Newspaper Page Text
'H" rstpp.-, VERMONT WATOHMAN & STATE JOURNAL, THUltSDAY, MAItCII 12, 1903. Don'Mlo tlio top of your Jclly nntl pn ai rvo Jnrs tu Ihooldfiv Ll'iiicdwny. Hcnl tliom I y t u liovf,qlilck, nosoititciy mirowny uy 11 uiiii coiuihkoi l ii ro iccllneu rurnumo. llna n o tnuto or odor, ln nlr tlfrht nnd ncld proof. J .aHiiy nppllcd. Usoful Iti tvUi)di otlier wnvn nlioiit tlu liouco. 1" u 1 1 dlrootlcms wlth oach cnlto. So! J overywhcre, Mado by STANUARO OIL CO. DEFERRED TOWN CORRESPONDENCE BERLIN. F. V. Wiuslow roturned from Boston Moudny loaving his fathor to contiuuo uudor trontihout for nwhile. Dcnu Bnuoroft nud his brido will mako tlio Baucroft homosteud thoir homo for tlio prosout, at lonst. Georgo H. Crandnll aiid A. K. Co vell wero in Northfield 011 businoss, Snturday. Koprosoutativo G. K. Porriu is ngniu coufincd to tlio houso with tlio natlimn. Dr 0. N. Burbor wns callod lioro last Moudny to soo n valuablo yoang liorse bolonging to G. L. Willoy. Beware of Ointments for Cntnrrh That Contain Mercury As moronry will suroly destroy tlie sense of sniell aud complotoly dornugo tlio wholo sy-tom whon ontoring it tlirough tlio" inucoiis surfaccs. Such nrticlos should novor bo nsod oxcopt ou proscriptions f tom roputablo physi ciims, ua tlio dainuge tlioy will do is teuffjld to tlio good you cau possiblv dorivo from tliom. Hall's Catarrh Ouro, nian factured by F. J. Oliouoy & Co., Tolo o, O., contaius uo mor cary, nud i takou intornally, ncting directly upou tlio blood and inucous surfncos of tlio systom. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure bo suro you got tlio goiiuiuo. It is takou iutornally nud mado in Tolodo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheuoy & Co. Tostimoninls freo. Sold by Druggists, Prico 75o por bottle. Hall's Family Pills nro tho bost. CABOT. A. V. Noye has bought tho land owued by P. B. Elmore at Lowor Cabot. Mrs. Gates of Plainflold aud hor sistor, Mrs. Millio Thorlosv, of Leo, Mniuo, spout Suudny iu towu. Towu moetiug passod vory quiotly, ouly ono ballot was had, oxcopt Buch ns tho law requiiod should bo voted by ballot. It was voted to bny nn other safo for tho protectiou of tho town's books aud papers aud voted to eleot two road commissiouors; voted to havo tho school direotors havo tho Bchool buildiug wired for oloctiic lights. These weie nll tho votes takou outsido of tho regulnr routiuo of busi uess aud was nll complotod at 1 :45. At 3 o'olock tho liceuso votes woro couutod, resultiug yos, 71; uo, 125. Mrs. Judith Bollows, died at tho homo of her brother, Deacon M. S. Haines, Fobrunry 23, after n short ill uess, agod sevouty-flve roars. fciho was tho eldest dauglitor of tho late Horace nud Lnoiuda Stono Haines; ono of n family of niuo childron, fivo sotis aud four daughters, Deacon Leaudor of Wntorbury, Doacou Ed ward, Williaiu S., Louisa aud Paunio, nll deceased ; Dcacou Ira F. , Doacou Moses, aud Mrs. Lelia Blodgott of Cabot, Ktill survivo hor. Her graud fnther Hnines ciimo from Doerflold, N. II., iu 171)1, and bcgtiu to clear tho land on tho farin uow occupiod by Or villo Barrott. His cnpital was vory meagro, as may bo iuforrod from tlio fact, that whilo ho was tho possessor of ouly two shircs and two pairs of punts, ho exchaugod ono of each for n noo and au nxo, to bogin work with. His son Horaco, Mrs. Bollow's fnthor. built tho "woolon factory" at tho Lowor villago, whioli is still ownod by Deacou I. F. Hniues. Hor mnternal graudfathor, Doacou Moses Stouo, was ono of tho niou whoso names aro hand nd dowu ns nmuug tho fouudatiou "Stoues" of tho towu. Ho built tlio lirst sawmill on tho sito noar whoro tho woolou faotory uow scands. Ho was ouo of tho strong pillars of tho Congregational church, honost, up right, aud foarless for tho right. Mrs. Bollowa becamo a worthy mombor of tho Congregational church iu girlhood. Sho was looked up to aud greatly bo lovod iu hor homo cirolo. Sho mar ried Oharles Bellows of Wiusted, Conu., aud wout thoro to resido. Ouo dnuglitor, Fnnuio camo ns a blossing to thoir homo, but nt tho ago of oighteou sho was snddonly takou from tliom by tho "roapor" who gathors tho youug aud boautiful nliko with tho "rlpeuod shoavos. " Hor husbayd onrly followod hor, nnd Mrs. Bullows camo baok to livo ninoug hor frionds, nnd dio at tho old homostcnd, as had boon hor great desiro nftor hor homo was brokou up, All tlio caro that loving haiids" could bestow was givon her aud sho was laid to rost iu tho j fuuiily.plot in tho eoiuctory nt Lowor Uabot. . A SIMPLE QUESTION. Montpelier People Are Requested to Honestly Answer This. Ib not tho word of a roprofiontntlvo oitizon of Montpollor moro convluciug thaii tho doubtful uttornnccs of peoplo llving overywhoro olso in tho Union? lloatl tlliH! Frnnk Nolsou, liiacliiuiBt, WorceBtor Brauch, four milos from Montpollor, snya: "My oecupatiou nocossitutes cousidorablo heavy liftlug causing moro or less of n fltraln ou tho mnseles of tho baok. For thrco or fonr ycura I laiow from tho uching across tho loins that my klduoys woro nffoctod nud it did not roquiro tho doad hoavy nohlng foollug nt tho closo of n dny's work to toll mo that tlioy woro olthor wonkouod 01 ovor oxcited. SomotimoB tho pain was bo acuto at night that it provoutod Eonud rofioBhing sloop aud I aroso iu tho moruing poorly propared j to taoklo tho noxt day's work. Addod to this, always a suro aign of somo diBturbed aotiou of tho kidnoys, thoro was au nunoyiug woakuoss of tlio kid uoy pooiotious. A frlond advlsod uio to go to W. E. Poolo's drug storo for Doau's Kiduoy Pills and tako a courBO of tho trontmout. I did fo nud uscd two boxos. Tho last nttack positivoly consed. " For salo by all donlors, prico 50 conts. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffnlo, N. Y., boIo imouts for tlio Unitbd Stntcs. Romonibor tho nanio Doau's and tnko no othur. PLAINFIELD. Tlio funoral of Mrs. Warren waa hold at tho lato reaidonoo, Wodnosduy morn ing. Rov. L. F. Fortuoy conduoted tho Borvicos nud Rov. Mr. Walz as sistod. Rolatives and friourta woro iu nttendauco from Barre, Moutpolior, Calais, Marshnold, Waldou, Willislou and Plainflold. Rov. G. H. Wright is agnin couflued to his bed with grip. Mr. and Mrs. E.okiol Skinnor gavo a vory pleasaut card party to nbout thirty of thoir frionns, Wodnosday ovoning. Tlio highest scoro was mado by Horbort Holt and Mm Foitnoy. Miss Katio Ladd of Oraugo recoutly spont a fow dafys with hor grnud motlior, Mrs. Morto. Miss Jano Ci'oss is quito sick at Miss Elsio Warrou's. The Stomacli Is tlie Man. A weak stomnch wcakons tho man, bocnuse it canuot trausform tho food ho oata into nourishmout. Hcnlth aud strength cnnuot bo restored to any sick man or weak woman withont flrst restoriug hoalth aud strength to tho stnmnch. A wenk stomnch caunot di gest onongh food to feed tho tissues nnd rovivo tho tirod nnd rnn dowu limbs nud orgnus of tho body. Kodol Dyspopsin Cure cleansus, puriflos, BWoeteus nud strongthons tho glnuda nud mombraues of the stomacli, aud cnros iudigcstiou, dyjpopain nnd all stomacli troublca. Rivors Bros. SODOM. Mrs. Kato Wooks waa takou to Hontou Hoapitnl last Fridny for troat mout. Nowoll Wriglit lms sold his qunrry, callod tho "Calais Grauito Quarry" to Patch & Co. A. D. HopkiuB hopes to savo his iu- jured oyo; tlio iujury boiug tho to- snit of an acoulout iu tho quarry somo i daysago; but it 18 UOt OUt Of daugor. Eli Oarter connnoncod work Georgo A. Nowton this wook. Hore Riots. Disturbnucos of etrikors nrc llot uoarly as giavo ns an individual dis ordor of tho systom. Overwork, loss of sleop, uorvous toiisiou, will bo fol lowed by uttor collapso, unless n roli nblo romody iR immodiatol,y eniployod. Thoro's uothiiig so elliciout to cure disordors of tho Livor or Kidnoys ns Electrio Bittors. It's a woudorf 1 tonio, and oH'ootivo norviue and tlio groatost all aronnd mediciuo for run dowu systoais. It dispols Norvousness, Rheumntism nud Kournlgia nud ox pels Mnlaria gornis. Ouly 50c, and satisfaction gunrautoed by 0. Blakoly, Druggist. NEWBURY. Tho disoussion ovor the proposition to hold tho town meotings horeafter at .Newbury stroot wns livoly nud ro saltod fnvornbly by n niajority of thirteou. This is s it should bo as tho greatest numbor of votors aro bot tor oonvo"iouced than at tho old placo iu tho wildorness, whoro it lms beou hold for Hfty or sixty yonrB. Miss Lou Orsor, who has boou tench ing in Tuubridgo is spoudiiig vncn- tion, with her sistor, Mrs. J. R Weod. Mrs. Orudou, who lms beou visiting linr fathor. Sohuvlor Stnbblns. Iins rn. turuod to hor homo in Now York city. Tho concort Wodnosday ovoning by Blaisdell's orchostru, of Concord, N , H ., sustniued thoir wido reputation n s umaicians. A Remarkable Case, Ono of tho most roniarkablo oasos of a cold, doep suatod ou tho lnngs, cans iug pnoumoiila, ia thnt of Mrs. Gor trudo E. Fonnor, Murion, Ind,, who wna ontiroly onred by tlio uso f Ono Minuto Cough Ouro. Sho says: '.Tho coughiug nud strainiug so woaiioucd mo that I run dowu iu woight from 118 to pounds. I triod n nunibor of romndlbS to no nvail until I usod Ouo Minuto Cough Caro. Four bot tlos of this wondorful romody onrod mo ontiroly of tho cough, strongthonod my lungs nud reetorod mo to my nor miil woight,' hoalth, aud strongth." llivora Bros. Booanso a Borliu hotol koopor know how to pronnio Prinoo Ohuu a dish of "ciiow," tho Ohlnoso Ordor of tho Two Hendod drngou has boeu bostowod ou hlm. NORTHFIELD. Tuosday aftoruoou W. A. Blako, tho grocor, had occasiou to go tho roar of liis storo. IIe uotod n considornblo gathorlng of mon in n horsostiill nnd upou olosor inspootiou found that thoy surroundod n barrol of cidor whieli hnd boon takou from his Btoio collar whoro ho had it plncod with opon bung for tho ptirposo of turninglt into vinognr. Tho orowd gradunlly nioltod nway and Mr. Blako got his barrol baok ininus abont 45 gnllons of itg contouta. IIo said that ho Bliould mako a domnnd for payinout and clalms thnt ho kuows who romovod It. Entranco to tho collar wna npparontly gainod by pisslng tlirough tho Btoro aud dowii into tho baaoinout whoro tho door could bo readily unlooiced from tho iuaido. Major F. L. Howo has rocoivod n favorablo rosponao from tho Unitod Statos Fish Uommissionor Goorgo M. Bowora of Waahiugtou, D. 0.. graut iug tho applicatlon for Btockiug Dog rivor with flah and states that nu ns- , Blgnmont of brook trout fry will bo seut for that purposo duriug tho spring moiiths. Tho govornmont ioquirea I that propor protootion bo affoided to j tlio brood stock. Complniut lmviug bocn mado that cnttlo uoionniug to lowia acovoua iu Bull Run woro not rocolviug propor caro nud food, J. A. Hutchinsou, Stato Agont of tho Vormout Huniauo bo cioty, made nu iuveBtigntiou Sundny. It appoarod to him tlint tho nuimnls woro all sufforiug for waut of food nud oxorciso. Accordingly ho uotiflcd Stovous that tho cnttlo niust bo fod nud watorod at loast twico n dny and havo propor caro. If this ordor ia not promptly complind with inimodi ntoly nud fully Ollloer Hutchinsou will boo thnt tho law in such ninttors is onforcod aud it is Btriugout ouoagh to covor any caso of noglect of duinb auimala. Fowor CallonS; Wears Longor. Tho soorot is ont and Mbutpolior cau go ou living just as if tho rkhllo had uover beou askod. . N.o it can't, oithor Moutpolior is not going to bo what it was boforo. Its honses aro going to bo briglitor; its iiuople a little moro prosporous thoy aro going to havo somo of thoir monoy loft to buy othor things with. Tho answer to tlio riddlo is this : you can paint n bnilding with fowor gallous of Dovoo Load nud Zino pnint thnn with niixod paints, aud it will woar Boveral times as loug as n bnild ing paiutod with lcad aud oil mixcd by liand. Wnat will peoplo do with tho rost of thoir monoyy Sold by Ab bott & Bailoy. IX COUX'IY COU11T. Wodnosday nftornoon and Thursdny forouoon in county court woro usod for tlio hoaring of arguuients ou miu or motious rogardiug cases sot for triul. Lonvo to lllo n now declnrntion in tho cnso of Horbort R. Sias- v. Con solidatod Ligliting Co. was grauted uudor cortnin coiiditions ns to costB. Tho motion for n coutiuunuco iu tho caso of Uniou Mutnal Firo lusurauco Co. v. A. B. Uugar was donied aud tho caso assignod for trial ou Mnrch 23. I'ho cnso of R. 0. Bowors Grnu ito Co. v. 0. T. Morloy wns sel for April 1, for thc convoiiiouco of tho dafoudant who livos iu tlio West. Tho Barro alaudor caso of Hnrvoy Horsoy v. Frnnk E. Langloy wns coutiuued. Tho flrst jury cnso roady for trial wns fouud to bo Montpelier & Wells Rivor Railroad v. Z. Macohi aud this waB assigued for 2 p. ni., Thurs day. This is n snit for tho recovory of froight chargea aud has been triod onco boforo aud boon to Suprenie Court whoro it was rovorsod ou ox nnMnnR. J. R T.nn,Kni. j IWU UtllJUltl. (11411 U 1?, VjlUiUUll tho dofoudaut. Followiug this caso will como S. II. O. Bosworth v. 0. DoF. Bnncroft, collector of tnxes. At 2 o'clock on Thursdny court cnmo iu aud annouurcd n decisiou ou tlio motion for coutiuunuco in tho caso of McKinstry v. Collins & Lovoll. The motion was ovorrnled, Iho conrt belioving that it would bo iujustico to tho dcfendauts to longor delay trial, oven though thoro might bo BOino wenkoning of tho plaintilf's ovidenco tlirough tho absouco of nn hnportnut wltness nud cousoquont uso of formor testimouy. Tho caso o! Moutpolior nud Wolls Rivor Rnilroad v. Z. Macohi was nt once cnlled ou nud a jury ompnnollod. Tho jurors on tho cnso nro Georgo N. Carponter, John Folsoui, William F. Glndding. G. O. Granfleld. Horaco Hill, A. S. Howo, Goorgo D. Josliu, Wnltor H. Little, Horbort II. Loug, R. J. MoMullon, Bomis Piko, E. M. Turuor, 0. N. Whito. County court camo iu at niuo o'clock as usunl on Snturdny but bo foro procoeding with tho caso of tho Moutpolior nnd Wolls Rivor rnilroad ' v ', Macohi, auuouuced decisiou ou tho domurrors heard Wodnesday. Thoro nro six cnses, in fivo of wliich Hnrvoy Hor'ioy of Rnrro is plniutilf, whilo tlio Uniou Mutnal Firo Ius.Oo., Nortliorn Assurnuco Co, of Loudou, Aotna Iusturano Co., Insurauco Co, of North America, nnd tho Phoonix Co, nro rospoctivoly dpfuudnuts, whilo in tho sixth Mnttio Ford ii RAIN THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE Even chlldren drlnk Grain-0 bccnuso thoy liko it nnd tho doc tors say it Is good for them. Why not? It contnins nll o tho nourish ment of tlio pure grain and nono of the polsons of coffee. , TRY IT TO-DAY. At groccri overywhere ; 15c and 15c. pr package. MlfflT',, ! CASTORIA ANtgcfable PrcpaMlionropAs slmllalinfi UicFoodnntincdula ling llic Sloinnchs andDowcls of Promolcs Digcslion.Chccrful ncasandRcst.Conlains nelllicr Opium.Morpluiie norIiiicral. TiOT HAH.C OTIC . flKifit ofOUUrSAMUELIiTCUKR Imphn Stt& Jlx.Smrul BotfillUSetU- Ifpermiitl - . lli CtuionakSoda SUfiw iVintnymn. ftatvn Apcrfecl Rcmedy forConsllpa lion, Sour Slomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss nnd Loss OF Sleep. FacSiinitc Si'gnolure of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. w - plnintill' nud tho Firo Associntion of PhilndL'lphin defeudnnt. Tho court. Euataincd tho dpiuurrer nnd held both Vounts of the declnrntion iu pncli case insiilllciont. They are nll suits for tho recovory of insuranno as a resnlt j of n llro iu Bnrro last sunnnor in whirh Mr. HorEoy's buildings woro ' burned. F. L. Lnird for pluiutilf aud F. A. Howland nnd .Tohn W. Gordon ' for defendnuts Tho jnry trial then proceeded, tho defeudaut being flrst , ou tho staud. i Tho evidPiico was olosed nbnnt 11 o'clock nnd it boiug thcn too Into to concludo the cnso todny, the court ex cUFcd tlio jury until two o'clock Mon day. After dismissing tlie jury, tho court li"iird tho nuditor quereln cnso of Leonard Holdcn v, A. J Sibloy. ndin. A lictlo testimouy was taken aud theu the arguments mado by Johu II. Son ter and John W. Gordou for thoplaiu tiif aud H. O. Shurtlelf for tlio dt feudant, No dccisiou wns rendnred. ltOUEltTS OUT. Barre,March 7. At n specinl meet ing of tlie city conucil Thursdny oven-' ing tho rcsiguatiou of Rov. Brian O. Roberts as n niember of the liqnor commissiou wns accepted and Johu E. , Smith, of tho grauito firni of E, L. Smitl' & Co., was appoiuted in his stead. Mr. Roberts stated as his rensou for resigniug, thnt he folt thnt ns n clergymnu he could not perform tho duties of tho'ollice. The ono np poiuted wns conflrmcd by tho board of 1 uldormon by a voto of 5 to 1. ; Tho city couucil by a unaniuious voto placed itsolf on recnrd ns in , favor of n rijjid euforconient of tho licenso lnw and ngreed to stnud fi mly bohiud tho polico aud city ofliehls iu its ounctmeut. Tho followiug nppointmeuta wero mado and couflrmed : City attorney, ex-Moyor John W. Gordon; snporin tendent of streets, Alex Bruco; supor iutoudout of wator works, W. T. Cainpb'oll ; Becrotary board of hoalth, W. F. Gilman ;chiof of liro dopartnient, Oharles H.Campboll ; ovorseor of poor, L. H. Thurstou ; grand jurors, H, WT. Scott, S. S. Willinma. A. A. Snrgont. Pntrick Brown wns ro-nppoiutca ns chiof of polico nud .Frnnk Hnmol nud Konncth Nicholeon woro nppointed regular pntrolmou, Tho two lntter sncceod E. E. Porry and L, N. Gnuth- ior. Mr. Porry resigucd to outor tho iusurnuco busincss nud Mr. Gnuthior wns renioved. Sovouteou speolnls woro sworn in, Tho riolectmeu of Bnrro town huvo nppointed tho followiug ns niembers of tho licenso bonrd for thnt towu: Goorgo J. Towno, two yonrsl 0. R. Pittsloy, four yonrB j Robort O'Henrn, b!x yonrs. Oja.sToxtiA.. Beai tha ) VM You llave Always 3ough! ICXOVJilJJJ TJtllki'l LE. Springflold, Ohio, Mnr. tl. Mrs. John Konwood nnd hor .throo yoting childron woro wnlkiug aorrifs tho Big Four trOBtlo west of lioro this mnrning whon thoy woro struck by n froight train nnd knockod into tho wntor Hfty foot bolow. Thu inothor and ono child woro LHTud uud tho two oldor childron fntnlly hurt. Tho ongincor could not soo ou ncconnt of tho fog. PASTOXIIA. Btut th Tho Kind You Haw Always CASTORIA For Infants and Childron. The Kind You llave Always Bought For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC OCNTAUn COMPkNT. NCW VOHK OITY. TJIJi CiriJW OF 1'OIAOE. Mnyoi Corry Justiflod in Not Reap pointiug. Ought to Disuiiss tho Eutire Forco nnd Abolii-li tho Polico Depnrtment. Bears the Signature AaT tJ Use Iairllllieill lor niiiwil puiipusc li is luiini-i orderud. that notlce of this order bo pub- Rilitnr nf Tnnriml Tiini'inir frnin i lbed three week aucce8lvel In tho Vehmont ijUiior oi jouruni . .lungiug irom i Watchman anp State jouiinal. a ncwbpa tllO COmmOUt llOard IU OVOry part Of I per prlnted ut Monipellcr, In tbla State, prerloua tho city rolativo to tho retiring of "' li"i'J'cQUTt-o'""'!' Chiof Roagau, thoro uppears to bo n 1 g-io lllitAMCAl(t.ETON,i'udge, screw loose somowhoio, and I want to j , say a few words in d 1'cufo of tlio no- , y-rui tt--i tion. bVEKY CnURCn or institu- Evor since tho liceuso law has bon I Hon Btipportt'd by voluntnrycotitHbutlon nrnnnsfid t in vr nn uruninniit nf l tlmso who invored it has been that its ' ndoptiou would decrense diiinkeuuess. ! l'lioy liavo nrguou tliat it u man can gct liqnor but occiisioually, when ho docs succeod iu gettiug it ho will driuk himself iuto u ntnte of beastly iutoxicatiou ; wliorens, if it is kopt constantly bofoio him, ho will morely tuke a little driuk nud theu go away , aud ler itulouo. Thoir uppetites will be satisfled and couscqueutly thoro will b? no druiikouucsB. Iu proof of this opiniou thoy cito tho stntemeuts of n suore or moro of mmi who, nt somo poriod iu thoir livos, havo spont I forty-eight honrs iu somo Stnte whoro n liceuso systom provails, nnd who l ftiilml tn enn ,i ufiitflft nncn nf liitnvlnn. Itiou. Whothor this opiuiou bo truo or falso romniua to bo Been. But it ia r.nrrniii. rlmr. liisr. Tnpsilnr. nniirlv sovouty per cout ot tho citizous of Vormout, aud nearly eiglity-llvo por cout of tho citizous of Montpelier ou dorsod it, oithor directly by thoir bal lot or indirectly by remaiuing nwny from tho polls. Cousequoutly we must nssumo tlint it is correct, uud, it cor- ' reot wo must ubido by it. I lf wo will turu to tho roport of Chiof Roagau ou pago oighty-live wo shiill seo that iitty per cent of tho ar- rosts last yoar wero for tlruukonncss, i audof tlio romaiuder, tho liquor tralllc plnyod n vory jiromineut part in over Bixty por cont of tho cases. Now, iu a vory Bhort time, wo Bhall liavo opou saloous in sullicu'iit uumber to keop nn uulimited supjily of liquor constantly boforo us. CoiiFequontly thoro will bo uo drunkenuess, and siuco ilruukouuoss and viohitioiis of tlie prohibitory law occasiouod llvo sixths of tho work of tho polico forco, it scoms to mo, tliat, uudor tlio now systom, thoro will bo vory little nned of nuy polico forco ut nll. In viow of tho voto east last lucsdny, nud tlio sontiinonts oxrpessed prior to tho east iug of that voto, it beems to mo thnt Mayor Corry did n vory wiso thing in dismiBsing Chief Roagau, aud that ho would bo fully justilled in discharging tho outiro forco nntl nbolishiug tlio polico dopartmeut. If I nm wroug I shnll bo gliul to havo my orror bhown mo. 0. O. Ormsboo. iKiiorance Is the riother of Mistnkes. blundors aud biuiglos tho most ox peusivo thing iu this foolish world. Thoro nro millions of poor porsous who might hnvo boou ricli but for thoir bluudors, nnd huiidrods iu thoir grnves who might huvo boou nlivo hnd thoy usod Dr. David Kouuedy's now modioiuo, Cal-cura Solvont, wliun thoy woro flt6t tnkon siok. Writo to tho Oul-ouru Compnny, Rondout, N. Y., for n book and freo samplo bottle. LITERARY NOTIOE. Tho Litoraiy World, of Boston, foundod in 1870, and published iu lato years by Messrs, E. H. Ilamea & Co., lms rocontly boon takon by Messrs L. O. Pago & Co.. who will couduot it iu futuro under thu editorship of Mr. Bliss Carninn. Tho now propriotorB will mako ii thoir alm "to maiutain tho oxcollont roputation for fniruoss, tlioroughuesa nud diguity, whioh tho papor as nlwnys onjoyod, uud nt tho sanio timo will spuro no paius to im provo and strengthon it iu ovory wny. " Tho venrly subsonptiou wili loiuniu ns boforo'$1.00. Samplo oopioa will bo sont ou applicatlon. No bot tor wny can bo otforod to ncquaint onoBolf with tho chuructor nud qunlity of this fortuightly poriodioal, than to Boud for, nud study n snniplo copy. Dlroot to tho Litornry World, L. 0, Pngo Compnny, PnblishorB, Boatou, Mass. JLegal Notices. C0M.MI8SI0NEI13' N0T1CE. KSTATK OP IiUCIU8I.CIir.NEY. Tlifi filiilnrsliriird liiivliitf liopn nnnnlnlpil hv.fl.M Hon. l'rohntc Court for tlio DlstrlcLuf Wnvliltiirfnn. Cvmnilstloncrs, to ricrlt c, cxamltic and aiUuit I1 clnlnin nnd (lcniniuls ofall tiert'ins aftalntt llio et(at of I.IICIUSI, CI1B.NKY, lalo ofTuwn uf llarru, ln fllo Dlairlcl.ilm'asi'clt nii'lnll clnlma cxlilliltcd In olfact tlicrcln, livrclj' ilru notlco tlint we will nieel wr vuq (lurnuarn aiorcsatu, fll A. u. JllCKet'a oinco, In tlm Tnnii of llarro. In anld I)8 trlct, on tlio 23 rl ilay of Mnrcli, aml lctli ilay ot Au)tut.lIIU), ncxt, from 1 n' r. M. unlll o'clock 1 . m.. cacn 01 aaifi iiaya, ano iina six tnomlia from tlio 'Mnl ilny of F-li. A.l). WO, Ia tlio tlmo llinltcil hv aald Court for aiihl crt'illtora ln lirpnmit tlirlr cfaltns to ua for t'xnnijnatlon nnd iillowaticc, intU'fi at uarrc, tlils .'Uh day of Fiuruary. A. 0. DICKEY. I CnmniU. 011 II. K. WATEIIMAN, aloncra. COMMlSHlONEItS' NOTICE. ESTATE OK IltASTONE. Tlio underalined liavlnir l.ccn anpolntcd by tlit Hon. l'robnto Court for tho Dlslrlct ofWaslilnKlon, Connnlaalonera, to rccelTC, oxamlno aml adjuat all clalina and dcmands ofall rwranni airalnet tlio tstate of IHA STONE. lato or I'lalnOcld, In aald Ills trlci. di'ceascdl aml all clalina txblbltld In offect tlicreto. Iicrcby glve nollce tlint wo will mcct for tli' nnrpoaca aforcaald. at tlieTown Clcrk'solllcc, In tlie Vltlago of rialnOcld, In aald Dlatrlct, nn tho 2ft!i day ol Marcb, and 8th day of AuKiiat, iitxt, from 1 o'clock r. u., untll 4 o'clock r. MM cach of aalrt daya. and tliatalx monlhs from tho 14th day or Fcbruary A. I). 1903. Ia tlie tlme llnillcd by aald Court fo aald credltora to prescnt tliclr clalina to ua for 4xamlnallon and allowance Dntrd at I'lalnfleld, tlils ittb day of I'lbruary, A. U.1903. ' H. E. CUTt.EIl. lCommhV 9-11 CLINTON CUTI.EIt, S alo era- ESTATE OF WESLEY P. MAUTIN. State or Vkiimont, DlSTItlCT OP WA8IIINQTON. 8.S. In I'robale Court, lii ld ln Montpelier) In and fot rald IJIstrlct, on thu 3nd day of Match, A. 1. imi.1: Mirk Mears, Admlnlstrntor of tho ctat ol WKSI.KY I. MAItll.N. Inle ol Marthnehl, ln tabl Dlitrlct, ricceiued, prearnta lilt admln latrnllon nccoiinl for uxaiiilnallnn and allow- iiiicu nnd niukcs niipllcullon fur a decrco ol nisTiDimon auu parminn or tbccstato or aald de- Cl'HM'd. Wliereupon Itlsordercd by aaMCuurt, thnt aald account and cald applicatlon be refcrred to a caloii thtTuof. to be held at tlie I'robate OHlce Iu atd Montpelier, on tlm'Jlst dav of M.irch. A. I). 19n3, lui lit'arlng aml dtclalon tlicro- oniAii'l.H Ia rurtner ornereii tlint notici' licreof be glvei. lo all pcrsoiis Inlerestt'd, hy tiubllcatlou ol tlie aatno tbrce week auccegshcly iu tho Vku MONT WATC1IMAN ANP STATE JtlUII!fAL, a liew- p.ipcr publWied at Montinllcr, In tlils Stnte, pre vniiia to rald tlmo nppolnti'd mr hearlug that tliey miiy appnar nt aald tlmo and plnce, and frbow cause, If uuy they may lmc. wli) tuld account should not be allowcd and eucb t crce ninde. Uy the Court.-Atlfst. a ll IIIltAM rAUI.KTON, Judge. EbTATE OF MAIiCUS I10UTWEI.L; State or Veiisiont, Distiiict or Wasuinqton, ss. Probatc Court, held at Montpelier, ln and foi trtct, on tlie VOtli duy of Fcbruary, A. D An Instrumi'nt iiurnorlllig to be the last will and t'ttunient of MAUCUS 110UTWELI,, late ol Mont nelltr. Iu rald DUtrlct. deceasi'd. IxdiiK nrcccnted to I tho Court for I'robate, U Ia ordcred by aald , Court, imu au persons concerlit'fl therelu be no n to unpear nt n sesslnn of snld Court, tobe i !. 1 vnc rrobate oracc ln aald .iionineiicr, on tlit any they niayliave, agalnst the probatc ot aald ln- will IHi Kl.eil II llDurill nunuttty ol IW Longmnn & Slnrllnez Puto Palnts wheib evor tiiHv paint Note: Ilavo done so for twonty-soven yi'itrj, Bales: Tens of inilllons of gallons; paluted nearly two mllliou liou-ea under iiiuuiUod to ropntnt if not satlsfnctory: Thf pnlnt wears for perlodsup toelghteon jenra Linseed Oil mu?t be ndded to the paint, (dono In two minutes). Actualcost then anout 81.23 a gallon. Samples free. Sold by our Agi'iitp Harrows& Peck, Vontpeller. Palmer Phnrmao-, Waierbvry Fred Perrln, Plalnllehl. Estnte bf O D Edgerton, Northlleld J. V. Taylor, Moretown. NOTICE. 1 wish to oxteud cmr henrtfe t thnuks to nll those, who havo ao kiud- I ly aesiated UB tlirough tllO last Sick- ' "eB nud denth of our bolovod wifo nud inothor. Clemeut P. KolloggS4 BontricoB. Kollogg. Plainflold, Fob. 28, 1903. M. W. Wheelock's Real Estate Agency AND INTELIGENGE OFFICE At Montpelier Book Bmdi'ry, have bnr cnlns iu ho'ises. lots and othcr vnlunble lironerty. I'lncos wanted for llret-class oli'rkn, malo. hotel cook, girls for bouse. work, laundrj' work, etc. ;?tirNo t'xps-nso for rogistorliig NOTICE. Tliis' ia to certify that I tliis day givo my son, .rncst V. uould, liis linio ouriiig tlie remaindcr of 1ns uunority and will claini nono of 1ns wagos nor pay any tlcpts of bis contractnig after tliis date. C. H. GouLn, Worcester, Vt Feb. 20, 1903. OASTOB.IA. Bears the TtiB Kind You Have Always Boagla FOlt FIFTliliX YFAJtS. Tho followiug dntn for tho mouth of Mnrch duriug n poriod of flfteou venrs hns boou compiled by W. A. Shnw from tho wemhor burenu reo ords nt Northfield. Menu or uormnl tomporntnro, 20 degroes; wnrmojt month 11)00, nvorugo 20 degrees; high est tomporntnro, 0(5 degreos Mn-ch 10, 1804, lowest temporature, 18 degrees, Maroh 1, 1897; nvornge preoipitation for tho month, 8.01 inchea; great est nuiount of precipitntion in nny twenty-four conseculivo hourst 2 20 inchea Fob. 28-Mnrch 1 ; highest vol Ooity of wind, 00 miles nn honr from outhwest ; nvorngo uumbor of clenr dnys, 0; partly cloudy dnys, 12; cloudy dnys, li). What's ln n Nnmer Uvorything is in n unnie whon it comos to Witoh Ihizol Salvo. E. O. DoWitt & Co., of Chicago, discoverod, somo yenrs ago, how to mako n salvo from witoh Ilazol thnt is n Bponiflo for Pilos. For blliid, bloodlug, itch iug nnd protruding Pilos, oozomu, cuts, burus, brniBos nud nll skin dlsoiiBOF, DoWitt's Salve hns no oqnnl, Thin has givon riao to numorous worthloea oouutorfoltB. Ask for DoWitt's tho gouulue. Rivors Bros. Gentral Vermont Railway, Coinmcnclnir Dcccmber 14, 19(12. Tratns golntz South and East W Lonvo Montpollor as Followoi 0:00 A.M. alAIL, wcck day, for Hotton, Bnrlni deld and New York. ' 13)T.M. KXl'UESS, weck daya, for Hoston and New York vla SprlngHeM, or New I.ondon and Wor ccater vla Nailiua. l'arlor car to Iloilon and HnrlnK- Deld. . .m r. m. ItlTor.lct rASSKNOEIl, wcck daya, for White U:80A. M.,dally EXPltKSS, for Iloaton vla lw. ell and all polnta In New Enxland, New York and outh. rullman tjlecpcra to Uotton and Uprlng leld. Tralns Colng North and Wost. 2:MA.M.. dally EXP11E8S for Montrpal and the west and week dava for OKdenahurir. Itlr.lifnnl and ottawa. Blccplni cara, Monlpcller Junctlon lo Montreal V.W A. M. rASoENOElt. week davi. fnr Ilur Inir. Un, Uut and, St. Albani, Montreai, ottawa and Itlcbford. i:sur. M. l'AHSENOEK. wcck dava. fnr l'or 1ns- tcn. Bt. Al lana, itonlrt'al, Ogdenaburg, and Utcliford. l'arlor car to Montreai wlthout cliange. ft:M V. M, EXl'UESS for llurllnRton, Bt. Albani and Montreai. l'ullnian aleenlna car from Mnntt)f1lpr Junctlon toChlcago wlthout cliange. Suburban Traln Sorvlco. LeiTO Montpelier at 3:10, 9:20 A. ., 12 M ttfO, 6:2or. M. Arlveat Ilarre twenty mtuutea after lcaTlng tlme. LeaTe Barre al 12:01 A. M., 8:35, a. 12:01 u.i l;irt, 6:30r. M. Arrlve at Montpelier, twenty mln stea after leavlnf tlme. Tralna leave foi Wllllamatown at 12 M r. . and IMr. m. All paascnger tralns will atop at the Ploneer Workt to lake or leave paaaengera wlien algnalled. C. A. I.ANG, Agcnt. B.H. F1TZIIUUH, Vlco rre..OencralManager. 3. W. CUMMINQS. General I'aascnger Auent. Boston & Malne fiailroad. Wlntor Arrangomont. IN EFFECT OCT. 13, 1902. Tralns Loavo Wolls Rivor North Bound. 2:23 A. M., dally, prlnclpal rtatlons to Newport and Montreai. TM A. M. dally, exsept Monday for St. Johnlbury. Lyndonville, Newport (Slierbrooke and Quebeo, except Bunday and Monday. 9.52 A 8:22 P, M., for prlnclpal atatlona to Newport and tio Moi.treal. 3 15 P. M. for atatlona to Newport and Shcrhrookf and Qiiehec. 6 20 P. M., for atatlons to Lyndonville, South Bound. 1:36 A. M., except Monday, for prlnclpal itatlonf to W. II. Junctlon, Worcester, Iloston and Sprlng lleld. 1-.M A..M dally for atatlons on W. M. I)., to Con cord, Manchester, Nasbua, Worcester, Lowell and Iloston. 6:M A. M., Irom Woodsvllle for statlons to Concord and Iloston. 9:5fl A. M for statlons to W. It. Junctlon, Concord, Worcester and Iloston. 9;SS A, M for atatlona on W. M. Dlr. to Concord, Worcester and Iloston. 1:00 P, M.. for statlons to W. It. .luncllon, Sprlng- lleld, Concoid, W orcestcr and Iloston. :M P. M., for Plymouth, Concord, Worcester and Iloston, 2;45 P. M., from WoodSTllle, for statlons to Ply mouth. 6:(0 P M ..for all statlons to White Itlvor Junctlon. Colng North on W. M. Dlv. at 9:52 A. M., for all statlons. 3:27 P.M., for all statlons. 6 tt) l M., to statlons to nueneid ana t.aucaster. 10:15 A. M., Sundaya only for Lancastcr. D. J. FLANDERS. Gen. Pais. aml Tlckct Agont. Montpelier & Wells Rtver R. R In ESect Oct. II. 1902. Tralns leavlng Montpelier as follows uolne east: 8:00 A. M. Mall. (C. V. etallon 7:&0 a. m No. 3 Mall, romecta at Wells Itlvcr wlth Accommodatlon Traln North, and with mall Traln south over Passum- plc Dlvlslon Iloston x .Malne Ii. 11. Also connecll wlth Accommodatlon Traln North vla. White Monn taln Dlvlslon and wlth Mall Traln South, whlch has Uiroufch traln servlce from Wells Itlver.lo Iloston, vla, Vlymouth, Concord, Manchester, Nasbua, ana loweii, arnving ai uusuju .ou i. 1:10 P. M. Expross. (0 V. statlonltOOr. M.) No. 5, Exoross, Conncrts at Wells Klver wlth Kxnress and Mall Traln North over Passumpslc DlvlslonB A M 11. U boo Une l!.xpresa tobl. l'aui ana .unneapoiis. west' era Express to ChlCJgo and Nlght Expressto I'acl flc Coast polnts vla. C. P. Kjr, Tliroueh Sleeplng Cars, Wells Ulver to Sl. Paul, Montreai to Cblcago dally except Saturdaya. Montreai to l'aclflc Coast and Tourlst Cara to I'aclllc Coast Wednesdaya. Connects wlth Mall Traln for Llslion, Whltefleld, FabvanB. Lancastcr. tlroveton and lleillu. Also ccnnecta wlth Express Traln for Iloston vla. Plv- raoum, arnvinK Jtosion ai oivv i. ji. imuuxu rarlor Cara Wells Ulver to Boston. 4:10 P. M. Accommodatlon. (Leavet from M. A W. It. ttatlon only.) No, 7, Accommodatlon Connects at Wells Itlver wlth Traln North over Passuraplc Dlvlslon II. A M. It. IU for all ataUona between Wells Itlver and Lyndonville, wlth Ac commodatlon South for all statolns between Wells Hlvcr and White Itlver Junctlon, and wlth Accom modatlon Traln over White Mountaln Dlvlslon B. & M. It. It., for Llsbon, Ltttleton, Whltefleld and Lancaster. Tralns Wost. Loavo Wells Itlvcr-7.00, 10.110 A. M. aud 3.35 P. M Arrlve Montpeller-9 JS, 11J0A.M. and 6.06 P. M From Boston. Leave Iloston 10:00 A. u. Arrlve Montpelier 8:08 r. M. Suburban Traln Sorvlco. Leave Mou:peller-6.30, 9.407.10, 11.33 A.M. 2.W, !.60 6.10 P.M. Leave Ilarre 7.30, 10.20 A. t, 12.45, 8.15, 4.10, 5.30 P. M. W. A. STOWEI.L, Oeneral Mana;er. K.W. 8TANYAN. Superlntendent, F W.MOItSE.Gen l Pass.Airent Dr. Emmons5 Monthly Iteculalor, lia.'brougntlinpplncsato fiuiulreds of aaxlous woincn. Thero lu post tlvoly no othcr renicdy kuowntoniudlcnlscl. enco thnt will bo quickly aml eafely ilo tho work. Longcst nnd iinstobnlnato lrrcgular. UltBfroraauycausorcllevedctonco. Succcse guiianteedat nny aUigo. No paln, uaiiRer, or lntcrfercnco wlth work. Havo rcllcvcu. IiuudreiU of casca dcro othcrs huvo f allcd. The mostdlfflcultcaiea Bticcoosfully trcated by mall, and beneuelalrceults Kiiarantced ln ivcry lnstanco. Norlskwhataocver. Wctreat hundrcd8oflndl08r'(imvfOii0TcrBco. Wrlte tor valuablo partlc-iara aml freeconllaentlal advlco. AUlctteratruthfullvanswcred. 3to. tnembcr.thUreinedyUabfloltttclrBafo under svery posslblo conuitlon nnd posltlvcly lcaves uo after 111 o.lect upon tho bealth, lly mall, securely eealed, f.'.OO. Ailmonej folterB ehould o roglstered. Adilios. 1)8 l.V.KMMOKSCO..l"0Tromout8t.. BobW XFCKLA OE IX STO VE. Ohlcngo, Mnrch 0. Tho penrlneoK luco roportod to bo lost or stolou by Mra. H. H. Campbell of Donrboru nvo uuo, nnd for whlch detootivoa hnvo boon 6oarohing for Bovoral dnys, iins boon fouud in nn nsh honp nt hor houso yostordny, burued to n oindor. Tho uooklnoo whioh wna vnluod nt J5,000 waB thrown iuto tho stovo by tho oook whilo proparlng dluner. JrJend aiodei.stctch or iihoto ollnTintlpn fpi i freo remrt on pntentnU'lty. 1'or freo book, t