Newspaper Page Text
i VERMONT WATCHMAN & BTATJ5 JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 11)03. 1 mple mailed free. One application gives relief. o continued uso of Hum- bys' Witch Hazel Oll por- nently cures Piles Or Hem- 'holds Extornnl or Intornal, Blind or Bleedlna, Itchlno or Bui?nlng, Fissuresand Fistulas. Relief lmmedlnte curo cortaln. Thrco, SSc.nOr, nuil 81.00. fiold by nriisKl'tK, or Hcnl prrpnld oii rccrtpt of prlce. Iliiiniilirrya' Mcdlclno C'o Oor. Wllllam nnd Jolin Kl., New Yurk. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vltal Weakness nnd Prostra tlon from overwork and othoi1 causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathlc Speclflc No. 28, In uso over 40 years,,tho only success fulremedy. $1 pervlal, orspoc lal package for sorlouscases, $B. Sold by Druggists, or scnt prcpatd oa rocclpt of prlco. Humphreys1 Mcd. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. NORTHFIELD. Miss Joflslo Silvor in asslsting iu E. Huutlev's n,toro durlug tlio liolidays. Mrs. O. D. Edgerton is also asBisting. Mrs. Asa Howo loft for Ohicago last week. Ilor sou, Houry Howo. and wifo, uiot lior thoro and slio will ac oorupany tliem to tlieir liorao in Mnr filmlltown, Iowa, to speud tlio wiutor. Mrs. M E. Yarriugtou eutortaiued tho ladies' whist clnb ou Weduosday. Harold Joubat hus been uonfluod (o tlio liouso for tlio past few days with a linrd cold nnd cronp. The regular nicetiug aud olootiou of ofllcorH of tlio Dunglitors of Kebckah will ooour ou Weduosday evouing. Vau Bullook of Orange, Mass., cauio ou Thursday for a vlslt wiMi his par outs, Mr. iuh( Mrs. A. O. Bullook. Hylo Furr aud Alfrod Latlutui of Greeufleld, Mass., nro tho guestB of thoir parouts for tho holdiayB. Mrs. A. J. Lomioax nud little ohild lett ou Thursday for u visit with frieuds lu Burliugtou nud Plattsburg, N. H. Dau Holland of U. V. M. modioal depurtmout was at hoiun last weok. 0. W. Scarff of Burliugtou wns iu town ou businoss Thursday. H A. OhaBO was at his hoiuo iu Newbury for tlio liolidays. Mrs. Alico Mansfield is caking a va cation from lior datios iu tlio local tolephouo olllce. A party iu houor of tho oighteouth birtliday of tlieir daughtor, Florence, was held at the homo of Mr, nud Mrs. Solou P. Staples ou Decembor 22. About thirty guests wore preseut nud tho oveuing deligiitfully passod. Dain ty refreshtueuts were served. Mrs. Onrtor, who resides witli hor sister, Mrs. Thomus uleunon, is snri onsly ill with a caucer nud but little liopcs of her roeovory are ontertaiued. Tho employes of the E. B. Ellis stone shed had n three days'vacatiou lnst weok. Olaude Roys left this uoon for Georgia to remaiu doriug tlio wiuter. Mr. Roy's f riouds wish hini a speedy recovory to lienlth. Jauies Oross ac compauiod him as fnr as New York. 0. E. Braokett of Roxbury waB iu Kown on Saturday. i.iiu iiiuiDD v iiint uiuu iiiui witii Mns. P. D. Piko ou Weduosday. JIr. aud Mrs. Atnon Plastridco are both cotiflued to tho Iioubo by illuess, also thoir two grnudonildreu, Miss Lou nud MnRtor Robert. Audrew Duuham of New York speut Chriscmns with his father, Qeorge Dnnimui. Miss Kathleeu Doheny of Lnwrouco, Mass., was at homo for Ghristuias, to turniug Satnrday moruiug. Mrs. John Oross wns called to Man ohoster, N. H., last wook by tho ill ness of her sister. A. K. Frenoh aud wife liave gouo to Ooncord, N. H., lor a few weoks. Mr. aud Mrs. Irviug Koir aud danch ter, Ketn, nud Mrs. W. R. Gifllu lott on Friday for a ton tnys' Btay with relativos iu Hiucsbargh uud viciuity. Miss Eva Houstou, who is teachiug in Plaiulinld, spout last week in towu, tlie gnest dr lier parouts, Mr. aud Mrs. F. P. Honston. W. H. Oady and wifo of Huntington vere iu towu ou ThnrBday, tho guests of relativos. Thoy wero on route to Rochester to remain for a brief time. D. B. Howo nud family spout Friday in Rosbuj-y. The ladios litorary society will moet with Mrs. F. P. Houstou on Tuosday aftoruoon. Miss Winuio Foss of Concord, N. II., is spoudiug lior vacntioti with her parents, Mr. uud Mrs. Goorgo Forn. Tlio auuunl meetiug of Naoml Ohnp ter., O. E. S., will bo hold TneBday eveuiug. Ail uiembnrs aro reuested to bo presout. Rov. L. P. Sohoflold aud family ox peot to leavo soou for Rollius, Wyo raing. George W. Olark loft last Tuesday for Worcoator, Mubs., to Bpond tho wiutor with his sou. Mr. and Mrs. Googre Roys of Rox bury visitod thoir sou, Olando, on Fridny. Miss Alico MoGrath of Montreal is the gnest-of her parouts, Mr. and Mrs. Johu McGrath. Tho Oaua.liau Jubileo singers will givo a coucertin Ooncert hall,Taesday ovening. Miohael O'Noil of Montpelier vinit ed at tho homo of his cousin, Thoiuas O'Grndy.on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Owous of Barre spent Sunday iu town. Tho three-yonr-old sou of Mr. aud Mrs. L. L. Kont of Elm streot died WodnoLday night aftor n fivo days' ill ness of pnenmonin. A liriof servico was lield at tho honso ou Sntnrday aud the remaius takeu to Worcoster for in terment. Mach gympathy is o (prossod for tho boreavecl parouts. Tflke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabiets. Seven Millio.i bozes sold In post 13 inonths. TMs Slgnatlire, Miss Frnnoos Hnnlou of Roxbury ro turned homo on Fridny, aftor n brlof visit with Mrs. Dolin Hnnlou. Tlio onildrou of tho Methodist ohuroh hnd ii Ohtistiuns troo on Thursdny, wlnoh provod a happy occaBlon for tlio littln onos. An ludlvldunl in nu iutoxicntod oon ditlon, nftor ovidoutly rolobrnting to his honrt's couteut, sought reHt npon tho bod of tho railroad traok. All might liavo uoon woll uud his niuoh ueoded rost nndisturbod if tho trains md happouod to huvo a dny olT, but such wns not tlio caso. An ougiuo ap proachod at a rapid spood dowu grado, nud but for tho timoly nssistnuco of a ninn nud boy tho "uufortuunto" would not hnvo oujoyod auothor ChristmnB. Aftor removiug liiui, just ns tho ou giuo passod tho "iudivldunl" wns ready for a sorap thnp o'mwliiR his ap preoiatlou for a niliaul u;i oBcapo from iuBtaut doath. A uuion tomperauco uiootiug was hold at tho Oougregntlounl chnrcli ou Sunday ovonlng. 'Tho epoakors waro: Rov. NYalter Doio, Kov. SV.S . Hrzoii aud 0. D. EdRorton Willnrd Spriuger assisted tho choir and roudoredn saxa pliouo boIo whloh nddod groatly to tho ustittl tunsio. Tho mnny frionds of Mrs. Lowis Hilla of Waterbury, formorly Blauohe Kuapp of tnis towu, will bo saddeued to lonru of tho untimoly doath of hor luiBband wliioh occurrod ou Saturday morniug at Waterbury. It soouis Mr. Hills wout to the barn for n toam aud was later fouuji doad. Tlio cnuse saul to bo apoploxy. Thoy hnd boen mnr ried less thau two weoks nud tho yoaug bride has tiio sympathy of all iu hor suddon boroavemout. Miss Florouce Houstou spout Sunday iu Roxbury. It is oxpoctoa thnt tliore will bo n Now Y'oar's b:ill in tho armory ou Thursday ovening, uudor the auspicos of Oo. F. Tho auuual mooting of tlio Cougro gntioual ohurch was hold at 2 p. m., on Saturday. Tho following oilicors wore elooted : Presideiit. Rov. W. S. Hazon; olnrk, O. D. Edgortm; treas urer, Heury Smith j staudinc commit tco. J. Ij. Moseloy, E. L. Field, Bert Holtou; flunuoial committee, Rcv. W. S. Hazou, J. L. Mosoley, Georgo H. Builey ; suporiutoudont of Sunday Bohool, M. D. Smith ; assistant saper iutoudent, Mrs. 0. D. Edgertou; den cons, Honry Olough, Goorgo Bniley.'; Missos Mnrtlia Hazon aud Julin Hol lnud of Montpelier nro spoudiug the liolidays in towu. F. L. Howo rocoutly sot n flue mouu mout in the F. S. Portor lot in Eltn wood coinotory thnt doos much crcdit to tho finii. J Rov. Homer White of Rnudolph will prench iu St. Mary's ciiurch lor tho preseut or until auothor reotor cau bo procnrod. Nollie, tlie family liorse of Pugo Hnrris, diod roueutly. The mombers of St. Mary's Suuday sohoo) held a suppor nnd Ohristmas troo at tho parish liouso on Thursdny ovoniiig. Allon Hatoli was recentlv iu St. .Tohnbsury to attend tho fuuornl of Etta Robiuson, n niece of Mr. aud Mrs. Hatch. Miss Oarrio L. Liossor left last woek for El Paso, Tox.,to spend the winter. The auuuul meetiug of Naomi Ohap tor O. E. S., will occur tomorrow eveuing. All members are requested to be preseut. Johu OroBS left lnst week for Iowa ou a businoss trip. Mrs. DaiBio Uoroy Bartell has sold a piece of lnud bordering on tho land recoutly purcliased by Mr. Holland of Mr. Bynm, to Jnruoa Holland. Albort Boaujwas iu Roxbury, Friday, ou busluess. O. S. Oarletou left Saturday moru iug for Cumborlrand, Mo., for a week 's Btay. L. Bemard Stebbins of Jamaiea, N. Y., is spending tho holidny vncution with his mother, Mrs. Onrrio Steb bius. Rov. Homer Whit"e"nud"wife ot Ran dolph were in town Thursday nnd Friday to attoud tho Ohrietmas exer cisos at St. Mary's churoh. Mr. White will hold services nt St. Mary's until a reotor is clioson. Tlie mombors of St. Mary's parish, with the Sunday scliool, hold a supper uud Ohristmns treo nt the parish liouso, Thor6day oveuiug. A very ploasant tluio is reportod. Maj. F. L. .Howi acted tho part of Santa Oians, couiiug dowu a chiuinoy and distrib utod tlio gifts from tlie troo. Mr. aud Mrs. Gilbert AndrowB re turnod on Saturday from Now York, whoro thoy hnvo boon visitiug thoir sou, Arthur, who is ill. Tho reading circlo mot with Mrs. W. S. Ha.on ou Mouday 'iustoad of with Mrs. Goorgo Nichols as wus iu teudod, owing to Dr. N'chols' illuoss. Mrs. E. L. Field nutortained n pnrty of rolntives and frieuds on Friday ovouing. A vory plonsuut eveuiug was passod. Miss Aniia Mayo of Stowo has been visitiug lier sistor, Mrs. Olmrles Pro- vier. Mrs. H. 0. Moseloy has bou quite 1 11 with uournlgia iu lior faoe. H. L. Keuyon speut OhristmaB with his daughter in St. Albnns. Dan Borry of Spriugfleld, Mnss., wns in town a few days last weok, rouow ing old acqunintnucoB. Urison Stebbins hnd the uiisfortuue to tall on tho ice ou Friday ovening uud was injure.d quito sevoieiy. Presidout Allan D. Brown, who was so seriously ill at Ashvillo, N. 0., is vory much improved in hoalth, muoh to tho gratiiloation of his niaay frionds. Mr. aud Mrs. Jamoes Reed nro vis itiug iu Barre. Mrs. Abbio Howos ontertniuod n fow frionds nt iior hotuo on Oeutral streot ou Friday ovening. Heury Orsor of Robxnry spent Sun- uay in towu. Mr. and Mrs. Emniitt Olark of Som orville, MaBB., arovisiting at tho homo of thoir pareuts, Mr. nud Mrs. Luke Tarbell. Mrs. Tarboll has boen oon finod to tho liouso by illuess, but is now oonvaiosoeut To Cure a Cold in One Day (!ASTQRA t imlitiii iiiniiiniiiif nnnminn Atgc(ablePrcparaiionrorAs slmilating ihcFoodnntlHcgula Ung UicSloinaclis andBowcls of Promotcs Digcslion.Cliccrfur ncssandRest.Contains neilhcr Onium.Morpliine norIiiieral. Not "Naiic otic . lintpc afOUinrSAKUELmaiKIt Jlx.Srntm siaiseStvd- SiGutcruUrJaUi fl5rrtSfil Ctmfirl Jkfnr llbitrryrrrn Wrivr. AperTecl Rcmedy forConsUpa Ilon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Vbrms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. FncSimilo Si'gnnlure of NEW VOllK. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. Tho childrou of the Cougregational Snnday sohool wore eutertniuod nt sup per nt Howes' linll, Thursday oveninjr, aud nfterwards a troo was nnloaded of gitts to tho hnppv little one?. Instoad of tlio usual oxercises tho snpper was givou nud it proved n thorough troat to those participating. Mrs. W B. Mnyo nnd Mr. Oiieuey wout to Willinnistown to bo presout nt tho auunal Ohristmns diuuor held by tho Lyudo family of thnt town. Miss Kato McOarty of Lobanon, N. H., is visitiug at tlie hoiuoot Dau Mc Oarty through tho liolidays. Dr. Georco Nichols was auito ill soveral days last jveek but is roported as gaiiimg. Tho exoroises held iu Concert hnll rhnrsdar eveuiug by tho Universulist Sundny sohool were of n liigh stann ard nud tlioroughly enjoyod bv botli tlio older ns widl as tho yonnger chil dron. Two treas were heavily loaded with cifts, wliioh wero difitributed Hinong tho childron. Midnight masH was celobiated at St. John's churoh ou Thursday niglit. J. H. Talbot fell ou the ice Fridny morniug wheu ou tlie way homo from niuss and wns quite sevoroly injured, confiuiug him to tho liouso for nevoral dnys. Mr nud Mrs. Frnnk Aldrich of Lud low are visitiug at tho homo of J. H. Talbot and wife. Miss Maudo Howos spout Fridav iu Barre. Dr. J. H. Judkius wns iu Montpelier ou Saturday. Dr. J. H. Judkius expoets to lenve ou Tuesday for a trip to Bostou. Among those iu towu to snond Ohristmas woro W. F. Oushmau of Boston. Miss Miriam I. Kimball of Moutpelier aud Mr. nud Mrs. J. W. Urndy of Bnrro. Fra-ik Kimball has rotrurued from North Adums, Mass., whoro ho hns linnu fnr Rnvnrnl wpnUfl thn cmnuf. nf uis sou, Dr. Shorniau Kimball. Will HnsHnfcr. frniti nlnrk Tniafifnfn Worcoster, Mass., is visitine liis nar- euts iu towu. Mrs. H. H. Slnok nud Fred Snwvor wero in Waterbury today to atteud tho luuopal of tho lato Lowis Hills. Tlio (Jongrocntioiinl ohurch will hold tho auuual Now Year's visit on Fri day aftoruoon aud ovouing, at tho chnrch This is a sori of rouniou for all members for tho ronowal of no- qusiutunco nud it is iioped thnt tho cordial invitntiou thut 1b extouaod to such will bo gonornlly aocepted uud nll make nu ellort to be preseut. Ornss Bros. oxpect to rcsumo oner- ntious at thoir Btono shods noxt weok Moutlay aftor tlio holidny vacation. As M. E. Oliaao, proprietor of tho up todato furniture storo of the towu, was at the freight Iioubo ou Saturday uuloading caskots ho had n narrow oo capo it is Baid from oconpylug ouo of tliem himsolf. Tho toam was nll load ed with tho exooptiou of ouo caBkot, wliioh was partly ou tho sloigh, wheu the horso Btartod aud iu attompting to stop tlio auimal Mr. Ohaso slippod nnd ioll on tho inilroud trnok aud tho sloigh overturned tlio greator part of the cou tontH fnlliug ouo nt n timo upou Mr. Ohnso. No Berions datnago wns duue nsido from sooio bruisos aud kindlv frieuds nssisted iu tho roloadiug of the toam and the caskots woro takon to the furuituro storo aud laid un ou the shelf. To Curc a Cold in One Day. Tako Laxativo Bromo Quiniuo Tab letB. All druggists rofuud tho mouey if it fails to ouro. E. W. Grove'sjsig naturo is on enoh bos. SSo WORCESTER. Mrs. Dnnu Riohurdsou is ill with diphthoria. Horaoo Hovoy of Iowa, is visiting liis Drothor, uogor Hovey. Curcs Crlp In Two Days. onevery (VLjb box. 25c. GASTORIA For Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE OCNTAUR COMHNT. NCW VORR OfTf. Mr. aud Mrs. H. E. Austiu were in Moretown Saturday uight andSnn day. 0. A. Fratt, who is stoppiug iu Ornftsbnry, wns iu towu the flrst of the wook. Roger Hovoy, Hornce Hovey and Mrs. Abbio Jones of Shady Rill weut to Oraftsburv ou Moudny to visit a Kietor who is ill. A geuuiuo snrprise was givon Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mooro ou Mouday oveuiug by tweuty of thoir frieuds, m ost of thom couiiug from Shady Rill. Revolution Imminent. A suro sign of npproachiug revblt nnd horious tro'ublo iu your systein is uorvontness, sleeplpssucss, or stooi teh upsets. Electrio Ritters will quickly dismember tho trunblefomo causes. It nevor fll to toue the fitnmnch, reu late tho Kidueys nud BowoIb, stimu late tim Liver, nnd olnrify the blood. Run dowu systcms beueflt pnrticulnrly nud nll the ueoal ntteudiug aohes vau iph undor its searohiug aud thorough efTeotiveness. Electrio Bitters is only GOo, nud thnt is roturued if it don't givo porfeot sntisfaction. (Juarautoed by 0. Blakely, Drnggist. BARRni. Mrs. Winfiold Durett diod nt the Heaton Hospital at 3 o'clock Tuosdny aftoruoon aftor a month's illnoss. The deceased was born iu Leeds, P. Q,, whoro hor parouts, Mr. nud Mrs. John Wilkins, now reside. She was twenty yers o( age. Slio is survivod by hor iiusband to wliom she wns mnrried about a year ago. MiFs-Jemima Trail, daughter of Jnrues Trail, died Tuenday niglit at 0 o'clock at 6 Kiuney -itreot aftor nn ill H06B of nearly the age of twenty-one years. Miss Trail was for sonio timo eniployed ntMrs. Trom- bloy's dressmakiug rooms. She was n yontig womnu of sweet dispos'itiou wlio had mauy frieuds in Barre. WATERBURY. Fred Atkius slipped aud foll on the ioy sidewnlk on Thursday ovening, striking the bnok of his hend nnd cut- ing n gash wliioh rcqnired tho tnking of povernl stitolies by n surgcou. David Hnrvey nlso foll tho same niglit, from tho snino cnuse, dislocat- iug his slionlder. Waterbury, Deo. 20. Tho marriago of Miss Gertrnde E., daughter of Arthur Domeri'.t, nud Mr. 01ov H. Fresby of Lisbou, N. II,, oconrred on Deo. 24 nt 0 o'clock p, in., at tho homo of the bride, tho Rov. F. B, Kollogg porforming tho ceremony, Tlie brido woro silk lansdowu ot palo lavender traiued, with white. George Oemeritt, brothor of tho bride, was best uiau nnd Miss Ohristiuo Muzzy bridesmaid, Tho following guosts wero preseut: Mr. aud Mra, Frod 7illard, Barre; Mi9sFlorenoe Prosby, Mr. nud Mrs. Hichnrd Fiddock, Mies Nina Domerltt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Olinrlea Towno, Mr. aud Mrs. Wheelock Towne, Mr. nnd Mrs. Luko Towuo, Bert Downiug and lady friend, Eruest Downiug, Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. A, Wright, Mr. and Mr. E. B, Huso, Miss liristiuo Muzzy, Mr. and Mrs George Goddard.Lisbon, N. H,, Mr. aud Mrs. Donuis Djwning, 0, H. Prosby, Lisbou, N. II,, Daniol Towne, Mrs, SI in on Rioker, in additiou to other immediate rolatives of the brido, Mauy vnluable and buantiful gifts woro receivod coiifllsting of ont glass, silvor, ohim, oto,, among thom belug a oarving sot, a gift from tho New Englaud Elootrloal Works Oonipauy of Lisbon, N, II,, by whoin Mr. Prosby has beou omployed, Mr, nud Mrs. Preeby will bo at homo in Lis bon, N. H., aftor Tuesday, Deo. 20, Legal Notices. ESTATE OF ELIZA I, TUIINEII. KTATK OR VEIIMONT, DlSTHIC'T Or WAS1IIN0T0N. 88. In I'rntiato Court, liclil at Monlpcllrr, In anil for ulil Dlilrlcl on tlie 2lit ilny of bcccmbcr, A. 1), lliui. I. Ollnian ScrlhliT, pjccnlor nf llio lnst will and tcslaiiiint ol KI.IA I., ll ll.NKU lalu ul . Mont pelier, In ald Dlilrlcl iticniw.l, preaonlt lilt mlnilnlalratloii accuunt fnr vMiiiiinaUiii nml allnw nnre, aud innkca aiiplk'ullon fr n iitcrceor illitrl bnllon uiid pai lllliin of I ho in-Mv ul aald ileceasuil. Wliereupuii II Is onlurcil Uy aulil l ourt, ufai aald accoiint bv iilerred to n icailoii tlifrcor, to In' lield at tlif 1'rolial- Omce. In anli Mnnt pcller, on tli 9lli Uy vt Juuuary, A. 1.. IIHK for UcarlnK nml dcclMou tlnrcon anl, II la furthtr orilen il tliat notlco heri'of be glren to all peraona lnlcreated, by liulilleallon oftlie aami three neeki Bucccaslvely In the Veiimomt Watciimak anii Statk Jouiivau a nunapapcr pulillslifd at Moi.tpellcr, In tlila btate, prevloua to aald tlra appolnted for lii'arliiBT. tliat tlier may apiwar at aald tfme and place, aml Bliow cnuse, lfany tlie)' may liavr wliy aald accounl aliould uol bo allowcd aud auch dccrte madc. Uy tlie Court-Atleet. fil-t HIltAM C'AItLETON, Judne. ESTATE OF ItEI.IEF W. JIOWElt. BTATE OP VKItUONT, DlSTIUCT Or WASIIIMaTOH, BS. tn Probate Court. lield at Montpelier. In and for aald Dlstrlcl ou tlie 'Jlit day ol Ucccmber, A. I. 1W8. Mablon 8. llathawar Admlnlstrator of tlie ratate of HEI.IEF W. SIOWEIt, lato of Calais. In sald Dlatrlct, dcceaaed, makes application to sald Court, with the consent and approtiatlnn ln wrltlnf; ol the belra of sald diccaieil. risldlnir ln the Ktatc of Vermont, for llccnse to f fll all of tho rial estate ol aald lcceaed, sltuated.ln Calais, In sala Dla trlct. to wlt: llelugall or the Intereat of sald de ceased.lnclmllnfttliahoiucstcad rlKht tl.erclu ln the homo placo of hor late hual and, Alblon J. Mower ccnslatlnz of about three hundrtd seTcntv-nlne, and onc lialf acrea of land, tho butldliiKa thcrcon, and aMout forly acrcsof back lot, so called, repre euntlnK tliat the sale thertoi would be beneuclal to tho belra ot sald dcceaaed. aud those lutere6t'U In hla estate, ln ordcr to conierl sald real estate luto moncy. Wliercupoti, Itlaordered by sald Court. tbatsald application be referrcd to a aesalon thercof, to be held at tho I'robito ofllce. ln suld Montpellei-, on the 9th day of January, A. I), 11)04. for hearlnfr aud dcclslou ihereon; and, lt Is fuitlier onleruu tliat all persons Interested bc liotlflcd hereuf, by pub llcatlon of notlce of sald application nnd ordvi thereon three wceks successlvcly ln tho Veiuiont WATCHMAN AND BTATE J0U1WAL, a newspapei publlshcd at .Montpelier, In this Hlate, and whlch clrculatcs In the nclgliljorliood of those lutcrested, bcfore sald tlme ol hearlnfr, tliat thcy may appear al sald tlme and place, and, If they see cause, obJc thereto. Ily the Court-Atti st, M-l I11UAM CAltl.KTON. Juilne. E&TATE OF AL1110N J. MOWEll. Statk or Veumont, DlSTltlCTOF WA811IN0T0N, 8.8. In I'robate Court, lield Iu Montpelier. In and for sald Dlatrlct, ou tlie 21 st day ul Deccniber, A D. 1IW. Mahlon B. Ilathaway, Adnilnlstrator do boulsnon of tho estate ol Al.llION J..MUWKK. lato of Calais, ln sald Dlstrlct, deceased. mukes application to salc Court with the ccnscnt and approbatlon In wrltlnK'ol the belra of aald deceased, resMlng ln the Stato ot Vcrmoul, for llcenie to a. II ll oftlie real cau to ol sald deceased, altuated ln Calais, In aald Dlstrlct, to wlt: Hoine place, coi slstlnir of about three hun drad stvctity-iilnc and onc-half ncrea of land and bulldliiKS thereon, also about furty acrea of back lot, so called, exctpt tlie Intiiest ol tho estate of the wldow olsald deceased thereln and tho liumcstead rlght. reprcEcntltiK tliat tli sale thereol would be beneflclal to the lielrs ol sald deceased, and those Interested ln her estate, In order to couvert sald real estate luto moncy. Whereupon, lt Is ordered by sald Court, thnt sald application be referrcd to a scsslon thercof to be held nttlie I'rohatu Olllce. In sald Moutpelier, ou tho KtS day of January, A. I). W04. for liearluK and de clslon thereon, and, It Is Airthcr ordered, tliat all persons Interested be notlneii hereof by publlcatloi. of notlce of sald appltcatlipi aud ordcr tliereou three wecks successlvcly In tho Vkumont Watciiman and State Jouiinal, a nuwsnaper publlshed at Montpelier, lu tlils State, and whlch clrculatcs In the nclgliborhood of those Interested, bel'oro sald tlme ol liuurliifr, tliat they may anpear at sald tlme and placol and, lf thcy see cause, objecl thereto. Ily the Court.-Attest. IilltAM C'AltLKTOX, JudKe. ti-i ESTATE OP FltEEMAN IIIXI1Y. State or Vlumoxt. DtSTiucT or Washington, ss. ' In I'robate Court, lield lu Montpelier, In and for sald Dlstrlct. on tlie Slat day ol Dtccmber.A. D. 1!03. Jnmes W. Ilrock, AduiInUtrator, wltl tlio will an nextd, of the estate ot FHEEMAN 1IIXI1V, late of Montpelier, ln sald Dlstrlct, deceased, presents his adnuulstratlon account for exainlnatlon and allowance, and makei application for a Uecree ol dlstrlbutlon aud paitltlou of the estate of sald deceased. Whereupon It Is ordered by sald Court, tliat sald ac count and sald application be referred to a sesslon thereof, to be held at the I'robate Ofllce ln sald Montpelier, on the lltli day of January, A. D. 1W1 for liearlnx and declslon thereon: And, lt ls furtlirr ordered that notlce hereof bu Klven to all persons ln terestcd,by pubtlcatlon of the same three wecks suc cesslvely lu the V'ehuont Watciiman and Stati Jouiinal, a newspapcr publlshcd at Montpelier. In this State, prerlous to sald tlme ap- fioluted for hearlng, that thev may apiiear at sald luie and place. aud show cause, lf uny they may liave, why sald account should not bo allowed. and such uecree maile. Uy tlie Court Attest, 11-1 HIltAM CAHLETOK. Jodue. ESTATE OFSTErilEN TI10MAS. Statk or Vkumont, Distkict or Washington, ss. In I'robate Court. lield at Montpelier, In aud for sald Dlstrlct, on tbe 23d day of December, A. D. 1903. An lnstrumcnt purportlnz to be the last will and testamcnt cf SIEI'IIEN TIIOMAS. late of Moutpelier. In sald dlstrlct, deceased, bclnxpre scnted to the Court for I'robate, lt ls ordered by sald Court. that all persons concerned thereln be notllled toappeai at a aesslon of sald Court. to be held at th i'robatt Ofllce lu sald Montpelier, on the 9th day of January, A. D. 1904, and show cause, lf any tber may have. agalnst the probate of sald lnstrument, for whlch nurpose It ! further onlered, tliat notlce of thlsoruer be publlshed three weeks successlvely ln tbe Vkumont watciiman andstate Joubnal. a newspoper prlnud at Monliieller, ln tbis State, prevlous to sald tlme appolnted for hearlng. Ily the Court, Attest. M-l HIltAM CAItLETO.N', JudRe Statk or Vkumont, DlBTUICTOr WA8IIINUT0N, 8.8. In I'robate Court, held at Moutpelier, lu and foi sald Dlstrlct, ou the IDthday of December, A. D. 19U3! Johu W. Hurfie6s. extcutorof the last will and tcstamentofTUOMAS W. WOOD.Iuteot Montpelier, ln sald Dlstrlct. dccoascd, presents his admlulstra tlou account for exauiluatlun and alluwauco and xnakca application for u decreo of dlstrlbutlon and partltlon of the e-tate of sald deceased. Wliereupon, It : ordered by sald Court that sald account uud sald application bo relerred toaresslon thercof to bo held at tho I'robate Otllco.ln sald Mont pelier, on tlie iml day of January. A. D. 1901, for nearlnjr and declston thereon; and, It ls further or dered that notlce hereof be Klven to all persons Inter ested, by nubllcatlon of the same three weeks suc cesslvelylu the Vkumont Watciiman and Stati Jouiinal, a ncwspaper publlshed at Montpelier, ln this Mate, prevlous to sald tlme appolntett lor bear Iiik, that they may appear at sald tlme and place, and show cause, lfany they may have, why sald account aliould not be allowed, and such decreu nnde. Ily tlie Court, Atteat, IlIltAMlCAlCLKTON. JUDUI. f0- ESTATE OF AI.EXANDEIt DINUWALL. Statk or Vkumont, Distiiict cr Washington,' i. b. In rrobate Court. held at Montneller. ln and for sald Dlstrlct, on the 11th day of December, A. D. 1903. All lnstrument purportlnir tn be the last will and tes tament of AI.EX ANDKIt DINUWALL. late of East Montpelier In sald Dlstrlct, deceased. belng presented to the Court for I'robate, lt la ordered by sald Court, that all persons concerned thereln bo notllled to ap . pear at a sesslon of sald Court. to be held at the I'ro bate Ofllce In sald Moutpelier, on the stti dayof Jan uary, A. D, IWI.and show cause, If any Uiey may have, 1 agalnst the probate of sald lustrument, lor whlch Imrpose II Is further ordered that notlce ot this order lenubllshed three weeks succesaltelv ln the VKU MONT Watciiman and Statk JouitNAL,a newspa pei prlnted at Montpelier, In this State, prevlous to sald tlme appolnted for liearlnc Uy the Court. Attest, 60-H HIltAM CAULKTON, Judge. ESTATE OF TIIOMAS W. WOOD. ESTATE OF FUANKLIN A. SANDFOItD. Statk or Vkumont, Distiiict or Washington, r, b. In Probate Court, lield lu Montpelier. In and for sald Dlstrlct, on tbe 15th day ut December, A, D, 190S. ' 'Orln II. Smith. Admlnlstrator of the estate of FUANKLIN A. SANDFOItD. late of Marshfield, lu aald Dlstrlct, deceased, presents hta adrulu latratlon account lor examlnatlou and allow ance and makes appPcatlon for a decree of dlstrlbutlon and partltlon of the estate of sald de. ceaaed. Whereupon lt Is ordered by sald Court, that sald account and sald application be referred to a esslon thereof. to be lield at the I'robate Ofllce In aald .Montpelier. ou the 7th day of January A. D. 1904, for hearlnjr and declslon Ihere ont Is further ordered tliat notlce hereof be flven to all persons Interested, by publlcatlon of he aame three weeks successlvely In the Vxn mont Watciiman and Statk JomtNAL, news paper publlshed at Montpelier, lu tbla State, pre vlous to sald tlme appolnted for hearlug.that they may appear at saldtlmo and place, and sliow cause lf any they may liave, why sald account should not be allowed, and such dccrre hiade, Uy the Court. Attest, M-t2 HIltAM 0AUI.l-.Tl3v. Judjre, K3TATE Of FltF.ll M. SNOW. Statk or Vkumont. Distiiict or Wa8iiin(iton, s.s. In I'robate Court, held' lu Montpelier, ln and for sald Dlatrlct, on the litli dar of December, A. D 1U0J! E, (!f loale Snow, Admlnlslratrlx of tlie catato ol FltED M. SNOW, tatc uf Moi tpeller, ln sald Dls trlct, deceased, presents her aduilnlsliatloii account for cxainln.itlon nnd allowancc.and u.akoa applica tion for a decreo ordlstrlbutlon and partltlon or tne estate of sald ileceased. Whereupon lt Is ordered bv sald Court, that sald account and sald application bo referred to a sesslon thereof, to bo hcli tho I'rohatu OITICo In aald Montpelier, on th Ctli day of Jan.A. D. 19U4, for hearliiK and drclslo creon) And, II Is further or dered thut notlco h rbooiventn all tiersona ln tcrcsted, hy ttibllo .if u of Ihe same three wecks successlvely ln th IK11M0NT WATCIIMAN AND htatk jouiinal. ' spaper publlshed at .Mont pelier, In tlils State, ,irs lous to aald tlmu appolnted for hearlnx, tliat t ie, may appear at sald tlme miu iMnce, itiiu, snow ',it so, ii any iney may uave. why aald account should not be allowed. uud sucb decrce made. Uy the Court, Attest. SO 5J HIltAM CAULKTON, Judfte ESTATE OF HtKAM A. SAWVEIt. Statk or Vkumont, Distiiict or Washington, s. g. In Probate Court held In Montpelier, In and for sald Dlstrlct, on the lllh day of Deccniber, A. D. Don I'. Sawyer. executnr of the last will and testament of IilltAM A. SAWYKIt. lato of Mld dlosex. ln sald Dlstrlct, deceased, presents hla adminlstratlou account for examlnatlou and allow ance, and makes application for u dicreeof dlstrlbu tlon and partltlon or tlie estate ot sald deceased. Whereupon lt Is ordered by sald Courl. that sald ac count aud sald application be referred to a sesslon thercof to bo held at tho I'rolmto onice In sald Mont peller.on tho Oth day of Jan. A. D. laol.for hearlnir and declslon thereon I And, lt ls furthcred ordered that notlce hereof be glven to all persons Interested, by publlcatlon ofthntaiue thrco weeks successlvcly In tho Viiimont Watciiman and statk Jouiinal, a ncwsnaner nuhllshed ut Montnelle. ln this HLatp. prevlous to sald tlme apru Inted for hearlnir, that they may appear at sild ilin, and place, aud ahow I cause, lfany thoy may have, why sald account should ' not bo allowed and such decree made. ' Ily the Co -rt. Atlcst. I tU-tJ IilltAM CAKLETON, Judfre. COMMlSSIONEItS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF ItKLlEF W. MOWEIt. Tlie undersnrned avliifr been appolnted bvthe llon. Probate t'our. or tho Dlstrlct of Wushlnirton. Colulillssloners'. to r. celve. exHinlne aml adlust all clalnisanddemandHOl all persons aealnst theestateol 1 t.- I 1 1. L' li . 1.' U I ... I sald Dlstrlct. deceased: and all clalnia ......a.. ... .'u ,. ..... uud ui yniniB. ,u lilblte,! lu offsct thereto, hereby Klve notlce that we wtll meel for th. purposea uloresald, at the ol II. A. Morae, In the towu ol Calais, In sald Dlstrlct, or. tho Clh day o, Juuuary and 6th day of April next, Irom 1 o'clock I'. M. uutll 4 o'clock 1. M.. each of sald days. and thatslx inonths Irom the 6th day of Oclobcr, A. D. 1903. la the tlme liiulted by sald Court for sald credltora to presenl thelr clalms to us for 4xau.mat.on and allowance. Dateit at Calais, this 1st day ol December, A. D. 1903. II. A.MOltSK. ( Commls-JO-12 II. W. TOWNE, t a.oiiers. COMMI88IONKII8 NOTICK ESTATE OF AI1UA1IAM C. SPIUO. The underslKiied, liavlux bccn appolnted bv tbt Hon. Probate Court for tho Dlstrlct of Washington, Commlsslouers, to recele, examlue, and adjus all clalms aud demands otall iiersous itKalnsl the estati of AdltAIIAM CSl'IIIO. late of Montpelier. In sald Dlstrlct. deceased; aml all clalms exhlblted ln olTset thereto, hereby Klve notlce that we will ineet for the purposes afuresald, at tlie Capltal baviUKa Ilanknnd Tr. Co. In the Cltf of Montpelier, In sald Dlstrlct, on tlie 7th day of Jan uary and 13th day of June uext, frruu 2 o'clock r.M. until fi o'clock r. SIU euch of saIiI davs. and slx months frou: tliellthdayot Dicember.A. I)190j ' Is the tlme llni.ted by sa.d Court ror sald cred Itora to tireseut thelr clalms to us for exainlnatlon and allowance. Dated at Montpelier, tlils llth day of December A. D. 1903. ANDItr.W J.SI1II.EY. ( Commls-00-92 AltTHLIIt D. FAIHVELL.J sloners. TO BUTCHERS-and HIDE BUYER5! AVo wish to purcliaso your Ilides, Calf skins, Shvcp Pelts, Tullow i lul bones. Wo advniico money if dt'jired. We pay spot cash. Wo pay tlio freiglits. AVe pay fnll market values. Wo want ngents every where to sell Pagc's Perfccted Poultry Food aud other Poultry stipplies. For further particulars, ADDHESS C. S. PAGE, HYDE PaRK, VT. M. W. Wheelock's Real Estate Ageuc AND INTELIGENCE OFFICE At Montpelier Boolc Bindery, havo bar gains in houses, lots and o tlier valuable property. 1'laces wauted for first class clcrks, male, liotel cook, girls for house work, lanndry work etc. f3"No expense for registering f SenU moJei.okctcP or 1 1 oto ol InvtPtion loi ' freereport on Toteiitaulllty. ror jrc poos, Sre rnAL'h-mAi'llVd ,r . ;Opposito U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON P. U. Dr, mmons' Mor.thly ncgulator baa brought liapplness i to hundrcusof HnxlouBWomcn. aiiero U t.osll . lye. rrr .. L-,irk.n ti, Tnedlcnl sclonco SSt quteW ana Bafciy d. tho work. Lonircst and most obstlnato lrrcgularltles trom any cause rclle eU lnimeutnieiy. ouro antccdatanyetaKC. Nopaln. ilaneer.orlnWr. feroSco wllh wor. Havo relieTedliundrcds of um" wherc otl.ers liavo rallcd. Thc most dllU. cuUcaeee i ucccaf ully trentod Uy nml .and 1 ben cncial re.-ul's jruarniitced ln every liiatanco. M risk wiia "oivcr. Wo trcat liuntfreda of ladlca whom wo uSvcrice. Wi lto for fui tiicr parllcu. Sraand treo contldontlal advlco. Do nol put ofl l" long. Alltcttera truthfullr anwerod. tncmbcr. tlila remedy ls absofutcJy Bafo under every poselblo coudltlon aud polilvely learet no aftor 111 elfcct upon tho heaVli. Houty malU txurciV HoaU il. J'i.00. Moncy Icttere Bliould bo frerell: Uli. J. W. EMMONS CO.,171 Itc mont St., llottun, Mass. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I BSBSBSBSBSBSBmr Debiqns copvrichts &c. nnnn manMna n aknleli nnd descrlntlon mav quickly ascertalu our oplnlon frea whctlier nn ; Invent on is pronaDiy paieiuKim'. .uiu;uiii.i.. tloiiBstricllyconlldoiitlal. HAN0B00K onl'atenta sont freo. Oldest asency lorsecurlngpatenta. l'atenta taken tlirounh Jlunu St, Co. recelve iftetal notlcf, wlthout cbarne, In tbe SciciUific Jln;:;;cniL A handsomely lllustrated weekly. I.areest clr culatlou of any sclentlUo journal. Terms, J a yean Sold by all newsdealera. MUNN&Co.36,BfMd New York llranch Offlce. (25 V BU WaahlDntoii, D. C. 31 Contral Veunont Railway, CommenclnK Dct. 4, ltKiJ. rralns golntz South and East Wll Loavo Montpollor ns Followsi 9.00 A.M. MAIL, week days, for Ilootoi Bprlai deld and New York. 12:Sn I', M. EXl'llESS. week days, lor lloston and New York vla SprlngHeld, or New lyndon and Wor sester vla Nashua. I'arlor car to Iloston and Hprlnr 0ld. SJUP.M PAISEVQEK. for Whlt Itlver Junctlon. W:8i)A. M..dally EXPIIESS, for Iloston vlalvr ell and all polnts ln New England, New York and south. I'ullmsn SIepe-s to Iloston and Sprlsx Held. Tralns Colng North and Wost. tM A. M., dally KXPKES3 for Montreal and tb west and week daya for Oirdenst-irn', Ulchford and Ottawa. Sleeplng cars. Montpelier Junctlon to Montreal. D.UU A. M. PA89ENQEB, week days, for llurllnr ton, Itutlaud, St. Allians, Montreal, Ottawa and ttlcliford. 9.35 A. M. Hnnday only, I'ASSENUEIt for Ilnrllnjr ton and St. Allians. 8:3UP. M. PASSENGEIt, week days, fnr nsrllmr. ton, St. Albans, Montreal, Itouses Polnt OrdensbsrsT an Hlc'irnrd. I'sslor car to Montreal wltbout-hanjre. )IBP. M. EJWIIE33 for llurllnntou, st. llbana ton, st. Ubani from Montpelier an i sionire.iT i-unman aieepmx car from Jlc Junctlon to Uhlcatro wlthoutchanite. Suburban Traln Sorvlco. frfive Montpelier at 3:lC, 9!K S9.W) a. m 11W.3.83,6.5),SIOJO. P.M. Arrlve at Barre twentr mlnutea after leavlna; tlme. Leave Barre al 12:01, 8:84, 9.00 A. M 12; at. 3.0S, 5:30. p. m, Arrlve at Montpelier. twst ty mlnutea after leavlnir tlme, Tralns leave foi Williamstown at 12:M p. m. and 3.M3 r. u. All passenirer tralns will stop at tne Ploneer vnrks lo take or leave pasenfrers when sUnalled. Sunday only. A. M. ADAM8, Aient K. H.KtTZHUOH.VIce Tres., Oeneral Manauer. J. E. BENTLEY. Oeneral Paasemrer Aieut. Montpelier & Wells River R. R. In EtleciOct. 19,1903. Tralns leavlnir Montpelier as follows Oolns east: 8:00 A. M. Mall. (C. V. stallon 7:) A. M.) No. 3 Mall Connects at Wells Ulvor with Accommodatloa Traln North nnd Mall Traln south over I'assumpstf Dlvlslon Iloston & Malnc It. It. AUo connects wltli Accouimc-latlon Traln North vla. White Mountaln Dlvlslon and with Mall Trt. ti . . . . 1. I . I I. k. . . I. .. . . . .. ciuuiii, niuui nu moiuK'i .ram servico irum vveiia Itlver to Iloston. vlt I'lvmouth. Concord. Mjnchnvbi Nashua, and Lowell, arrlvlnicat Boston, 4.-J0 P. M 1 1 1 O P. M. Expross. (0 V statlou 1 :0u r. M.) No. 5, Exoross, Connects at Wells Itlver with Exnress aml tfaf . traln North over Passumpslc Dlvlslon II. .t M. K. It Soo Llne Express to St. Paul and Mlnnespolbi I Westeru Express to Chlcao and NUht Express o 1'aclllc Coast polnts vla. C. P. Itv. Tliroujrh Sleerlnie Cars, Wells Itlver to St. Paul, Montreal to Chlcajro I dally excent Saturdays. Montreal to Paclflc Coast and Tourlsts Cars to Paclflc Coast Wedneadayt. Connects with Mall Traln for Llabon, Llttleton, , Whltefleld. Fabyans, Laucastcr, tlrovetonaml Berlin. I Also counects with Express Traln lor Iloston Tla. I Plymouth, arrlvlnir Boston at 8:iO P. M. ThrougB l uriorars. neui mver io uoaion. 4ilO P, M. Accommodatlon. ILeaves frora M. l W. H. statlon only.) No. 7, Accommodatlon Connects at Wella Rlver with Traln North over Passumpslc Dlvlslon B. & M. It. IU for all statlons between Wells Itlver and Lyndonville, wltn Ae cninniodatlon South for all statlons hptwppn W!1 I Itlver and White Itlver Junctlon, and with Accom- mouaiion irain over wnue .lotiniam utvlslon u. t M. lt. It.. for Ltsbon, Llttleton. Whltefleld and Lancaster. Tralns Wost.' Leave Wells Itlver 7.00. 10.00 A. M. 3A5 r. M, Arrlve Montpelier 9Ji, 1130 A. M. ft.0 P. M. From Boston. Leave Boston 10:00 A. M. Arrlvu Montpelier 5:08 p. m. Suburban Traln Sorvlco. Leave Montpeller-.30. 9.45 XM A. M. 2.40 SJO 8,10 P. M. . Leave KArre 7 30 1050 A, M . 12.45 3.1, 4.10, 5.30 P. M W. A. STOWELI., Oeneral Manaaier. F. W.STANYAN.SuperlntecdeBt, W.MVBSE.OeD'l I'ats. Airent Boston & Maino Kailroad. Wintor Arrangoment. IN EFFECT OCT. 11, 1903. Tralns Loavo Wolls Rlvor North Bound. 338 a M., dally, prlnclpal statlons to Newport and Montreal. 2:35 A.M. dally, exeept Monday f, St. John- bury. iiyndonvllle. Newport Sherbrooke and Quebee, except Sunday and Monday, 9:52 A.M..for statlons to Newport and Sherbrooke 3:22 P, M., for prlnclpal statlons to Newport and Montreal. 3 30 P. 51. for statlons to Newport, Sherbrooke as4 Quebec. 6 50 1: M.. ror statlons to Lyndonville. South Bound. I 35 A. M., except Monday, for prlnclpal statlons to W. lt. Junctlon, Worcester, Boston and Spiinif fleld. K 1:55 A.M dally for statlons on W. M. D to Con cord, Manchester, Nashua, Worcester, Lowell and Boston. 6:80 A.M. , irom Woodsvtlle for statlons to Concord and Boston. 9:50 A. M for statlons to W. It. Junctlon, Concord, Worcester and Iioston. 9 55 A. M., for statlons on W. M. Div. to Concord, Worcester and Iloston. ,35 A. M. for prlnclpal statlons to Boston, Sprlnx- fleld and New York. 1:00 P, M tor statlons to W. It. Junctlon, Sprlnjc- ueld. Concord, Worcester and Boston. 2:54 P.M., for Plymouth, Concord, Worcester and Boston. 2,t5 I. M., from Woodsvllle, for statlons to Concord. 6;W P M..for all statlons to White Itlver Junctlon. Colng North on W. M. Olv. at 9:52 A. M.,for all statlons. 3:Sul'.M., for all statlons. 6 55 I. 51., to statlons to Lancaater. 10:151. M.. Sundaysonly lor Lancaster. D. J. FLANDERS. Oon. Paas. ml Tlcket Agont. EAST ROXBURY. Miss Webstor is houie for a two weeks' vncution. ".Miss Etta Ohntuborlin wnsaguost of Lella Wobstor last week. DrTWelcli was iu towu last weofc aud tested tlie cowa of A. J. Lndd, George Foss, Johu Davis and Orza Boyce and fonud thom all free from tuberculosiH. Mrs.W. W. Rogers from Manchester visited frieuds iii towu last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Beaton of South Ryognte woro in towu for Ohristmas. Mrs. Lizzio Freomau has boeu, ill the past week. Ureamory patrous rocoived 24j couts for Novembor butter. Jauies Stoele was takeu with a bad spell last week while at tho baru and had to bo lielued iuto the housu. He has beeu coutlued to tho Iioubo most of tho time siuce. There is moro Oatarrh iu this soo tion of tho couutry thau all othor dis j -es pnt togethor, aud until the last yt yoars was supposed to be iuonr- 'o. For a fireat many years doqtors prononncod ic a local diseaso aud pro soribed local romodies, and by cou stantly failiuc to oure with local troat meut, proiiouuced it iucurablo, Soi euco has proved oatarrh to bo aoousti tntional diseaso and thoroforo requires constitntioual treatmout. Hall's Oa tarrh Oure, maunfaotured by F. J. Oheuey & Oo., Toledo, Oliio, is tho ouly coustitutional ouro ou tho ninr kot. lt is takou iutorually in dosos from 10 drops to a teaspoonfal, lt aots diroatly on tho blood aud inucous surfaoes of tho systom. Thoy offor ouo huudrod dollars for auy oaso it fails to ouro. Seud for oirculars aud testimonials. Address, F. J. Olieney & Oo., To ledo, Oliio. Sold by Druggists 75o. Hall's family Pills aro tho best. Kfi