Newspaper Page Text
0 VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATB JOURNAI THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15, tqxo Cool Now is the time and Comfortables nights. We have assortment in this Comfortables Wehavea specially good full size Comfortable for $2.00 Others up to $ 10.00. Blankets Youcansecure the best California. Wool Blankets in the market here. Insist on having the California as they are the best. Prices $3.98 to $10.00. Cotton Blankets, 69c, 98c, 1.50, 2.25, 2.50 P. E. Pope Co, KKW YORK LETTER. Stray Toplcs I'roin little Old Acw York Mntlicrrd I'rom Ai'iir iind I'iir For the Dck-ctntion 'of tho IKoader. New York, Sept. 13. After Cotiev Island had been ruunlng wido opnn all siunmer, wlth crimc, imuiorallty and gatubling iu full swing and, ap parently uuder the protection of the polici', the acting Mayor ot New York, belng in control of clty aft'airs tluring the absence of Mayor CSaynor, "dls coverod" the appalling stato of nffalrs at that famotis beach resor and ord ered the lld clampcd down good and liard. In vlew of the fact that thls order canie wheu the seasoti at Coney is practleally closed, lt has caused some aniuseiucnt aiuong the citizens. Condltlons tn Coney Island have al waya boen fairly ibad, conslderably more ao thau at other beach rcsortu along the Atlantic coast, hut if the stntemeuts of numerous lnvestigators and a large nuinber of vlctinis eau be credited, the statu of things durlng the sununcr Just ended, was worse tllan ever bcfore. There were more dlvos, more crooksaud thuga and more lewd women in Coney this sununrr than ever liefore and it soms that all of tbeiu did a thriving buslness. All through (he summer complalnts trom vlctinis who bad been robbed at Coney camo pouring ln at polico head nuartera, hut notliing was dono in abatement. Not until after the season was closed dlil the anthorities "high er up'' discover that the lid was wlde open and that It was necessary to put a stop to the actlvity of the crlnilnal element in that popular resort. Act ing Mayor ailtchell did not order the polico to make an Investigation, bnt sent out n nuinber of clty employes for that purpose. The result was a thorough shaku-up in the polico do partmont whlch is responslble for the lawlessuoss at Coney, Mllk Ih'pnU Clnsed. The closlng ot the 4epots establtsh rd by Nathan Straus in this city, for the salo and distribution of pasteur ized inilk for the use of infants ls a great blow to thotisands of poor fam illes in the ovorcrowded teiiement dlstrlets of Mnnhattan and Brooklyn. When theso mllk depots were estab lished a few years ago. Mr. Straus was acclaimed as a bonefactor of th loor, espcclally of .the bables of the poor. The mllk was sold at, a nominal prico and was given away to thoso who had not the muans to pay for it. The mllk trust and all assertlons to the contrary notwlthstandlng, there is really nuch a trust kIIiI not approve of Miv-Strnus'a cliarily, because it eii abled the poor to obtaln good mllk Tor little or notliiiig Instead of belng com pelled to pay an exorbilant prlce for poor mllk to the trust. Uy a pecullar colncldeiice a fovv dootors made the discovery that pasteurlzed mllk was lnjurlous to Infants at least they sald that sueh is the case. Baeked by tho trust an agltatlon against pas teuris'.ed mllk was started whicli be came so strong, that Mr. Straus de cldrd to oloso hls mllk depots. It is expected that this Htep wlll lead to a tremendoiiB Increase Iu the mortality of infants ln the teiinment dlstricts, but that wlll not worry the mllk trust in tho least so long ns it can aqueeze a fow more dollars out of the consum 'prs. 'A' Daulilful .Tokc The othor day the flrat mornlng mall brought a lotter to ono of the tially Some persons have rrither pecullar notlona of what constltutes a joko. aieswspapers, iu whicli tUo wrlter, th Jlead the Central ( Vermont Excur slon ndvcrtlaoment for tho Stato Fair on pago C, ndv. Nights to get your Blankets for the cold winter the largest and best section oi the state. wlfe of a well-to-do physician ln this city, itifornied the edltor that she in tcnded to comniit sulcide and that hor hiishand was ln no way to blame for her act. An investigation was made whicli established the fact that the signer of the letter and her hua band had salled the day beforo on a steamer bound for Germany. Relatlve3 of the women were conimuuicated wlth and as 'they are wealthy they comniunlcated with the purser of the llner by wireless. In due time a reply by wireless came from tho purser, stating that the wonian ln ciuestiou, according to her own statement, had wrltten the letter as a joke and some "unknown party" had mailed lt "by mistake." What a grewsome brand of a joke. Rocovored (Jems. The carelessness of wealthy per sous wlth their Jewelry is sometimcs beyoud belief and it is not snrprlsing that so many of them lose thelr gems, especlally when travellng. What is even more surprising, is the unde served and really phenomenal luck of these persons, whose lost treasures are in most cases recovered in some way. The other day two wealthy women lost a bag wlth jewels valued at several thousand dollars wjiile rld- Ing around in a cab at Asbury Park. When they dlscovered thelr loss they made a search for the cab and located lt. On the tloor of the cab was found the bag, dlrty from the muddy feet of several passengers who had rld den In the vchlcle after the two women had used it, hut containlug the Jewels all Intact, Esianiisiicrt Curfcw. The conimon councll of Yonkers, by a vote of S to 1, adopted an ordinance the other day, whlch establlshes tho curfew in Y'onkers and compels all chlldron nnder the age of sixteen years to leave the streets by ten o'clock every nlght. The ordinance places the respo'nsiblllty upon tho parents and makes all boys and glrls who vlolato it subject to arrest. Tho only member who spoko and voted against the ordinance was the oldest member of the conncil and fathor of a large famlly. Such an ordlnanco would undonbtedly he a boon to New York Clty, but there is not much pros pect or ever getting ono through tho New York City Councll. A Crui'l Iloax, Two little boys and a little glrt, whoso parents aro nelghbors ln llrownsvlllo, a part of Brooklyn, wan dored to tho outsklrts of that. sparsoly settled district to plck ilownrs. In tho afternoon ono of the lioys came home and lnformed hls father that tho lit tle glrl had i'allon lnto n aower. Whou It liecame known that tho glrl had mot wlth an accident, moro than a hundrod persons voluntered to senrch for the chlld's Itody. A.rmcd wlth ropes and Iadders tho searchors started for tho scene of tho alleged accident, tho boy who had brought the news, leadlng them. lio polnted out tho open man- hole of a sower into which, lio as serted, tho girl had fallen. Tleln forred by a dozen men of pollce re sorvea tweuty volunteers searched Iu tho sower for soveral hours, liut founJ no traco ot tho glrl. Soveral of tho men were ovorcomo by tho noxlous gases Iu the sewer and wero revlvcd wlth r.onslderablo dlfflcnlty. Aftor four hours had beon spent In this frulilcss soarch aonio ono wont to the houso A tho glrl's paronts to luform thotn of the result of tho efforts. To lits great oat surpiiso lio learned Umt tho glrl had safoly arrlved homo soveral hours ago and was soundly asleep In her bed. What happenoJ to tho little boy, tho' author of that crirefr hoax, Is an- other etory, . . iti , TOWN CORRESPONDENCE A'ews of Ihc Dny ns rrcscnlcd hy (lic Journnl's Corps of Spcclnl Oor rcspondents, llcfng Mostly Ilcms of Intcrest, DltOOKl'IKliT). Mr. and Mrs, Hnllcy of Ucrlln woro recent guests of Mlss Edna Sargont. Dlds on books at tho llbrary moet lng Wednesdny amounted to ?10.B0. The name of Harry Jones was drawn to flrst return books noxt (ntarter. Mra. John Ionsdalo and daughter Mildred ot Kapsas Clty woro recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Allls. Mlss Florence M. Pliclps Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Follansbee. The Ladle3' Ald Soclety of the Sec ond church wlll have a soclal at tho clutrch parlors Friday evenlng, Scpt 23rd. Mrs. Ines! Segar, Mlss Edlth Abbott, and Mr. and Mrs. Sanborn of Randolph were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Abbott. SOUTH WOODBURY. Mrs. Nllle Patch Is stopplng wlth her slster, Mrs. Morton McKinstry. Several persons from this place at tended the funeral of Willlam Cclley, Which took place at Calais lagt Sun day afternoon, Itev. F. K. Newell of Hardwick offlclatlng. Mr. Celley pas3 ed his earllcr years in this part of the town. Woodbury Orange wlll hold a fair at South Woodbury Sept. 21. Thoro wlll be a good dlsplay of stock, plants, vegetables. curlosltles, and fancy work and all aro Invlted to enter ex hibits. There wlll be nutslc, ball games and speaklng, and a dlnner furnished by the ladles ln the Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson of Hopedale, 'Mass., are vlsltiug at A. h. HasUell's home. SHADY KILL Mr. and 'Mrs. Karl Itowell have purchased the Thomas Colby farm and wlll jnove there in the .sprlng. Wllbur Parker has sold hls farm to Charlos Duprey of Waterbury, salo includes stock and farm tools. P03- Thomas Colby, who was severely In- Jured by hls horse, ls slowly galnlug. Mrs. Kllen V. Cummings returned last Monday from a vtsit ot several weeks, spent with her chlldren in Malue and New Hampshire. Those who attended the Froe Daptist yearly meeting at Waterburv Copter last week Friday, Saturday and Sunday were (leorge and Anna Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge II. Rumiiey. Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthnr ,Max ham, Mrs. Charlos Imndervllln and Carlos Hatch of Worcester. Mrs. Herbert Plerce of Richmond made a short vlslt wlth her aunt. .Mrs. W. 0. Cummings and has spent a week wlth her slster, 'Mrs. Klsio I.eonard. arORETOWN. Mrs. (!. S. Knapp and her slster, Mlss Alice Foster were guests of their brotuer, O. R. Foster and wife of Montpelier Sunday. Mr. Reed of Waitsfield was in town Friday buylng stock. Walter Chlld was ln "Montpelier re- cently. Mlss Kllen Russell visittd Mrs. .Tames Stewart and other frionds in Waterbury part ot last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilomes has, been visiting in Northfield. Mr. and Mrs. George Farnham and daughter I.ena and son Frank took an automobllo trip to Waterbury Center Saturday. Mrs. Chester Wilber and two chlld ren of Fayston vlslted relatlves on the hlll Sunday. Mrs. Ruth Carpenter of Montpelier was a guest of Mr. ahd Mrs. A. C. Chlld Thursday. They also visited at the homo of F. A. IIowos and 131mer I Keyes. Herbert Hlll and wife of Middlesex were on the hlll Sunday. Willlam Russell was In Middlesex Thursday for the flrst tlmo ln nearly a year. I.uke Somors was in Montpolier Tuesdajv Raymond, tho little son ot Mr. and Mrs. Walter Child3, has been 111 the past week. Mlss Carrio Rogera was 'a gutist of her slster Mlss Martha Rogers, who is teachlng chool In district No. 3, last week AVesley Chlld of Montpelier has beon a guest of hls parents Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chlld recently. WATERBURY. Mlss Harriet Maxwoli passed Sun day wlth her slster, Mrs. Clayton Kew, ln Waitsfield. Mlss Evalyn Blshop and Harold Blsh op of Montpelier wero guests of Mrs. F. E. Atklna Thursday and Friday. Earl Olasa has gono to Burlington whero he ls taklng a courso in tho Burlington Buslness Collego. Mrs. C. II. Barton ot Barre was ln town Thursday. Willlam Ferrls, .Tr., borer at tho Drow Danlels Granlte Co's. plant out hl3 thumb sevorely last weelc Mrs. .Tulla O'CIalr and Mra. Charles O'Clalr passed Saturday ln Montpelier. H. W. Whltcomb and F. W. Sautell ot Barre wero buslness visltors in town Saturday. Mlss IiOiilso Ballard of Georgia is visiting at the home of Mrs. F. L, Knlght. Mr. and Mrs. .Tewett and daughter of Clovoland aro guests ot Mrs. Albert Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Ryan and famlly of Montpolier were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thompson on Sunday, Mls3 Julla MdoLauo ot Now Bruns- wlck has commanocd work ot the Vermont Stato Hospltal. Mlss Nellle O'Brlen pasaed Sunday at her homo iu town. Mlss Marjorlo Duffua was nt homo from Middlesex over Sunday, Mlss Flossle Curtls of Hlllsboro, N. H., Is a guost of tho Mlsaea Oraco and Suslo Mannlng. Tho Ladlea Unlou meets this after noon wlth Mrs. Orlo Ayera. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Luce, Mlss Mar jorlo Luce, Burton I.uco wero ln Hardwick on Sunday, Mrs. Morton Shaw of St. Alban3 waa In town on Saturday. WATERBURY CKNTER. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Atklns ond son of Jonesville were the recent guests of Frank Town. Mr. nnd Mrs. CJcorge Adams ot Salem, Mass., wero the guests of Mr. and !Mrs. J. C. Davls last week. Mrs. Henry E. Hlll gave a party last Saturday evenlng ln honor of her nlece, Mlss Ellzabeth Martln Of Han ford, Cal. The evenlng was spent in games. Llght rcfrcshments wero serv ed. Mlss Martln expects to leavo for her home September 21. The yearly meeting of the Baptlst ijocioty whlch was held here last week was thd most successful ever held ln tho history of tho assoclatlon. C. J. Ferguson, of Burlington, gave an address Friday evenlng ln the ln terest of tho Antl-Saloon League 'of Vermont in the Baptlst church. Mlss Lllllan N. Sprague gave an addre33 Satmxlay evenlng she belng a mls slonary from Indla. Both of the ad dresses were very Interesting. The assoclatcs ot the Ezra Stetson Post wlll meet in the G. A. R. hall in the Semlnary next Saturday evenlng at 8 o'clock. Every member Is re qdested to be pre3cnt. MlS3 Cora Huntley ot Waitsfield was tho guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Huntley recently. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Newton and two daughters of Springfield, Mass., were tho guests of Mrs. Cora Morrlson recently. The trip was made In an automobllo. They are to return homo by way of the White Mountains. Mrs. Anna Cooney ot Middlesex and Mrs. Charles Clavk of Montpelier wero the guests of Mrs. Edward Gllletto recently. Unlon servlces wlll be held In the Methodlst Eplscopal church next Sun day evenlng. An address wlll be giv en by C. J. Ferguson of Burlington. Mrs. Henry Hlll was In Montpelier ono day recently, belng the guest of Mrs. Edward Town. Representntlvc-elect and Mrs. E. E. Robinsou of Elmore spent Sunday wlth Mrs. Amos Robinson. Mlss Ruby Dow is spendlng a fow days in Northfield wlth relatlves. MARSHFIELD. Rev. Mr. Stewart of Montpelier preached at the Congregatlonal church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Bllss wont lo St. Johnsbury Tuesday to attend tho fair and to vislt Mr. Bllss' mother, Mrs. W. D. Fllnt. Mrs. H. E. Hadlock went to Wil liamstown" Tuesday to vlslt her father. . S. A. Parker and L. D. Nute attend ed the Caledonia County Fair at St. Johnsbury. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson of Bristol, N. H., aro guests of Mrs. I.lzzie Robinson. Mrs. A. T. Davls went to Taunton, Mass., Monday. Cecll Town returned to hls home ln Boston Monday. Mrs. Alice Packer Flsher and son Newton of Randolph are ln town. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Fay of Barre were ln town Monday. Hazel Bllllngs of Perkinsville ls this ap- teachlng the primary school in village. Gcorge E. Hollster has been polnted trusteo for John Severance. A. E. Lamberton started for the State Fair at White Rivor .Tunctlou this week. Friends of Cecll Town gavo him a snrprlse party Saturday night beforo his return home. B. W. Hooker of Barre was ln town Saturday and cmbalmed Miss I.oviua Kenerson's body for burial Monday. A. R. Colo shipped a carload of cows to West Mberty, Iowa, nnder the caro or John 'Llverson of Cabot last Friday. A. R. Cole and wlfe started for Iowa Monday, Burt LaMay of Springfield, Mass., who has been visiting his slster, Mrs. ()ray mim home may- Charles Porter has moved to AVood bury where he has employnient In the granlte quarry. Warner IX Smlth ot Boston ls at tho home of hls father, C. D. Smlth. Mrs. Mary McCrlllls of Hennlkor, N. II., and Mr. and Mrs. John Gage, formerly Mrs. Fellows of Hennltord, N. II., nnd Mr. and Mrs. II. Hanna ford of Magnolla, Mass., were ln town to attend tho funeral of Miss Lovlna ICInorson Monday at her late homo. Rov. Mr. Currler ot Cabot offlclated. Sho was burled Iu I.ower Cabot cem etery. VOtt BRUTAli ASSAU1-T. I'onr Sallors Arrestrd Clmrged Wlth Onltlnp Off RlRht Knr of a ioii Unlon Seaiutiu, New York, Sept. 13. Four sallors from the Great likea, Joseph Meyera, Robert Cochrane, Henry Moran nnd Mlchaed Kane. wero nrrested hero to- ;ht charged wlth. tho brutal assault of Edward Fraser, a non-union snllor, iu Buffalo, last June. Tho men, It ls charged, drugged Fraser, robbed hlm and then cut off hls rlght ear whlch was sent to H. Coulby, presldent of the Plttsburg Steamshlp Company, ln Cleveland, ac oompanled by a threatenlnff letter. PLAY WARD PQLITICS (Contlnued from pago 1.) lnembershlp wldely scattered nnd on ly sovcn of tho 12 mombors proscnt. Throo other membors wero dotalned by brlef but prcmptory cngagomcnts. Upon reassemhllng two days later, olght gentlemen wore prescnt, nnd two more were roported on tho way "Tho clghth member to appcar hap pened to be a Democrat and tho mom bors of that party found themsolves lu tomporary control, and promptly proceeded to turn tho circuinstunces to what seemed to them n party ad vantage. In advanco ot nny consulta tlon wliatevcr upon the evldenco. whlch never had been welghed and dls cCs3cd In commlttee, they domandcd tho passago ot resolutlons of tho most avvecplng charactcr, formall)'' made, but of charges that had oniy been lmplled, anU of thlngs whlo'i never had boen charged, but whlch persons nppearlng at the hearlng had alleged against hltn. "Other membors of the cominlttec present protested against such pro ceedlngs, liut the partlsan politlcal end to be galued by the Domocratlc mlnorlty became all the more urgent In proportion as tho rallway tralns bearlng other members of the commlt tee were approachlng Mlnneapolls. "Tho mlnorlty refused even to take a recess, and the other members vle cllnlng to partlclpate in a vlolatlon of the fundamental prlnclple whlrh should govern the proceedlngs, wlth drew and thus deprived tho Derno crats ot (helr temporary control of the commlttee. "Tho meeting belng left without a quorum, any attempted decislon or the case would have no more valldl ty than would like actlon of a slml lar nuinber of men collected at ran dom ln the streets. but the specta cle was presented of flve gentlemen out of a trlbunal of twolve. created by the Congress of the 'Unlted States. assumlng to'act as the trlbunal Itself. "These flve gentlemen contlnued thelr proceedlngs to the end, accord ing to the worst methods of ward polltics; and, after pretending to adopt a report of 89 pages. which they brought to the meeting already prc pared, and whlch was never the sub ject of conslderatlon on dlscusslon or even read in commlttee, they gave lt to the newspapers, although the law requlred lt to be renderej to Congress; and they completed thelr perverslon of the purpose of the nieeting by adjourning to Decembor 3, so as to forestall ir possible, any actlon or conslderatlon or dlscusslon Cjf evidenco by the commlttee ln the meantluie, and by solemn vote they graclously e.xtended to the uiajorlty the leavo to flle a minority report. "It does not need to be sald that such actlon both ln form and sub stanco ls wholly lawless and con demns lts authors rather than the offlclal nnder Investigation. "The report of the committee can not be made until December 5th. when Congress meets nnd tho meeting called for September 5th, was for tlvj purpose of considerlng and dlscuss ing what the report, to be made three months, t,hereattor should ho. There was, therefore, no haste or pressure for time. "The pretended adoptlon of a report by a politlcal mlnorlty and lts publi cation. as if lt were the report of a committee, exhlblted a willlngness to sncrlflce tho rlghts and Injure tho rop utation of the offlcer luvestlgated In order to obtaln a supposed party ad vantage in tho pending politlcal cam palgn. We ca'nnot reconcllo such a cotirsc wlth our senso of justlce and of qur duty. (Slgned) "KNUTE NELSON. "GEORGE SUTHEUIjAND. "EMHU ROOT. "SAMUEL W. MCCALT,. "MARTIN E. EMISTKAD , "EDWIN DENRY." 71 MCEX.SKS ISSUED. Clty Clerk jrerrill llusy (Jhlnu- irutif ors I'erinlsslon lo Hunt. Clty Clerk Jlerrllrtias issued a totnl of 74 resident huntlng llccnses uud no non-resldent. Tho schson for grey squlrrels nnd partrhlges opens next Thursday nnd tho hunters aro get- Ings ready for the openlng. The non resident llcenses do not seem to bo In very heavy demand nnywhero ln tho Stato and in sevoral of the magn zines dovoted to huntlng thero have 'been protests from huntors in other States who klck on the $15 "gun tax" as they call lt. To Judgo from these lottors It would seem that a smnller feo would result Iu a greator aggre. gato of feos collected. Crlpiien's Dofencp, London, Sept. 15. According to n publlshed Intervlew, tho Hne of de fonse to bo followed by Arthur New ton, counsol for Dr. Crlppon, wlll be that tho remalns nre not Bello El more's nnd that the strip of flesh ahow lng an alleged oporatlon scar cnnnot belong to the abdomen because of tho nbsenco ot tho iimbilloua. ('holern Epldemlc Clieckod, Romo, Sept. 14. Tho cholern epl demlc has now beon practleally stamped out lu Apulln, During the past 24 hours only four new cases and two dcaths havo beon roported. I R'oad tlto Central Vermont New York Excur.slon, advertlsomeut on pago 4. Aar. . , f ... . , DRADSTREET'S VT. TKADE RKL'ORT Roports to Dradstrcct'a for tho week noto that j?eneral retall trade contln- uea about even, ulthough county falrs have dlaturbed buylng to some ex- tcnt. Roports from certaln machlno In dustrlos note that thero haa been lesa now buslness. rccelved nnd some can cellationa. Demand for genoral hard- ware is lmprovlng. Nuinber dealers report no changc in demand, a tiuletness rullng, al though no matorlal change la notlcod In prices. Demand for box shooka and boxes is qulet although buslness ln turned wood artlcles and boxea holds up well. Among granlte nianufacturers ro ports show but a fovv of the plants have conaldcrable buslness on hnud whlle others are looklng for more or ders. Iabor ln this llno 13 well em playcd, alWiou'gh conaldcrable trouble ls expcrlenced from slow collectlons. Produce of all klnds is movlng well Farmers are recelvlng good prices for nearly all Ines of garden truck. ln corn sectlons where the yleld of potatoea has been large, prices have been low ered, but gencrally speaklng all that tho flelds produce ls commandlng a ready market and good prices. The condltloil of farmera Is looked upon as much improvcd over what it was n year ago. Thelr expenscs for feed this year wlll be lighter than they have been for three years ns fall pasturage s in good shape. Corn cannlng taetorles iu the State are now In full operatlon. Corn recelv cd is of good quallty and a reasonably good pack Is loked fr. There Is prac- tlcally n surplus stock and the out look is favorably commented upon. During tne pasr. week tho blennial report for tho perlod endlug Jtine 30, 1910, was made publlc by the Stato Bank Coinmlssloner. His flgures show the largest Increase in deposlts in any one year, except one, in the history of the State, the Increase In dcposits for the year belng nearly four and one half mllllons of dollars, the total de poslts belng somethlng over $68,000, 000. Dlvldens, hls report states, have incroased. Failure reports for the week ln the State lnclude one bankruptcy and ono offer to comprotnlse. Reports-from the larger cities ln the State contlnuo but little changed wlth ilabor gencrally well employed and re jtall buslness about normal. Merchants ,are optlmlstlc regardlng outlook for fall trade. Railroad travel for tlie week has been narticularlv heavv. RenorLi from 'summor places and resorts show tliat the number of poople who have come lnto the State this year has been In jexcess of that of a year ago. State hotels report a large increase in num ber of automoblle parties entertalned. 1 Reports from Bethel state that the new tannery wlll be ready for busi- 'ness in about two months. The ma- chine shop at that polnt has consider able buslness ahead and labor ls well employed at one of tho granlte sheds. Some new bullding work is under way at White Rlver Junctlon. Whole- Isale flrms at that polnt comment fav lorably regardlng the volume of trade. The new machlne shoi at Windsor jwlll be ready for occupancy in about one month. The shoe factory is em . ployed at full force and tiine. General retail buslness is fully up to normal. Roports from Fair Haven state that labor Is well employed. There is a good demand for slate for bllliard stork but for other purposes sales are . slow. I Reiiorts from West Pawlet and Ru jpert show that the potato crop wlll be about an average. There was a large hay crop. Tho yleld of oats is 'good, but corn was less than an aver- ago crop. JlliS. I'HEl." Kxplrcd Suridenly Sals.Ml;. : .tf'.i..i'ii. After Short Atlark o' ti- (.V,p Mis. Henry A. l'nelps (Keti v .y q'-.ddenly Satuniny mornln ..f lv. hr'iie on AcaCleniy strr.c-t ;t'i-r shT't illness with the grlp fro'i. r'ch she aA npparentJy recovered. herVi came at V:4o o'clock. when M"3. Phelpi d'io)!:ed tr. i'ne L-ath c.i lloor aii' ovpjred hefore ine-'Ic'a' ? Istance lonU". roach hor. Mrs. Ph-lfs' malden r.ume Wos T-.s bollo Putn. iu and sho was ,i nat1'-. of Cabot, wero shd wa born, .luno 15. 18C2. On October ?. iSS," she was marrle.l n Hciiry A. Phelps ln Montpelier ln nfch clty and ln lUr ro thoy havo llved almost continuous ly over alnce. She Is survlvod by her husband and flve chlldron, Evellno, Mildred. Cathorlne. Alden and Nol son. Sho also leaves hor mother, who has been inaklng her home at tho Phelps resldence, a brother, Charles Ptitnam, nnd a slstor, Mrs. Thomas Mnrvln of '.Montpelier. Mrs. Phelps was a niember of the Phllomathlan Club and o ftho Clvlc Federatlon of Women's Clubs. Tho funeral wlll be hold this afternoon from tho houso at 2 o'clock with Rev. J. W. Rarnott offlclatlng. Read tho Central Vermont Excur slon ndvortl8empnt for tho State Fair on pago 5. adv. CAPITAL SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY MONTPELIER, VERMONT ' Cnpltal, $100,000. Totnl Assots, $USOO,000. Dcposits nuide on or liefore tho 13th dny of ,1uly wlll draw Interest from tho I IRST DAY of tlint inonth nt FOUB lER UENT. I'ER AN'UM, payablo setnl-annually on the flrst days of January and Jujy, Iuterost at Two l'er CentA'nld on Comuiorclal Deposlts. Sato Doposlt Doxes, 95 a Year. T. J. DEAVITT, Presldent J ALBERfT JOHONNOTT and A. J. S1BLEY, Yleo Trcsldents; FRANKJT. SMITH, Trcasnrer. rOLITICS AM I'OI.ITICIANS. Rhodo Island Dcmocrata wlll hold thelr Stnte and Cougresslonal conven tlons Sept. 29, Tho Republlcan State campalgn ln Ohlo wlll be formally opened at Ken ton on Scpt. 17. Sterllng P. Bond of St. I,oula Jian declared hls candldacy for the Demo cratlc nomlnation to succeed Unlted States Senator Warner of Mlssourl. Oklahoma Republlcans wlll meet ln Guthrle September 29 to ratlfy the nomlnation of thelr tlcket nnd to for mnlly open thelr State campalgu. W. Jefferson Davls, prlvate secre tary ot Senator Purcoll of North Da kota. is the new presldent of tho Nat lonal Keaguo ot Domocratlc Colleeu Clubs. Dcmocrats of Georgia, at thelr re cent Stato convetitlon, Indorsed Gov ernor Hoko Smlth for tho Democratio nomlnation for Presldent of tho I'nlted States In 1912. In Rhode Island tho queation, "Who shall bo chosen to succeed Nelson W. Aldrlch ln the Unlted States Senate?" at present eclipse3 all other politlcal Issues. Former I-Ieutenant-Governor John C. McKlnley of Mlssourl has flled hla declaratlon as a candldate for tho Unlted States Senato on the Republl can tlcket to succeed Senator Warner. Charles S. Hamlln, a Boston law yer who was Asslstant Secretary of tho Treasury during one of the. Cleve land admlnlstrations, Is menttoned as a possible candldate for Governor ot Massachusetts on the Democratio tlc ket. The labor organlzatlons of Indlana have taken up tbe causo ot UnlW States Senator Beveridge and have ccuplled a pamphlet addressed to utiion men in whlch they are urged to support leglslatlve candidates who fa vor his return to the Senate. The National Amerlcan Woman Suf frage Assoclatlon has taken steps to find out exactly how each candldate for Congress stands on the questlon of suffrage for women. To each nomlneo a letter is to be sent asking hlm to stato hls views on the subject. Herolc effort3 are to be made to save the seat of Representatlve E. B. Slemp of the Ninth Vlrglnia District, the only Republlcan member of the Old Dominlon delegatlon ln Congress. For mer Presldent Roosevelt and Speaker Cannon liave promised to appear on the stump in behalf of Sleran's can- didacy for re-election. The result of the canvass of tho votes of the present Nebraska prim ary elcctlons on members of the Leg Islature slnows that the Oregon plau wlll almost certalnly be carried out in the olection of a Unlted States Sen ator to succeed Senator Elmer J. Bur kett, regardle3S ot the politlcal com plexlon of the next I.egislature. Congressman Walter I. Smith of tho 9th Iowa district, who is looked upon as an open candldate for the Speaker- ship of the House of Representatives. in opposition to Speaker Cannon, haa been a member of the Lower Houso continuously since 1900. Prior to hla olection to Congress he had sorved for 10 years as a Judge of the Iowa dis trict conrt. Ilcsisrnatlon Acceptrd. A special nieeting of the board ot directors of the Young Men's Chrlst- ian Assoclatlon was held last evenlng at whlch the resignation of Walter H. Pilcher as general secretary was presented and accepted. I.cans Tonnrds ProgressUo Ideas Jefferson City, Mo., Sept. 14. The Republlcan party platform conferenco of Mlssourl today aftor a bltter con test adopted a platform that has a leanlng toward -progresslve Ideas. Read the Ceutral Vermont Excur slon advertlsoment for the State Fair on pago 5. adv. Read tho Central Vermont Now York Excurslon advertlsement on pago 4. Adv. LOW SHOES for Ladies TeU your rteighbors aud see them yoiuself B.M.ShepardCo. State St., Montpelier