Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATOHMAN & STATE JOURNAL, THURSDA jOEGEMBER 31, 1903. ABSOLUTE SECUR1TY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Slgnnturo of See FaoSlmlle Wrapper Uelow. Very amall and an euy to takc os ragar. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DI7ZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COHSTIPATIOW. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIOK 25 cStU I Purcly VeffctaMo.2J CURE SICK HEADACHE MONTPELIER AND VICINIfY. LOCAL HAPPENINQS. Heury Worloy, wlio is nt work iu Hardwick, speut Christiuas with liis family. Rov. Guy 0. Lauison waa thereoip ient oC a Uhristmas gift of $25.25 froin f rieuds iu tlio ohurch. Miss Mabel O. Hamilton spont tiie Ohristrnas iutennission of tlie Seiuiu nry with relntivos iu Cabot. Miss Minn Normaudiu of St. Al baus speut Oliristmns with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Norniandin, lior pareuts. Hon. Jiiujos L. Martiu aud family, from Brattleboro, were tlie gue-its of Mm, Edwnrd Dewny on Oliristmns Day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Sliopard aud Mr and Mrs. Georgo Bliss, of Mnish fleld,wern guests of B. M. Sliopard ou Ohristnias Day. Mr. aud Mrs. Gnrrctt Gnaro of Manchester, aud Jolin Gnaro of Both leiiem, N. II., spent Oliristmns at their liomo iu tlie city. M, M. Marrou left on tlio 12:30 traiu, ou Saturday, for Now York to spend a week or teu days with liis brotlior and sister iu tliat city A seroud rural dolivory routo lias been allowed in Barre whicli will go over clie East hill road uearly to Plainfield aud thon to East Montpel ier. Tlie new servico will go into effect February 1. Olareuco Euiery severely crushed tlie oud of tlio firfit fingor on liis right hand ou Tliursday afteruoon. He was uandling freight at the Wells River depot aud iu somo way cnnght liis fingor betweon a lieavy plece of iron aud tlio floor. As Philip Ponlon was driving from East Barre to Barre Friday afteruoon his horao bceamo frighteued aud ran away. Wlieu nearly to the city of Barro ou Washintou streot tlio horso in soruo way tripped aud lauded iu a lieap agaiust a toleplione post, breakiug liis ueck. In tho justice jury snit of H. A. Mnnson vh. W. P. Hazou & Oo. vor. dict was reuderod lato Thursday after uoon for thn defeurinut to recover his costs. Thn trial was beforo Presiding Justice E. A. Hetith with P. J. Marshall for tho plnintiff and B. E. Bailoy for tho dnfoudnnt. Tho home of J. E. Flaunigau, In Morntowu, was thoscono of au aniimtl family rouuiou on Friday. Mr. and MrB. J. E Flannigau, Jr., Mr. aud Mrs. H. T. Frenior of Montpelier aud Mr. and MrB. J. J. Goodwiuof Barre, coinprisiug tho inunediate family of J. E. Flanuigan, niado their Ohrist rnas visit to the old lioino. T. J. and E. II. Deavitt liavo just movod back into their newly renovated oflloes. T. J. Deavitt hasoccnpiod thoso ofllces for over thirty years. New hardwood floors have been laid aud the walls repainted audpapered, mak ing the oflico) brightaud cheory, Au additioual rooiu lias been secured, mado necessary by tho iuoreasod busi iiobh of the flrm. 88 A lt ejtpcls cH aui icntinioniaia ICARJERS PlTTLE WlVER H PILLS. CAL" C Aa S 1 DISCOVKltEU BV DR. DAVID KENNEDY. OF Pollco asslstauco waB cullod abont rulduight of OhriBtinas to tho Iioubo of Louis Oolotubo on Oontor streot in Barro. It is nllogod tliat Uolonibo ns saultod IiIb wlfo and throntouod lior wltharovolvor in his liaud. Mrs. Co louibo is iu bod today but tho dootors dotiot cousidorhor lujurios diuigoious. Tlie hoaring lu city court will bo hold thls ni'toruoon. Mrs. Marion A. (Geor) Koitli, wlfo of Oharlos E. Koitli, died Duo. 17, at lior hoino, inDouvor, Ool., agcd slxty four yoars. On Deo, 14 eho was nt taokcd by puoatnonla which rcsulted in lior death. Mrs, Koitli was a rosi dont of Montpelier, uioving to Ool orado from tliis city abont teu yoars ago. Sho loavca a hnsbnnd, a sister and tlireo chlldron. Ira 0. Oalof of Washington apruug a glad snrpriso on tho direotora of tho Heaton Hospltal Thursday by eondiug a Ohristnias present of $1,000 for tliat institution to be nsod ai the direotors boo fit. Thls i3 not the first titno tlio hospltal lias beuoflttetl from tho llbor ality and beuovoleuoe of Mr. Oalof, for sluco its orgauizatlou tho WaBhington philanthropist lias presonted tho insti tutiou with 110,000. Mr. OaleC cor talnly sends a snbstautial Morry Ohristnias to tho hospltal this year. G. H. Wilder was givou a snrpriso Friday rnoruiug whon a uumber of tlio orolieBtra boya walked into the storo, in a Santa Olaas niaunor, aud presontod hinj with sovoral haudsomo preseutB in behalf of tho orchostra of wliioh lio iB the lcador and nianager. Tho orchcstra thns expressed the high OBteeui in whicli Mr. Wilder is hold among tliem, Aftor thauking thom iu fltting terms, Mr. Wildor said iu his outhuRiastio mauner tliat lin would repay thom by the uso of postago stainps uoxt year. Tho girlB at tho telephouo oxohnngo woro uot forgotten Oliristmns day by mimy of thoso whoui thoy havo so faitluully sorved during tho yoar. Flowors, candy and mouey woro sont in by businesB mon to rnake tho day liappy at the oxchaugef1' The rogular hollo girlB, the toll lino operators aud tho cliief bookkeeper were all romem bored. Tho girls wish to toudor their hearty thauks to tho donors. Evory oue will offor, at least, their best wishes to tho oporators who havo beon so accoiumodating iu all sorts of cir cumstancos. Au accidont which occnrred at Hea ton Iloppital on Thnrsday night sadly mnrred tlio pleasnre of the ovoniug Ohristiuas celobratiou. Miss Anna Davidpou, a pupil uurse, was taking the pnrt of Santa Olaus when lior olothiug canght firo from oue of tho caudles ou the Ohristmas tree prepared for the enjoymeut of tho hospital in rnates. Hor face aud hands were badly bnrued, but the physicians pronoauce it a burn of the lirst degree, tliat is, a scorohiug of the ontor skiu ouly, and it is thonght tliat hd scars will rosult oithoron face or huudtho latter being most severely burued. W. E Ranger, State suporintendent of edncatiou, lias compiled and pro parod a useful little oircalar of ednca tional information for teachers and soliool ofllcors. In addition to tlio laws relatiug to high scliools the cir cnlars contaius mauy iuteresting aud instrnctive ohaptors, among wliioh 1b a hiBtorical sketch of the sohools in Vermont aud lists of high sohools and ncndomioH in the State. lu the hiB torical sketolios is meutioned tho fact tliat thore woro, previous to 1800, high sohools estnblished in sovoral of the largor towus. From tliat timo to. the present suoh eoIiooIb havo beon os tablished in progressive communities aud todny thoro are sovonty-sovou high sohools iu tlio Stato haviug abont 4,500 stndeuts. Five new membora havo been addod to tho Baptist cunrch withiu the woek. Oii Thursday oue was rocoivod ou con fession of faitli,and ou Suudav ovoniug fonr woro rocoivod bv baptism. On Friday tho aunual meoting of tno ohurch sooioty will be hold. The luootiug will bo opeuod at 2 o'olock iu tho aftoruoon with a roll call. This will bo followed by tho aunual olortlou of nfilcors aud tho trniiBaotiou of tho othor business of the oluirch. Aftor tho busineES meotiug tho ordi n au co of baptiem will be adniiuistered to sovoral oandidates. At 5 :30 o'olook a sappor, freo to tho mombers of the charoh aud cougrogatior, will bo servod by thu ladies. Tho moeiiug and snpper will bo lield at tho cliurcli. Tliat the ohurch in in a lloarishing condition is iudioated by tho fact that tho rocont collootiou takeu for foreign mi83iouB amounted to $101.88. RA OLVENT Dlf folvec and quickly rcmovcs BtonoanilreJ and white graTelfrom tlio hldi.i7 na bladdcr, etoi tlio Imcnse jialn (Kldncy Coll'c)doo to tliCBO furt'lgu bodlcsand oft;ii avoldstlioueof tUourgeon'knlfe. CalcuruKolentirovcnte tho fornmllon of Btono and gravolby dl BoMng tho urlcacld and carrylnR lt ofl through the natural channcli, thuxpuriryliib'tlio Itlood.amlcorrcctlncthoao urlc acld coudltloni orthcttomachviliirh prodnco urlcacld polonlng,aout,ltheumatlBm, Ncurulgla, and porlodlcal hcadachca of women. Calcura Bolrcut NEW MEDICINE. BtoncB.clvliiL'ahealthy actlnntotho Llvei. rtllpve. tho puln of IIIIIoiib Collcand curcsConetlpatlon of tho llowela. l)r. Duvld Kcnnedy haa Bald of It'Calcura Bolvcnt 1b tho outcomo of iny lon( expcrluuco as a 1'hynlclnn and Burgcon and I conlder thls dlccovery tho grcateBt achbvouient of my llfe." Uuqucation- Beni on requeat. i,uo uoiuo at alldrugglita. KENNRDY ROW, KINOBTON, N. Y. OJIJtlSTMAS JILA'AE. Tho buruiug out of a ohlmnfly in tho J. J. Williams blook, shottly after 0 o'olook Friday inoruing,oreatod oon aidorablo oxcltomout aud resultoJ iu tho flro alarm boiug ruug in. Pooplo aoross tho streot from tho buitdiughad uotlcod stiiolio issning from variouB oponiugs iu tho Iioubo but had thought of uothiug soriouB nutilMrB. Iluffuiau, who oconpioB tho uppor touemont, opeuod tlie wiudow aud callod for holp. Whon tho wlndow wafl uponod tho Bmoko pourod out iu clouds. Will Rlvors rau aoross tho stroot, rushod into Oross' bakory aud procurod a flro oxtinguiBhor. With this ho ran up Btairs but fonnd tho Bmoko bo thlck it waB impoBsible to reaoh tho chimuoy. Olnyton Boyoo proonrod anothor ox tlugnishor aud by thifl timo a largo orowd had gathorod to watoh the pro coodiugs and holp. Mr. Boyce inan agod to orawl ou his hauds aud knees with tho oxtiguishor aud tho flro was boou put out althouf h tho Bmoko wliioh conld not flnd au oxit through tho chimney flllod tlio houso bo that it was almost impossible to . broatho. Tho firo alarm was rung in during tho excitomout but uo hoso was laid. It Kecps the Feet Wnrm and Dry Ask today for Allon's Foot-Ease, a powdor Itonres Ohilblains, Swollen, Sweating, Soro, Aohiug, Damp feet. At all drnggists and bIioo storos, 25o. II UltLIKGTOX'S MiCOllD. Burlington, last year uudnr prohl bitiou, had only 110 druuks boforo tho cotirts. Thia year from May to Docein bor tho doors of tho cannty jail havo olosed upon 87!). Thoro havo baen G10 orimiuals of all sorts locked up in tho connty jail iu the samo bovoh aud ono-liulf months. Bnrliugtou's costs in liqnor cases for tho months of Jnly, Augnst and Soptember havo ag gregatod $1,860.88, wliilo sho has col leoted from flnes only $904.53, leaving tho city with a defioit of $404.85 for tho tlireo months. Thore havo beou alteruative or forced imprisoumonts from Burlington iu couuty jail and Rutland work houso nggrcgating 3028 days, making tho Sato a boatd bill, at 50 conts a day, of $1,514, which 1b at the rato of $2,400 a yenr. A Frightened Horse, Ruuuiug liko mad down tho streot dnmpiug tho occupauts, or a hundied otnor accidouts, aro evoy day occur- ronces. It bohoovos evorybody to have a roliablo Salvo haudy and thero'B i iiono as good as Buckleu's Aruica balvo. Burns, Cuts. Sores, Eozema aud Piles, disappear quickly nudor its sootliing effoot. 25o, at O. Rlakely'B, Druggist. WA LKEItIIAHSON. The marriage of Miss Ethel Hanson aud Goorgo Walker, Jr., of Barre, occnrred on Wodnesday ovoniug at 9 Fullertou avouno. Bouauets of rosos ard caruatiouB made efloctivo decora tion with tlie arch of liolly undor whioh the conplo "plighted their trotli". The iuvited cuosts comprised tlie immodiate rolatives of the bride aud groom witn oue or two frieuds, and at 8 o'olook the pair, accom pauied by Mr. and Mre. Leo Soaver, took their placos undor the bridal aroh and tlio Rov. Thomas H. Mitchell of Barro porformed tho woddiug cere mony, nsiug the ring servioe. Tho brido was becomingly gowued in white eilk lansdowne and carried a boaquot of Jacqnominot roses. Dainty refreshments were served prior to the departuro of the newlv wedded pair for bri'ef tour, whioh will iucludo visits iu Boston.Provldonoo, Worcestor aud Quiuoy, Mass. Tho bride was employed for somo tiine in the Montpelier branch of tho Bostou Bargain Storo, where sho mado mauy friouds, and bnt roooutly closed hor work thoro. Thd groom is a momber of tho well kuown grauito mannfaoturiug flrm of Barre, Goorgo Walker & Sons. A nnmber of pretty and valuable gifts woro roceived iu oludiug out glass, silver, pioturos and loss beautifnl bat equally usoful artioles. Mr. aud Mrs. Walkor will resido at Fullertou avouno for tho prosont. JiANK niVIDENDS. Tho followiug banka havo doolarod dividenda: First National, 2 per oont, sorai-annual; Oapital Savings Bank and Trnst Oompauy, 2j per cont, sorai-annual j Montpelier Sav lugs Bank aud Truat Oompauy, 5 por cout, somi-auuual. Tho Mont pelier National Bank haa not yot acted on tho uiatter of it? dividond. D1SA TII SISA'TEXCIC. In responBe to luquiriea addressed to his ollloo by attorneys for two woipon who aro uow undor Bontenoe of doath for mnrdor, tho socrotary of Stato ob tainod from Suporintondont Oakes of tlie State's prlson, statlBtics coveriug tho convictious for murder in the flrst degreo dnriug tho laBt twonty-llvo yoars. Dnriug tho peiiod oovorod iu tho roport thoro havo boou thirteen oonviotions for murdor, oleven bolng mon and two womon. Of tho prlsonorB so oouviotod eight havo boou huugod sevcn mon and oue woman j flvo have reooivdd a commntatlon of Bonteuco to lifo ImpriBonmout, four boing meu aud ono a woman. Two of tlie flvo Bonteuces woro oominntod by the Leg- lBlaturo at its laBt bcbbIou. Tho BtatistioB of oxooutlou of tho doath soutouco for whioh tho Journal 1b indobtod to Suporintoudent OakoH, aro horo Buujoiuod : 1870, April 10, Johu O. Phair. 1870, Maroh 14, Ilourv Gravelln. 1870, Kovombor 20, Asa S. Magoon, 1880, April 2, Edward Tatro. 1881, Fobrnary 25, lidwiu O. Hay don. 1881, April 20, Royal S. Oarr. 1883, Mhrch 80, Emoliuo Li. Moakoi. 1802, Jauuary 1, Sylvostor 11. Bcll. Followiug ib tho list of tho oommut od: 18S2, Novombor 28, Lowls Almon Moakor. 1808, Novombor 80. William O. Bus well. 1898, Novombor 30, Isabollo A. Marsh. . 1002, Docombor 13, Onarlos Dohorty, 1002, Decomber 12, Frauk Shaw. COM1 TVCO MMISHJOJ. Tho flfth anuual soEsion of tho Inter Deuominational Oonnty Oommiasion was oponed at tho Y, M. O. A, rooms WcduoBday morning, tcn mombors prosont. Tlio following ofiloors woro olectod for tho onsuing year: Prosl dcnt. Rov. O. H. Merrill, St Johna bury; Beorotary, Rov. W, M. Nowton, South Royalton; oxecutlvo committee, Rovb. O. S. Nuttor, St. Albans, Gibbs, Braisliu, Rutland, G. W. Morrow, Burlington, H R. Milos, Brattle boro. At tno afteruoon sessiou roa tiuo business was disoussod. An amoudment to tho constitution was recommeuded, regardiug the re-elec-tiou of mombors to tho body. Tho objoct of thia commisdon is to appor tion to tho difforeut douomiuatiouB represented, tho varions communities iu the Stato, that are not lurgo ouough to support chnrchoi. The commission also settlos auy dispntos that may ariso over suoh appnrtionmonts. SUEFERED A liltOKEX LEG Jolin Yattor foll on Soliool Btroot, opposito tlio Kollogg-Hubbard library, ou Friday afteruoou.broakiug hla right leg nt tho anklo joint. He had boou making a call ou his auut, Mrs. Min uie Stnith ou St. Paul streot, aud was returuiug to tho homo of his sister, Mrs. Laviolotto on East State street, wliore he haa mado liis homo sluco he lias beon iu towu. Mr. Yattor catne to Moutpoliorfrom Worcestor, Mass., aud entered tho employ of the Cnlton M:m nfacturiug Oo., as a silvor plater, last summer. Mrs. Yattor wub telegraphed for as soou as tho acoiduut occnrred and was exp&cted to arrivo today. Tlie break is a bad ouo aud. will lay Mr. Yattor up for at least two months. Fears aro entortainod tliat he may not recover tho froo nse of the joiut. He is aB comfortable as can be expeoted, thia moruing. William Rivora was driving by at the timo of the accidont aud with the assistanco of Oharlos E. Wells, took Mr. Yatter to Mrs. Lavioletto's, wheio Dr. Ohandler, assisted by Mr. Wells, Bet tho brokeu bune. BOL LESA L L EN. CouBidorable anrpriso was mani fested among the friouds of Ilarry R. Bolles Satnrday morning when it wbb learuod through auuouncomeuts in the post offico that tho marriage of Mr. Bollos and Miss Carrio Louiso Allen of Burlington ocourred at tho homo of tho bride'a pareuts, Mr. and Mra. R. H. Allen, in the Queeu Oity ou Ohristmaa night. Tho ceremony was performed at eight o'clock by Rov. Frank Deo Peuuoy, pasto'r of tho First Baptist clinrch. Tho wedding was hitouded as a snrpriso to tlio friouds aud rolatives of tho oontraot ing parties nnd arriuigements woro successfully carriod ont. Followiug tho coromouy tho happy conplo left on i the 10:20 traiu south for a briof wed ding trip aftor whioh they will bo at homo to their frieuds nt 74 Stato i streot iu this' oity, Jauuary 15. Mr. Bolles ia woll known in Burlington where he was assistaut seoretary of tho Y. M. O. A. for somo timo boforo ooming to Montpelier to aesnmo tho duties as socrotary of tho associatiou in Montpelier, Sluco comiug to this oity he haa uot ouly mado mauy atnunoh frieuds by liis congonial dia pos'itlou but lias also provod himsolf a usoful workor in tho assooiatiou, tiav iug built it np aud kept tlio standard high. Miss Allen ia well known in Burlington aud was an assiBtant teaoher and toaohor of mueio at tho ! Oouvorse Soliool uutil hor roslunfitlon a few weekaago, Tho bride, also, lias many frlenda In thia oity who will wish both Mr. aud Mrav Bolles a happy jonrnoy through lifo. EOll DISrJjAV OF GllASITE Assooiatioii papora for the Barro Ctranite Mnnufaoturlug ABaociation have boon filod witli tho aeorotary of stato Thia oompauy ia farmod with a oapital atook of $16,000 divtded into G00 aliaroa of $25 oaoh for tho pnrpoao of tho diaplay of tho Rarro granito at the St. Louis exposition. Tho sul aoribers aro: William Oarclay, Goorgo Qray, W. S. Alexaudor, F. G. How land, D, M, Mlloa, J, Houry Jnokson, Donald Smith, Qeorgo R Miluo, Wil liam Marr, Alexaudor Gordou of Barro; J. M, Hontwoll, H. J M. Jonos, J, G. Brown, DonuU Ryln of Moutpollor aud Goorgo Bookotc of Williamstown, DAN E. HlVUAHDHOy. Dau E, Riohardson, a aou nf tho lato Rodorlck Richordsou, both .for mor woll known. rosldonta nr Mont pollor, dled at Muntooito, IiIb wintor rcsidonco in Oallfornla, on Thursday, Deo, 24. Mr. Richardsou's roelddnco waa in Oliicno. Ho was a graln oporator aud prosldont of Riohardson & Oo., of tlio board of trado. Ho had oloaod his Rivoraido homo somo two months ago nnd gono to Monto oito with tho hopo of rogaiuing his hoalth. Ho was a vialtor in this oity last anmmor aud lator wout to Gor mauy to improvo IiIb coudition. Mr. Riohardson was born in Waits field His family removod to thia oity and his fathor, Rodorlck Riohard son, was toug a lcadliig oitizou horo. He wa prominont in bnsliioBs aud lluanoial affairs., living m tho houso wliioh stond on a parc of tho ground now occupiod by tho foderal bnilding. Ho was ono of tiio foundors of the First National Bank ono of tho earliost to orgauizo nuder tho uew Bysteai and was actlvo lu the con struction of Ohrist ohurcli, coutribut ing gonoronsly of his timo and means. Movlng to Bostou, Dan studiod law but gavo up tho professlun to ongago in bnsinoBs iu the West, establishiug hiuiBolf finally in Oliioago, where he built up a fionrialiiug bnsiness. His flrm was ratod ono of tho strnngcst ou the board of trado, having sold moro whoat to Europo than auy other opor ating in Ohicago A wife aud two children, a sou aud a danghter, sur vivo. A brotlior, R. D. Riohardaon, is ouo of tho directors of the board of trado. Mr. Riohardson's fortune waa catimatod at $1,000,000. NISIV CASES ENTEKE1). Tho followiug casos have boon en tered recently in couuty oourt : Josoph A. Ohapiu vs. Bortha M. Ohapiu, di vorce, Zed S. Stauton for petitiounr; Warrou E. Mooro vs. Thomas W. Ea gau, gonoral assumpsit. Zod S. Stau ton for plaiutiil; A. H. H. Lewis vs. J. W. Holton, trover, M. M. Gordou for plniutiff aud R. A. honr for do- 1 fnndaut; Loda Mortniiuy va. Josoph Gilbort, Geueral assumpsit, M. M. Gordou fnr plniutiff; D. J. Sellors va. II. T. Oushman Mfg. Co., gonoral assnmpsit, T. J. Doavitt for plaintill; II. D. Oamp, Admr, et al. vs. Olydo Porry, geueral assumpsit, E. R. Davis for plaiptill ; Elizabeth Roloau vb. Barro & Montpelier Powor & Traction Oo., rase, Sliurtloff, Deavitt, and W. L. Scovllle for plniutiff; Poter Billa deau Jr., va. Harry Getclioll, goneral BBsnmpsit, E. H. Doavitt for plaiutiil', F. J. Marehall for defeudant; Ande Russell vs. Thomas W. Eagan & Trns tees, geueral assumpsit, Heaton & Thomas for plaintiff. FOUND DEAli IS HAltV. Waterbury, Deo. 28. Lewis Hill, 1 a woll knowu clerk in tlie grocory : storo of O. H. Haiues was found doad in tlio hay loft of O. H. Haines, barn Satnrday afteruoon aoout 4 o'olock. I Mr. Hill was a congonial yonng man whom ovoiyone likod and waa married only abont teu days ago. Ho ' had takeu dinner with liis wife as ' UBual aud had goue to the barn for tho 1 delivery team. Anont 3:45 o'olock j in the afternoou Mr. Haiues noticod that goods for clolivory had uot been ' takeu and he ivont to the barn to iu-' vetigato aud found couditlous aa statod above. j Mr. Hill waa appareutly iu rugged health and was popular with liis cus totnors. Gonoral aympathy is ox pressed for tlie yonng wifo and his parouts, Mr. aud Mrs. Zora A. Hill, who resido iu town. An nntopsy was hold this rnoruiug on tlio body, Drs. Grout, Miuard, Bidwoll, Berry, Up tou and Smith being proeout at tlio ox amiiiation. No Btatement luis beeu givou ont rogardiug tho resnlt of the autopsy but it cnu bo said that uo ovi I douco of disoahO was fonnd. Tho fu noral sorvices woro hold this aftor uoon nt 2 o'olock at tho Mothodist church Rov. P. A. Smith, assiBtod by Rov. E. W. Sharpo of Northfield, oHl- I , ciatiug. Mrs. Hill is tho Biator of E. A. Kuapp emplovod as olork iu Shor bnmo & Fliut'a storo iu Montpelier. , i Mr. Knapp camo this morning to at i tond tho f unoral. He also leavos a sis- ter, Mra. Halo Fllnt, who residoa in I Randolph. ' IIAUKNESS SENTEXCED. ' In tho civil suit of Montpelier Savings Bank vs. Dr. W. R. Harkness, Frank M. . Dryan, Bail, surrondered the defendant in court . I Stato vs. W. R. Harknoss, for tho forgory of a uote of $3,000 agaitiBt tho juoutpolior Savings Bank 'waa thon tuken up for souteuco. State's Attor uoy 3ontor briofly atated tho faots nnd W. A. Lord apoko feeliugly for tho dootor, uot oxonsiug tho offonoo, but naking for louiouoy on tho grounds of tho rospondent boiug nronarod to do ' tho best ho can to mako ainonds aud livo down tho miBtako. Soutouco waa imposod of a fino of $1 aud costs and imprlsonmont at hard labor lu tho j Stato priaou Windsor for uot less tliau :ivo yours anci not. moro tnau aix yonrs. PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM Olcantff and IwautlHef tha hatr. lVumot.. A ln.url.nt i-rnwll.. Navor Faila to Ileatore Uray Curet acalp dli.a.ej & halr fftlltaf. We.aoJljUUat Drunrlrta IMrs. Anderson, a woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, " Dexii Mns. Pinkiiam : Thero are but few wives and mothers who have not at timcs endurcd agonies and such pain as only women know. Iwish such -women knew the value of Lydia 13. Plnkliam's Vcpetnblo Compound. It is a rcmarkable medicine, different in action from any I ever knew and thoroughly reliable. "I havo seen cases where women doctored for years without perma nentbcneflt, who wero eured in less than three months after taking your Vegotablo Compound, while others who were chronic and incurablo came out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorotigh treatmeni with this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up tho entiro system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, henca I fully endorso it." Mns. 11. A. Andxhson-, 225 "Washington St., Jack sonville, Fla. Mth. Rced, 2425 E. Cuinberlniid St., Philadclphin, Pa., snys : headache, nervous; yours YA M IV rnt l& W:,' sncl1 When women are.trouhled with irregular or painful menstruation, weak ncss, luucorrhtca, displacemcnt or ulceration of tho womb, that bearing-down fecling', inflammation of tho ovaries, backache, flatulence, geueral debility, indigestion, nnd nervous prostration, thoy should remembcr there is one tried and true remcdy. Lydia 13. Pinkhara's Vegetable Conipound at onca removes such troubles. . Tho cxperience and testimony of some of tho most noted women of Amerlca go to prove, beyond a que.stion, that Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at onco by rcinoving tlio cause and rcstoring the organs to a healthy and norinal condition. If In doubt, write Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn, Mass, as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpful. No other medicine for women in tho world lias received such wido spread and unnialincd endorsement. Xo other medicine has such a record of cures of feniale troilbles. llefuse to buy any substitute. $5000 FORFEIT lf we cannot forthwlth produci the orlginal lettora nd ilgnmturet ti alxivo tcstlinonlala, which will prove tlielr leolute cenuliipne.a. Lydla JZ. rinkliain Medlclno Co., Lynn, Mau. BERLIN. What rnight havo proved a sorlous flro, had it not boen for a favorable direotion of the wind, took placo in Berlin, Thnrsday evecing. Ono of tho outbuildinga ou tho Olareuco Stownrt farm knowu as tho old Johu Scott placo, situated on n cross road, abont n mile and a half from Berlin Coruor, townrd Montpelier, canght firo in tlio early pnrt of tho ovoning from n flro used for boiling swill, nnd boforo it was dotocted had reachod suoh largo proporcious that it was impossiblo to put it 'int. The bnildiug was burued to tho ground and n nuuiber of fnrm ing implbmeuts stored thero wero lost. At tho timo tho firo broke out Mr. Stownrt had just Btartcd for this oity to do somo pnrohasiug. Tlie Cliristuias treo ontortaiumont hold in tho Oougrogatioual church was largoly attondod uotwithstaudiug tho Boinowhat uutavorablo condition of tho woathor. Two boaucifnl trcoa stood faoiug tho nudiouco na tlioogh thoy had grown thore in twin compauion Bliip to weloomo with their out Btretchod green arms tho happy throug of parouts nnd ohildren. Thoy showed their hospitality lator by a rich pro lusion of gifts to yonng and old. Tho yonng pooplo, uudor tho diroction of Mrs. Georco Bosworth nnd Mrs. Sib loy, gavo somo oxcollcut vocal selec tioua lu good atylo nnd tho children under tho trainiug of Miss Josie Por kins, gavo sovoral hnmorona and pa thotio rooitationa iu a very oreditablo mauner. Tho pastor, Rev. J. W. Golllu, gave a briof 'nddress aud was followed by Goorgo Porriu, who said ho had uot rison as tlioir pastor had dono, spooially to wish tlio frieuds a Morry Ohrlfltnias, although ho did wiah that too, but he wauted just to oxpross tho appreoiatiou of tho friouds to tho pastor nnd hla wifo for tho work whioh thoy had douo for tho cliuroh dnriug tho past yoar aud aa a Bmall tokon of their npprpuiution, would nsk tlioir accepthuoe of tho onvclopo coutalning n suni of nionoy whicli ho hold iu his hand. Mr. Gollln roso and rocoivod tho gift, thauking tho friouds and oxproBalug his oomploto Biupriso prominent society "Dear 3Irs. Pinkiiam: I fcel it my duty to write and tell you the good I have received from Lydia 13. IMnkhani's Vegetable Ciim- poimd. "I have been a great sufferer with femalo trouble, trying different doctorsand medicines with no benelit. Two years asro I went undcr an operation, and it left me in a very weak condition. I had stoninuh trouble. baekaeho. palpitation of the heart, and was very m iact, 1 acheu all over. I hnd is the only medicine that reaehes trouDies, and wouki cneertuiiy rec- uniiiiuiiu jyiua 1'iiiKiiaiii s vcgoiauiQ Compound to all sulfering women." nt this nnexpectod gift. He was very tuuch tonohed to recoivo tliia tangibl ovideuceof their esteem and gnodwill. During thoovening Miss Mabol Stew art gavo an appropriate reading, de pictiug the sceue of the "Nativity, " the Shoiihords recoiviug the glad tid ings of tno birtli of the Savior. Her reading was mnoh nppreciatod. Th superintondout, William Turuor, pro aidod and anuonnced the progran. Mrs. George Bosworth presided at th organ. CASTORi A For Infants and Children. he KinrJ You Have Always Boughi Bears tho Slgnatnraof WATERBURY OENTER. The teaoher aud pupila of tho Oenter Bohool had a OhristnmB tree nt tli soliool houso last Thnrsday whicli wa enjoyod by all. Edgar Emmett, who formorly workod for U. W. May, but who has recontly been at work for the Montpelier Gai Company haa rentod the D. Hopkini farm aud ia to tako possession Jau uary 15, Mrs. L. R. Foster, who has beea viBitiug nt R. J. Barbor'a for aeveral days haa retnrued to hor homo. Tho uowly elootod ofllcors of Wator burv Grange at their liall Tnosdny ovoniug, Jauuary 5, to bo followed by tho sorvlug of light re froBhmoutB. The iustallatiou of the ofiloera elect of Ezra Stetson Post aud Womnn'sRo lief Oorpa will bo at their rospootive nalls ou Satnrday afteruoon, Jauu ary 0. Mr. and Mrs. n. O. Hayes oud bou, Leslio. Bpent Cliristuias with Mra. Haves' brotlior, Dr. H. L. Watson, of Moutpolier. Arthur A. Nowcomb of LiBbon, X. II., speut Oliristmas with his pareuts horo bnt retnrned to his busiiiets in Lisbou lnBt Thuraday. A uulon Ohriatmas treo was onjoyed by both Booiotlosand nianyof tho chil drou wore mado hapny. OA0TORIA. fleari tto Kind You Have Always Booi