Newspaper Page Text
U V A. F VU N \ INCH A >1. ] SAT l RDAY MORNING, AUGUST 30, 1843. B aumswa. ^^.gaorrCTfcr.ju•jnaarrzr JDublfshc* Qnflii. Wide H «tcr street, . Yorfulk, and earner a, \ High and ('raw ford sis., Portsmouth. TER MS OK THE NEW ERA. To subscribers, TEN CEN TS I*Ell WEEK, pay able •>> tli*' Cauhii'k, to whom alone lliev an: 10 npotisihle fur the umuunt due at tIk* expiration o the week. When .■'• til l>y mail tin* term* nro .>0 for t ••* •*I\-* months, ?■>'-oti for nix 111*111 tlto, ;$1 -2;> for tlm< mouths. tbhmh ok the oli> dominion, (weekly.) One copy *i*’ per vi'ir— by Mail, llv tin.' Carrier, dO. {p^*To l>«* paid in advance. '\\j ^* !*• t»DS\' ICK, Draper and Tailor, | VV Crawford Stria t, next door to tin* l»os; Dili, Portsmouth, Va. ROHUItT It EEC. Wholesale and Retail Hat and Cup Store, Siyti <>T the Panther, ili;;h street, Portsmouth Va. H IIUI'T, Chemist, corner id Ui^-it aud .Mid d! * streets, P01 t-mouth, Va. JOHN COCKE *V CO., !)• and Domestic Dry Goods, Hi-h street, near Middle street. PurIsinotlth, Va \\T «*• !»• II()!)(• MS *fc CO., Booksellers »* . Station IS, and Dealers in Konev Goods, ut the Post Oilier, Portsmouth, Va. Cm Alices 11. HI.IMT.N1I, A iron t. 1'rmj- ! ) gist und Apotecarv,itinl Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, ixe., 1 i:u11 street, Portsmouth. V 1. I>. 14- • ». 11 A VISES, Wholesale and Retail Fnr niture Warehouse, corner of Ilia’ll and Mid dle streets, Portsmouth, Va. Market, Crawford street, HUl’FM l.N. Romani Slioes Manufaciur ? • er, south ot’ the Port*ra mlh. Vh QTBI'HKN J A AIKS, Wholesale Retail H Dealer in Family Groceries, Wines, Sic., Mar- j ket S|uare, Portsmouth, Va. VCTILI.IAM iMT: in:it, wi . , : :ii »V Retail Dealer in Boot.-*., Sir res. Hits, Caps, Trunks, Leather, Linings, Raidings, &c., west side Crawford street, Port-in >nth, Va. TITILLUM D. ROBBR-TsTTiHU Manufac It turer and Dealer in Stoves, Iron. Copper and Tin Ware, &c., &r., eurner of High and Crawford streets, Portsmouth, Va. T AS. A. SPA hDINC, Manufacture! and Deal* tl er in (inns, Rilled, l’isl .Is, and every other ar ticle in the Sporting line. Sign of the Mammoth Gun, High street, Portsmouth, Va. WILLS A CO>, IV Uro inti Com mission Merchants, east end of High street, Portsmouth, Va. (d HALL & CO- Whoh ale iijim R. tail Rook, Jt Stationery and Fancy Goods F-stublislnncnt, | Main street, Norfolk, Va. Wholesale Grocery and Conmiis ommcrce street, Norfolk, Va. WILLI a:II REID, wind sale an i R • iil Hat and Cap Stoic, east side Market Square, Norlolk, Va. T WILLS, V t) • sion St n e, Ci I^ERCiUSO.V & M ! LSI AD )—Lumbe and general Commission business. Widi sleet, Norfolk, Va. , Coal, Water The Subs. E“| return his IJL increasing i CHANGE OF PLACE-HOOT Jc. SHOE ! FACTORY. The Subscriber would respectfully : thanks to his numerous ; tor their continued and * _i increasing patronage, and iniormthe public that he has removed bis Facto ry and .sii »p to RUTTERS’ BUILDINGS mi Craw ford Street, just below the Market, where he will at tend to all orders with promptitude and despatch. His stock <>l LEATHER, as usual is selected wilti great care, and will be found of the best quality CALL AND TRY. He lias now employed workmen from Richmond and Philadelphia, who cannot fail to give the most perfect satisfaction, and he trusts that his unremit ted efforts to please will secure him a liberal share of patronage, as all work taken from his factory will be warranted. Two or three first rate Hands, for Roots or Shoes would find immediate and constant employment by applying soon. The most prompt attention give to all orders,and no disappointment. Recollect, that the money left in his Establisment, is expended in the Town, and goes to the support of our own mechanics, and tradesmen. F. HOFFMAN, Crawford Street. N. R. A few HOARDERS will ho taken by the Subscriber, by the year, month or week, on mode rate terms. Jan 20 Rail road notice-through to WELDON. Thu Portsmouth unci Roanoke Rail Road Company give notice to the travelling public, that their arrangement to carry passeng i-s to and from Weldon is now completed ; Mr. Willis Sledge having placed on the line between iMargareltSviile and Weldon, North Carolina, a superior FOUR HORSE POST COACH; which will enable the trav eller at all times to connect with thu Wilmington Road, without delay, ;o follows : Portsmouth to Margarettsvillc, via Rail Road, 63 miles. Margarettsvillc to Weldon, Four Horse Post Coach, 17 milc-< Passage to Weldon, - $5 00 JAMES C. WHITE, July 2 Agent P. & It. R. U. Company. JET\ .— . PORTSMOUTH A: II. R. UO \ 1>. --PUB LIC ACCOMMOD VTION Connexion llmew nl.—The Subscribers rf8p''clfully inform tho Pub He tlnit a Stage Roctr has bi'ni cit-ibiiahe I be tween Margnretlsvillc and Weldon. in connection with (he Portsmouth and Rotnokc Hail Hoad, and > Hie Baltimore B<y Line, by which Travellers, will | he placed at oil her end of the line without delay.— j Those persons desirous of taking this most cotnfor- [ lat)lo and expeditious Route, a-e assured that they will ho subjected to no dis?apointment or delay, as | the carriages and horses me of the best quality and dock, ai d i ho Stage Travel is but Eighteen Mtt.ts, ’ Over a hard level road. Travellers bv this Route joins' loor coining from the North, will he conveyed as cheap as l>v th ■ City . Point Riil R >.id, and Two Dollar,i less than by the Route via Richmond, ke , tin: Fare between Wei i don and Baltimore beinc1 only #9 Oil. I Passengers by this Route will he carried through . • by day light, thus siving a night’s rest. Arrangements h ive been made with the different companies, running in connexion with this Line,' > to insure regularity and despatch. * WILLIS SLEDCK & Co., Weldon, July PM5. Propi ■ i . I CW IS K. THOM vs. Wc ' 1 Mari l-J Square, Porlsuiotit!i, has in Store, and offers br sale on accommodating terms, either wholesale W retail, the following articles— 25 hags Lajrulra, Rio and St. Domingo Coffee, i 19 bids New Orleans Sugar, 19 bbis Old Rye Whiskey, 10 I,his Common do, 5 bbis Apple Brandy, t 1 pipe French Brandy, i 2 qr ca'ks Malaga wine, 15 boxes No. I Soap, I 15 do Candles, Tallow, Sperm and Wax, 5 do Tobacco, >10 bids Ch"iee Herrings, (Jross and Nett, baron, (Hams Shoulders and Midlings,) r 29 bbls Flour, Family and Superfine. , Loaf Sugar, Nails, Cotton Yarn, Fanry Snap, binger. Pepper, Nutmegs, Starch. Chocolate and a ?0od many other articles too numerous to mention >n *n advertisement. August 5 1 riUAWFORI) IIOUS::, Portsmouth. Va. by V' JOHN' H .<.OI.LINS.assi u-dby J. U*. Doyal, who will Always ho in attend inoc to i cndcr Travel lers and Sojourners comfortable anil a^rrcable. C|levs arc always in attendance. free, nf PASSENGER* HV CARS AND BOATS TAKF THEIR MEALS AT THIS HOUSE. Tills House is so well known to Northern and Southern Travellers, that not one word is necessary to he said in its praise. To Ladies and Gentlemen, desirous of inakina lotnroi sliortsojonrn in Ports mouth, where every delicacy of land an<i sea can he obtained in the utmost lichttess and abundance, the Proprietor would state that the House is pro vidod with every modern improvement, for the comfort and convenience of his Patrons, while honest and attentive Servants arc always in atten fjCj-The ST \ RLE* attached to this popular and extensive Establishment are the largest and most commodious of any in Eastern Virginia. A I Its. FANNY GODWIN, can accmnmo I» L date a lew sincrlo ifentlemen, and a ircntle m.m and his wife with Board, on moderate terms. For her ability to jrive satisfaction, she would refer to any who have hoarded with her Residence on County street, between Court and Binwiddic sts. Transient Boarders taken by Hie day or week. A pi i I 24 NOT 1C 1-2.—On mikI nf lor MONO A V \i. With ^ in-tant. the Jiimes I?>v« r Slriunhonta will leave Mr. riiiiATKM ‘'ii-ti i tiauv, (sunuayj excepted) at 5.'. o’cl >clc in the timriiintr. DICKSON7 & MALLORY, J . I\ . IS. riiA\c;i:(>F iiouh _On an*.l :>h : FRIDAY 5 next, tlie25ti> instuit,ami ^ daily until tuither notice, isuuuiivsi ) tnc BALTIMORE STEAM PACKETS will leave Hunter’* Wharf, Norfolk, for Baltimore, •it 15 o'clock, P. M.. ennneetinar with the Janies River Steamboats, CURTIS PECK and JEWESS, arriviiur in time and connectin'*1 with the Steam boat and Railroad linen for Philadelphia. JAS. F. HUNTER, A front, B. S. P. (V,. April -23 TON FAKE KKni CKI) TO >'f». — Tlie.-tcamcr(>S. _ CKO LA will leave Norfolk and Portsmouth I'vcry Sutiluv and Thursday,;it 5 o'clock I*- iW. Returning will leave Washington •■very Tuesday and Saturday, at .0 o’clock and Al exandria, at half-past 0, A. M. !’ issnge and Fare $5. The Os.-cola will touch at Cone River every Sun day going and Saturdtiy returning from Washing ton. She will stop at Aquia Creek and all the usual landings on the Polo to take off or land I’.i-.sen gcis. JAMES MIMCHELL, .Miiy 5 Captain. THE ('HE VI'E.ST HKnT ROUTE TO THE " VIRGINIA SPRINGS.— («i) miles less stage travelthan any other route. DAILY, (Sunday’.-! excepted.) i'li*' Steamers Cl’RTIS PR(!K, Ciptain Davis, and JEWESS, (’apt. Suttos, have Southgate's Whirl, Norfolk, at 5', o’clock, daily (Sunday’s ex cepted) for Richmond, and arrive in doe time to connect with the Packet Boats t.> Lynchburg, lea ving1 daily at 5 o’clock, 1*. M., (Sunday's except ed) arriving in 32 hours, thence hv stages (in day time,) via. Natural Bridge to the Springs ; througn the whole mute from XoifolkinJ days, without any fatigue, so requisite for invalids. Phssagc and Fare through to White Sulphur Springs, meals and lodgings included on board of boats from Norfolk to Lynchburg, $14. PASS HIV G K RS FOR STAUNTON. The Packet Boats for Staunton leave Richmond every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock, passengers going to Staunton by lea ving Norfolk on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings in the Jewess, ('apt. Sutton, will arrive m siithci-lit time to take this comfortable and ex peditions route, being only II miles staging. Pas sage and F ire to Staunton by this route from Nor folk $S, whole expense ft.SJ from Norfolk to Stum ton, S'1 25 less than by Louisa Railroad at $S. Tickets throughout i nn he procured on hoard the River Boats. DICKSON & MALLORY, June lf> Agents, J. R. .Steamboats. I^UKSII MINERAL WATERS.-Wc take 1 pie,'.sure in inforininp the public pern-rally that wo have received ,i nd will keep roust ant ly up rim inu tile season, a full supply of “ WHITE SULPHUR WATER,” from the celebrated .Springs in tJrcei: brier County, Va. This water, which has been for several years transported from the While Sulphur Springs, in (Jr* enbrier County, in this State, enjoys prcai repu tation throughout the United Slates, and is now very pencrally used, and its virtue* extolled as a remedial npmt in bilious di.-rases incident t<> a v arm climate, dyspepsia, c*>Mivei.'\ss, j. undice, chronic ilieumatiton, pout, dropsy, in affections of ttie brfa.'t occasioned by disease of the stomach or liver, iienra Ipii, arifl nrvoos diseis--s in general ; chronic mil unatioi: of the. kidueys and bladder, and urethin ; piles, sTrofuln and cmpi-uis or other affections ol the skin: ill-conditioned ulcers, mer curial diseases, ftc, J<e., all of which is attested by the hipbest naii,es in tin: nv ti' il profession, and many others who have for years used thi- water, both ill and when removed front the fountain. SAI’A IOC \ \V A TEH, from tbi' Con ore-s, I ’ nio:i, Fa'dllion and Iodine Sprinpain N*-w York, in (|uart nnd oint bottles. CII \LYHE\TP, MINER VI. W A TEH, an active and I istinp Tonic. A cent ral view of (he analysis oT this water, will show that it stands the first in i ink of the highly concentrated “ Chalybeate*,”— ' oiiseqiiPDtly it acts as a Tonic, incr- nsinr the ? r'.11--1 1 *ne system, raising the force of cirru ' "*vin<r tone to the detristive oryans, nop m ni ii _ t ie utuseulnr vipour, and promoting- the * x it i >ns , it is of eotirsi a I vantage, msly employer! ‘ ''n whi- li Iron is principally used, such as Amenorrhea. Chloral, some st't* s of Mr ■"£'l\nrrU%rrbta' n9*m>*la, Scrofula and cn nonujormtof ( hrnrur HrhilHu V rh?V£3r.A£?LM,-fcr XV” B. I’amum, pro Santos »">»'• *• CM AS. II, HF.1NITSII. Ayent. n ■■•STo street, 4th floor below -Middle, **l,o * Portsmouth. Va. '|M> COUNTRY MERCHANTS. NEW 1. YORK rilAlii:.- T'lo attention of ('ouiiiry Merchants is ri.*( to the Ibllowiipr cards <>f various l)tnuehes of all of whom n»*e pro vided w ith the best assortments of U<>o Is am) Mer chandize from flic furoisrn a ml d muesiic. markets. They are full prepared to supply nil articles needed lor tin* country trade, anti mi sucli terms as cannot fail to suit customers either in prices or quality. SILK GOODS. Staple and Fane;/ Sill; (J.tints. liont:u j L Smit i & Ilf .vokrsos, 17t> Pearl street. Peck. Nicholson & Wuiuiit, 13!) Pearl street, and !)() |{<*aver st rent. Genuon II Williams, late of Williams, Rankin & Peniinan. *Jt Exchange Place, opposite the Exchange 3 doors from William street. DRY GOODS. Fancy and Staple Dry (Jowls, Hallock. Mount & Hillings, 173 Pearl street,one door above ’’imr street. Hall & Pahsons,-P) William street. STAPLE DRY GOODS. Merrett, Ely & Co., Nos. 50 and 52 William kt., between Wall anil Pine street. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Douk.mlv, Suciiam & Nixon. No. 30 Nassau st reel, Corot r id Liberty street. opposite the Post Otii e. Angell & Co., No. 17 William street, between L\ elmuire Place and Heaver street. Cutters* .V Phelps, No. 5!) <Vdar .street. Hates ec Mastekton, No. 2<> Liberty street. CHOCKERY. French and English China, Class and Earthcmcare. j Tims. F. Fiblo, 1(M Hro ul street. i l>. F. IIavilano. 8*2 M ii<len Lane. ! II. Stevenson, No. 270 Pearl street, one door from Fulton Hank. - | HARDWARE. Ifardiearr. Cutlery, Edge Tools. iyc., der ma a and .7mcrican. comprising even/ thing in the line. Osborne *N Little, 33 Fulton street, opposite the l; nited Stales Hotel, bet veen Pe u I and Water Dennistoun & I); Know, Si^n of the “ Padlock,” 0i Pearl street, near Hrnul street. Andrew L. Hall ran, No. 7 Platt street, sells onlv tor cash. The chonpest Hardware Slor« in the City. - HOOTS AND SHOES. , H. M . & C. I* . IIowe, I.> 1 \\ ntcr street, one door from Maiden Lam . DRUGS. French and English Drugs, Chemical*, Ess. Oils. Perfumery, Brushes, See. .Ilso Plalina II ire, Plate and Foil. \ Johnson, Moo it e ic Tavlor.SI Maiden Lane, (tip stairs ) - DVE STUFFS. Dye Stuff's, Dye floods, ,ilcids, &>c. ! William Parti:ii>ob ic Son, 27 Cliff street. I ^ FRINGES, &c. ; Fringe, (limps, Cards and. Tassels, Bind .ngs, Zephyr Worsted, Coat Cords, Sfc. j !*• A- Booth, Importer and Manufacturer of all kinds ol Ti iliumuy.-. No. Hit) William street. HOSIERV, &c. Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Cloves, and. Haberdashery, in every variety. Lores iN Quackinbusii, id William street. Suspenders, Cloves, Cravats, Scarfs, Ho siery, t-Vc. Ca/is, Stocks, Linens, Oil Silks, Sc. Se. John M. Dwies & Jones, I0G William street, cor ner of John. 1 SMALL WARES AND THREAD AND NEEDLE Alt HOLES. i A; Switzkis, No. 72 William street, ojr stairs, Importers and dealers in Fringes, Tapes, Robbins, I*l.itoil Hooks and Eyes, Needles and I’ins, Rea/1 Buttons, Lisle, Threat! and Bobbin Laces, Cottons, Woolen and Worsted Yarns, Wool, n and Merino Hosiery, with a variety of tailors' and other Trimmings, &c. ! t TOYS, &o. j English, French and Herman Fancy Goods; Fire Crackers. | J. \\ . IIoibkiiton, No. 7.'» Maiden Lime, four doors cast of William street. | FANC Y GOODS. French, English and Herman Fancy Hoods, Tahir and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors, Brushes, Combs, Fancy Boxes, Jewelry, Toys, fyc. William Noyes, 21 Cedar street, up stairs, be tween Pe. irland William streets. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &<•. Publishers of Music and .Manufacturers of • Miisica I / b . Lit.r.v & Co., No 297 Broadway, between Duane arid lira'll: streets. Hai.l & Pond, 230 Broadway, corner Park Place, pole are mm for Chirkcrimr’fl Piano Forts; also, Worcester’s celebrated Pianos. Patent Harp Frame. Piano Forte Manufac tory anil Music Store. Gi.knn, fionr.tu; fi Co., No. I'>2 Fulton street, east ol Broadway. WATCHF.S AND .IKWF.LRV. Fine IV at ekes. S. I.ammond St Co., of die late firm of Benedict & II unmond, will continue tlie selling of line .atelies. Jewelry and Silver Ware, at thj old “land, No. (I Merchants’ Exchange. I'inc Watches, Clocks. •Jewelry and Silver I Fare. S vMeet, W Bf.nkdict, Watch Maker > I). Br.Acti, Jeweller, No. o Wall street. $ STATIONARY, See. Blank Hooks. I1 oreign and Domestic Sta tionary, See. Francis & Louthbi., 77 Maiden Lane. JOSEPH GlLLOTT S STEEL PENS. A cointd-te as-orlment of ill kinds ,f the above wi II known Pens, on cards and ir. boxes, togeth er with a largo «'oCk of t heap Pen-* in boxes constantly on hand. lit snv Jes.-top, importer, 91 John street, corner of Gold. RICH At COUTH Kt,, Importers of French and English Fancy and Staple. Stationery, fd William street . New York. English and French Tissue and Writing Papers; Sealing Wax, \Va- j I' rs, Steel Pena. Parcllilient, Inks Fluids, «Sic. M-mu! arturors of Arcount li ioIcs for the. trade. Papers ol v< ry description at the mamif.ic'.nrer’s prices^ Dome-die Stationery. «»n Ciiiiini'ssioii. Jams') V. Ru-h. t\ m. M. I.outiiei.. H RITA XXI V AM) TIN WARE. Plain and Japanned Tin flare. j Mekzies & Huotiier, 31 Cl II street. CARPETS, &r. Carpet*. Oil Clot ha, Rugs. .Mattings. Untn gCtS. SfC. Reuben Smith, Jr., 2d l 15 road way, opposite the Ci ty ll.dl. J “ _ l I.VMI'S, &o. Horn's Patent Ctass Fountain Lamps for Cam phi nr. .2/so. lie fill's superior Double. Distilled. Camphine. J. O. Fay, lu(> Fill ton street, Situ iUiildiujs PER FIT MERY. Manufacturers of Perfume rip Cosmetics. Fancy Soap. fyc. Ai.exaxih;r & John- Ramsay, kucccs inn t> N. S<11 itli Prentiss siijn of the Coldeti Rose, la Mai den l.ano. PRINTING M YTEUIAUK. H ood Tt/pc. ('uses. Stands. Furniture. Dai leys. See. . 1 /so. .Win and Second Hand Pri nti an Ala ter i a Is Wells Jc Wei>u, No. 32 Ami street. TVPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. Ja med Oonn’OK & Son, 21 Ann street, corner Nas- ' s.iu street. C APS. ilat. Cap and Fur Store. X. 1*. \\ iLcim & Co. No. 85 Maiden Lane. IRON SAFES. Manufacturer of Wilder's Patent Salaman der. warranted free from dampness. | Silas C. Herring, 139 Water street. RAZOR STROPS. | Manu facturer o f the Celebrated .Magic Ra zor Strop o f Four Sides. ' L. Chapman, 102 William street. Sold at >1 a mi iart •irrr’s prices, by nil the II ird " are and Fancy (loads Importers—prices reduced | 1 33^ per coni. PAPER W ARE hofse. Commission Paper linn' House 1 Euuknb Ely, 71 Fulton street, New York. •Inly .’I SECOND l!AM> PIANOS. wThavelwo t k * on'-i llent 1*1 AMOS, nearly now, which we will I either sell or rent at an uncommon low prico, in 1 | order to make room (dr • new splendid Pianos hourly expert* ! by the ; schooner Wave, Capt. Rogers, one of which is Rose ; Wood, highly finished with nil the extra key*, hurt) • pedal, and with the iron frame. j Another of Rose Wood without the iron frame. | 'Another of .Mahogany, moss hounded with Rose ’ ! Wood, all the extrii keys, finished in tlie best man i ner. \Mother of Mahogany entire, tins lias all the ex- i | tru keys and harp pedal. • For the above wo have India Rubber Covers For sale by C. HALL & CO. I April 30 K_ ! 1 OTA RR'8 CA M 0)11 N E i. V MPS.-After a O fair trial of XV. II. Starr’s Patent Cnmphine 1 Lamps, I am convinced they have no superior, if brilliancy and cconoinv be considered. Being anx- 1 ions t*. afford as much light as possible t<»the Pub- ! lie, I have consented to act as Agent (or the man • ufacturer. I have received a variety of the above LAMPS, to wit : Side, Hanging, and Parks- LAMPS, of beautiful patterns, which 1 will sill at the manu facturer’ prices. Jn many parts of the city of New York these Lamps have superceded the Gas !• 1 '• (J.ily 7 ) WILLIAM REID, Norfolk. I"UST RECEIVED the following valuable preparations, warranted pure anti genuine, and manufactured by the most mated and experienced Chemists. • win,uc iron cc quinine, | Sulphate quinine, | Extract Quinine, I Citrate Iron, | Iodine, Oil Black Pepper, Piperine, Chloride Zinc, Mornllia Snlnlinx Iodide Milph. Do Pcrri, Do I,rad. Chloride Iodine, Cinchonine, Pota.<scc I lydriol, Cyanurct, VVood Naphta, A........ A fresh supply of healthy SPANISH ' : I. h bC I IKS. For snlf at the. Drug Store. IIi"list., t doors below Middle. jJulyll CHAS. H. HEINITSH, Agent. L f I'S r RECBIVRI), Harper’s Pictorial Dibit No. 33 'iti<l 34. 2"> cents. The Breach of Promise, a Novel, by the author of the Jilt, 25 cents, : s No. 7 Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy, 25 : Praise and Principle, or for what shall I live, by the author of Conquest and Self Conquest. The Parsonage of Mora, by Frederika Bremer, |v 25 cents, No. 59 and Cl) Illuminated and Illustrated Shakes- j r pearc, 25 cents, ; " No 15 Wandering Jew, Harper edition, for sale by Aorr C Ml If C. ('() I I> i:(ri’l II i: I) WOOD NAPHTHA This ! IA tinvin*r recently <'<nno into list; in London as I * remedy for Furberculou-; Consumption, and very j | |voruhlc and happy effects having resulted front . it. Iki ■ indue' I tin: subscribers to have some of it prepared with great rare, perfectly pure, and high ly rectified, in order that a fair trial may lie made of it merits. This is warrant'-d to lie the article so highly re commended hy I >r. Mi sting., (Physician to the j I f)igj)t*ii.-’;try Loiwlon.) in 11 i-• pul> lished in the London f/incet, when he cautions per- | sons using it to he «uro and proen-e this kind, as an impure artiele (,.r Coal Tar N.iphtlis) ln> pro- ' doccd the most unplr;iont and <1 mgerou« effects. | It In- hern used by many of onr moslr'intneiit Phy siri tis, with decided snerrss. /Vein Yorkr.Jnn. Ht. I-H5. KlhSVITIN ft ft) The above article of Naphtha just received and for sale by IIKN'H V BUFF. July 12 High atreet. DON’T YOU ItKAI) THIS!- Fnrifvmdo vou may find soiih thing to phase you, that is I am determined to sell my (inn -, Pi-tols. P >wrier FI nln. Shot Bags, and every article in the Sporting Line,cheaper than ever,and if you want to he litle ! not with a new (Inn anrl Apparatus just ! 'Hat the Sign of the Mammoth fi’in. win re you ran also have your Flint (Inn turned intoPercussion, or any other Work recpiiredto he done in the (Jims i",,h line. So don t forget one Door Fast of the Hid Dominion Office, if you want hi'gains. D«c J. A. SPALDING. C CPUUIOP, BOTTLK CORKS.-30 grocc V7 superior BOTTLK COP KS just received and for sale at the Drug St ire. High street, 4th duor lie low Middle Ang 1* CIIAS. H. HEINITSH. Agent. j STcrins of SUftrrtfsfng. One square out: insertion. . $0 00 Uiio do two do. 0 75 Ono do time do. 1 00 One do one week. 1 75 One do two weeks,..•» 71-, One do one .. 4 00 One do two nuuitns. 7 00 One do three month*,. 10 00 On- do s;x months,. 10 00 One do per year,.30 0 • v- 'J\rrlvt linrx nr Icxx tuoki >t xi/uarr ; longer ones eh.-u ife.l in proportion, and ore to be paid for in ad\ .nice. A d vert we men t* ordered in only onee or twice a v.. eli. will lie 1 ti n -ed of) cents per <quure for the ti- it insertion, and 57-ruts fur each subsequent insertion. WM. *5. I'HTIIKK i las received 1111 * day 300 pair more t“I of those .Morocco Slippers and Tics, e j '' '• *',‘n,s. worth 7 ") cents. Also 3 {As. or 4''0 paii for 50 cents, blisses Mo iocco Slippers a lid 1 ics, for the low price ot 02'. cents, g-ond quality. Children** Sho -a of all qualities. IOii p tit of Men’s Navy I'ies, first rate article. 3ii ii s I- itic Hoots and Hootccs <d tfio best A splendid lot of le ather Trunks, Valises, Car pet Dags. iiitil ;i'l other articles usually kept in a complete .Shoe .S ore. \VM. H. 1MTCHER, West side Crawford street, duly 29 Sit'll of the H; lT Hoot. A NDSTILLTIIHl! COM 12! \notlwrfrMli supply of DHCCS AND MEDICINES, t.’um Otvuin, Oil I.einoil, Oil Hcrgainot, 1’uly Kail Rhei, Ka lif.i Rhei, (Turkey,) •* Sotii-ifi, Gum Viable, Opt. Harlem Oil, (£011111110.) direct from the importer. Cochineal, Ivrcosote, liiils.tin Copaiba, pure. Calomel English, Vanilla H-ans, superior. For sale by •liHy I ’ IlEMiV BUFF. High street. \\r *■' a,'<\ i'<>vv receiving si large assortment of * ' N I.' v GOODS, fiom England and France, inil also Goods iVoin th • North. to which we invito he attention o! the Public. The following Goods ire to bo found at C. HALL & CO’S. ’ cases of that superior Cologne, imported by Hall I casks I> ty &. Martin’s H al Japan Blacking, ? ca«k- Stevens’ superior Ink for sti el poiy,' I package of the most celebrated Steel Pens ! casks Walden’s Ink, .let Black, ! casks Mayti trd & Noyes’ ltd:, in glass bottles, J tlox IJu-'set Leath a Port Folio3, do with lot ks, I do/ Bolcliurc Writing Desks, portutahle with Hati 10.0 )0 English Quills, 10,01)0 do cheap Prussia, ! cases of cheap Hand Liothftru.s, l gross of the English Cocoa Paste, I dust Log Slates, with Hinges, lit.- tins stip.'ri ir Nankeen Envelope Paper, >,0 10 t olls of Paper Hanging, new patterns, »0!) rolls Borders, wide and narrow, i cases English Slates, ,10 lbs English Wafers, > yross of b-st English Black and Lead Pencils, 10 setts, in cases of Rogers’ superior Dinin''' Cut lerv, ° I case o| Marine barometers, Sympnaomctcrs and rin.Tinometers, \ large and beautiful variety of Limps with all tilt; late improvements, too Passage Lamp . at prices from :»1 50 to :$10 \ full supply of Head in g Lamps, of the moat ap proved form, so .s to give a bright light, and t<> shade it from the eyes. \ variety of elegant Tea and Coffee Frits, [toll up Shaving Cases for Travelling, „ I ease3 of Low’s English Windsor Soap, A supply of H.ttnlsome Foolscap Chock Puncr. •' l' ' ! ” O II \LL .<• CO. fj. II. II()I)(« I'.S <fc ('<>., have just re • reived the following NEW MUSIC Tlie celebrated Ftivee Waltz, The Millt r’s Mai I Waltz, It tvemeyer’s Grand March, Not Waltz, The Three Sisters Waltzes, Fm still thine own, by .1. II Hewitt, “ We’re out upon the Moonlight Wave ” Castle Gnidcn or Almack’s Waltz, Low waved the. Summer Woods, Sutton’s Quickstep, “ Here’s ;t Health to thre Mary,” Celebration Quickstep, The Gabriclla Waltz, Pinoy Point Waltz, “ Let us love one another,’ Mary of Argyll*, “ When slumber’s pinions over me play,” ‘•Sweet is (he thought, the Promise Sweet.” ” Hark! Hark! the Soft Hoyle.” Woman’s Heart, Amid the Greenwood smiling An elegiac impromptu Fantasid, by H. P. Heiin *l:he Bridal Bells, Beeswings & Fish, by Dcilmnn, The Hunter’s Sung, hv Gustave Blcssncr The 11untei ’ s Wife, by FI. 0. Ball, The Last Song of Saphos, 'Hie Il irh-tn Waltz, ” He never said he loved ” 'i’lie Captive Knight, for the Guitar, Cumberland Guards’ Quickstep, Cuba March Columbia, the Land of the Brave, Could I hush a father’s sigh, Cape May Gallopade, Celestlna Waltz, Chateau en Espagne, (Ionic, Come Away, a social glee. My Gallant Love returns, >1 tr.-li D’Arnazoncs, Flower of Home W.ilfz, Rose Gcrancum Waltz Lilly of the valley Waltz, Last Greeting, Potomac Waltz, *• I hasten t<> the shade of thy Bower,” Tyrolean Melodies a..,.- to w REA D CARUPli LLyT“ ’ TjM’OM PHILA DELPHIA.—Just received the fol ! lowing valuable preparations, warianted genu ine. * PROFESSOR JACKSON’S LOZENGES. They to efFctual in relieving Catarrh Bronchial iflection*, Ho '-seness, oppression of the Chest, and i 11 alleviate Cju^hs, ol more obstinate pulmonary liscases. J SPITTA’S 1,0Z RSC ES, For Colds in the Head, Watering of the Eyes Sneezing, &c. * ’ HERB SN1TP, FOR THE HEAD ACHE. This Snuff, which is made of indegenous herb-, in lsefu! in relievin g Head-ache, and woepirv and tv at cry eves, aiising from recent colds, and may be '«ed alone.or mixed with common snuff. A pinch >r two, taken occasionally, will generally cau80 mcczmir, and a flow from the nose LEHMAN’S PATENT WORM TEA. This article is prepared by Mr. Lehman, Philn lelpliia. one ofthe oldest Chi mists and Druggist*. in hat city. His celebrated preparation stands high •e, and is superior to any Worm Tea known. Mr Lehman has prepared it for the last .10 years. It S prescribed by s u„0 of the most eminent nhysi ian- of Philadelphia, and to the fact I can *peak iiy--*l<, as 1 had ample evi l-nee, while engaged here in the Drug business. KruNirrm: paste. .This Paste is u-cd in giving Mahogany, and all dnds of Furniture, a b .iutilul gloss, and not lia ilc to soil. BLACK VARNISH, l’>r Coal fii;it-s, Adi Pins, Fenders, Backs and lambs, and all other iron utensils used about firo da- <•<, which reqnir* lobe knot non* an I dean. Thi« Varnish 1 laid on with a paint finish, and !ric- very soon ; one or two coats will be sufficient o give I handsome black it is very du able itei will-land considerable fn-Ht. Full directions iccom-'iinv every article. For sale nt the Drug More, High Street, ,|r,ors b- low Middle " CI1AS ff. M El NITS H, Agent, < Me in I Hi ofthe Philadelphia <7>|!cge'of ' \ Phaimit y and Chcmlttry ) I^RF.NI! TI’IIMP SEEDS. -Redyed to I da v, in addition to our supply of .Seeds the fol owing : Rota Riga, (white.) Rnta ISaga or Swedish Yellow, Largo Norfolk, White Flat, he. Also. Cabbage Sc,.:s, Flat Dutch, Large Drum 'cad. Drumhead Savoy, Large Bergen, Red Dutch »t the Drug Store, High street 4 loorn below Middle. Attg_|2 f HAS. H. HEIMTSH, Agent. j () H'lLS GIN and COKfMAT,Tn s to re a n (I~f» ::,r- hy JOS! A If WILLS Mav <