Newspaper Page Text
i tfMBU DCflDI C WANT A LIVK rLUrLC WKIiKLY NKWB TEIISIBLI'AIH IN ADVANCK Ono Yenr B1.00 lilfilit. Montliii 1.00 6lx Monlli 7C SL'AI'KII. TIIK WATCIIMAl! SSJPEOPLE I'UIILIHIIK XII VOL. 975029 MONTPELIER, VT.3 TIIUBSDAY, DECEMBER 24 1903. 52 Frederick J. ricCuen, OPERA HOU&E BLOCK STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Remember only ono day to gct CHRISTMAS BARGAINS. Shop early while thc assortment is complete. Special prices in cvcry Dcpartment for the ncxt four days. Furs and Qarments Prices hnve bccn cut dccp in ordcr to makc a Reduction in this Inimense stock. Jaimary Prices Attaclietl to Almost Everything Electric Seal Jackcts, $11.98, 19.98 Scarfs Seal, Opossum, Martcn, $1.49, 2.0 Sf 3.98, 1.98 500 pairs Kid Gloves, all shades, $1-00 jmlv Boston Bags, 39c, G9c, 79c Suit Cascs, 98c, $1.1.9, 1.98, 3.98 Umbrellas, elcgant line to select from, 98c ii) Aprons, 19c, 2Gc, ;iVv Stocks Colors, Beauties, 3Gc, 3Gc aud GOc Frederick J, WcCuen, MONTPELIER - - - VERMONT S. & H. Trading Stamps Given With Cash Purchases That the genuine Round Oak made by Beckwith Dowagiac is the best fitted and most carefully made heating stove in our Country. We know its equal is not yet on Eartli. We have a lot of Christmas Goods, Fancy Chlna Wate and Glass Ware. Call and See Them JT. rJT. Ii-ew Cabot, Vt couxri' oouitT. Following tho rotiieniout of the inry in tho Gnrrtoto murder trial otlior mattera woro takeu up iu court. Eugene Davis and Neil Kuapp, tho Northfield burglars wlio broko joil with Diok Golly n ahort time ngo, woro brought into to pload, aud upon ploa of gnilty wore Boutencod; Davis to Windsor for not less than tiireo yoara for burglary of Oolburu Cloth iug Store, aud for brcaking jail im Iirisonnieut at tho saino placo for not loss tlmn two yeara nor moro than two years and nix rnoutha; Noil Kuapp Waa given sontouco to the Iioubo of oorrootion idoutioal in torms and timo. Otlior bnsiuoBS tlint oiuno immedi atoly af ter waa tlio following : Dr. W. 11. Harknosa waa in court aud retraot od liis plen of not guilty iu the cnso againat liim for tho forgorr of u noto ngaiust tlio Moutpolinr Saviuga Bnnk labt spring and ploaded gnilty to tho ehnrge. Stuto vb. Orotouux, tho East Mont polior murdor oaso, was continnod ns was Stato va. Everett Morso for forg ory. Both the reapoudonta aro in Watorhury for obBorvation na to aauity. 8KNT TO ASVIjUM. St. JohiiBbnry, Doo. 23, Ira G. Brown, tlio yonng uau wlio atolo $S0 from tlio North Oougrogutiouul ohuroli, Docombor 0, haa bcon orderod to tlio inaano asylnm at Watorbury, 50 Silk Petticoats, (Guaranteed) Black and Colors. Value, $750., now, $1.98 "Chic" and Roya' Under Gar ments, rich Christmas Gifts, Sets of five pieces, $1.98 Dressing Jackcts 200 made from Eiderdown, all Colors, prettily trimmed, 79c and 98c Waists Silk, Wool and Mercer izcd Cotton, at OSc, $1.19, 2.98, 3.9 S Actually worth double. Sofa Pillows 20 and 22 inch Pil lows, covercd with Velour and Tapcstry. Value, $2.00, at OSc Christmas Wrappers and Tca Gowns Light and Dark colors, 98c, $1.39, 1.79, 1.98 Ilighest market prices paid for HIDES, SKINS and PELTS. Prime Beef Hides, G Ac Ib. Dairy Skins, 25c to 75c each WoolPelts, 40c to $1.25 each Peck Br0S., Montpelier, Vt FINANCIAL STATEMENT Washington County. 111 UCr-OUIll Wllll WASHINGTON CoUNTY, for tho yonr oikIIiik Nov. .'fO, 100.1. nniiT. To bnlnnco in Tronsurer's lmnils rinn. 1 imn a an -n To recelvud rent of wniton honso. ino.OO To reeeived tempornry loan 500.00 j.u icuuiira un uuuouur pod ler's lioenaea &1.09 To rooclved County tnx. llat of 1003 mr, 47 $2755.10 CUEUIT. By amount of ordors paid . .073.38 ToTronsurer'aSnlary.... 25.00 To puld Amorlonu Fldollty Compnny bonil im.OO To paid temporary loan nnd inti'rest 1508.19 To cash on hnnd Deo. 1, 1903, 103.29 S2755.1C Tho foregoing nccount of A. W. Ferrin, Trensuror of Wnshlngton County, oxam inrd and approved aud lmlnncofoundduo the County of S1C3.29. Montpollor, December 1, 1001. MELVIIiLEE. 8MILIB, Auditor. We have examined tlio foregoing setth mont of tho Trunsnrer's uccount nnd up provo tlio enino. Wo llnd tho oiitatnndlug iudebtrduoaa of tho County to beSCOO.for tempornry loan, nnd $1093.37 for outstnnd ing ordors drnwn, hut not yot preaflitod to tho Treasurer for pnyinout, nmklng a totnl ludubtodueas of $1'9.1.37 from whloh dodnct amount duo from C. K. Woodard $148.76 nnd $1(53.29 hnlanee in Trensuror'a luinda, lonvoa a not doht of 61381 33, Moutpolior. Dooombor 1, lOftl. S . .1. DANA, ) Asalstnnt Judgos ai. . 11AT11AWAV, 01 YlldllUlSlou ) County Court. STllJKJS IN 1'AKIS. Paris, Dec. 23. Tho bakers of Parla and tho omployes of fonr otlior anpply oorporations todny voted to order a gonnral Btriko. MONTPELIER AND VIGIN1TY. LOCAL HAPPENINOS. C. L. Bugbee, a contractor iu Bnrro was prosoutod Satnrday ovouiug with a gold watoh by hla omployeoa na a tokon of tlioir rogard. Goslnnt Mitolml of Lanosboro was in town Mouday. IIo roporta tliat tho last woek bronght oxoollout wonthor for Inmburiug. IIo haa nlroady hanlod iu about 000,000 foot of logs . W. J. Pollard hns boou nppointed njsistaut mail carrior to tako tho placo mado vncant iudirootly through tho reaigiiatiou of T. J. Gnllahau na regulnr carrior, Tho following lottora aro waiting to bo clnimod nt the post olllco: iMrs. Frnncoa Browu, Mias Vivian Irvlug, S. J. Bontley, W. II. GilcliriKt, Albort Hnnt, B, F. Lewis, Jr,. 2, Frcd Mor ria, Will Malonoy, Goo. Thoinas, Frcd Wilcox. Stnto's Attoniey Sonter fllod in formation lu county court ngaiust Fred Oolloy, Eugeue Davis and Noil Kuapp Mouday aftornoon charging thom with broakiug jail and anothor ngninBt Oolloy for larcouy. It is oi pected thoy will bo in court boou to plead, though Oolloy'a log is .still Boro. Frnnk O. Jary has boou nppointed lst sergant of Oompany H by Capt. F.B. Tliomas. Th6 nuuouucemout was mado Mouday evouiug, Sorgnut Jary is ouo of the few votoraua of tho Spanish-Auioricau war wlio Btill ro maiu with tlio compauy aud souio years ngo waa" lst Eorgeuut but gnvo up tho osition luter. Tho following have returned from sohool to spend the holidnys at homo: Mis6es Oharlotte aud Floronco Sliip iiinn, from Bnston ; Miss Florence Corry, from Tnrrytowu, N. Y. ; Whit nian Forriu from tho dental collcgo, Uuiversity of Pennsylvnnio, in Philo delphin; Missos Julia Pcck aud Editli Blnuohard from Oolumbin Gollege, N. Y. ; Homor Forriu from Philipa Eseter; Oharles Wiug, from Dort mouth Gollege. Tho damago at Triuity chnrch is not ns serioua ns waa at first thought, though it ia feared that tho cl'iurch may ueed to bo refroscoed. Itesponsea wero very generous to tho call issued by the pnstor for contribntious to iu crento tho Oliristmaa joy of familioB tliat may ueed some lielp, but no ono wlio haa boeu delayed in inakiug con tributions ueed bo deterred by tlio gonerous response, na uso can bo fouud for all thnt ia contributed. Heury Wella, au eldorly citizeu of Calais, met with nn uuplonsaut ncci dent Monday moruing ucar tho Bnrro transfor on the Wells Rivor road. Mr. Wolle was drsving towards Mont pelier when Ji is liorso trippod ou n telephouo or tologrnph wire which huug aoross tho road at about a foot from tho grouud nnd fell, tho sloigh being ovorturnod ns a result. Mr. Wolls wos tlirowu ont, but fortn nately was uot iujured Boriously, auffering ouly some bruieoa nnd wrencheB, Both roius were brokeu bnt tlio horso fuilod to ruu away aud tho damago was slight. The wind aud ico. Sunday had evidoDtly torn the wire from tho poles. Tho New Euglaud Telophone Oom pany lias jnst completed another farm or'a liue in Middlesex Oontor, and Bovonteen instrnmouta have bcon con nected up. Tho snbsorlhers with their call numbera aro ns follows: B. W. Dauiela, 328-2: L. R. Wolls, 828-0; Martin Peiribrpke, 328-4; G. M. Sillowny, 828-5; J. A. Ohapin, 828-0 j O. O. Ward (store) 828-11; J. W. Eagan, 328-12; E. E. Densmore, 328-13; M. D. Kolloy,, 328-14; W. 0. Silloway, 328 15; G. H. Ladd, 828-21; W. B. MoElroy, 328 22; Lovi Swift, 328-23; A. R. Voughn, 328-24 jOharloa Silloway, 828-31; 0. 0. Ward, (Rea.) 328-82 ;M. K. Price, 328-38. It is gen erally uudorstood that othor farmer'a lincs aro to bo couatrnoted boou. Tho fnnoral of Oscar N. OroBS was held from hia lnto homo on East Stato streat, on Snuday aftornoon nt 1 :30. Tho honao waa fillod with tho rela tivea aud frieuds of the doceaaed and hia fnmily. Tho boautiful ritual of tho ProBteatant EpiBCopal ohrnch waa uaed, Rev. A. N. Lowia oflloiatiug. A profaaiou of floral olt'eriuga snr roundod the onskot nnd Wildor'a or- oheatrn fnruiahed inusio. The benrcr& woro Ij, Bart OroBS and Georgo H. Orosa, brotnera of tho deooased, 11. Julina Volholm, Dr. Kowtou, Edward Riohardaon, Frank VVinlaow. F. S. Oarpontor was in ohurgo of tiio fu neral. Tho body of Mr. OroBa urrivod from Savnuuah ou tho 4 o'olook traiu on Satnrday inorniug iu ohnrgo of Mr Volholm, who wout to Now York to nioot it. Sitioo Jnunnry 1, 1003, twouty-uiuo nlnrins for flro hnvo beon ruug iu, this baiug tho groatoBt numbor for some yearB. Tho flecnl yoar doea uot eud until Fobruary 28 nnd thoso itntlstics woro gloauod from last year's roport, froui Jau. 1 to Maroh 1, aud this yoar's to dato. Sinco Maroh twonty fonr nlarma liavo boou rtmg in. Tlio Ohrlst ohurch flro waa tho larg eat of 1003, and aa that occurrod Jau uary 24 it bolongs witii last yoar'a ro port. Conaidoring tho numbor of nlarms, tho flro compnuioa hnvo shown a protty good rocord, aa only a fow flres rcnchod vory largo proportioua. The ilre at tho Lonox wna tho largost, with ttio oxcoption of Uhrist's ohurch, aud the loss wna haavy, but tho build iug wcs savod by hard flghtiug. Tho noxt larRost flres wora tho 0. J. Glea son Iioubo ou Hubhnrd atreot aud tho Btouo shcd of Bouazzi & Bonazzi. Tho greater part of tho alarrns havo beeu for oliimuoys burniug out. TITjS MV11D1311 TIUAIj. The Gnrrotto mnrder trinl mndo good progrcss lnat woek and on Friday tho Stato rcstcd its cnso aud tho testi niony for tho defonso wna beguu, Thero woro vnrious oxictiug incidonts iu the devolopmeut of tho proacontiou, ono Itnlinn witnesa imnounciug thnt ho would "go to jail rnther" thnu imswor tho queationa put to hiui, but upou ndmonitiou by tho court roluct autly couclmlcd to givo his reply. Tlio testimouy of tho chief wituosses brought out tho facts of tho Bhooting aa to timo aud plnco, witii tlioir poni tions. Tliat Garretto had a rovolvor which waa dischargod aud that ho rau with it iu his hnnd down tiio stairs aud ou to tho strcota. A quarrol of uioro or less proportioua wns goiug on iu tho hnll at tho timo of tho ahoot iug and m tho gonornl metco obsorra tiou nB to miuor points wns not olenr. As to the Sooialist nnd Anaroliist phaso of tho qnestiou tho witnesses who testifiod woro souio of thom ad mitted Anarohists nnd soiuo Socialists. Luigi Cagsi, Giovaui Oomi, and Emili Vochini, told of tho causos of the fight in tho hnll which tiiey snid bo- gan whon Fornnndo Oomi, an Anar ohi6t, joked about tho uon-arrival of tho speakor, which a roply iu narueat at ouco preoipitated. As to tho sup- por at tho homo of G. Mnrnni to whioh some of tho witnesses woro iuvited; and whioh it wna rumored waa for tho pnrposo of tnlkiug ovor tho proposcd lectnro by Sorrntti iu tlio hnll whero tiie trouble occurred ; all doniod any such inteut or nuy diBOUBsiou of tlio uiatter beyoud tho statement by sorao of tho gnosts thnt thoy intoudod goiug to hear it. Ou Friday tho most important toatimony wus thnt of Angelo Scnmpini who told of a dyiug Btatemeut mado by Corti in which Corti snid thnt Gar retto sliot liim. Tho iuterpreters aro working hard nnd ouo of them saya this ia what would be called a rnpitl traiiBit" trial iu Bostou. Samuel Novalli, fornier paruor of Eli Corti, thonght Oorti was noitlier nu Aunr- ohist uor a Socinlist. F. R. Dawley of Moutpolior testi fiod as au oxport in flronrms aud am mnnitiou. Ho identifled the bullot said to havo been takou from Oorti's body aB one ho had oxamined provi- ously. Witnesa Johu Oomi was ro cnlled nnd denied any epeooh iu n Bnrro atoro to Bachletti, to tho effoot that if Serratti lecturcd that night ho would "cntoh it and his heuohmen wonld cntoh it." Ai this point tho Stato rostdti aud tho defeuso begun tlio production of its caso. The testimouy teuded to ahow thnt the Anarchists caueed tho troublo in tho hnll thnt night. Oaesar Bruzzi first took tho stand for the dofeuce. Ho said ho was at tho hnll nud snw Gnrrotto eutor and take a chair soon ofttr. Gnrrotto wore a cap aud was Hiioking a oigar. Yilnoss said tho AuarchiBtB bogan soon to in Bult Bernasconi nnd the witnoBS with gibos about tho orator uot comiug, Ferdinando Oomi, was loading tlio in- aulting, when William Oorti got up aud told Oomi to koep qulet for tho ono thoy wautod waa uot thero. Rizzi said "Wlint'a tho uso of whit ing? They'ro nll fakira oud cow ards. " Somobody hit Beruascoui aud in a miuuto oight or ton mon woro ou BeruaBconi aud tho witnesa. Rizzi drow n lniifo and out tlio witiioss on tho hoad. Paul Marini wlio gnvo tho supper beforo roforred to said that thero waa no talk at his honeo aboat tho lccturo. Said ho waa an Anar oliist. A numbor of wltuoesos tostl fiod to hearing but did uot seo tlio shooting. Gttrrotto disappoiutod tlio oulookers in couuty oourt aud did uot take the Btand iu hia own dofonco. Josoph Bor uaaooni was the last wituesB of import anco for tho defouco aud hif) Btory of tho trouble waa ninoh liko that of tho othor witnoBBoa for tho satuo. Tho ovidonoo waB olosed on Tuosday morniug and tho nrguinonts at onco beguu, R. A. Hoar npouiug for tlio State. Ht was followod by Frod L. Laird and W. A. Lord for tho respou dout, while Stnto's Attoruoy Sonter oloaes for thn proRooutiou. The caso waH givon to tho jury ou WednoBday moruing nnd a vordiet of guilty of maiiBlanghtor waa bronght in at 3 o'olook. lugratltndo makoa u mau look llke b dollar miuuB 99 conts. fo usn a uiLTV, Bouulugtou, Dco. 22. Tho cnso of tho Stato vs. Mnry M. Rogors, who 1b ohurged with tho murdor of hor Iiub band ou August 12,1 002, wns givou to tho jury at 0 :15 lnst nlidit. Tlio day wns dovotod to tho arguuionta, which ooutlnuod thrco liours, aud to tho judgo'a ohargo which contiuuod ouo honr. Ovor ouo thouaand peoplo woro crowdod within tho narrow confluefl of tho conrt room, aud snch waa tho iutorost in tho argumouts aud tho judgo'a oliarco that not ono por son loft beforo tho jnrors had flled from their soats. In alosiug for the Stato O. M. Bar bor mado a morcilosa nrraignmout of tho prhouor. Tho roBpoudout, ho said, hau for five days calnily facod tlio jarora nud had oxhibitod n brazou oiTroutory aud callousuoss that was ustouiBhing. F. D. Archibald oloBod for tho rospondent. He dopouded on tiroly upou au offort to disoredit tho Stato'a wituosBos, Morris Kuapp aud Lovi Porliam. Judgo WatEOU aaid tho jnrors must oither briug iu a verdict of mnrder iu tho flrpt or Bocoud do groe, or one of uot gnilty. Ho said-tho failuro of tho roapoudeut to take tho staud should uot projudico her caso. This moruing the room was crowded to its full capaoity aud whoii tho jury onme in to report their vordiet tho ox citomont aud susponso wero groat, al hough tho room waa bo still ouo could honr a piu drop as tlio foroman aroso to aunouuco the jniy'a dociBion, which wns murder iu tho first dogreo. Mrs. Rogors gnve little sign of omotion nud wns nppnroutly tho most nncoucernod person lu the room. Sontouco was auspended nutil uext Tiiesday, whon tho ciisea of Stella Batea and Lovi Perhntn aro to bo takou up on the chargo of being ac- ccssorios. This ib said to bo tho first caso in the history of Vormoiit in which counsel for a person ou trial for mnrder did not put ou tho Btand wit nesses fr tho defenco. Bennington, Doo. 23. Loon Perhom, tlio coufessed acoomplico of Mre. Rog ors, wns nrrniguod iu tho county coart vesterday afteruoon and pleaded guilty to murder in tho socoud do greo. Tho ploa wns acceptod. Tho case ngninst Stolla Bates, chnrged with complicity with Mrs.- Rogors and Per- ham, wna nol prossed, nnd she was ro- loaBod from cnstody. Sho waa iu nl mo8t an hystorical couditioii when she lett tho court room accoinpanisd by a numbor of frionds. Tho court ad jouruod for one weok ovor tlio holiday period. In the caso of Mrs. Rogors, who was fouud gnilty of murder in tlio first degrpo, if uotliiug whutovor ia douo to provont tho carrying out of tho seu tenco oi death wliich will be passed upou Mre. Rogers during the present torm of court, uudor the Vermont law that sontouco cannot be carried into exoontion before 1905. Iu this State, tho power of commuting the sentenco of death rosts with the Logislaturo iu stead of tlio Governor, nnd tho law providos that a eesBion of tho Legisla turo ninst intorveuo between tho time sentenco of doath is passed and its oxecution. If the LegiBlaturo, which uieots about a year heuco, refuses to commuto Mr8. Rogera' Boutenoe, the oxecutiou will bo tho first iu this Stato iu moro tliau a years. Tho last oxooutlon took placo in 1891, whon Sylvestor Bell of Fairfax was liaugod for the murdor of hia wifo. ANXUAJ; ME1ST1NO. Tho stookholdora of tho Oapital Sav iugs Bank & Trust Compauy are hero by liotifiod to meet iu the rooms of said bank in Montpelior, Vt., on tho 14th day of Jauunry 1904, at 2 o'olook in tho afteruoon, to eleot Boven trua toes for tho yoar onauing aud to trans act any othor proper buBiuesB. Frank N. Smith, Troasuror. Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 14, 1003. 17-24-31 jail 7. JllUJUH-'S FliOM WI11E. Washington, Deo. 23. Presidont to day nppointed Lawreucn O. Mnrray of Ohicago aBaistnut secrotary of dopart mont of commorce'and labor. Now York, Deo. 28. Roar Aduiiral Edwiu Wliito, rotired, dropped dead of heart dieoaso nt noon todny at tho Brooklyu navy yard. QUICK SERVICE nt tlio BUSY STORE this week. Fifteen peoplo in nttendance. Many goods mnrked nt low prices to closo them beforo Christmas. Attractive Display of Handkerchiefs, Linens, Aprons, Couch Pillows Neckwear. Baskets. Leather Goods, Gloves, Furs, etc. Also Christmas Novelties. The very Newest Collars and Sets in hand Embroidery and Cross Stitch. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas. Ii. P. & H. C. GLEA SON VAHIED Wl$ATlimi. Satnrday's bitter cold, "a ohlll, no frook of homo Bpuii stuff, howovor 8tout, could quito flhtit out," iu tho poet'a timo prosnged n storm aud it did on this occaBion but uot such ns ho bo vivldly doBaribed. Instend tho riso of the thorniometor from Sntur day ovouiug was contiuuod -until Suu day moruing. Tho contraat with the atmosphore of tho day beforo would seom nhnost iuorediblo oxcopt to thoso who from loug ncqunlntnnce liavo be como familiar with tho idiosyncra sIhs of Now Euglaud weathor, and tho drizzliug ruin whioh eot iu on Sunday moruing bronght ,hopo to .those who aro Buffaring from tho drouth, if noth ing elso. Alternating roin, pnow and Bleot mndo OhriBtmaa Sunday seom most plcnsant apent by tho ilrcside. N-it suilloiont to thaw out the frozon grouud nud thoreby bouefit tho springs, tho raiufall doubtless, will iucreaso tho supply of tho pouds aud stronms porceptibly, Todny'a auushiuo and wnrmth might almost ba takeii ns nn indication of a possiblo "green Oliristmaa. " FIjOODED out. The pooplo who attoudcd Trinity phurch sorvico Sunday ovouiug expe rioiiccd u eoriea of misfortunoa. About five o'olook iu tho aftornoon wator bcgan trickling down through tho ceiling and by 7 o'olook tho time for tho oveuing sorvice, tho Ecaicity of wator which haa beon troubling everybody of lato was the last thing in tlio minda of thoso present, for au abundauceof "aqucft" was pouriug in strenms in certnin sectious of the bnilding. Rev. R. F. Lowo of Barre was to proach at tho sorvico, iu ex ohaugo with Rov. L. K. Willuion, but tho delay of tho olectrics brought liim into the churoh thirty miuutes lato. By this timo most of tlio peoplo had becomo discour.iged aud gono homo. Tho committce iu ohargo of tho ro pairs had given the workmeu explicit ordors to cover the roof with oiled clbth caoh night iu caso of rain, but thoy had left on Saturday night with out doing this, uot anticipatiug the extremo chango in tho weathor. Fires aro kept burning in tho churoh to avoid a posaiblo warpiug of tho coil ing. The carpec is ruined, the wator hns douo damage to the frescoing aud dripped down through tho floor to the Suuday school room. HATLllOAD T1I11EAT12NED New Havou, Oonu. Deo. 22. The mysterioua movemonta of armed guarda, Piukertou mon aud evon bloodhouuda at various poiuts aloug the line of the New York, Now Haven aud Hartford Railroad, aud particu larly iu New Havou, can at last bo fully accoautod lor. The road was taking extraordiuary prceautions to prevent n dynamiting of its traius. It ia andorstood thata commuuication, postmarked from Now York, was re coived by Prosideut Melleu of the road a short time ago and althoagh tho exaqt wording of the niessage is not kuown the snbstauco of it was that unless $5,000 was loft at a certain placo on or bofore Docembor 15-10 thoro would be a total dostrnctiou of their traiu. The uiatter was plaoed in tho handB of the Pinkortou deteo tivea aud thorough precantioua were tnken. The arrival of tho Adaras ex press train leaving Now York on the night of Decomber 15 waa auxionsly awaited. Althoagh the disastor to thc road did uot oocnr tlio road hns uot abaudoned its vlgilanco. OL.D CnUliCH BU11NED. Salem, Masa., Deo. 21. The South Oongregationnl churoh of this oity was totally dostroyod by flro on Satur day ovouiug, involviug a loss of about $45,000. The fire whioh canght from an overheated furnace. waa first dia covorod by Parker L. Walkor, the or ganiet of tho churoh, who had gono thero witii his brothor, Albert J., to praotico the Oliristmaa inusio. Sinco 1778 tho ohurch has had ouly fivo pas tors. For 110 years its pulplt waa uovor vncant, eaoh succeeding pnstor beglnning aa n collcnguo of hia prede-cessor. ocflcnnc cnD iWQHDftWPC i nuHOUiiu ruu mouimiiuLi Expcnses ;at up wnges nnd sal arica. Year aftcr year tho nver ngo mau uxpccts to build up nu estate. Tlio usual rnsult is no provision or only a small ono for wifo and childrcu. Lifo Insur nuco doe-t the work by easy pay ineuts. iCortespondenct solicited.) S. S. BALLARD, General Agent, New Langdon Uulldlng, A10NTPEL1ER, - - VT. 8o You'H Lta lo Hear of Dressing Gowns Bath Robes House Coats Handkerchiefs Jewelry Gloves Canes Suspenders Neckwear Umbrellas Hats Trumks Bags Dress Suit Cases This list may help you while Christmas Shop ping. You'll find the every-day things here too. Suits and Over coats, the kind that create impressions. ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH A. 0. Farwell Co FOR ,SALE. Oue largo two year old colt. F. Bell Mllls, Topsham, Vt. SOOS TO BE OVEltATIVE. Waahington. Deo. 21. Tlio dopart ment haa issned a oiroular deolariug that the new rates duty coutaiued in the Oubau reiprooity bill will becomo oporative aboat 12:01 n. m. December 27. ThingsThatfa I THEM