Absolutely Purc
It soeuifflto us ii vory BiRiiiilctiut facfc
tluir. siuco our btiuo ou I'uuruury u,
votod for loctil option, wo lmvo uovor
road or lionrd n lottor writtou from
nuor.hor Stnto, by afornior Vormoutor,
who did uot (loiuortf tho fact. Ouo of
tho last lcttora of the kiud, enmo from
o vory worthy Vermont lndy for ycurs
a losidont of Cnliforuia, wnoso foriuor
homo was uot far from Burlington.
Auotlior, is u lottoi from u successfal
01iic;i;o physioiau (and uot i nntivo ot
thia towu) who lamouts tlict his nn
tivo Stute could considor tho thouglit
of udoptiug n local option law, and
wislies onr pooplo coul'J seo tho work
incs of a liieh liconso law iu Chicaco.
Auotlior Vormoutor iu Missouri thinks
it most lnmoutablo that his uativo
Stnto lias so doconoratod. Doos uot all
this and moro hke it vastly moro than
offsot tho editorials of metropolitau
papors who oougratulato Vormoiit ou
gottiug out oi us Douigiiieci ( rrproniu
tory conditiou?
Iu tho largc uumbor of Smitlis iu tho
histoiy of our towu, wo havebeouablo
to rocall witu cortaiuty ouly tlio lol
lowiug who lmvo followod profcssioual
lives : Ministors, Asa B. Smith and
his brothor, Johu 0. Smith, tho for
mor u niissioimry to tho Saudwich
Islauds, tho lattor had a sou, who was
also amissionary iu Uoylou. lJ)iyslcmus
brothor of .Tudgo Alviu Smith, aud
Dudloy 13. Snnth, a son ot tlio luttor,
uow liviuit in Plaiuliold ; Elias Smith.
who died in Wisconsiu. lf thoro woro
lawyors in tho Smith families, wo
know uot who tlioy wero, unless, por
haps. a brothor of Ira Smith, who-
wont to Covington, Koutucky, aud a
brotlier, Uapt. Willuim Himtli, iu
Goverheur, N. Y. Liko the Murtius,
tho Smiths havo largoly beou farmors,
horo, aud havo takou various parts iu
tlio nio ot tlie towu iu various wnys
If tho abovo list should provo impor
fect wo shall bo glad to correct it.
Wo wouder if auy other "meutal
photograpl'" of tho lato Gouoral E.
Bas's, haugs ou "tho walls" of moro
"memorios, " thau that of himsolf iu
tho cliargo of fuuorals 1 IIo was ovory
luoii a eoiiorar' ou suoh occasious.
How mauy can recall tlio old tiino
publio fuuorals horo, whon tho tlireo
churclies in our village rnight be fillod
on occasious, aud, iu imaginatiou, soo
aud hear tho "Gouoral" whou, having
gotton ovorythiug in order, ho would
advauce toward tho pulpit aud, witli
a littlo shako of fho hoad aud storn
voice, would say" Tho audieuco or
tho coucrcL'atiou ifill uow civo attou-
tion to tho; servicos 1" such was tho
mastorlycoutrol of himself, that prob
ably uo fuuoral occasiou ovor witnessod
tho droppiug of a toar ou his owu
cl.eoks. Iu fact wojtuow uot that auy
othor occasiou ovor did that, although
uot for waut of hcart. But, whou
aftor a husbaud and fathor hud boon
luid in tho gravo, aud "a frieud in
doed" was noodod by tlio widow aud
orphan, to look aftor tho estato, if
auy, that was loft to tliom, and sought
honost aud ofliciout aid from hira, thon
it was, that thoir hoarts woro mado to
rojoico in that which spoko moro thau
tears ottou uo. Did ovor moro bloss
iuos from tho widow aud fatherloss.
horo, fall ou auotlior head, thau on.the
Gouoral's.' Wotrowuotl
Miss Dora Platt will toach horo in
town tho comiug seuson.
Mrs. Josoph Saudors is cariug for
tho sick, iu tho Monumout Houso.
Our formor townsmau, Jolin Poor,
now a residont of Craftsbury attouded
tho Cougrogatioual church horo last
-Sunday moruing, riding ovor from the
homo of his sistor, Mrs. Stophon Co
voll, of Borliu. Mr Poor lias boon
Huil'oring from ill hoalth of lato but
hopes he is gaiuing now.
Liborty Jeil'ords is not so well as
last weok aud it looks as if his caso
was a sorious ono. It is said to bo a
good doal liko that of his brothor-iu-law,
tho lato William Hansou.
Warren S. Govoll has just bought an
ovaporator, from tho Vermont Farm
Machinory Co., of Bollows Falls to
uso ou his farm latoly purchased of
Azro E. Niohdls ostato.
Tho prohibitiou olomout of our
town naturally congratulato thomsolvos
ou tho iucreased majority for prohibi
tiou, at tlio lato March mooting ovor
that of Fobruary 8 whou tho rofor
oiiduin was voted upou.
Georgo Abbott of Northfield, n for
mor towusmau, visitod horo last Sat
urday. Ohostor W. Olnrk of Ohicago, who
visitod horo last Dooombor, it seoms
did not roturu homo in Jauuary as he
iutoudod. Rooently with his wifo ho
was visitiug friouds iu Chelsea.
Frank Ersklno, uow a toaohor in
Ohathani, N. Y., has beou quito 111
this soasou, but is now bettor, His
wifo, Mrs. Snsio Bouediot Erskiuo,
has agaiu oomo back to Burlington,
for medical troatmout.
Harley II. Martiu, son of II. H.
Martin, is woikiug for an unole iu
Flaiuflold, ou a farm, aud gota $800
(aud boaid of courso) a yoar. But ho
is a flrst olass lmnd,
Sidnoy Martiu, who has boon with
his brothor Lawyor Allon Martin, of
Essex Junotion, through tho wluter,
is oxpeotod to return horo to work
agaiu on our roads for Ooiumissiouor
O. A. Blauohard, tho comiug soasou.
Au extraot from a privato lottor
from tho South, niav bo of gouoral in
, torost. Spoaking of couditlous thoro,
tho writer says, "As for politics ono
will probnbly hoar loss of it lu the
South thau in tho North, and Vor
montors, or auy othor good pooplo, aro
thrico welcomo, and cau dopond on
courtooua and hospitablo trontniont as
long as thoy cojiduct thomsolvos prop
orly. Of courso a largo majoiity of
tho uottor class ot tlio pooplo aro
Domocrats, but thoro aro inany hlghly
respoctod, and iulluoutial oiti.ons,
who aro stauuoh Ropublicans, and,
vfino it uot for tho nogro quostion,
thoro wonld bo mauy moro. Tho
whito pooplo of tho South, howovor,
will. uovor submlt to tho uogro domi
nation, or tolorato soclal oquality, and
auy ono comiug South should stoor
oloar of this quostion, nntil thoy havo
at lcast lind tlmo to study tlio situa-
tion at sliort rango".
It is said that Itov. F. E. Ourrlor,
pnstor of tho Mothodist church horo,
in tho last four yoars, niay likoly bo
routriiod horo noxt moutli ior ltis uttu
yoar. If suoh sliall bo tlio caso wno
will uot uo giau t .
With tho prospoctivo linos of tho
Poonlos' Tclonhone Oompany to couio
horo, thiB ycar, wo shall fool liko
"pntting ou airs, " as a toiopnouio
Elsowhoro in tli'is papor will bo
found a uotico of tho doath of Mrs. O.
R. Scott, which occurrod horo last
wook. Living out of tlio villago and
tho famlly so closoly idontillod with
Barro, in tho short timo sho had boon
horo our citizous had uot bocoiuo
largoly acquaiutod with hor, but tho
high tributo paid hor in Barro, whoro
sho had Hved sovoral yoars, poiut to
a loss to onr placo, iu her doath.
Whou uot long ago sho aidod iu tho
flno ontortainmont givon by our Oon
grogatioual ladios Bhe was ill, aud was
uovor woll aftorwards.
Tho East Randolph mau, who passod
a roportod forgod chock, at tho Waro-
hoiiBO ot J. K. Liyudo iioro last wook,
(notico of which will bo found in au
otlior pago), was takou by Ooiistablo
A. A. Rood to tho Oholsoa jail, whoro
it is supposod ho niay remaiu till tho
Jnuo torm of cnnuty court.
Dr. Gcorgo E. Bass of Ohicago,
shortly beforo his rocout'visit to onr
placo, mot his cousin, aud our worthy
townswomau, Mrs. O. Elizaboth Tar
bell of Pullman, 111., aud wo aro glad
to roport that in spito of hor ill hoalth
iu months'paf t ho soos no reason why
sho iB uot to bo bettor. Suroly wo all
wish it. i
Tho Congrogatioual ladios' socioty
will givo a sugnr sociablo at tho towu
hall noxt Fridny ovouing, March 20.
Lawyor Traoy L. Joflords of Wash
ington, D. O., having importaut bnsi
uess that brought him to Burlington,
camo to his old homo horo on Mouday
last, for a briof stay. He roports onr
ox-townsmau Frank O. Beckott of that
city as having been in poor hoalth, tho
past wiutor. James S. Abbott is now
iu good hoalth.
Tho. anuual oloctiou of ohlcers oc
curreci at our towu library mootiug
last Tucsday.
A ton ponnd boy was born last Sun
day to Dr. aud Mrs. W. J. Tiudall.
Mrs. Ralph Spoucor is vory ill at
this writiug.
On Mouday last, Deacon Edwin O.
Smith tapped nearly two hundred ma
plo treos, and tho sap ran quito woll iu
the aftoruoou.
Ouo of our carpontors iuforniod us
this weok that a carpeutors' uuion is
to bo formod here, aud added that
whou that was dono, thoy woro to
striko for thoro was uo work here to
Mrs. M. Joauiia Whito, for fiftoon
years past a residont of Molroso,
Mass., has been quito ill in lato
wooks in Watortown, Mass., whoro
sho is uow staying. Tho latost word,
from hor oiicourages her frionds horo
to hopo that sho will bo ablo to como
horo ere mauy mouths.
Tho cry bogins to go up horo, for
ljquors to uso in sicknoss. Thoro ib a
vory sovoro caso horo at prosont noed
ing such but not ablo to got it. Why
did not tho framors of our uow law
provido for such cases in tho intorim
of getting tlio uow law into workiug
ordor, requiriug tho weeks it doos
for it?
Dr. Low's D. Martiu lost a bioyolo
lamp buruiug carbido and wator, last
Saturday ovoniug, somewhoro betweou
tho Froo Baptistchuroh aud tho David
Galo school iiouso. If returnod iu good
conditiou ho will pay for tho troublo.
Dauiol Bonu, has bo'on so uufortu
nato as to loso his sight to an oxtout
that ho is miablo to tako caro of
himsolf by work. IIo has boon stay
ing in Barro towu but camo horo this
wook, aud wo judge is to bo in How
ard Winohostor's family.
Mrs. Sumner Whoatlo Baruos was
tho guost of E. F. Walker's family
last wook.
With tho arrost of ouo Arthur Luok,
a sllck gamo of bunco w'as brought to
light horo ou March 4. On last
Thursday two mon wont to tho storo
of J. K, Lyndo aud bought somo feed,
toudorinc iu navmont a check for S1247
siguod by II. R. Slaok and drawu ou
tho Randolph bank. Tho chock was
takou iu paymout and tho purchasor
was giveu ovor 100 iu ohaugo. Tho
oliook wont to tho Barro Natioual
Bank tho flrst of tho wook, and about
that timo suspicious woro arousod
that it wns not gonuiue. Investiga
tiou followed and it was fouud that
tho chock was a forgory. Tho matter
was placod iu tho hauds of oflicors,
who havo boon chasiuK tho passor of
tho chock ovor siuco, llually arrostiug
Jjuok on suspioiou or uoing ono or tlie
two men who passod tho check. Ho
was brought to Williamstown on Wod-
nosday aud iu tho aftoruoon was giveu
a hoaring boforo Jnstico Lathrop. Tho
ovideiico wns fouud sulllcieut to biud
him ovor to conuty court. This was
doue and bail was flxod at $000, which
Luok was unablo to soouro. Ho will
bo takou to tho couutv .iuil to await
trlal. Accordiug to tlio oflicors Luok
lias aumittou tiiat ho passod tho
chock, but ho doulos thatho drow tho
oheok, rofuBing, howovor, to say
whoro ho got it. Tho polioo beliovo
that tho two partios aro tho saiuo onos
who attomptod to oporato at Randolph
Now whito goods at Fitts'.
Will Bashaw haH movod to Woodbury
Waltor Jacobs goos this wook to
Cabot, having dissolved partuorBhip
wiiu viiuam uaiioy.
Olarouco Martiu is omployod in Wil-
liamuauoy'B storo.
Mr. Holmos of Woroostor, Iuvb movod
luto Jireu i uiior's olu iiouso.
G. A. Newtou has commoucod work
in his sugar placo.
Vigorous Old Age
Paine's Cclery Compound makcs the old
fcel young, and curcithcir ills. It lias added
ycars of licalth and enjoymcnt to many a lifc.
Usc this great niedicine tcgulatly, and its invig
orating powcrs will fill your declining years
with healtli, strength, and liappiness. Kcad
wliat George F. Morse, 67 ycars old, writes:
Wells & Richardson Co.,
Gentlemen .' Just a word in favor of
Paine's Celery Compound, lioping it niay catch
the eye of some afflicted person, and they
may receive the same salisfactory bcncfit.
Soine 15 years ago I had a conibmation of
malaria, chills and fever, and grip, which con
tinlied for a year or more; meantline I lost in
welght about Co pounds, tr)nng different mcdi
cines and doctors with tmsatisfactory results.
I'aine's Celery Compound was recommendcd,
and, after using a little I bcgan to iinprovc,
gaining about a pouml a week. In a year I
had rcgained 50 pounds of the lost wcight and
good health, and have been a well nian" ever
since. Vours truly, GEORGE F. MORSE.
Leominstbr, Mass., Oct. 27, 1902.
Drosses, cloaks, snlte, ribbons, coats, feathers,
stooltlngs, overythlng wearable, Diamond
Dyo3 mako to look like new.
Dlrcctton book ftnd 45 dved eamplcs free.
DIAMOND DYKS, burlington, Vt.
Missos Louiso aud Agnos 'JL'ullor
havo gouo to Bartou, to work.
Mrs. Georgo Tullor as boou oariug
for Mrs. Vau Doarboru.
J. F. Morrill aud J. 0. Carlotou
visitod iu Barro. rocontiy.
Miss Sarah Folldws has boon quito
sick. Mrs. Goorgo Hoath is also sick.
G. L. Molendy of South Fiurloo
has boen prossing hay for J. O. Carlo
tou aud Uharlos Davis.
Tnmna ATnTinrm nf f. rnrn,iftTr lncl: n
valuablo cow ; it was hurt by slipping
D. E. Horrick vory pleasalltly outor-
tained tho mombors of tho Graugo last
Friday ovouing with hiB graphaphono.
Miss Bossio Panton, who is attond-
iiiK tho R. H. S., was couflnod at
homo last wook on account of a sovoro
Watson Allis of Alaska is spoudiug
sovoral days horo with rolativos aud
friouds; his brothor, Torrouco Allis,
of Dorby, Couii., camo ou Saturday to
visit with J 1 1 1)1.
Twiu daughtors woro born last Sat
urday to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis H. Kib
boo. Ono cf thom livod but a fow
Mrs. T. W. Havos visitod hor broth
or, Georgo Wost, and family in West
BrooUnold. and lior dauglitor in lioriiu
on Saturday and Sunday.
Thoro was not a largo attondanco at
tlio Y. f. S. U, E. last l'Tiday ovon
iug. Thoy cloarod noarly 3.o0.
Rov. R. H. Aborcrombio ontortaiued
his Lrothor from Lawreuce, Mass., ou
Mr. Otto Sargont aud wifo of Que
chee spout last wook with rolativos
MieS' Susan Adams spout last Mon
day with friouds in Northfield.
John Lanison is omployod as clprk
in Homor Fitts' dry goods storo tjn
Tho annual mooting of tho Socond
Congrogatioual church and socioty
will bo hold Woduosday at oue o'clock
Slarch 18, iu the vostry of tho churoh.
Eighteon dollars and forty-four conts
was rocoivod Irom lnds 011 Uooks at tno
town library mooting last Wodneduy.
Hon. Oassius Peok of Burlington
spnnt two days with his brothor, M,
Pock, last wook.
Mr. aud Mrs. Goorgo Tildou of
Barro visitod Mr. aud Mrs. Jamos
MvDormott last weok.
Mrs.E . II. Allis aud dauglitor Dor
othy aro spoudiug sovoral wooks with
relativos iu Amiiorst, jsiass., anu JNor
wichj Coun.
Honry Wills at tho Ooutor has
sold his farm to L. Smith and
iias givon possossiou.
Houry Colt was ohosou dologato
from tho Socond Congrogatioual
church, to ronrosont tho church at tho
ciroul ir conforonco hold at East
Braiutroe last Tuosday.
Mrs. Nolsop Oarpoutor of East
Randolph rocontiy spout sovoral days
with hor dauglitor, JUrs. rieury riydo,
Mrs. Ozra Booyo of East Roxbury
spout last weok horo with hor Bistors,
Mrs. Dowoy aud Mrs. Erio Ditty.
L. M. Stroug and wifo spout part
01 last weolc with inouds 111 Wolcott
Mr. aud Mrs.- Harry Buruham aro
iu Bostou this wook.
Tho Good Tomptars hold thoir sooial
at i'raui tsatohoider's tins (Tuosuay )
Arthur Nay dlod of consumption at
tho homo of his parouts, lust Satur
day morniug, aged twonty-ouo yoars.
Fnnoral waB hold Monday iu tho
Bohool Iiouso.
A dologation from Hardwiok lodgo
of Good TomplarB viBitod this lodgo
last Saturday ovouing.
Tho rogular mooting of Wyman R.
Burnap Oauip, S. of V., will bo hold
at North OaluiB uoxt Saturday ovon
iug. A good attondanco is dcsirod as
Importaut businoss will bo transaoted,
storm is tho roliof whou an obstiuato,
pitilosB cough has beou drivon away
by 'AUou's Luug BiUbhui. Noopium in
it. Tho good ott'oct lttsts. ako n
bottlo homo with you this day.
Tho fnnoral of Mr. Marv fTobin)
Scott, who diod at hor homo in Barro
Thnrsday aftoruoon, ivas largoly at
tondod nt Holv Trinitv church in
Swanton 011 Saturday. Tho Rov. W.
0. Bornard. rootor of Holv Trinitv.
and tho Rov. B. 0. Roborts, reotor of
tho Church of tho Good Shophord,
Bairo, woro tho ofllciatlng clorgymou.
tho uoarors woro w. B. Ualiard nnu
E. D. Mitoholl of Barro, and F. W.
jttoon anti a. u. Andorsou ot Hwan
ton. Tho oholr sanu tholivmn "Poaoo.
Porfoct Peaco. " Tho bnrial was in
Rivorside comotory,
Tho hoad nuartors of tho Barro Sav-
lnj,'s Bank & Trust Co., which has
boon with tlio Barro Natioual bank
sinco itn incpption, was ohangod on
Monday aftoruoon to tho uow locatlon
in the Bolstor block. At !) o'clook
Tuosday morning ItB doors woro
openod for tho publio at tho uow
Tlio class of '03 of Goddard Sorain-
ary hold' thoir annual oxhibltlon lu
tho school chapol Mouday ovoninu bo
foro a good Bizod audioiico. Tho
chapol was vory prottily decoratod
ior tno occasiou and tho prouram ot
ossays and musical solcctions was vory
much onjoyed. Tho class has oightoon
Mrs. Johu Farnham of Wiillinms
town is visiting hor dauglitor, Mrs.
L. D. Martin. Mrs. Faruham is to
romaiu with hor for sovoral montlis.
Miss Edua Georgo aud Goorgo E.
Morris woro quiotly marriod at tho
homo of Mrs. Frank Bartlott ou Hook
or avonuo Saturday afternoon. Tho
coromony was porfonnod by Rov.
Francis A. Poolo in tho prosouco of
ouly a fow immediato frionds. Mr.
aud Mrs. Morris will resido ou Ayors
A uumbor of young peoplo agroeably
surprisod Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Stophons
at thoir homo 011 Ploasant stroot Sat
urday ovoniug. Jamos Scott, in bo
half of tho company, prosonted thom
with a beautiful mantol clook. Aftor
tho prosoutation an onjoyablo ovening
was passod iu playing gamos aud
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Nowhall of
South Maiu stroot woro givon a ploas
ant surpriso by thoir frionds and
noighbors 011 Mouday ovoniiig Thoy
woro prosonted a silvor tca sorvico and
a sot of dishos, A. O. Slaytou making
tho prosoutation spoecli. Tho oveuing
was pleasantly passod iu various
uiodos of ontortaiumout.
Mary Tobin Scott, tho wifo of
Charles R. Scott, of this city. died
suddeuly Thursday aftoruoou as tho
result of a complication of diseases
following an attack of tho grip, Mrs.
Scott was ono of tho most popularl
youug womou of tho city, having a
vory pleaseut and suuny dispositiou.
Sho leavos a husbaud aud two stnall
childreu. Sho was tho dauglitor of
Deputy Collector of pustoms T. M.
Tobin of Swanton. Mrs. Scott boforo
hor marriago was a vory popular
roador and recitor, boiug a graduato
of tho Now York School of- Expres
sion. A prayor servico was hold at
tho Episcopal Church Friday aftor
ucon at 2 :lo. Tho body was theu
takon to Swanton for tho fuuoral and
Mrs. II. E. Wood of Williamstown
visitod hor parouts, Mr. aud Mrs. J.
B. Thompson, last wook.
Miss Lona I. Baird has gouo to tho
Stafo normal school at Randolph.
Tho roeoptiou givon by Mr. and
Mrs. Houry Caroy at tho homo of tlio
brido was woll attoutlod by thoir mauy
friouds from this and burronhding
towns. Tho mauy prosonts, both uso
ful aud ornamoutal, attostod tho os-.
teom ju which Tho young couplo is
Tho board of school diroctors mot
last Saturday and organized by olect
lug J. D. Thompsou, chairn'iau; O.
R. Maxwell, supoiintoudont ; J. B.
Thompson, olork.
Mrs. D. M. Taylor recoutly visited
at J. A. Paiue's.
Mrs.S. 0. Jacksou spout Saturday
aud buuday at A. U. Templcou s.
Miss Ethel, dauglitor of Frank Cool-
oy, has uoeu visiting at william Uool
Mr. and Mr. Ernost Hutchiiison,
from Barro, spont a part of last wook
at W. F. Gladdiug's.
Oharlos Jacksou, from North Hatloy,
P. Q., spout two dayB of last weok
with rolatives horo.
Legal Notices.
The undcrsiKiied havtni; been appolnted by tlie
Hon. l'robato Oourt for tlie Dlstrlct of Itaudolpb,
Comuilssionera, t receive, examliiH and aillust all
clalms and ilemaudsofall persuna aKalust IfOMElt
C, IIUNTOON. lalu of Oranne iu sald Dlstrlct,
deceaseil, liereby givo notlce that we will meet for
tho purposes nf cxaminli'K and, allowiii sald
clalius ut Mra. Julta 11. Hiitclilnuou's, of OriiiiRO. In
said Dlslrlct. on 'ho llrst Saturday lu Apiil and tlio
bccnud 8aturday ln September. from 10 o'clock A. M.
lintll 1 o'clooK r. eacli of sald days, and
that slx inonths from tlio 7th day of Maicli A. D.
IM, la the tluio lliultcd by sald Court for sald cred
ltors to prcsent tliclr clalnis lo us for cxamlnatlon
and allowauce.
Dated at Orange this 7tli day of March, A- D,
R. V. Locke, Ailm.
Explrtis beptember 11. 1903.
WII.l.IAM 8TANDI.1CK,, ( Commls-10-12
ItODMAN II. III.AK1C, eloners.
DlSTIUCT Of WAaltlNOTON, 8. 6.
ln l'robato Court. held at Montpelier, ln and foi
ald Dlstrlct, on tho 10th day ol March, A. D. 19(13:
Jolin W. Maxbaui, truslee of a fund crrated by
thu last will aud tiiktaiucui oi IIKOHUE WII.I.EY,
lateol ajoretowii,iu said Dlstrlct. deceased, presenM
hl trustec a couut Ior exainlnatlnu aud al
lowauce, and niakes applicatlou for a decreo ol dls
trlbutlon aud partltlon ofsald fund.
Wliereupou It Is ordereil by sald Court, that sald
account aud sald applicatlou bo rcferrod touscsslou
thereof, to bo held at tlid rrohato Offlco, lu sald
Montpelier, 011 tlie 80th day ol March, A. D, IU03.
forliearliiKanddeclslon thereon: And, II 1 turtlier
ordervd, tnat notico hereorbo stven to all persons In
tercsted, by liubllcatlon of tlio aame threo weeks
uccculvely lu the Veumont Watciiuan and
Htatk Jouunal, a liewspaper publlshed at Mont
pelier, In this HUto.prevlous to sild tlmo appolit
ed for liearlnK, tiiat tuey may appear at aald Uuio and
placc, and shuw cause, If any tliey may have. why
sald account abould uot be allowed, and such decree
By tlieCourt.-Attest.
1011 lllltAM CAHLETON, Judge.
Legal Notices.
In tlio Dlelrlct Cniutui llm Unlli"l Statcs, for tlie
Dlslrlctor Vt'nnont. In Imnkrnnlcv,
ln tlio matlcr ofOTIH.1 UKObB. .linnkrunt.
To tho ervilltnra ot OTIS .1. OHOSS ol Mont
pelier, In tlio Ooimty or WnnlilnRton and Dl
Irlcl, nl'oiTSald. nlmnkriinl.
Nolleo li lieroliy nlvcn that Stmilcy O. Wllson,
trualciint tliosald bankruiit, has Illed lu court lili
llnnl uccmint, and n mcctlnir of tho credlton oftlio
salil OT1S L UUOSB lio lirld at tlie ol-
Hco orihn miilcrstucd, Itnom No. C, U. 8. l'ost
Olllco llundlnK. In .Montpelier, on tho Slit day ol
.Unrcli, A. I). I'JilJ. at Im n'dockln tho rorcnoon.at
whlcli tliTic1 tli- flnal aceounl of tlio t ald trtistec will
ho exaiuliied aud patnud upon,
r.invAiui 11. UKAVirr,
lfrffrfn In Itfliiknintnv.
Montpelier, Vt., Miirch 0, 1'JOJ.
In Iho Dlitrlrt (lourt of tlm. lTnltfil Rlnlra. fnr lh
DL-trlct of V'rmonl. In liankrnptcy. '
In thoniattcrof J01IN T. CALLAOIIAN. bank-
To tho crcdltora or JOHN T. CAI.hAQHAN.
ol Cltyof Ilnrre, In theC'ounty of Washington and
DUtrf't aroresald, n hankrupt.
.-Mouco is hcrenv KiM'ii inat iicriicn .1, 8Ia)toii,
rccclvcr and truslrc of tho aald hankrupt. lias ulcd
lu roitrt lit flnal account, and ti nieetlnK of tlio
crcdltora of the ftald J0I1N T. OAI.I.Adll AN, will
lio heldatllin olllco of tho underslxncd, Itooni No. C,
U.8. 1'ostUfllccIlnlldlnK In Montiictler, on tho 21st
day of March. A. D. 1003. at 1" o clock In thofore-
noou, at which tlmo tho flnal account ot tho feald
irusicc will ne cxnnilueu anu passeu upon.
ItefLTOo 111 llntikrunLcv.
Montpelier, Vt., March 7, Ma. '
In tho Dlstrlct of tlio Uulled Btatcs, for tt' Dls
trli t of Vermont. In llankruptcy.
In tho niatterof BTEIMIF.N A.VEKY. Iiankrupt!
To the crcdltora ofSTKI'HKN AVKItV or tho city
Barro, lu thoOounty or Washington aud Dlstrlct at
t'orcsald, n bankrupL
Notlce is heri'tiv bIvcii lliat ou tlio im day ofJanuary
tho aald SI'KI'HKN AVF.ItY.wiis duly aiUndlented
bankrunti nud that tho llrst iiiccIIikt olihls credltors
will be iield at tlm ofllco or ti o undernlirned. ltontn
No. 0, U. f". l'ost Olllco llHlldlnit, Montpelier ons
mti iiiBi oi .iiarcii a. ii. i:'i ai ,ieu o ciockiu ino lorc
noou. at whlcb tlniv tho pald rrndltora niav iittend.
provo Ibelr olalina, appolut n tritatco, cxamliio tho
uankrupt, nnd transact nuch othir buslncss as may
IiroiK'rij' cuiiioueioru Hiuu urh'uiik.
Itrferee In llankruptcy,
Montpelier Vt., March 10, i'jiu.
In tho Dlstrlct Court oftlio Unltwl StHtcs, for tlie
instriciot vonnont lu nanitriiptcv
ln tho uiattcr ol THOMAHIIUItlCBliaiikruntt
To Iho crcdltora of TI10MAS 1IIJUKK, of tho
City of Ilartc, lu tho Conuty of Wttshlngtonaand
Dlstrlct aforcsald. it hankrupt.
Notlcc la liercliy kIvcii lliat on Iho 2ml day
ol Marcb, A. I)., l!i3 tho aald TII0.MAS 11UHKU
was iluly adudlcatcd Iiankrupt; and that the
llrst liii'ctlne of lil cicdltnrs will ho lielil ut the
olllce ol tlio undcrslKncd, Itooin No. (. U. S. Tost
umce iiiiucimir, JiontpeiU'r.on tnovistilay of .Mnrcli,
A. D. l!K13.at tcn o'clock ln tlm forcnoon.at nlilch tlme
tho lald crcdltora may atteud, provo thelrclalnia.ap
polnt u trustec, cxauilne tnu bankrupt, and tranaatt
such other buslncaa as may jiroperly couiA hclore
0IL1U lllt'UIIHK.
Htferco lu llankruptcy.
Montpelier. Vt., March C, l'JM.
Hankrupt ln llankruptcy
To tho Hon. llovt II. Wliculer. .llidir nf tho llln
trlct Court of tho- Uiilted Statcs for tlie Dlslrlct ol
MAHY E. MAOOON, of tliu City ofUarrc, In tlio
couut) of Wnshlniiton, and btate of Vermont, In sald
dlstrlct, respecttully rcpresenta that ou llio l.'tli
day of September last pust.slie waa luly adjutltidu
bankruiit under tho acts of Couxrcss relathu; to
baukruptcy; that she haa lul) surrendcrcd all her
property anu riunts oi properiy, anu uaa iuiiy
comiilled wltb all tho rcnulrementsor sald acts, uud
ol theordera oflhecnuri touchlmt hor bankruptcy.
Whcrcfuro sho nrava that she mav be decreed bv tho
Court to liavu a lull dlschargo Iroin all dcbtsprova-
uie aRainsi ner esiaic uuuer 6aiu aciB oxccpi
such debta as aro cxcepted by law from such dis-
Datcd tbls.21t dayof Feliruary, A. I). 1003.
MAHY E. MAOOON, Uankrupt.
MAUY E. .MAOOON. Ilankmtit. Dlbcharcc.
Notlce Is lu-reby Kiven tbat.MAItY E.MAGOON
bankrupt, lias Illed ber pctltlon, ilaled February 21,
191'3. praylUK for a dlschargc lrom all her dchts
ln bankriiiitcv. and that atl credltors uud othcrncr-
sona ohjectln to such illscharKO may attcnd beloro
the uniferslgued, referec. at his oltlcc. Hoom No. C.
u. s. rost uuicu iiuuutug. in .Montpelier, on thc 29111
day ot March, 1003, at 10 o'clock A. M., and thcn
and there irescnt tbelr oblectlnns, II any, lo such
uiscuarKe wuu iueir nroois iiicrt'ou.
Heferee In llankruptcy.
Montpelier, Vt., March 7, 1U(.
DiaTiitCT or Wabiunotox, s. b.
ln Probate Court, held at Montpelier. 1 11 and for
salil Dlstrlct, un tlie 0111 uay 01 .iiarcn, A. l
Aii Instrumeut ntirportinir to bo tlio last will and
testaiuent of JUD1T11 A. IIEM.OWS, lato of
Cabot, ln said dlstrlct, deceased, beluj? pro-
senteu to inc uourt ior rrouuie, 11 isoniereu oysaiu
Court, that all persous concurned thereln lie uutitled
to utmcar at u sesslon of said Court. to be hetd at the
l'robato Olllco In sald Montpelier. 1111 tlie astli iny of
Jlarcu, A. u. vias, anu snow cause, ir any tnoy
mav buve. ajraiust the probate ofsald lnstruinent. for
which pnrpuse It Is lurlher ordered, that notlce of
IhU 'mer be publlshed tlirfo weekH successlvelv ln
ttit miiini I1111 tM uiti intimal, a nuws
paper prluled'at Mont in-lier, In this bUtcprcvious
iu iitm iiiuu upiioiiut'i ior iiearniK.
jly tiie Court. Attest.
10-12 HIltAM CAHLETON, Judge.
Statk of Vkiisiont,
DisntiOT of Washington, 68.
Inl'robate Court, behl ut Montpelier. In and for
sald Dlstrlct, ou the 30th d.iy of 1'ebruary, A. D.
An Instriunent purpnrtin to bo Ihe last wiil and
testaniint of MAHCUS llOtlTWEI.I, late ol Mont
pelier, lu ald Distrlcl, deceasi'il. ln inx preMuilf-d to
tlio Court for I'robate, It Is ordered by sald
Court, that nll pcrsous conceined thereln bt
uolltted lo appear ata sesslon of said Court, tobe
held at the I'robate Olllco lii said Montpelier, 011 tlu
14tli day of .March, A. 1), 11)03, and showcause.il
nny tlioy 'may have, apulust Iho proliatoot sald in
Etrumcnl mr v,lilch purposc lt Is turtlier
ordered. lliat notlce of tlils order bo pub
Ished threo fteekd successlvely In ttho Vjshmont
Watciisian ANp Statk Jouunal, a liewspa
per prluled at Montpelier, lu this State, prevlous
lo sald tlmo af pnluied for heariiiK.
Ily tlio Court Attest.
8-10 lllltAM CAHLETON, Judne.
Whcreas, ELHOY V. LEAVITT, ol tho Town of
Plainfield, In tlio Couuty of Washington, having
Illed his applicatlou and bond Ior a (liceuso of tho
llttli class fur the salo of intoxicatlng ll'iuors at his
DruKbtoro. on JHiin Bt.. on tlio rlght band sido
IcudliiK from tho Common to Deiiol, sald store be
Iiir connccted wllli his dwelllnB liouse, also a reutcd
tcuement abovo,
A licartiiK will bo held thereon at tho Town
Clckr's olllce In sald l'lainfleld on March 28, 1903,
at two o ciock ! M.
0. T. IvELI.OOQ, )
L.K. AllllOTT,
Tlio underslgned, liavIiiKbecn appolnted by the
Hon. l'robato Court for the Dlstrlct of Washington,
Comniisslouers, to receive, cxamluo, nnd adjustall
clalms aml demands of nll pcrsous ugalnst the estate
or LEWIS OALE, lato of Barre town, ln
sald Dlstrlct, dcctascd; anu all clalms exlilu
Itcd lu oll'set thercto, liereby givo notico that we
will meet for the purposes alorcsald, at the Flrst
Natioual Ilani, In thu City of Montpelier, In aald
Dlstrlct, 011 tlie Tth day ot Aprll aud 5nd day
of September next, lrom 9 o'clock A. M. uutllB o'clock
I'. M., enchof sald days, aud that slx inonths from
tlie 7th day or March, A. 1)., 1MM, Is the tlme llm
Ited by sald Court for aald credltors to prescnl
their clalms to us for examlnatlou aud allowauce.
Dated at Montpelier, this 1th day of March,
A. D 1903.
10-12 AUTHUItO. EATON, Commls
Statk of Vkiimont,
DtsTiiiCT of Washington, bs.
In l'robato Court, held ln Montpelier, In and for
lald Dlstrlct.on tlie 9tli day or March, A. D. !!.
Celon A. Morris. Aduilulstrator ol the cslata of
OHItlSTOl'lIEIt O. TIIOMA8. lato of Marshtleld, In
aald Dlstrlct, deceased, presenta his aduilnlslratlon
account for exauiluatlon and allowauce, and tuakea
applicatlou for a dccree or dlatrlbutlon and partl
tlon of tho ffclate ofsald ileceased.
Whereupon It ts ordered by sald Court, lliat sald ao
couut and said applicatlou bo referred to a sesslon
thercor, to be held at tho l'robato Olllce ln aald
Montpelier, on tho 28tli day of March, A, D. 1903,
for hearltiK nnd declslou thereoul And, It ls furtber
ordered that uotico licreof bo glven to all pcrsous ln
tercsted, by publlcation ot the samu tliree weeks auc
cesslvely in tlw Vkiimont Watchuan anu btati
Jouunal, a liewspaper publlshed at Montpelier,
In this Stute, provloua 10 aald tlme ap
polnted forliearlng, that tliey may appear at sald
tlmo and placo, aud show cause, If auy tliey may
have, wliy sald uci'ount abould uot bo allowed,
aud such uccree made,
Jly iho Court. Atteat,
10-I1 lllltAM CAHLETON, Judge.
Styllsh Summer Stuffs
For Dainty Dresses!
In Cotton Waistincs the larccst
been on medium wcight materials
basket weavcs, chcviots, and so on
bie iabncs.
But now the tendency is towards the develonment of the thin
colored goods in the she.erer Lawns, Dotted Swiss, Mulls and Organ
dies. This is in accordance with the deinand which has been felt at
retail in this vicinity. Materials and styles that will stand the test
of washing arc onc of the prime requisjtcs of the buyer whcn select
ing a dress for Summer wear.
We have just received a large
in white, linen and tinted grounds, with some neat colo'red figure or
flower design: also in striped, Dresden Patterns and lace affects.
Thcse are just the materials for the
In sclecting thcse materials it has
tnat are neat anu styiish in pattern, but something that will laun
der nicely. In seleeting this line we feel that we have been successful
The following is a hint of a few of the many kinds of material
shown; Eolienne Cords, Torchon
Point Mechlin, Printed Madras, Lace Striptis and fancy Dimities,
ranging in price from tcn ccnts to twenty-five cents per yard. You
should see this line of Dress Goods.
T 3ELIE8.:E5. V "X".
The school diroctors, W. I. Ahbott,
J. M. Fishor; aud Howard Uarpentor,
met last Saturday aud orgaulzed with
W. T. Abbott, chairmau, Howard Gar
poutor, clork. Assigumeut of schools :
Ueod, East Cabot, South Cabot, and
Potorvllle. distriots. Abbott: vil-
iago, Lowor Cabot and Mtrritt dis-
triot, Fishor; bouth West HiU, West
Hill, Whittior, and Walbridgo dis
triots, Carpeuter; tax voted 50 ceuts.
A dauglitor was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Emory, also a aon to Mr.
and Mrs. Waltor B. -Ford laBt weok.
W. P. Whitohill aud H. L. Lyford
were in Moutpolior last Thursday.
Phinoas Ladd of Watorbury has boon
stoppiug at Ellis Storr's for a fow
W. W. Morse aud family, who
movod to Moutpolior last fall, aro to
roturu aurt will go into tho Whittier
houso. Mr. Whittier will board with
L. O. Lanoo was iu Albany, Vt., ou
ofllcial bnsiness laft week.
M. D. Wells was lu Swanton over
E. D. Waldo and wifo wore iu West
Dauvillo last wook, visitiug thoir sou,
If you waut n good timo aud plouty
of hulled corn aud milk dou't fail to
attoud tho autiquariau social Thurs
day uight.
Tho coucert last Friday uight was
well attouded aud tho program passed
oll iu a commoudablo mauuor. M. E.
Fostor, who is always rocoivod with
applauso iu Cabot, saug with his usual
easo and smoothnoss. Mrs. Maudo
Huntington Beujamiu, reador, was to
givo four numbors of the program but
sho recited nino times in rosponso to
tho cagor domauds of hor nudionce.
Thoro is to bo an autiquariau social
at tho Congrogational churrch, Thurs
day ovouiug, March 13. A program
consisting of old timo songs, recita
tious otc, will bo roudered. Evory-
lYloney Talks
FARM NO. 1 103. 130 acres, $1,200, is located about
2 miles from East Brookfield on a good road. There is about
40 acres of tillage land, GO pasturage and, balance is wooded.
Suirar bush of 600 maples. Place will now keep 10 cows and
team but could be made to keep more. Tillage land is almost
all machine mowing, There are three barns, two are 30x40
and ono 24x30, Plouse is in comfortable shape and contains
7 rooms. As owner is anxious to dispose of this property it
can be bought for only $1,200, with $500 down.
Six Room House, loeated in East Barre, about four
minutcs walk from depot and Post Ofiicc, also handy to stone
sheds. Iients for $7.00 in winter and $8.00 in summer. Is
insured for $700 and assessed for $650. Has recently been
painted, one coat outside and is in oxtra good repair, inside.
For immediate sale this property can bo bought for only 650
with $200 down.
liouse, Barn and 1 Acre of Land located in South
Barre for $1,100. This property is located only a short dis
tance from school, store and post ofiice. House contains six
rooms and barn is largo enough to accomodato 2 cows and 2
horses. For tho price this makes a desirable home. Terma
will be easy.
A more completo description of any of the above prop
erties will cheerfully be givon. If thinking of buying or
selling Real Estato we should bo pleased to talk with you.
amount of busincss has so far
some colors, white mefccrized,
through the long line o'f fashiona-
invoice of thcse materials, comine
thin, cool dress for summer wear.
been our aim to not only get goods
Lace, Swiss Net, Dotted Swiss,
body is iuvitod aud it is hoped that all
who have old fashioued costumes will
appear iu thom that ovouing
Sugar makors began tappiug thoir
sugar places last Mouday.
"Waltor Myers Is movlng iuto a toue
mont in A. V. Nelsou's houso.
Goorgo W. Hoath of East Cabot ro
coivod some sorious iujurlos at tho
hauds of ono of his horsos last weok,
Mr. Hoath was takonwith a bad spoll
aud foll down, the horse troadiug upon
him aud inflicting sovoral wouuds.
A son was born to Mr. aud Mrs.
Walter Porry, March 7.
Tho flve aot drama entitled, "Touy
tho Couvict" will be prosonted at I.
O. G. T. hall on Thursday and Fri
day ovouings, March 19-20. Cousidor
ablo timo has boon put into this pay
aud from ull reports it bids fair to be
a buccoss.
Au especially attractive line of uow
embroideries at Fitts'.
Judgo 0. H. Bigelow was in Chelsea
on oilicial busiuoss, Friday.
E. L. Marshall of Williamstown
speut Sunday at W. F. Medcalf 's.
Mrs. Matilda Hovey is cariug for
Mrs. E. J. Tnvsk, who is slowly cou
valescing. Charles Augell, who has been work
iug iu Gaysvillo duriug the wiuter,
roturned last Saturday aud is with
his brothor, J. M. Augell.
Mrs. Fred Holmes has recoived uews
that her brothor, Frauk Peabody who
is quito ill iu Hyde Park, Mass. is a
victim of scarlet, instead of typhoid,
fovor as reported last week.
Deputy- Shorirl W. H. Sprague was
called to East Braiutreo last Thursday
ovoniug ou ofllcial bueiness, and A. D.
Rood accompauiod him. Both seem
iuoliued to bo a littlo roticeut about
answoriug somo of the "leading"