Newspaper Page Text
4 G VEKMONT WATC1JMAN & STATL JOURiNAL, THUKSDAY, DEOEMBER 31, 1903. Foo will makc hcns lay in cold wcatlicr. It is guarantecd by the nunufncturer and iccotnincntlcd by the highost authori tics. No ' hot drops," but a rcal food nourislius the hcns and producus cggs. Wc want Agents in cvery village ana town. Send for our booklct ; it givcs prices and full particulars about our libornl offers. Wc scnd also .1 long list of testimonials from New Kngland pcop'.c who know .1 fow things about poultry. They all say that l'age's Food is the best. We pay tlic freight, guarantcc tlie Food, and send ,your money back iE you want it. CARROLL 5. PAGE, HYDE PARK, VERMONT. Jdit t vour nimo on a postal and mail it to-day. AJIO UT TJM STA TE. The outlook for 11 p'OFpercus winter nt Bellows FhIIb is not briplit. Tlio iiiconvciiieiico nud lctp ficin extieinely low wnter in tlio Connecticut river is for renching. Tlio wnter in tlio Con necticut river is low, nud tlio pnprr industry, comequently, is crippled. Four of the lnrgo pnper lnnchiues wero closed down, nud wlien thoy le suiued Woric tliis week tlio pulp niills lind to bo closrd, ns tliere wns not BufTleient wnter. Mnny employes of tlio Intcrnntionnl Pnrer Comrnny aio tlius doprived of work. Tlio exces sively low wntor in Minnrd pond, tlio Bourco of wnt6r snpply for Fellows Fnlls, is cnusing n very disagreeablc, flshy tnsto to tlio wntor, wliicli has lcd mnny peoplo to fcnr nn unwhole eome condition of tlio wnter nnd to tliink tliis niigln nccouut for tlio nn-u-suul muount of illness hero for tlio past six weeks. Tlie wnter however, testcd nt Burlington, is reportcd as oliemicnlly nnd biologieally of n good qunlity. In liis timo Willinm S. Krwton hns played mnny pnns nnd plByed theiu well, nnd receutly lie wns called upon to oillointo nt n eoincwhnt uuusnul marringe, nnd did eo with liis nc oustouied diguity nud grnco. Tlio ,4 principnls woro Luoius It. Cnll of Oswego, N. Y., nud Hnttie Duiikleo of Brattleboro. Somo weeks cnrlior they hired n tenni of Fred O. Rnnd of Snxtous Itivor, fniled to retnrn nt a btnted tlnie, lnter wns given nn extbn siou, nud Ktill lnter Justice VVillinins of Bellows Fnlls ispncd n wnrrnut for tlio nirrst of Cnll lierniiFo of liis fnil ure to rrtnru tl 0 tinni. Ilo vtntf bound over to tlio country court. It is reportcd tlint nn importnut wnier riglit tuit is to be bronglit by tlio Swent-Coinings Co. ngniust tlie Itiohford Fouudry Co. of Richford to determino tlio respectivo rights of tlio two corporntious ns to tlio cse of tlio water power nt tlio falls on tlio Mipsifqnoi river nt Richford. Tliere nre hIfo otlier pnrtifs wlio linve wnter rights nt these fnlls. If tlio suit iR brought it will probnbly bo hcnid be fotoninnfiter in chanceiy, Tlio cnfo of tlio Great Wef-torn Miniug nud Jmimifncluring Coui)nny ncninst tlio estnto of B. D. Hnrris of Brattleboro hns been dcoidcd in tlio United Slntes court of nppenls in New Vork in fnvor of tlie defendnnt. Tlio cnso hns bpen reuding in tlio rour; eight yenrs, nnd wns deeided lnst year by .Tudge Hoyt II. Wlieeler in fnvor of tho plniutiff, dnmnges being flxed nt 10,000. An nppenl wns taLen by the estnte. Tho snit wns brought by L. C. Blnck of Oiuciuunti, rcceiver, np poinled in Kentucky. Tlio rnse hns nttrnotrd wldo nttontion 011 nccouut of tho proniinonco of tho pnrties cou ourncd in.thu litigation, Au nllcRed iusurnnco swlndlu, of which lunny parsons in Bonuington county nnd otlior pnrts of Vonnont nro snid to hnvo bocn victlius.lins roRulted iu tho urrest of Gcorgo M, Rowoll. Rowoll, who, It l Hald, olnlmod to bo Stato ngeut for tlio (nteruntional UegiBtry Coinpnny of Now York, wns tnkon into enstody nt Burlington Thurfidny. A wurrniit Iihb beon lesuccl nlso for tlio nrrca,,of Bomnrd Hrskino, snid to bo giuiornl ngcnt of tho com pauy, with whom, it is allogcd, Row oll oporatod. Tlio lueu nro snid to hnvo sold Bhort terui ncoidont nud sicknesa liistirnuco polioiee, colleoting tlio prominm iu ndvnnco. Tho nl legod fniluro of tho polioles pnid for to nfrivo led tho nction ngnliiBt tho ngonptB. Erskine is snid to bo iu Now lInmpliiro nt presout. Tho frlends of Dr. CiinrloH B. Sov orauco of Brnttloboro nro plcasod that ho Iins umdo n sottloniont with tho Cuitrnl Vormout rnilrond nnd tlint ho is to bo pnid $3,000 for tho injuries wliioh ho recoived nt Millors Fnlls rn Thnnksgiving Dny, 11)02. Tho luii 011 11 1 of dnmnges clnimed wns much Inrger, nud both sides nro undoubted ly plonsed tohnvo the litigation ovor. Dr. Sovornuco hns not beon in robust health for Bovornl yonrs. Tlioums Conltor, omployed in tho clieniicid works nt Stnuiford iicnr Bennington, probnbly lost both oyes Fridny by tho fuiues of alcohol from 11 boiler tlint exploded blowing into liis oyos. Tho ronsou for tho oxplo sion is yet unkuown. A doctor from North AdnniR, who wns cnllcd, nys it is douhtful if liis oyes cnn bo saved. Williaui Wnnpon, of Burlington, dinppcnred two weeks ngo Snturdny, nnd not tho eliglitcst clow to his wherenbouts hns beeu discovored. The lnst fnct n.scer'niucd in rolntion to his nioveinouts wns tlint ho wns 011 tho trniu hnunii for Montrenl 011 Fridny, Deccmbor -1, nnd tlint is tlio lnst tlint is known of him. Senrch is being conducted by tlio polico in various Western eities.bnt tho outlook doos not fnvor tlio plocinp of tho niiesiiig mnn. Iu (ho mcnntinio, h's old 11 r 111 lms beeu disHolvcd, the business boing ccutinued by his pnrtner. Alother Grny's Swcet Powdcrs For Children. Suoeessfully nsod by Mothor Grny, nurso in tho Chihlron's Huma iu New York, Ouro Fovorishuess, Entl Stom ncli, Teothing Disordors, move und reBiilnte tho Bowels nud Destroy Wonus. Ovor 30,000 testiiuouinls. They uever fnil. At nuy druggiets, 25c. Snmplo FRBB. Addross Allon S. Olmstod, Lo Roy. N. Y. ii B m $2,500.22 1 1 Prize: The Mbtropolitan Maoazine ib acknowledgcd to be the magazine which prints the cleverest short stories, by tha foremost writers. This reputation .will be maintained, and to that end we are making the most liberal prize-offers for the best stories that any one can write. We put into the ?0P0LITAN MAGAZINE FOUEION. llomn, Deo, 2(1 Tho Popo nns in structod tho mUsloimries nnd prlcsts in tho fnr onst to nsu thnlr ut'iiost on donvors iu fnvor of penco, IHs Holi ness doclaros tlint war has alwnys beon nn oifcuco ngninst coiiiiiion souso. St, Potersbnrg, De. 20. Tho Novoo Vroniyn Btntes that considorablo nlnim is folt ovor tho boliof thnt Olilim is plottlng to nssist Jnpau ngniust Ru. sln. Cliimiio lmmigrituts who nro sas poctod of boiug soldiors in dikguiso nru ontorlug Maucliurin iu lnrgu nnni bors. Arins nro hiddou in inncceEsi blo plnoos, Mnny Japauoso spios nud disguisod odlcbrs nro nt Mukdou nud Kwnu Tuiig nnd appnroutly hnvo nn undnrstaudiug with tho ChinoBO. Tlio papor says that tho Ohiubso may hold n trump card iu Mnuchurln. FIVK THOUSAND DOIjLiUS UE WARD. Evory tostinioninl wo pnblish of Adnmson's Botnuio Bulsara for Ouring Ooughs, Colds, lind nll Lnug troublos is gounino. Wo will pny n rawnid of S5.000 for ovldonco provinc othorwiao inasiuglo oaso. "F. W. KINSMAN & CO., DruggiHts, Now York." JJOMESTIC. Ohicngo, Deo, 24, (t wnB nn nounced TueBday nt tho forty-ninth convocation of tho UuiverBity of Ohicago thnt donntious. nuiouuting to $1,850,000 hnd boon recoived from Jolin D, Rockofoller, fonuder of tlio univorslty. Of this amount $1,C00 000 in rcnl estnto in tho immcdinto vioinity of tlie univorslty wns forni nlly crnusforred by Mr. Rookofoller. For c'uiront expeuses of tho university during tlio year boginuing July 1, 1!)04, $245,000 wns giveu, .$53,000 wns douated for tho completion of tho powor plnut nud iniprovonmnt of tlie grounds, nnd $50,000 for tho work of oxcnvntiou nud oxplorntion inOriontnl lnuds. Now Y'oik, Dec. 2(5. Pnssongors by tho stonmer Now York fioui Snu Do miugo, which nrrivod loday, sny tlint tho wholo country is iu a soethiuu Btorni of riot nud nunrcliy, thnt roBO lutiou is ocourriug withiu rovolution nutil it is lmpossiblo to distiuguiBh ouo from tho other. Thia condition, thoy olaim, will coutiuuo uutil somo outBide countr." stops iu aud stops it. Commanicntion botweeu tlio portsi is sasponded nud nll tolograph wires aro down. Busiuoss is nt n Btnudstill bo cnuso lnbor is uncortnin and trnuapor tation prncticnlly snspondod. OJSTS A JVKir MSAUUia. Pnrlq, Dce. 20. Tho Drcyfus Ro vIbIoii Cmiiiiiifision Iiiib uunuiiuously dooided thnt ex-Cnpt, Dreyfus' requost for n roviflion of his Kontcuco is jnst ifled. Tho cnao will ' now go to tl.o Court of Cassntion, which will dooido whother thoro ehull bo nnntlior court mnrtial or whother Droyfus Bhnll bo formally ncquittcd, Oapt. Alfrcd Droyfus wns arrosted in Octobor, 1891, ohnrged with selllug uiilitnry secrots to a forolgn powor, proBuninbly Qormnny. It wnB snid that tho (locunitint used as tho main ovidonco ngninst Droyfus was fouud in tlio wasto baskot of tho Qonnnn mili tary nttacho in Paris. Droyfus was convicted, dogrndcd nud Bontcnced to lifo imprisonmont ou Dovil's Islnud, iu tho 'Dnribboau Hoa. Two yonrs lnter Col. Estorhnzy was nccusod of writing tlio bordoroau chargcd to iJ.lus, but wns ncqulttotl. Aftorwnrd Col. Henry wns nccuscd of forgiug documonts iu tlio caso,aud whon nrrcsted conmiitted suioido. In 1880 n now trlal was grnnted, but Dreyfna wns agnin found gnilty nnd sentonced to ton yonrs ini prisoumont. Thou tho Rovorniuent pnrdoued. The Droyfus caso nroused world-wido feoling Iu ITrnnco it ns Buracd tho danger of n untionnl orisis. M. Zoln was n dotRnuiuod defnuder of Droyfus, nud nftor his famous lottor of ncoasntiou ngniust tho nrmy wns forced to Ienve tlio country. Paris, Deo. 20. Miitio Mounrd, couuboI for ox.Cnptnlu Dreyus, statod todny thnt docnniouts which oondncod to present rovorsiou of tho cnptnin's cnpo includo n uov ouo which is iu teiiBoly interestiug nud of sensntioiml ohnructor. A Costly riistakc. Bluuders nro Bonietimes vor.y expon sivo. Occasioiinlly lifo itsolf is tho prico of 11 miatako, but yon'llnovor bo wrong if you tnko Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills for Dyspopin, Dizziueas, Hondncho, Liver or Bowol troublos. Thoy nro sontlo yot tliorough. 25c, at O. Blnkoly's, Drnaatst. A (luaranteed Cure for PHes. Itchiug, Blind, Bleodiug orProtrud iug Pilos. Your druggist will rofund tlio mouoy if PAZO OINTMBNT fnils to ouro you. in 0 to 14 days. 50o. rmtMONT. Burlington, Dec. 24, A new kind of thiof is pursuing his Imudiwork in Burlington. His sohemo is to snntoli pooket booUs from lndios on dnrk nnd unfrequeuted ttroets. Ou Soutli Uuion BtreetSnturday niglitnlndy wns reliqved of a bng coutnining $5. On Moudny night nuother lndy waB sim ilarly nccostod nud slie lost $2 ns ahe Was walkiug 011 Fiuo street botweeu Poarl nud Oheney streots. Tho polico aro nsiug extra vigilnnce to nppro liond tho highwnymou. Bennington, Deo. 20. Aan reBnlt of a meotiug of tnoso nppoiutod to look ovor tho roports of tho formor town trensurer of Shnftsbury, Myion Bur ton, who diod sevornl months ngo, a shortngo of $4,800 in cnsh was slinwn, about $3,000 of which was supposod to bo in the North Bennington Nntiou al Bnuk. A committoo of two wns np poiutod to go ovor tho books nud no counts, to eniploy nn oxport if neoos snry nud roport to tho nuuunl town moeting in Mnrob. Mr. Bnrton wns troaBuror for nbout twouty-flve yoars nnd his futhor for nlmost flfty yoars. No ouo has nuy idea that Mr. Barton evor kuowingly took ouo dollar from tho town, but, boiug nn old mnn, his syBtom of keopiug books wns obsoloto and somo errors mnst havo oropt in Hoiuowhore. S UOA 11 MA J'Jt O GltA M Burlington, Dec. 24. Tho progrnm of the Vormont Mnplo Sugnr Makors' Aasooiatiou, to bo prosouted at tlie auuual meotiug to bo hold hore Jan unry 4-0 is as follows: Monday, Jauuary 4, 2 :30 p. 111., Ad dross by tho prosidout, Victor I. Spoar, of Itaudolph j "A Staudard of Grnding Mnplo Sugar nud Syrup," Nathan Oushingtou, of Woodstock ; followed by discussiou. Moudny eveu iug, 7:30 p. in. Reading, O. W. Soarff; nddress, "Oare and Prosorvn tiou of tho Mnplo Orohards, " Williaui F. Hnbbard, foroatry export, Wnsh iugton, D. O. ; "Aro Oar Mnplo Or olmrds Being uopletodV" O. J. Bell, mombor of Stato board of agroulture, of Hardwick, rollowod by discussiou. Tueadny, 10 a. m. "Btreot of a Puro Food Lnw Upon the Mnplo Sugnr Iu dustry of Vormout," M. D. MnMn liou, of Burlington, followed by dis cussiou; 11 n. in. "Tlio AdvnMngos of Improved Utensils for IncreaBing the Product of tho Mnp'o nud of n Uniforni Pncknge for Mnrkoting tho Snmo," G. II. Griuim, of Rutlnnd, followed by diacussiou. At 8:30 o'olook Weduosdny morulug, tho oilicors and members of tho Ver mont Maplo Sugnr Mnkors' Associn tion will hold n business mootmt; of tho Vau Noss Houso, to henr the ro port of its offlcors nnd for tho eleotion of ofllcers for tho yonr ouBuiug. TmillHiLK WllEGK. each month the fineat fiction it is possible to get. Full particu lars of this prize-ofFer appear in the January Number, now on sale. 10O Pag'es of reading more than in some of the35-cent magazines. 12 SKort Stories all by the best and most pop ular writers, and all profusely illustratcd. IOO Ilhistrations (C 45) K. II. RUSSBI!., I'UBUSIIBK, 3 W. 29TH 3T. J Flghl Will Be Bitter. Thoso who will porsist in closing thoir eurs ngniust the coutinunl reo ommendatiou of Dr. King's Now Dis covory for OouBomptiou, will hnvo n long nud bittor flght with thoir troublos, if not oudod oarlior by fntnl tonuiuatiou. Read whnt T. R. Bonll, of Bonll, Miss., hna to any: "Lnst fnll my wife hnd every symptoin of cousuniptiou. Sho took Dr. King's Now Diacoverv nftor ovorything elao hnd fniled. Improroniont cnmo nt onco nnd four tmttles ontirelv onred hor. " Uunrnntew! bv O. Bliiklhv. Drnggist. Prico 500, und $OQ. Trinl bottlos free. oiiTTiNQ is ruy. Rutliind, Deo. 20. To get ovou with tho policeman who nrreated liiin Johu Lnuo of Ludlow wout to tho county j jail with $116 in his pooket to aervo ton days iu dofault of paymont of fiuo Jof $12.50 nud costs. Lnno plonded gnilty to iiitoxicntlon in oity court this nioruing. Ho wns finod $5 nud costs but snid ho conld not pay nnd took tho nltoruatiVH huntonco. Whon ho rouclied tho jnil ho turnod his roll ovor to tho wnrdon to Isfcp, ox- plutning to tlio lutuniHlied puliei'innn who took hiih ovor; " Vou aro not go iug to got any of my mouoy anywny. " OASTOHIA. ara tho Kinil ton lr,'8 Always BcajC I Couuellsvillo, Pa., Doc. 24. Doomed to death woro many of tho paBsongers who woro on tho Daquesuo limited last night, tho fasteBt throogh passeuger trniu from Pittsbnrg to I New York 011 the Bnltiinora & Ohio, With a torriblo crndi nnd grindiupc 1 uoiso tho trnin orashed into a pilo of lumbor nt Lnurel Run two miles west of Dnwaou nbout 7:45. Tho pnsseug ors woro throwu from thoir sonts by tho lightniug liko applicatiou of tlio nir brukcs nnd n moiueut lnter cmno tho cinsh. Tho train wns mado up of two bag gngo cnrs, two day coaohes, 0110 sleeper and ouo diuing car aud was carryiiig nt tho timo, at tho lowost eBtimate, 160 pnssengors. Of this uumhBr it is oatimated that Bixty tliroo lost their lives and that thlrty woro injured. Aftor tho llrBt crnsh tho trnin plunged nloug for n considornblo diBtnuco nud cnrs woro torn to jiieces, pafflengors jumping, screaniing, fnlling troni tho wreuk ns it toro nlong. Suddenly tho ongino i-worved to tlio left nnd tho concht's plunged over the I'lubnnknieut to tho edgo of tho Youghioghony rlvor. Tho minuto tho cnrs stopped rolling there wns n wild Eceno. Mnuy persons woro piuued benenth tho wrookngo nud tho screiunn nud ories that rent tho nir woro beyond desoiip tion. So terrifio wns tho forco of tho, wreck thnt nenrly overy piipsengor suffered n niomeut's uiicoiiEoiouHneFS anil niany of tho nblo bodiod moii wero uuablo to aFsist in helpiug tho injurt d lrniu tho wreok on arconnt of hnvuig fniuted. 'i'ho wrco't wns cniiBcd by tho bionlt. ing nt tho ciibtings 011 n carload of bridgo timbors, ou 11 west bonnd freight train wliloli hnd pnsscd Lnurel Run not luorn than flf'een uiiuutes bo foiq tlio ill.futed piiKsonger trnin. Tho train wns goiug at tlio rnto of HO miles nn hour. Tliqoldctt and tlio fTOrtto f nmlly by pliyelclant Is 99 Johnson.& MLINRMENT OrlRlnntcl ln la to-dajr unlyer- ' miiy adnmtcd to n tno wn or au mte for cotii(lii,col(tii,rroiip,ratarrli, broni lillia. la u'Hiiix'. lnniencM, toro miiKlrt, nnd nll paln and Inftamtna tion 111 any part 0f tlio liody. Tako Intrmally or lito oitrrnally. 25 ccnU and 60 t entl. t. 8. JOHNSON k CO., 21 Bianr Btrftt, llo.lon, Weekly Market Report Boston Produco Mnrkot. KI.OUII. Conimoti cxtrar...... Cliolce extrfcs aml BuconOfl. Mlnntinota clearand straUut.! Olilo ant Ht. I.'jiiU clenr Ulilo aml St. I.iiiiU .tralitlit Olilo aml Sl.l.iiuln iiatuut Wleccnhi aml Mlnn.Datent 2 40 1 CO 3 83 3 7U 3 tsO 4 41) 4 30 4 80 ' f0 ' S 0, ' 4 2u 1 4 !i0 ' 4 40 ' 4 46 I 7U ' 6 OU COU.N 1IEAL. Granutalerl Coiiid. n. barre1 IlaK u.eal 2 80 to 3 21 a 85 " 3 4'P 1 00 " 1 07 MIU. FKKD. Mlildllnira, snckt'd, twr ton S0 00 to 23 00 liran.aackud, wluti-r 20 23 ' 21 40 llran.racki'd, inrlnK 20 00 Cottonai'Cd nieal 24 M " 26 73 Ucd Dok 23 23 " 2J (0 Uneteil OllMcat, 23 76 - 24 00 COItN. StcQiner H-llow, l.usli Ki to 37 Stvauier uuoh 6Ak " 67 No.a 63 " CSK Uooil. no Krade I'OTATOES. Aroostook Iltbrons.buah Aruoetook Urt'fti Mouutalm New York rouml wlilto Jerse) Uoso and Hebrons VcrmontUrci'ii Jlountalns OATS. No, 1, cllpped white bu No. i, cllpped nlillf, No. a white ltt'lected white 70 to 73 " 73 44 41 43 " 43 , 41 " 4'JH I1AY ANDSTUAW. Hay. N. Y. and Can., cholce lo faucy., Ilay, N Y. und C'aiiada, talr to Kod. Hay, eastern, cholco Ilay, eastern, onllnary to Talr Hay, eusteru, coiuuion Htraw, oat KOOS Kastern, cholce freal , Kastern, lalr toxood,doz , VI. and N. II,, cholce frcsli.Uoz llUTTi:i!. Vl. and N. II., ustorttd alzea NorthernN. Y., aaaorted atzea Northeru N. Y., larxe tuba Western, asst., aprucctuba Weatern, 1-irKe aah lubs Crfaniery, northeru Hrata Creanier), western tlrats. i'reamery. easteru, best marka (Jreaniery, eaatern, fair koo1 ('reainery, aeconda Dalry, Vl., extra Ualry. N. Y. aml Vt. nrate- I'KOVISIONS. Pork- Ilackd.bbl Short cnt clear Clear I.ean enda Latd Olty rendereil, pure, lti Western couipound lure kettle, remlered Suioked Ilanis Iloaton, aniall, lb lloston, niedlum Iloaton.larKe 16 tO to 17 00 14 00 " 13 00 ' lt W 14 W 1 13 M ' 10 00 13 00 13 00 11 00 8 00 32 to 34 24 " 30 31 " Sli 21 to - 23 " 23); U " 23 " !3H " 21 21 , " 22 18 17 20 13 18 FltESH MEAT3. Ileef, cliolce, lb lleef, llnht cliolce, lb Heef, heavy kooI, lb Ileef. Kootl, lb Ileef, hlndquartera, cholce Heef, lilmbjuartera, cotntnon tOKOOd., Heer, lorr4ii:irtera, cholce , Heef, loretpiartera, coiuuion lo good.. MuUihi, ejitra,... , Mutton, coniuion tOKOod I.aniha. ch. est. lb Laiuba, coiuinon lo Kood, lb Vel. cbolo l"lleru l Veals, lalr to gootl Veala. couimon Iloga, country dressed. lb 13 10 lo 11 Ou 11 75 " 16 23 15 23 17 73 " M 00 ,'. !) " . m( . H " . V)yt " J to 1 7i. 6. 6 4 l 10 7 6 Boston Lumbor Markot. uONO LUMBEli. Hcmtock boards, rouU Ilemlock boarda. planed Ilemlock lKnrd, No. 2 Spruce boards, lst, clear fioor Spmco boardn, 2da, clear fioor faprnce boarda. coara ., fcpruce, nur. ilo, cara Spruce, niatched Ilox boanla, I In. Ilangor Ilox boards, ord Ilox boarda, 7-8 do Ilox boanla, 3-4 do Ilox boanla, 11-10. .do Uox boarda, 5-8 do............. l(33to 14 00 11 no " 19 00 " 10 00 ' 16 00 " 10 60 ' 18 00 ' 12 00 60 " 9 10 " 8 60 8 00 " 7 00 " 7, 7 y 6- 1?H 9 0 ' 6 liOv 13 60 1J tf 19 K 17 01 17 01 20 60 13 It 10 61 9 61 8 75 860 8 011 SIIOUT MJMBEn. Shlnxles, Kastern sawed, ceiar cx Shlnxlea, do clear , Shlniclea, dn 2ds Shllljflea, do ex. No, 1 Shlnnlea, do No. 1 Clapboarda, do 4 ft. ex Olapboanla, do clear Clapbourdtf, 2di. clear C'lapboanla. eitra No. 1 ClaPboarda, No. 1 t.atn, apruce, 1,'. ln Lath, apruce )i ln 3 83 to 2 85 2 25 1 65 1 60 3 40 2 90 2 37 1 (0 1 76 40 00 "42 C0 88 00 " 40 00 w; trii " & , . 29 00 " 30 (K 2 93 3 10 1 M t 1 Boston Wool Markot. SIICHIOAN. X and above No. 1 No. 2 Klue unwashrd Unraer-hantable No. l coniblnK, and blood No.2 couiblnir,X blood Uelalne 26 23 24 20 21 21 21 32 to 27 " 50 " 29 " SJJt " 22 h n " 21 " 23 KENTUCKY AND INDIANA. ConiblnK, )i blood 22)i to 23 Comblng, X blood 22 "21 CombliiR, brald 19 "20 I'ULLED AND 8COURED. A Hne n to 34, A auper 43 S4 II auper 0 "41 C auner 31 " Ji ConiblnK, Bne 8 " 63 ConiblnK, coinnion 40 " 4t Vormont Markets. ntODUCE. MONTr-XMKH.- Dntter, fresh In 6 lb.'tboea, lb... Umter, irraliuew, ln Hntter prlut Clief ae, dalry, lb K;ga,doi.,lreah Potaioea, buah Applea, ouab,... Ileef Hogi, llve, lb , HuK. dreaaed. lb l,au!ha,drcsed, per lb Veala. llve. II Oblckens, lb Fowla, II Ilarre Ilutter, dalry , lttitter. prlnt KK-, dcu Poialoea. .,ush llojiB, dreased, lb,. Ileef Veala, llve. b Sprlnir'lainba, dreased, lb rV.wlilb SprlDgchlekeno, lb 20 to 22 . 22 " 33 1.. 23 i 12 U 80 " K .. 60 82 ,. 60 ' 1. . 6 " 100 .. 4 " 4K .. 6" 6 ., 10 " 4 6 .. I2)i " 16 ,. 10 " Uii 16 ' 28 ' 60 " K 6 ' 4 10 12' 19 24 33 Truo Hoart Dlsoaso Isa RaroThlng Tho causo of yonr pnlpitatiou is, prubitbly, proFsnro ariaing from gns iu tho btor.nnli thnt is gnptrio iudiges tion. A few dosos of Onl.cuia Sol vont, Dr Dnvid Konuody's now modi oino, will oleiiiise nwav tho fonl itc- cuiuulntions, aud tho hoart will run ! ijnfofly nnd toop good timo. writo to tho Onl eura Ooiupany, Koudout, N. Y., for fieo sample hottle. Oasey Hiloy, ynn owo n-.o nn npol og.v; you c'tlled ino a liar. Jliloy Yon'ro a lmr, Oi didn't. OnsnyWnll, it.'sall right, thin, nu' yo dnn'r owe mo au npology KuusnB Oity Iudopoudout. DKADLY WltEVK. - - - i Urand Hnpids, Mich., Dec 28. Aa n reeult of a hcnd eud collision bo tweeu two trains on tlio Pore Mar quotto rond cnrly Saturdny evouing nenr Enst Pnris, the denth list Sunday nipht hnd renchcd ns high ns tweuty two with thirty-oight perfous injorcd. Holiof trnins woro scnt out from here nnd tho flrst bodies tnkeii from tho wreok woro frozon stiff. Both trains woro goiug nt n high rnto of speed whon they Btrnok nnd tho paBBengera on tho enstbound train compofed of a miiil nud bnggngo car, coinbiuation smokor, buifet parlor car, day coach nnd dinor woro tho ones who wero killd nud most injured ns tho heavy bulkheadcd cars ou the west bouud flyer stnyed ou tho rnils back of tho baggngo nud cnrs nnd tlio pnssen gors in tliis trniu eGcnpcd serious in- jury. Tho pnssengers in tho litttor mentioucd trnins, with fnrmers in tho noighborhood who hoard the crash as tho trains struck. rendered great as6iBtauco to their wounded frieuda. Tlioro aro coullicting stntetnentB in ro gard to tho causo of the wreck. When Oporntjr Booth, nt McCords, was in rerviowrd by tno superintendeut of tho rond ho positively nsserted thnt nccordiug to orders he hnd tlio red light lit to signnl tho west uound trnin to stop for ordors, nnd that it wns burning two miuntes beforo the west bouud dnshed by. Thoro wns a blizznrd nt tho time aud tho theory wns that tho wind blow tho light out. Tho engineor on tho west bonnd and tho conductor nnn flremau nll stato thnt tho lighc wns bnruiug but that it was a white ouo instoad of a red. Tlie cngiueer snys if thero hnd beeu no light at nll he would hnvo sto)iped nuywny. TIih only theory for this is, thnt in the stonn, tho enginepr took tho white on tho switch board for tho white light When exiiuiiued the red light wna turned townrd the west bouud aud this benrs out the stato ment of Oporntor liooth nt McCords. It i3 tho worst wrecS thn Pero Mnr quetto road evor hnd. Jlauy of the pnhbeugers ou tho east bound were on their way hoino from spending the holidnys witli relatives aud friends nud their renidoucep wero mptly in tho Stato of Michigau. Mc OL Uli U'S MA OAZIX E. Thousnuds say thnt McOLUKE'S MAGAZINE is the best pnblished nt any prico. Yet i is only 10 ceuts a copy, 00 a year. In overy number of McOlure's thero aro nrticlos of in teuso iutercst ou subjects of tho great est national importnuco. Six good Bhort stories, humorous stories, stories of lifo and nction nud nlwnys good. In 1904 McOluro's will be moro in tere&ting, importmit nnd eutettnining ttinn evor, "Every year bettor than the last or it would not be McOlure's. " ! K illP'C -Who Have Used Them S.IIUtbV Recummend asth BtST KMfi'H StarCrownlirand PENNYROYAL PILLS. Inimcdltte rf llef, no dmircr. no paln. UJ lor year; by lcnllnB peclallili. Hundredl orta. moDlali. A trlal w ll conrlnrr you of Ihctrintriniic valoc In caae of unpretiloD. tend ien crnla for lArupla kat Mok. AllDrocnliuorby inill jl.Wboi. KING MEDICINE C0., Box 1930, BOSTON, MASS. $l,GOO TJtlSJS 1'JELl.ED. Charlotte, N. O., Deo. 28. In tho monntniu district of this Stato near Wayuesvillo. N. O, receutly wm felled ouo of tho most romarknblo trcea evor cut in tliis great lumher district. The treo has nu estitnnted vnluo of .$15,000 nnd oontains 25,000 feot of flrst-olas3 lumber. It is worth more than the avorago farm iu tho seotiou in which it was out. A part of tho treo hns boon ougaged for exhibition at tho St. Lotiis Exposition next year, nnd will bo placod amoug the North Carolna lumbor exhibits. The tree is n ourly poplnr, nnd twolvo horses wero re (liiired to Imul nwny tho butt cut, which wns twelvo foet long. Tho lowost limb was uighfy feoft from tho gronud. The wood wi l be used aB-1 veuooriug aud will ba shippod to East eru mnrkots for salo. S m w sk an n J& 1 r?W 9 Stcer, Bull or Ilorse liiJe, Calf fekin, I)o sl:i.i, crany otlur kiml cf l.iJe or s'.ia, and kt t.;:t it vi'Jt lu'r oa, noft, lijlit, o lorltss audmotli-proof.forrobe, rugf, coat cr glovcs. Ilut flrtt cct oi.r Catalocru?. plvliijt prlciM, an t ourshlpiiing; Ussaml lustructioua, fo aa to nvolcl mistakcs. We also buy raw furs auj Klnseas. TI1I3 CROS11Y FRISIAN FUR COMPANY. . 116 MIU Strect, Rochester, N. V.