Newspaper Page Text
She mtmmi TKIIJIS 1YII IN ADVAN013 Ono Yenr 81.B0 KlRlitMnuths I'lO Slx lUonllm. 7fi IV NOT 1'AII) IN ADVANOU PEOPLEwV VOL. 97-5029. MONTPELIER, VT., THURSDAY, ftIARCI-1 10, 1903. NUMBER .1 1 ,.....;.U..'AI'K it rn. iMmriIi"iKf "itPEOPi E rni! SKVENTY-riVK picccs finc Dimitics, Lawns and Muslins, cxclusivc pattcrns in light and dark colorings, bcauties at 15 cenfs per yard. TWENTY-FIVE pieccs white Mcrccrized Cheviots and Canvass Cloths, 25, 37 I-2C, 50 and 75 cents per yard.' FITTY picccs Drcss Goods in all the ncwcst wcaves and colorings, 37c to 2.00 per yard. 150 SilL: Glorla Umhvvllu with plnin niul fancy trimuictl liaiullcs. Valitcs from $1.50 to $2.50. (Tnken from regular stook.) at USc cach 10 dozcii Sltii't. Vnisls Liglitand dark colors, Lawns, P. K. and Dimitics. Valuo 1.50 to $2.00. at OOc Cacjl 70 2Utivs Corscls Drab, wliito and blaok. Tliojnp son's glovo fitting. P. N., Kabo otc. 0(1(1 sizcs. Giic palr Cotton Two balcs, 40-in., r,y3c Two bales, 30-in., Giiii(inis 50 jiieccs Chcck aml Stripe, 7 c yard Damasl.' Two pieces extra wide, half bleach cd. Valne 75o at I-Ug uavrf SPEOIAL. Showiug of advanco stylu in Snits, Jackets, Capcs and Scparatc Skirts for Siring wear. Mado from all tlio fasli ionablo cloths. Slilts, jiO.OS up to$ -1X.GO .rac.cts, 1.08 " 20.00 Capcs, 1.08 " . XX. GO Skirts, X.OS " XG.00 irousc Dresses Ten dozen two pieeo IIouso dresses mado from fuio l'er cale; black nnd white, bluu and white, nieely trimmed at $1, Like cnt. FRFnFR P.k 1 B H&siSJ B!l HB IJ Successor to TempIe-ricCueri Co., Opera House Block, sjsJt ious AVVID12XT. Michael 0. Morgan, Jr., tlio thir teeu year old sou of M. O. Morgan of 12 Downing -itrcot, inot with a Eorious accident, Suuday aftonioon, by tlio oxplosiou of a porcuBsion'cnp sucli ns! is used to explode dyuamito. As a re-iult of tlio accident, portions of tlio tliumb aud foreflugor on tlio right haud, nnd tlio wliolo of tlio tlimnb and flrst two fingors of tlio loft liaud liavo beon auiputated. It appears tbat about a weok ago a youngor brotlier of tlio iujured boy aud Willio Gould woro plnying on tlio hillsido whon Willio found in au old tiu cau hack of Georgo Uolby's liouso six of thoso porcuasion cnps. Tlio boys did not kuow what tliey woro, liowovor, aud Willio sold fuur of thcm to Isaao JoneH for a cent, gavo ouo to his coni pauiou, aud kopfc ouo hirasolf. Tlio Morgan boy took his hoino nnd gavo it to his brothor. Michael put it in his pockct aud forgot all about it un til Bunday wlien lie fouud it tlioro about puo o'clock, whilo sitting on tlio piazza. Ho took a ueedlo and pioked tlio hond of tlio cap open and sorapod off tlio soft part. His baby brothor was sititug ou his kueo as lio vrorked, Tlio uoedlo struok tlio liard iiart aud tlioro was au shurp oxplodon. taking tlio boy's flugon off and blowlng piccos of tlio cartridgo iuto his right oheok aud his legs, but uot liurtin tlio baby at all, although bo oloso. Tlio boy walked into tliohouso toliis father saying "Look what I'vo got uow," ns lio Iiold hi4 bloodiug liands out boforo him. Dootors Burr, Wat Eon and Oliandlor woro callod aud tlio flngors woro amputotod and thowonnd drossod. Tho boy stood tlio pain of liaviug his coat drawn off ovor his hands rathor than liavo it out aud through it all showod good norvo. Ignorance Is the flother o( Mlstakea. blundors aud bunglos tho most ox ponsivo thiug in this fooliBh world. Tlioro aro millions of poor porHous who inight havo beon rioh but for tlioir bluudors, aud hundrods iu thoir graves who might havo boon alivo liad thoy usod Dr. Davld Konnedy's now medioino, Oal-ouraSolvont,whon thoy wero flrst takou siok. Writo to tlio Oal-onra Oompany, Rondout, N. Y., for u book aud froo Biunplo bottlo. J00 picccs ltussian, 25 ynrds to picco, by iicco only.Vnl ue 1.50. at OSc lccc GO Mitch'hitoshcn liluo, rcd, green and brown. Ladies niul Misses. Valno $5.00 at .fil.OS XG tloz. Wrappers like cnt below.col ors;bluc, red, grcy brown and blnek and white, fancy priuts. Guaran tced fit. Fast col ors. Never sold beforo for less tliaiiS1.25,nu(11.30 atZOSi; All new goods. Montpelier, Vermont IX COUXTY COUJIT. coutinuod from page two TUESDAY, Murcli 17. Tho nunrry accident caso of Toranco MoKauo v. Marr & Gordou is still on triul in couuty court. Tlio nlaintiif closod his, ovidonco for tho opoiiing shortly Uotoro 10 o clook Tuosday toro noon and siuco thon tcstiiuouy for tlio dofonco 1-ns beon tnkon. Tho caso will probably tnko a day or two4ong er. Amoug tlio lnst wituossoa for tho plniutilf woro Drs. Oainp, Lazollo, and MoSwoouoy of Barre. Coiisidor ablo ovidouco has uoon introducod bcaring upou tho qucstion of contri bniory ucgligonco ot tho plaintiff. It ir nndorstood tliat a oriminal cnso inay bo triod noxt aftor this thougli it has not beon assigiied as yot. WKDNESDAY, Maroh 18. In connty conrt this aftoruoon tho argmnouts nro buiug uiado in tho (luurry acnidont caso of Toranco Mo ICano v. Marr & Gordou, tho ovidonco liaviug beon closod about 11 o'olook. Dr. J. Houry Jaolcson of Barro was ou tho staud nearly all of tho foro noon up to ;hat timn, boing usod as an oxport witnccs for tho dofonso. Doo tors usod on oach sido of tho caso havo tostiflcd thnt in thoir opinion tho paiutiiT is nuw sutloriug from latoral Bohlerosis but thov disagroo as to tho causo, tiio plniutilf 's doctors ascribiuc t to tho oxplosiou ou quarry nnd tho iittuudina occurrQiicos. whiln tho (1(1- i fondaut's dootors boliovo it duo to M. M. Gordou opouod tho arcu nionts on bohalf of tho plaintiff. aud wnB followod by W. A. Lord for tho dofoudaiit. .Tohn II. Suuter will oloso for tho dofouoo aud 11. A. Honr for tho plaintiff, probably tho caso will not do givon to tno ury uutu moru DI2AT1I IX I'UAIXI'IULD. Miss Edna Olark of Plainfield, agod lifty-sovon yoarn, dicd at hor homo in that town ou Snuday, Miea Olark has boon sick for ovor a yoar, tho flual causo of hor doath boing BriglitN di soaso. Tho docoasod loavoa two sisters aud two brothorB, Abbio, Jaue, Nat and OrviUo Olark, atl of Plainfield. Tho fuuoral wbb liold from thoir homo, Tnesday aftoruoon at 2 o'olook ,, , . The Londou Tituos wnrns ub Holomn ly that wo will snffor for cur "Iik dustrinl dobiiuoh, " and thon fails to olfor a prizo to anybody who will guriEB wiiat H nioans. uniougo lnter Ucoan (Kop.;. MrP.II Montpelier and Vniciity, LOCAL HAPPENINCS. Miss Loniv Laboll is workiug iu tho paokiug dopartmcnt of tho Oolton Mauufacturing Oompauy. Tho orgau in the Cntholio churoh is to bo niovod somo timo thiw weok, into tho now church ou Barro stroot. Thn Moutpolior Sominary Mnndo lin club will givo a concort in Plain flold unxt'Mondny ovoning. Mr. and Mrs. Williani Horubrook, who. liavo boon visiting Phil Horu brook of this oity for sovoral weeks, roturned to Olovoloud, Ohio, Mouday. Mrs. Agnes Bolohcr of Boston ar rived ou Monday to tako hor posl tiou as trimmor iu tho millinory storo of tho Misics Simpsou on Stato strcot. Miss Blnuoho Mullikou of Woods villo, who hns beon visiting for sov oral days at tho homo of A. II. Car poutor, ou Barro stroot, roturnod homo Mouday. 0. W. Browuoll of Burliugtou, U. A. Roys of Northfield, 0. P. Knapp and wifo of Marshfield and Georgo Bcckott of Williamstown wero in tho city on Tuesday. Mrs. Frnnk Sherburne and dnugh ter, Euuico, left Mouday morning fora soveral days' trip. Thby will visit rolntives aud frionds in Bellows Falls, Spriugfiold and Boston boforo thoir roturn. Mrs. Martiu V. B. Hollister died at hor homo at North Montpelier Mouday uiorniug. Sho leavcs a hus bnnd, two dnughtor, and a sistor, Mrp. G. B. JNichols ot Barro. Ilobort Preutiis of Underhill is vis iting a fow days at tho homo of Mi, nnd Mrs. Willis Ohapmnu. Mr. Preutiss worked for a uumber of yoars for A. J. Howo in thiB oity, and is now pracficing medicino in Underhill. Tlio polico forco is having littlo nrduous work to do in theso days of abjoluto prohibition. Siuco Uio now law wout iuto oilect cases of intoxica iton havo been rare, only two arrests having beon mado aud thero woro jugs that cauie in by train. Tho farmors iu this vioiuity who mako tnaplo sugar wero bnsy on Sun dny eutertaiuing thoir city friouds who, to say tho least, aro mauy nt this timo of year. About thirty vis ited Georgo Spear's Bngar placo aud wero filled td their satisfactiou. A petitiou in bankruptcy has boon filod-iu the district clerk's oilico nt Burlington by J. P. Watoriuan, a bookkoopor of Montpelier, who has lfabilitiosof 1,720 aud nssots of 2,246, of wliich ?200 uro claimed as oxompt. A heariuc ou tho nppcnl of tho Barro & Montpqlior Power & Traction Oo. from the assessmont of Tax Oom niissiouor J. E. Cushman is set for Friday in this city. Tlio hearing will bo boforo Commissiouors Zed S. Stantou, F. G. Floetwood aud Horace F. Graham. Tlio gentlomen's driving club of Barro hold a meoting ou Mouday ovon ing nnd voted to continno its meiubor ship in tlio Vermont half-milo trnck circuit whioh includcs Barro. Barton, St. Johnsbury nnd Morrisville. Tho schedulo of dates is not yot arranged but tho flrst races will bo hold nt Barro aud tho Feasou will oloso at. Morrisville. At tho city couucil meoting ou Monday oveniug it was auuouucod that Ohief McMahou hnd appoiuted ai flro police, William T. Dowey, L. H. Bixby, W. P. Whitcomh aud Oharles A'. Smith, aud Oharlos DoF. Bancroft. Mr. Dowey is uunblo to servo in tlo positiou howovor owiug to his placo ou tho liconso board aud tho vacaucy will bo filled lntor. Tho following lottors woro advor- tisod at Moutpolior post-oillco for tho weok oudiug Mouday: Misses Brostoiu, Miss Edna A. Briglit, Mrs. J. K. Mul lou, Mrs. MoBrimo, Miss Jessioa Stowart, Mrs. E. Shepard, Frnuois J. Bakor, Frauk Burgoss, SVillinro Durfoy, Georgo Flora, 0. W. Hard aoro, Johu LaBombard, D. W. Mauu, Sanmol P. Philips. A. S. Wiuolu Mrs. Frank Oarpontor was callod to Havorhill, N. H., on Monday by the Borious illuess of hor ruother, Mrs. Ohostor OorliBS. Word was recoivod today of hor doath. Mrs, Corliss wns soventy yoars old aud has boon siok for ovor a year. Tho doceased loaves ouo sistor and two brothors, Mrs, Frauk Oarpoutor ot this oity, Hiram Oorliss of Havorhill and Georgo II. Corlins of Mauehcstor, II. N. Tho fuuoral w'll bo hold in Havorhill at ouo o'olook Thursday aftoruoon. Tho dato for tho Y. M 0. A. gym- uasium oxhibitiou has beou set for Maroh 25, Tho program will cousist of Bottiuc un aud dumb boll drills. pnrnllol bar work, potato racos, tho baokward orawl, in oxhibitiJh of il- luminatnd dumb boll swliiging by John Loland, Iu addltion to tho drilh by tho local clasios D. It. lty- der, tho phydcal dircotor in Burling ton usslstod by soven nien from that assoeiation, will givo an oxhibitiou of fanoy parallol bar work, tumbliug, Michnol Oochran, agod oighty yoars, dicd at his homo on Kont strcot on Tuesday at sovou o'cloek. Mr. Cochrau hns boon sick for bouk timo nnd his doath wns not uuexpectcd. Ho has llvcd in Northfield noarly all his lifo having moved horo about four yoars ago. Tho doceased loaves threo (langhtorR aud a sou, Mrs. Johu Lyiiuh, Mrs.Gcorgo McCormickof Montpelier, Miss Sadio Coehran nnd Thomns Cochrau of Northfiold. Tho fuuoral will bo hold from tho Catholic church iu Northfiold on Thnrsdny. Tho trustoos of Moutpolior Sominary will moot horo on Friday aftoruoon nt 1 :!0 to cousidor the selection of iu structrfr.s to flll two vncaucios, tlio fiuaueial situatiou, aud other mattorH. For tho jilnco mado vacaut by tho res ignation of Prof. Molver two mon nre in viow, and for tho positiou of art iu structor to succeod Miss Ghapiu tlioro aro threo caudidates. It is not likoly tho positions of instruotor in art aud procoptress will bo iuoludod iu tlio now appointniout, aud ono of tho pres ont toachors is boing cniiBidored for tho lattor placo. Tho spnng torm opens' on Tuesday. ' Qnito a largo uumber in tho oity woro iutorested iu tho gnessing con test oifered by tho Florodora Tobacco Tng companylast fall.whon .5,000 was givou away ns a prize for tho nearost guess of the uumber of cigars for wliich tho U. S. colleuted rovouue, at tho rato of 3.00 per thousand, for tho month of December, 1002, aud liUnclrcds of smaller prizcs for uext nenrest guesses. Ed. Moigs of this city got 20 iu mouoy aud nino boxei of cigars. Ho was the only lucky mau in towu. Tlio flrst prizo wns wou by H. . Hendorsou of Wnshing ton, D. 0., who guessed 547,020,804, only 20 less thau tho uctual numbcr. Plans for tho now stoaiu plaut of tho Cousolidated Lighting Oompauy at tho Piouoer aro nearly comploted and work on the building will be com meucod ns earlv as tho coudition of tho grouud porraits. Tho work of ox toudiug tho liuos of thocompauy to tlio Barro qnarries will nlso bo uudorway withiu a fow wooks. Tho mntcrinl for tho liuo has alroady been recoivod, Tho uow plant at tho Pioucer will bo ono of tho most comploto iu oxistenco. Tlio buildings will bo of solid brick aud flro proof. Coutracts tor tho ninchiuory havo nlroady beon awarded nnd it is said thnt tho plant will bo iu operation boforo tlio end of the sum mor. Its capacity will bo 1,000 horso powoi nnd it will bo snpplomoutary to tho company's spleudid statiou at Bol ton Falls. 1)12 A TII O F MltS. G l LMAX. Mrs. William Gilman nged 82. died nt tlio homo of hpr uophew, O. H. Riohardson, at 11 o'clock Tuesday. Sho hnd benu in vory frail health for more than threo years ns tho result of a shock and ou lnst Tlniridny morning sho suilerod a sccoud shock nnd has sinco beon unconscious. The fuuoral will bo hold ou Thursday morning at o'clock aud tho remaius will bo tnken to hor girlhood homo iu Waits field for burinl. Mrs.Gilmnu's maid ou naino was Carolino Ohnpmau. Sho was bom in Oholsen, but romoved to W'aitifleld at an early ago and resided tlioro uutil dio married Mr. Gilman wheu she wout to Concord. N.H., aud remainod tlioro uutil hor husband's doath. Leaviug Ooncord about sovouteen yoars ago Mrs. Gilman camoto North- Held to resid: with hor sistor, Mrs Lucy Spiunoy, and has sinco llyed tlioro and nt Mr iRichardsou's. Dur- iug ono of hor visits to this city sho was strickeu with hor flrst shock aud hns boon uuablo to loavo hornophow's homo sinco that time. Mrs. Spiunoy is hor only ncar rolativo aud she loaves a step daughtor, Mrs. Johu S, Hubbard, of Concord. 11QUT12 XUJF1SI2U . Postmaster Bnuoroft aud H. P. Reece, Rpooial ngout Jind oxnmiuor iu tlio rurnl freo delivory sorvioo, weut ovor aud laid out tho proposod ronto No. 4, from tho Moutpelior post olllco on Saturday. If established, as Mr. Rooco bolioves it will bo, it will bcgiu ou River stroet whoro tho city delivory coases and run to tho Boujn miu farm, thouco up tho hill to tho Guunisou farm, tliou north to Elruor Baucroft's thon south to Borliu oor nor, thon around Berlin poud, covor iug tho sanimorcottages, thon toOrau dall's farm aud bnok to Borliu post otllcos. From thnt point tho roturn to Moutpelior will bo vin tho liigh road, Tho totnl longth of tho routo is twouty-ouo milos and about 112 fani ilioB will bo served. This-movo is tho rosult of a potltion from thoso living aloug tho liuo aud tho outlook is fa vorablo. If it is ostablishod uo post olllco will bo discontiunod. Mr. Olovolaud romarks that his positiou iu politios is moroly advis oiy. As tho flrst nocd of the pnrty ia a good advisor, Mr. Olovolaud inay still bo rognrdod as au oxtrouioly prominout Domocrat. St. Louis Dom oorat Rop.). MlXOJtS VOXriOl'UD Tho flrst prosecution in Wnshington connty for violntiou nf tho now liqnor law with rof"rouco to ftunishing, ro sultcd in a couvictiou. Tho caso cnmo up boforo Jtistico O. E. Woodward in Roxbury Monday foronoon upou a coinplaint signod by tho Stnto's nt tomoy. It seems that about a weok boforo Porry Dlokimou.ngod 15 yoars, nnd Nolsou Boll. Jr., nged 17 yoars, for tho sport of it, gavo Homor OIhifo somo liqnor bo thnt hb bccnme drnnk. Ohnso staycd ou tho har in Iho hotol barn untll lato 'nt uight whou his father fouud him. Tho father, M. E. Ohnso, decided to put a stop to that ?ort of joking and outercd a coni plnint. Tho boys ench plendod guilty whon nrrnigucd, to furnishing. Boll was senteuced to Rutland for threo months nnd Dickinson to tho iudtisirinl school for tho romaindor of his miflority. Tlieu ench cnso was veforrod to Proba tion Olllcor Zed S Stantou to seo if ho cousidorcd them fit oues to go nudor his cnntrol. Ho reported favorably and tho court snspentled sontonce nnd put tho boys in his rliargo nftor ench hnd paid 7.80, costs of prosecn tion. Young Ohaso was boforo tho court aud paid a fiuo of 5 and costs for intoxicntiou. Barton E. Bniley appeared for tho stato. tho respondonts not boing rop resoutcd by couusol. SUl'I'lSlt ATARMOllY II ALL Tlio suppor aud onti'rtninniont hold iu tho armory hnll Tnesdnv ovoniug, for tlio boiiofit of tho Catholic church, was a succcss. Four largo tables woro sot tho length of tho hnll aud fully 000 pooplo partook of tho vory oxco) lont faro proparcd by mombors of tlio St. Vipcont Do Panl socioty. Tho gallories of tho hnll woro filled to thoir ntinost capacity whon tho eu tortaiumout followiug tho suppor was rondorod. L. Freoman Buttorfly ro citod a )lonsing selection nnd for au oncoro gavo "Morrisou's vorsion of Faust, " wliich was greatly enjoyod by tho nudionco. Georgo Laviolotto and Louis Roborts encli rondorod music with voico nnd feot whilo Gcorce Willotto, assisted by J. H. Campboll, usod tlio tamborino to good ndvnntngo. Vocal solos woro rendered by Iiss Nollio MoNally of Burlington and G. II. Wildor cliarmed tho audionco svitli tho melodions tonos of liis fluto. Sov eral shbrt speoches were niudo by Rov. W. J. O'Sullivnn, Mnyor Frank Corry, Hon. J. A. DoBoor and William Thorinult. It is not yot kuown liow ninch was renli.od from tho ontertainmont but n goodly buui is oxpocted. SUXJ)AV SCIIOOL WOllK. Rov. E. M Fullor, who rosignod his liastorata ovor tho Baptist church iu Barro rocontly to tako tho positiou of field ageiit of tho Vermout Suudny School associatiou was iu this city Suuday iu tho intorosts of tho work. Ho spoko in Bothauy church in tho morning aud visited sevoral Suuday schools dnring tlioir fossious. Iu tho ovouiug tlioro was a uuiou sorvico of Trinity, Bethnuy nnd tho Baptist church in tho vestry of Trinity olinrch, aud Mr. Fullor addressed a largo au diouco on tlio presont eouditious of Suuday schools in Vermont, aud 'tho proposod work of tho associatiou. Tho spoakor gavo somo intorosting staristics'of church attoudanco in Vor mout. Ho said that fifty por cont of tho populutiou woro uou-church gobrs. Tho roason ho said was becanso tho old stock had gouo out, nnd tho churchcs had not adjustod thomsolvos to tho uow populatiou thnt has como iu. Tho politiciaus ho said kuow whoro evory uowcomor Btauds politi cally but tho chnrches doh't kuow auything about thoni. Concoruiug Suudny schools he said tho npproxiniato ourollinont iu tho Stato was (14,000 and of thoso 43,000 woro botweon tho ngos of fivo nud oighteflu. Of this number tho spoakor said 12,000 woro Romau Cntholio chil dron aud ho nddod, if tho protostnnt fnmilios lookod nftor tho intorostH of thoir childrou ns tho Catholics do tlioro would bo uo nocd of Suudny school assoeiations : According to tho schnol ourollmout he said hero aro 55,000 childrou in tho Stato who do not at teud Suuday school nt all nud cctu paratlvoly fow young mou botweon tho ages of eightoou aud forty-four aro ourollod. Tho purposo of tho aseoniatiou ho said wiib to work through other organ izations iu tho attempt to covor tho wholo Stato. Tho associatiou. ho said, cau do what douomiuatiouB cauuot do, and this was its object. Common sonso if. iustlnct, nud Golf would not bo so popujar if play onough of it is gonius. 1 ing it producod gardon vogotablos. Fine Waistings New Dress Trimmings and Shirt Waists Are among goods shown STORE just L. P. & VITY OJ'FIOIA hS. Tho flrst rognlar mooting of tho now city eounoil inot pn Wodnosday ' oven ing, Maroh 11, and sot tho whools of govornmont iu niotion for tho yoar. Thoro was a contost ovor tho oloction of a chiof of police but tho council ilnally sustnlnod tho actibn of Mnyor Corry in not roaiinointiinr O. II .Rea- gan, nnd Pntrolmau Martiu MoMahon was promotod to that positiou. The slato of oity olllcors ohosou nt thomcetiug roads ns followB: Chiof of polico, Mnrtin MoMahon ; stroot cominisslouor, O. B. Roboits; supor intondout of wator works, P. S. Smith ; city ongineor, P, S. Smith ; oversoer of tho poor, Calvlu L. Parm outei; hoalth olllcor, J. R. Grimes, M. D., city attornoy, F. P. Carlotou; liconso commiHsiouors, Houry Holt, William T. Dowoy, E. A. Swoonoy j oliiof4 ongineor of flro dopartuieut, John W. Pock; flrst nssistant, Olar onco Whittior ; sccoud nssiBtunt, Henry Oasheu; city weighor, Orvis G. Hnrrls; inspoctor of loathor, Al bort O. Cumniins ; survoyors of wood and iuspcetors of luniber, M. F. OhiiHe, J. P. Donovan, J. V. Brooks, Thomns Gisboruo, Fra 'k T. Dowdy ; pound kcojior. E. L. Putuey; trusteos of pnblio mouoy, Albert Johonuott, Frod E Smith, A. W. Forriu ; fonco viewors, J. O. Livingston, Harry S. Tabor, Willard O. Walkor. On Tuesday ovoning of this weok tho eounoil hold a special meoting, and votod to oltor for salo tho liquor agoncy building on tho Berlin side. At this timo Dr. William Lindsay was again cliosoii as city physiciuu and Frnnk E. Grout was olected a listor vico F. R. Dawloy resiguod. Ohiof of Polico MoMahon hns ap poiuted Georgo Oiunorsas a regular patrolninu ou tho forco nud ho will begin his dnties this week. Tho new ofllcer ha been a special in formor years aud will bogiu tho work with tho ndvantago of considorablo oxpor ienco to his credit. Johu Sexton of tho spocial forco is doiug regular work nt preseut. Ohiof MoMahon hns also appoiuted tlio following speoials: Henry E. Soveranco, W. B. Jouo'", John Sexton, Fred Gates, Herbert H. Loug, Arthur Folt, Miohaol Marron, Olarenco H. Soutor, William Rivers, Georgo M. Kennoy, Josoph Olark. Pntrick Cou nolly, Frauk S. Lawrence, J. H. Oampbell, E. E. Davis, T. J. Keegau, James McDouald, W. J. Royco, Mar tiu M. Fitzgerold and John Dochorty. Lctter to Joseph G. Brown. Moutpolior, Vt. Dear Sir: Yonr businoss is, when a liouso buius dowu, to givo tho ownor somo mouoy to bund a uow ono. It is a gooa businoss. Quoor that tho world got ou so long withont it. Wo paiut tlio one that burut down and tho new ono too. What is bettor, wo paiut tho honses that don't buru dowu. Yon iusnro tho honsos that burn ; wo iusaro tho housos that don't. You havo tho ashos and smoke ; all tho houses aro ours. ( Wo paiut Lead aud Ziiw; Dovoo. Wo soll tho paint to paiutors ; wo don't paint. Loan aud oil is tlio old-fashioncd paiut. Devoo is zino ground iu witli tho lead nnd liusecd oil : tho bcst paint in tho world : aud tho choap ost, bocauso it takes fowor gallons than mixod paiuts aud it wears twico as long as lead aud oil. JNobody wauts poor paint; tlioro's lots of it. tnough, iu tho woild. A. M. Grift'on, Plaiuflold, N. J., writes : Mr. Aarou Higgius, of Plaiu flold, always usod 15 gallons of mixed paint for his house. Last Spring ho bonght 15 gallons of Devoo nnd iiad 4 gallons loft, Yours truly, F. W. Dovoo Co., Now York. P. S. Abbott & Bailoy soll onr paiut. 1)1121) IX JIIXX12A l'O IjIS. Noithflold, Maroh 17. Nowb has beou recoivod of tho death of Mrs. Jonuio Ilatch Joubort which oecurrod at MiuuoapoliB on Suuday. Deatli was duo to au oporatiou. Tho romnlus will bo brought horo for burial, nrriv ing or Wodnosday night, and tho fuu oral will bo hold at hor fathor's liouso on Thursday at 10 a. m., Rov. Dr. W. S. Hazon olllointiug. Mrs. Joubert loaves a husbaud and n six-yoar-old sou. Sho was a daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Allon Ilateh aud lived iu this town uutil a fow yoars ago whou with hor husbaud sho wout to Miuno lipollH to resido. A yoar ago last sum mor sho spont sovoral weeks at hor olrt homo horo. the attractivc at THE BUSY now H. C. Gleason REASONS FOR INSURANCE. ExpciRes eat np wages nnd sal arios. Year after year tho aver ngo man expects to bnild up an cstate. Tho usunl result is lio provision or only a small one for wifo nnd clnldreii. I-ifo Insur nnco doei the work by casy pay mcuts. ((..orreiinUence oliated S. S. BALLARD, General Agent, New Langdon Building, MONTPGLIER, - - VT. Appearances Coimt Perfcctly fitting, fash ionable clothes, make the well-dressed man. Its a matter of importance to you to go whcrc you are sure of finding just what .you want. We give you the opportunity to ge what is correct in clothes and furnishings. Clothes made by the famous Stein Bloch Co. Stetson Hats known the world over. SUITS $10 to $25 OVERCOATS $10 to $20. A. 0. FARVVELL CU, All Coods Sold for Cash. I Lamson & Hubbard Spring Style, 1903 For salo by W. E. Adams & Son, MontJ pclierj Frank McWliorter, Barro. Vlontpelier Fur Store, 31 Stato Street. A. C. 5PIR0 Raw Furs Bought. Hlghest Coslt Prlces. SELLATAUCTION F. J. SAWYER, LICENSED AUOTIONEBR. OW1CK AND HE8IDKKCK. 10 Downlng 8t., Montpelier. Renl fstato nud stock n spoclnlty You havo tho nt'iiellt of our 20 vearn oxperlenoo, Telophono con., No, U57-U1.