Vermont tffifotclumm.
Thursdny, Dcccmber 31 1903.
KTHUIi ROPES deneral EJItor
Tho followiug offers nro for tlio
bouoflt ouly of aubsoribora to tlio
Wntchmun (weokly) or tlio Jourual
(dnily) who )iiy all nrronrngoa nud
n yoar'B subauriptiou in udvanco. O110
or inuro of tlio publlontioua uiny bo
ordorod, buc tlio mouoy for onch, at
tlio olnb rato, iiitiBt iuvnrinbly accom
pnuy tlio ordor, with all arrcara (if
auy) duo 011 eithor pnper aud a fnll
yoar iu advanco. To the "Olub Rato"
ndd $1.60 for tlio Watohiiinn, or tl.0fr
for tlio Joumal.
PubUsliors Olnb
Prloo Hato
Amoricau Kltchou
Magaziuo, $0 75
Atuorioau Gardouiug, 1 00
Atlautio Monthly, 4 00 8 CO
Boston Jonruul (weokly) 1 00 50
Contury Mugaziue, .' 4 00 8 75
OoBiuopolitHii, 1 00
Ooltivator aud Couutry
GoutlomaD, , 2 50 2 00
Domoreat'a Mugazino, 2 00 1 75
Fariu Poultry (seini-
moLthly), ' 90
Fnuiily Ilorald aud
Wookly Stur, 1 00 85
Qood Honsokoopiug, 1 00
Harper'B Mugazino, 4 00 8 25
Harpor's Wookly, 4 00 3 50
Harpor's Bazar, 4 00 8 fiO
Hoard'B Dairyiuan, 00
Iudopoudont, New York, 2 00
Lippincott'a Mngnziuo, 3 00 2 75
McOlure'a Mngnziuo 1 00
Munsov'a Mngnziuo, 1 00
Mirtor aud Parmor, 1 00 Gu
Nntiounl Mngnziuo, 1 00
Nntional Trlbuuo, Washing
ton 1 00
Now York Suu, daily, ouo
yoar, G 00
" " " ouo luouth, 50
" " " Suudny odltiou, 2 00
New York Tribune Farinor, 1 00 50
New York Tribuuo.tri-weokly, 1 00
Now York World, tri-woekly, 1 00 70
Noitli Ainericau Review, 6 00 4 50
Outlook, 3 00
Our Little Mou aud Wotuon, 80
Our Little Oues aud Nursory 1 50 1 25
Pausy, 1 00
ltnral Now Yorkor, 1 00
Review of Reviews, 2 50 2 25
Scientifiu Amoricau, 3 00 2 75
Soribner'a Mngnziuo, 3 00 2 75
St. NicliohiB Mngnziuo, 3 00 2 75
Toledo Rlade, 50
Troy Times. 80
Vormontnr, 1 00
Ludies' Home Jourual, 1 00
Tho Honeeliold 80
Tlio above rates nro Babjeot to
chaugo witlioat uotice.
Tho St, Albaus Messongor statps tho
water problem of tho railroad city iu
tho followiug words :
"Tlie sauio wiso principle of bnBi
nsea iuvolvod iu tho ubo of water
inotor as iu tlio uae of gas motora or
olootrio light metors tho cousuruer
pnys for what ho gotB aud 110 uiore,
no lesa,.nud cousequoutly the tondouoy
ia to restrict wnato becauBO it ia ox
peusive, The wator problem in St.
Albaus ih not how to ncquiro a sufll
oieut anpply iu Btorago, bPcanBO na
turo aud 111 an liavo combiued to pro
vido abuudantly ,for tliat, but rathor
how to huBbnnd tlio wator whou it ia
ouco storod up bo tliat tlioro will nl
waya bo euough oveu in tiuio of
drought. Tho noruial uso of wator iu
tliis little oity canuot acuount for tho
diaappearauco of the grcat volnmo
hold iu storage iu the two reservoirB.
That volnmo waa ouoagh for all ordi-
uury usoa for montliB oveu if uot nu
other droi. of rain foll iu that time.
Tho prosout shortnge must bocunsed
by waste aud improper ubo. Meftsrs
will chook waste. "
Almost ovory word that tho Messen
ger eaya will apply juat aa woll to
Montpohor aud the Jonrual hoartily
commonda it to tho attention of Mout
pelior voters. Tlio oflloiala of tliia oity
linve always been troubled by the
abuse by water nsors of the privileges
wliicli city wator has givou tliem,
No mattor how alert aud capable tho
mumberB of the force oiuployed by tho
water dopartmout 111 ay be, tlio water
wastod iu a day amonuta tr a vory
largo porcontago of tho wholo amonut
UBod, ospooiully iu the Bummer soasoj.
It will cost souio mouoy to iustall
metera, but boforo Montpelier has
mnuy moro exporionoea auoh aa thOBO
of thia wiutor aud of a few suuimarB
ngo notora will couio.
Tho probability ia small of au
offeotivo cauons arraugoment by wliicli
tho eutiro strougth of the Demooratio
party in the Sonntn can bo mnstered
npaiiist tho Pauama treaty; aud tlio
probont iudicatiouB are that the Dem
ooratio votes noeded to ratify can bo
connted 011 tho flugora of ouo haud,
Yet let us eupposo a little. Suppoae
that a narrowly nstuto and peuetrat-
M doctor nyiilt acH isently m tln Btnniach, llvor
aml kldin-ya nnilUaplnaiuint Uintltu. Tliis ilrlnk it
mada(rtm hnrlw, nn.l ia prannroil furuau as uully ai
Ua. UIkcuIIimI 'I,iiii(' T111" ur
All'lniRKI'taorlirmallS'Srta. anddOcta. lluylt tt
day. I.uiiii'm I'miilly fllrllriiu ,iivh IW
limvrls vnt'h dliy. in order to hs litaltliy thla"
uece'sarr. Addrptta, Itus Lo Kuy, N. Y.
The story of a
grcat dcnl of the
unlinppincss o(
woinen isn story
of lost hcnltli.
Women wondcr
how it is that
little by little
thc form loses
plumpncss, the
low nnd sallow, and they feel tlred and
worn-out all the time. Iu a large pro
portion of cnscs wlien women are weak,
run-down and falllng off in flesh and
looks, the root of thc trouble can be
traccd to womanly dlscasea wliich under
mine the gencral licalth. Tbe proof of
tliis is tliat women vho have been cured
of painful womanly dieeascs by Uie use
of Dr. Tlerce's Pavorite Prescription
bave recovered tlielr general hcaltli,
gaincd in flesh and in appearance.
Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription cures
tbe womanly diseases which sap thc gen
eral bealth. It establishes rcgularity,
dries weakening drains, beals iuflamma
tion and ulceratiou and cures feuiale
I suflerert for tliree yenrs with ovnrinti
trouble," wrltcs Mrs. Anna Qiiinn (Trensurer
Woman'a Athletlc Club), of 602 Sycaraore St,
Mllwnukee, Wis. Tlie treatment I took dld
not do me a pnrticle of eood, uiitll n Rood nelRli
bor who hnd been uslnjr Dr. Pierce's Pnvorite
Prescriiition ndvlscd me to glve It a trial. Tlie
next day took my first dose, and lt was my first
stcp toward recovery. In nlncwcck i a
dlflerent woman ; my flesh wliich liad been
flabby became firra, coinplexlon clcar nud tny
eyes bright. It was slinply an indlcatlon of tlie
preat cliaiiRe withln from pain nnd suQcrlug to
healtb nnd liappincss."
"Favorite Prescription'' niakcs weak
women strong, sick women wcll. Ac
.ept 10 substittite for the medicine
which works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate
Btomach, liver uud bowels.
ingly mj-opio viow of political policy
snccocds in impreeaing itsolf upon tho
nuited minority. Suppoao that what
ia a question of uatioual intorost aud
not of party politica rau bo twisted for
thr time bolng into a partieau issuo.
Supiioso that tho Sonthern Democratio
Sonatora cau bo indnced to a mnu to
iguore tho manifcst interests of their
States aud sectiou nnd to voto agniuat
tho samo for tho snko of a probloraat
ical ndvantage in tho wny of party ,
What will theu result ia a Prosi
dontial campaigu wilh the Pnunma '
treaty aud tho Pauama Oaual aa the ,
chief ifsuo, Tlio Amoricau llag nnd
tlio aentimenta it iuspircs about olcc- !
tiou tiiuo will again como oxclusivoly ,
into tho potsBession of tho Ropubli
cans. The gaiu to thfi Domocratio ,
obstrnctionista of tho llag'a progresa
will bo snoh aa accrned to thoir pre- 1
decessora in tho McKiuley-Bryan eleo
tiou wlien tlio party laadera made a
campaigu issno of tho retoution of the
Philippinea What luuk forTheodoro
RooBovelt, if ho sliould be tho candi
dato! Profitably might tliat dcvoted
young mau consecrato tho honra of
both day aud uight to prayer for moro
power to Mr, Gormau'B cancua otbow.
New York Suu.
lt seems that there is 110 limit to
the hoight to which Bky-scrnpers mny
go, Tho highest .yot is to be crocted
at the corner of Cortlandt aud Broad
way in New VTnrk nnd lta proportiona
will pnt the present high buildiuga
far iu tho Bbado. Tliis new Btruotnrs
to be knowu aa tbo "Broadway-Cort-laudt"
will bo 015 feet high, sur
mouuled by 00 foot towers and will
contain 45 fitorios with n totnl lloor
spaco of 579,579 Fqnaro feot.r Tho
foundatiou will be ou bed rook, 80
feet below tho atreot, aud flve storioa
will bo uudergrcuud. Tho lnnd which
it will cover is 212 feot wido 011 Brond
wny, 123 011 Cortlnndt street, nnd 100
feot ou Dey street nnd cost about
$5,000,000, whiie tho estimated cost of
cuustruction is 4,500,000 aud tho ron
tal expected is $1,500,000. Thoro may
bo n chanco for Barro granito to nd
vortiso in tho coiiBtructiou, for nbovo
tho 15th story granito ia to be used for
tho ontaide.
Wlien ouo stopa tn thiuk of whnt
suoli au undertakiug moaua, it ia vory'
suggestivo. With suoh buildiuga a
wholo community cnu be iucluded iu
four wnllsaud tho possibilitios of con
coutrntion in oity lifo cnu be soou iu
tho iiungiuntion. Bueiiioss will be
trnuBuated nlmost nn oighth of n milo
nbovo Eolid earth aud a trip 011 tho
olevator from tho top to the bottom
might bo na good na n toboggnii rido,
provided tho anfoty nrraugomeuta
didn't givo nway. Meauwbilo Vor
niout is uot likoly to bo forced to lind
room iu tlie clouda for her pooplo
whilo thora is eo niuoli spaco ou torrn
firma atill nuused
A Now Jorsey iuventor hna prodnced
nn auttimttio telegraphio iuMtrumeut
which, if tlio r?porta of its work aa
tried by u leniling lailinnil couceru
nro triistworlhy, aa thcy npiiear to be,
will rovolutiunizn mH nud busluess
uiethoda -It ia arhortud tha.t ini'ssngea
cnu bo tent t the rato of ovor a
tliosnnd words n miiiuto by thu us'i of
tho new duviro A slunogiaplMi' (irst
puuchra tlio nietfiio 011 a tnjn', llicn
tlu. tnpo ia fi'd inro tln ii:Biiuiiniir,
and ut tho otlior euil f tlm wlio tho
mi'8-ago fa dnplicntcd 011 im ilur tnpn,
from which it 1 ii'iid 11111I wiiiton mit
ng.iin '1 lie oxpnnst' aud tiimi a ooni
pared uiih prfNent inbgruplilg uud
toloplioiilo coiiimunicntioiia will bo
flllglit indofd, aa it ia eitlri tho cost of
traiiBiiiittiiig n tliousuiiil word meflBago
troni Now York '0 Ohicago ahould bo
lcss thnn llfteou cuntH,
f thla inventlon la wlint it appoars
to be, lt uitaiis wondorfnl cliaiigca to
tliis couutry, Tho c'ommou tolograph
will bo relegatod to tbo baok-ground
and ovon tlio rnail will liavo to figlit
for an oxletcnco. Iu buainosa, time ia
mouoy, nnd if n loug meesngo can bo
snnt nearly as clicaply aa n lottor thr
lotter will not bo aont, It umy tueau
that Unolo Saui will be obliged to buy
np tho now telegraph or ontlroly
chaugo tlio plau of oporation of tho
mail Borvico.
Tho ohairmauship of tlio Repnbli
cau uatioual coinmittno is atill in
doubt. Seuator Hauun baa at laat
declined to tako np tho arduous dntioa
of tho poaition for auotlior cnmpaigu.
Ex-govornor W. Mnrray Orano. of
Maesaohusotta, haB been askcd to aorvo
but ii loth to do Bo, though I10 has
agreed to if tho Presidout faila to
Becnro nnyono oIbo wlioni ho boliuvea
will bo conipotout for tlio work.
Sluco Govornor Orano'a rpply, tho
Preslduut Ima asked Sccrotary Root to
sorvo aud Mr. Root uow hoa tlio mat
tor uudor conaidorntion. Jlr. Root
will rotiro 600U vas Seorntary of War
aud if ho niceptf tho poaition will
mako a good clmiriimu, liaving tho
contldouco of tho couutry, bccauao of
liia record aa a maii, a lawyer, and n
Priucess Charlotte, wifo of Princo
Bernbadt of Saxo-Moiueirgou, nud sis
ter of Kaisor Wilholin, is .sntt'ering
with n cancer but though tlio diagno
sis wns made two weoka ago tho ICni
Bor has just fouud out about it It
was Eought to keep tho nows away
from biiu of liia own troublo
with liis throat. Now ho is angry at
boing troatcd "liko a child," aa ho
says. Tho Kaiser ia far from aileuced
it would i-oem from a sarcnatic coiu
meut be mado rolativo tn Engliah
oriticism of his revised vorsion of tho
battlo of Waterloo. "Tho Engliah
press said that my voice wns gone,
but it is stroug cnongb to reach them
yet." ,
"God graut our country peaco nud ;
pro6perity aud na tho wi.sdoni to bo al- j
ways rcady." That wns Admirnl
Dewey's sontinient ns oxpressert 011 1
Snturdny, his fiCth birthday. Mont- 1
peliar's son wns ready wlien ho wna
callcd upou nud au empiro iu tlio East
with tho atais and stripea ovor it ia ,
tho result. Yet the great sailor, ns 1
much na auy mau, wns nnd is iu fnvor I
of war only ns a last reeort. I
" The goveruoc of Aloxandretta has
l'oriiiiilly apologized for tho iudiguities
Bult'or(id"l)y Gousul Davis a short time
ago, aud tho natnralized Amoiicnu oiti
zcu, whoso nrrost by tho Turkiah an
thoritioa was tho canao of tho trouble,
hns been liberated. Inanlta to the
Amoricau flag aud Amoricau offlcinla
iu recout yenrs hav'o boou attuudud to
at ouco. That Bort of thing would go
down onco but it will not uow.
Mayor Collina, of Boston, hns votood
an ordor pormittiug tho holdiug of n
ponltry show in Fnnouil Tlall, ou tho
grounda that buoIi n ubo of tho Orndlo
of Liberty wonld bo a profanation.
Good for Mayor Collina. Let the uiost
fatuoua hall iu Amorica bo a plnco
whero liborty aud froe spooch may bo
onconraged but keop out evory kind of
a show, poultry or otherwiae.
The past woek hna been full of
praiso' to tho memory of Gouornl
Stophon ThomaH, aa manifcated by tho
Kjditorial aeutimeut of tho Stnto nnd Woll did tlio old mnu do
serve such praiso nnd the best of it is
tliat peoplo renlized it boforo he
pnssed away so that ho recoived hini
solf, in good monsnro, tho npprobation
nnd ndmirntiou of the thoiiBaiida who
kuew liim.
Aud uow tho battloBhip Maiuo ia to
bo raiBed iu Havunu harbor,or at least
tho job has beon let. The gallant ahip
may bo iloated buc tho boya iu bluo
who lost thoir livos tlioro can uover
be bronght back to lifo. Somoono will
liavo that torriblo all'air to auawer for
iu tho noxt woild.
Iloueat towu treaaurors with deflcita
of a few tliousantl dollara iu thoir nc
couuta are gettiug too uumoroua alto
gethor. An onuco of provoutiou !b
worth a pouud of cure aud a little cnre
iu bookkoepiug will obviato a great deal
of oaro and worry lntor without tlio
dnnger of aiioiliug auy reputntioua.
MnBanoliUBetta Democrats nro plau
iug to liiunch a buom for Richard Ol
nor as a pruaidoutial cuiididnto, noxt
Moudny eveuiug. It nniy just na woll
be Oluoy na nuy other mau tn gec tho
drubbiug noxt fall. Gormnii fooiiih to
waut it all for himaelf liowuvor.
The Now llampshtro Htato board of
iiceiiBO comiiiisbiuiiera Ima dolgedtho
black liat quustioti' ruieeii by ox-Gov-ornor
Goodell, of Autriiu. Thoy re
fneo to p'tss upou tlie corrtintuoa of
liia inturprutatioii of tho law Cau lt
be that thn Uuvcrnor hns put tliem iu
a IiuIh?
liari erauito is to bn tlm ouly
graiilto cxlubit'd at the 3r. Lnuls rx
pn'itimi. Wirh n gond ovlnhlt it
onght to Bcoop a largo nuinbor of or
dnra dnrlng tlio ttmo of tlio fnir. Tho
Barro Tlnies romnrka: "Tlioro ia otio
objootlon, howovor, to auolt ,nu ar
raugomout. Woro other grnuito sliowu,
tho suporlnrlty of tlio Bnrio artlclo
woald bo moro appuront," Thoro ia
moro fact thau flction in that.
Lifo in tho Louo Star State. Ootton,
Oil, Rico and Sportiug. Statua of
tho Ncgro iu Toxua.
Editor Dnily Jourual: Ilaviug bo
ou requeated by aevornl frionds to
writo an nrtiorlo 011 my receut trip to
tho "Louo Star Stato," I will en
deavor to givo sotuo of tho iuoidonts
nnd obsorvntiona of my tonr. Leav
ing home 011 tho early Snudny niorning
trniu for Mantreal, I arrived iu
Ohicago, by tho Iutornatioual Lim
itcd, a distauco of 840 miles, 111
twouty-fonr honra. My frioud, Gharloa
S. Seavor of Joliot, 111., joincd 1110 at
Ohicago nnd accompauied 1110 on tho
We took tho Satitn Fo routo for
Fort Wortli, Tox. Arriviugnt tho lnt
tor city wo uotifled N, O. Baldwiu,
kuowu thronghont Toxns as tho "Ma
jor, " at Stephoiivillo, thnt ho might
oxpent two gucsta nt dinnor nt 7 p. iu.
Ou our nrrivnl wo woro mot at tho
traiu by tho Major,' and our friend
Joncs, thu "Uottou King," aud ro
coived n royal wolcome.
This ia n flno town of 2.500 inhnbi
tanta, haviug Bovernl bni:kB, mauy
Inrgo Btores nud llno school bnildiuga,
Tho schools nro excelleut. Tho
principnl crop in thia sectiou ia cotton,
tho nvorngo fnrmer raising abonc
thirty ucrcs, from wliich ho geta about
half n ball por ncrp, or 250 ponuds.
Cotton wna solling from ten to olovon
conts. Vory little hired holp is em
ployed nt picking cotton hore, ovory
farmor with liia family pioking his
own orop. Tho cottou ia plautod in
rowa aud grows about three feet high.
It iB liccesaary to pick tho Hold over
several timea ns the cotton ripens. I
Bnw thonsauda of aorcs of cottou iu
the fiouthorn part of the State thnt
wns couipletoly destroyod by tho boll
weevil, This iiifcct ia very destruct
ivo nnd is moving north aud east
quito rapidly. Mnuy 'predict thnt it
will soou aprond ovor tho wholo cot
tou belt. Tlius far the farmors have
fouud ucthng to oxterminnto tho
pest. Gonerally apenking, crops of
all kiuds throngh tho Woat nud South
woro good aud tho fnrmora seomed
happy. We viaited the great oil
wells nt Beaumnut nnd Sour lnko.
Ono can hardly realizo tho qnautity of
oil thnt ia pmnped there dnily,
auiouuting to sovornl hnudred car
loatls. Souio wella pny woll, mauy
others little, or uothiug.
While in aouthoru Texas I viaited
fioniu of tho oxtouaive rico liolds. Tho
lnnd ia very lovol. Iu tho cultiva
tion of rico it ia nocessary to raiso
n bnnk urouud thofield to hold wator,
as tho wholo iiold must bo flooded.
Sometimos thia is douo by pumpiug
tho wnter on by stcnui powor, at
otlior timea by irrigntiug ditoluea.
There nro milliona of ncres tlioro
adnptod to tho rnisiug of rice, uu
touched. I visitod soveral of tho
most importnut oitios iu the Stnto, iu
cluding Houston, aitunted about forty
niilea from tho Gulf of Mexico. A
ship canul is'building tn tho gnlf for
which thero iB nu npjiroprintiou cf
3,000,000 from the United Stntos
Wo hnd onr Thaukegiviug diuuer
with the Mnjor, nnd it wns n diuuer
loug to be remonibered. Aftor the
turkoy, thore wns courso nfter courao
of tlio best tho lnnd producod, nnd
cooked to porfeotiou. I cnu't lind
lauguago to do tho fenst juatico. Soveu
promineut inon iu towu woro invited,
makiug n party of tou, Wheu soatod
nt tho tnblo tho hnll doora woroopeucd
nud to our aurprise thero waa eeated a
gouuino colorcd bnnd, whioh euter
tained us with music thnt was lit to
bo played boforo a king, Muaio and
aingiug contiuned dnriug tho diuuer
hour, aftor whioh nll ropnired to tho
pnrlor for n plensnnt cliat. Mou nro
uot plenty who Bnpport n privnto
bund, but tho major ia ouo of them. ,
All these people are in his omploy. i
Duriug my atay in Toxns tho 1
woathor wiib boautifut aud warm, liko '
summcr horo. Rnnohiug iu Texa-t, I
waa told, ia not vory prolltnblo at pro
scut. Cattlo are low iu price, aud
mauy of the largo rancheH aro boiug
divided up aud aold. I had lieanl
aud read much aliout tl't coiiditiou
of tho ncgro iu the Bonth and folt iu
tereatod to atudy liia trno condition,
1 kuow that in tho vnrious Statea tho
altuation dili'ors Bomewhat. I fouud
thnt tho ncgro was troatod kiudly
by tho whlto pooplo They havo
thcir aepnrato bohools nnd churchoF,
nll thoir ohildri'ii of chool ago nt
teud sohonl, aud couipuro fnvorablv
with tho whlto uhildren iu iitogrets.
They get thoir ahnro of tho publio
mouoy. Tlio ungio ia pnid thu Viuno
wages ns tho white niaii for the siuno
aorvico rondored, uud liaro thn ninllor
cikIh Stieial fquiilily dooa not t'xint.
TIip npgro hna liia iipartmiMit at tlio
ruilwav Btation, iu tho cnra aml ut all
pnllio pla''ca Aftt'r Bneiug tho trun
ooiiiIHioii of alT'iira tlioro, ( o'Jiift'HS
tlim I'hnvo iiiodilltd my vicw soum
liiit iu rrgard to sootnl cqnulitr.
Mauy of tho laws in Texaa n'c t- y
rigid nnd woll oxecnted ; for inatnnco,
cnrd playing ls prohibited, locnl
optlou irovalls, but thero aro very
fow plncea ontaido tlio lnrgor oitios
wlioro iutoxlcnting liquor ia sold, t
snw 110 drunkonueaa nnd lionrd thnt
tlioro waa vory little 1 crlmo. Tho
pooplo will couiparo favorably for
genornl iutelligonco with (Iiobu of Now
Aftor haviug oeon most hogpltubly
troatod by our frionds wo woro
obliged to rotraco oui' stopa homo
ward, Tho major accompauied us
tn Kort Worth, atopplug thoro at
Hotol Worth, whero to our snrpriao
wo mot Ilnrry Nortou, who is 0110 of
tho trnveliug salcamon for tho A.'O,
Norton Hfting "ynck." Harry outor
tninod 11 aetoct party nt tho pinuo iu
tho hotol pnrlora for half nn hour
nnd his mualc was hlghly appreoiated.
While in Fort Wortli we wero in
vited to call ou Martin Casoy, a
wholosalo morchaut, n jolly IriBh
gentloiunu generous nud frce, and n
grenl eovler of aport. Ho told na wo
arrived juat in timo to sco bndger
liglit. Ho had bot quito au ntnouut of
mouoy with n doctor from Ohicago
thnt his dog would whip tho bndgor.
Thero wns nbout n dozeu presont who
repaircd to tho basemont. Mouoy waa
freoly wagerod, and evnry thing was
iu rondiiiosa. Tho doctor pnllcd tho
badgor out of tho barrol nnd tho dog
was lot Ioobo. Such a aight I hopo
uovor to soo again. It waa evidout
thnt this wna not tho first timo On
Boy'a dog liad fonght a badger, Tho
bnttlo wna aharp nud quick and tho
Chlcngo doctor wns n uiuch disguatcd
mnu, I woudor that tho Lcgialaturo
has not prohibitod that barbaroua and
crnol aport.
After n delightfnl trip I rettiruod
homo contouted to livo uear whero I
wns born.
S. A. B.
Brother, whnt'or tho world hnth
Howo'or divorse our feet may roara
Our lovo can contro in ono thonght
Which leads ns to onr yonthful
Au hnmblo roof with honcst hearts
Coutontnient, graced witli willing
Moro beauty to n homo impnrta
Thau horitago of house or Inuds.
What though no art our windows
Nor costly carpeta sprend the lloor?
Tho lilacs peoped in throngh tho pnue--Tho
grns8 grow greou about tho
No paiutiuga graced our narrow hall
With raimic monutain, wood, or
Tho grc.itost Mastor of thom nll
Had huug His work ou ovory hill.
From bougliB, whore robins build nnd
Liko auow tho npplo blosgoms fpll j
The wild grapo twined nbovo tho
Tho poplara ehook nbovo tho well,
The aparrow bullt liia luodest uoat, .
Aud sang no soug prescribed by
rulo ;
The swnllow amoothcd his alaty oroat,
Or dipped it iu the oryatnl pcol.
The little plot our mom'riea till,
Bright poppy-bloom and Bnllron
Tho wild roso goms tho crnggy hill
And yarrow clothes tho scanty flolda.
Soine auuuy gleams our hoarta recall
Thnt vnndnl timo cnuiiot decny ;
Souio ahadowa o'er our mem'rios fall
That auntight ne'ernan chnso nwny.
Springfleld (111.) Journnl.
Alexauido Garretto, couvicted ot
mauslaughter iu tho killiug of Eli (Jorti
ou Ootober 3 rocoivod Iub aeuteuce
about an hour nftor tho jury returued
its vordict of gcilty. Counsol for tho
Stnto aud tho rbspondont; spok'o briefly
uud theu the court, nfter couaultntiou
iu privnto, gavo ita deciaiou. Judge
Stull'ord iu impoaiug tho Bouteuco said
that tho court must take tho faota
from tho vordict qf tho jnry nud that
tho court uuderstood thnt verdiot to
nioan thnt Garotto ititoiided to ahoot
and kill Corti but actod iu tho hoat
of pnBsion, though uot in solf defouco.
Eli Corti had just as goo'd a right to
livo na Gnrrotto. Tlio lutter wont to
thnt orowded room with a londod ro
volvor 111 hia pockot uud tho criuio ho
committod was n sorlous- ouu. Tho
soutonco impDBod wna iiuprisonmeut
ut haid Inbor in tho State'a prisou iu
Windsor for uot loss thau tou yeara
nor moro than twolvo yenrs.
Garretto will bo tnkeii to Windsor
soou, thiingh ho will be givou nu op
portuuity to boo hia wifo uud little
girl nud urniugo aome bn.siness mnt
tera boforo loaving. IIu hns takou tlio
trial calmly, tliongh tho nnxiuus ox
prosaion decpoimd ou liia fnce aa tho
day worn ou, uud nu Wmlimnliiy attor
nnou ho appeared ospooially woru aud
his otiuiituuiiiiCH louked wiatfnllv at
his fiiuuds. After the votdict was
roudurt;d nnd the court aud tlie spccta
tora li"d gone out, a tonolii'lig ir.ctdeut
ouourruil whon Stuto's Attoruey Seu
tor stcppud to wburo Giirrott) wna
sitliug, shuok his liiiud nnd told him
thnt iiti hhonld foul gratuful to his at
torin'.vH, for they hnd dono I'vorythiug
for him tnat could be douo houor.tbly
and lial won n grjrit victory in gct-
!l A Hair
tiu; tho vordict down to tho 0110 ron
dorod. "Thoy won n great victory
and I oan't. any I 11111 eorrv" ania Mr.
Sontor while his voico showod dooply
what it inoaut to tho mau ho was aa
droaaing. Tho cnso ugaiuBt Gnrrotto for aa
aault with iutont to kill wns ordorod
uot to bo btought forwnrd. It was
nuuouucod thnt uono of tbo broach of
tho poaco cases iu conuoctiou with the
nffair thnt hns jnBt boou bo thoroughly
nired will bo takou up thia term, nn
losa thoy cau bo diapOBed of without
Tho caso of Stnto va Lnw for iu
toxlcatiou will bo takon np Mouday
aftornoou. Tliat ia tho naso which
has occnaioned so much tnlk iu polico
oiroloa aud ontaide, through tho at
tempt of Jamoa Finu to get Law ar
roatod nud tho aubaequout procoodinga.
Oourt took n receBs nt n little past 4
until noxt Moudny at 2 o'olock.
Tho followiug resolutiona wero
adoptod by Wa8hburn Poat, No. 17,
G. A. R,, at 11 apoclal meeting, Deo
21, 1903:
Whorens, our Groat Commandor, iu
liia wisdom, has removed from our
nnuiber our boloved comrndc, Gou,
Stcphcu Tlinmas, n past commnndor,
and loyal aud nctivo momber of tho G.
A. It., n brave nnd pntriotio aoldior, I
wlio voluuteerod for his couutry 111
her hour of dnugor, nud wheu tho
wnr wns ovor, roturuing to his homo
to oujoy for mnuy yenrs the penco nud
prospority of onr boloved couutry
whioh his brnvory holped to preserve
Therefore be it,
Itesolved, Thnt iu his doatli onr
Post, our State, nud our Nntiou, hna
lost n oitzou nnd gontloiunu whoao
oxnmplo will bo a stitunlus to pntriot
iEin aud loyalty in future genorntions.
Resolved, That we doploro tho sad
losa of our doparted comrade, nud bow
iu BubruiBsiou to tho will of Him who
doeth nll thiuga well, in Hia good
ReBolved, Thnt wo touder ourdeop
eat sympathy to tho boloved rolatives
nud frionds of tho docensed for the
great losa thoy have sustniuod.
Resolved. Thnt a copy of these ros- '
olutions bo eout to tho nenrest reln
tivo, nnd nlso Bprend 011 our book
rccords nud publishcd in the Vermont
Albert O. Fuller, "
Hnrry B. Martiu, rCoiumittee.
Geo. B. Bnrnett, J
Rutland, Vt., Deo. 24. A minatrel
show givou by pnsouers nt tho house
of correctiou lnet oveuing wna a buc
cobs. The chnrnctora wero nll prison
ors, many takiug fouialo parts. D.
Honry Lowia, tho Vergennes bank
wreoker, aots aa oud mau. Marviu A.
McOlnro, convioted of complicity iu
wrocking tbo Morchants' Nationnl
Bank of Rntlnud, ia hend nahor. Fnr
rnr, the defnnlting teller of tho Water
bury Nntiounl Bnuk, ncts ns iuterloo
utor. Much tnlout ia shown.
Boston, Dec. 28. Au oditiou of a
Bostou papor sont Saturday to Ad
miral Georgo Dewey, U. S, N, n telo
gram congratnlnting him, it beiug his
sixty-sixth birthday. Tho reply rend
na followa: A thousaud thnuks for
yonr cougrntulntioua ou my birthday.
For tho Beutimont yon nsk ot mo I
pray that God graut our country poace
nud prospority nnd ns tho wisdom to
bo nlwnys rendy."
O utJU SJ "X" - jt t X S3- .
j Buffalo, N. Y., Doo. 20. Nino por
soua aufforiug from amull pox were
tnkou to tho quarautiuo hospital yes
terdnv. Six of tno cnaea woro iUbcov
ored ut n dnuoo hall ou Broadwuy,
whoro a largo uumber of porsous woro
oxposod to infoctiou. The lioalth an
thoritios aro workiug liard to stnmp
out tho disesao. Two buildiuga havo
boou quarautiued and placed uuder a
Btroug polioo guard.
f) 112-piECE
Coods nnd Promlum shlppod on
You noed not nnyono cont unM
vnn nro sntlsfled. Don't DUt off
for a mlnuto. WRITE TO-DAV
1 . ?SSgiv
So youne? And hair turnint?
gray? Why not have the early
ricn coior restorear1 lt is easily
aone, every time.
J. C. AyerCo.,
IiOwell, luaia.
Burlington, Doo, 20. Tho board of
IiceiiBO commifislonora horo hna re
voked thc aecond-clafls llcenso of
OHvor DeVnrouues nnd tho third-clnBS
Hc'onso of Thomns E. Lynch, both nc
cuaod of selling to miuora nud whoso
casea havo b:ou boforo tho board bov
ernl timos rocontly. Both partiea took
an npponl to tho Mnroh term of connty
Ogdonabuig, N. Y., Deo. 20. A dis
tinct onrtbquako Rhock was lelt
throughout this oity, Ohrlatmna raorn
ing. Tolophono roporta show thnt it
wna noticod all throngh northoru St.
Lawreuco connty, boing Bevereat olong
tho St. Lawrouco valloy. Bnildinga
tremblod violoutly at Madrld aixtoeu
milos oaat of horo and bottloa wero
thrown from atoro shelves. Thooartli
qnako wnft uocompnuied by n noiBo re
sembliug thnndor, whicl. wna autll
ciently loud to nwnkeu peoplo.
Wn8hiugtou, Dec. 24. Tho atute de
pnrtmout was uotifled today tha
Cubn has formally rocoguized Pau
Peoplo who oujoy sports of all sorta,
aud those who are not ablo to pnrtirti
pnto tboroiu, will oujoy readiug tho
Ontiug Magaziue. Tho story of "Tlio
Silout Places," by Stewnrt Edward
White ia reruakably stroug in imorost,
both ns to mnterinlauu mauuorof toll
ing. The Jauunrv number has tales
and dosonptious of wiuter aporta, iu
clndiug n brenthless toboganing
sketch, aud varions others pecnliar to
cortain locallties, uot neglectiug the
footbnll, golf nud tonuis recorda of tho
sonson. Men aud wouieu of the out
door world will fiud onjoyublo reading
iu ovory uumber of Outing.
Kitinoy and LlvorTroub lo
(they comnionly go together) attnck
tho ricli iu thoir places nud the poor
in their tcuomeuts, the lawyors, the
doctor, tho judgo, the proachor, tha
womau at her houBowork tho sailor ou
l" Boa. Dr. David Keunody prepared
nia uew medioino Cul-cura Solvent to
cure it aud it dooa. Writo to the Cal
cura Conipauy Rondnut, N. Y., for
froo booklet nud sntnplo bottle.
Corliss Bnttorily liea at the point of
doath at his home on St. Paul atreet
as n reanlt of irijnries recoived ou Fri
day eveuing. Stepheu Burgeu aud
Mr. Bntterlly had been spondiug a
part of tho eveniug together attholat
tor'a homo. Iu tomo way both men
felldown stairs together, aud Bntter
ily received the doublo Jshock of his
own and Bnrgon'a fall tlie latter land
iug ou him with his full weight. Mr.
Bntterlly wns bo iujured, either in
tbo heAd or spiue thnt ho has not yet
rogaiuod cousciouaness nud his death
b thonght to be n queatiou of only a
short time.
On Snturdny eveniug Albert Johnson
inet with n sorionB ncoideut, similar
in sonie respeots to that which befell
CorliBB huttorfly, nt Beujnmiu'a bonrd
iug houso ou Enst Stnto street. A
goutlomnu callod to see Mr. Johnson
enrly in tlio eveniug. The tormor
wna iu his room at tho top of tho
houso wheu he waa called. He start
od to go dowu staira quickly but de
Bcouded much moro rapidly thnn ho
iutendod. Ho fell tho fnll length of
tbo flight, which ia loug, steep and
nanow. At tho foot of tho stairs ia a
wiudow throagh which Mr. JohnBon
crashed. IUb lega, cloar to the hips
weut through tho wiudow. Aftei ho
had regaiued consoiousuess his iujnr
ies woro oxamiued nud it was fouud
tliat tho bouoa of hia loft forearm
wero brokou iu two placos. Mr.
Johnson is roported aa comfortablo aa
could bo expeotod this morniug.
Tho last dnys of thia year will be
lomonibored with auythiug bnt plens
uro by a uumber of the citizeu8 of
Montpolior ou account of tho ohapter
of acoidenta recordediwithiu tho laBt
fow weeks.
Gold Decorated. (
tf you order an assort
ment of our Standard
gocds Sorps, Teu3,
Coffces, e.o.. fc- ycur
own uso or to seh io your
neighbcrs and frlends.
Plenty of time is-al-lowed
befcre you send
any money,
Our Handsome Book of
200 Promlums FREE.
It will show you lust how to
get what you wnnt most.
Davs' Free Tna!.
im.woN. MASS. ffe