 23 25 23 24 23 21 24 24 22 2( 75 to 21 50 20 50 " 21 25 21 25 " r 21 60 " 22 00 10U to I1H " 12 " WS 13? lloston, lari;e 134 FIIESII MEATD. ' Ileef, cliolce, lb licef, light cliolce, lb Ileef, heavy good, lb i Ileef, good, lb Ileef, hlndquartera, cholcu , Ileef, hlnilqnartera, common to good... Heef, foreriuarters, cholce Ileef, lorequarters, common to good... i Mutton, extra 1 Muttnn, conuuon togood I.ambs, ch. east, lb I.anibs, common to good, lb . Veals, cholce eastern, lb I Veals, lalr to good Veals. common Itogs, country dresscJ, lb 7f to 6K ' 8 H( 1 84" 6 10 8 10 9 7 7 7 7 7 6 9 9 6 8 lox 9 11 10 Boston Lumbor Market. ia)NO LUJIHEU. i Hemlock hoanls, rough Hemlock boards, nlaned Hemlock boards, No. 2 Spruce hoanls, 1st, clear floor Sprnce boards, 2ds, clear floor ' Spruce boards. coarsc I Sprace, nor. do, cara Spruce, matched Uox boanls, 1 ln. Ilangor llox boards, ord IIox boards, 7-8 ilo Uox boards, 3-4 do Itoxboards, 11-16. ,do Uox boards, 6-8 do SIIOUT l.UMHEIt. Shlngles, Eastern sawed, cedar ex I Shlngles, do clear , Shlnglea, do 2ds I Shlngles, do ex. No, 1 . Shlngles, do No. 1 Clapboards, do 4 ft. ex I Clapboards, do clear Clapboards, 2ds, clear Clapboards, extra No. 1 Clapboards. No. 1 I.alli, spruce, 1. In Latb, spruce, ii ln., Boston Wool Markot. MtCIIlGAN. X and above 28 No. 1 31 No. 2 30 Flne unwashed 22 Unmer-liantable 24 No. 1, coniblng, J,' and X blood 24 No.2comblng,K btood 24 Delalne 31 KENTUCKY AND INDIANA. Comblng.K blood 21 Comlilng, blo(Ml 24 Comblug, brald tl Clotlilng,,1; bloo.1 Clothlng, scoured 40 PULI,ED AND SCOUIIED. Afine 49 A auper 3 I! super 0 O super 32 Comblng, flne 18 Coniblng, common 40 13 00 to 14 On " 14 6 11 00 " IJ 50 19 00 " 19 M 16 00 ' 17 00 15 00 " 16 60 " 17 0 18 00 ' 20 00 12 oo im 9 60 " 10 6 9 10 " 9 24 8 60 " 8 7 8 OO 8M 7 09 " IN 3 35 to 3 41 2 85 " 2 90 2 25 2 10 1 M " 1 70 1 60 " 17 40 00 " 42 00 39 00 " 40 t 36 10 " 83 M 29 00 "iOM ' mmmm 2 95 " 3 05 3 10 116 to 25 25 23 66 63 ti 43 33 60 43 an OHICHtGTF.RT. CNGLISH Penhyroyal pills I yT"x Orlelnal ond 4)nly flrnulneb ,-'ViX?SAI"E. AlwT.rellMe. l.dle. Drairli1 . ..'J .1.. .Ikk.. .. ,..r..a. "fc Vij lluQtferons Hubttltutlons and linlt turapi for l'rtlcvlr. TetlmoulalJ iQ4 "Itelter for l.alle,f,n ttllfr, by r ttiru MidL. 1 0.OOO Tc.llmoaili. Soldbr IT I. nrpl.t.. (,,ml.lf'L. Uentluu ihiH ,i.prr. SUkilun 1'liUn., isu , lb.. Vermont Markets. HtODUCE. Montpelier Ilutter, fresh ln 5 lb. boxes, lb., Jiuiier, iresu new, iu iuus, . uneese,tiairy, id.. Egg, doi., tresh,.. I'otatoes, bush,, ! Apples. bu6h. iiogs, uve, iu... Hogs, dressetl,lb., l.ambs,per lb.... Veals, Uve, lb Chlckens, lb Fowls, II) , warre Ilutter. dalry 20 Egga. doi , 28 22 70 II 1 60 1 25 : 4 ' 4 ' 14 10 ' to 54 " 23 " II " M ti 5 1 13 23 'otatoes. tusli Hogs, dressed, lb,. Veals, llre, lb Spring lainbs, lb... 0 - Spring lainbs, lb 6 " t Fowls. II 9 10 Spring chlckens, lb 15 " RETA1L DEAI.EIiS PRICES. Flour, Spring Wheat, barrel 5 00 to 5 61 Flour, Wlnter Wheat, barrel 4 60 "6 0 Flour, Fanilly Itoller, barre! 4 60 " 4 74 Feed,cwt..... 1 471,'" 1 80 Meal, cwt 1 37 1 4a Mlddilngs, cwt 1 13 " 1 a4 oats, bush 64 " 67 Corn, bush 74 " 80 llran, cwt I 10 " 1 II Dealis, bushel... J 00 " 1 M Yonrs of sufforiug roliovod in a night. Itohing pilos yiold nt onco to tho onrntivo proportios of Donn'BOiut mont. Novor fnils. At nuy drag storo, 50 couts. I iTIIPQ.VVho tlave Uiad Them LnU I tO Rtcommend ai the 0 tST Hlt. SilXWH StarCrownnrand PENNYROYAL PILLS. Immedltta relief, no dannr, no pala. uwd lorxnrs l;y4MHnmpliltiii. Hundredi of tsitl. tuonUli. Atr III will con vlnr you ol tht Ir Intrtntlo islua iDciMofaurpreulon, Btnil Irn ctnts lor umpla anl book. Allllmirgliliorby uiillllJOboi. KING MEDICINE C0,, Box 1930, BOSTON, MASS.