Newspaper Page Text
Almost daily new applications of both natu- • nil and artificial agents are discovered. Who. would have supposed, fen years ago, that a trail* rript ol the human countenance would be pencilled by the sunbeam-: ? Thus, in the progress of knowl edge. is the sphere of usefulness of till objects eon tinually enlarged. Sands's Sarsaparilla, one of the most valuable discover ies of a wonder-workings ngc. was at first supposed to be applicable exclu sively to external disease, such as soies, ulcere, eruptions, and especially scrofula. Experience, however, while it lias demonstrated more palpably its efficacy in this class of complaints, lias also proved that it is equally serviceable in many others, inch as inflammatory rheumatism, torpidity of the liver, general debilily, dyspepsia, and a variety ol jifferent ailments now known to originate in pecu liar states of the blood. For farther particulars and conclusive evidence jf its superior value and elficaey, sec pamphlets, which may he obtained of asrents gratis. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail 1>7 A. B. h D. Sands, Wholesale Druggists, 79 Fulton st.. New York. Sold also by CHARLES II. HEIM I’SII. Agent, Portsmouth, and M. A. Samos, Norfolk. Price S'I per bottle; G bottles for jj'o. ftJ*Th6 Rev. ED" ARD FOX, Pastor of St Ma ry’s Church, Wytheville, Va., takes (his method of returning his most sincere thanks to those liberal :itizent? of Norfolk and Portsmouth, for their repeat ed efforts to relieve the said Church from its late sinbarras.-nients. Aug. 29 M Y It ill ED, On Thursday the 21st instant, by the Rev. Thos. Hume. Mr. John F.dwaiid Jakvis to Miss Eliza, laughter of Mr. Jo.-iah Pleasant. _ SHIP* NEWS, PORT QF~NOR FOLK AND PORTsmoUThT Thursday, Aug. 2d. ARRIVED. Steamer Jewess, Sutto.i, fin Richmond. Sell! Virmadclla, Welsh, from Havre de Grace, :cal to J H. C. Itowlnn t. Steamer Cumberland, Colmay, fin Philadelphia, with draft of U. S. Seamen. Schr Hush, Lovett, fm Richmond, bnd to Charles Hrig VV. H. 'Palman, llall, from New York, to knight & Matthias, indzc to J 11. Jehnston. Schr Hilifax, Harrison, fm Fredericksburg, Hour lo J. 'Villa. GOUDA3i»S LOTTKKV OFFICE. SPLF.NDIl) SCHEMES. T/tia Diiii onlij ! SI 2,000, 20 P. izcd of 1000. 78 Numbers, I t Drawn Ballots. Consolidated Lottery, ('lass No. 102. Drawings received To-morrow Morniii"*. Capitals,—12,000, 10,000,4,00'), 2,445.20 of 1000, 200s, 100s 80s, 40-, 30s, 20s, 15s, &c. Tickets only .•4;5—Shares it. proportion. DR A WS Tills DAY ! SI0,000! 10 Prizes of S'1,000 ! 75 Numbers, I I Drawn Ballots. Alexandria lottery Extra Class No. 200, Drawing' received Monday Morning-. Capitals —10,000, 2,000, 1,250, 1.200. 1,036, 10 of 1000,200s, 150s, 100s, 75s, 25, 20r. &c. Tickets only :>$ 4—Shares in proportion. Tickets to he had at J NO D (JORDAN’S, Lottery and Exchange Office, Norfolk. Where tin* highest premium is paid for Gold, Silver, and Specie Checks. Au«*29 LAST DAY OF THE FEAST —In order to accommodate t he Gentlemen of Norfolk and Portsmouth, the Ladies superintending the Feast, will serve up at 11 o’clock, THIS DAY, some ol the finest Tor tie Soup, which lias been offered this sea son. They will also provide a Splcndi l dinner, to be on the table at 2 o’clock. The Evening will be culm ncri by a visit from the Portsmouth Guards, in lull dress, accompanied by their excellent Band. Professor Do Bonneville has kindly volunteered his services This Evening. At 10 o’clock, A SALE will commence, and all lirticl.-s rt maining- wi 1 bo sold. Aug29 RICHARD YOUNG Havihg opened a Store tor the sale G’-'j of Boots, Shoes, &c., in the Store for >VJ111 e.r*y occupied by Mr. George M. HLill ijain, {a prepared to sell BOOTS, tMk SHOES. HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS, &c., on as good, if not belter terms than they can be offered elsewhere in Portsmouth, Gosport or Norfolk. He has made arrangements to sell tin above mentioned articles, made by the best Manu fac.urers in the country, of the best mat-rials, and best Workmanship at strictly NEW YORK PRI CES. He is not in the habit of puffing, and it i> only necessary to state, that a call will convince every one that the above is no exaggeration, hut the AB SOLUTE TRUTH. Aug 29—2w CHEAP SHOES.—1 have now on hand 1 case of Seal Spring llecl Ties, Kid Lined ; goin off rapidly at 50 cents a pair. Call soon or you will miss a bargain. WM. B. PITCHER, Aug 29 Sign of the Big Boot. BLACKSMITH’S IUS1NESS.-I wish to take to ilie Blacksmith's Business, a good healthy Boy, fit teen or sixteen years of age. as an Apprentice. One with a tolerable education, would be preferred. A rood moral character must be borne by the applicant. WILLIA M ETHER EDGE, Aug29—31 <>n North street. HEAR “BOTH SI OKS.”- Reasons why I am a Churchman, and Reasons why I am not a Churchman—just published, price 12, cents each. A LSO, The Churchman's Reasons for his faith and prac tice, The Modern British Essayists, viz: Marauley, Allison, Wilson and others, in uniform volumes, and at n very low price, The Family Monitor or Domestic Guide, by Mrs. Ellisa, beautifully hound in Muslin, Lord Brougham’s lives of men of letters. Just received by HODGES & CO. Aug 29 1MI E DATUM <i “i LV A NIC KINGS, & MAGNETIC FLUID.—This remarkable dis coverv has received the universal approbation of the Mcdiral Profession of Great Britain, and has been sufficiently long before the American public to give a fair trial of its power and efficacy. The i PATENT GALVANIC RINGS have been found to' answer all the purposes for which ordinaty Galvan ic Battery or Electric and .Magnetic Machine, nlr used, but are without any of the injurious smocks which accompany the applications by those in tro, reents. and in many otte r respects are more, sake and cbrtain in accomplishing the desired object. The Galvanic Rings h ive been used with perfect success in all cases oi Rheumatism, acute or citron- i ic, applying to the bead, fare or limbs ; Gout, l ie. ! Doloreux. Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous i or Sick Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy, Fit-', Cramp, Palpitation of tbs Heart’ Apoplexy, Stiffnessof Joints, Lumbago. Neuralgia, i General Debility. Deficiency of Nervous Energy and all Nervous Disorders. In cases of confirmed I Dyspepsia they have been successful. Their extra- j ordinary i fleets upon the system must ho witnessed j to bo believed; and as a certain prfvfntive for 1 the above complaints they are equally to he reconi- j mended. The Galvanic Rings .are in every way perfectly harmless, and are sold at prices to he ; within the reach of all. Cristic’s MagskTic Fluid | is used in connection w ith the Rings, to render I their efficient action certain. And to direct the Gal- j vanic Influence to the particular potliotis which arc | affected. For numerous certificates of the highest charac- j ter regarding the efficacy of the ( ilvanic Rings i and Magnetic Fluid, reference is nadc to former! advertisements, or they rnnv he seen at the office. 1 Only Agenc y in New-York, 134 Fulton street, (Son j Built ing.) To guard against fraud, Dr. Cristif. appoint *>ut one A reney in each of the Cit'es of the Enited I H'ates. The only Agency for the City of Norfolk is M. A. SANTOS, for Portsmouth, Va., CHAS. H j HEINITSH, Agent. Pitas* call and gel a pamphlet gratis Aug 29 TUB NEW YORK CONTRIBUTION I. SHIP HKH INSURANCE COMPANY.- N G7. Wall street. New York. Capital $30.000.— Insoies. Building-tin c tu ral. Merchandise, House* liol<i I oi nituic, Ships and their cargoes, (in port only) Ships or Vessels being built, or repaired, and every description of Personal Property. . I bis Company will pay all i(s losses by t!>e late Inc in New York, and still have an ample capital to allord security to all its customers. 1 .he subscriber is prepared to issue Policies direct at the lowest rates of premium in Portsmouth. Nor lolk and tin* surrounding Country. Please give me a call before insuring elsewhere. Applications by letter, (p >st-paid,) eivingade scnption ol property, &c., &c.. promptly attended to by GEORG E M. It A IN. Portsmouth, Aug 27 Agent. Delinquent lands, i have recorded the Delinquent l.atol tor Norfolk County. A sale of which I,rods w ill take place it October Court next, before the Court House in Portsmouth. All persons interested can call at the Clerk’s Ollier, tin.I examine the .same. Lists can he found at Deop Creek, the (treat Bridge and at the Court House door in a few days. JOHN It. h'll.BY. Deputy Sheriff, Norfolk County. An cr 23—2 aw I m MORE NEW GOODS. The last arrivals from the North brought us a further supply of F ALT, coons. W e shall also continue to re c ive, in all this and the next month, an entire Stock to which we respect folly invite the attention of buyers, both wholesale amt retail. Aug 23 IOHN COCKE & CO. TTUm PICKLING!! A supply of the follow ing Fresh Spices, suitable for Picklin r, viz: Mace—White Ginger -Allspice, White Mustard Seed—Tumeric, Black do do—Black Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Garlic, Long Pepper, &c Sic.. Ju.-t received and for sale at the Aug23 MEDICAL EMPORIUM, High at. PI2KCIMMO.V WOOD W A NTED 15 or 20 Cord good PERCIMMON WOOD, either in logs or blocks, for which a fair cash price will he given. Apply to CM AS. II. H KIN ITS II. Drug Store, High st., 4th door below Middle. A ug 28 ALA KG E assortment of Chess-men just open ed. Also, Dominoes of different sizes, Passage Lamps at only S'1 60 each, and at S3, S I. $‘5 and $6, Cut Glass Tumblers at uncommon low prices, French Porcelain Tea Si lts, consisting of 104 pieces, also to ho sold low, French Letter Paper, French Note do Envelopes, Writing Cards, all sizes. Mahogany Writing Desks, some inlaid with Brass and some plain, Portable Writing Desks ot Russian Leather, re ceiving and for sale by Aug 28 C. HALL & CO. / \ U A IJK.A.'I I s ir mi till* best Loudon inakcr.'i a t various pi id-3. Also S.iy Glosses, Gunter's S< ales, Rowditelios’ Navigators, Coast Pilot. A large assort men t of the most approved and latest Charts, just received and for sale at low prices, by An r C. HALL & CO. PURE SULPHATE QUININE.- 100nun CO? PURR SULPH \TE QUININE The last quotation? from the North, particularly the price currents from the Mamifactuier.s sal Chemists, shows that Quinine in rt/jiit/h/ ailvunring. A!I those wishing to purchase will do well to ca’l soon, as \vc will still,sell at the old prices Wo are ready to furnish 80 or 100 ounces without delay. C!lAS II. IIEINITSH.Ai.ent. Aug 26 High st., 4th door below Middle. Ij'IN % I. NOTICE.—The Notes and Account? <>f Doctor Win. Collins not paid previous to | the lf> h of September next will he collected by pro ■ cess of Law. S. WHEELER, Attorney. ]' ANGIIOUNE At S >N’S EXT It A TO -J It ACt'O.—Just received another lot of that fine, TOBACCO, which cost &-35 in the leaf, tor sale at factory prices by Aug 26 WILLS & CO. M OUNTAIN FLOUR.-60 bids Kxtr: perfine just received and for sale by All.!? 26 a Su WILLS & CO. FOR SALE. The Subscriber being about to remove IT n from Virginia, '■IF*rs for sale, those two Two .1 s tory FRA 'IK DWELLINGS, situated n oa r 'he intersection of North and Court street, and al so a Marsh Lot adjoining said Dwellings. For terms, which will be found remarkably lo v, apply lo JNO. N. BAIRU. Aug 25—2m Attention sportsmen win find a complete supply of POWDER & SHOT, assorted size.. Also Remission Caps and Flints, 5 Icegs of F, FF, & FFF Powder, 100 bags Shot from Is to 103. ALSO, 10 bids New Family Flour. 10 noxes Family Soap, 10 bills Lard and Sperm Oil, 10 boxes Tallow, Wax and Sperm Candles, which will be sold low to suit the times. T BROOKS. Jr. Aug 25 West side the Market. FOR. RENT. The Subscriber will rent that large. airy IL.f and commodious Three Slory HOUSE, on .County street in which she now resides, to a pood tenant. Possession given iinmo'Mat.ely. Aur 23 VR ANCES GOOVVIN. New goods. ~.k>iin cocked <•«»., ,, receiving ilicir FALL GOODS. this morniup brought them a handsome assortment of White Cambrics .1 nckoncts, Hook Muslins, Swiss do., Cap and Cape Laces Satiinetts, Sic., to which they invite the attention of purchasers. Aug 23 NEW GOODS.—I have just received a new lot of Gentlemen’s, Ladies’ and Misses Shoes of , all descriptions. Also a splendid lot of Umbrellas ; and Walkin'!- Canes, cheaper than the other lot.; Trunks of nil descriptions. Sole Leather, Linings and Bindings, Calf Skins, Huff Leather, Split Skins, Horse Leather, Waxed Leather, Morocco Skins, j Pegs, Awls, Hammers, Shoe Knives, Thread of nil numbers. Gentlemen’s F ine Channel Hoots, Fine Peg Boots, Bootees of all kinds. Navy Ties, all do. ecriptions. The people of Portsmouth and the sur rounding country will do well by calling and ex aminin'?- my stock, and prices, before purchasing elsewhere, and I will assure them that they can get better bargains at my Store than nnv other in the town WM. B. PITCHER. West side Crawford st., Sign of the Big Hoot. Aug 23 .NUStjUIMI A NN V H STO> E. NAVY AGENT'S OFFICE, } Norfolk. August 7lh, 1845. $ SEALED Proposals, in Duplicate will be received until 12 o’clock, on the oth day of September next, for the delivery at the Navy Yard of the All owing description of Susquehannah Flag and Building St me, for b'/ilding S ip \i IS Thirty- five hundred superficial feci of T ax Suxrjue hannah Stour in any convenient length, not less than 3 feet, and (.» square not less than 2J feet wide, from IU to 12 inches thick arid free from veins—and ■Vinefren hundred and forty five perches of best Sits qurhanneth Building Stone of large size, for ttie erection of thick walls—to have flat surfaces—and on wide irregular chunks will he received Offers will he received for these two parcels to gether, ,auH most state the price per font, and perch lor each, nr.d bo calculat' d for the total amount of < ach parrel, and expressed at font in words at rv.V'. , ,he to,al amount of both hill?. ' most he commenced immediafeht after ’• r* derided, no that the work mail be begun whntf'HJr" °n stoppage nr detail, anil the first duy'ofWZbJr bneg7nde COmpMe °'1 °r l*f°re lhr cent "ret-nn!.,/” : Uri,y rrfl"'red, an>1 |0 peT Richmond i lour fine receiving, for Bale by Aug 2 7 100 hbls New Super WILLS It CO. R*•' AT ntPROV KMRxTI—COLORF.D " T l>AO P KIJKKOT YPK PORTRAITS.- .1. H. ^ ^L 1 LULLS I li.ts the pleasure to announce to tlo- Ladies iukI Gentlemen of Norfolk ami Ports mouth, that lu* has auaiu returned au<l i-% picpdie I to servo all who may favor him with their patron Pictures t:i Icon in the most beautiful and por l-ei style of the Art, put up in elegant Cases, at a very moderate coat, equally well in clear, cloudy, ami even iu stormv weather, an l warranted not to liide or tub ofi. I he public generally are invited to call and examine Ilia specimens. whether they -it or not. It- is assure I, Irmn the liberal patron atre which he has received, in Loth Northern and Southern Cities, that lie will be aide to give entire satisfaction. See Rooms Corner of Main and T il hert sts, over E Dorney's Dry < mods Stor, , Norfolk, lor a short time.only. Also 170', ."Main -treot, oppo site the Ranks, in Richmond. Am* 2D—if. \ CIIANCK FOR A GUNSMITH.-The \ Subscriber being desirous ..f moving to th U'est will sell his STOCK AM) TOOLS to a Onn smith very cheap, for ca ll, a person that in indus trious and attentive to business ran m ,ho money ; the terms can he known by calling oti tin* jsubscri her or by letter post pn d. All persons having work at his Shop are requested to . all for it by the first of Septi inher, ns, should I sell, out I shall start about that time, and also persons indebted him will please call and settle, as it is not his wish to place them in the hands of an officer. Aug9.0 J. A. SPALDING. FOR RENT, A comfortable DWELLING, with conve nient premises, si.uated on County, near -•Lll-1" ashing-ton st. The Premises ami House have just I teen placed in thorough and complete re pair; and to a careful, punctual tenant the terms will be moderate. Af.SO. F'r hire for th- Ivilcneeof the year, an active, likely Mulatto ROY, about 15 years of aye. He ean coin- well recommended as a house servant or for general qualifications. Aug 23—lw JOHN R. DAVIS. T^RESII SPICES FOR PICKLING.— We m. keep constantly on h ind a lull and fresh suit ply ot all kinds of SPICES, such as Mace. Nutmegs, M bite amt 111 ick Mustard Seeds, Allepi e, Sur-et Oil, Long Rlack and Red Pepper, " bile and Rrnwn Ginger, Cinnamon, (iarlic, Cloves, Tumeric, &o. For sale at the Drug'Store. High street, 4 Doors below Middle. CliAS. II. IIE1NITSII, Aug 23 Agei.t. TK SULPHUR WA'IT.U.-Just r.» (■•■ivcl per Steamer .1 nveas ;i fresh Bupnlv of " IIITE SULPHUR W\TEIt. ami formal.- i!, |,,|| li.irrHa and bottle*, per ilozm or single, at the Druor Slure, High street, till door from Middle. Aujr 23 CH AS. II. HKINITSH. Agent. I1 XCI1A .N GK \V A NT H»> 'The highest p,m I! J inmin will »>*■ paid tor Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, at JNO. I). GORDAN'S, Au j22 Lottery and Exchange Otlire, Norfolk. W ' IOT,—1300 Hairs SHOT, well assorted , for sale L ' at factory prices, bv An rust l * j. WILLS. NOTIOE.—All persons in debt to the late firm ot Wills & Haynes, will make immediate set tlenient ns the afftirs of the concern must bis dosed. Payment cm he m ole to .1 si.di Wills, William B. Haynes, or to the Subscribers Aug 22 WILLS & CO. 'TO LOVERS OF GOOD 1IUTTHR.—You *- will always Had the very best BUTTER that the Baltimore Markets can produce by ratlins’1 at Tbe Red Sign.” T. BROOKS, Jr. Anar 22 PICKLING.—A voiy supeiior article of \ INKGAU, which is seldom from I can lie had at T. BROOKS, Jr. Auer 22 (R)I’K KC, —3rt lisjrj ol Ligaira and St. Domin J go tJOFt EE, from lij to 12?. rents per lb. Aug 22 T. BROOKS, Jr. Herrings.- so.....and Nett, for sale low by T. BROOKS, Jr. Aug 22 IOA K SUGAR.— \n excellent quality of Loaf J and Crushed SUGAR, f>r 12\ cents, for pre si r\ ing. T. BROOKS, Jr. , Aug 22 XV<a' side the Market. SA LC. 600 sat ka Livci p ioI Blown Salt, in and for sale by J. WILLS. Aug 21 ^'Lt. AH LEAF TOBACCO. 5 hhda Se Leal Tobacco, for sale by Aoff 21 .1. WILLS. ]\/J O!.ASSES.—75 hluls P. lr I- e>, for sale by Aug 21 It. and E. I Moluas J. WILLS. HI'.RI'.. Ill Y ARM!—Tlit; Subscriber has on h.uni, and is constantly receiving a h, Hid frcsli assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, which are sold so cheap that they ••astonish the natives among his assortment may be found the following articles which are warranted fresh and Small’s celebrated Family Flour, (new) Font’s Extra Superfine do do Richmond do do do (new and old) New Orleans and For to Rico Sugars, Woolsey’s Superior Crushed and Loaf Sugars, Lauguyra, Rio and St. Domingo df.,., ° Gunpowder, Impen d and Young Hyson Tea Sperm and Patent Mould Candles, Stiekney & Nov’s Cut Nails, (assorted) “ Old Virginia” Cider Vinegar, (2 years old) L. B. and O. A. Salt, Also, A large and good assortment of LIQUORS, Soap, Goshen Cheese, Brooms, Ground and Grain I epper. Nutmegs, Allspice, Mustard, Matches, •Starch, Blacking, &r. &c. II you want good and cheap articles in the Gro cery line all you have to do is to call on GEORG \V. GRICE. At Binford’s “ Old Stand.” * * East side the Market. * Fresh Butter received tri-xoecklv. A u <r 20 J TUUST SALE OF REAL AM) ... KSTA'rH.- Pursuant to a Deed of rriiat, executed by John II Hope ami Eliza A. his wile, dated on the 12th diyof July, in the year 1M5. and of recoid in the Clerk’s Otlire of Norfolk County Court, lor the purposes mentioned in the said D< Id, Will »H sold ill public auction for cash, before the Court House of Norfolk County, on MONDAY, the lath day of September next, at 1 o’clock, the following Real and Personal Estate, to wit : One I r iel of Land on Mount Pleasant, contain ir*£T one hundred iinil forty acres, more or less*. a*l ji.ining the lands of Jesse D. Sikes and Thos. Mur Due Tract of Land „n the. Elbow Rond in the Pa rH,'”f s< Brides, adjoining the land ..f Stephen B. F item, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less. An undivided two-thirds of n Tract of Land on the Mount Pleasant Rond in St. Brides parish, ad joining the lands of Nchrmiah Foreman anil otii ( rs, r ontaiuing two hundred and twelve acres, more I or less. And an undivided three-fourths of the Tract of, Land or, the Elbow Road in St. Brides Paris'), ad : joining the Ian Is of the heirs of Charles Ktberi'd deceased, containing two hundred acres, morc or : less. l ire three lad mentioned Tracts of Land are sold j subject to the dower estate of Ann, the wile of Leon ard C. Adams. Also, Negro Man, Harry Painter, ami the revi-r sionarv interest of the said Hope and wife in Nr orors Bill and Sam, now in the possession of Leona rd C. Adams in right of his wile Ann. who is entitled to an estate for her life in said Negroes. The title to the a!>ove properly is believed to he unquestionable, but selling as Trustees we sb.ili convey such title only as is rested in US l.y the said Deed. JOHN A. CHANDLER > SAMUEL M. WILSON, S Truslcc* Aug 26—3taw»s •« C'ARD.—P. i A. P. HOW, Etij?inrere, Iron and / linns Pounders, Bii'.'js’ Point, Norfolk. Are H'jw* prepnred lo contract for cxccotin:?aiiv kind oj S*'J\'M f:NGINl,;s. AtHilCULTUItAL I.MPLE .MKN IS, and Machinery in areneril. Orders let! at (' & (l. Iteid’a, No. ”, Wwlmi’i Wharf, or .\|i . .1,,!,,, \ h, C ■ ir ol H ■•h and Crawford street, Portsmouth, will he promptly a1 - tenriod to. M .v | > tVrILLI A ■'I H’OODW V It!), Notary Pub '» lie and Scrivener, General Agani, Couvey* ancer, ittd Collector. will at ten I to all htt dues.* en trusted t > his rare with promptness and despatch. 90* Oliice on Wide Water Street, head of Roa noke Square. Jnlv 8 PRIVATE BO A R DING-HOUSE, t . W. IjA N K, on Mi bile, between North and (Jl >s elow St-eets, Poet-mouth, Va. N*. 15, Triitisirnt Boardi n taken by the week nr month. SA\ HEELER, Attorney and Counsellor at • Law. Port-iiimtith, Va. Gfv- Dili o on Crawtord street, Two Doors below the Crawford House, where lie will be pleased to see all persons having' business in the line of Ids profession. Am? *20 \nnni\|.\ LITER.\ RV, SCIENTIFIC > AND MILITARY ACADEMY.—The I'..Jl S.-^sion of this Institution will commence mi MON D \ A . (be Mtli of September next, under the direc tion ot trie present rihlr rr>id surrc'txfu! Professors, M >jor S. \\ UERLEit and Mi. N. II. WcnsTni;. Terms, Course of Instruction, &c.. ,tcc . same as heretofo e. JOHN VP>D(ES, .Inly 3 ) President of Board of Trustee*. NOTICE.— A PETITION will l>e presented to the ne'xt Legislature of Virginia, praying for the pa'.saye of an Act to Ineorporate the town of Portsmouth ; conferring upon her municipal rights an I privileges. All persons interested will take due notice. a us? ‘20—tf. NEW BOOKS receive : an for sale by C. HALL ft CO. The Travels of M.rco Polo, bein'? the 173d No. of the Family Libtnry, ^Essays hy John Ambererombie, !M. D. F. I*. 8. E., f-om the Pith Edinburg editi<»n , I lie duty ot American Women to their country No. 16.»f the Wanderin'? Jew, The Parsonage ol Mora, No. 33, 31. 33, of Harper’s Illuminated and New Pictorial Bible, ‘25 ets. No 61 and 61 Harper’s Illuminated and Illustra ted Shakespeare, ‘25 ets. C. HALL CO. A lie’ ‘21 ( n V;—.VI hbls Imitation Holland (Jin, just re T reived, for sale by Aug- -21 j. WILLS. 0 l-I) RVK WII1SKEV.-60 bhls Old Kv. " hiskoy, for sale, on I'o'iai^mncni, and can b< Id low. ( \hit 21) .1. WILLS. B VQ1NG VI (’nils Hop Ail? 1-2 AND R()I*J'}.—51) pieces Kentucky for sale low by wills & ro. I TRIES! I RUTTER week from Baltimore Au>r 7 received three times anil for Stic hv L. K. THOMAS, Wcat side Market Square. rj^AWILl PLOU Jl. — A superior article by the barrel or retail—just send run) jret some to try, from _ L. K. THOMAS’S, An? 7 West Side Market Square. |>L\< !v It and for Amr 7 A (JUA POWDER 'I’ 10 V received sale by __ L. K THOMAS, West side M irket Square. NOTICE. ft rca-irn All Fret erht for Jnjuta River steam %aT’’!i«E3KP''A *•»tentL:«l to he landed on the river, J™**®**~*—innst be oaid before it will be taken on board the boats, or it will not <?'». DICKSON & 1\I VLLOH V, .Inly 31 Agent*, .Junes Kiver Steamers. 'THE REV. JAIMES STRVTTOV. will s resume the Exercises of bin School in Hurt., month, mi MONT) ' Y, the -22 I of S-ptember. The course of instruction will he thorough and exlen -ive, embracing all the branches of a finished Fe male Education. Terms: \*>'£}***’ * * * $> 18 per session. 2 1 ( lass, - . . |(i 3d Class, ... f.} Mr. S. would take this opportunity of sayini? that if anv ol the pupils are desirous of attending to MUSIC, lie has made nrranirementa hv which they can be competently tausrht. at (JS per quarter, cither on tbe PIANO or the GUITAR Portsmouth, August 19—3tawt22 IScp. Boarding and dvy school. Nor f *1 If. Va., under the Supcrintcndancc of Mn. IS. CROCKER. Mrs. C takes this method to inform the citizens | nf Norfolk an I virinity, that she lias taken tile ; large and airy Room in the Dwelling House oceu pied l»y Mrs. Kerry, on OumherlanrLstreei, fOI the 1 purpose of establishing a Seminary for Youti** La* I dies and Misses. 'I'liis Institut’on will be opened for the reeeptiou of Pupils on I tie Kbit of September. Its design is I to impart a thorough practical and finished F.dura ! tion. Advantages’will be offered for acquiring an i extensive an I thorough acquaintance with' the English Language, Latin. French and Spanish.— Al-o. Mu ic, Drawing and Painting, and various styles of Embroidery. Mrs. C. will be assisted by TV sellers of the first talent. Pm ticnlar attention will bo pair! to the morals and manners of the Pupils placed nndcr Mrs. C’s. I ‘"ire, and it will he her aim to bring the, social nf feet ions into ex'-rcisc, to train the pupil to correct habits of thought and action and to make the ac quisition of knowledge a pleasant occupation. Mrs C. will continue giving Lessons jn Prtunan I ship at the School Room from li ilf-past four to half I past five o’clock. Terms of Tuition made known I at her School Room. Those who may wish to take Lessons in Penman | shin or enter as Day Schollars will please h ave their names with Mrs. Kerry, at (tie School Room, j Mrs. C. takes pleasure in stating that she is kind* I ly permitted to make the f dlowing references. | W. W. Seaton, Esq., M:tvor of Washington, 1). 1 C.; Rev o. K. Drawn ; Rev George \V. Sams m • Fb v. S. Sproln; Rev. S. B. Willis, Catskill, N. V. \ I Rev. Septimus Tustoo, Chaplain ol the Senate ; ! Rev. A. A. Muller ; B. F Ilallett, F,sq.. Bos'on ; .1. ; A. l nderwood,Esq . N. Y .lulv 29 MU9QUITO N ET I I NG 8 i an ; 6 l m.m qnito Bars for sale cheat* bv v ? I* John COCKE & CO, FI EDUCING s rOCK~ Wt - cllin \ dured prices our remaining Stock of SUM MLR GOODS to make room for tile Fall supply f_ I Come and get the Bargains Aug la JOHN COCKE ft CO. FOR RENT, A A comfortable DWELLING ffOI'SE in jt: . | 'he most healthy p ut of the town terms so Jt~J-i>w it will be sufficient inducement to make anv person rent wh » wishes to get a good residence. Also one up town will he rented very low. Aug 12 STEPHEN JAMES. NfOTICE. The Lit J Stables ftirn «rlv by James Alexander, at the Washington’ || >t. (, arc no a in good order. Persons wishing to have Horses fed by the day or month ran do so by ( ail ing at the Stables or on tlv Subscriber Persons living in (he country having business in Norfolk "'ill find it convenient to - top at these Stables, they being immediately at the. ferry wharf. Aug 12 STEPHEN JAMES. I IORSRS and good comfortable CARRIAGES I l can he had at the shortest notice. Young per sons wishing to visit the II df-Way House on very f urgent business can be accommodated with a good | • am igo and a pair of Horses that they may reel ■ well assured can’t he overtaken. i f »a __STEPHEN JAMES. t \ Ir I N £ S ! \X I N i:s ! j U r N F.s |!! Ihavr just * t replenished my block of the very best WINES of all kind*. Persons can test them by calling and tasting lightly at STEPHEN JAMES’S Aug 12 - ^ P»Ii: VP A.\D FASilloXAULE HATS vy AND C.xPS—'ihc object naw-a ibyd it, with every person, to get (lie best article at the lowest price. It is only necessary for a person to cull ut hi:ll.\n t XND FASHION \BLE II XT STOKE, to. satisfy themselves of the ftet, that he cannot ho limb-1 - old at any other e-tahli-hment in this place. e >* V 'll and examine hts a..sortment of Pine Bea vet , t' ,-siin< re. Brush and Moh-skin Huts and Caps ol all pain rin and (prilllies. CO* N A \ X ( ot KLD IIA rs, and every descrip tion of Hats made to older, by It KELL, Sign of the Panther, May 14 High, near Crawford sired. .1IAVELUV, JI’.WI'jLIlY. The Subscriber would res spertf ully t all the ntt< ntion of t!ie public toa new and beauti ful a< ortnunt of WATCHES AND JEWELRY, consisting in part of M .1. Tobias’ Gold Levers warranted genuine, (• old and Silver Anchor Le . vers. Gold and Silver Lepines, (.tie! and Silver Verge W ATCHES*-- • large , ne-nt of Geld Pinge- Rings, Gold mil Silver Sneela rle.s, with nerifot ieal and plain glasses, Goitl Guard, Fob, auil I’rst Chain*, heautilnl articles. Gold and Silver Guard K-vs md Studs, fluid Lucket i, Ladies anti Gentlemen’s Gold Breast Pins, and a lot of Rodgers’ superior Pen ami Pocket Knives, with mm y other articles too numerous to he cn timer a ted, all ot vvhieli I will sell as low ns can be obtained at any establishment in the City. All kinds of Clocks and Watches repaired and warranted, as usual. Old G„dd ami Silver bought or taken in exchange. CHARLES XV. IIEYDON. July 1- High Street, Portsmouth. x \ 'Jvw ’ - -.y ' ii* Mnv A FASHION AI’.LE GOODS.— 1 have just returned witlia new atnl splen did assortment of Gobi, Silver Lepino, Lever, and Verge XX ntrh-'s. Gold Guards,a large lot ol Pins, an unusual large stork. Gobi Fob and Vest Chains, Gold Lockets, Modal lion an I Miniature Cises, Gobi, Silver, and Steel SpreUeles, Gold and Silver Thimbles and Shields, Gold Guard Keys, Co’d Studs and Sleeve Bnttoin, Coral and Clasps, Finger Rings of every van 'ty* Tablp, D.rt nnd Tea threaded Silver Forks, Ta ble, Dessert and "Pea thread Spoons, (d iin Silver Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Salt and Mustard Spoons, I . idles, Butter Knives, Cream La lies. Sugar La die-. Silver Tea sets of superior *‘y!e. ConxlH, Tooth and Hair Brushes. Silk and oile r variety of Reti cules, ;• large lot of Fanov Goods, <»- t 1 arge supnlyof Fancy Fans from 12\cts. to SO each, L idii-s, call and s c them. {£3»LlocIts and A\ atehes repaired an I warranted as usual. Old Gold and Silver bought and taken in exchange. July7 j. M FREEMAN, Norfolk. 'VI LLIA HI RKID, HAT AND C XP M \ \ (JFAC PURER. fr~5® kir",!l °r HATS and CAPS made to M order and at the shortest possible notice, »«‘l at !»s cheap prices, as the same ar 11eIe in New York. Norfolk, June 7. <* IO.\Tl,HJI E\ . ATTENTION! 1 SOMF.THINO Ni:W UNDBIt TUB SUN.”—Gentlemen, please en 11 at my * ore fui'l examine, a new article of MAI’S, with •* (Hass and Welting,” ill.Sl PMt 111) Dll .. ........ ' r > u it not well describe them in an ad vertisement, am! no adequate idea of their convetii < nee and utility ran he ita<l without an examina tion. C II at once. •J"n<* lf> R. BELL. Ilitrh street. \ AVY CARS AM) C \ 1* COV ERS.—Just received a supply ofSplendid N.WV CAPS, anil COVERS, which will >c sold very low,—Call und examine. K BBLL. April 14 Stnrtt of the Panther, Ilitrh suect. fitO c A MPI1Ii\'K,—Two more Barrels Superior AMPHIJJE, jiiil received and lor sale at the ' "'y *- Medical Emporium, High st. u y 1_M!\ I K.—50 <>l Sulphate de QnininOi J11"' received at the MEDICAL EMPORIUM High street. TT’EEP it before thb PEOPLE I The Subscriber informs the public that ho continues the C \B1NET M \KING BUSINESS on the Corner 01 Ilipfh and Middle streets, where ho v. :!l he happy t.» receive orders, and execute them tn a style not to he aurpassed, as tuny be demon strated to the satisfaction of those who will do him itie favor to call and examine his work. He ha* some of the most fashion :Mo specimens of , CABINET WORK. .«r5°,ot of Curled Maple, Rush and Wind sor CHAIRS. Beinsr an experienced mechanic he respectfully appeals to the feel in era of a g-m-rous public to ex tend to him a portion of its patronage*. Old Fur turc taken in exchange for New. ^ . . E. •>- HWNBS. >. f- Ml persons indented to in** are respectfully 'nvited to call and settle th. ir hills. E. D. H. npHE CHALMERS OF SWITZERLAND. VI J- ml Christianity ; or Essays and Discourses on t he religions of man and the religion of Cod. bv A. Vinci, l> I)., Professor of Theology in Lausan ne, bwilz-i-land. “Wespeik advisedly when we -ay tin ,s ill- production of one of the finest minds ol the acre. - Christian Spectator. “Dr. Vinet is decidedly the ablest Christian Phi *I250r,n Kl,r°lt'”“R‘'v- P* I>. I)., price ^ CR(’DEN’S CONCORDANCE. abridged and re arranged nt die verv low price of fk 1.25. The publishers aie doing a great service to the America.! Ministry and the Church hv the issue of ' . . ."'V.'luahle work a* a price which brums it. willen the reach of all " -The Reflector. " * l”.' 1 opienl Question Book, on subjects connect d with the plan of salvation-just published and ••'ti 'dered v.-rv valuable. Also ||tr Historical Ques lion Book for Sabbath Schools and funilv instruc tion. I’lif above just received by Any •» W. n. ll HOPPES fc f*o. \rKW jnd receiv 'd and for sale bv L\, , . 'V H. II. IIODGE* * cd. Abercrombie fl Misrell.-neoii-! Essays 'I hr dmv of American Women to (heir Country, la. rravclsof M.rco Polo, gr ally amended and :ilarged from valuable < irlv manuscripts recently mhli bed by .be t rench Society of Geography7 nd m Italy by ( mint B Boni, ° P "* No. 16 Wandering Jew, No 35 Pictorial Bible. Aim* IP V-OTIC E. By virtue of f», ,-rre of tl.e < Wt * 1 b mcery, for Norfolk County I =d>.all „~n “""Aft.-.nt. „■ lift I.Via.-f"" tie « onrt House t).V)r Hie town of Portsmouth likely NEGRO HOY, John, IS or 19 years old he* ongmg to the estate of J.m. William*. Terms ,o . . Is- J- FLEMING, A 'u fj|5 Administrator. f receivc/l a few kegs of OLADE-S BUT* L ILK, for sale, very good and cheap. . 1n STEPHEN JAMES. A”*12 ,jdc Market Squi;#