OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, April 21, 1904, Image 4

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fmncrnt BHatdumm;.
Tluirsday, Aprll 2i, 190-4
. tTHUR UOPBS dcncrnl Elltor
About two weoks ngo tlio votors of
Uhicngo declnred by nn ovorwlielming
mnjority tlielr doslro lor uiunioipnl
owiiorship of tho etroet rnilwnyj.
Threo dietinot questious wero nu
sworod by n roforoudum. By n voto
of 152,434 to 80,104 tho peoplo do
olarod thomselves iu favor of adopting
tho Mneller lnw, whloli nuthorlzos tlio
mnnioipallty to construot, own, op
orato, aud lonBo street rnllways; by
Tote ot 120,744 to 00,81)3 iniuiedlnte
owiiorship wns fnvored;and the propo
eition to licenso streot rnilway com
pnnios, luatoad of granting frnuohisos
to them, waB approved by 120,181 to
48,050, Tlio lnst two votos woro nd
vlsory nud not mandatory.
In splto of thoso doolarations of the
people tlioro eeeinB to be tio liklihood
that Ohlcago will soou make the
ohango to pnblio owuership. Tho
difilonltios In tho wny aro too gront to
be oVorcohio quiokly. Thoroare lcgal
diilioutties whioli in all probability
are iu theniselvea aniHcient to preveut
nby bucIi action at tlio presont tirno.
Moreover, tlie fiiinucea of tlie oity aro
iu buoIi a couditiou that it woald bo
a practical impossibility to purchase
tho street rnllwnys It woald reqairo
an immpuse nuionnt of money, moro
by far than tlio oity iiow cnn nfford to
uso. btioli nn added burdun of debt ,
and tnxntion -vonld briug Oliicugo to ,
-tho vergo of baukruptey. ,
But tlie referendnra is not iutor
preted ns mtaniup quito wlmt it snys.
It in uuderstood to bo luoreof n threat
than au expression of detertuination
tlmt actipn be taken at onco, Tlie j
peoplo nro iuipatient oven angry at
the uiiserable service the street car
couipames liave beeu giving, aud tliis
method has beou takeu to briug the I
ownors of tlie roads to a full under- .
standiug of the dangors of furthor j
contiuuanco of tlie polioiea of tno '
past. It ib hoppd riiat tliis domou
Btration will liavo the desired offeet
aud ttiat the traotiou interests will
beatir thouiselvos to givo better sor
vico to tho publio. If tliey lnanifest
a williugness to assent to any rcasou
nblo terms for tho sottlemout of the
traotiou question wliioh the oity rnay
dooido to be necessary to protect its
lntorests aud to sepnre an adequato
up-to-date street-rar servico, munioi
pal owuership will not be attempted. '
If tliey refase to coiue to terms, it 1
may be tlmt. the oity wih before lonu
try to tako over thoir roads. ,
The seutimont of the Ohicnga press
appoars to be agaiuat taking tho fate
ful step into the uukuowu realius of
tuuuicipnl owuership but tlioie is a
docidod suntiment expressed iu favor
of inunioipal control to tlio exteut of
guaranteeing good serviee. Ohieago
haa onongli tronble 011 her liands at
preseut without rhe added rosponsibil
ities and dangers of tlie uiuuagemeut
ot a street railway sjsteru. It is to
be hoped that slio will uot feel obligod
to do more than corupel boiuo ueeded
Tlio subject of keepiug up tho Na
tional Guard, whioh has becoiuo quito
importaut siuco tho anuonnceuient
was uiade tlmt tho Brandon Oouipany
wns likely to lnp.so iuto iunction,
has cnused cousiderable diEcuesiou
throughout the Stnte, and in all tlie
discussiou the faot is eniphasized tHat
the Kntioual Guard must be kept up
to tho highnst point of nillcieuoy that ,
is possihlo, Tho couditious that np
pear to be rospousible for tho deoliuo
of tho Braudon Oompany exist, to n
less degree, iu all tlie couipnuies of
the State, a spirit of hnlf-henrtcduess
th.it is ininiical to tho progress of auy
orgauizntiou. As n niattcr of fact
the rouianco lins boon bnooked out of
National Guaidom, if that expression
may be used ; sinco tiie reorgauizntiou
thero has beeu uioto soldiering aud
less acting, more work nud less be
tiuseled olny. Uuderritanding that,
thero is little wouder that the en
thusinsm should wane to a, certain ex
tent, that those who liavo beeu proud
of untty uniforms should heaitato to
drag thoir fluory through thowud and
grimo ot hard work. But the major
ity of the membors know full woll
tlmt the new regline is better, aud,
taking the couiuiou-Eeuse view ot tlie
sitnntion, will, wo believe, mnintaln
tho guard to tho highest point ot
ofllolonoy aud difcoipline. Sooii things
tlmt cnu bo douo to make tlio service
more attractlve ,Should bo douo, bat
tlio disaipline, both at mustor aud
away, must uot be relaxed. Barre
Tin soldiors oan uo longor stay in
the militia. Tho requirements for
momborsliip are ooustautly boing ad
ded to, At tlio outbreak of the
SpaniBh-Anioriaau war in 1808 tho
whole conntry was shooked to find
that tho militia in uo State !n tlie
Uniou was up to a proper staudnrd,
but fhe leBSon of thnt dlsnppolntmont
has boon lioedod aud the militia to
day, in this State at loast, is iu au
unuBually good oondition. A fow
yoarB ngo tlio militia waa an orgauiz
atlon for ' tho purposo ot imvlng a
good timo aud inoldontally ot learu-
ing a littlo nbout military mattors.
Today tho mllltnry part 1b forouiost.
Tho Uuitcd Stntoa govoruniout is
grndnnlly taking n grontor liold ou
tho ruilitia, Tho physloal oxninina
tion for onllBtuiout in tho uiilitiu
uow qunlifiofl tho mnn for servico
uudor tho Unitod States, bo that if
callod Into Borvico tlioro vvonld bo 110
ahrinkago in nionibors boonuso of fnil
tiro to cotuo np to tho physical stnnd
ard. Braudon will probably keop up
her oouipauy, Hor vory prido should
deuiaud it.
The quo9tlon of tho vnluo of wire
less tolegrapliy iu wnr lias already
beeu oouHidored. Now it is followod
by n diaousalou of ita legality, for tlio
Rnsslan govornment lioa servod notioo
that it will oousider it lllcgal, or iu
othor worda that tho tiso of wireleea
telegraphy at or near tho scat of war
willbo oousidorod a broaoh of neutral
ity Nowspapor oorrespondeuts telo
graphlng without wires will bo shot
ns spies, aud vosboIb oquipped with
wireless tologrnphio apparatus ventur
iug uear tho scono ot war, it cnught,
will bo oonQsoated as ooutrabaud of
Tliis is goiug a step boyond nny
tliiug that appears to liave beeu done
in that liue iu provious wars, and
thero is n dcoided quostiou uiado as
to tho riglu of RuBsia to niako suoh a
rule, So far as correspoudeuts no
compauylng tlio Russinu anny aro
coucerned it is of conrso admittod that
the govorunient has a perfcot riglit to
atlniit oulyEiich as it seeflt,nud thoso
upou snoh toruis ns it sees flt. It may
bo also aduiitted that n right of ceu
sorship exists over tho uowspapor de
spatoh boats which entor tho torrito
rialwaters or the wators whioh nre in
oluded iu tho sphore of belligorout ac
tion, Bnt to outlaw wireless tele
graphy iu all thnt part of tlio world
seeins to bo carrying tho point too
It does not nppear that becauso vos
sels aro eqnipped with npparatns for
wireless telegraphy, thoso vessels bo
ooine ipso faoto belligerouts and oou
trabaud of war. A great part of tho
largo oceau going steamers ljowadays
are eqnipped for wireless telegrnphy.
It appears thnt snoh steamors would
liave ft porfect riglit to go abonc thoir
bnsiuesB uear the seat of war without
throwing tliair apparatus overboard.
Rockets or mirrors niiglit be used to
sigual frotn one ship to another or
from lnnd to ship, but it would sccm
paRsing straugo wore rookota and mir
rors to be disbarred from steainers for
thnt reasou. Wireless telegraphy has
oeoouie a coinmon nud nlnioot necefc
sarv pirtot the uquiuiu iut of amoilorn
oceau isoiiig steimi' r and tlie use of it
has becomt a eoinmnu luoans of tranfc
niittiiig itifornintiou. It would feeiu
thnt Rusnia's staud would mote prop
erly bo ngniust the misuso of the ap
paratus rnther tlian apainpt the nppn
rntus itself. It is the trnusniission of
belligerent or coutrnband informatiou
tlmt should be prohibited, nud uot the
mere possesaion of somo familiar scion
tific apparatus.
Tho Japauose join tlio rost of tho
world in mouruiug the death of vice
Admiral Mnkaroff. Ono of tho lending
Japanese papers jays: "Whilo the
nntlou rejoices, tho iudividual luourns
the death uuder buoIi oirouinstauces of
the distiuguished aud gullaut Mnknr
oil. Thore was a great lnuteru pro
cession lnst nicht at Nagoya. Ono
thousaud white lauterns wero carried
iu tokeu of mouruiug for the dead,
aud thoso bearing tho lauterns wero
preceded by bannora insoribed : 'We
sorrow uuquenchably for the brave
Russian, Mnknrott. 1 " Evidently tho
Jnpnuese are not wholly uuoivilized
nud uot ho vindiotivo that thoy cnunot
nppreoiato the good qualities of nn
Lieutenaut Penry lias giveu up a
trip to tlio Polar regious tljis suiumer
for laok of the funda whioh he rogards
as nocossary to equip his expodition.
All ho wants Ib $200, 000, nud strnngo to
say pooplo havo not fallen ovor thoin-
solvea in thoir hasto to linud over tho
cash for his valunblo (?) soieutiflo
work. Most peoplo seom oontent to
leave tho polo nloue in ita glory with
out tryiug to out somo initinls 011 it.
But, renlly, somobody ought to givo
Peary tho mouey and make hiui prom
iso to go so far north that ho
oouldn't Bond news to tho papors or
deliver any more locturoB for at least
a oouple of years.
Hill haa won out in his flght iu
New York aud has Boourod a dolega
tion to the Domocratio nntional oon
vontion, instruoted for tho nominntion
of Judgo Parkoi-, aliaB "tho Sphinx,"
nlias "the lutorrogatlou point."
Tammauy was dofoated in its flght
for au uuiustruoted delogation but in
returu for a dooilo accoptanoe of tho
fortuues of war tlio Tamtaany ohiof
taiuB woro givou n roprosoutatiou 011
the "blg four" delogation. Hiil,
Mnrphy, Ridwgay, nnd Belmont rep
rosont a dlvoraity of iutorosts and it
seema passing strango to seo thom
with looked armi-quoo again.
If a woll oquld be dug 40 mlles into
the oarth, tho nlr at tho bottom would,
at the proportiou maintained at the
surfaoe of tho globo, bo tho deuaity of
quioksilver. ,
Republicans Elect Delesates and Adopt
W. Seward Webb, H. N. Turner and li. S. Bingham the
Others. Senator Foraker Greatly Appl?uded.
Burlington, April 20. Tho various
hotola in tho oity woro orowdod to tho
full oapnoity last uight with tho nrmy
of delegatnB to tlio Ropnblioau State
couvontion nud the orowtt of frieuds
nud political onthusiasts or wiropnll
ora, wlio wero ou haud to soe tho fuu
today and to got a liuo ou tho politioal
situation for tho comlng State cam
pnigu. Tho Vnu Kess House, whioh
was tho coutor of uctivity, buzzed
with political pros and cus uutil n
lato liour iu the ovouiug. Thero was
littlo intorest mauifested iu the Stnto
conveutiou tuday or iu tho eloctiou of
dologates to the National cdnvoutiou,
but most of it was ceutored in the
couvontion for tho First Cougressioual
District which will bo hold tomor
row in this oity und, which promiseB
to taniisli a real coutest for tho niuuse-
nioiit of the speotators. It is expeeted
that tho resultsof that district couvon
tion will iu a largo degreo clear tho
uucertniu atmosphere onvelopiug the
numbor aud persounlity of tho caudi-
dntos for tho uomination to tho gov
emorship. Zed S, Stituton, O. J.
Boll, und P. SV. Olement nre all iu
Burlington. Stantou nnd Bell wore
lnst uight in the lobby of the Vnu
Noss House but Clomout kept in se
clusion. tliough it is uuderstood he is
conferriug with liis former lieutou
autB. Tho nuuouncomeut wns mnde lnst
night nftor n mocting of the Stuto
cammittpe that tho P.opnblicau Stato
couvontion for tho uomiuation of Stnte
orHcors nud presidoutial oloctors will
bo held nt Montpelier, Thursdny, Juuo
30, at 10 n. m. Kx-Govornor Joiiu
W. Stewnrt, of Middlobury, hns boeii
soleoted by the couiniitteo as tenipor
ary chnirmau of tlie conveutiou.
In the uiatter of the goveriiorship,
tho ieeliug of the dolegateB, and others
iu nttendance ou tlie couvontion, iu n
large majority, is deoidodly for tho
strongost caudidate thnt cau be uoinl
unted, nud the curreut of proferenco
sets so strong toward Hon. Joseph A.
DoBoor ot Montpelier, thnt ho soems
to bo tlio ninu, willing or unwilliug,
whom the couvontion iu June will
Iu this counection, nud in view of
a randoni statemeut iu the news col
uinns of the Free Press this moriiing,
ou tho authority of somepersou wlnno
uame is uot giveu, to tlio offect that
Mr. DaBoer would not uuder auy oir
ourastnuces accept a uomiuation if it
were tenderod him, the Journal ropre
sonative feols coustraiued to report
that the real situation unquestiouably
is tliis: Mr. DeBoer has uot been, aud
is not now, seekiug tlio oilico of Gov
eruorj he is not "caudidatiug" for
the oilico; neither ho uor any friencl,
norany oue iu his intorest, is creatiug
or Eoekiug to oreato, publio seutimont
in his favor It ia, howover, uude
niable thnt tho ofllce is seekiug Mr,
DeBoer, very diligontly, aud evidently
intends to find him, aud the diligeuco
of tho soarch, as ls evident overy
whero about this couvontion, ropro
sentiug all parts of tho Stnto, is dnily
moreasing iu iutensity.
Cousiderable discussiou arose this
morning wiion tho dologates from
Clarendon preseuted thoir oredeutials
to tlio Stnto Ropublicau conimittee.
Tho legular party delogates woro
Noah O. Walsor, D. (J. Hioks nud B.
E. Horton nud tlio locnl optiou Ropub
licau dologates wore Olmrles Stnil'ord,
Heury Webb nnd O. P. Suiitli. Jo
seph Joues ropresoutod tho caBu jf tho
former nud Robert A. Lawrenco tlio
lattor. Aftor oonBidornblo nrgumout
the Stato committee weut into oxoun
tive 'sessiou and deoidod in favor of
tlie roaular delegatoa. Tlioro woro
two towu committees aud two cau
ouses hold oaoh oleoting its dole
gatos. Tho Stato committoe rocog
uized tlio regular Republicau deiegatoe.
Sonntors Dillinghnm, Proctor and
Foraker, Oongressmnn Foster nud
Dr. . W. Webb nrrivod at au
onrly hour in Dr. Wobb's apeoial car,
Shortly aftor 10 o'olook Shermau'a
military baud osoortod tho party from
tho Yan Nosa Houbo to tho Iloward
opera hnuso whoro tho ouuvoutlon was
It was uonrly 11:80 o'olook whon
Thad M. Ohnpman, of Middlebury,
ohairmau of "tho Stato oommittoo,
oalled the oonvention to ordor by a
atroko of the gavol. Prayer wns
offerod by Rov. F. B. Ponuy, of Bur
lington und tho oall of the couvontion
was read by Sooretary A. E. Wntsor,
of Hnrtford. Chnirmnu Ohapman thon
iutroducod Hon. H. H. Powors, of
Morrisville, ns temporary ohnirmnn of
tho conveutiou, ho hnviug boen selcot
ed for that positiou by tho" commttteo.
Judgo Powerj nt onco introduced Sou
ntor For,iker, of Ohio, ns a political
wnrrior of ronowu, who hnils from a
Stnto that hns beeu the scono of mnuy
lierce political coutests. Sountor For
aker uddressod tho couvontion for over
nn hour.
Senntor Fornkor spoko in part ns
follows, boiug frequently intorrupt
d4by npplausu nud choers:
Gentlomou: 1 ntn glnd to moot in
this wny with the Republicnna of Vor
mout. You havo always been repre-
sented in tho councils of the iiation
by nblo men, bnt nover by abler inon
tlmu thoso who reprosout you uow.
Senntor Proctor is uot 011 ly oue of
tho lendors of the Sennto, but his
gonial naturo, his souud judgmout nnd
his alinost fntherly kinduess to nll
with whom he comes iu contaot hnvo
so oudeared him to tho nionibors of
thnt body thnt few, if mry, outrnnk
him in tho esteem nnd ntl'ectiounto re
gard of his momborsliip; whilo Gov
ornor l3illinglinm i recognized by
nll ns uot only n mnn of tho highest
olmrncter and the most brillinnt abili
tios. but also as a lendor who gives
tho greatost promise for fnturo nsoful
noss of all tho youuger mou in publio
Your representatives in tho House,
nhhougli sorving only thoir secoud
tormp, nro already acknowledged lend
rs of thought and recoguized advisors
iu the adoptiou of party and nntional
Tlie Ropublicau party does thiugs.
It is an nggressive party. It uover
rests 011 its laurels. It nover stauds
still. It is always ou tlio move, nud
best of all it never seeks to rotain con
trol of tho govornmout becauso of what
it has douo, bat only becauso of whnt,
it is doing nud proposes to do. It hns
been moro tlmu flfty years since tho
Pemooratio party did anything, or has
evon proposod to do anything tlmt now
enjoys tho npprobatiou of tlio Amer
ican peoplo.
Wo aro nt this timo confronted with
groat problems uow problema prob
lems thnt must be solved without tho
help of procedent. Upou their proper
solutiou dopeuds iu grent moasure tho
good namo, the good faith, the honor
and the prestige of tho Americnn peo
plo. Tho Ropublicau pnrty hn9 hnudled
successfully every grent problem that
haB beou preseuted aud wo cau point
to onr record aud "stnnd pat" on all
of the great fuudnmontal Ropublicau
policies. Wo believe iu a protectivo
tariff as heretofore. We believe as
mnoh as ever in souud inonoy. Wo
boliovo iu giving tlio opportunity to
every man to earn an houost dollar in
an houest wny.
So far as Oubn is, coucerued, it ia
oue of the most brillinnt ohaptore in
tho liistory of Anierioau stutomanship.
Ono of tho most grntifying fnotH iu
counection thorewitli ia tho capncity
the Oubnus hnvo manitested for selr
govornmout. Tliey havo met with the highest
snccess iu every esseutial bohbo of tho
word. Thoy liave bIiowu tliomsolvos
worthy of all wo havo done for them.
In Porto Rico our authority iR as
firmly established aud ns muoh ropre
seuted ns in Arlzona, or any othor part
of our jurhdlotion. Aud iu tlio Philip
pinea civil governmout ls uot oulv
ostabliBhed, but self-aupporting
throughout praotically the wholo
arohipolago. Wo nro now oousider
ing legislation exteiidlng to them tho
applicatiou of tho laws govorning our
oonst wiso trnde, nud authorizing tho
construotlon ot publio roads and other
pnblio improvemonts that will as rap
idly as posslblo bring thom iuto olosor
nud moro satisiaotory rolatioua,
And, lastly, wo havo recognized tho
ropublio of Pauama, and uogotiatod
nnd ratifled a treaty with hor undor
whioh tho work ot oonstruoting an
isthmian cminl has uot only boenmndo
poBsiblo, but lias beeu praotically
ulready comuionood. This onunl ia to
be an Araorioau work. Ic ia to bo
tnilt by Amorioau authority aud with
Amorloan mouey, and ia to be undor
Amorioau ooutrol. It is to bo a groat
majostio ontorpriso, worthy of Amer
ion and worthy of the liigh purposos
to wliioh it will bo dodicntod. It will
bo opon to tho commoroo of tho world,
bnt it will bo prltnnrily for our own
bouoflt. Wo wnnt it and noed it for
purposea of national defonso, and
for tho promotion of our own com
mprco. Our daily rocord conslttutea our plat
form nud uotliing but death can pro
vout tho nomiuntiou of Prosidom
Roosovolt. Tho olectiou of ucxt No
Tombor will bo n orowniug triumph
for our candldato, onr pnrty, our prin
clplos, aud, bost of all, for onr great
It waB nonrly 12 :40 whou tho nbove
apoeoh wiib ooncludod nnd nn attempfc
wus mndo to liavo the oouvoution take
a reoess boforo conoludlug its lanors,
but the propositlon was votod down,
Tho regular bnBiuess of tho oonvention
was thon tnkou up. Wnlter B, Hub
bnrd, of Brattleboro", wns mnde tem
porary soorotnry of tho couveutiou and
the temporary organizatiou wns mado
pormnuont. A new Stato committoe
was choson oue membor from oaoh
uountv as follows: M. F. Barnos,
Addison; O M. Barber, Bonaington;
William H. Taylor, Oaledouin; J. L.
Southwiok, .Ohitttondeu; H. B. Ouey,
Essex ; II. L. Mott, Grand Isle j W.
H. Friirchlld, Frnuklln; O. H. A.
Stnil'ord, Lnmoille; H. T. Bnldwin,
Ornugo; Josinh Gront, Orlonus; Wil
liam H. Rowlnud, Rutlnnd; James
M. iiontwell, Washington; John H.
Wnre, Windlmm; J. O. Enright,
TIih eloctiou of delegntos was taken
up uoxt. For chnirmnu of tho doiecn
f.iou to the conveutiou iu Chicago,
Seuator William P. Dillinclinm. wns
liominated by George W. Raudnll, of
Waterbury, as n mnn who hns houornd
Vermout iu the nnst nnd who would
honor lier nt tho hend of the deloga
tion. Ho was olected bv 11 vivn vnnn
voto. W. Soward Webb, of Sholburne,
wns nomiintert for second delegnto at
largo by Houry Ballard, of Burlington,
aud his election wns nlso viva voce.
For tho third ou tho delogation H
N. Turner, of St. Jolmsbury, was
olected viva voco, nfter boiug noniinat
od by Aloxnuder Duunott, of thnt
towu. A contost nrose over the fourth
delegnto. O. M. BnrDer, of Beuniug
ton nomiuuted H. S. Binghnm, of thnt
towu nnd O. A. Stafford, nominated
George M. Powors, of Morrisville.
Tho voto rosolted iu Biughair.'B eleo
tion by voto of 305 to 211. Tliis wns
the oulv contest iu tho couventiou.
The following alteruates woro olected :
H. O. WhitP.hill, Wntprbury; Thomas
Mnck, Vorgeuues; H. E. Folsom,
Lyndonvillo; P'rnnk L. Greene, St.
The convontiou ndjnnrued at about
half past one.
Adopted Toduy Bv tho Ropublicau
Party iu Convontiou.
Wo rejoico that iu tho somi-centcu-uinl
of the Republicau pnrty we cnn
Burvey n record of progressive mensures
nud beuoficeut ucliievomont without a
parnllol aiuco tho foundiug of onr ro
publio, Our pnrty haa gnined pre
omincnco iu constructivo stntesmnu
ship through mensures liko the Morrill
tariff aud succossive groat aystems of
protection- for Americnn industry;
natiual bauking, speoio pnymout nnd
gold stnudnrd lnws; tho college lnud
grant for tho bonefit of our Amorican
youth; emanoipntion, Soutliorn recon
Btruction, nnd the opeuiug nnd de
velopment ot our vast West; the glo
rious launohing of the Oubau repub
lic, and the exteusiou of tho bless
ings of our Amorioau iustitutions aud
tlie possibility of progrossivo homp
rnle to the long opprosned iulinbitauts
of tlie Philippines.
Tlie Republicau pnrty hna witiistood
ovory assanlt upou our uatioual iifteg
rity. whethor of slnve power or of re
bellion, or of ropudiatiou, or of silver
inilation, or of subversion of onr fed
eral courts; and it still stauds as the
people's bulwark agaiust tho waves of
populistio fautioism whioli nre ever
brenking through their domocratio bnr
ners nud threntening to dnsh upou tho
nntiounl cnpitnl.
Tlio Republicnus of Vermont Iienrt
ily oudorao tho nble, houest, fearlesa
nnd thoronghly Americnu ndmiuistrn
tiou ot Fresideut Roosovelt. He hns
beeu tho patron of uo privilegod boud
syudicnte, bnt the chnmpiou of tlie
people. He haa uucovored aud pun
ishod dishonesty nnd corruption in
higli places. Ho has out that modern
Gordian .knot, tlio trust problem, aud
nBsniled iiiegal oombinntions formed
in reatrnint of trade. He hn been
able to illng baok thoohnrge of Ropub
licau insincerity ou tho isthmian caunl
question, mndo iu tho Demoorntio na
tional platform of 1000, aud to tost
both tlio Biuoerity and pntriotism of
opposition loadors by giving them an
opportunity to support a Republicau
treaty assuriug Amerioau coustruotinn
nnd owiiorship of tho Pauama oaual.
Hla adminiatration, through tho
poerlusa John Hny, haa gainod for tlie
Unitod Stntes n frout rnuk in the
world's ,dlplomaoy. euabliug our
govornmout for the flrst timo to soouro
open reoognition of the Monroo Doo
trluo by old world powera, (o offootu
nlly protest agninat religiouB oppros
aion nud oruelty in Europo; and to
holp limit tho fleld of war in the Far
East, thus provonting a threatoned
geueral confllot ovor tho partltiou ot
White oouaidoration of dlstiuctlvoly
Vermont issues will fnll to n lnterRo
publicnn Stnto convontiou, upou wiioso
provinco wo ahoonld not enoronoh, wo
cnunot forbonr to oommend tho admiu
iatration of that stalwnrt Uopuhlicnn
lendor, Govornor John G. McCul
lough. Wo nro justly proud of tho
valuablo aervicea and hlghly oredit
ablo recorda of Uuited Stato? Souatora
Rodflold Prootor and William P. Dll
Hngham and,of Mombera of Congress
David J. Fostor nnd Kittredgo Has
kins. Tho Ropublicnna of Vormont stnnd
for tho following prinoiplea nnd pol
ioiea: Effloionoy nnd honosty in our pub
lio service, fostored by tho morlt sya
tom of seleotiou,
TIh grontest economy jn our nn
tiounl expendituros consiatont witli
onr wiseat nntlonnl progreaa.
Protection of Amerioau mnrkota,
supplemontod by reoiprooity with non
competitora, for the joint benoQt of
Amorlcnu lnbor aud Amorican cupital.
Tlie guarding of tho peoplo ngaiust
tho extortion of unlawfnl monopo
lies. Promotion of mutunl rocognition of
tho iuterest8 nnd rights of the wnge
enrner nud tho wnge-payer,
Our natiou's fltting reooguition of
tho servioes of those who fought our
natiou's bnttles.
Tho presorvntiou .inviolnto of tho
equnl rights of suffraga guarnnteed by
our nntional coustitutiou, aud of ths
purity of tho ballot.
Mniutennuce of our ouvinblo na
tional oredit through tho gold stnnd
ard of ourrenoy.
An oxpauding Amorican commerce,
carried iu Amorican ships and safe
gunrded by nn eflloiont Americnn navy.
A moro effectivo rcstriction of an
dorsirablo immigration.
Tlie carrying out of suoh national
insulnr aud intoruntional politics as
will coutiuue to mnke tho Americau
flng recognized throughout tho world
as tho omblom of civil and roligious
liborty, tho upllfting of humanity,
nnd tho promotion of universal peace.
Wo recoguize iu onr uation's Ohief
Exeoutivo an emiiieut expouent of Re
publicau prinoiples; and the delo
gates to tho Repnblican national con
vention elected this day will uuques
tionablv voico tho earnest desire of
tho Republicans of Vermout by sup
portiug for the party'a presideutial
nominntion Tlieodore Rooaevelt.
FUXl) iroit IlEItOES.
Pittsburg, Pa., April 10. Andrew
Carnegie- has croated a fund of five
milliou dollars for the beiieflt of "the
dependeuts of those losiug their lives
in horoio offort to savo their fellow
meu, or for the horoes themselves if
iujured only." Mednls nre also to be
given in comuioinorntion of horoio
atcs. The sohemo wns conceived by
Mr. Cnrnegie immedintely nfter tho
Hnrdwlck mine disnstor. Tho trust
is plnced iu tho hands of a commis
Biou of tweuty men.
In a lotter tn the Hero Fund Oom
mission Mr. Caruegie outlmes the
geueral sohemo of the fuud whioh iu
his owu words is "to plnce those
following penceful vocntious who
have beeu iujured iu horoio effort to
savo human lifo. in somewlint botter
positions pecnniarily tlmu before,
antil again able lo work. Iu case of
death, the widow and nhildrnu or
other dependeuts to bo provided for
until she reinarries, nnd tho ohildren
uutil tliey reach a self-supportiug
ape. For oxceptioual childreu. ex
ceptional grants may be made for ex
ceptioual edncatiou. Grauts of sunis
of money may nlso be mnde to horoes
or heroiues aa the conimissiou thinks
advisable each case to be judged 011
its uierits "
A medal sliall be giveu to tho lieroe
or widow or noxt of kiu, which shall
recito tlio horoio deed it commeui
orates, The fleld embraced by tho fund is
tho Uuited States nud Ouauda aud
tho wators thoroof. "The soa is tho
sceno of many horoio acts, " snys Mr.
Camegie's letter, "and no nctiou is
more horoio than that of doctors aud
nur6es voluntoering their serviees iu
the caso of epidemics; railrond hiu
ployes are romarkable for heroism,
All theBo aud Biniilnr cnses are ein
brnced. Wheuevor heroism ia dis
played by man or woman iu saving
human life, the fuud npplies.
Olmrles L. Taylor waB elected
presideut of tlio organizatiou and F.
M. Wilmot soorotnry.
Now york, April 15. Cnpt. Hans
Doxrnd of the Red Star linor Kroon
laud, who ia Bomotimea apokon of aa
tho premier life saver of the Atlantio
haa received from Kiug Osoar of Swo
den, the decoration ot tho Order of St.
Olaf in reooguition of his great career
aa a life saver. King Osoar, iu be
stowiug tho doooratiou, sairi tiiat he
did so in rocoguition of Oapt. Dox.
rud's "great servico to humanity."
Fow seamou hnvo a record thnt ap
proaolies thnt of Oapt. Doxrud. For
thirty-six yoars iie has beeu n eailor,
aud tho total number ot lives that ho
has snved iu that timo reaohos tlie
grand total of 808. Presidout MnKin
loy presented to Cnpt. Doxrud a fluo
gold watoh, whilo he holds deoorn
tloua from many of tho orownod lioads
of Europe, and modala from uumorouB
livo-Baving Booietiea.
J irjir not, indjsjsj)? imr.
Both thoso gentle'men DoBoor nnd
Mnrtin havo enid thnt tliey woto not
onndidntoa, nnd for the best of rensons
thoy do not cnro to bo drnftod. Why
uot tnke them nt thoir word? Why not
tront them decently in tliis mntter?
As tho inntter stnnda at presont Mr.
Bollnppearsto bo atrougly in tho lend,
and hia cnndidnoy is certninly gnining
in popularity and strength dnily. St.
JohnBbury Ropublican.
On tho Way from Washington to Stato
Oonvention, with Senator Foraker.
Wnshington, D. O., April 19. Son
ntora Proctor nud Dillinghnm, Ropro
Bontntlvo Foster aud tho asistant soo
rotnry of tho nnvy, Dnrliug, left tliis
morning to nttend the Vermont Stnto
conveutiou. They accompaniod Sen
ator Fnrakor who is to address tho
convontiou ou national issnes.
Washington, April 20. Tentative
arrangements liavo been mnde for tho
oeremouy at tho White Honso inoident
to tho opeuiug of the St Lonis oxposi
tion. This oeremouy will tako plane
in tho East room nt 1 o'clock Eastern
Btandard timo April 30,
Tho juBticoa of the United Statea
Snpreme Court, meubers of tlie diplo
matio oorps, tho presideut pro tempore
of the Souato nnd the spenker of the
House, together with n few others,
will be invited.
A speoinl tolegrnph loop will bo run
into tho Enst room nnd nlford n direct
wire with the expositiou grounds.
Promptly at 1 o'clock, Presidout Roose
volt will press the key whioh will
start tho raachiuery of the fair. He
thou will exchnugo congrntulatory
mossnges witli Presidout Frnucis.
Rutlnnd, April 18. Tho Repnb
licnu cnucus held at Baxter Imll ou
Snturdny evening for tlie pnrposo of
electing delegntes to tho Stato and
flrst congressioual district. couventiou
resulted tn tho election of a list of
delogates headed by Dr. John A. Mead
over a list headed by Percival W.
Olemeut, the voto stnnding 519 to 493.
Tho defeated delegates were pledged
to support James A. Merrill, in tlio
Burlington convention, as delegnte to
the Ohicngo couventiou.
Ooustnntinople, April 18. Reports
from Armeuin stnte that 442 Arme
niaus, mainly women nnd childreu,
have been massncred iu the neighbor
hood of Snssoun since Februnry.
Sorautou, Pa., April 10. Three lives
wero lost in a disnstrous rnilroad
wrock nt Rock Juuctiou ycstorday.
A seotion of n coat trnin, consisting of
flftecn loaded cnrs, broko loose ou the
steop grade at Wimmers aud rau bnck
a distuuce of eleveu milos, oollidiug
with two looomotives, which were
drnwing another coal traiu up the
Bteep grade at Rock Juuctiou. At
Elmliurst tlie ruuawny sectiou struck
aud killed two section men. It issaid
that tlio rnnawaj sectiou hnd attaiued
n speed of 100 miles nu hour wheu it
oollided witli tlio two locomotives,
Ponsacola. Fla., April 16. Tho 12
inoh gnn crew of tho bnttleship Texas
now holds tho world's record for fast
aud nccurnto work, suntching the
laurels from the battleships, Wisron
siu nnd Alnbnmn, between which
shijis thero was a dispute as to the
Tho Texna coucluded lier prnctice
in tlio gulf yesterday aud cnme iuto
tho harbor, wheu it was made known
that sho hnd nu nverage ot nbout 89
per cent. hits which is nbout two per
ceut better than that of tho Wiscousiu
aud bettor than made by theAlabama.
With her forwnrd 12-inoh pieco the
Toxns made iu oue Btriug of shots 11
hits in 10 minutes, and witli tho aftr
12-inoh pioce 10 hits were made out
of 11 shots in 10 minutes. Hor geu
eral nvernge ia enid to be higher thau
waa ever baforo mnde by a naval
Thore ia uotliing bottor thau puro
Ground Bono in making gardona.
A toitspoouful iu n hill s a poruia
ueiit bouoflt, lasting nll aummor.
We wholesale it at $3.25 per barrel
of 200 pounda, froights prepaid to your
rnilroad station.
Euulose $3.25 in olieck or poatnl
money order, or in a repistorert letter
nud a trial barrel will bo Bhippod to
you promptly. If yon dou't neod it
all divldo it with your notghors.
Wo publish a littlo booklot, ahowing
how to ubo Ground Bono ns a Fortil
izor in gardons nud in groouhouEos and
to promnto tho growth of your flowors
nnd shrubbery. Soud your namo ou a
poatal oard and it will be Bent vou free
by retnrn mail. O. S. Page, Hyde
Pnrk, Vt. 14-21-28.
Ws can Urt you In paylng bailnen on
lunll cplui, Mncblnea out nJ Imple to
opente. Wrlte for (r Illuitrated caUlogv
aud lull lutormatlon.
Kactory; Akrou, O. Of nce:1 04 Fulton St.f N. Y.

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