OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, June 23, 1904, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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ClevelancTs Baking Powder
makes the food light, . healthful and
delicious. More people every day
are pushing out the inferior brands,
using Cleveland's. The price which
people pay for the cheap baking
powders is doubled by the food which
such cheap baking powders spoil.
Wallace Gilpiu of this place took
ttie flrst gentleon's prizo at tho prizo
epeaking at Montpelier Soaiiimry lnst
Tho military baud liave nn ongage
ment at Barton Jnly 4, nud will nssist
iu fnrnlBhing tlio muBio for tliat day
and oocasion.
Robert R. Edson is enjoying n
week's vaoation goiug to Marshfield
last Satnrday aud froui tlioro to Mont
pelier to vislt liis brother, Dean. Ho
goes to Northfield by iuvitatiou of a
grent-annt to enjoy tho couimenceuiont
oxeroises of Norwich Uuiversity aud
viBit othor rolatives iu that towu.
Tlio building couiinittee ou the new
villago Imll couiprisiug A. D. Math
ews, O. H. Joues and J3. O. Skiuner
liave called for bids for the bnilding
the sawe said bids to be opened Jnno
A. D. Oeede, past master of Valloy
Lodge, F. aud A. M., has bcon np
pointed grand pnrsuivnntof the Grana
Lodge. F. and A. M. of Vermont.
Thenwo new Iioufos beiug bnilt
noar the MothodiBt chnrch by H. W.
Buchauan are fast gaining Bhape and
will tnako a fino additiou to that
street. 1
The retnrn ganie of base ball bo
tween tho Newports and Barton Land
ing was played on Satnrday hero, re
Bulting in a victory for the latter; 15
to 14.
The post-offlce was moved into its
new quarters last Satnrday and will
be a great liuproveinent over its old
quarters, with a rooiu expressly for its
owu uso niooly sheathed with sprnce
flnished in the natnral wood and a
good hard wood floor. It will be
greatly appreoiated by the publio and
a sonrce of great Batisfnotion to Post
master Webster.
Dr. Parlin roturned laet Friday
from a two weeks' vaoation oampiur;
oat. The dootor has beon in need of
this rest aud comes back greatly iui
proved for his bnsy work.
Children's Snnday was observed at
the Methodist chnrch last Sundny
whon a fnll Iioubo greeted tho little
onos who mado a decided snccess iu
their endeavors. The uiotto "Oooling
Stream" was over the opening in the
roar of the platform where a rcal
iountnin was playing snrronuded by
evergreans nicoly representing the
ehaded wood. The speaking and siug
ing was niooly rendered and was nug
mented by tho vooal songBters hanging
in each of the wiudows. A short ad
dreas by the pastor compariug the run
ning water to tho "water of life" was
voiy appioprinto. It was a beantifnl
day and a beantifnl sorvice.
To Purchase A Parm
"We were never so well situated to give
: : : you your money's worth as now : : :
45 acre place with a set of buildings which would cost three
times as much as the price asked. Will keep about six cows and
team. Wood enough for place and quite a quantity of fruit.
Brick house which contains eleven rooms, Three barns besides
carriafje house. Both house and barns are in good condition.
Place is located only about 6 1-2 miles from Barre city, and frofn
3 i-2 to 4 miles from Plainfield. Near school and in good neigh
borhood .
Price, only SfilOO- Terms, about $500 down
85 acre place 1 1-2 miles from N. Montpelier, about 2 1-2
miles from E. Montpelier, and three miles from Plainfield. Will
keep about 15 cows and team. Buildings in extra good condition,
1 1-2 story house, well painted and blinded. Two good barns
with basement. Good silo. Plenty of wood for place. This
property is located on a good road near school, and in good
Price, S2500
100 Acro Farm for $500. Terms, $100
Balance in small annual payments. Will keep ei'ght cows
and team. Large quantity of hard wood. Buildings are com
fortable. Place is located only 2 1-2 miles from post office.
Would you not like a complete description of these properties?
If you would, just step into our office or send us a card and we
will cheerfully mail them to you.
Barre Vt.
Rov. Mr. Toppor of Graftsbnry
preaohod in tho Oougregntioniil ohnroh
last Snnday on oxoiiango witn ov
Mr. Lyniau.
Oolby Stnddard and bride roturned
last Friday rroni a snorc weacung rrip,
Wallaro Sawyer, a former uiember
of tlio band, now ot Alilbuiu, Mass.,
1b visitinc witli his wifo at hor par
onts'. Mr. acd Mrs. II. R. Brenuan's.
MrB. Sawyer has beeu here soveral
Tlio Ropnblicau votors of tho town
will hold their caucuB at Seaver's hall,
Barton. Friday. Jnno 24, at 8 p'clock
p. m., to elect flve delegates to attona
the distriot conveutiou at Montpelier,
Juue 29; to olect flve deleentes to nt
tcnd the State couventiou Jane liO nlso
to olect n i iio dologates to attend the
county couvention at Barton ou Sat
nrday, Jnly 2.
Wnllane Gilpin is stopping iu town
a few days; he will make his home in
Montpelier for tlio proseut.
Mnrrled, Weduesday, Jnno 15, 1904,
at tho home of tho brido's parents iu
South Strafford, MIbs Rose M. Gilkey
aud Frank T. Taylor of Hardwiok.
Rev. Mr Forsythe of Middlebury per
formed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs;
Taylor will take a trip to New York
and Washington, retnrniug here Jnly
1. They will bo at home aftor Jnly G.
Miss Gilkey lins tanght in the acad
cmy here f,or soveral years.
The annnal school picnio will be
holdon Satnrday, Jnne 25, iu Albee'e
grovo, East Hardwick.
The flrq compauy was called ont
on Monday nbont noon to extingnish a
fire in the woods direotly back of tho
Woodbury Granite Oo's. sheds.
Friday evening, Jdup 24, Miss Gor
trade Lawson will give a recital iu
the opera houBe.assisted byMiss Ohar
lotto Nasou, pianiet.
Miss Alice Kimball and Miss Knto
Maok are at liouio frotn tho Stato uor
uial school at Johnson. Miss Maok
has secured a position as teachor in
the graded snhool at Saxton's River.
Quite a largo nnmber of people from
thiB place attouded tho Main oircns
at St. Johusbury, laBt week Wednes
day. Mrs. Oarrio Angell died on Sunday,
Juno 10, after au illuess of soveral
Ballston, N. Y., Jnne 21. Frank
Meronrio this morning plealed gnilty
to murder iu the secoud degroe for
killiug William Wycks and was sen
tenced to Danuemora prison for life.
'o 8 and Qordon Block.
Mr. nud Mrs. Frnuk Whito woro iu
Barnet Sunday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Abijah Bouiis woro
gaosts of friouds in Williamstown
over Sunday.
Mr. nud Mrs. J. L. Sevorauoo spont
a part of tlio past weok with tholr
daughtor, Mrs. Warrou Fillold.
Mr. aud Mrs. Martiu Newtou woro
called to Woodstock last week by tho
doath of n rolative.
Frnuk Brown Jr. was iu St. Johns
bunry a part of tho past weok to nt
toud oommeuooineut exerclsos nt St.
Johusbury Aoademy.
Tho local baso ball team has nr
raugod for a gnmo with tho East Hard
wick toimi at East Hardwick, Satnr
day. Jnuo 25.
MaBtnr Frodorick Shopnrd of Mont
pelier is visiting liis grnudpnreuts,
Mr. nud Mrs. O. E. Shopard.
(J. I. Prostou nud sou, witli R. R.
Ido. is bnilding n baru for A. P. Dn-
W. D. Smith and family of Spring
Hold, Mubs., are onjoylug thoirnuuunl
vaoation with frionds hero aud iu
S. Swordfogor is bnilding nn nddi
tion to his Btorage barn noar tho sta
tiou. Workrnon hnvo conimencod npou n
dam for V. T. Kellocc ou the land
which he purohased of F. White uuA
O. W. Freoman. When completod it
will bo about flfteou fcotJjigh and
ilow nbont Blx nores witn wntor. u.
I. Preston and bou liave the ooutract
to bnild tho wood work for this dam
This is tho flrst of n series of dauis to
bo bnilt along tho Molly brook for tho
corporatiou which Mr. Kellbgg ,repro
At tho Renublicnu oauous Saturdav
evening of last weok A. T. Dnvis was
choBun ohairwau aud G. L. Dwiuell
secretarv. J. Borton Pike. S. Swerd
fegor aud Harry Martiu wero olocted
delegates to tho uistrict couvention,
nud G. L. Dwiuell, E. W. Pltkin and
E. P. Whitcomb delegates to tho State
couvention, delegates in both cnsos
ompowored to uamo their owu alter
uates, aud nniustructod ns to caudi
dntes thoy should supporc. A bnllot
tnken to soe whnt the preforduco for
tho soveral caudidates for Govornor
might be nmoug those preBeut Bhowed
two lor Boll, six for DoBoer nnd sevon
for Stnntou. The town committeo
olected for two years uext eusning is
as follows: G. L. Dwiuell, A. T.
Davis, J. B. Plke, Uw Laue, E. W.
Asa Sponcer is roported as failiug
rapidly aud reqnires alinost constaut
nttoutiou nud caro; on this account
E. V. Spencor has.eugaged Livory
mau G. F. Bliss to carry the mail for
him for a while.
Horbert Elfls is agnTu iu ohnrge of
the mail ou the ronto from Danville
to)this place.
"I don't knrohow much a mau talks
if he ouly sez it in a few words. "
Josh Bilhugs. We beileve that iu n
few words wo cau make plaiu to you
the snperior morits of the New York
Life luunranoo Uo. Let ns talk that
matter over with yon beforo you place
your busiuess. A. T. Davis, special
MIbs Bertha Oross catiio homo last
Saturday. '
Tlie W. O. T. U., meets uext Sntnr
day ufteruoou with Mrs. Heury
Miss Ella Watormau, formerly n
teachor lioro, spent last Snnday with
frionds in towu. Slio is now teachiug
iu Post Mills.
Mrs. Dauiol Thayor is viBiting at
Mr. Mnrtin's.
Dr. Ohaso of Orford was in tnwu
last week ns counsol iu tho case of
Mrs. Barstow, who is attonded by Dr.
Jewoll of Wost Fairlee.
Mr. Ford liad tlie misfortnuo to loso
n valuable cow tho firtt of the week.
Unildrons' Day was observed at tlio
Oongrogational ohnrch, Jnne 12.
Mrs. Little roturned on Moudny from
n visit of sovornl weeks witli hor par
nts. Miss Lois Goodwin has roturuod
from Newbury where she has beeu nt
teudiug school.
P. H. Martiu and family havo moved
baok from tho mill Jionso to their
former residenco accompauiod by hia
fathor, Mr. S. H. Martiu. They havo
beguu ropairs ou their buildiugs. &
Agues Browu of Washington has
boon a reoent guest of Mrs. Warren
Mr. Mason read a fino sermou nt tho
ohnrch last Sunday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Rnssell Barstow of
Bradford wero at his homo this last
Tho Adveut Ohristiau conforonco
which met with tlie chnrch hero olosed
Snnday ovening, Juuo 12, with au ad
diess by Rov. Mr. Kelloy of Biddr
ford, Mo.
J. O. Liviugstou nud M. A. Kout of
Montpelier woro iu towu ono day last
Mrs. Irnu Vnil vislted nt N. L.
Banoroft's lnst wook.
New Euglnnd tolophoues woro in
stnlled in tho homes of E. E. Brown
M. S. Hathaway and tho cottago of
Prof. O. O. Gnllagher last week, nud
othors will bo inBtnlled soon.
Dr. Wlieelor of North Montpelier
wns in town Monday iu his new nuto
mobilo. Wo uotod tho marriago of Miss Roso
H. Gilkey to Frank T. Taylor of
Hardwick, ub nt ono timo wo nlmost
oouBidorod hor n Calais girl. 'Hor
work na teaoher in our Bohools was
very Batisfnotory ns sho brought tho
work of tho school to n high Btnudnrd.
Wo woro very sorxy wliou sho docidod
to leavo for othor fiolds nnd hor
frionds lioro tendor thom oongrntuln
tlons nud boat wishes.
Tho Ropnbiioan oauous will eleot
delognteB to tho dietriot, Stato nnd
county oouvoutions to bo hold nt tlio
towu ball Satnrday, Juuo 25, at 2 u.
m. All Ropnbhonus aro oarnestly
requoatod to be proseut. y
AFFEGT8 60,000 FJlltSONS.
New York, Juno 21. A striko of
50,000 persbns omployod hero in tho
olothiug trndo has beon oallod to tako
ofi'oot nt onco. Most of the tullors in
volved are omployod by mlddlomon or
Rona Fay of Richmond is vhitlng
nt F. W. Somers.
Mr. nud Mrs. OhnrlcB McCnrty of
Lnkovvood, N, J., nnd Mrs. Goorgo
Whoolor ol Montpelier woro tlie guosts
of Mrs. Bridgot Houau, Thursdny.
W, R. Ohaso retuiued from Essox
on Thursdny. .,
Mr. nud Mrs. G. R. Fostor vislted
nt E. A. FoBter's on Sundny.
Honry Bates of Richmond wns in
town tho past week Mrs AlbortDong-
lns is ill.
Pcaoli Thomas loadod forty-one hogs
aud teu cnlvtis here last Tnosdny
uioruing. Ho pnid 4?o por ponnd for
Dr. S. W. Dnrilng wout to Lowoll,
Miibb. , ou Tnosdny morning to attond
tho craduntiou
of hia danghter,
Ton foroignors went to
Imrv nn Tnnsdav tn tnko
St. JolniB
out their
natnrailzatiou papors.
Mr. and Mis. Isinh Mnthers viBited
in Barre tlio flrst of tlie woek.
William Mathors of Connecticut,
visited liis brother, Isaiah Mathor,last
weok nnd is to build n mill in East
Montpelier on Ohales Hnmlin's farm
and movo thore.
Mra. H. E. Tomplotoii of Montpolior
Bpeut n part of lnst week at G, A.
Kntie Dnlloy is with her grand
mother in North Calais, where sho at
tonda Eohool.
Mrs. T. J. Taylor liaa beon working
for Mrs. Wnllaco Hnyford in East
Ed. Enniahns moved to Montpelier.
A. A, Lowia startodon Saturday (or
South West City, Missouri, whero a
Into brotlior lived from whose estato
ho hopee to oomo into some property.
Miss Mary Bailey of Clioyenne,
Wyoming, mado a brief visit to hor
mother aud sister last week; leaviug
for Boston on tho noon train Saturday
Last woek' the Village Improvemont
Scoiety had the park by the rnilroad
shops mowed.
Fridny, Jnne 17, A. H. Keniston
nnd wifo celebrated their fortioth wed
ding annivorsary, old frionds acd
noighbors coming dowu from Burke,
their old home. s
Mrs. E. D. Libbey has returned
froui Brightlook hospital, where sho
had au operation performed. Sho has
givou up the telephoue, Mra. O. M.
Parker tnkiug her place, nssistod by
MIbs Mabel Lee.
E. D. Libbey leaves on Tuesday for
G. E. MoVicar of Franklin, Pa., is
lioro visiting his mother nnd sister.
A. H. Walter and wife, T. W. Par
ker and wife, Mrs. Mp-ion Flanders
nnd G. E. MoVicar went to Waterloo,
P. Q., on June 6, to help celobrate
their sister's.Mrs Eleotua Farmelee's,
goldou weddiug.
Rev. J. 0. Bodwell, pastor of the
Congregatioualist ohnroh, has rc
siguod, Ho has beeu tlioro seveuteeu
years, and will leavo Angnat 1. ,
Olara Shirley, who has beeu ill for
soveral months, remains about the
anme, and willleave soon for Burling
ton to roueivo treatmeut nt tho hospi
Mr. Dodge, onr butter mnkor, is
moviug iuto tho parsoiingo.
Agnea Bradford is nt homo from
Montpelier Semiunryfor n vncntion.
Rev. Mr. Wnldron, pastor of Bnptist
ohnroh of Hnrdwlok, oconpled the pul
pit in this plnce Snnday, nssistod by
Rov. O. E. Nowton, our former pas
Rov O. E. Newtou and wifo are
spondiug n fow days in town.
Tlioro ia to be au ico oreaui supper
ai tho vostry on Tnosdny ovouing,
Juno 28.
Robert Wnlbrldga and wifo visited
hor fathor and mother, O. W. Farrond
wifo, recontly.
Mrs S. Dutton of Hardwick ia to
spond some timo with frionds iu Wal
dou. Johu Wooster Ste,vona visited
friends in Manchester, N, II,, lnst
Miss Inez Mlller is visiting in Bur
lington. Dr. Harry Nyo of Leominstor,
Mass, is in towu.
Mrs. G. F, Root has leturued from
Alltson, Mass., whero sho hna beeu
visiting her parents.
Fred Richmond of Barton ia visit
ing hh parents, Mr and Mrs Kondriok
O, R, Moulton aud Sou hnvo moved
their muslo aud phonographlo rooma
froui tho atore roooutly vnoatod by 0.
F, Raunoy & Oo., to tho new rooms
fluiBhed off in the Memphremagog
Rev. A, F. MaoGregor preaohod in
Ziou's cliuroh, Montreal, lnst Snnday.
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Aiken are ro
joioing over the birth of a son.
Tliorou Meader 1b visiting rolativos
in Cabot nnd Marshfield.
Miss Ninn Vlnson cnmo liouio from
hor work in Pennsylvnnia on Tliurs
day. R. A. Hueo nnd F. 0. Fairbnnks of
Randolph wero in town ou Thursdny.
Miss Mno Chadwiok rotnrned to hor
homo in West Brookflold ou Tnosdny.
W. N. Oarnentor'B blaoksmlth shop
is bolng newly shlnglod. Hin brother,
Bert Oarpenter, is doing tlio work.
MIfb Botsoy Poor roturuod to hor
homo in Stowe, Thursday after qnite
n long stay with hor brother, G. A.
Miss Hnzol Rogore of Randolph was
in town on Friday.
Qnite n few from here nttonded tho
Sundny rolwol pionio nt East Bethel,
Miss Myrtio Durkeo has completod
her work nt tho Exporimeut Farm in
Burlington and returned homo on Fri
dny. A pnrty consisting of Mr. nnd Mrs.
F. C. Coue, Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. E. Taft
aud threo ohildreu, Mrs. M. A. Coue,
W. 0. Coue, Miss Mny Sargeut, Miss
May Coue nud R, A. Husb eujoyed a
trip to Berlin Pond ou Saturday, rt
tunring on Sunday.
Nathaniol Rogers hns gono to Bov
erly, Mass., to spend somo timo with
his daughtor, Mrs. Georgo Patoh.
Mrs. Stevens Ohandler hss gono to
board with Mrs. W. H. Ohild, and
Mrs. Belle Manu has rotnrned froui
Lowell, Mass., to stay with Mrs.
Ohild for the present.
Fred Long of Montpelier has beeu
visiting his nnole, W. H. Long.
Rev. Mr. Wnrner of Barton, assisted
by Prof.Baldwin of Bradford, prenchud
June 12 iu tho absenco of the pastor,
Rev. H. J. Kilbonru.
Tho Ladies' MiBsionnry Sooioty lins
just completed articles to bo seut iu
the Orange County Ohristmas box that
goes to n missiou sohool in Oonstanti
noplo. Ohildreu' Day is to be observed at
the ohuroh, Juuo 2G.
All wero glad to see Rov. Mr.
Webb in tho pulpit ou Sunday after
uoou, aftor his long jabBence ou his
trip to Oalifornia nnd St. Louis.i
Mrs. Nelcon Benoh returned from
Ornnge, Mass., Satnrday.
BoBsie Bruce is visiting frionds iu
Deacou William Ward and wifo of
Waitsfield visited his son, Herbert, on
Mrs. Bell Griggs of Barre ind Mrs.
Wilber Brown of Montpelier called ou
friend9 in Duxbury, Moretown and
Fayston lnst week. '
Kenneth Bisbeo were with his
grnndparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Samnol
Turner, over Sundny.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Smith of Randolph
were the gnests of Mrs, A. Butler lnst
Hamuel Somervillo wns in Barro
lnst Wednesday.
Miss Anna Hart and Mrs. Shea of
Moretown were in Montpelier Wed
uesday. Mrs. Hattie and Miss Lettie Kemp
of Hyde Park and Mr. nnd Mrs. V.
Hutohins and two children of Stowe
visited Gilbert Nelson and wifo last
Peaoli Thomas loadod forty-one
hogs and ten calves here last Tnosdny
morning. He paid 40. per pouud
for hogs.
Dr. G. W. Darling wout to Lowoll,
Mass., Tuesday morning to nttond tho
grndnation of his danghter, Thressie,
Ton foreigners went to St. Johus
bury ou Tuesday to tako out thoir nat
uralization papors.
At tho towu cnnous on Monday dolo
gates ns follows wero ohoson : County
couvention at St. Johusbnry, Georgo
Nelson, W. T. MoLam; distriot con
ventiou at Montpolior, 0. Wallaoe, 0.
MoLam; Stato convontiou at Mont
polior, S. 0. GilUllan, M. H. Gibson,
Miss Mary Kouorson is at homo from
aohool iu Johnson.
Mrs- P. N. Granger starts for the
west this week to vislt rolativos.
Miss Jossio Varuum iaathomo from
hor sohool.
Georgo Sniart is ill witli tonsilitis.
Miss Bossie Vnrnum will movo her
goods iuto Owou Somers1 honso at
East Penohnm. Sho iutenda goiug to
North Dnuvillo to livo witb friouds.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Scott Farnum of Lyn
don woro in town over Sunday ; nlf o
tholr uiooo, Miss Maudo Bniloy.
Soott Cooloy is at liomo from sohool
at Montpolior.
Tlio ladios' soaial oirolo will meet
with Mrs. Georgo Dnrling Wednesday,
Juno 20.
Mrs. Oora Browu of Montpelier,
Mrs. J. 0. Griggs of Barro aud MIbs
Elisaboth Rlohardson of Minnoapolis,
Mlnn., havo beeu visiting Mr, Brogg's
Mr. and Mrs. Heury Carey and son
of Waterbury spont Satnrday nud Sun
dny with Mrs. Oaroy'B parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Georgo Kow.
Miss .Tosio Kew, who livod in J. B.
Thorapson's fninily for noarly six
years, hns gono to ruside with Monroe
Hnyos, who lives ou tho Robort Kow
Miss Anna Brngg.who has boon suf-
foring from nn attaok of bronohltis, is
atondily improving,
On Wedesdav ovonina. Juno 15
nearlv two hnndred nnd twentv-flvo
of tho frionds of Mr. nnd Mrs. Johu
Urano gnthorod nt tholr bcnntiful
homo, the oocasion begnu n receptiou,
givou by Mr. aud Mrs. Ornue, iu hor
or of tho mnrriago of their sou,
Georgo A., nud Miss Susi'o E. Hnrrla
of Dnuvillo. Threo lnrgo rooms nnd
iinu were tastefully deoorntod with
potted plnuts, ferns, uvorgreeu, nud
white dniaies, tho work of decornting
beiug douo by MIbs Lilla Cook and
Charlio Oraue, nssistod by Mrs. Mnry
Wnlkor. At 0 o'olock tho oouplo,
stnndiug under a horseshoo of whito
daisies, with Miss Marv jcJ. Orano aud
Ohnrlie Orano recolved tho oongratu
latiouB of tho assemblod oompnnv,
tho prosentatious boing mado by Miss
Lilla Cook aud Edwin Gould. -Tho
brido wns nttirod iu white poiut
d'osprit nud Miss Ornno in n bennti
ful orgnndie. Refroahmenfs were
serod in which tho following nssiBt
ed: Mrs. Bossie Gould. Smith; Mrs.
Lou A. Bnilov, Miss Lottio Gnmbliu,
Mr. Chestor Wnlkor, Hnrtwell Stoue,
nud William Wnlker. Muslo wns
fnrnishod bv tho Onbot bnnd led by
Mortou Wells. A protnenade iu the
uow aud large barn which was lighted
from cupola to basomont followed.
Mauy usefnl and benutiful gifts wero
loft for tho your,'? couplo.
Moretown, June 20. a dnughter to
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ourtis Guyette.
Wntorbniy, June 15, by Rev. Mr.
Sinitliers. Miss Georgiann Smith fo
Fmucis Leo Whitcomb, both of Wnter
bury. Iu Bnrton, Juno 15, Clnrence Dodge
of Berlin and Miss Myrtle Woodworth
ot Barton.
In West Berlin, Juuo 22, by Rov
E. W. Sliarpe, MiBS Mnude M. Glines
of Berlin nnd Rev. Wilbnr F. Hill of
In North Calais, June 22. by Rev.
Alven Smith, Miss Inez Oamoron and
Mr. Lewis W. Sibley ot East Mont
pelier. DEA'JOHS.
Montpelier, Jnue 12, Mrs. A. 0.
Berliu, Jnne 12, Levi Strong, aged
Berlin, Juue 12, George Iuell, aged
Montpelier, June 13, Mrs. Eliza
beth J. Walton.
Legal Notices.
State or Vkiimont.
In Probate Court, liclil In Montpelier, lu and for
alU Ulatrlct. on tlie 22nd day of June A. D.
Charlca H. Farnsworth, exccutor, in tlie State of
Vermont, ol the lat will and testament of LILLA
F. DOW. late of Manchester, ln the County of
lllllsuorouKn aiui Miiie 01 isew uauipsmre., ue
ceused, preBunts hlsadnjtnlstratlon account for ex
aniluatlou and allonauce, and niakei nppllcktloa
foradecree ofdlstiibutlon aud partltlon of the es
tato of uld deccased.
Wliereupon, It Is otdered by eald Court, that ald
account and applicatlou hereterred toasesslon there
of, ln br held at the I'robate OOlce, ln sald Montpelier,
on the 27th day of J u ly.A. D. forhearlUKandde
clslon thereon; and It ls further ordered, thatnotlce
hvreof bo Klven to all persons Interested. by publlca
tlon of the ame threo weeks successlrely lu the Ver
mont Watchman and btate Joumal, a ncwspaper
puhllshcd In Montpelier, lo this State, prevlous to
sald tluie of liearlug, that they may appear at sald
tlme and place, and sliow causc, It any they
may liave, why said accouut should not be auoweu,
anu sucb decree made.
lly theCourU Attest.
25-27 HlltAMCAlil.ETOX. Judge.
State of Vehmo.nt,
Distiuct ok Washington. S. s.
In Probate Court, held In Montpelier, ln and for
sald Dlstrlct, on thu 22d day or June, A. U. 1904.
Addle E. Dale, Admlnlstratrlx ot the estato
ot JAMES lt. DALE. late of Waits
field, ln uld Olstrlct, deceased, prcsents her ad
mlnlstratlon account lor examlnatlon and allonauce.
aud makes applicatlou for a decree of dlstrlbutlon aud
Gartltlon ofsald deceased. Wliereupon lt Is orJered
y sald Court. that sald account and sald appllcatlon
bo referred to a sesslon thcreof, to be held at tho Pro
bate Office In sald Montpelier, on tlie tth day ofjuly.
A. I). 1IHH, for hearlne and declslon thereou:
And, It Is further ordered that notlce hereof be given
toall persons lutcrested, by publlcatlonof the samo
ihree weeks successively lu the Vkiimont Watch
man State anu Jouiinal n ncwspaperpubllsliedat
Montpelier, ln this State, prevlous to sald tlme ap
polnted for liearlnjr, that they may apiear at sald
tlme aud plnce, and show cause, If any they may
liave, why sald account should not bc allowed, and
sucli decree made.
liy the Court. Attest.
State or Vkiimont,
Distiuct of Washington, s. .
In Probate Court. hrld at Montpelier, ln and for
ald Dlstrlct, on tlie 17 th day of Juue, A. D. 1MI.
An Instrumer.t lurportlne to he the last will aud
testament of LOIS N. JACOIIS, late of
Caldls, In sald Dlstrlct, deceased, beluff presented
to the Courtfor Probate, lt ls ordered by sald Court,
that all persons concerned therelnbenotlfled to ap-
tiear at a sesslon of sald Court to be held at the Pro
iate onice In said Montpelier, on the Uth day of
Julr, A. I), 1904, aud showcause.lf any they mayhavp,
axalnsl the probate of sald lustrunient, lor whtch
1uriose II ls lurther ordered that notlce of this order
lepubllshed threo weeks successUelyln tho Ver
mont Watchman anu State JouitNAL.a newspa
Ier prlnted at Montpelier, In this State, prevlous to
sald tlme appolnted ror IiearlnK.
lly the Court. Attest,
State of Vkiimont,
Distiuct ;or Wasiiinotos, aa,
In Probate Court. held at Montpelier, In and for
sald Dlstrlct, ou the 20th day of June, A. D. 19IH.
An lnstrument and codlcll thereto, purporl
Injr to be the last will and testament of
I.UCINDA U. LYFOUI), late of Marshfield, ln said
dlstrlct, deceased, belng presented. tp tbe
Court for Probate, lt la ordered by sald Court,
that all persons concerned thcrcln be notllled
to appear at a sesslon of sald Court. to be held at the
Prohato OOlce ln sald Montpelier, on the 91 ll day of
July, A. D. 1904, aud show cause, If any they
mav havo, axalnst tho probate of sald lnstrument
and codlcll, for which purposo lt Is further ordered
that notlce of Ihls order bo mibllshed three weeks
successlvcly in tlie Vermont Watchman aud State
Journal, a newspaper prlnted at Montpelier. In
this state, prevlous to sald tlme appolnted for
lly the Court-Attest.
25-37 IIIKAM OAltLETOK. Judge
Noticeof FibstMektino of Ciieditoiis.
In the Dlstrlct of the Unlted Statei, lor the
Dlstrlct of Vermont, In llankruptcv.
In tbe matter of 81MON A.flOOO, bankrupt.
To the credltors of SIMON A. (10110, of Mont
pelier, In the County ,of Washington, and Dlstrlct
arorcsald, a bankrupt.
Notlce Is Iiereby glven that on the 31st day of
Aprll, A. I), 1904, the sald SIMON A. OOGO waa
duly adjudicated bankruptt and that the flrst nieetlnx
or his credltors will be held at the offlce of
the underslgned, Itooin So. 6, U, S. t'oilotnco
llulldlng, In Monteller, ou the 2d day of
July. A. D. 1904, at teu o'clock In the forcnoon, at
whlcu tlme the sald credltors may attend, nrove
their clalms, appolut a trustee examlne the bank
rupt, and transact such other bustuess as may proper
ly come before sald meetlng.
lleferee in Bankruptcy.
Montpelier. Vt., Juue 31, 19M.
L. 0. Fishor goes ovcry wcck to
Montpolior for ostoopathio trcntinont.
Mrs. L. D. Nnto hns hoeu caring
for hor dnnghtur, Miss Lou Millcr,
who lins beeu siok for n fow days at
tho homo of Harlow Ilalnos.
" Rov. O. J. Brown, wifo and son
woro in Newport lnst Woduosdny to
nttond tho weddiug of Mrs. Brown's
Agnes Warren is honiH from hor
sohool in Northfield, Maes.
r Frank Parmonter of Waltham and
Mrs. Martha Preston of Bellrioa,
Mass , are visting nt A. L. Preston's.
Miss Liilian Bliss was nt home for
n day" last week.
Mrp. Georgo Webster nnd Mrs.
Abbio Smith wero in Montpolior last
Miss A. Fnnny Smith, who has beon
tHaohing in Richford, ls nt homo for
tho suimnor vaoation.
S. 0. Voodry visited his wifo in
Montpolier liiat week.
Miss May Ormsbee, a teaoher in the
Johnson Normnl sohool, is nt home
for vncntion.
S. L. Gnild nud wifo wero in town
Monday on thoir wny to their homo
iu Coventry.
Harry Dnniels wishes to thank tho
poople of Cabot for thoir assistauco in
holping to ohock tlio firo in his lam
bor. Ho Bpeaks a good word for tho
ougiuo nnd snys it Bavod him mnny
thouBnud dollars.
Willinm H. Kolloy nnd wifo of
Westfield hnvo boon stopping with
Rov. O. J. Biown for n wook.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Joiicb, Mr. nud
Mrs. Goorgo Milno nud son of Bnrro
nnd Mrs. Lumsdou of Scotlaud paRsod
through hero ou tho way to R. E.
Hopkins' in an nutomobilc last Sun
Mrs Will Sarah of Walden has been
visitiug Orvis Fitts.
Frank Blanchard aud wife of Lud
low cnmo hero last weok aud will
stop at tho Winooski Hou&o for a
whilo. Miss Jossio Taylor of Newtowc.
Coim., is visiting Mrs. Nellie Eug
lish for a timo.
Miss Graco Huntiug iB visiting Miss
Grnco Morso for n few days.
Tneron Meador is visiting Iub
grandmothor, Mrs. T. H. Lance.
Cabot tnll team will play at Dan
ville Satnrday, Jnne 25.
Cnbot band is engnged to play at the
oelebration, East Hardwick, Jnly 4.
The regular meeting of Green
Mouutnin Lodge, F. and A. M. wi'l
be Tuesday night, June 28. The third
degree will be worked.
Satnrday night at C o'clock the
towu was aroused by the bumiug of
the Danifds mills a' Lower Cabot.
A large nnmber flockod to the scene
to nssiBt. The riro engine was takeu
down from the village and did nffect
ual work in saving tho lumber.
Mr. and Mr. Isaac Anstin, who liave
been visiting iu Marshfield for the
past week, returued ou Monday.
Joseph Rnymond of Marshfield hns
rented the tenement reoently vacated
by Fred Banoroft.
S. W Beanlno lost one of his fine
pnir of horses on Thursday.
Andrew Lawrence of Philadolphia,
a brother of Mrs. Amnudn Barohelder,
will nrrive in town July 2. Mr. Law
rence will be glad to see all his old
frionds again.
Tno Plainfield oreamery paid 20
cents n pouud for buttor fnt for the
month of May.
There liave beeu a number of sales
of horses iu town the paBt week. H.
O. Smith of Burlington purohased the
fanoy pnir of Ira Rioker for $500. Roy
Leavitt sold his Gov. Hendee colt for
$175. Hairy Parks bought a fino pair
of ohestnuts at Burlington. Goorgo
Kane bought a pair of H. M. Farn
ham of East Montpelier.
Soveral deer hnvo been seen in'town
in tho past week, two young deor be
ing seen near Nat Page's that were
very tame.
The delegates eleoted to the State
convcutiou woro E. J. Bartlett, H.
G. Mooro; aud to the distriot couven
tion, Ezekiel Skiuner and Honry
The regulnr meeting of the Good
Tomplars will occnr Thursday oven
ing. Several candidates will bo in
itiated. Miss Chase of Morrisville) is a gnest
of Miss Elsio Warron.
Owiug to the soddeu death of Mrs.
A. O. Brown of Montpolior the looturo
thnt wns to hnvo beeu giveu at the
MothodiBt chnrch will be postponod
A uow bridgo hns beon bnilt ovor
Gray brook noar tho Lupiou blook.
Mrs. Frauk Kelley and family of
Montpelier hnvo beeu visiting at Mr.
Mrs. Flora Guernsey of Montpolior
has beon viBitiug at N. O. Govo's.
Ira Rioker loaded n onr with hogs
for the market ou Tuesday.
S. S. Renfrow has purohased tho
Poarco storo iu Cabot nud will take
possessiou soon.
Miss Iuez Poaroo of Onlnis wns tho
guest of Mias Elsie Warrou last woek.
Georgo A. Morehouse of St. Johus
bnry wns iu town ou Moudny.
Joseph Porry, who wns nooidentnlly
killed in town on Satnrday, was
baricd in tho Oatholio cemotery on
Mouday, tho funeral sorvicos taklng
plnco thore.
Pooplo, who hnvo wished for rnin
for n long timo were very glad to see
tho flrst mdioations of n showor wliou
Alphons Batoholder begnu to out Ula
rlvor mendow. They all got their
pails nud tubs ready to get tho wator
that was suro tocomo. Thoy were
not dlsappointed hr a fino shower oarne
on Tnosdny. Tho' Boiry for Mr.
Bntoholdor thoy woro glnd to soo tho
The sohoolB in town oloBod ou Fri
dny, the teaahers goiug to their
homes, MIbs Lorn Fitts to Vershire.
Misa Graoo Whittiflr to Cabot.
Mr. nud Mrs. Whltonill of Poaohnm
hnvo been the gnests of Mrs, Martha
Ohapin for n few dnys.
Mrs. Julia V. Cumiulngs of Rnn
dolph is guest nt A. V. Taylor's for
a fow dnys.
fleari the I m Mna IQU nava Altvays
The Kind You liave Altvays Bos

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