OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, September 15, 1904, Image 7

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Snociflcs curo by ncting dlrcclly on tho
slcte paris without illsturbiug tho rost of
tho systcm.
No'. 1 for Fovors.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Tocthlng.
No. '1 " Dinrrhca. x
No. 7 " Couglis.
No. 8 " Nonralgia.
No. 0 " Ilcmlnchos.
No. 10 " Dyspepsln.
No. ll' " Snpprcssod Porlodo.
No. 12 " Whttcs.
No. 13 " Oroup.
No. 14 " Tho Skin.
No. 15 " llheumatlsm.
No. 10 " Malnrin.
No. 19 " Oatarrli.
No. 20 " Whooplng Cough.
No. 27 " Tho Kldnoys.
No. 30 " Tho Bladdor.
No. 77 " La Grippo.
Tn Btnall bottles o pcllels that fit tho vost
pockot. At Druggists or mailcd, 25c. oach.
;2SJ-Medicnl Guldomalled froo.
llumphrcys' Uo4. Co.,Cor. Wllllam& John Stroets,
New York.
Hou. T. 13. Hull lins no fur recov
ered froni lils rooetit illacsa as to bo
on tho streot. Ilis frioiicln, nnd tlioy
nre logion, rojoico nt the outcomo of
wliat soomed to bo a eerionB Hlckness.
Bnll rocoivod n good voto horo, 172
to CO. Groton votod lnte nud oftou
for Ropreseutntivo.
Tlie uow flrm of Blnnoliurd & Tlook
opnned bnsltiepa Frldny. Tho old flrm
of Hall & Coohrnu did n gient liusi
uoas, nmi tho young uieu coiulug iuto
thoir plnco havo tho best wislies of
tho coninimiity.
Soveral friontls of Mr. Riokor, Rep-roBentitdve-eloot,
attnudod liis rccep
tiou in St. Johusbury Wodnesday
eveuiug, from thia pluco.
Mrs. A. J. Hoapli nnd Mrs. Oyrns
Wololi ntteurted the oxoontive board
rneetiug of tho Wouiiwi'b Homo Mis
slouary Soolety At Bradford, Wedues
day. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
" With family aroand expecting Inni
to die, aud a eou ridiug for lito, 18
inilos, to get Dr. Kiug's Now Dis
covery for Consuwptiou, Conclis, and
Oolaa, V. H. Browu, of Ieosvillo,
Iud., eudured deatlrs ngoulns from
asthma; bat thia wouderl'nl mediciiio
gavd iuataut rellef and soou oured
liim. He writes: "I uow sloop sound
ly ovory uight. " Like ninrvolona cnres
of Gousumptiou, Puonmouia, Bron
chitis, Ooughs, Colds and Grip provo
its uintoliless merit for all Throat aud
Jjung trouuloa. Gnarautoed bottlca
60c aud $1.00. Trial bottles froo at O.
Blakoly's drng storo.
Thrfo hundred of tho Bupporters,
frieuds aud ueighbors of Dhuu H.
Morso, towu Ropreseutative-elect,
woro givon a roooptiou at Mr. Mone's
homo Thursday evouiug. Tho Grcon
Monutain baud was iu attendance aud
reuderdd niusic at ititorvnl& through
ont the eveuiug. Aftor eougrntula
tious had beou extouded aud refresli.
rueuts of taudwiohes, cako and coiTee
woro Borved a very pleasant surprise
camo in tho airival of Govoruor-eloct
Oharles J. Bell of Walden, who wns
groeted with a hearty three cheors, af
tor which he was iutronuced by Kditor
L, B. Johnson, who was mastor of
that part of tho oerouiouies, as tho
first speaker of tho ovening. With a
few brief romarks he cougratulated
tlie oitizous on tho State olection and
ou thoir choico of a mau well quuli
fiea to represout the towu of Ran
dolph. Hou V. I. bpear, M. M. Wil
sou, H. 0. Gilbert, Hou. J. D. Deui
bou, H. W. Vail and N. L. Boyden
eaoh mado short spoecheB of congratu
lation aud theu Mr. Morso iu the lust
address of tho eveuiug thaukod hia
frieuda for their snpport.for tho honor
they oonferred upon him when they
elected him as tho Roproseutative of
the towu of Randolph. After wishiug 1
his frionds "God Speod," tho party
left for their homes at 10:30.
Miss Georgia White, locai oditor o !
the Herald aud Nows, is tukiug a
three woeks' vaoatiou from hor dutios
and will leave here soon for Now York
for a two weoka' visit. j
Govornor-oleot O. J. Boll aud wifo
left here on Friday for their homo in
Waldeu, aftor a short visit with Mr. '
and Mrs. D. H. Morse.
G. Riohard Graut, who hae had a i
positiou with the Wiuohoster Arins
Oo., for tho past y,oar, arrivod iutown
on Friday 1'roin Now Haven, Oo iu..
for a few dayB'-visit with his pmnutF,
Mr. and Mra. V. A. Graut. brtore go
iug to Dartaiouth OoIIoch
J. R, Putuam left lu-re Tharpdayfor
n tcn dajs' vihlt with relatives in
Hauovor, aud Mauohester, jn'. H.
Ool. O. P. MillT, qnartormustur to
thc genoral statl'.'.t Witihiugtou, D. 0.,
aud niH wife, h ive arrivnd in towu for
a fow das' visit witli Dr and Mis.
H H. M; ntyre
Mr aud 11m Oharles HntcliiHBon,
who have beon apending a montli with
roaltivoB iu thia vioinity loft here on
Weduseday for tUeir home in North
amptou, Mass.
Mrs. O M. Orangcr aud daughter,
Miss Kdith, aud sou, Fred, roturuod
homo Wcduosdav from a threo wookl, '
vidit with rolativeB iu Bostou aud vi-cinitj-.
THE OHRISTIAN churuhes at Oon
fltantinoplo, Tarkoy, aud Yokahoma,
Japan have loug used the Lougmau &
Martiuoz Paints for paiutiug their
Liberai coutributlons of L. & M.
Paint will bo glvun for suoh pnrposes I
wuorover a onurcn is looated.
F.M. Scoflold, Harria Spriuga, S. O.,
writes, "I paiuted our old homestead
with L &. M. twonty-six veais ago.
Not paiuted sinoe, lookH bottor thau
Iioubob paiuted iu the lust fonr yoars."
W. B. Barr. Charleston. W. Va.,
writos. "Paiuted Frankonbnrg Block
with L. & M. shows botter thau auy
bnildings horo havo ever douo: stands
ont as thoagli varniahed, and aotaal
oost of paint waa loss thau $1,20 por
gallon. Wears and covers liko gold."
These oelebrated Paints aro eold by
BarrowB Puok, Montpelier.
Palmer Pharmaoy, Waterbury.
Fred Periiu, Plainfield,
Howard Browu, Ludlow.
H. 0. Fieroo, Bartou.
theyniir.fi. .
That Is What Tliey Say About Tliem in
Montpelier, anii It ls, Tnerefore,
Auothor proof, somo inoro ovldonoc,
Montpolior tcstiniouy to swoll tho
long 11st of advooatoa who oudorso tho
old Qnnker loinnily, Donn's Kidnoy
Pills. Road this coiivluolng oudorso
nieiit of tho olniniB mndo for thnt ro
marknblo proparatiou :
O. S. Wlilttlor, rotirod moclmuio, of
60 Prospoot streot, saya: Wliilo I do
not waut it uudoratood by niy friouds
aud ncqnnintnncos iu Montpolior that
Doan'a Klcinoy Pills prooarod at W.
E. Poole'a drng Btoro hnvo radioally
stoppod pain acroBB tho loiua aud othcr
indlcatiouH of nulioaltliy klduoys, nt
taoKB of whlch havo annoycd mo foi
flftoou yoars, I cau posltivoly nssert
that ttio troatuieut liaa broaght a vast
auiouut of beuoflt. I hnd baokacho so
auuto that I oould not boud or stoon.
If I Bat iu au upright positiou for auy
lougtli of tiuio tho muBolofl of tho back
aohed. Aftor auy oxortiou bronght on
tho loins I becauio eoro aud htiii.
Tlioro wns nltso inucli auuoyauoo aud
distress on acconnt of tho irrogalarity
of the kiduey soorotlous. To say that
Doau's Kidnoy Pills liolpod mo groatly
nnd to say that I oudorso tho prepara
tion uiildly oxprosses uiy opiuiou."
For aale by all dealors. Prico GO
contB. Fostor-MUburu Uo., liulhilo,
N, Y. , boIo aeouta for tho Uuitcd
Remombor tho name Doau's aud
tako uo otlior.
Mrs. B. G. Wood aud daughter. of
Dorchester, tuasu., arrived m to-ii
last evouiug for a visit with Mrs.
Wood's sister, Miss Fraucos Oarrier.
Orvillo Miller is toaohiug school.
Dr. Guy N. Woloh ia gotting ont
lnmber propnrntory to bnildiug au nd
ditiou to hia baru
Mr. Moriaty lias moved iioji Uuiou
to Wator streot.
Bert Blake is clurkiug in Onrl Rich
moud'a store.
A hvely rnnaway ocourred on Wator
Ntreot ono day Inst week, whou a high
spirited horse driveu by a youuu man
took fright aud rau into a stouo post '
cioanng itseu irom tho wagou. Tho
horse rau as far as the Holland farm
ou Riohardson avouuo wheu it was
stopped. No ono waB iujured.
Miss Eva Houstou of Barre spent
Snnday at homo.
Mihs Minnie Smith lias roturned
from a trip to Now Yoik. The in
torior of Miss Smith's milliluory
rooms aro rocoiviiiK a thorough rono
vating aud remodolliug,. whioh groatly
adds to tho cunvouieuco and appear
anco of the placo.
The olass of '03 Northllold high
?chool neld a very pleasant reuuion iu
tho Bhape of a corn roust at the liomo
of Orrin Kiiuball iu Borliu on Friday
ovouiug. Anioug thoso from out of
town in atteudanco wore: Miss Bor
uice Thomas, a teaoher iu tho Spauld
iug high ncliool of Barre, and Royal
Palmer, uow a naval studout at Au
uapolis. A largo gathoriug was pros
ont. Riohard Hontou loft ou Saturday
moruiug for a visit to MasBachessotts.
James E. Oarrigau of Oldtowu, Mo.,
is tho gnost of his uiothor, Mib. Mary
Oarrigau, for n short vaoatiou.
Waldo Fisher roturned to Montpelier
today to aot as jarymau in conuty
Mrs. G. O. Batoa roturuod from tho
hospitul iu Burlington ou Friday
moruiug luach improvod iu iicalth.
Mr. Farr, a ropreseutative of iho
Barlingtoii Freo Pross, was iu towu
ou Saturday ou busiuoss, aleo Goorgo
U. Auuuh of the Montpelier Journal,
Ralph Gilman of Barre was among
tho visitors in towu on Saturday.
Oadot Porry recently visited his
frioud, ox-Oiidut titocker of Dnuvillo,
wiio was elcoted to rupreseut that
towu in tho coraing LegiBlaturo. Mr.
Stuokor haB uiauy frieuds iu this towu,
who heartily congratulato him aud
wish liiui uiuoh Bnccess.
Johu P. Moseloy leaves about tho
20th of thia uiouth for Dallas, Tox, It
is expooted that liis fathor, Johu L.
Mijholoy,,will aocotupany him aud ru
main tlioro as long as tho coctitry suitt
J. Eurle Parker, Souator Proctor's
private seorotary, who has beon tho
guest of Hou. Frauk Plamloy aud
family left for his homo iu Wost Rut
land ou Saturday. Mr. Parkor was
private seoretary to Mr. Plumloy
whllo he was sorvlng as umpiro in tho
mixed cnuditiotiB at Oaracas, Von
ezuela, aud waB a mombor of Sonor
Frost's family duriug that titue. Mr.
Frost's sou, Waltor, oame to this couu
try With Mr. Plumloy upou liis rotnru
aud ia stlll heio.
Harnot Boau has begun work for
Ainos i'lastridge.
Tiio marriago of 0. Edward Wesoott
aud Miss Addie Knowloa took placo at
the homo ot tho brido'a sister. iu Lob-
auon, N. H., ou Woduosday ovouiug.
Thoy will bo at homo at 26 Elm Btroet
to thoir frieuds Soptombor 25. Both
aro woll kiiown Northiield youug poo
ple aud havo muuy frioudB who wish
thom lnaoli happiuess.
FrauolB Siokols la in Now York oity
ou a busiuestt trip. Mr. Siokels lias
completed hia li.bora with the E. B.
Ellja Granito Oompauy.
. The Uuivoraallst Snnday boIiooI
held a piouio in Aldor Meadow on
Saturday. About twouty-Bevou woro
present and a ooru roast waB oujoyed
duriug tho aftornoou, whioh sorvod to
providn muoh amusomout.
Ropairs havo beguu on Ooucort hall
aud aro iu rapld progrosB. Tho iu
torior of the hall is to bo remodolled
iuto two Btoroa fittod upwith tho most
modoru flxturos with largo plato glass
windows frontiug tho streot. Tho bo
ginnlug of ropairs on this hall praoti
oally loaveB tho towu without an opora
Iioubo which ia muoh to be rogrottod
for a towu of this slzo mosc certaluly
should possoss a thoatro of uo ainall
capaolty, aud it ia to bo hopod that in
tho noar foturo suoh a bnildiug may
bo orootod by somo of tho oitizous of
tho towu who aro auxious to p'rovido
for tho wolfaro of thoir uatlvo vlllago.
Frod Joslln of Raudolph was n vis
itor iu town last wook.
O. M. Davis, who has boon confluod
to tho houso by illnoss, has so far ro
covorod from tho attack as to bo ablo
to bo out.
Frauk Loffis of Washlugtou, D. 0.,
has boou in town a fow davs on busl
liosa counootod with tho E. B. Ellis
Graulto Oompauy.
Mra. Georgo 0. Sanboru, who has
boou ill iu Plttsflold, waB ablo to ro
turu to her home horo on Friday.
Frank Traoy of Montpolior was horo
on busiuoss laBt woek.
At a meetiug of tho oougregatiou of
tho Oongrogatioual ohuroh held last
Wednosday it waa votod to requost Dr.
W. S. Ilazon to tocousidor hisrosigna
tlou for a time at loaBt. Mr. Hazou
has tho rouiarkablo rocord of having
sorvod noarly forty-ouo yoars bb a
faithful pastor of thia ohurch aud
much rcgrot ia oxprosBOd that tho bo
nloty is soon to loso so dosorvlng a
pastor aud frioud.
Norwioh Univorsity opous for tho
fall toriu on Saturday. Ono of tho
largost freshmeu clnssos evor kuowu ia
oxpbotod thiB fall.
Tho dam whioh aupplica tho stout
shods of Orosa Brna. is now ropaired
aud fho pond is filled with wator ouco
agaiu attaiuiug its uatural appoarauce.
Tho busiuoss, which lias beeu aaspoud
ed for lack of wator power, waa ro
auniod this moruiug aud tho click of
tho mauy hammors onco agaiu gioets
tho ears of tho passers by.
Now 'phonos havo beon addod to
tho corn factory, tho housoa that aro
bnildiug pu Rlchardsou aveuuo, Ool
burn Olothing Oompauy, Norwioh
Univorsity barmcks No. 2, a privato
line for E. Ellis, A. B. Smith and
Robort Paiuo of Gonldsvillo. Tho
oompnny has now ovor 125 'phouos and
tho prospoct for au increnso ia daily
becomiug brighter.
Tho .itiuual Dog Rlvor Valley fair
onoura ou Tuosday, Wodnesday aud
fhursday of this woak. The prospeot
for au uuusually largo attendance is
fast becomiug an assurod fact, as al
roady loads of all kiuds of iJunk have
beou transported to tho grounds from
all ovor oreation. Ohauncoy Willoy
of Barre, who has charge or lloral hall,
has beon in town aud roports that
ovory availablo spaco iu the buildiug
has beon taken aud that ho Imd to ro
qnest some of tho old exhibitors not to
uxhibit this year bo to allow tho spaco
for tho dxhibitiou of artioles uover
having beou outored beforo. Mr. Wil
loy exprossed au idea that it would be
a good plau to build a larger buildiug
to sorvo as a floral hall to put tho ma
chiuory aud agricultural produots iuto
and leave tho prosent buildiug for
flue arts, otc, cto. Tho auuual fair
d utio will bo hold in arinory hall on
WoduO'iday evonihg aud the allair is
auxiously lookedjforward to by tho
same old oto.vd.
Harrison Buruham diod at tho homo
of his sister.Mrs. Oross.at Gouldsville
ou Friday nvouiug aftor au illnoss of
sevoral woeks. Tho fuuoral was hold
on Suuday aftornoou at 1 :80,Rev. Wal
ter Dolo ollloiatiiig.aud iutoruient was
at Gonldsvillo. Mr. Bnruliam was
about oighty-two years of age and had
pnssod tho cr ater part of hia lifo in
this town. He was a great roader aud
was cousidered to be authority ou
most all subjents bo well did he ro
mombor what ho read. His disposi
tiou was a kiud ouo aud ho had mauy
warm frieuds who remombor the kind
ly acts that ho performod whilo
with thein. The deccased ia Bnrvived
by two Bisters, Mrs. Orosa and Mrs.
Helen Robbius, of MontDelior.and sev
oral uopliowB aud niooes.
Mre. Plastridge is very low.
Ed. Shaw's mothor rocoutly had the
misfortnne to fall at her homo near
South Northllold nud sustaiu a frac
tnred collar bouo. Mnch syuipnthy is
exprossed for for the nged womau io
hor alHiotiou.
Harold - Aldrich, a formor resident
of thiB town, is horo to ntteud Nor
wich Univorsity.
Mrs. O. A. Egortou vory pleasantly
eutertainod a few frieuds on Friday
ovouiug iu honor of Mr. Egortou's
Missos Agues aud Marv Horlihy
havo roturned from tho Thousaud
Miss Lula Buruham of Montpelier
speut Mondny in town.
Mra. Addisou Douuy ontertainod a
party of frionds on Thursday eveuiug
to lieton to Mr. Moado, n missiouary,
who has roconly roturned from Africa.
Mr. Meado stopped ou liiB roturu for a
timo in England aud vioinity. Ho
was a former railroad mau and is
nleasautly rememborod horo as Sani
Moado. Aftor a visit with relativos
in town Mr. Moado will loave for
Oaliforuia to spend tho wintor.
Mrs. Zanvriu of New York ia visit
iug hor aoii, J. H. Zanvriu, who is ill.
Mrs. Jnno Robiusou diod at her
homo on Oontral Btrcot ou Saturday
evouiug aftor au illnoss of soveral
woeks, aged about oighty years. Mrs.
Robinson 1b Bnrvived by ono dnughtor,
Mary, with whom sho livod. Tho fu
uoral will be hold ou Tuosday aftor
noon at 2 o'clook Rev. Waltor Dolo
having .ohargo of tho obsequios. The
decoasod waB au'nctivo mombor of tho
Univorsalist clinroh aud waa belovod
by all. Aunt Jano, aa sho wns famil-'
larly ohlled, will bo groatly niiBsod
and most osnpoially by hor daughter
tor whom tho Eincorest svmnathy ls
exproesod iu tho loss of n loviug moth
Olouimio Sawyer is toaohiug Bohool
iu tho Fiskoville distrlot.
It ia ospootdd that tho gradod sohool
will bo olosod on Wodnosdny nnd
Thursday ou aocouut of tho fair. '
Mrs. Woloh of Groton rocoutly visit
od hor sou, Dr. Guy Woloh, for a fpw
Miss Frnuoea Oolliua is teaohlng in
tho bnrlow bridge dlatrint.
Tho Mlsos Eberhnrdt, who havo boon
vleitlng Mnx Eborhardt, roturned to
thoir home in nouaueu, a. d., ou ont
G. Fred Osgood and family havo
moved iuto thoir uow house ou Viuo
Mrs. Alloo Mausfiold and Hnrry
Ohamberlin of tho tolephono olllco
. . ' . M 1 ... r a.
Bpeut ounuay wivu inuuuB iu uioui
ThO ItilUl Yoil ITaVn A1lVnv
iu uso for ovcr 30 years, 1ms liorno tlio Bignatnro of
CrfLjCJ&ffijtzfirA, sonnl supcrvlsioii slnco its hifancy.
ytarvr. Allow o ono todccclvoyoitintlils.
All Oountcrfclts, Iinltations nnd " Jusi-as-Kood" aro bufe
Expcrlmcnts that trlllo with nnd cndaiifrcr tlio Iicalth of
Infants nnd Cnildrou Bxpcricnco ngainst Expcriiucnt
Castorin is n liarmlcss snbstitnto for Castor Oil, Parc
goric, Drops nnd Soothiuff Syrnps. It is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opluni, Morphlno nor otlier Narcotio
substancc. Its ago is its gimrniitcc. It destroys Wonus
nd nllays Fevcrislincss. It curcs Diai-rlicua and Wind.
Colic. Ifc rclievcs Tccthing Troul)lcs, cnres Constipation
nnd Flatulcncy. It assimilates tlio Food, rcgnlatcs tho
Stonmch and Bowcls, giving heallliy nnd natnral slccp.
Tlio Cliildrcn's Pauaccn Tlio Motlier's Priend.
Bears tho
Tte KiM You Have Always BougM
8n Use For Over 30 Years.
MifB Euuioe Ford roturned to her
Bchool iu Oampello, Mass., ou Friday.
MisB Agnos Liuo, who haa boon vis
iting at Mrp. Georgo ;Avorill'i, ro
turned to her homo iu New York on
Mrs. John Stack and son, James, of
Montpolior viaited in town last wook.
W. T. Kerr is taking a two wooks'
vacation from u. S. Uiohmond's atoro
and is visiting at ;Loomiustor, Mass.
Mrs. Louuox of West Borliu is tho
guos of Mrs. L. N. Ellis.
Miss O. E. Wells of Now York, who
has boon spouding tho summor at A.
L. Olark's.roturuod honioon Thursday
E. Graco Gynan, who haa beeu tho
guest of E. B. Ellia and family, re
turuod on Wodnesday to her home iu
Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Has svorld-wide famo for uinrvclous
ourns. jX surpasses any other salvo,
lotiou, ointmont or balm for Outs,
Oorus, BuriiB, Boils, Sores, FelonB,
Ulcors, Tottor, Salt Rheum, Fevor
Sores, Ohappod Hands, Skiu Erup
tious; iufalliblo for Piloa. Ouro
guarauteed. Only 25o at 0. Blakoly's,
Miss Ethol Warduer has finiBhed
work at Northfield and is stopping at
Jasou Froemau's.
Georgo Warduer aiid family nud
Leou Dnbnquo spont Snnday iu Rau-
aoipn at iiiUgoue Warduor's.
Houry Boltou of Washington. D.
O., is isiting relatives iu towu.
Frank E Duraway attoiidod Water
bury fair last weok.
Dolia Gowdy of Northfield is visit
ing Mrs. L. A. Eastmau.
Mrs. Albort Norris of Williamstown
was a guost of Mrs. Orza Boyco sevor
al dnys last wook.
Mrs. Frod Ladd nnd dauchtor.
Freda, of Barrt) and Mrs. Holou Wil
cox of Brookfield visited Mrs. Georgo
Warduer ou Thursday.
Mrs. Lizzio Frooman is iu vory
poor hoalth.
Ask For Alleu's Foot-Ease.A Powder
To shako into your shoos. It rests tho
feot. Makes watklng easy. Ourea
Oorns, Bnuious, Ingrowiug Nails,
Swollou aud Swoatiug foet. At all
druggists and shoe stores, 25o. Don't
accept Auy substitute. Samplo FREE
Addross, AUen S. S. OlmBtod, LeRoy,
n. y.
IfrB. Jnakson weut to hor homo iu
Hnrtford lnst weok nocompaniod by
Mrs. Aun Worcostor.
Mrs. Myron Goodspoed is outertniu-
iug her mothor nnd Bistor from Shor
burno. Mason Bradloy of Linoolu was n
guest in towu lant week.
" Ed. Wakofiold outortninod his unolo
from worcostor, Mass., rooently.
A unmbnr from horo attondod tho
Waterbury fair lnst wook.
Kenueth Tillotaon, who was vory
ill last wook, ia convalesoing.
Johu Palmor aud Pearl Hall and
wife woro in Waitsllold to attoud tho
fuuoral of a rolativo Suuday.
Mrs. Olara Hydo, who has boou vis
iting in White Rivor Junotiou, ro
turnod homo Saturday.
Miss Ethol Prossor of Barro i6 visit
ing anioug rolatlvoa iu thia vioiulty.
Misa Loulso Allou spout lnst wook
iu Waitsfield, tho guost of Mrs. Mori
deu RichardBOU.
A 1-ortunnte Young Lady.
Misa Jounio Martin, 170 North Paul
St., Rooheater, N. Y., saya: J snf
forod loug froni kidnoy ootnplaluts
homo phyalciaiiB aud their tuedioino
falled to afford mo roliof. A friend
inducod mo to try Dr. Davld Kou
nody'a Favorlto Remedy mado at
Roudout, N, Y. Tho olloet waa wou
dorful. By the time I hnd tnkou two
bottles I waa oompotoly oured nnd
havo had no troublo sluco.
Rnnrr1if. otnl ivlitnlt Imd Imnti
Signature of
Goorgo Bruco aud family havo
moved back to thoir farm from Mont
pelier. Oloment Kellogg loft Monday for
Albany, N. Y., where he is to tako a
conrso of stndy iu tho Albany Busi
uoss Oollego.
E. Daua Williams, eighty-throo
yoarB old, votod at the eleotiou last
Taesday aud is as spry as a boy. Mark
Reoor was ou tho chcck list but was
uot preBeut at tho polls. Ho is only
uinoty-niue yoars old aud is good for
teu years yot. Auothor old voterau
of mauy eloctions is B. Frauklin Max
hnni, nged uinoty. He was missing
this year.
Forrost Ohapiu is attoudiug sohool
at Moutpolior.
B. W. Dauiols soid hia driving
horso rocently to Mr. Pembroko of
E. W. Bailey, who rocontly bought
the old Bailey homestead on tho rivor,
is layiug out largo suui of money in
puttiug tho buildiugs iu fiist olass
shape. Tho placo will bo a crodit to
the towu as woll as the ownor.
Bello Holden is Bpondiug a few dnys
visiting iu Montpelier.
Mrs. Gcorce Kiugsbuiy of Montpe
lier nnd her bou, Dauiol Kingsbury,
wore visitors iu town tho past weok.
Rov. Dr. O. S. Nutter of St. Al
baua will preach iu tlio Briok ohurch
uoxt Sunday, Sept. 18, in the moru
iug. S100. Dr. E Uotohon's Auti-Di
uretio may bo worth to you inore thau
100 if you hnve a ohild who Boila
bedding from iucontiuoiice of wator
during sleop. Oures old and young
ahke. It arrestr the troublo nt onco.
1. Sold y Harry A. Slado, Drng
glst, Mon polior, Vt.
Patriok Uanlon has beeu quito ill
tho past weok.
Martin Riohardson, yoars ngo n
rosideut iu town, iB visiting here.
Mrs. Olark of Morotown Bpont Suu
day with her sister, Mrs. G. A.
Miss Bertha Avorill has beguu
toaohiug iu Wnrrou. nud Miss Lnura
Avorill has roturuod to school at
Tho ladioa cloarod ovor 1G from
their diuuer to tho votors aud sooial
ou Tuosday.
Mr. Janvrin hnd n bono iu ono foot
brokon Thursday by tho brenkiug
down of a cartwheel aud was at the
hotel for a day or two, but has uow
beou carriod home. ,
Misa Etta isuow iiuishos worE nt
MrB. A. D. Browu's in Northfield
this wook nud will spoud n few days
at H. G. Ellia'.
Mrs. E. O. Youuir of Bellows Falla
aud Miss Iva Youug of Spriugfiold,
Mass., will visit relativos horo this
Mouroo Rioh of Loouistor, Mass.,
has beeu in towu this wook.
Dr. Wnlniug aud family of Bostou
aro moviug iuto a part of Wilbnr Ed
ward's house.
Mrs. Emily L. Youug of Worcostor
ia visiting frionds here.
Hamsou Riohardson aud wife, with
liis boub, Olnytou nnd Myrton, nud
their fnmilies Bpeut Thursday at Borliu
II. G. Ellia aoes to Moutnolior to
day to begiu his sorvico aa graud
nloocl. Dr. Cllddon'a Rhoumntlc
curo cannot put cure, tor it ausa
lutoly drlvos tho causo from tha
blood. You.can buy it of H. A. Slado
or C. Blnkoloy, Montpolior Druu
tleari th 1,19 Kini1 l,3V9 Wwal,s
Legal Notices.
Tlie underildnccl, ,mo liceimjipolnted by tlielton.
ricflvp.i.xainlnc, n.lmUut dll clnltna nd
V,p.'1W!'is ,,"'...?!'.. !,(,r""n" Kliit tlio iMnlo ol
KA??Y ,- "I'AMAN, lto ot Jlontlwllcr, In ld
l)litrlcl,iUccKu aml nll clalms cliil,ltKl In olftot
llicrclo, liereliyKlvenotlcetlmtwpwlll tueetfor tlie
pu; poc albrosaltl, at tlio itoro of llrnoks A Dcmlnit,
ln tlio Clty ol Montpelier, In aalil Illstrlcl. on tlie
2U1I day oi Soplcmbcr, and SOth lay of l)tc. ncxt,
rrom 2 oVlnck 1-. i. unlll 4 o'clock p. It. i-ach oraalil
ilavs. and tliat lx tnonlln from Uic8t!i dnyol July.
A. I)., 1904, Is tlie thno llnillcil by aald Court for aald
crcilltora lo preaent their clnlma to ua for examln
atlon and allowancf.
Oalcd at Montpelier, tlila 20th ilay of August,
JOIIN V. ItltOOKS. tComnila
(JIIAS. II. DH.MI.NG, j slonera.
35 J7
8TATE or Vkiihont,
Distiuct or W'AeiimoTOK, a.s.
In rrobato Court, Iield In Montpelier, In and fnr
!5oi U1,trlct' 011 11,0 301,1 d,y of Aufjiiat, A D..
Wlllurd C. Walker. cxecntor of tlie last will nnd
testamint of BYI.VANUfl DANIELS, Into or Mid
dlesex, ln aald Dlstrlct, deccased, makes appllca
tlon to aald Court. wltli tlie conscnt and npprobatlon
l wrltlni? of the legatcca and ilerlicca ofsald de
ccased, icsldliiKlu tho State of Vermont, for II
cense tq scll all of tlio rcal Cbtato of aald deccased.
altuatid In Middlesex In aald dlstrlct. to wlti
Homo place, rcprcsentlnK thal tho aale thereot would
be bencUclal to tho leati c nnd dcvlstca of aald
deccased, and tlioso Intcresled In her eatate. In
order to convcrt aald rcil latato Into moncy.
herciiion, It li ordercd by aald Court. that aald
apptlcatlon hc rcterred toa aeislon thcri'ofto bo ht-W
atthe l'robate OnlcK. In aald Montpelier, on thelJtli
day of teptember, A. I) , mt. for licarlngand do
clalon tln-rconi and, It Is fnrther ordered, that all
pcrsons lnterestcd bo nntlfled hcrcnf by publlcntlou
of nntlco nrsald appllcntlou and order thireoii thrto
wecka aucccaalvtly Iu tlie Vr.8MO.NT Watuiman
anu STATE JotHiNAL, a newapaper publlshcl at
Montpelier, Iu this btate, and whlcliclrculates ln the
lielnhborliond r thoso lnterestcd, beforo aald tlnieof
licarlnjr, that they may atipear at aald tlnie nnd place,
nud, If they aeo caiise. oblecttlieri'to,
Hv tbc Court.- Attcst.
35-37 IIIKAM (.Altl.K IOV. Judau.
Statk or Vkumont,
In l'robate Oourt. held at Montpelier, In and for
3m 'c, "" t,le 211,1 day of SepteOiber, A. 1).
:!?.,r.cs J: .I'lrle. Admlnlstrator of the oatate ot
CYItUS FAItNSWOltTII. lato or Calais, In
aald Dlstrlct, deceaeed. presenta lils ailmln
atratlon account for exatiilnatlou nnd allowance,
nnil makt't appllcatlon for n decree ot dMrlbutlon
aml paitltlon of tho r state of aald deceased.
bereupon It Is ordered by aald Court. tliat aald ac
count niid sntil appllcatlon bo rererrcd to n scsslon
thcreof. to bo held nttho I'robato Ofllce In aald
Montpelier, on tlie 21th day of Sept., A. I). 1301,
for hearliift nnd dcclslon tlicreon: And. It Ia furtbcr
ordered that notlco liereof be iiUcn to all perscna In
tercsted.by publlcatlon of tho aauie three wecka euc
cesslvely Iu the Vehmo.nt Watciihan and Statk
JOBiiNAt,, a newapaper publlshed at Montpelier.
In this State, prevlous to snld tlnio ap
polnted for hcarliiK. that they may appear at said
tliue and place, and show cause, If any they ma)
have, why sald account ahould not be allowed
nnd auch decreo mndc.
I)y the Court, Attcst.
State or Vekmont,
DtSTlllCTOr Wahiiinoton, s.
In l'robate Court, held at Montpelier. In and lor
snld Dlstrlct, on tlie 11th day of Auifiist, A. D.
Kdwanl Ilaker. Admlnlstrator of the tatate ot
IIAItltY A. 1UUXII, lato of East Montpelier, In
aald Dlstrlct. deceused, preseuts his adiulnla
tratlon account for cxainlnatlon aud allowance
aml makes appllcatlon forn decree of dlstrlbutlon
andnartlliou of the estate ofaald-deceased.
Wliercupon, It !s ordered by eald Court that aald
account and eald appllcatlon bo rererrcd to a acsslon
thercor, to ho held at tho l'robate Ofllce. in sald Mont
pelier, on theSltlidayofScptcmber. A. I). liWI, for
liearlnir aml declsldn tliereou; nnd, It ts further or
dered that notlco hercof be kIvcu to nll pcrsons lntcr
csted, by publlcatlon of the anme Uiree wecka auc
cesslvely Iu the Veiimont Watchman anb Statk
Joun.VAL, a ncwspaper publlshed at .Montpelier, ln
this htatc, prevlous to sald llme appolnteil forhcar
Iiir, that they may appear nt sald tline and place, nnd
show cause, Ifnhy they may have, why sald account
ahould not Le alluwed, nnd auch ilecrce mnde.
iiy theCourt.-Atteet.
Statk or Vekmont.
ln l'robate Court. held al Montpelier, ln and for
sald Dlatrlcl on tho Ttli day ot September, A. D. 1901.
Frauk II. ltulketcy. Adiulnlstrutorot the ostato of
CATIIElttNE F. rosXETT, lale of Fayston, Iu sald
Dlstrlct, deceased, makes appllcatlon to sald
Court, with the cunsent and approballon In wrltlnx
of tho hclrs of sald dt-ceased, leslding In tho
Stato of Vermont. for llccnse to aell all
of thc real estate of sald deccased, Bltuated ln
raysion, iu saiu jiisirici. 10 wu: jfweniuK nousc,
barn and about twenty acres of land, rcpresentinK
that tho salo tliereot would be benetlclal to the
liclrs of salil deceased. nnd thoso Intcresled In
her estate, ln ,ordcr to convcrt sald real estato
lnto money.
Whereupon, It ls ordered by sald Court, that sald
appllcatlon be referred to a sesslon tliereof, to be
held at the l'robate ofllce, ln sald Montpelier, on
tlio 21th day of September, A. 1). 0111, for hearlng
and declsion thereon; and, it Is further ordered
that all pcrsons lnterestcd be notltlcd hereof.by pub
llcatlon of notlco of sald appllcatlon and order
inercuu inree weeKB successiveiy in mo veumont
Watchman and State Joiiiinal. a newspaper
nubllshcd at Montneller. ln this State. and which
clrculates ln the nclKhhorliood of those lnterestcd.
beforo aald tlme ot hearlng, that they may appear at
aald llme and place, aml, If they sce cause, object
II v the Court. AtteBt.
Butchers, Merciianls and Hide Buyers
Should writo to Oarroll S. Paco,
Hydo Park, Vt., who wishes to pur-
ohase their Hides, Oalfskins, Shoep
i'elts, lallow aud lionos. llo pays
spot casli. Ho pays tho froiRhts. Ho
pays fnll mnrkot vnlues. He wishes
to arrauge with somo ono m overy
villnge, whoio he has no agout, to sell
Poultiy Supplies aud to plok up for
him HidcB, Onlfskius, Sheep Felts and
Bones. Ho fnruishes monoy with
which to buy nud ho koeps his ngonts
thoronchly nosted nt nll times as to
market values. Writo him for full
M. W. Wheelock's
Real Estate Ageucy
At Montpelier Book Bindery, havo qar
gains in houses, lots and o ther valuable
property. I'laces watited for first class
clcrks, male, hotel cook, girls for house-
work, lannary work etc.
ENo expense for registering
Yo waut nll tho bouea wo oan cot.
Onu uso hends, hoofs, liorns anythiug
iu tho liuo rf bonos if only dry. We
will nnv GOo por liundrml pounus
for thorouKhly dry bonoa wo oau pay
ovon moro it striotly oleau, luird,
frosh, dry, bniled bntchnr'a bonoa nnd
pny iroiRhta irom your Btation
Bhipped in lots of 200 pouhds or moro.
Mny bo Bhippeu 111 uarreis or cuoap
0. S. Pago, Hydo Park, Vt.
OR. KIHG'S "8,'B
Arehlghly rccommtndedby ladttfl
who have ustd thtm. TheT are
.nrU9hl Afrtilwtll
tonvince you ol their lntrlnslo Send te
eenu lor jraoland booklet. AaklorDr.KInrt
" Star Crown Brind." AU drurrliti, f 1.50 a box.
Uig Midlolni Ce., f. 0. B1t30, BottM, HtM
Montpelier & Wells Rlver R. R.
In Kftecl JnnnS , IM. Trtlna leayltxr Montpelier
as followat
8i00 A. M. Uocal. '
(0. V. Itatlonl7:t0 A. M.)
Conneets.at Wells Itlvor with Tralns North and
South over ll.AM.lt.lt. Wl.li througli Ezpresa
Traln for New Vork, arrlvlng 7:30 A. M. With
tlirounli Exprcss Tralu tor llostonarrlv.nK H15 I'.M
' lilOP. M. Expross.
(O V. staUonltOOr. K.)
Tlirou(tli EipreBS with Clialr Car Burlington to
labyans. Conncets nt Fflhrins with throuiih Kx
prcss tor I'ortland and Old Oithard, also wltli traln
lorSummlt Mt. Wnslilnston. Conncets at Wells
ItWcr with thrpufth Express arrlvlng lioston at8ilt
I'.M. AIBowIthCanadlan l'nelflo lty. tUrougU Kl
prcss for Montrcal and the West.
4HOP.N1. Looal CMIxod.)
(From M. A W. It. statlon only.)
Connects at Wells lttver with Tralna North and
South ovr Passumnslc Dlvlslon, and traln North ol
WeHs Itlver over White Mountaln Ulvlslon U. A
Ttalns Wost.
Irfave Wella Itlver loo a. m. ?,. 3 :34 p. M
Arrlvo Montpeller-10.10. 11 A. M. 5.06 p, M.
From Boston.
Leave Iloaton 10:00 A. M.
Arrlve Montpelier iidr.ll,
Suburban Traln Sorvico.
Loave Montpelier 6.30, 9.45 11.55 A. M. 3.0 1.41
5,10 1'. M
Leave Barre 7.30 .10.20 A, M. 18.30 3.15, 4.10, 5.80 P.M
W, A. STOWELL, OeneralMnaer.
F W.STANYAt .Superlutcndent,
v W. voilBK.Oen'l fasa. Axen
Boston & Maine ftaliroad.
Summor Arrangomont.
Tralns Loavo Wells Rlvor North
k M., dallv. m'nclnal atatlonno Newport aid
Uontreal and Quebce.
i.85 A.M. daily, tAcep( Monday for t Johna
bury Lyndonville, Newport, Bherbrooli, Montrcal
;n1.'"".' '""t Sunday and Monday.
6.35 A. 31., for prlnclpal atatlons to Newport and
Sherbrooke except Monday aud .Montrcal cxcept
Sunday and Monday and Quebec cxccpt Sunday.
U.47 A. ,V . for atatlons to Newport anu onerorooae
and Montrcal and Quebec.
8:M I'. MM lor nrlnrtuitl atatlons to Newport and
Sherbrooke and Quebecexccpt Sunday.
3 ?5 ii-'?T "auon. to Newport and fjtanstcad.
7 10 P. M.. for statlons ui Newport aml Sherbrooke.
Montreal nnd Quebec except Sunday.
South Bound.
1.40 A. 31., except 31onday, for prlnclpal Jtatlons to
W . K. Junction, Worcesttr, Boston (and Bprti g
tlold. 1:55 A. M daily for etatlona on W. 3t. D., to Con
cord, Manchcater, Nashua, Worceater, Lowell
aud Boston.
6:80 A. Jt.,lrom 'Woodsvllle for statlons to Concoro
and lioston.
3 45 A. M., for atatlons to v. It. Junction, Concord.
Worcester and Bcston.
9 7 A. M., forstationaon W. 31. Dlv. to Concord
W orcester nd Bnston.
10J5 A. M. f r on W. M. D. to Concord, Jlanclicaier.
Nashua, Worcester.LoHtll aud Boston.
12.10 l, Jl.. :ur stanousto W. K. juuction, Sprtiit-
neld, Coneoid, Worcester and Boston.
2.t4 P. H for l'lymonth. Concord, Worcester and
3.23 1'. M. from Woodsvllle, for atatlona to Concord
and Boston.
10.10 M., io WHilto ltlvcr Junction and New York
Colng North on W. M. Dlv. nt
6.32 ..M.,for all etatlona Whlteflcld Junction and
7 10 A. M for atatlons to I.ancaster.
9 50 A. 3I for all statlons.
33S I". JI., for statlon to JefTcrson and Groveton.
5.37 1. 31., for atatlona to .Icirerson.
6.(2 A. 31., Sundays only for Jellcrson.
Tnlns leavlnj?.
Ora. Pa and Ticket AROnt.
Geniral Vermont Railway,
CommencInK Jnne 27, 13' 4.
Tralns golntz South and East Will
Loavo Montpelier as Followsi
9.00 A. 31. 31AIL, week rtays, for Boaton. Bprln
Beld and New York. I'arlor car to Now York.
12:2DI' 3t. EXl'RESS. daily, tor llostoi and New
l orkia Sprlnirtleld. week aays for New London ann
New York vla Norwich lltie. Parlor car to Boston
ami SpilnKllcld.
7.05 1'. 31. 1'ABSENnER-, week days. for White
Itlver Junction asdNew Yoru Slccplng car to New
.York except Saturday.
8.25 1". 31. Sunday only. I tngcr for Vv'hle
Itlver Junction and New ork. SIeii,gcartoNew
12:30 A.3t daily EXPKES3, for Ilov-n vla Low
ell and all polnta ln New Enrland, New York and
south. Pullman Sleepers to Boston and Sprlng
fleld. Tralns Colng North and Wost.
2.50 A.M., dilly KXrr.ESS for Montreal and ttn
west and week days for OKdensbunr, lllchford antf
Ottawa. SlecphiK cars 3Iontpeller JunctloD
8.2J A. 31 . PA83ENGER, week daye, for Burllnjr
ou. Kutland, St. Albans, Montreal, Ottawa and
9.25 A. 31. Sunday only, l'ASSENOEB for Burling
ton andSt.AlbanB.
S.!5 P. 31. PASSENGEK. week days. for Burling
ton, St. Albans. 3Iontreal, ItouBes Polnt. Ogdensburjs;
and Richford. I'arlor car to Montreal without changa.
4.0) P. 31. week days, Express for Burlington, con
nectlng with steanier for l'lalt:'ourg. Parlor car.
5:55 1'. 31. EXPRESS for Burlington, St. Albans
and 3IodT "1. Pullman sleeplnncarfromMontpeUer
Junction iO ChlcaKO without change.
Suburban Jraln Sorvico.
Leave 3Iontpeller for Barre, "3.18, 19.50, t9.20, MM
A. 3t., tl2J. 512.45, tJ-55, '6.20, t7.25, 58.42, I. 31
Arrlvc at Barre tmi y mlnutes after 'eavlnir tlme.
Leave Barre for Montpelier al '12.01 mldnlght,
7.55, tJ.tS, 59.00 A. M., 12.1)1 noon, fS.10. '3.30, M.45,
8.05, P. 31. Arrlve at 3tontpeIIer twenty mlnutes
after leavln; Utae.
Tralna ler-e for WllllamBtown at tI25 P. M. and
t3J5 r. m.
All passeuger tralns will stop at tne Floneer
Works lo take or leavp nasenffera when 6lgnallea.
f ;aday only. Datly. tWeckdays.
. J. P. OALLEIIER, Aften
8.nITZHn0H,Vlce Prei.. OeneralSIanaiter.
J. E. BENTLEY. Oeneral PaasePKer Aeut.
-vi j -omptiy ootmu v
s. ana rorc.Rn
r freo rmrt in mtentivbUity. Vr" frec boaV, C
st Unioln Cnrtl.W T" f II nl Dl T rlln WYitdf
k 1U iu l-wwui V I UIIIIL Kfl It U If V "' "
fPa ertnud I HHUt" UIHUiVO
Vv Orltftnnl nnd Only Uenulnn.
ror CIIICIIKSTISU'S i:nolisii
V-, M " iMiid fiuiivu 5411- l)U uiiirr IIC I Utg
vsvj unixt'rflu rubtltutlon and lintttv.
nr ii4in. iiujt or juur irujcxMi. or di -c. iu
iuii tor i nriirninri! i piini
Ll ,Dd lteIlrrror I.inllctin U(ir
Lf lurn 11mII. 1 ,0M 1 UniiniU.
ftUPruffUtt 4'hlrhrtlrr 'hnnlf
'urtlcultir, Tet1mtiiil&lj
SmUoq tbli Dktr Midlia Hayure. 1'IUUA. 4 fKt
Dr. Emmons'
Monthly ItcRulntor haa brought lmppInCBS to
hundreila o t nnxlous womcn. Thero Is iiosltlTo.
ly no other rcniedy Kiiown to modlcal Bclcnco
tliat will eo qulckly nml eatoly Uo tho work.
Longegt nud most oDstlnato Irregulnrltles from
nny causo rcllovcd lmtnodlntcly. Sticcces Ruur.
nuicod nt nny stnjjo. No paln, Unrcer, or lntcr
ferenco with woiK, HiivorolloTOilhundrods of
oaacs wlicro others hnve fallod. Tho most Uini
cult CAsca Bticceesfully treated by mall, nnd
boncflclAlresults guntantccdtu ovory tnstancc.
No rlsk wlmteover. Wo trcnt hundrods of ladioa
whom wo novor eco. Writo for further pnrtlcu.
lAraand freo conlldontlnl ndvlco. Uo not put
Dlf too lnnir. All letters truthfullv nuawerod.
I Kcmombcr. thia remedy ls nbsolutcly safo under
I bvcry poaslblocondltlon and lioeltfvcly lonvcs
I oo after 111 offcct upou tho Iicalth. Sentby mall,
' iiocurcly eealod,2.00. Monoy letters ehould bo
ircglsterod. DH. J. W. BMHONS CO., Koom
, 170 Tromont Strect, Uoiton, Mass. 4
Opposite U. S. Patent Officej

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