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8 VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATL JOUKNAL. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 3903 RIVER In dcsirable locations, ncar school and railroad. Mcadow land, and plcnty of wood, and two of thc bcst FARM BAR GAINS to be had in this section of Vermont. Farm on thc road bctwccn Plainfield and Marshfield. One can have clcctric liehts, and there is already a telephone on the Peoplels Line, New England Line runs by thc door. Buildings consist of lj story house with ell, better than farm buildings averagc, and in good condition. Large bani ioo ft. long, can tic 35 hcad of cattlc. Largc Silo 100 T. capacity. Horse barn 40x50 with batement There is.also a basement under the largc barn. The propcrty includcs about 25 head of cattlc, 40 or 50 Tons hay, 1 horse, and all tools, also 150 hemlock logs in the woods. This property can be bought at the prcsent time for only S45OO.0O. 4Y2 Hiles from Montpelier. Farm of 165 ocres equally divided. part 'pasturage and tillage, and plentv of woodland. Has been cstimated 150.000 ft. of soft wood lumber. The place will cut 50 T. of hay, and land is in very good condition., Mcadow land all ma chine mowing. Buildings consists of a 9 room house in good condition, and barn 100 ft. long, can tic 35 head of cattlc. This property including about 30 head of cattlc, farming tools, and produce; S4250.00- Further Particulars Regardine: Theso Properties May Be Had By Applying At The REAL ESTATE ACENCY Barre, Vt GROTOS". Marricd, at the Methodist parsou nge, Deo. 24, by Rov. A. J. Hongh, .Frauois M. Woldrou ond Eronio B. Artlinr, both cf Newbury. Tho ChristmoB treo oxoroises of tlio Metliodist cliuroh wero held on Thurs day oveuing. aud of tlie Boptist cliuroli ou Friday eveniug. TJiere WaB a largo atteudauco at botli places, aud tlio exerciEOB rondered were of a very high charoctor. Mr. aud Mrs. D. F. Olark of Mout pelior. joiued the faniily gathering at Alox Cochrau's on OliriBtmos Day, re turning to Montpelier on the evening train. Mr. and Mrs. Block aud Misa Fiuuerty, with Mr. aud Mrs. Fletcher, who have beeu guests during the Christnias holidays at the Cochrau homestead, rotnruod to Buston, Sot urday. Mibs Virginio Fletcher aud Mis T. J. Coohran, after urief visit to Montpelier, will roturu to Bostou, stopping for a few doys at Olareinont, N. H., (ii the way. Arthur Howard, Mary and Mrs. George H. Hongh of White River Janction wero guests at tho MothodiBt par6onago on Thursday and Frioay. Priucipal L. 0. Cook has fornied a debatiug society in the liigli school and the topio for Tlmrsday uight is "Resolved, that a limitod niouarchy is a more Bnccessful forui of govern ment tlian aropnblic. " Thesedobatos nre awakeniug cousidnrable- iutorest and, aro highly beueflcial to the par tiolpauts. Mrs. Lydia (Taisey) Iticker died on Tlmrsday morning, in her niuoty secnud yenr,at the home of her daueli er, Mrs. M. H. Whitehill, and tho fu neral Bervico was condnotod at the Methodist clmrch ou Snuday, her paB tor, Rev. A. J. Hongh, oillointiug. Thirteen children were boru into tho homo oiglit of whoji aurvivo their mothor, Ibhuo M., Oharles A., Mrs. Moses H. Mitchell, and Benjamin F., of Groton; Nathan II., ot Ryegate; Williaiu, Woodsville, N Ha.; Harvey, of Minueapolis; aud Mrs. Melville, of Monoy, Oreek, Minn. All were pres eut at tho fnueral except the son aud danghter iu the west. Tho relativos noticed from out of town wore Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ricker, Plainfield; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ricker, Randolph; Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Whitehill, Waterbury; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rick er, St. Johnsbnry ; Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Duun aud daughter. Peacham ; Mr. and Mrs. Jaiues Smith, Corinth. Mrs. Ricker was a roinarkablo womau, not. only attaiuing to a great age, bnt noldiug her faculties in full vicor to the last. Sho was greatly beloved lor the parity of tor character and her self sacrifioing life. For the pasf twelvo years she resided with her daughter, Mrs. Mosea H. Whitehill, receiving the tonderoHt caro and min istry trne love could render. "Her childrou rise up aud call her blessed." Lafayette Carpeuter died Mouday uight. Thu eevoie cold has oaused work to bo BDBpendod at the stono shedB. WILLIAMSTOWN. Tho auunal Ohristmas dinner of the Lynde fauilly was givou at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Oheney last Friday. Mrs. Ge6rge W. Lynde was able to bo presont. James K. Lynde started for Wilton, Will county, IliiuoiB, last Friday morning, oallod thern by the orltioal condition of liis sistor, Mrs. Martha Lynde Keniston. It is foared sho nan livo bnt a little time. An auiasiug report found its wr.y hore from Barre lask week, to tlio oifoot tluit onr oflloiont and popular jailroad couductor, James iCanaly, had le't the road booaue ho feared our iooomotive whb unsafe the danger tahiB life being that it might blow up, IIow often, rathor, has tho time boen that ho wonld liavo rojoiced if tho thiug had benn cnpnble of gotting up stoam euough to oorae from Barro Jioro on ovou iti sohodulo timel No, FARflS Room 8 and 9 Qordon Block. Mr. Kaiialy was ou a visit to liis old homo iu Leicester Juuction, after au absenco of thteo years. For tno first time siuco liis marriago, eight years ago, he spout OliriBtmos with liis fani ily horo last week. John Dow was oporaterl on for ap peudictis at the luory Fletclier Hos pjtnl last Thursday. His wife was in Burlington at tlio time. The roport comes of a succussful oporatijn. Frieuds of the old miller, John Dix, in et at his house laBt Weduesduy ovoniug, to '"uotice" his oighty-third birthday. He was cheered on the oo casiou by tho preBtuce and presouts of well-wisher, who may havo been evon moru "blobsed" tiiau he wag. Dr. Hnury Downs aud Miss Saida McKee were married at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Leslie D. Galo, ou Thursday eveuiug last. Rov. Mrs. Eilio K. Jouos ot Barro olliciatiug. The bride was gowued in white silk. A goodly uunibor of .guests wore thore; rof roshmeiits wore sorved ; tho pres ents could not but givo pleasuro. The couplo loft tho sauie eveniug tor thoir homo, Oil Oity, Peuu., via New York oity aud Pittsburgh, The doctor had growu up hore aud was kuown by our oitizens. Mrs. Downs came here from Oauada some yoars ugo, aud had workod for a loug time iu the Lynde Storo latterly for George L. EdBon. she was a suleswonin that was well liked, und sho has takeu witli her the good wishes of mauy friouds. Wo oxpeot to hoar only of succcts iu lns profession by the dootor and we wish them the bost aud happiest of homes. Mayo aud Roecoo Lynde wero at home from tho Bakerslield Acudemy for Ohristmas. Tho rain on Thursday ovoniug waB rathor unfavorable for tho Ohristmas exeroises at tho Metliodist aud Uui versnlist ohnrches. At both places, howover, tlio childrou's exeroises wero woll carriod out. Thore wero treeB at both chnrches, aud pastors aud people wore remembored iu the gifts. Tho weather on Friday evening was more favorablo for a gathering at the OhristmaB 4xorcises at the Oongrega tioual cliurch, though a drawback was tho ioy roads and walks on which peo ple had been falliug, during tho day, nr iindiug it diillcult to staud ereot. Theie was, howevor, large atteud auco, aud tho program provod au ox ceediugly pleasaut one. Tho musio under tho direotion of Mrs. J. IC. Lyndo, the work of the ohildren, a voritubjo Sautu Olaus, with the Ohristmas trees and their "frnits" mado a joytul ovoniug, aud, with othors like it, one that should liolp to tako tho world about us the better and hnppior. Tho new stone shed rosumed work on Mouday of this week, such is the amount of work on hand. George Milne of Barre, BOu-iu-law of our former townsmau, John Jones, is a worthy Scotchman, who has beeu vury snocoFsful iu the grauito buni ness, buiug au owuor iu one of thu best dark quarries in Barre. Having 1 a uophew, James Milne, that he is in toroBtod in, he has bought of Jerry Hutchiutou the old John Lynde farm. ou tho west Bido of thc town, and the nephow will occupy it. Mr. Hutohiu son has "aocompIiBhed woudorB" on tho placo, in the fruit trees ho has put out there, aud brought to success ful boariug. Thoro is nothiug elBe of the kiud equal to it in this town. We have personally, and very pleas antly knovvn Geprgo Milno for years, aud we aro glad that ho has "driveu a stano" iu this town, although with a quarry that yiolds him, we suspoat, moro than a dozon of tho best furma in town would do, ho will hurdly tio himsoli to it, yot awliilo. Jerry Ilutchinsoii lias movod to his flne uow hoiiBO iu our villiigo, nenr the comotory, aud ho may later oarry out liis former ptau to build oue or morb houseB noar it. John M. Duffus is making his au nual visit to his brothor in Brooklyu, N. Y. Ho will visit his sou, Will, at Proctor, whilo away. Jotiathau Dlx aud houBokcoper t-ooni to havo "friouds indeod" iu tho fam lly of Alfrod OarnoH. AnniiK tho ways iu whioh this frlendhuoss is sliown. aro the Thauksgiving dlu uors at Mr. Oarncs' houso. nud tho Ohristmas dinuors ut Mnuool Boun vldoa' homo to whioh thoy aro invit od, It was an opinlon of tlio lnto Gonor al E. Bass that tho lato Judgo Alvcn Smith was iu his day one of tho niost oapable niou in our town, and for whom ho had a tiigh rospoct. Tho oldoHt sou of tho 1udgc, Duvld M., has for uinny years lived on a farm iu tho uorthwost soction of tho toWu. Tho othor day wo had a lottor from ono who forty years ago was his iioighbor aud ho wantod to know if ho was liviug. Ho paid a vory warui tributo to both Mr. Smith and his wifo as neighbors. Wo aro glad to Bay both are liviug, aud can assnro tho iuqniror that in the years siuco he was horo. thoy havo not "gono back" ou niiy of tho good qnalitios ho know iu them. 111 hoalth has ccino to Mrs. Smith, aud thoy havo soon great sor row iu tho doath of childrou, but ono worthy sou, Rev. Alveu M. Smith, lives to ohoor thoir pathway iu thoir lator yoars. Wo hopo tho roceut hos pital troatmont that Mrs. Smitd has had (whicii sho had to havo to Bavo her lifo) may bring a return of health to lior. Architeot Fraui; A. Walkor, son of Enos F. Walkor, was up from Barro with his family, ou OhriBtnias. Whilo horo, Rev. D. II. Strong aud Dr. E. B. Wateon of tho Oougregatioual cliuroh "committeo ou repairs" had him look at tho uieoting house witli roforouco to the ohanges o be mado in it tho ooniiug yoar, iib hoped for uow. Oar formor townsmau, Olark P. Hubbard, diod rocoutly iu Royalton. He had beeu a groat Bnfferer from rheumatism. Ho was somo sevouty throo yoars of age. Mis. Aarou G. Martiu, aud Luther H. J. Merrill roachod their oightieth birthdays this week. Mrs. Martin is recovoring from her shock. Mr. Mer rill Foems iu remarkablo health for his years. Miss Aurora M. Frankum uow of Montpelier, is takiug somo of the holi days hore with her auut, Mrs. O. D. Boawonh. Mrs. Ella Browu Bailey of Mont pelier is expected to be horo at tho tweutioth aunivorsary colebration of our ladies' readiug club on Saturday of this week. It is emiueutly fittiug that sho should bo, asthe formatiou of tho club wo believo was aue largely if not wholly to hor. Frank 0. York is ablo to bo out af ter u paiufnl siogo with a carbuuclo (aud uot a boil as wo olBewhero stutod) ou his ueck. Tho meroury wont to 25 dogroes or moro below zoro iuourvillago Wedues day morning last. The Good Tomplars ai6 to havo their Ohiof Graud Tomplar Ohauucey Hay den, here on Wcduesday of this week. He will givo au address at tho town 1ml . There will be refrcshmcuts af ter the address and thero will ulso be an ontertaiumout,musical or otherwise. A good timo will surely be had. Maynard Kizor with his little sou, born aftor ho left hore a few years ago, was in town rocoutly. Ho is an other iiistnuco of oue here who was thought to bo hopeleesly ill with con Bumptiou a few years ago aud is uow in quite good health. Ezra YaBsar has come baok, altor au absenco of some years t. part, if uot all cf which, was lived in Manches ter, N. H., we believo. Jamos K. Pirie lias beeu mado proBidout of tho St. Androw's Benevo leut Socioty, a lifo iusuranco compauy on the assesBUient yAru, with head quarters eorlier if tot now in New bury, aud representod horo by Slior man Winchestor. The lato Orvillo H. Briggs had iusuranco with this com pauy. Miss Nellio Blauohard will roturn aftor her vaoation to Goddard Somi uary whoro she is takiug a bnBiuess conrse. Her mothor will also return to Barro with hor. George Goodiich has.sold to W. Z. Pratt thirty to thirty-flvo tliousaud feet of spruce and hemlock in the log, to be Ufied ou the baru the luttor will build next seasou. James K. Lyudo has beeu shippiug sixteon-iuch wood to Barro oity, by tho carload. George Brigham, Olintou Wilfore, Glou MoAllister aud Rnth Buruham uro having tho mumps. Frunk O. York was unablo to otteud tho weddiug of his oldest daughtor, Eldevia, in Barre, last Friday, having beeu ailing for more than a week with a tevero boil ou tho baok of his ueck. There was a good attondauco at tho ooucert given by the Oanadiau Jubileo Singers at the town hall on Saturday eveniug last, aud thoy were heard with a great deal of ploasnre. Ou Sunday ovoniug they Bang at tho Oou gregatioual church at a nnion sorrioo. and wero muoh liKpd. This oompany of coloied siugors oall Hamiltou, Oauada, their heodqnartors. Organ ized twonty-four years ago, only one persou of the origiual compauy the Boprano singor yet romains iu it. Somo of these siugers were born in tho United States, aud some aro ohil dren of former slaves hero. Hid her heaiers on Saturday und Suuday ovenipgs knwou under what phjBical sufferiug tho soprano singor did her part, ihey would have woudored that Bho should attorapt it. Wo hopo they will have as outhusiastin a liearing in all our Vermont towns as thoy liad here, A reaont instance was a visit to onr place for work, by a yonng mau from a nearby high licenso town who wauts to get away from the ills of high liceuse as he kuows them, to a nrohibitlon town. It onght to be tho houest pride of a town that it can offur suoli a porson au invitiug place ot rosideuce. Wo kuow that, oven hero, porsouB who aro bound to havo liquors at any oost aro not likoly to "godry." Wo know too, that thoro hitvo beeu instauoes of at 1 nst iucou vouieuoe, iu the placo, siuco las snring, whoro m casos of siokuess llqaois coald not be legitimately ob taiued lu town. But mauy of onr olti zeus will say tlmt as a town wo are far bottor oir for our prohlblbitory votn of list Mirch. Let us woik for a larger vote ut tho klnd noxt Maroh aud also till auothor Loglshituro, for tho rlddiihco of tho ontlro Stato from what so luauy boliovo is only a ourso to it. j Wo wcfo glad to loarn from tlio agont of 'jlio Oanadiau Jubileo Sing ers, lu ailswor to or quostlou, that tho doors of thc tho hotols iu our Stato "Bwiug opon" to theeo Bingors ro gardlcBS of color. Wo havo roaBOU to boliovo that our owu "Monnmout Honso" gavo thom tho vory kindost rocoptiou. May uov&r ono of our Stato's hotels bolio tho good numo of tlio Stato by ouy othor troatmont ou accouut of color. WOODBURY. Houry Wobbor is ot homo from Bothol for tho holidavs, Ohiistmus was duly obsorvod and mauy heatts wore mado glad. No matter what form doath assamos it is uovor wolconio. Tho grini nios souger makos his appoaranco ln many families and Mrs. L. B. Wheolor has had hor full sharo tho last mouth. L. B. Wheolor, agod seveuty-four yoars, Mrs. Ohouoy, agod sovonty-Bovou, aud Mr. Ohouey, oged sovonty-two, all of tho samo family, diod in ono short month. Mr. Chenoy, tho last ouo oi tho docoased, was ou his woy to Hard wick from whioh pluco tiioy woro moviug with Mr. Oarr, a noighbor; whon nearing tlio plauk road ho oo camo uncouBQionB and uovor ralliod, dying on Wodnosday. The sympathy of Woodbury peoplo is toudercd Mrs. Whoolor and hor romaining family. Henry Friotte aud Gardinor Collov wore iu Barnet last week, Mrs. Oarl Drenau is visltiug hor sistor iu Ooncord, N. H., this weok. NORTH RANDOLPH. O. E. Taft is quite ill with appou dioitis. Dr. Scott is tho atteudiug pysiolau. Edward aud Ernest Kibbee are at homo from tho U. V. M. for the holi days. Tho childrou at D. J. Oamp's are sick w'lth whoopiug congh. i Mr. Molutyre, who has beeu work iug for D. J. Camp, was takou to tho Sauitarium at Randolph last week aud on Sunday ouo of his arms wm takon oil uear the elbow. Some from this placo attonded tho Ohristmas oxorcisos at the Ooutor Thursday uight aud at East Randolph aud East Brookfield, Friduy uight. Mrs. Jaue Willard of Royalton is stopping at G. W. Blodgott's Mrs. Houry Smalloy, who had beeu sick for about a woek with pneumouia uud lastl.v spiual moningitis, diod ou Mouday morning. She leavos a hus baud aud daughter to monru her loss. Mr. aud Mrs. W. N. Carpeuter Hpent Ohristmas with Mrs. Oarpeutor's par ents at Barre. Eight partook of tho ChriHtmas tur koy at G. Bazzell's aud soventeon at F. O. Oouo's. R. O. Poorspont Friday with friands iu West Brookfield. MORETOWN. Mr. aud Mrs. R. O. Atkius were iu Waterbury, Mouday, Decembor 21. Mr. aud . Mrs. H. E. Austiu of Worcester visited iu town Saturday, B. J. Stowart and wifo of Montpe lier visited Mrs. .Touuio Piorco on Sunday. Several from here attouded the Ohrist mas treo aud oxorcisos at Duxbury, I. O. G. T., hall, Friday ooning. Mr aud Mis. Albort Somorvillo of Montpelier spout Ohristmas with his paionts, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Somer villo. G. 0. Evans aud J. D. Bidgood were iu Montpelier, Saturday. Thoro was a OhriBtuias treo at the Methodist ohurch, Thursday eveniug. Master Harold Holland of St. Al bans is visitingliis uuolo, J. W. Tay lor. PLAINFIELD. Thoro was a orowded houso at tho OhristmaB celobration ot the Methodist church, Thursday oveuing. Tho oxer oiso's flrst orraugod for provod uusatis factory aud tho cautata, "Tho Birth of Uhrist", was only two weeks iu piop aratipu but was woll renderod aud was with inostof tho singors their flrst solo work. Tlie solo parts woro sns tainod as follows: Augels, Mrs. E. J. Colby, Mrs. Wallaco Bartlott and Mrs. Flora West; Shopards, Dauuie IIudsou.BertolloLaueF. Wollace Bari lott and Pliny Shoroy ; Fuith, Hope and Ohority, Grauo Oree, Cora Good ale, aud Olara Bruifee ; goddeBses of dieams and love, Helen Duke und Mrs. Eri Whitcomb; Sophio, Alico Hnd son ; Jessie, Graco Duko ; Souta Olaus, Daniel Hudsonjfrost kiug.Heury Wal do; soprano solo, Mrs. Iuez Oald; soug, Marion Oate aud Henry Hud sou ; aocotnpauist, Miss Ohamberliu. Thero will be a ohiokeu pio dinuor aud snppor given by tholadies' sooioty of tho Oongrogational church in tho dining room of tho Methodist cliuroh ou Now Year's Day. A sleighing porty of twenty youug people from Barro took suppor at tho Plainfield House on Tuosday eveuiug. Tho usual Ohristmas oanls were suug bv the ohilarou of the Oougrega tioual churoh on Thursday evening aud after the exeruises tho ohildren eujoyed their gifta takon from tno troe. H. O. Outting, tne geuiul statiou agont of tne Montpelier aud Wells River railroad, has reoei ved u beautif ul ohaiu of woven gold. A buokle fas toued to tho fnh holdB a pendant ou whioh tne iusiguia to tlie order to whioh ho belongs is iusoribed. The ohaiu was presented as a Ohristmas gift by tho Rebekah lodge. Rov. J. O. Sherbnrno, prosidiug elder for tho St. Johnsbnry distriot, wa iu towu ou Tuosday. Tlio next entortainmeut in tho leo ture courso will be a musioal treat by John H Parker aud his daughtor, Mildrod, of Burliugton. They aio ortists on tho maudoliu, baujo aud guitar aud aro vory woll spoken of ovorywhore they havo boen. A reader will probnbly bo obtilued iu ooniieo tion with tho muslo. Thodato is Jan. v, u;4, O O. Whooler of Peacham nnd E. II. Puquiu of Danvlllo wero in town ou Saturday. Tho followiug oflloors wore oleotod at. tho last meeting of the I. 0. O. F. : E. P. Whitcomb, N; G. j H. 0. Holt, V. G. j A. E. Foss, Seo. ; T. H. Bartlott, troas. ItoV, Mr. Wright was ploaBoutly ro uiomporod on Ohristmas by a presont of $1(5, given by tho Odd Follows at thoir1 last moeting. Tho ofllcors olectod at the laet lniiot iug nf tho Robokah lodgo aro as fol- W. D. Klddor of Barro, who has boou visiting friouds m town tho post wook, returuod ou Mouday. Iowb: Mrs. Anuio Wnltcomb, N. G. ; Mrs. Olara Bartlott. V. G. ; Mrs. Gor ttudo Holt, boo. ; Mrs. Irono Jaoksou, troas. Tho work of paporlng aud pahiting tuo liotel will bo fiuished this woek. Evory room iu tho Iioubo has recoivod o coat of paiut aud nlso now paper. Tho intorior of tho houso prosout3 a vory lluo appeorauco. Preparatlous aro being mado to inovo Dr. Lazoll to his sou's in Barro juBt as boou as ho is woll euongh to travol. John Ryan shippod a oar of potatoes from this station on Tuesday, to Sa lom, Mosb. Ho paid fllty couts a bushel. M. E. Beckloy has tl r uitntat for wiriug the Plainfield Houso for oioo trio llghts. Ho oxpccts to commonce tho work this wook. Nolsou Hauiol bogau onttiug ice on tho river for tho croamory ou Tuosday morning. Tho ice is about flftoou inohes in thicknoss. Oonstadt Parks, who nas Doou'ui for a loug moro comfortablo at this writing. A spooial towu uieoting is called ou Siiturday, Jan. 0, to seo if tho town will voto to instruct tho school diroct ors to poatpouo actiou in regard to uuiKiiiig tno now scnooi nouso until altor tho auiiual mucting to bo hold, Maroh 1. MARSHFIELD. Oeoil Towu of Bostou is visiting IiIb auut, Miss Emeroy Benton, for a fow days. Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Marshall of Montpelier woro visitors iu towu on OhristmaB Day. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Shopard aud Mr. aud Mrs. G. F. Bliss spout Ohrist mas Day at tho homo of B. M. Shepard in Montpelier. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raymond aud children visited iu Northfield at OhriBtnias. Frank Talbot of Wells Rivor was in town last week selling sloighs. Frank Morrill met with a paiuful accideut nt tiie Mears & Pitkiii shop ouo day last wook. Tho boue of ouo of his little flugor was drokon by a board kioking back trom a sow. Miss Goldio Smith orrivod iu town on Ohristmas Day from Modford, Mass., to visit for a weok with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Smith. Leo Aikon is at work iu tho Smith & Oarver shop makiug square buttor boxes. The four months' old child of 0. L. Oolbath diod ou Mouday of last wook. Tho fuuerol was hold" ou Tuesday, Rov. W. E. Newton oflloiating. Miss Eleanor T. Oolo retirned to Barro on Tuesdav, offer visiting for a wook at her home in this place. Owing to tho absonco of tho pastor, Rev. W. E. Newton, tho mid weok proyer meeting at the Methodist clmrch will bo omitted this week. Mrs. Nauoy Nownes Simpsou, who has boou tho guost of hor brother, B. B. Nowues, for soveral weeks, re atrued to hor homo iu Barton, Mou day. Tho local baskot ball toam is to play the Cabot team in Marslmll's hall ou the oveuing of Jauuary 7. It is hoped that a gamo oau be arraugod detweeu the secoud teams of theso places for tho samo eveuiug. Mr. aud Mrs. Manrice H. Eddy of St. Johusbury woro gnests of Mrs. Mary P. Eday Ohristmas Day. Asa Spencor is again a boarder at SatL'uel Bemis'. "Gramp" Oarvor is conflned to the houso by a recent fall on tho ico. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Caustio of Montpolior visited Mrs. Mary P. Eddy ou OhriBtnias Day. Mrs. L. D. Nute was in Groton, Snuday, to attoud the fnneral of Mrs. O. Ricker. The auunal harvest of ico for tho oreamor.v is being gathored. P. G. Bemis is cutting it at "Nob Hill" aud J. W. Mears and B. F. Chester have tho contract to illl the storo house. Martin Froeman is uudorstood to have engagod as socond mau at tho oroamery, to flll'the place of Harry D. Oolo, who will fiuish his dutios with the oloso of the presont year. Tho Ohristmas oxercises at tho Oon gregational ohurch woro held ou Thurs day eveuiug. Tho church was taste lnlly docoratod, tho troe well ladon. The smging and speaking passod off very smoothly and tho presents paBBed out caused a ripple ot pleasuro to pass ovor the fanes of Uttlo oues, as well as somo of tho big ones. O. J. Wood aud family were iu Woroestor, Ohristmas Day, visiting with au uuolo of jurs. Wood, whom nho hud not EOau in soventeon yoars. Tho re-organization of tho Methodist Suuday school was offeoted last Sun day by tho e'lootiou of tho followiug ofllcors: J. Borton Piko, auperintond ent; S. O. Piko, assistant Buporinteud ont ; Mrs. B. W. DaviB, seoretary, and B. W. Davis, troasurer. Tho teaohors are to be olooted by tho several olasses i j uu.t ouuuny. The followiug wore last Saturday evening olooted as olllcers of JUyrtlo Tomple, No. 2, Rathbono Sistors, for tho coming slx months: Mrs.Nellie Pitklu, P. 0.; Mrs. Eliza Dwiuell, M. E. O. ; Mr. Della Uuwiu, E. S. ; Mrs. Nollio Southwiok, E. J. ; MrB. Myra Davis. M. R. 0. ; Mrs. Flora Edson, M. F. j Mrs. Uertrudo Moars, M. ; Mrs. Lilliau Sanders, S. ; Mrs. Libbie Perry, G. On tho aame ovon iug thero was one iuitiation And two oleotedi s Ohristmas exoroisos woro hold at tho Metliodist ohurch, Friday oveuing. They woro tho moBt aucoessful of any ! held by that sooioty in a numbcr of yonrs. Saporiuteudeut J. A. Wood word aparod no paliia or expeuso to llnVO tlin Arllflrn ntmrnnrfntnltr Hn-riK. I atod, aud with iho aid of bii oilli'iuut oorps of iiHsistauts an iuterosting aud pleasiug progroiu was prnvidod aud woll cnrried out. Tho ooucort was followod by tho distribution of pres outs from a woll laden tree. It was indeod u morry Chiistmas timo. It is reportod that J A. Woodward 1b soou to removo to Watorbury Oon or, Mr. Woodward has made many friouds during his stay iu Marshfield aud thoy will rogrot his doparturo. A mcoti.ig of tho oiroulating hbrary is called for Saturday ovonintf, Jan. 2, at tho shop of E. A. Thomas. It is vory important that ovory niombor Bhould bo proBeut. Will oach and all tako notico aud attoud. Dr. A. J. Markoy of Poooham was lu town on Mouday on bnslucss. Mr. Mackoy will bo remomborod as a toachor iu tho higher grado of the vil- iiixu huiiuui sovunu yuars ugu. Mrs. John Pock of Montpolior was in town last weok to visit hor sister, Mrs. R. R. Ido. Mrs. Peok, iu com pauy with hor mothor, Mrs Hostor Kont, also visited iu Now Ilampshiro. Romombor tho Now Yoar's boil Thursday ovoniug, Doo. !51. Tho odvauco solo of soats hos boou lorgo for the drama, "Bound By An Oath, " to bo playod ot Marshall's hall, Tuosday nud Wodnosday ovouing by tho local ordor of Good Tomplars. Miss Annio Inglis and brother of Barro visited ot Orvill D. Colns the lottor part of the weok, tho guests of Misa Elconor Oole. Thoro has boou on oxhibition at tho post-ofllco for a fow days a small box of Kinequat orangcs sont homo from Florlda by Miss Bertha Swordfogor. EAST MONTPELIER. a merry party gotherod ot tho houso of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Bailoy in East Montpelier ou Ohristmas day to oelp brato with thom the twonty flfth an iiivorBary of thoir inarriogu. A boun tiful dinner wos Sorved aud Sylvauus Ellis ossistod iu eutenaining with his 'enophone. A OhristmaB treo boro ro mombrauco for each of the guests. Au oak dining tablo, on arm choir, a dozon silvor toaspoous ond immy small thiugs too numerous to meniou were left as momoutoes of this happy ovent. BERLIN. Tho auunal bnsiiifass meetiug of the Oougregatioual church will bo hold iu the church vestry ou Weduesdoy after iioon. noxt at 2 o'clo"k. All tho mem bors aro requested to bo proseut. The Ltnd-o-IIaud Society will meot on Thursday afteruoon next in the vestry at 2 o'clock. Miss Bertie Rowoll is stoying with Mis. Androws. Gwoudolon Gofflu is sick with o cold. Horold Boruoy is Buffering with chicken pox. Miss Bortio Perkius spent Ohrist mos Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Porkins. MiBS Josio Porkins is stayiug with friouds iu .Northfield. Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Browu spent Ohristmas with hor parents ou Brain tree Hill. Oharles Lawson is away iu Bostou sottiug up a monumout. SOUTH NORTHFIELD. Frank Denuisou and family aro vis iting friouds iu the nortliern part of tho State. George H. Bailoy and family visited his sister iu Waitsfield last week. Georgo Long and family of Warren wero at A. J. Hutchiusou's on Suu day. Nelson Kinnoy aud wifo of Brook field speut Christnias hero with frieuds. Thore was a Ohristmas tree at the towu farm, Friday ovoniug, with ap propriate oxorcises by the children, which wero greatly eujoyed. AT 11 A 111112. A party of tweuty people gathered at tho home of Mr. aud Mrs. George Lavioletto on Elm street on Monday oveuing, to remind thom of the tonth anuivorBary of their marriago. Tho evening to a lnto liour was speut eu joyably with games and musio. Mr, and Mrs.'Laviolette woro presontcd a handBome willow rocking choir. ThoPeople's Natioual, Barre'snew est bauk, will opon its doors for bnsi uess ot 9 o'clock Saturday morning, in its new banking rooms in tho Worthon block, at tho eorner of Main street aud Keith aveuue. The qnar ters of the People's Bank are tlio finest fnrnished iu tho oity, being fittod up with the niost modorn con veuieuces of solid quartered oak, beantifully polished, with grill work fllliugB in all spaces above tho tops of tho desks. Tho rooms aro vory con venieutly arrauged for, the carryiug on of busineBS. Fred Murphy was let out of county jail Mouday morning aftor sorving a seuteuco of tou days for intoxication. Bcforu 5 o'olook in tho after iioou ho wos arrested again. The polico found that Murphy waa raiaing a disturb auco a his home. They rospondod and arrested him, Iu oity oourt Tuesday morning ho pleaded guilty to a socond oifeuco ot intoxication. His flne and costs amount to $23.64, whioh he had not paid at last nccounts A. P. Abbott & Oo., dry goods, are to occupy tho uow Sortwcll block as soou as completed, and will begiu to movo insido of a mouth to the new building. The lirm will occupy tho wholo block, first aud second floors aud basnment. Each tloor is 51x77 foet nnd will givo tho firni a flne storo. Tho carponters expeot to get out of tho building in about throo weeks. Tho ladies of the Maocabees callid upon thoir lady commandor, Mrs. M. D. Lanib, Friday ovoniug, takiug her by surpriee. When greetlngs had boen oxohanged, Mrs. Forbes, record keoper of the ordor, presented Mrs. Laiub a beautlfal riug, with a ruby set about with fivo little diauiouds; also a hand painted cup aud saucer. Sho spoko of tho high esteom in which Mrs. Lanib wos held by tho ordor, aud Baid it was thoir wish that she raiglu bo tho lady commaudor (or many yeara to como. Mrs. Lamb heartily tlmukod tho ladies for thoir gift, After a aooial liour the guests uuiuiiieu wiBiilllu ui llllll ai a niorry OhrlBtmos ond a Iib Year. Davld Bollo of Booklnv I slipped ou the ioy wolk iu iiih iiuuno x'riaay morning, a hrenklllo IiIh Inft. Iiln Mr was irying to nx tno woik so ltl bo Bofo to wolk'on, whon tho ocj hoppenod, Dra. McGuiro ond Lind- say of Montpelier, woro called. Be causo of his ago Mr. Bolles will urob. ably b3 laid up for fomo tiino. Tho ovangolist servli-os whioh aro to bo conduoted iu this oitv bv tho BaptiBt, Mothodist ond Congregational cliurches for tho noxt fow weoks wero opened Sunday oveuinc at tho Hed. ding Mothodist cliurch. The ovangel- ist is tho Rov. E. E. Davidson, who hos workod iu his snecial line iu Mna- sachusotts, ond ho will be ossisted by the local paBtors. Legal Notices. C'OMMISBIONKllS'NOIICK, E8TATK OF JIAUV I. HOI.T. TlieundenUncd.liiivliiK bccimniiolntal hvtlie Hod. to recclve, ciainhif, and aiUnst nll clalms and, leninnils of allpcrBonsnmlnst tli rtlato of SIAHV I. HOLT, lnle ol MarrliOeld. In all I)la. trlct ik-ceanfil and all clalms cxhlhlted In o!Iet tlicrHo, liereliy ittoc notico that we olll ineet fnr the 8UIP08CS afurcsald, at tlio rpMdcnco of N'clson I. anuorn In the town on'laliilkld,lii aald Dlstrlct.oa tlie 18th dyof Jauuary. and Cth day of May. next, froiL 1 o'clock i: t. untll 4 o'clock r. M. eacliofsald dayi and that slx monllis from the 12th day ol November, A. 1).. 19ns, Is ;ho time llmlted br sald Oourt for ald credlt.irt to pn hciit tlielr clalms to 118 for exxmlnatlon and allowance. Dated at Plainfield, this tith day of Dccembcr. A. I). 1903. .IKltEM Y S. CI1A MllKlil.lN, ( Coiumlj-92-2 llHlt.MAV K.CUTI.KIt. i lolien. KSTATE OF JAC0H l'UTNA.M. COMMISSlONEn'S NOTICB. Tlie underilimed liavlni? licen annolnted by lh Hon. I'robate C'ourt for tlie Dlstrlctof Waslilnuton, Comnilasloneri, to recclTc, examlne and adjuat all clalms and demands of all persons ajratnst tlie estate of JAC01I PUTNAM, late of Middlesex. In sald Dlstrlct, deceased; and all clalms exhlhlted ln offsel thereto. liereby Klve notlce tliat we will mect for the purposes aforcsald, at the store of C. C. Iut nam & Son, lu tlie town of Middlesex. In sald DUtrlct, on tlie 22nd, day of Jauuary and 20tli dar ot June aext, from I o'clock r. M. untll 4 o'clock r. H.. :ach of sald days, and that slx luonths from tlie 25nd day of Decmiber, A. 1). 1S03, Is the tliuu llmlted hy sald Court for sald credltorB to present thtli clalms to us tor examln atlon and allowance. Dated at Middlesex, tlils 23th day or Decembcr, A, D 1913 OIIAS II. CUr.VEK. I Commis-M-2 F. T. IIUTCI1INS.0N, sloners. niiiTiis. Plainfield, Dec. 13, a bon to Mr. and Mrs. Houry Maxfield. Montpelier, Deo. 29, CorliBS Buttor fly, nged 53. MAlililAGES. Barre, Deo. 25, Fred Ontts of Barre aud Miss Eldevia York of Williams town. Barre, Dpo. 24, Hugh Ohristie and Miss Hattio Frazicr. Barre, Deo. 24, Alleu T. Hirtle of Barro nnd Miss V. Evelin Veazie of North Ilosboro, Me. Barre, Deo. 24, Willioui Barcloy Scott ond Miss Ohristiue Edwards, both of Barre. Williamstown, Doc. 23, Dr. Henry A. Downs of Oil Oity, Penn., andy Miss Sadio J. MoKeo of Williarus-l town. J Groton, Dec 24, by Rev. A. J. Hougli, Francis M. Waldron and fi'm. mo B. Arthur, both of Newbury, Chelsea, Deo. 19, Lennard L. Thompson and Flossio A. George of Washington. Fairlee, Dec. 23, by Rev. H. L Kilbourne, A. B: Davis and Mrs. Jnne Valley. Montpelier, Dec. 23, by Rev. Thomas H Mitchell, of Barre, George NValkcr, Jr., of Barro aud Miss Ethol N. HaiiBOU of Montpelier. Danville, Deo. 23,Milo E. Woods of Waterford aud Miss Olive Davis of Danville. Danville, Deo, 23, Jamos W. Hatoh and Miss Flora Taylor, both of Dan ville. Danville, Deo. 24, George G. Greor i and Miss Floesie Hatoli, both of Dan-f ville. ' Woterbury, Deo. 4, Oleve H. Presby aud Gertrude E. Deuieritt. Montpolior, Deo. 23, by Rev. L, 3?. Reed, Fred P. Muzzy ond Miss MaleL Jilson, IiKATUS. Ohelsea, Deo. 22, Mrs. Maggie Blackburu McOonnell, aged 48. Waterbury, Deo. 20, Lewis Hill. Danville, Deo. 27, Mrs. OHver Morso, aged 93. Groton, Deo. 24, Mrs. Lydia (Taisoy) Ricker, aged 93. Groton, Deo. 28, Lafnyetto, Oar penter. MORETOWN COMMON. Luko Somers spent Ohristmas iu Richmond, tho guost of his Bistor, Mrs. Truman Fay. Miss Sarah Thomns entertaiued a small social gathering at hor home on Tuesday evening. Atnong the visitors iu town on Fri day were Mr, and Mrs. I. R. Dens moro of Middlesex, Mr. and MrB. M. Farrar of Montpolior at tlie homo of A. O. Ohild. Mrs, Gleason aud Misa Cora Kennedy of Waterbury, E. E. Foster of Berlin, Gilbort Knapp of Middlesex at E. A Foster's, Miss Eva Lord at W. R Ghaao's. EllcnJluBsell is visiting friends in Middlesex. lu I'l II inl Oold mtnlllo boi .l, t i,u uut llbbea. Takenoulher. l!ol'ii. Panceroys Nubtttutluns nnd liulu ttan. Ilu; of jup Prusgl.l. or a& 4e. I umo. for Partlculan. TrllmnlU Hi " Rcller tor l. Jlc," ln l,UT, bj r. lan Malt. lA.AIinTHlm..l.l. Fennyroval PILIS B-7V . ...."rl,,",,, ""Ir leulne. fm. CfllOHKSTKK'S KNHI.l.SIl fr UDtmilju, CkUkatert'krnill! U4I I HaaiMB tlaaarc 1'UILA.. l'A,