Newspaper Page Text
j>u. DYO rrs AXTI-R1MOUS i’lU' J \,i fa inly medicine, a :u l l ml :;L-nt purgative and a purifier of the bl-jod. The gor ( «;■ ii i < ■ >i «■» eelearuted Pills throughout tl United States, for these forty years past", and tl slron ;g re,mm n ‘u I•»• ions they have acquired fro. ] oil Cl >. n ■ ■ of our fellow citizens, places them in much :u >re elevated situation in public estiumtiot tit-in viv ot'.isr remedy which has heretofore ho*1 intro lured. Tii-? following ire a mong the iintiv diseases '< whi i l)r. l)y-»tt’‘- ••lebr i: .d Pills are so d-'serve.' ly distin r ii »’i•• i f >r ori'ig. Sty their counteract in r prop rti •* m tern iving the hil j from the Aon. a-'h 't i ■;/ pr. vent m I euro the biliou- fever ; chi1 or vi I fever; spring an I fill !•■ vers ; yolliv fever; bilious d> die; pleurisy; dysentery; v.oim. bilious vomiting , si de m l foul stomach. By cl *aniu r nie bowels an I -tom ich from all itn purities, th ;y re t ire the In .sofappotile,remain tlv uloiey, cure the Ivaluehe, habitual eosiivenes e-ilds, coughs. asthni t. m 'Untie. tits, hyp n. hondria hysterieal complaints, sir.insgu.iry, gravel, &c. i$V .1 g uicraI an l copious use they will he foun very heuefictal ;u curing the rheum itisui an l gnu* lu ti'i:\go or pains in the bade. All impurities i the bio i 1 yield to their hapny eTects, whether ore ce : iuig from constitutional ailment or from indis erect intemperance. These celebrated pills have been used to vrn great advantage in omiiig the dysp psia or indi gestion, broil hit is, liver complain*, See. They art; an inf .11 ihie medicine for Female Com plaints g merally, and espeeially for removing thos obstructions which are the source of their ailment at certain pet iikls, ihcy possess the eminent advan tages over most other por-r itives, that while they operate gently, they produce neither costiveness, debility, or too great excitement Wli -ncv *r there is i oredisoosition to receive dis ease from marsh effluvia, or f-'oni a too copious use of ardent spirits or from a vitiated stnto of the bile, these pills will assuredly counteract it. Thev are highly recommended to travellers, by sea or land, and may be made use of with safety without change of diet and in situations where no exercise can he used. They will ho found particu larly valu ihle for preventing dis • i m incidental to | hot climates, they deterge and cleanse vicid hu- ! mors, open obstructions, and promote tIn; secretion j of go i ' bile, operate as an e isy oath irtic as a pnw- j e-ful diuretic, and as a diaphoretic. Dr. Dr ift, under the strong conviction of thfi power of his pills, to reli ve the atllicted, recoin- ! mends the u*o of them to those who arc in health j ai well ns the afflicted, st hast once a fortnight,! during the Spring and Smnin ;r months, in which I lie te ds assured those who attend to his advice will ; find the benefit they seek. A bill of lirroti o-is aecompanies each box of Pills. Take notice—each Box is sealed with red wax, ! rK'ii v; I with the nrooriunr’s nf arms, nnd signed T. W. DVOTT, M. D , and T. W. DVOTT, Jr. F v sale bv the sole proprietor, at the Fountain Hvvl. Vo. *17 Vo th Second street, above Race, E>st sid *, an l hv the in >st respeetahle Driirgisv an 1 country Merchants throughout tlie United States. Special Depot, at the Store of Alexandc- Duvall &■. C >., Vo. 147 Main street. Richmond. Also, for sale hv II. HE! VI I'SH, Agent Ports mouth, M. \. Sintos, K ng St Tov, 11. Emerson, Robertson & Cnrnick, IV. II. Broughton, Norfolk, an I bv Drugggists generally throughout tin* Uni ted States. Juno 7. I 4 I*PROVED l>ATE\T MEDICI.VES. I have on hand a lirtrc stuck of the most pop ular and approved PATENT MEDICINES, which 1 will warrant fresh an I "ennine. The following list contains a portion of inv stock. For Coughs, Cilils, <5‘C. Buchan’s Hungarian It 'Umt, BrinclcerhofPs i Health llvstorative, l>t. Wi star's Balsam of Wild Cherry, l)r. Jayne’s Expectorant, Boas-’a (Jure* houn I Cindy, Dr. Swaync’s Syrup of Wild Cher ry, Housem in's German Cough Drops, &c. For Imo'tiHies of the Wood. Sands’ Extract Sar* ip trilla. Swaim’s Panacea, Bull’s Extract of Sarsaparilla, Richardson’s Ameri can Panacea, Dand dim an 1 To'nato Panacea, &r. For Bilious Discuses. Dr. Dyott’a Anti Bilious Pill-t. Peter’s do..’s do., Wri.rht’s Indian V•*tr ‘tattle d >., -Sugar Coated do., Moffat's do., and Brandrcth’s do. For Fever mul Ague. R iv an I’.s Tin 'roved Tonic Mixture, Nash's Ton ic, Hull’s \ r'p' Pills, .Moffat’s Phcenix Pittcrs, Sap pingion’s PUD, &c. For IForms. Fahnc3tock’s Vermifuge. Hull’s and Sherman’s Worm Lozenges. Jayne’s Tonic Vermifuge, Swaiin’s Vermifuge, Worm Ti'.a. &c. For Diurrhtt't ami Summer Complaint Barnard’s Di irrhcea Remedy, Jayne’s Carmina tive Balsam, &c. For Dt/spepsia, Sfc. Houck’s Panacea, Beckwith’s Anti Dyspeptic Pills, Santos’s Alterative and Anti Dyspeptic Pills, Sic. For Fains in the Ilarl;, Side, f,’c. Sherman’s Poor .Min’s Plaster, Whiting’s & Well’s Strengthening Plaster, McAllister's Oint ment, Sec. Also Scarpa’s Acoustic Oil for Deafness, Thomp son’s Eve VV iter for S ire an ! Infl lined Eves, Har rison s Specific Ointment, Genuine Harlem Oil, Bite nip’s Drops, British Oil, Dolby’s Carmina-j tive. Jo Ikin’* Ointment, Turlington’s Balsam,! Godfrey’s Cordial, Sic. For sale wholesale and retail hv C. II. HEfMITSH, Agent. TP. V ! TE V '.-IMPORTANT TO FAM II#IKS.—I hive the largest and beat a-<sort ment of TEAS ever oITt-'.I for i#a!o in this vi cinity, from the “ Canton Tea Company," which is the oldest establi-hed Company in the United States, and are celebrated for sell in or Choice TKAS. Atn >n<r tlie assortment may be found the follow ing, which are put up in 11b, Jib, and }lb packa ges. Retail prices n» follows, subject in all ruses lobe re turned if not approved of— GREENS. pr.# lb. Good YOUNG HYSON.*0 50 Fine do. 0 G2J No. 2 fragrant do. 0 75 No. 3 finest do. i 00 Extra fine. 1 25 Good HYSON. 0 75 No l do. 0 91 Very fine do. 1 l'2J Extra Fragrant. I 25 Good IMPERIAL. 0 75 Finest do. 1 00 Good GUNPOWDER. 0 75 Fine do. I 00 Extra fine do. 1 13] BLACKS. pe# lb. R"Mind SOUCHONG.StO 40 N >. 1 do. 0 50 N >. 2 do. 0 fi‘2t Finest do. 0 75 Extra fine OOLONG. 0 87'; Finest Enr ish Br"akfi-t Tea. 0 75 Every package (j,| addition to its containin'? FUEL WEIGHT independent of the wrapper.) boa s file statm til neitncts and elegance. and the Teas therein arc a, thoroughly secured from light an 1 air, that their qual'ty and power will remain unimpaired in any climate. For s tie by ("I \N. H HEINIT3H. A rent. Anri! 0 High *t., 1th floor from Middle. Duitgs vno medicixes. ivaints, OILS. WINDOW t;LASS. DYE STUFFS, !tc.— By recent arrivals from Northern Cities the subscriber is po' in possess' >n of a rninnlr,,e #*• * i'1'iien* of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PAINTS, OIL^. WINDOW GLASS. DYE STUFFS &o., to which he invites *hc attention of the public gen erally. Purchaser** wishing t > obtain articles in hp line of business, would do well to give him a call be'trr: dealing elsewhere. Thb foilowin r coinpt isos but a small portion of his assortment, viz : Aqua Ammon, “ Fort,” Ammon C vrb ; Arrowroot, “ Bermuda,” Alcohol, B irax, Rtyberry Bark, P;ruvirn Bark, best; Gum Opium, Gum Camphor. Gum Benzoin, Roll Suphur, Dover Powrler, Cilom'd, English and A meric an,” Jalap, 1 >, Epsom Salt-*, Lemon Svtup, Syrup Sarsapitiila, VVild Cherijr Bark, Vanilu Beans, .Musk "in grain,” HENRY BUFF, Druggist and ©hemist, High ftrsat Drugs mrdictxks. wholesale A NI> RETAIL.—C. II HMNITtSII. ,\r' U li n recently received from (hr Northern Cities1 extensive upidi'Sol „M • lie.mes, Chemicals, r I'n •nery, Dye Suitis. Dvc Wood*, Paints, Oils. Win *! >.v (J i P.itcnl Medicines, Garden Sw . I'd ba co, S. ■ ir-, suiilf, &v: , . to which (Uev would "Ctlidly call the attention of the Public ircne rajly. Tne following L’st contains a portion ok their Stock, which they will sell upon as £ood terms as any Store in Viruiica. ItlKDICI.N KM. larrHsli an,! \iu t;c.mi Cdomcl. Sulphate (^ni titue. Gum Vines, Gtttn Camphor, Arrnwioot, Peru vian II i . P'-iel Dir lee, Entrl'-n Calcined Ma c ue si a, It'ue Pill Mass, Sul ;»ti. Mot phia, P<> v dered .la ftpi Puwil. I >ecai . Rhubarb, Super. Carp. Poia s, . tor Oil, Suiier. Cal l). Giltn Arnhie, Gum I': i raeiui'h, Cinnamon, Sp Nitre, II i|s. Copuivi. Aiiliiim. tVine, Opium, Liquorice, Floris. t'mio hi i •. Corrosive Sub!.mate. Aqua Ainuiotiiu, T.u •■trie \ id, Epson S ill>. Laudanum. Senna. Oil Peppermint ami nil es. - nPal Oils. Qiiiclteilvci. M’crnesia, M ifina. Roll iml Flour Sulplim, Alco !i -I, Borax, retim'd and crude, |{i I Precipitate, Gmil Myrrh, C.witharidos. Gum Tragv.cauth, Sar saparilla, Spun ires. Vials. &<’, «' a i nts, oi ls vd c; i, \ ss. W imlow Glass oi all size-ami <]u ■ lilies, White Lea l, dry an I in nil. Red |. id, Litharire, Spirits Tmpentine, Putt v, W litiiur. Verdiyris, di y ami in oil, Chrome Green,Ch nine Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussian It u . Vermillion, Rotten Stone, Ivory 111ack. Cum Copn', Paint Brushes, all sizes, Ruse Pink, Lanin B’aek. British Lustre, Gold and Silver Le if, Copper Ur trz -. White Chalk, Spanish Brown, Venetian Red, San.' Paper. Pumice Stone, .Japan, Copal. Coach and Harness Varnish, Turkey Um ber, IVi i i d« Sienna. Red Chalk, Gum Shellac. It' Cdit Varnish, Sash Tools, all sizes, Black Lead &c. SU A' DR IRS. Cochineal, Nutmesrs, Mnc.e, Cloves, Cinnamon. Allspice, I diisrlass. Gum Arnhie, Turkey, Oil Roses’ Vanilla Beans, Tor.quin Beans, Coriander Seed! • •• - I. Vnni P ,!•: ish, S " 'die Jamaica Ginger, Ea t India Ginger, Pepper, Superior Spanish Seq-ars. Starch, Liquorice IJ-dl! Bull Brick. Fi r Bine. Powder d Gimr'-i Root, Al um, Olive Oil, in bottles and h iskets. Refined Salt | p.-tre, Maeal .y SnulT. Scotch SttulY Indiffo. Castile Soap. Cloves, Cistor Oil. in bottles. Alcohol. Erie tinn M.vlchr .Ciroonate Amnion’:). Soda 'or Wash ioir, London Mustard, Cayenne Pepper, &c., &c. I io Siibsccilicrs take this method of returninc ■ tIi>*ir sitvere Ih inks to the Citizens of Piu (smooth. ! Gosport, and t 111- lieiiylihorinjr Counties, for the pat I roll i -e -at liberally extended towards them, and confidently assure them that every exertion will hr made on their part to merit u continuance of the P 'YSJCI VXS- PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY Rr.CLIP IS cot rip mm lei I of i In: purest ingredients with accuracy and despatch. Orders from Country Merchants, Physicians and others, promptly and neatly executed,'and the pri oes such as will ,’ive entire satisfaction. rv- All Article* *nld at t/ii* Establishment warrant ed Fresh and Genuine. C. II. HF.INITSH, A cent. f IKK \ *’ DlSCOVRItY IN TIIBMIML. V l^Cr AR P.—Important to invalids and friends of the sick.— Medicine, howeverefficacious. basal n ivs been taken with dissatisfaction by the sick, owintr to its unpleasant nature. Hence'it lias ever l>cen the study of all great physicians to disguise its nauseous t *ste. But their efforts have never been crowned with cor,'plcte success. It was left for Or Smith to accomplish. II iving given the subject his unremitting attention lor nearly two years, lie has, after sp oidiu<r a considerable amount ot money! produced a medicine which, while it is evei y wav' agreeable to ,,1° PR,o»y, is* sure to triumph over IMS KASR ami all opposition, and to repay him for his devotion to 'tie improvement of medical science DR. O. B> NJ. SMITH’S fSTTOAR COATRh] ‘IMPROVED INI). VRfi, p l (, l,s.” Are the result of ftis labor. Their efTeets. and flic genera 1 fivor with w* ich tliey have been received in all parts of the Qriterl States, warrant the pro prietors in the declaration that •• they are the great er improvement in medicine ever known. I'nlikenll -ither pills, these neither gripe, produce nausea nor cat/ oilier unpleasant sensation, while they arc as as it is possible for a medicine to"be, and l>e II VIt.MLESS. For sale bv ___C. H. nr.ivrr-n. Agent. P brinckerhopp’s health RE \ t S I (fit A I I \ l-j.— This medicine is a sale and certain cure in complaints of tin- I.ivcrnnd Lungs. Consum pt ion, I.i ver Com pin in I, ch ronic and severe Coughs and Cold.s, arc a.I most i m mod iatcl y rel it-ved and ultimately cured by a faithful use of the Re storative. Or C hilton, the eminent practical chcm physician ol New York, attaches his cer tificnte staling its entire vegetable composition, af ter lie had made a careful analysis. It is wholly devoid or any irritating property, and manifests so decided healing and pm ifyimrqualities as to quick ly alleviate t he most aggravntingcough and change the morbid expectoration. Pains in the chest and side, so often attendant on Lunar Complaints, are <-lf< dually i enioved without the least inconvenience, the seal of the difficulty being reached much quicker than any external application. From the reputa t'onol this medicine in Now York, where it hag h.-en sold for some years, the most indubitable tes timony is given to its merit. Certificates have been literally showered in on the proprietor from th(* best sources, and stating the cases ot persons raised even when given up by their physician.— The fact of no one single instanceof dissatisfaction, known or expressed, is a strong guarantee of its merit The follovvin r certificate is from Dr. Chil ton, the well known Nriv-l nrk chemist. “ I have analyzed a battle of medicine called « C. HrinckerhofPs Health Restorative*; and find that ildn-s nyt contain Mercury, or any other metallic preparation, nor opuun in any of its forms. It is composed of vegetable mat'er entirely.” James R Chiltov, !M. D. C. HRINCKF.RHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y For sale by C. II. HF.INITSII, Agent, Ports mouth, Vf a. !?•*.%<;v ARTICLrES St PERFUMERY. * LaOic.-j, I would moat reaper! full v rail ynnr m tcnlvui to mv assortment of FANCY ARTICLES aii'J PF.IIFU M F.R Y, whi'd, is pe l),ps the |nrn-eM an-i richest ever before off red for.Ftile in this place coinprisiuff almost every art do T.olh useful „nd ornament .1 necessary for the Toilet, of which tlic •olMiwinpf \a n p-irt — I/irtirs’ Caprices, a new and beautiful article Perfume Cushions, put „p in splendid stv!«> ’ Cosmetic Cream, th • hr8t article ever offered for chopped hands, &<-. It posses.-* ,iic mOJ, „,nnr dinary healinsr qualities .tncl is the best cosmetic -v,r known for imp-ininy a rlcli ate soft ness to • he l;m, and preserving ft fmin cho-pintr Philocoine, the best preparation for the Hair now Rose Srenfed Toilet Powder, very superior T ivlorC ChrVsta line Soap, To r< ther with the larjrcsf assortment of Cologne ''at -r, Florida Wat-r, and Soaps of superior ouf,1 j»v. of everv description of P-r fume, pr, j;on t, rooth Urii-d,e.,. Nail Hriishes, flair Mrudies Supe rior Tooth Powder. H ef Marrow Pomatum. Pa tey s( "h.'.rated Cold Cream, fir. 5C>-*Call in and examine for von revives T C. If. HEINITSH, Agent, J»'y7 Hitrh sf., I h door from Middle. P^ NfiI VCiS ASn k !IM)i:r. i»«,n it Vn.-V’i vemVP r°r stork of p\. I i.K HXNMNGS and ROC OF,R I NC, wMrh v-. will sell very low. Persons in want of either of the ,hove articles will please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. . u' H If. HODGES k CO. «ri>LM-vu ^ T' r ’c"ivr,1 > lot of hentiful KICK SCREENS, which wc arc selling very low. WBa \ i. i it RNIjHQ OUT The rnntt ral uable collection of Rooks. Stationary, and r a tie v Articles ever exhibited here.viz: School Rooks of the most approved kind A fine assortment of Writing- Parer Ink. Steel Pens. Q-iil|s, ’Valors. fir Mnsie;,| Inatrumentsof vari-m* Hnds.’vrry cheap, Handsome Walking, Ridimr Whips, &c. A lot of beautiful Ciiflerv. embracing some of Rodgrers s superior Pocket Knives, end the greatest variety of fancy article*,all atcbes0er nrirea than ‘March IS HODGES * C0 ' .1 mnrarrr.Trt* .'^r-n'irrr <v4\ds<ainr ■ - —im Dr. Fpham’s Vegetable Electuary nw -iv.- ik. A certain Cure for the Piles, 6> Mthourti ,li»* Ki.iitcauy was oricinally prepared for l!»e cure ol I’ii.vh, yet from its muius operand!, or iiiodo ol operatint 1 I m extensive personal tipplica Iri' proved itself to he a Medicine far superior to nil nthci in all llisen^es of an I ufla minatory character, with a determination of flood to any particular part or oreau. In / c.'/e n :n 'le n and f’e ,/ ‘s! to of I lie /.rorrttnd Sp.cen ,* In ■ name ion, Sort n> and Vlrtration of Ilia Storin'" h, It. -r. /., /«. *,■>■ and Wander; in Inflammatory and . lore a rial liherioa1. ,/«.uud all dlji'retious arising from tin- imprmlcnt <>r injmlii i aia use of Mcrr.urn; in ail cases where the i- powerfully determined towards the Head, it m the ntts r Medicine ever discovered. For all Impurities of the. Island, arising from any source wliat ever. and for all Diseases of the Skin, it is unrivalled, clearing and improving it in the most remarkable man ner. In 1’clpt‘ation of thr Heart, Pain in the Side, and Oppression about the (’best ; in Morbid and Biliaru Con ditions of the St mneh, producing Sick Head ache; in short, in all eases where a Cat Finnic or Physic is re quired. the Fdectunry will he found fully equal, if not sup rior. to any other; and espeei lly to those subject to will prove an invaluable IMiysic. as it operates without irritation, which is not theease with most of the purgatives now to tic. particular!) Powders or Pills containing A cs, the use of which will invariably re turn the complaint. A. PPIKJl, JII.U. Sole Proprietor, llowcry, T. W. DVO'i’T & SONS, Crucial W Hole sale Agents, 13:4 \urth Second Street, l*iillu> (lelpltlu. Sf-r.t i \t. Pi: pot. at the Store of Alexander Du vnll & t ■>., No. I IS A1 in street, Richmond. Also, l“t sale l>y CHARLES II. HEI.MTSII, Agent, Portsmouth, M. A. .Santos, King & Toy, IJ. Emerson, Robertson & Cornick, Win. II. Rroug'htnn, Norfolk, and by Druggists gene rally tlnon jrli Mit the United States. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Consumption. MU IF. GREAT AN1) ONLY REMEDY for Colds, 1 Coughs, Asihurt, and CONSUMPTION, is the HUN GARIAN lJAI.SAM OK I.IKK, discovered by the cele brated I)r. Ilnchan, of l.omlon, England, and introduced into tilt; United States under the immediate superintend anre of tlt»; inventor. The extraordinary success of this medicine, in tlie cure of Pulmonary diseas’s, warrants the American A cent in solieitinc for Ire..Intent the WORST POS SIBLE CASKS that can nr. found in the community— cases that seek relief in •."tin from any of the common remedies ol" the day, ami have been given up by the most distinguished Physicians ns CONFIRMED AND INCURAIII.F. The Hungarian Balsam has cured, and will cure, the MOST DESPERATE OK CASKS. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in tit • United States should be supplied with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, hut to hr Used as a preventive medicine ill all cases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritation and soreness of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Dilficulty of Breathing. Hectic Kever, Night Sweats, Emaciation and General Debility, Asthma, Intluen.a, Hooping Cough, and Croup. tt> Sold m large bottles, at $1 per bottle, with full direc tions for tlie restoration of Health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Ameri can certitlcates. and other evidence, siiowing the un equalled merits of litis Great English Remedy, may bo obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. DAVID K. BUaDI.KK, sole Agent for the United States. 119 Court street Boston. T. \V. DYOTT fc SONS, General Wholesale Agents, No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia. rspEciAi. 1 >kpo r, at die Store ol Alexander Du vall & (!•>., No. I 17 Main street, Richmond. Also, for sale By CHARLES II. HfclNITSII. Atrcnt, Portsmouth, M. A. Santos, Kino1 Toy, H. Emerson, Robcrtson& Cornick, Wm. H. Broughton, Norfolk , and hy Drng'gistsa'cn erally Ihrousrhoiit the United States. Every Man his own Physician, nVHTT’S FAMILY MFMCtt'E CHESTS, ■*' contaiiiins the Sixteen Standard Preparations, of which T. W. DVOTT, >1 D., is ■ ole proprietor. Clast No. 1, contains as f Hows, with full direction* for using attached to each ailirlr, viz.: 12 holes Dvott's A lit i- lliliotis Pills, . . 0 Mahy’s Plaster ( loth, small size. . 2 M ihy's Plaster Cloth, middle size, . 1 Matty's Plaster Cloth, It rye size, 2 Robertson's Elixir t.f Health, . . . 2 Robertson's V<*y Nervous Cordial, 1 (Jodbold's Vey. Halm <if Life, . . . 2 Robertson's flout and Rheti. Drops 2 Robertson’s fttomarhlr bilters, . , 2 Dvott's Vea Tonic Hitters.I 00 2 D’votl's Vey. Purg Compound, ... 1 00 3 Dvott's Circassian Water, .... 25 3 Vlcker’* Tett r Ointment.874 1 Ti,sot's Rheumatic Drops,. 2 Vlrker’s Embrocation.25 2 Robertson's Worm Destroying Lozenges I 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 *3 00 I 50 1 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 4 no 2 00 2 00 2 on 50 2 Dvott's Toothache Drops.25 50 3 00 50 1 00 50 I 00 *30 00 . *20 00 . 10 00 no oo 3 Dyott’s patent Itch Ointment, The whole amounting to. Itirrt. for C/isV 33,. ntnfinff Chrrt .Vs. 1, Contents twice the above in Chest No. 2, Contents three ttmes'the abnv»- in No. 3, Remember tin ~e ar- the b'orh/ Yrart tested Medical Preparations. In the ontents of each Medicine Chest will h<- found a remedy for every disease which the human body is snhjn i to. p Is for these, and those only, that we led.| nrseivcs accountable forth'' performance of that for which they are set forth: and so highly pa. tronized anil recommended by all classes of our fellow* cttizen-': end in i iso of failure, where ibey are used agreeably!" "be dirertiotis, the mi aey will be returned by apply ins ,.t the hountnin //rad, No' 132 North Second Street. Philadelphiri. T. W DYOTT tt SONS. *> Por furl hr particulars. see J)v ott's Oraclk or IfrAiTit f "pies of which ran l>c had craft*. bv apply ing at the otli . . No i:;2 NORTH SECOND street, or of such persons ns keep the above medicines for rale. Each article to bf hn*l sepnrntc. SpECl\L iJrrOT nt the store of Al-xander Du vall & Co., No. I 17 Main street.. Richmond slbo, for naicl.v CHARLES II. HEINITSH, Atjent, Portsmouth, M. A. Santos. Kin-' & Try, B. Emerson. Robertson & C"rnick, iVm. H, Rroughton, Norfolk, and by Druggist* general ly throughout the Unitad States. iwrswif inunn— TI/’AOSTAPP'S history of tiii l MvKKS.— A History of tin: society < Frionrltt, compiled troiu iu standard records, anr other antlioiiii:' KDiirccs, by \V. U. Wagstaff, M. I». One handsome volume, tj vo fta 00. " This seems u> us to Iro a work of decided value and of grcati-pt interest, not only to professedly tln-olojrie. 1 stinit uty, l>ut to nil wlio wish to a<. quaint tiieiufelvi.» with tin: progress ol peculiar principles, or the growth of the pei uliir sects. In this excellent work he lias given very foil and very intrusting,- biographical sketches of nil the men who were active in «:•1 ibliso'ne.or who have mudii illusti ions tin- character and history of the Society. The work cxbil its a close acquaintance with Ins subject, and a careful industry in examining au thentic records cotirermn; it, and is written in a -tvie which must attract and rewnrd attention.” — AT K. Courier. “ This hook is otic that was much tier dec!; and it will do 'fond. The i ntrodnetion is a very perspie nous history of Christianity prior to the time m George Fox ; and it brings down the history of the Society of Friends in England from its origin to the year I71?(>. 'flic work will prove very attract ive and popular, and we can confidently recom mend it to all classes, for they will find in it the, history of persecuted goodness, plainly and char itable told, in all the simplicity of truth.”— Pliilad. Inquirer. •‘It is something singular, that almost every wri ter belonging to the S ciety of Friends i-- reinarka hie for verbosity, while the members of die society, in their oral Communications, exhibit great sim plicity and brevity of speech. This fault of their writers necessarily coniines their public;:lions to a ‘select f w.’ by whom patience is esteemed a vir tue. Dr. Wagstafl has judiciously departed from (tie ostubl'shcd rule, and given us valuable his torical matter written in a readable and pleasant style.”—IV. Y. Rout. “ The author h is attempted to consolidate the va rious histories of Fr iends, and present them in sim ple but approved language divested of quainter and cilcumlncutioii, and in that lie Inis eminently succeeded. This volume will he found deeply in teresting, not only *o ‘lie members of the Society of Friends, hut to all readers.”—U. S. Gazette. ‘‘The: object of the author is to furnish a com pendious and modern work, ill order that the his 1 tory of the Society may he known without die ne I ressitv of searching records unadapted to general reading, either fiom their (|iiaintne-s m their ver I I osity of style. To this he has consulted the stand I ard historians and primitive members ol the Socie ty, and has produced a work which will no doubt I find favor with the public The present volume ! eonin cnees with the year 1536, and extends to 17.'<(». It is the design of the author to prepare shortly another volume, contniningn full account of the j privations endured by the Society in America.”— ! Balt. Am ‘‘The work of Dr. Wag-staff eon'aiiis the most satisfactory and interesting exposition < f the rise and progress of the Society of Friends, and of tin doctrines which they hold, that we have ever read. The torts detailed in the volume before us are de rived from the most authentic .sources—thestandard historians and primitive members of the Society.” ' —Journal of Commerce. “Tills work lias already attained a vast amount of credit, and seems to be rightly valued bv those who have tested its merits.”—American Republican. June C C. HALL & CO. DU IS I 'A: K. W ITH’S A % T I - H VS I» E f»T IC PILLS have been successfully used in almost • veiy variety of functional disorder of the stomach. Bowels, Liver and Spleen ; such as heartburn, acid eructations, nausea, headache, pain and distension of the stomach and bowels, it.eipient Diarrhoea, Colic, Jaundice, Flatulency, habitual costiveness, loss of appetite, sick headache, sen sickness, &c. &<•. They are a safe ami comfoi table Aperient for females during pregnancy and subsequent confine ment. relieving sickness at the stomach, headache, heartburn, and many of the incidental nervous af fection*. Literary men, students, and most other persons of sedentary habits, find them very eoove nient. Those who indulge too frcclv in the pleas ures of the table, find speedy relief from the sense of oppression and distension which follow, by ta king-the pills. As a dinner pill they are invalua ble. Those who arc drinking mineral waters, and particularly those from Southern climates, a<ruc and fever districts, will find them a valuable ad junct. Those who are exposed to tne vicissitudes of weather on voyages or journeys, rati taler them at at! times with perfect safety. In full doses they ar, a highly efficacious and safe Anti-billions medi cine. They seldom or never produce sickness at the stomach or griping. There have been many imitations and worthless Counterfeits of these pills put in circulation by un principled and ignorant persons—the directions, wrappers, fic , of the genuine pills so closely and accurately copied, that the closest observer could not, without a trial of their effects, distinguish be tween them. Da. T. W. Dvott & Sovs of the Columbian Col lege, i3*2 N. 2nd st., Philadelphia, having underta ken anti been a pointed Dr. Hcckuiih Sole Agents for the United States, for thcsalcof thcavovc Hills, the public are informed that they can be supplied with the genuine article in any quantity at the same price as l>y the Proprietor by applying as above. N 15- To guard against counterfeits, all the bills furnished by the. Sole Agents, arc put up in dozen packages, with a blue engraved Label, (White Letters) 10 BECKWITH’S ANTI-OYS PEPTIC PILLS, T. W. DYOTT & SONS, Sole Agents for the. Proprietor. Special. Depot, at the Store of Alexander Du vall & Co., No. 147 Alain street, Richmond. Also, for sale by CHARLES II. HEINITSH, Agent, Portsmouth, M. A. Santos, King & Toy, B. Emerson, Robertson &. Cornick, W. II. Broughton, Norfolk, and by Druggists generally throughout the United States. June 16. A M> STILT, A NOTHRR SUPPLY.— 1Y. DEATH ! DEATH !! DEATH !*! ! TO ROACH ES. MOSQUITOES, FLIES. ANTS, &r., &c. The EGYPTIAN POISON PAPER, has been in (rodiircrl into Great Britain, France, Italy and the United State.*. The enormouii demand fur it in those countries (without any comment) proves its real value, in ridding' communities from these dreadful pests. .Mr. Moore, General Agent for the United States, deem* it necessary to caution the. public against a spurious article which has been introduced. The Genuine is sold at the Drue store, on High street, 4th floor below Middle. Only 1 *2i cents per Sheet. June 30 ( HAS. H. HEINITSH. Agent. A LATE ARRIVAL givea ua the lollowir.g New Hooks, New facts in Mesmerism, price 25 cents. Encyclopedia of Dnm stic Economy, No. 13 Jew, No. 31 Bible, Psrt 0th Dictionary of Practical Medicine, Lvlc’s Principles of Geology, The Wonders of History, by John Frost, L. L. McIntosh’s History of England, complete in 10 volumes, for sale by July D C. If ALL & CO. I ADIEU A GENTLEMEN’S TRUNKS. J Now if yon want a cheap Travelling TRUNK I just rail a* my Store and examine a splendid i lot received Ibis rlav, of all qualities: Iron Frame 1 Lonthrr Trunks, with ova) tops, Imitation Wood Frame, Common Leather Trunks, Hair Trunks, | Valices of all kinds. Ry the wav a beautiful lot of Men’s Morocco 15 nfee-. Navy Tic* of all de*crip. j tion; Men's Blue Black Prunella Half Gaiters re j ccivrd to-day. Ladies Slippers and Ties, from 50 cts up to ijj! 1 25. i Children’s Shoes, all qualities. WM. R. PITCHER, West side Crawford street, Portsmouth, Va., One Door North of G. Y. Diggs's Grocery Store. Mav 12 (A.).) 10 HOLLARS wanted im D/w4,H I'*' MEDIATELY ! In exchange for whicn will be given BOOTS & SHOES of all kinds, at the very lowest market prices, for cash. The subscriber having recently received large supplies of Goods in hi* line, would request the attention of the public to an examination of them, and as he does a cash business exclusively, be is enabled to sell cheaper than any othei house in the town. Call and see for yourselves. WM. B. PITCHER. IF XT R A SUPERIOR M Lang -J home & Son t>” sun cure'1 No. 1 Tobacco, put up expressly for this market, and cost §30 25 in fche'eaf. Ju*t received and for sale by' July 7 JOSIAH WILLS. PROPOSALS For publishing*, m the City o| Washington, *' n»*w daily, semi-weekly, ahd weekly, Democratic Republican paper, to be onti lied TDK UNITBI) STATES 'joJllNAL, by Jesse K. Row Co, ’ J 'I'll** I'm number of our nev.* paper will be issued on the firsl day of May next, with nn entire new dress—new type, fine white paper, with other im alterations and improvements. The paper will be devoted to a fearless exposition of Di mo cratic principles; it will zealously and unremit tingly oppose eaeli and every effort to establish a mammoth monarchy bank and other mischievous corporations and consolidations of wealth, which subvert the ri girt * of the people and undermine the pillar* of the 1‘eliublic; it will oppose an oppres sive and anti-republican tariff system, the assump tion ot the State debts l>v the General Government, and all other federal principles whic h have an in evitable tendency to destroy puldi< prosperity as we|| a-t individual happiness. Against all such po litical delusion*, we shall wap* unchanging, un compromising war. 1 he Kakmkk and the MechaNIC who produce all tint real capital of the nation, will find in nur pa per an un« averins* champion of their inalienable rights; the long cherished principles of the edi tors are too well known to the public to require iny pledge upon this point. To tint Miscellaneous Department particular attention will he devoted ; the Ladies will always find in our columns a choice selection lrOjii the current literature of the dav, a well as original contributions from the most tals ented writers ol wliich our country ran boast. A goiicrnl smumary ol Foreign and Domestic newa will be furnished. I lie conductors have already secured the aid and co-operation of a large number of the most distin guished literary and political writers of the day; arrangements will also he made, at the earliest pe riod possible, to embellish our columns bv the con tributions of correspondents from abroad. With this brief and imperfect outline of our plan, wo very respectfully submit our claims to an exten sive patronage, to the consideration of a geucious public. TH HOP HILLS FISK, JESSE E. DOW, Editohs. TERMS: Daily paper by the year, in advance, - §10 00 “ “ fur less than a year, §l per month. Semi- Weekly paper by the year, in advance, 5 00 “ " *' l,,r than a year, 50 rents per month. Weekly paper by the year, - - * . 2 00 '* for six months, . . - 1 00 Subscriptions to th» Daily for less ilmn two, to the Semi-Weekly for less than four, or to the Week ly (or less than six months, will not he received. It not paid within the year, the Daily paper will he §12, the Semi-Weekly §0, and the Weekly §2 oil a vear. Subscribers may discontinue their papers at nnv time by pny-ng tor the time they have received them ; but not toil bout. Those who subscribe for a year, and do not, at l iio time of suh--C ri hi n<r, order a d iso on ti nuance at the end of it, will he considered subscribers until they order the paper to be stopped, and pay arrear ages. PRICES FOR ADVERTISING. I'welve lines or less, three insertions, - §1 00 Every additional insertion, - - . 25 business Cards will be conspicuously inserted fur one year, including-paper, for - . <515 1.111 gor advertisements charged in proportion. A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. All payments io bo made in advance. Those who have not an opportunity of paying otherwise, may remit by mail, at our risk, postage-paid. The Post master’s certificate of such remittance shall he a sufficient receipt therefor. The notes of any specie paving bank wiil be received. .Vo attention trill be given to any order unless the money, or a postmaster’s certificate that it has been re mitted, accompanies it. /S5“ Letters to the Proprietor, charged with postage, will not be taken out of the Post Office. W-SRC RET DISEASES.^ TA P R A NT’S COM PO U N D. A pleasant, safe and certain cure for all cases of (;***«**»* and (J*****. In consequence of the many useless Mixtures and Pills re commended for these trouble some complaints, it is neces sary publicly to announce 'hat this preparation is the best known for the immediate removal ol these diseases.— ‘Takhant's Compound’ cures where Pills, Drops, Elec'ua rics, Copaiba, Nitre and Har lem Oil will have no effect.— It is therefore recommended as the first remedy to be tried in all cases, for when recent, ONE BOX GENE RALLY PRODUCES A PERMANENT CURE. It is put up in a neat portable form, tasteless, and does not impair digestion. .*** jo prevent mistakes and to procure tho Gen uine, it is sold only by bis regularly appointed Agents, M. A. Santos, Norfolk, and at the Drug I Store, High street. 4 doors below Middle, by CHAS. H. HEINTITSH, Agent, (Member of the Philadelphia Coflcge of Pharmacv and Chemistry.) A fresh supply of Copaiba Capsules,—Also, Pre mium Capsules, warranted : Pure Copaiba llal-am and Oil Cobebs. • lulv 11 A NY MORE.—Choice •SHAVING CREAM. If you wish toob'ain a line nnd rich emollient lather, without which no one run shave with comfort, try *• HENRY’S f'lll NRSK SHAVING CREAM,” prepared by A. B. k l). Sands & Co., New York. A shaving1 that makes the skin smooth, and tho beard soft, is extremely valuable to those with ten der faces. Henry’s Chinese Shaving Cream pos sesses a double quality. It not only softens the beard, but heals all cuts and eradicates those little pimples which render shaving so unpleasant to some. Its emollient powers cannot be too highly praised. It gives a pleasant feeling to the skin af ter the razor has done its duty, and leaves it smooth and tree from blemish. A better compound was never invented or offered for sale. For sale at the Drug Store, Hi_• h st., 4 doors below Middle Ju»y 11 CHA9 H. HEINIT8H, Agent. TjAT-E. IftfPOR I’ V I IONS the following articles are all of the very best quality, and being imported by the subscriber, he t an wariant them genuine and sell them as low as they can bo had in this country. £r'tf,°£ Rodger'a highly finished DINING CUT* I.KRV , Ivory balance" handles, with patent tem pered steel blades, and warranted, good carvers to match. Each set consists of 53 pieces. . J?Pn.n Waiter*, a truly elegant article, jananed in thr best style, of the Gothic, pattern, the ground ot rich colors, and ornamented in very tasteful manner. J French Hanging Papers, imported by C. H. for '!!* ow» *alcs, very rich, and Cloth Border* splen did. r F re Screens, of handsome patterns and in great variety. b Olil English Razors, manufactured by Joseph Roger* & Sons, they are s* t ready for use nnd sold with the. privilege of returning and exchanging them if alter fair trial they are not found excel lent. Superior Razor Strops and Paste of the most ap proved makers. The Milit.ry Shaving Soap, by Rigge, Brock bank & Kiggc—a very superior article. Atkinson’s Camphor Soap, for preserving the skin soft and even. Low’s old Brown Windsor Soap. i -rnnine Preston Smelling Salts. Rowland’s Macassar Oil, tor the hair. Essence of Tyre, for changing the color of the I fr* i r and Whmkaru. Fragrant Perfume for the Pocket Handkerchief. Day & Martin s genuine Japan Blacking. Noth ing has yet been offered to the public equal to this Marking for giving an elegant jet blaclc lustre to loather. Quills j rtn excellent assortment of English and Dutch—plain, yellow and opaque. Fbermomctcrs, Tape Measures, &c. ^nri1 lfi_ C H VLL & CO. Havuh 4STfii Likn.- wind hacqH Hog Round, 6.00f)lbs Extra Mams, 60 kegs No 1 CARD, just received irora Southampton County for sale by WILLS & CO June 13