OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, November 11, 1909, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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Wo havo takcn 50 Sulta from our stock to mako a $15.00
Sult Salc. Thero ls not a Sult In the lot but what ls better
thnn a $15.00 Sult. Wo havo brought tho quallty up whore
lt wlll plcaso tho bcst Judgo of valuo. Wo aro offerlng for
tlils salo sults $2.50,, $3.00, $4.00 and in some instancos ovea
$5.00 lcss than they wlll usually brlng.
What wc want to do ls to soll rnoro Sults thls wcek than
wehavo In any wcck slnco wo havo bocn ln buslncss, and to
do lt wo havo sacrlflced the proflt wo should havo and
charged lt up to advertlslng. Wo furthermoro want more
womcn buylng Sults herc tho womon that don't want to pay
over $15.00 for a' good wlntcr Sult. Wo havo theru ln Glrls',
Mls'scs and Womcn's slzes in all the leadlng shades and lat
est styles. Ilc ono of tho flrst that gets one of the 50 at $15.00.
The Perley E. Pope Company
The Rcady Mtide Store
The block owned by the Cltizon's
Savlngs Bank and Trust Co so re
cently destro'yed by flre, ls to be re
bullt immedlately. It wlll be thor
oughly modcrn and wlll havo better
flre protectlon than bcfore. The old
block had four exits ln case of flre
but the new block wlll havo more.
One of the new features wlll be iron ,
balconles off tho windows above Uie
flrst story on tho south sfdo of the
block, whloli wlll allow inmates to
step rlght out of their rooms on the
C. A. Calderwood has becn ln Wa
terbury the past two days as ono of
tho trustees of the State Hospital.
Eugene Johnson, of Windsor, ls vls
itlng his brother, Bcrnard A. John
son. Mlss Alice C. Bakcr, of Farmlng
ton, Maine, is the guest of Mrs. Chris
tina Braley.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Carpenter
havo beeu vislting his son and fam
ily, Horace Carpenter, near New York
City and Mrs. Carpenter is now vls
iting her sinter, Mrs. Thomas Blshop
1n Brooklyn, N. Y., while Mr. Thomas
and his son are on a sea voyage.
Henry IJeck rcturned from New
York, Saturday, where he has recciv
ed much benefit for his eye, and every
indlcatlou is now that he wlll be
-able to use his eyo all rlght in a few
Mrs. J. F. 'Bowles, Mrs. W. A. Rlck
er and MIbb Alice !. IUckcr aro spend
ing the week in Boston.
The Armory on the corner of Sum
mer and Oentral strects has been
bought in the interests of the now C.
H. Goss & Company garage now be
ing bullt on the adjolnlng lot and will
bo extenslvely cepaired and used for
rcpalrlng and storlng automobiles.
Mrs. J. W. Balcn, who has been
spending several months witli her sls
ler in Laramorc, N. D., returned last
week and is spending a few weeks
wlth Mrs. C. T. Brlghanu before going
to spend a few weeks wlth her daugh
ter, Mrs. O. U. Johnson, in Melrose
Hlghlands, Mass.
John M. Corskle, of Barre, was ln
town Saturday to see his wife's mo
ther, Mrs. C. P. Davis, who was burn
cd qulte flevcrcly ln tho recent flre,
but who in galnlng elowly at Brlght
look hospltnJ.
A. W. Flint has been spending a few
days wlth relatives at Stanstead, P.
'Tlie annual nieetlng of the Scotla
't3lub was hcltf at tho Museum Mon
day evening and the following offl
cers were electcd: President, Arthur
F Stone; uecretary and treasurer,
Mrs. C. A. Stamley; executlve com
mlttee, Cbauacer Adams, Mrs. Jamos
Borland, A. H. McLeod, Mrs. n. I.
Staples and Mrs. S. C. Currler. After
a Scotch aong by A. J, Mackay, C. P.
Palmer, gave an Intereetins account
,of his travcls in Scotland tho past
.'summcr which was illustrated by a
2IontpeIle)r f.'emlnary Ilns Played All
Strong TenniH WKIt Whieh (Jnmcs
Could Ito flchcduled.
When Montpelier Sominary defeat
id Burlington HisU'Schaol ln a gamo
01 iootbaii lasf 'tjaturuay aitcruoon
y a scoro of C to 3 sho won the
champIonniit of tho central and
northern portiou of Vermont, and
probably of Uie whole State. Ar
rangementn nre now undor way to
plny one or two of Uie strongest
teams ln (he aouluern part ot the
State for the Stato champlonshlp, but
tho teamn down that way aro said not
to be as r.trong as usunl thls yoar.
Montpelier fiorotnary ban played all
tho strong lcains in- llio uppor part
of the State wlth' which ganics 'could
bo.Bcheduled, and havo won thcm all
wlth n toUvl ot 107 poluls to tho op
poncntH" 3,
A number of repairs have been
made on tho St. Augustlne's church
rcctory on Court street. The church
has been Improvlng its Court strcet
hall and lts parsonage and now owns
a flne set of buildlngs.
Ralph Gould inflicted a bad flesh
wound in one leg whlle cuttlng wood
in the woods near the Junction on
Tuesday mornlng. His nxe sllpped irva
gashcd the llmb.
Allen Scott salls from Boston for
Scotland thls week to vlslt his old
Mlss Irene Bolt has returned from
St. Albans.
Mlss Helen Taylor ls ill wlth an at
tack of the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown aro ln
Vergennes for a short stay.
Sominary students are rehearslng
their playlet, "The Elopement of El
len," to be given Friday evening at
the chapel.
Itev. J. J. Culllon went to Ben
nington, his former home, on Tues
day for a short stay.
Amclia St Jean, Whosc Dlsmcmber
ed Body Wns Found by Fall lUvcr
Police Dlcd in Dr. Frnnk L HIH's
OKico on Friday, October 8.
Fall Rlver, Nov. 9. The mystery of
the dlsappearr.nco of Amolia St. Jean,
tho Woonsocket glrl whoso dlsmem
bercd rcmains, all exccpt tho head,
wero found ln tho Tlverton woods
near hore about a month ago was
clcared up thls aftcrnoon ln a sesslon
of the Superlor Court at Taunton,
when Frauk L. Hlll, herb doctor and
"kin spcclalist, made a clean breast
of the affair.
An Indictment for manslaughter
was brought agalnst hlm last Friday
by tho grand jury and lt was to thls
Indictment that he pleaded thls af
tcrnoon. Ho pleaded gullty and then
his counsel made a statement for
hlm, which was ln the nature of a
Through his lawyer, Hlll sald that
tho St. Jean glrl came to hlm and
wanted an abortion performed. Owing
to the advanccd stage of her condl
tlon, he refused to attempt tho oper-
atlon. Later sho appeared ln his
herb store and shoTOl hlm a tube,
Wlth thls shc attcmpted tho operation
hersolf; sho falnted away and Hlll
thought sho was dead. Ho went into
a frenzy of fear and the flrst and only
thlng he thought of was to get rld of
her body.
Rather than to have lt discovcred,
ln his shop, he grabbod a knlfe and
saw that were near at hand and sov-
ered her rlght leg. Then other mem
bers of tho body wero dlsmombered.
Thls was Friday, Octobr 8. The work
of dlsraemberiug took about two
hours. That samo nlght ho hlrcd a
carrlage and took the torso and llmbs
Into tho nelghborlng town of Tlver
ton and got rld of thcm. Tho next
Saturday nlght ho took the head in a
bafiket to the cemctery in thls city
and throw lt In a hole there.
H was not untll thls aftcrnoon that
the pollco got a llno on tho where
aboutH of the head and upon hearlng
the Htateinont of HIH's Inwyer, a
search wun at onco made of tho vlc
Inlty thut Hlll sald ho had placed the
head. The rcsult was that lb was" lo
catvd In Hhort ordor. Judgo Stevens
sald that he would wlthhold tho mat
(it of Hcntence untll he had glvcn the
caso further conslderatlon.
Thoro ls no caso on record of a
cough or cold resultlng in pnoumonla
or consumptlon aftor Foloy's Honey
and Tar has been takon, as it will
Htop your cough and broak up your
cold qulckly. llofuso any but tho
Krtiiulno Foloy'u Honev nnd Tar ln a
yollow puckago, Contalns no oplatcs
itnd ln Hiifo nnd suro. For salo by
ix 1 1 driiKKhtlt. Auv.
Conimittco on Chnngo of Rlrcr Itcd
Could Not Procccd.
Tho rogular mcetlng wns hold last
ovenlng nt which tho prlnclpal busl
ncss of tho ovenlng was to hcar tho
rcport of tho commtttccs. After the
mcetlng of tho aldormon the councll
hold a mcetlng and rcsumcd tho many
tlmos adjourned hearlng on the ques
tlon of changing tho rlver bed. Thls
mcetlng also had to bo adjourned.
Tho flrst buslncss to coino bcforo
tho aldormcn was tho roport of tho
health officor. Tho paper showcd
100 contaglous dlseases in tho city
durlng tho nionth of October of which
number 80 wero mcasles seven scar
lct fever, and tho samo numbor of
typhold fever. Threo deaths rcsultcd
from contaglous dlseases two typh
old and one scarlet fever. Tho report
places tho entlro numbor of deaths
for thls month as eloven.
After tho reading of tho rcport Al
derman Hoyt sald that ho had been
told that there was a family Uvlng on
Maple avenuo in which a dcath from
scarlet fever rcccntly occurrcd and
the chlldren from the family aro now
golng to school. He snld thnt ho
thought tho matter should bo lnvestl
gated. Aldcrman Campboll In reply
sald that ho know tho health offlcer
had been looklng after these cascs
very thoroughly and that lf there was
any such case as the ono mentloned,
the fault must Ho wlth tho attendlng
physiclan not turnlng tho caso over
to the health offlcer. Tho matter was
reforred to tho health commlttco to
The flre commlttec reported in fav
or of installlng two flre alarm boxes
In Ward 1. One nt the corner of New
ton and Farewell streets and another
at the corner of Prospect avenue and
Bcrkley streets. The mayor then pre
sented the namo of Thomas Davldson
for appolntment as a call member of
tho flre departinent. The namo was
unanlmously conflrmed.
The flrst matter of Importance was
the discusslng of tho contract which
the city has wlth tho Consolldated
I-,Ig!itlng Company, which ls to llght
Uie city streets and publlc buildlngs
for a perlod of three years. Aldcrman
Thurston stated that by the tcrms of
tho contract the city would not have
the chance lf they wlshed to put In
gas lamps Instead of the small Incan
descent llghts which llght tho streets
at some places at present. Thls mat
ter was rcferred to the llght commlt
tce and to the city attorney to pro
tect the clty's interest ln the matter.
The adjourned meetlng on tho ques-
tlon of allowing damage to the Cen
tral Vermont for changing the rlver
bed was called. The city clerk re
ported that last Wednesday Vlce-
Presldent E. H. Fltzhugh and several
offlcers of the road were on a tour of
lnspectlon and telephone to E. G. RhJ--
land, a member or the abutter's com
mlttee, who ls at present slck abed,
saylng that they would be In town
at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. He tele
graphed back that as he was slck ho
would be unable to be present, but
asked them to come along just the
same cind the other members of the
commlttee would meet them. They
sent back word that as ho was slck
tl.ey would put the matter off untll
some other date. Tho hearlng was
adjourned untll December Cth.
Young 3Inn Told Police Ilc llnd lleen
Attackcd Ily a Spnnlnrd.
A young man, who. gave his namo
as Arthur Rucll came Into tho police
station at 10 o'clock last nlght and
roported to the offlcers that a "Span
lard" had attempted to stab hlm wlth
a knlfe at a houso on Rlver strcet
and to substantlate his clalm he
showed a rlp several Inches long
across the back of his coat which he
sald the knlfe cut ns he jumped away
from the man. Ruell clalmed that the
trouble started over a discusslon of
rellglon at tho houso whero Ruell
sald he was boardlng. Durlng the
discusslon he clalnts that the Span-
iard became angry and drawlng a
knlfe jumped at hlm. Ruell was no
little exclted and wanted the offlcers
to arrcst the man at once, but he was
told to mako his complalnt to tho
grand Juror tomorrow mornlng.
Funcral Scrvlces Ileld.
Tho funcral of Mrs. Lon M. Averill
was held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday af
ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Coburn, of Orange street,
tho Rev. E. O. Thayer, pastor of the
Heddlng M. E. church, offlclatlng.
There was a large gatherlng ot
frlends und relatives. A profuslon of
floral trlbutes testifled to tho esteem
ln which tho deceased was held by
all who knew her. Tho body was
taken today to Craftsbury, her form
er home, for burlal ln the family
lot ln tho vlllago cemetory.
P. F. McCarthy leaves tonlght for
Toronto, Ont., to attend the lnterna
tlonal convontlon of tho Amerlcan
Federatlon of Lnbor which opens
there Monday nnd contlnucs for two
weeks. Mr McCarty goes ns a dole
gato from tho Quarry Workors' Intcr
natlonal Unlon nnd his co-dologato Is
W, F. B, Foyler, ot Waldaboro, Mo.
Tho Vermont Stato Branch, A. F. of
L., wlll be ropresonted by Danlel
Bruten, ot Rutland. Thls ls tho flrst
tlmo that tho lnternntlonal convon
tlon wlll be hold on Canadlan soll.
A daughter, Frances, has been born
to Mrs, Frank C. Partrldgo, of Proc
tor, formerly IIIbs Sarah Sanborn, of
Mrs. Hannah Green has been grant-
ed a dlvorco from Munroo J. Green
and has boon allowed to rcsumo her
matdcn namo. Benson.
Tho Unlvorslty Club1, of Barre, has
olected tho following offlcers for tho
year: President, II. O. Woodruff,
Norwich, class of '01; vlco-prcsldcnt,
Rov. E. O. Thayer, Wcsloyan, 75j
secretary and treasurer, Carroll H.
White, Dartmouth, 1900; executlve
commlttec, II. H. Jackson, Yale, 1908;
Mlss Ellza Isham Vermont, '91 and
tho secrotnry. Thoro aro about 20
mombers nnd flvo now mombors wero
voted ln. Tho annual banquct wlll
bo hold Fobruary 22.
C. E. Soulo, suporlntondont, Traln
mnster Jorry Kcefo, of St. Albans nnd
F. W. Stanyan, of Montpelier, of tho
Contral Vermont Rallroad, were ln
Barre recontly to conduct a hearlng
on tho rosponslblllty for an accldent
ln tho C. V. yards last week when tho
pnssengor traln ran Into n coal car
which had becn shovcd onto tho Barre
Rallroad transfer and left wlth one
end of tho car on tho maln Hnc of the
C. V. Tho employcs of both yards
and Conductor James Kannly and En
glncer James Farrell wero called be
fore the offlclals nnd questloned as to
whether the car was shlfted onto the
transfer by the Central Vermont or
by the Barro Rallroad. The threo
coaches of the passengor wero scrat
chcd and damaged by tho accldentnl
rubblng of tho coal car.
Rlcardo Gomez pleaded gullty ln
City Court Tuesday to the charge
of breach of tho peaco ln assaultlng
Arthur Ruell Sunday evening and was
flned $20 and costs of $15.40, which
he pald. Tho grand juror stated that
Ruell's coat had becn cut by some
sharp Instrument but ho could not
prove that lt had becn cut wlth a
knlfe, except by tho statement of Ru
ell's thnt Gomez struck at hlm wlth a
Mrs. L. R. Rlckert ls qulte serlously
111 at her homo on Tremont street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bianchl and
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. oriilll havo return
ed from a threo months' stay In Italy.
Mrs. M. N. Mclver, Mr. and Mrs. A.
H. Morrlson and Nell Morrlson left
rccently fpr Denvcr, Colorado, where
Mrs. Mclver wlll remaln untll ncxt
May for Jior health. The Morrlsons
expect to locato there.
J. A. McCloud left Monday nlght for
a vlslt wlth George E. Dresser, a
wealthy business man of Putnam,
Conn. Mr. Dresser, who owns a sum
mer cottage at Berlin Pond, and who
posessses a number of thoroughbred
horscs, has had his blacksmlthlng
done by Mr. McCloud for years, and
thls vlslt ls the rcsult' of a long-con-tlnued
Dcath of Mrs. L. 3T. Averill.
Helen Hazel Wllllams, wlfe of L. M.
Averill, dled 6:30 o'clock last nlght
as the result of an operation for ap
pendlcltls, which was performed on
October 19. At four o'clock yesterday
afternoon it was found necessary to
perform another operation from the
effects of which she did not rally.
Mrs. Averill was 21 years old and
tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Wllllams, of Craftsbury
She was educated at Craftsbury
Academy and for a whllo taught
school there. Subsequent to her mar
rlage to Mr. Averill In May, last, she
wa sa teacher In the Benjamln Falls
Rov. and Mrs. N. A. Wood and
daughter leave thls week for Rum
ney, N. H., where Mr. Wood has been
called as pastor of the Baptist
church. They tako with them the
good wlshes of thls communlty.
Mrs. C. H. Stowart has returned to
her home ln Berlin, after spending
two weeks at tho home of her daught
er, Mrs. J. M. Tebbltts.
Mrs. Henry D. Suyder has gono to
St. Louls, Mo whero sho wlll joln
her husband, Major Snyder, who is
ln charge of tho nrmy medlcal supply
department there.
Tho Woman's Rellef Corps held a
supper and sale ln tholr hall Tues
day evening.
Mrs. Henry Teachout Is sufforlug
from an attack of rheumatlc fever.
Mlss Fannle L. Day spont Sunday
wlth frlends ln Montpelier.
Rev. Fred B. Blodgett preached at
Underhill Sunday, in exchange wlth
Rev. Mr. Sturgess.
Frank Batchelder has sold tho
Dutton houso to Mrs. Corn Chrlsty.
Mr. Klpllng, who haB been worktng
for Ell Holton in Calais, wlll occupy
tho housc durlng tho wlntor, and
work for -Mr. Batcheldor.
Mrs. Bessla Ido flnlshed n success
ful term of school lioro last week,
closlng wlth an oxhlbltton.
Mr. Darllng ls agatn caring for
E. E. Ball, who is now suffering from
Brlght's dlsease.
Tho local Grango wns largoly re
prosented at tho meetlng of tho Wi
nooski Pomona Grango held ln Marsh
field last Saturday.
Thero ls a low sad rnstlo In tho alr,
Among tho yollow banncrs of the
Tho fadcd sunllowcr droops her fnded
Tho gardcn border of lts wealth ls
A subtlo stlllncss broods oer nll tho
Tho bencdlctlon of tho year has
Tho shcaves aro garnorcd from tho
fadlng flold,
Tho husbandman has sung tho
"Harvest 'Homo."
Dr. D. M. Jordan.
II. F. 'Baldwln, ot W. R. Roynolds
& Co of Barro was ln town on busi
ness Monday.
Mr. Martenson, of Barre, was ln
town on buslncss Monday.
James Flfo was ln Montpelier Sat
urday. Mrs. F. B. Kcllogg, who has been
vislting in Now York Ctty has rc
turned home.
W. H. B. Pcrry Is tnklng a trip
through tho West In tho interests of
tho Perry Granlte Company.
Blancho Long spent Sunday at her
homo ln Waitsfield.
Mrs. A. B. Frontlnl and daughter,
Dora, spent Sunday ln Barro.
Y. Rowansvlllo, of tho Westorn El
ectrlc Company, of Boston, was in
town Sunday.
Mrs. C. I. Hntch, who has been ill,
ls reported better.
Harold Long has flnlshed work at
tho Vermont Stato Hospital and has
returned to his home In Waitsfield.
Mrs. L. C. Moody was ln Richmond
Sunday whore sho vlsltcd her sistor.
A party of Waterbury peoplo wero
In Waitsfield Friday evening to at
tend tho Gun Club dance.
Mrs. Sarah Maxwell, who has been
very 111, ls convalcscent.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hoadlcy, of
Montpelier, wero tho guests of Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. 'Hoadloy, Sunday.
Chester Clark, of Boston, arrlved In
town Tuesday mornlng for a fow
days' stay.
H. C. Whltehlll and wlfe, who havo
becn vislting ln Massachusetts, havo
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Slayton, of Morris
ville, were guests of F. B. Kellogg on
H. W. Whltcomb, of Barre, travel
lng salesman for E. W. Bllss Pneu
matlc Tool Company, was ln town on
Tho W. H. Burns Company of
Worcestor, Mass., has lcased tho
wrapper factory for another flvo
years and work is expected to start ln
tho near future.
Mrs. h. H. Elllott, who has been 111
tho past wcek, ls convalcscent.
Mrs. Frank Wrlsley ls conflncd to
tho houso by lllncss.
Mr. McGovern, of Montpelier, was In
town on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Joseph Poole rcturned to her
home in 'Brockton, Mass., on Monday,
after a two weeks' visit wlth her sls
ter, Mrs. Edwln Palmer.
Fred Cooley, of Somervllle, Mass.,
has been a guest of his mother, Mrs.
Wllliam Cooley, tho past few days.
Mrs. Frank Placo and Mrs; AV111
Avery, of Barro, vislted at Mrs.
Phlllp Shonio's Sunday.
L. B. Clark, of Burlington, was a
visltor ln town Sunday and Monday.
Those who attended the meetlng of
the New England Order of Protectlon
Monday evening report a jolly time.
S. M. Eddy is vislting friends in
Stowe thls week.
Mlss Eva Crossett, of Richmond,
was recently a visltor at her father's,
Lincoln Crlssett's.
Mlss Frances Smlth spent Sunday
at her home ln Stowe.
A meetlng of the Modern Woodmen
of Amerlca was held last evening.
Mlss Dora Henry, who has been
spending several weeks wlth her sls
ter, Mrs. Charlle Holden, returned to
her home ln Worcester, Mass., Satur
day. A son was born October 30 to Mr.
and Mrs. Wllliam C. Hoyt.
Mrs. Electa Sesslons, of East Mid
dlebury is vislting frlends ln town.
Euceno Rlce. accomnanled bv his
! mother, Mrs. Lydla Reed, of Plain
field, N. H vislted her slstcr, Mrs. ,J.
B. Perham, and family, last week.
John P. Perham went last week to
vlslt his son ln St. Johnsbury and wlll
vlslt his daughter and family ln Rye
gate. He ls oxpectlng to return home
the last of thls wcek.
Deputy Sherlff D. D. Howe, of Ran
dolph, wns ln town Saturday on of
flcial buslncss.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lincoln Morse and
little son Louls havo been ln New
York City tho past wcck.
Mrs. Walter Ketchum, of Gaysville,
vislted her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Perham
and othor frlends ln town last week.
State's Attornoy Stanley N. Wllson,
of Chelsea, was called in town agaln
last Friday on offlclal business.
Tho Ladies Ald Soclety of the Sec
ond Congregatlonal church wlll glvo
a chlcken ple supper Friday ovenlng.
November 12 at tho church parlors.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tllson, of Ran
dolph, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
G. E. Nason Thursday.
Mlss Ruth Hanks recently enter
talned Mrs. Gcorgo Gerlnch and lit
tle daughter Ruth, of Newark, N. J.
Tho Flsk Jublloo Slngors from Ten
nesseo wlll glvo nn entertnlnmcnt ln
town hall thls ovenlng, under tho su
porvlslon of tho puplls ot tho Hlgh
Watchman Ads Pay Bost.
nnd See.
Try Ono
LAY OR BUST Your hens must lt
fed Tho Park & Pollnrd Co. Dry
Mash. Duy it of E. W. Bailey & Co..
Montpnllor and C. S.. Richmond,
Northfield, Vt.
Wo aro paylng for old hens 13 to 14
conts per lb. allve; chlckons, from 2
to 5 lbs. each, 13 to 14 conts; ovor 5
lbs. 14 to 15 cents; fancy hennory
eggs, 48 cents per dozen; 2 to 4 lb.
pullets, Amerlcan breeds, 23 to 25
cents; mlxed breeds, ovor 2,jj IbB. 18
Wo charge no commlsslon,"
Tho Park & Pollnrd Co., 18 Cnnal
Strcet, Boston, Mass. a!6tt
,Fn8tcsl Gnmo of Senson Scen Frldny
Aftcrnoon When Locnls nnd Ed
nitinds Hlgh Plnycd 0 to 0 Gnmc.
In a hard fought battlo ln which
nolther sldo secmed able to mako
much headway, Burlington Hlgh
School playcd lts return gamo wlth the
local Hlgh School eloven on Friday
aftornoon on tho Semlnary campus,
tho contcst resultlng in a 0 to 0 scoro.
.Tho gamo was tho closest seon on a
grldlron ln thls city thls fall and was
wltncBsod by a crowd of 500 football
Tho aftornoon was an ldcal one for
a football gamo, tho alr bclng Just
cold onough to put somo llfo Into tho
playors, whllo not a breath of wlnd
was in ovldonco. Tho Burlington men
wero a little lato ln arrlvlng on tho
sceno and when thoy flnally dld come,
a short squabblo was cntcrcd into as
to a choice of offlclals. Thls was at
last arrnnged Batlsfactorlly wlth a
Norwich reforeo and a Burlington
Hlgh School umplro. Burlington won
tho toss up and Bullock shovcd tho
sphero 25 yards. Buck made a pretty
catch, but was downed by Thomas be
foro ho could go vory far.
Then started a gamo of stralght Hno
bucklng and end runs ln which but
one open play was nmdo and that ln
tho lattcr part ot tho second half.
Smlth was tho flrst to handle tho ball
behlnd the Hno for tho locals and
went through left tackla for three
yards. Hayden tested tho rlght tac
klo for another threo and Buck mado
a dash around end for tho dlstance
and flvo yards more. Hayden was
glvcn tho plgskln a second tlmo but
Palmer broko through and got hlm
beforo ho had falrly started. Cullen
trled a quarter back run but lost his
lntorferenco after a short galn of four
yards and tho slgnal was given to
Buck for a punt which netted 35
Burke recelved the sphcrold on Bur
llngton's 40-yard llne, but fumbled.
It was qulckly recovered by his team
mate, Hutchinson, who reeled off 15
yards Defore Toraassl downed hlm.
Burke then led off wlth a 10-yard
galn, Allen trled center but falled,
Thomas trled the end but came to the
ground for a loss and Burke punted
but was blocked ln brilliant shapo by
McNeal. Bullock then was given the
ball for W. Smlth's end but Buck got
by his Interferenco and nailed hlm
behlnd his llne. Allen was shoved
through center for a short dlstance,
but dld not mako good enough to en
courage them to rlsk loslng the blad
der on downs, so Burke was called
back and booted for a long galn, the
ball soarlng so hlgh that when Cul
len dld take It on the local's 10-yard
llne he had to tumble.
Wlth tho ball wlthln easy striklng
dlstance of the home tenm's gonl llne
and all dependlng on what could be
done in three downs, Hayden was giv
en the flrst chance and made good,
rlpplng 15 yards off before Allen laid
his hands on hlm. Wlth thls start
Buck and Smlth consecutlvely carrled
the team to tho center of the fleld be
fore Buck had to try his foot agaln,
and then sent it far into tho enemles
country to Thomas. Burlington dld not
hold lt long, however. Allen bucked
for four yards, Bullock found a hole
in tackle which netted flve, and then
Allen trled to do the Wright act and
sall over Pltkln, but Referee Slattery
brought hlm back 15 yards for hurd
llng. Thls brought tho ball to the
vlsltors' 40-yard llne so Burke punted,
Cullen golng 36 yards to recelve it.
The High School held posltion just
long enough for a fumble by Hayden
to Hamllton.
Wlth jusl a mlnute to play, ono of
tho prettlest plays of tho gamo was
pulled off and had it been trled more
tho result might have been dlfferent.
Thls was a delayed pass ln which Al
len carrled the plgskln through the
llno after the rest of tho team had
vanlshed around end. It worked per
fectly and resuTted ln a galn of 12
yards. Bullock started for tho end,
when the whlstle blew for the time.
The second half started wlth Burke
of Burlington klcklng off to Buck who
galned 15 yards. Smlth and Hayden
together woro ablo to reap but flve
yards and Buck booted to Burke who
was downed ln his tracks by Tomassl.
Bullard trled to clrclo tho left end but
was tackled by W. Smith so tho vlslt
tors sent the ball to tho homo team,
Cullen belng tho recelver. Then the
High School got what seemed to bo a
now leaso of llfo and went Into tho
contest ln earncst, every one of the
back fleld comlng in for a galn. Buck
made good end runs, Tomassl mado
good tackles and the team gave good
support, rushlng the sphero up to tho
center, past the center and into the
oncmlcs' torrltory wlthout once los
ing possesslon of the ball.
Flnally tho ball had to bo punted on
a second down, Burko catchlng lt but
was downed so hard that he was laid
put. He came to in a fow minutes and
his team matcs pushcd the spherold
back slowly untll it was lost on a
fumble, golng to tho 44-yard llno.
Thls was tho chanco which Captaln
Pltkln's team had been looklng for
nnd they took ndvantago of tho op
potunlty to advnnco wlthln 15 yards
of tho goal to try for a placo klck.
Buck booted tho ball whllo Cullen
hold lt but It was blocked by Allen
just enough to send lt to tho corner,
loslng for tho locals their last chanco
to tally and tho gamo was called wlth
a tle scoro; The Hno up:
M. H. S. B. II. S.
E. Smlth lo ro, F. Palmor
Lowo, lt. rt, Grandy
Leffler, Ig rg, Hamllton
Pltkln, (Capt.) c, Hutchinson
McNeal, rg lg, Groupe
Legal Notices.
Estule of Barton T. Lconnrd.
Dlstrlct of Washington, ss.
In Probato Court, held In Montpe
lier, ln nnd for sald Dlstrlct, on tho
26th day of October, A. D 1909, Ju
Hu8 A. Convorse, ndmlnlstrntor of tho
estato of Burton T. Lconnrd, lato of
Moretown, ln sald Dlstrlct deceased,
presents his admlnlstratlon account
for cxamlnntlon and nllowance, and
makes appllcatlon for a decree of
dlstrlbutlon and partltlon of tho es
tato of sald deceased. Whercupon, it
Is ordercd by sald Court that sald
account and sald appllcatlon bo rc
ferred to a sesslon thcreof, to be hold
at tho Probato Ofllco ln sald Montpe
lier ,on the 3rd day of December, A.
D., 1909, for hearlng and declslon
thereon: And, lt ls further ordcred
that notlco horeof be given to all
persons lntcrcsted, by publlcatlon of
the samo threo weeks sucecsslvoly in
the Vermont Watchman and Stato
Journal a newspaper publlshed at
Montpelier, ln thls State, prevlous to
sald tlmo appolntcd for hearlng, that
they may appear at sald tlmo and
place, and show cause, lt any they
may havo, why sald account should
not tbo allowed, and such decree
By the Court. Attest,
Estato of Chnrlcs Robcrt Dowoy.
Tho underslgned havo been ap
polntcd by tho Honorablo Probato
Court for the Dlstrlct of Washington,
Commlssloners, to recelve, examlne,
and adjust tho clalms and demands
of all persoris agalnst the estato
of Charles Robert Dowey, lato of
Bensonhurst, Klng Co., N. Y., de
ceased, and all clams exhlblted in off
set thereto horeby glvo notlce that
wo wlll meet for tho purposo afore
Bald, at the Flrst Natlonal Bank, ln
the City of Montpelier, ln sald Dls
trlct, on the 1st day of December and
29th day of Aprll next, from 10
o'clock A. M untll 3 o'clock P. M on
each of sald days and that six months
from the 2nd day of November, A. D.,
1909, ls the time llmfted by said Court
for sald credltors to present their
clalms to us for oxamlnatlon nnd al
lowance. Dated at Montpelier thls 3rd day of
November, A. D., 1909.
Arthur D. Farwell,
Arthur G. Eaton,
Eslate of Wllliam P. Moore.
The underslgned, having been ap
polnted by the Honorable Probate
Court for the Dlstrlct of Washington,
Commlssloners, to recelve, examlne,
and adjust the clalms and demands of
all persons agalnst the estate of Wll
liam P. Moore, late of Worcester, ln
sald Dlstrlct, deceased, and all
clalms exhlblted in offset thereto,
hereby glve notlce that we wlll meet
for tho purpose aforesald, at the store
of H. L. Abbott. ln the town of Wor
cester ln sald Dlstrlct, on the 21st
day of November and 7th day of
Aprll next, from 10 o'clock A .M., un
tll 4 o'clock P. M on each of sald
days and that slx months from the
18th day of October, A. D., 1909, ls
the time limited by sald Court for
to us for examinatlon and allow
ance. Dated at Worcester thls 25th day
of October, A. D., 1909.
Frank P. Tewksbury,
H. Douglass Vall,
Pierce, rt lt, Vivian
Tomassl, re le, E. Palmer
Cullen, qb qb, Thomas
Hayden, lhb rhb, Burke
Buck, rhb lhb, Bullock
N. Smlth, fb fb, Allen
The scoro: Montpelier Hlgh school
0, Burlington Hlgh school 0; referee,
Slatery, Norwich; umplre, Hughes,
Burlington Hlgh school; Llnemen,
Theriault, Burns; tlmers, Cutler, Pot
ter; time, 20 and 15 mlnute hnlves;
attendance, 500.
Anuunl Rcport St. J. & L. C.
The annual report of the St. Johnsj
bury & Lake Champlain rallroad
shows that the gross incomo for the
year ending June 30, 1909, was $333,
580.86 as agalnst $349,759.98 last year
but tho operatlug expenses werq
$264,S42.29 agalnst $285,043.75 tho
year prevlous. About $40,000 ls charg
ed up to thls road by the Boston &
Maine, which controls lts stock and
furnishcs lts, equlpment, for rent of
rolllng 6,tock, tracks and terminals.
A net Income of $20,056.34 ls wlped
out by back Interest on bonds and
notes nmountlng to $86,868.17, leaving
tho present dofllclt $66,811.83. The
rond carrled 212,871 passengers as
agalnst 210,263 the-year prevlous and
haulcd 301,999 tons of frelght as
agalnst 31S.759 tons the year before.
Tho gross rovenue per mlle was prac
tlcally tho samo both years, $2,650,
but tho mnnagoment saved on their
operntlng expenses which wero $2,
111.48 por mllo as agalnst $2,167.63
tho year before. The balance sheet
shows that tho road cost $4,753,816.53
and tho capltal stock Is $3,606,750 :
ls balanced by a charge to proflt
loss of $1,839,757.90.
Advertlso ln tho Watchman.
Red Leather
Waterproof Shoe
Hlgh nnd Low Cut for tho Hots
Ilnjr thcso nnd lnno dry fwl
und lt ALSO scros your fiitlicr
buylng rubbe:-8. You cnn gel
theso ONLY nt
B. M. Shepard Co.
Sl State St.

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