MONTPELIER, VERMONT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. toio VOL. 106. NUMBER 68 Reliable Furs arc Moderately Priced at The Busy Storc HERBERT C. GLEASON Chri stmas tions While wo havc crowded cvery avallable spacc of our store with beautiful Gift things, the vory cholccst must necessarily go to those who come flrst. We invito you to call and examineour linc of APRONS L1XENS AVIATIOX HATS LUNCII CLOTHS BAGS LUNCH NAPKINS BELTS " LEATHER GOODS BELT BUCK.LES MUFFS BELT PINS MADEIRA SETS IiEAUTY PINS . MESH BAGS BARRETTES MITTENS BACK COMBS MIRRORS BUTTON HOOKS MUFFLERS (Phoonix kind) BUFFERS NAPKINS BATH ROBES NECKWEAR BLANKETS NAIL F1LES BUREAU SCARFS POCKET BOOKS BONNETS (Children) PIN TRAYS COATS (Ladies', Misses' ... PUFF BOXES and Children's) PETTICOATS CORSETS , - RIBBONS C0MF0RTABLES liUCHl'NG CEXTRE PIECES ROMPERS COLLARS ' .. SHELL GOODS , , CLOTH BRCSHES SIDE COMBS COMBS SILK SCARFS CARD CASES SILK HOSE DRESSES (Ladies' and SHIRT WAISTS dren's) . SHAWLS DRESSIXG SETS (Pyrallne) SCISSORS DOILIES SOAP BOXES ' EVEXING GOWNS SWEATERS EVENING CAPES AND COATS SUITS FURS SKIRTS ' FANS SILK PETTICOATS 1OJ0UNCES FOR SKIRTS SILK WAISTS , GLOVES TABLE CLOTHS GUEST TOWELS - TRAY CLOTHS HANDKERCHIEFS TOWELS HAT BRUSHES SvmN smTS IIOSE SUPPORTERS INFANTS' 'BRUSH AND UNDER bAH COMB SETS ' VEILS INFANTS' KNIT JACKETS VEIL PIXS INFANTS' DRESSES WAISTS JABOTS ' WRAPPERS KIMONOS YARNS (Colunibla) Special for Satorday FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR 10 Dozen 8-button Length Kid Gloves Tan and Brown ; sizcs 5 3-4 to 7 Regular price $1.25 Special at 59c pr. We cannot stop to fit them owing to the Christmas rush. If any should brcak will repair same free of charge. SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR 20 Black Coney Muffs Special th:yhtt at $1.49 50 River Mink and Opossum Muffs Regular $4 and $5 cjuality Special at $3.29 if you want any of tliese Specials be on hand early. Extra help to wait on you Perley E. Pope Cotnpany PROVIDESJ150.000 Good Roads Bill Passed by the House After a Long Debate MR. BATTELL OPPOSES IT Ittit His Aiiicniliiiciit Is Dcfcnted. Seiinto, Afd-r onre rasKiis- ilill In cri'iislug Snlnry of Tnx Conimis slonor C nsii'iri'i !li'fonsldei nnd Kefusfs tlie Incrciihc. ' Mr. Babbitt of Rockingham scorcd agaln Wednosday morning whcsi the Ilouse passed hls hlghway bill ear rying an approprlatlon ot $150,000 annually for improomont o the hlghways of the Stato Mr. iinucll of Middlebury trled to have thc am ount cut to $100,000, cs he bellcved the State was golng too fast In this matter of hlghway Improvcment and thought it would be better to slow down a little and flnd out rnore about the BClence of road bulldlng. The House was strongly In favor of improved hlghways from the flrst, but questions of economy have opcr ated to make some mcmbers doubt ful of the advlsabllity of pasUng such a meaeure, and frlonds o thi; various educatlonal proposals havo feared that so much money m't;ht b2 approprlated for good roads that thelr educational projects would suf fer. i P1TECT1 FROM INVASION Secret Report Is Forwarded to the House GHEflTES BIG SENSJITION Unrked "Conndcntlur nnd Is Flnnl y Itoturnod by Spenkcr Cnunon to llic Socrelnry of Wnr on the Oround Tliat tlio House Cannot KcccIto .Secret Itcporl. Washington, Dcc 14. A scnsntlon al report from tho war departincnt, showing how the country is inado nuately protected against invaslon from forelgn guns was sont to the Ilouse today as a secret document and, after a number of confereuces and hurried telephone mesagcs, was returned to the war department on tho ground that the House could not receivc a secret report. Members of Congrcss who saw the document before its withdrawal say tho rcjport of Secretary Dlckinson points out that the country is wholly unpreparcd, that tliere is a woeful in ndequacy of men, of guns and of aminunition, that the army sliould bo reorganized and that a council of na tlonal defense, with a secretary of war at its liead, should, be created by Congress. j Tlie re)ort of GeneraKWood, which was marked 'confledential" doftlt with these matters, and gavc official admlssion of matters , that are of more or less comraon knowledgo aiuong army and navy experts in this LEBLANC G1R L 15 NOTGUILTY Jury Acquits Her of Murdering Glover GHEERS GHEET VEHDiCT (Continued on page 7) 3IUS. EDDY'S WILL. It Bciiicnths Hulk of Her Wealth to Motlier Cliurcli Concord, N H , Doc 14 Tho will of Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Ed- dy, late head of the Christian Science church, was fllod here today. After providing various sums for members of her household nnd frlends and giving $10,000 each to her son and hls children, tho tcstator leaves her estato to the Mother Church. A dlamond cross is loft to Mrs. Augusta Stetson, the excommu nicated New York lcader of the de- nominatlon. Dr. E. J. Fostor of Waterbury, Vt., an adopted son of Mrs. Eddy, is glven $5,000. Fl'XUKAL OF LICKEKKY KOY WHO WAS DHOWXED. AVhito River Junction, Vt., Dec. 14. At St. Anthony's church on Tuesday occurred tho funeral of Honry Llckerey, a boy who was drowned In tho White River while ekatlng on Saturday. The lce gave way and Llckerey and two others fell in; tho others, howover, managcd to get out. Lickcrey's body was re covered by means of grappliug irons. Christmas Gifts That are Useful and Acceptable Sllppers for Men, Womeu nnd Children a.'ic to $2.00 Warm Shoes nnd Overshoes. Jersoy Legglns for Ladies and Children, High Cut Tan Shoes for Mon and Boys; also "Whito" nnd "Mason" Sowlng Machines at LoweBt Prices. SHIPMAN'S Old Reli&ble Shoe Store 100 MAIN STREETJ (Continued on page 4.) FOIt WORLD'S 1'EACE Carnegle Giies $10,00o!)00 in lJonds That Are Wortli Sll,500,00l) Washington, Dec. li. Surround ed by 27 trustces of ihls chooslng, comprlsing former cabinet members, ex-ambassadors, college ipircsldonta, lawyors and cducatpriAlidrow Car negie today transferred $10,000,000 in flve per cent flrst mortgage bonds, value $11,500,000, to be devottd pri niarily to the establishment ot uni versal peace by the abolltion of war bctween natlons and such frlction as may imair "tho progress and happiness of man." Wlien war between natlons shall ltuve ceased, the fund Is to be applied, to such altrulstic purposos as will "bcst help man In hls glorious ascent onward and upward" by baulshment of thc "most degrading evil or evlls" then harasslng mankind. As Mr, Carnegie reAd an Inforhial deed of trust anouncing at length tho general purpose of his gift there was prolonged applause. He then ox plained the incidcuts which lnsplred the giving of the money at this tlmo and declared with emphasis that if the Engllsh-speaking raco in the Unlted States and Great Blltain onco consolidatcd in the movement for ln tcrnntionnl peace, the success of the measuro in the rozt of tho world would bo assured. Tiironjj In Courtroom And Outsldc tlie Court Itulldintr Contluucs for Twenty Mlnutcs. Motlon to Dctain Hnttlc ut Wltnoss Is' Denicd Uy Jndc Ilond. Cambridge, Mass, Dec. 14. Hattle Le Blanc'e pathctic plea that sho be allowed to go back to her old home In West Arichat, Cape Breton, with her father, was granted today when a Jury, after deliberating an liour and a half, declded she was not guilty of tho murflsf of CJaronce F. Glover at Waltham on the night of November 20, 1900. The verdict was a popular one, eo popular In fact that tho traditional decorum of a Massachusetts court was swept asido while men and women cheored, shouted aml wept for Joy. Tho demonstration continued for 15 or 20 minutes and tho court offlclals were powerless to stem it. Tho crowd in the corrldors took up the clieors of throng that was packed in the courtroom and there came an swering cheers from more tlian 2,000 men and women who had assombled on tho quadrangle in front of tlie courtliouso and in the surroundlng streets of East Cambridge. Immediately after tlie verdict had been announced and the glrl had been dlscharged from custody, As sistant District Attorney Wcir on deavored to persuadc Judgo Bond to liold Hattie as a witness to give evi dence beforo the grand jury that AN EXPLOSION KILLED BY Of GAS PR AISESCARNG1 E Roosevelt in His Lecture at Harvard Refers to Big Peace Gift HE UTTERS A WARNING (Continued on page 4.) 3riLI FILinUSTEIIS. Jhirk Seshlons of-Senato nnd Ilouse at Washington. .Washington, Dec. 14. Mild 1111 bustere marked the sessions in both Houses of ongress today. In tlmo Senato practically the entire tlmo was taken up by Senator Bristow of Kansas, whoso oppositlou to the French spoliatlon claims Jncluded la the omnibU3 clalms bill provonted tho paesago of that measuro. What for an hour threatened a renowal of the bltter flght on the rules marked the opening o the buslness of the House when opposi tlou dovoloped to. tho taklng up of tho bllls for tho codlflcatlon and re vision Of tho laws relatlng to tho judlclary. Speaker Connon' viAolIned to sit in judgment on the queatlon whGthor tho House under the rules could tako up a measure from tho calondar which it had up for consideration on the provious calendar Wednesday. Accordingly tho Houso voted and by 140 to 51 declded to take up the bill. Dcelarcs Tliut Its Ultinmte Wortli Dcpends On tlie (Jood Jiidgiiicnt of Thosc Who AdmiuKter JU Applied Etlilcs tlie Toplc of Lccturc in Snn ders Theatre. Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 14. In speaking on "applied ethics" as the Noblo lecturo in Sandors thoatro to nignt, Tneodore itoosevolt, touched briefly on the building of the Panama canal, tlie progresa of conservation, and tho movement towaitl general peace as typifled by the recent Hsh eries decision at The Hague. The Noblo lecturo at Harvard is provided by a fund glven by Mrs. Wllliani B. Noble in memory of her husband, an Episcopal clergyman. Mr. Roosovelt's vlsit to Massachus feetts was expressly for tho lecture, although ho attendcd a meetlng of warveru overseers this forenoon in Boston. Just before goiut? on the lecture platform tonight, Mr. Rooseelt learn ed of tlie Carnegie peace faundation fund. He hailcd the anhouncement with great dellght and was especial ly pleased with the snlection of Sen ator Ellhu Root as the permanent ropresentatlve of the t'nlted States at The Hague. Toward the end of his lecture, he mado special reference to the gift as providlng the means of making "real progress in brin?lng about tho Sad Fatality in a Coal Mine at Greene, Va. (Continued on page 4.) ONLY TWO GET OUT IUIIE One of Thcsc Dles of Injiirics Soon After He Ucachcs Surfaco 'lnc Ilodlcs of the Dcad Takcn Out When Ke.sene Work Hus to Ile Suspcnded. Nortch, Va., Dec. 14. As a result of an explosion in tho mine of the Bond Coal Company at Greeno, six mlles east of here, this morning 12 men have lost their llves. Thirteon were in the mine at the tlme of the exploson and only two es caped, one of whom died shortlv nf- ter being taken out. On account of the gaseous condi tion of tho mine and other condltlnnK the rescue work had to be stopped tonight and the other two bodics will not be brought out before morning. The namos of the nine of the dead taken out are: Jamos 'Barowman, superlnt(ndont William Ritchle, mine foreman. Lee Rowland. Charles Williams. Jesse Rltchie. Charles Whitaker. .lohn Rodan. Arch Leslie. John Ritchic. .Tohn Ritchle and Charles Rosen baum were rescued alive, but Ritchle succonibed to his iniuries. nnsnn- baum's injuries are "slight and he is able to walk. Seattlo Wash., Dec. 14. Tominy Burns, former heavyweight champion pugillst of the world, was severely Injured in the collision on the Seat- tle-Tacoma interurban railroad last night. The Present For Him A Safety Razor will make him hnppy nnd we have the largest lino in the State to salect from. Here Is The List AUTO-STKOP YA'iKEE (JILLETTE EVI.'K ltEADY LESLIE HUKIIA3I KEEX-KUTTER OLD EXGLISII Th::e are carrled in dlfferent corabinations and range in price from $6.50 to 23 eents. Wc also carry a good line of Regular Style Razors, Razor Guards, Stropping Machines, Strops, Hones, Brushes, Soap, &c. All Razors gnaranteed to glvo satisfaqtion or money refunded, Let Us iShow You Thes6 Goodn CapitalHardwareCompany Head of State Street, Montpelier, Vermont H. J. VOLHOLM, Cor. Main and East State Sts. MONTPELIER, VT. Consider Quahty Always Chn stmas Giving ! For Men tflT ?Jrlnnf fliitfYC' flinf rW nlnocn A-nti (TUmn Kllf above all, seleet things that are durable,well-made and in good taste. EVERY ARTICLE OFFERED r CcllarGttGS "l 'S Christmas Store is sold with a guaran- tee for style and service. J Hundreds of gift op- p . p rnc portunities await you here today. Make up your DOOK tuSuS list from the following and you are sure to please. Office Desks g Office Chairs For the Little Folks Den Furniture Desks Cribs Easy Rockers Go-Carts High Chairs Filing Cabinets Baby Tenders Toilet Chairs Smoking Stands Sraall Rockers Fancy Pillows Leather Pillows sleh Runners Midget Furniture For Women Desks Mirrors Rockers Portieres Tabourettes Sofa Pillows Work Baskets Fancy Baskets Music Cabinets Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Selection8 can bo mado now with so much moro comfort that wo urge you to shop early. H. J. VOLHOLM MonteH Store Phone 314-1 and E. State Streets ier, Vermont House Phone 314-2 Dollverlcs will bo mado at your roquost any tlmo up to Saturday night. Decomber 24th.