Newspaper Page Text
twund TKHMS l'MV IN AMVANCE Clno Ycni't 1.B0 ICIfilit. Monttil 1.00 Six Slontht . .10 mnmn PFnPi f WANT A 11VK VAVKU. T1IK WMCIHIAN XHk. . VOL. 975029 MONTPELIER, VT., THUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1904. Frederick J. McCuen OPERA H0U5E BLOCK. Great January Mark Down Sale Before Stock taking we wish to reduce our large stock of High Class Merchandise. In every department you will find that prices have been cut deep. $10,000 Wortti of Winter Garments and Furs AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THE RECULAR PRICE. Dress Goods & Silks 54-inch Choviots in Blaok and Bluo. 590, 790, 98c Value, $1 to 1.60 yd. 64-inch ZibolineB and Fanoy Mixtures. Blaok and Colors Goods that sold at $1.25 to 2.35 per yard, Now 980 45-inoh Mohairs and Sicilian, Blaok and Blue, 48c, 75c, 98c A great many short lengths suitablo for "Waists and Skirts. at 1-2 Regular Price 19- inch Blaok Taffeta- Silk at 39c yd 24.inoh Black Taffota Silk at 59c yd " 27- and 36-inch Guaranteed Taffeta at 89c and 98c yd 20- inch Poau deSoie 98c 25 in'oh Pongee 79c yd 750 yards Fanoy Ohecks, Stripos, a'hd Plain Taffetas, for Waists and Trimmings. Sold from $1.00 to 1.75 per yard. NOW 59C Linens, Napkins, Towels. Cream German DamaBk, ohoico f 39c, 48c, 69c yd 10 pieces All-Linen Bleached DamaBk, oxtra wide, and hand Bome patterns, 69c, 89c, 98c y Uannot bo duplicated for buou fino qualities. 35 doz. Cream Napkins, $ sizo, all Linen, value $1 25. 79c doz 75 doz. and $ size Napkins, all Linon, to matoh Damask. 98c, 1.39, 1.75, 1.98 25 doz. Linen Huck Towels, White and Colored Border. 10c and 12 l-2c each 50 doz. Linen TowoIb, plain "White and-Colored Bordor.always sold for 25o and 35o oaoh. Now 16c and 19c each DOMESTICS ISHEETS and PILLOW CASES 25 doz, good quality Bleaohed Sheets, 49c each 20 doz. extra wide Sheets with good sized hem, 59c 50 doz. 36x42 Pillow Cases, value 15o, at 10c 25 doz. Pillow CaBos, 36x45, 11c each 1 caso oxtra heavy Orochet Quilts, aotually worth todayl.75. "While they last wo say 98c 5 caBes Comfortables, cotton nlled, Dark and Legior Color- tngs, Ubc eacn Short Remnants of Porcalos, .he 12 L2c kind, at 7 l-2c yd 50 pieces Standard Prirrts, tark and light colors, 4 l-2c yd R 8000 yards Outing Flannols, 4 l-2c, 7 l-2c, 10c yd Light and dark Colors. 30 pieces FancyGHnKhams. fast 'olors, . 7c yd 29 balea Cotton Battinc, oloan ! and whito 5c, 8c, 1 0c roll 2 balos 36-inch Cottou, value Uay 2,160, nt 5c yd bales 40-inch .Cotton, valuo at 5 3-4c ly tho yard or Veb. ' balo 36-inch Bleached Cot- L value today.lQc, at 7c yd lany short Lengths in 30, 42, 46.iiioh UottoiiH at tcduced !fB. FREDERICK X McCUEN, ONTPELIER, S. &'H. Tradine Stamps Givcn with Cash Pufchases. Every Blanket in atock reduced in price. 59c, 73fr 98c pair 1SL Hosiery and Unferwear Ladies' ahd Misses' Fleece lined Hose, plain and narrow ribbed. 10c, 12 l-2c, 19c 25 dozen extra Fleeced Ladies1 and Misses' Hose, mado speciiil for us, at, 25c 50 doz. Men's Fleeced Sriirts and Drawors, valuo 25o. All sizes, at 49c 28 doz. Child's Fleeced Groy Vests and Pants, value 25o. All Bizcs. nt 10c each Odd pieces of $1.00 and 1.25 Wool Undeiwear for Men and Womon, colors, Grey, Red, Buff and White, at 69c, 79c 25 doz. Union Suits for Ladies and Ohildron, at 1 9c each CRASHES 100 pieces Cotton Crash 3 L2c each 25 pieces Linen Crash 5 c yd 15 pieces Brown and Bleached Crash at 7 l-2c, 10c yd Muslin Underwear "Cfiic" and Royal Brands. A great many pieces in this sale slightly soiled, offered at less than one-half price. IMICHT ROBES At 4j9c, 69c, 79c, 98c All of these numbers aro finely lined trimmed with Hamburg and Lace, with high and low neck. Corset Covers 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 39c Every number a leader. DRAWERS Muslin Drawers, Hamburg and Tucks, 25c, 39c, 48c Petticoats Muslin, doep rufilles, .Ham burg edges and Lace 98c, 1.25, 1.39 Short Skirts . 39c' 49c, 69c With Luco and Hamburg ruflle. CORSETS 300 pairs odd sizos in Black, Drab and Whito. E. & G., Thompson's, Kabo and other makeB. Nevor sold for less than $1.00 a pair. To closo at 49c If you get your sizo you get a bargain. Petticoats Silk, Satino, and Wool Moreen Potticonts. Satino at 69c,79c, 98c and up Silk "Gunratitced" Toiroto, in Black ond Colora, 3.98, 4.98 Wool Moreen at 1.98, 2.983 Many sampleB mcluded in this lot aro worth doublo what wo nsk for them. $ Flanneiette Niglit Gowns Mado from Stripcd Outings. Pink and Bluo, ulso plain colors, . 39c, 490, 69c Outing Skirts 'Short." 19c, 25c, 29c. 39c Valuo doublo. - - . - 300 Dressing Sacques Eidcr-down Flannel, 49c 69c 79c Formor price, $1.00, 1.50, 2.00. Shirt Waists Every WaiBt in this storo has been marked at about one-half price. Silks at 2.98 and up Morcorized at 69c, 79c, 89c Frenoh Flannols at 98c, 1.49 Figured Velvets at 2.98 Mohairs in Blaok and Colors, 1.49 WRAPPERS 35 doz. Fleeco-lined Wrappors. Tho $1.25, 1.39, 1.50 grado, to closo at 98c Garments and Furs. This largo stook must be sold, and" in oraer to do so prices have been cut to about one-half their aotual value; Without making it too strong, we carry ono of the larg cst stooks m Vermont; bo wo are in a position to own garments at SPECIAL PRICES. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits Will bo good style for Spring wear, for 4.98, 7.98, 9.98 Suits that sold from $12.50 to $35.00. Gtiildren's Winter Coats Handsomo styles, made from Kerseys and Zibelines. Colors Rcd, Green, Grey and Brown. 2.98, 3.98, 4.98 Value from $5.00 to 12.50. I aiIIaa' ahJ IIIaaaa UIImImv OaaIa Moro than 500 to soleot from in a variety of colors, at 3.98, 4.98, 5.98, 8.98 You can get values from $10.00 $20.00. 135 Walking Skirts in Plain and Fanoy Mixtures, 1.98, 2.98 36 to 43 lengths, values at 5.00 to 7.50 FURS Our stook of Furs is so largo that spaco will not pormit us to toll you all about them. But if you have tho faintcst idea of buying, bo suro anu visit this storo. 36 and 42.inoh Wombat. Coon. Dog, Astrakan, Wool Seal, nnd llussian (Jalf JJnving Coats. 19.98, 24.98, 29.98 3o and 3(i.inch Fur Capes. As- trakan at 12.98 Wool Seal 14.98 Eleotrio Seal, 12.98 50 Ncnr Seal and Eleotrio Seal , Jaokots.plain'and fanoy triinmed 1 12.98, 19.98. 24.98 i . -ibizes ,iz to iio. niooos of Neck Furs. all now shapcs, from 1 .98 up 300 Cloth and Bouclo, also Plush Cnpes, 27, 30 and 36 inohes 1.98, 2.98, 3.98, 4.98' Tho Iowest pricod in this lot cost $0.00. Thoy niust bo sold. 58 Beaver ond Squaro Showla. GroyB, Browns, nndBlneks. All rovorsiblo. 1.98, 2.98, 3.98 VERMONT. MONTPELIER AND VIGINITY. LOCAL HAPPENINQS. Tho iunoral of Dr. W. F. Lazell wnB hold on Wodnosdny at 11 o'clock in Barre, Rev. F. A. Foole ofllcia titig. Tlio reiunlus' wore takon to Plainllold. D. D. Whitney, who has boon spond iug tho Oliristmns vaoatlou with his pnreuts in Brookflold roturuod to Mid dlctowu todny to rosnmo his atudics in Wesloyan Univorsity. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Lndd lmre movod from MontploUox to Watorbary to inako thoir homo. Mr. Ladd was formoly a olerk in Kollogg & Jo romo'fl BtoTi. Wliile Barre is growing tromon donely in some rospeots there 1b one department, in whioh sho has falten off. According to reoords 00 marriage lioensos lmvo been issuod in the past year whilo in 1002 the Ust wont as high as 120. Madam Hyde has reoeived iutclli gonoo from Seattlo, Washington, of tho birtli of a great grand ohild in that oity, a nino-poand son to Mr. and Mrs. Eari Harbaogh. Friends of tho persons interestod send congrat nlationi. Garretto, Davis, Gelley and Hark noss were takon to tho Stato'B prison at Windsor, on Monday. Tlioso com mitments relieve the jait of mot of its conviots. Knapp will be sent to Rutland soou to sorve his sontenoo for bnrglary and jail breaking. Tho romains of Mrs. O. L. Onrrier arrived in Barro from Brooklyn ou Monday in oharge of tho daughter, Mrs. John Oonnoll of that oity. Tho fnnoral was hold that af tornoon at tho homo of her son, R. S. Carrier, Rov. F. A. Poole offloiating. Tho romains wore plaoed in the tomb at Elmwood oemotory. Forty-eighc diplomas were proseilted Satnrday evening at tho art sotiool in Barre by Mayor J. Henry Jaokson. Dr. Jackson expressed the liope that sometime the school might be made part of the pnblio systein. Plans are being made for tho exhibitiou of somo of the drawiugs at tho St. Lonis ox position, Tliomas Karnny, who has. been ill with puenmonia at tho homo of his nncle, Thomas E. Donahne, on Down- ing stroet, 1b ablo bo about onoo tnoro. Mr. Noruey came to the city from his homo in Waitsfield, ono Sat nrday several weeks before Tliauks- giving, on bnsiness. He was taken ill and has beon at his nnale's home over sinoe. At the adjonrned annual meeting of the Uhnroli of the Messiah, hold on Tnesday evening, offlcers fo'r tho ensning year were ohosen as follows: Moderutor, A. O. Blanohard, olerk, F. B. Thomas; treaBnrer, J. G. Brown; anditor, A. J. Sibley; exeon tivo oommittee, F. B. Thomas, Dr. F. E. Steele, F. A. Howlond, Mrs. Ella Brown Bailey and Mrs. O. H. Richardeon. The girls basket ball team of Mo'ut- pelier Semiuary will hold their flrst game of tho season in tho armory hall Fxiday evening at eight o'olook, with tho eirl's team from Iiyndonville. A oIobo game is antioipated. Tho Mont pelier team will be mado up as fol lows: Misses Margaret Stone Jessio Marvin, forwards; Miss Mand Hop- kins, oontre; and Misses Agnes Brad ford and Varney, gnards. In oity oourt dnring tho month of Docember there wore six convictions of intoxication, of whioh one was for a sooond offouoo, uino conviotions for broach of the peaco, twofor door kill ing, and ono for larceny. During the same morith in 1002 theio were six con viotious for intoxication of whioh two were second offenco, eight for lar cony, ono for selling, ono tor obtain iug liqnor nndor false pretenses, one for kooping a honso of ill famo, and one for trnnucy. Green Monutaiu Oonnoll, No. 0, Jr. O. U. A. M., mot on Monday ovoning. Artlinr 15. White, assistant depnty, installod oillcors as f ollown for tho onsiiiiig term : Oounoillor, W. I Brown; V Oonn., F. G. Holinos; J R P, Counoillor, H, L, Riohardson; R. Seoy., A. E. Whito; A. R. Secy., C. O. Miner; F. Seoy., G. II. Wood; Trens, G. E, Silloway; Oond., E. J. Hill; Ward.. N. E. Einorson; I. S,ent , J. A. Unrt ; O. Sont , D R. Puttco; triiHtees, II. L. HiolmnU'on, Ei O. Magoon, Harvoy Burnham Tho foUowiuc niotoorolofiioul dutn fpr tho moutli of Doseiubor ju6t past have been furninlioa by W. A, Slmw, wonthar abservor at Nortlitlold Highest tomporatnre, -15 degrepp, Deo. 20; lowost tinnpoiature, --20, Doa 10; avoraRO tor tho moutli, 1i dorgees, tho coldest slnoo loOO, wlion tho ovoragn was 0 d'tgreus; meun tmn. perataro for thigmonth for sevuutcoii years, su aegrfies; proviuung airec tion of tho wind, south ; totalmovo mout, 57. 8d mllosj maxlmmu 85 miles por honr, Doo. 27; total preuipltation, 2.75 inohes; unmbor olcnr days, 8; partly olondy, 7; olondy, 21. Oharlos Ronollo, n corporal in the Uuitod Statos Artlllorv at Fort Han cook, vNow Jorsoy, was maVriod to Miss Elllo Nowhall of Barro at the brido's homo in that oity Mo'jdny ovouiug, Rev. R. F. L'owo porforming tho ceremony. Mr. Ronollo was form- orly n Barre boy. Mr. and Mrs. Ron ollo will go to Fort Haucooky N. J., to resido. , Tho Western Union Tolegraph Oompany is undorgolng tho greatest difflonlty as n resnlt of the oxtreme oold weathor Monday night. All ooinmunioation botween tho local ofllco and Boston by way of Whito Rivor Jnnotion has been Droken down, the frost having snnpped the wiros. A oironlt has been rigged up by way of Barre, Wells River, St. Johnsbury and at Al.baus and this line has boon doing all tho business possible of the four regular linos. A soaroh wnrrant was made out on Tnesday by Oity Grand Juro- William Theriault on a oomplaint by oertain oitizens to the effoot that T. R. Gor don had horses in his livery barn back of tho Main street bnildiug wliioh woro not proporly cared for. Wheri offloors wont to tho barn things wero looked up and they ooutd not get in, bnt word was sent to Mr. Gordon and the plaoe was unlocked. The re port of the iuveBtigation has not yet been made pnblio. Seven entries have been made for tho ohess tournameut under the auB pices of the Burlington Ohess and Oheoker Olub, to bo hold in Burling ton beginnflig January 11, Messrs. H. Ketohnm of VorgenneB, G. E. Hunt of New Haven, E. B. Edgerton of Rutland, H. Dubno of Montpelier, Josoph Gingras and H, F. Wolcott of Winooski and J. H. Lavigue of Burlington will battlo for snpremaoy. Tho contest will probably continue for throo days, games being played during the afternoon and ovening. Eacli contestant will play two games with all the other players, The following ofllners of the St. Jean Baptiste society were installod at the meeting on Sunday: Antoine Galaise, presidont; Eusebe LeBlance, flrst vice-predidont; Leon Bertraud, seoretary to vice-preBidout; W. S. Herbert, seoretary; E. M, Menard, oorresponding seoretary ; Novoanx, treasnror; Napoleon Dan caneo, colleoting treaBnrer, Alphonse Hamel, marshall; Pierro Ouinrotto, assistant marshall; Lonis Giroux, George N. LeBlance, Josoph Lundor ville Lcon Qnarelle, Gauillaume Le veilli vlsiting committee; E. Poudrior, Robert Fisher, Oney Galaise, investi gating committee. In a lotter received from Oharles W. Adams, he tells oi the harrowing spootaoles at the Iroquois Theater flro in Ohicago. His ofllco was near tho theatre and seeiug the movonient of a flro oompany in tlmt direotion, and at tho same time notioiug smoke from tho theater, with others in the olllce he ran to the rear of tho bnild iug, the noarost place of approaoh. Thon- tlio appearanoe of the mombers of thn.tlientor company in their cob tumos, pauio striipu, was tho flrst indioation of the n.Voloping horror. The scenes that followed, sdmo of whioh Mr. Adams recounts, , beggar desoription. Althongh a habitual theater-goer, and fond of the drama, he feels no desiro ever again to enter a theater, The feeling of Sadness among the pooplo of the oity 1b in tense and all porvadlng. As a result of tlio examinatlon of the stablo of T. R. Gordon, in the roar of Sherburne & Ftint's storo on Main Etreet, that was made by Ohief MoMahou and Deputy Sheriffa E. L, Putney aud O. A. Smith on Tnesday afternoon, a warraut has been issuod by W. N. Theriault, oity grand juror, i for tho arrost of Mr, Gordon on the chnrgo of cruelty to aulmals in rogard to fooding aud sheltering them. Tlio offlcor.s who visited the stablo found six horses standing in dilapidatcd stalls, blankotless, in a tempornturo' that was way below zero. Tho horsos woro pooj and did not show the nmrks WE OFFER Every Winter CLOAK In Our Stock At OJSTE & of propor oare. W. N. Theriault telo plionod to variouB plaoos this morning in an ondoavor to reaoh an agont of tho Humauo Sooiety, but up to this writing his cfforts lmvo boon unsuo oossfnl. Tlio caso will doubtloss como up in oity court tomorrow. But owing to tho absenco of Jndge Wood ward, who was oallod awoy by tho ' death of Mrs. Woodward'B father, no1 deflnite arrangomonts for tho triol ' hau boon made at tho timo of going to prees. CO UNTY OO UHT A DJO UJINS. I Final AdJoHrnmunt o( Soptemher I torm of Washington connty court was I made on Satnrday. This action was noosiary bocanso of tho business in other qourta requiriug the attontion of tho judges. A largo amonnt of i work is now on liaud for tho Maroh term, whioh will probably bo a long one. In tlio oaso of Stato vs. George Frooman for felonlous assanlc on Mnr oia Goodrioh, a vordiot of not guilty was rendered. In the contested will caso, rogard ing the will of Soloraon L. Gilman, tho will was adjudged establlshed by the court. In Jangraw vs. Perkins, reoently revorsed and remanded by Suprome Oourt, leavo waa giyen tho orator to amend his bill upon UBual torms as to costa. (n Hathaway vs. Goslant, a motion for apportionment of costs mado by the defondant was denied. Lilian Bombard vs. Oity of Barro was entered settled and discon tinued white Dillon vs. Barra and Keefo vs. Barre wero diBcoutinupd. Splendid Opportunity Watchman and Met- ropolitan Magazine. OFFER STILL OPEN Will tho Readers of tho Watchman approoiato an undeniable bargain, whereby thoy can get something very valuable for nlmost nothing? Many do but others have not not yet. We want to pnt this question to a further test, and if all our readers want to keep abreast of the times, and want to be well informed, and well entortained, tho Watchman is still offered to them, with the Mag azino. Tho Metropolitan Magazine, N. Y., ifl one of the handsomest publications on tho market; lts art and reading matter are of tho highest perfuotion. A single issne of this Magazine costs 15o, a yearly subsoription $1.50. It contains storios by a liost of noted contributors. OUR OFFER. The yearly snbscription price of tho Watchman is 1,50; of tho Metro politan, $1.50. Any person ,paying $1.50, a year's subsoription, will have the Watohman tor one year, and the Metropolitan Magazine to and includ ing the Decorabor unmber, 1004, AB SOLUTELY FREE. Tho Metro politan will be mailod directly from the publisher's ofllco. THOSE IN ARREARS. Any subsoriber who is in arrears, aud who pays suoh arrears, and A FULL YEAR IN ADVANOE will have the Motropolitan absolutely freo until and inoluding tho Deceinber number, 100-1. Tbink of it: A Valuable Gift Every Month in the Year fresh, bright and always intorosting a raro treat of timely art and litoratnre. Both publications need not noccs sarily be sent to tho same address. A subsoriber can lmvo tho Metropoli tan sent to somo friend as a gift. Thouands of peoplo aro now.a-days giving subBicriptions to Magazines as birthday or othor romoinbrances. It is the Magazino anyfnuiily will want. Will you tako advantago of this Peerless Offer? VERMONT WATOHMAN OO. Moutpoier. Vt. The Original Price. H. C. GLEASON REASONS FOR INSURANGE. Expcnses cnt up wngcs and sal arics. Year aftor yenr tho nvcr ngt inan cxpects to bnilil up an cstntc. Tho nsiml rcsult is no provisiou or only a small ono for wifo and clnldren. Lifo Insnr ance does the work by easy pay uients. (CJorTMpondenct tolicited.) S. S. BALLARD, Qeneral Agent, New Langdon Bulldlng, MONTPELIER, - - VT. Are You a Lucky Man? Have you waited until now before buying ybur Clothing warmth. We can pile on outside warmth in the shape of a heavy Suit or Overcoat with out much cooling of the pocket warmth. It costs less to keep warm ' now than it dici a month ago. It may take a lit tle more of your time to find your size and fit, but it takes less of your money. In overhauling our clotn ing stock we find sever al lines of Suits and Overcoats sold down to a comparatively, fewand the sizes are such that it becomes difficult to fit every comer. Also lines that for some unknown reason have been given the cold shoulder and do not sell readily. We propose to make a price thatvvill induce our cus tomers to take a little time and find their size among this assortment. If you find this justas advertised, tell others. If you don't find it as ad vertised, tell others. A. D. FARWELL GO. FOR SALE. Ono largo two year old colt. F. Boll Mills, Topsham, Vt. KIGUEST OASH PRIOES.-Paid for hides, skins nnd pelts. Prime beef Iildcs, Oo. lb. ; dairv skins, 25o. to 75o. each; wool pelts 40o. to $.25 eaoh. PeoK Bros. Montpelier, Vt. NKW YEAR'S cjALE. Prfoes cnt ou wiutor goods of all kinds, dress skirts, shirt waists, dress goods, shoos aud slippors, men's arotics. Lookjat our "ad" olsowhero iu this issue. B. E. Wallaco, Waterbury. r