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At the word one both Luigi anil Paul raised their pistols, arid each took a deliberate aim.— The I»j»*»«i ol Paul however was unsteady : that of Luigi’s was motionless. “ Two.” “Three' FIUR!” Both pistols exploded on the instant, and at the sound the black-bird, which until that uiotnel had not ceased its swig, with a shrill scream (low across the opening, and disappeared in the oppo site side of the woods. Luigi started hark : pine ring his hand on his breast. Paul stood stilt hut it was only for a second; in the next he fell heavily to the ground. In a minute Villerourt and the surgeon were at his side, Villelon rushed towards I.uigi who had instantly recovered his position. [To be c nc'uded 5n our next.] A LOW bred Woman.—Otto who slays at home, takes care of her children, and never met) dies with the business of her neighbors. Species ; almost extinct. THE M:W YORK (’OIS’TRI IJI'TIOIV SHfP EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY J\o. f>7. ll’ntl street, .\>m } or/f. CAPITAL $3(>0,0(M>! Insures Buildings in g. m-ral, Merchandise, Housc liold I* 01 niture. Ships :in«l their cargoes, (in port only) Ships or Vessels being built, or repaired and every description of Personal Property. This Company will pnv all its losses by the late fire in New \orlc, and still have an ample capital to afford security to all its c ustomers. I’he subscriber is prepared to issue Policies direct at the lowest rates of premium iti Portsmouth, Nor folk and the surrounding Country. Please give me a call before insuring elsewhere. Applications by letter, (post-paid,) givinirn de scription of property, &.C., &r.. promptly ntlraided to bv GEORGE M. RAIN. Portsmouth, Au<r 27 A<*vnt. sii n* n PORT OF NORFOLK \NI) PORTSMOUTH. Friday, Au :■ 21. AltRfVRD. Steamer Curtis Peek, Davi,, fm Richmond. Steamer Georgia, Cannon, from Baltimore. Packet sc hr Adrian, Bedell, from New York, 2 i (lav-*, to Dickson & Mallory. Sloop Motto, Fcrnciir. fni Providence, ballast to ! Souttcr & B 11. Brier Josephine. Robinson, fm Boston, bound to Richmond, to Dickson & Mallory. Briff c astena, Damon, fin New Votk, ballast to I R. Dickson. Si'hr Peninnah & Josephine, Allen, fm Norwich, ballast to Reid & Anderson. Selir Union, Hughes, fm Richmond, powder to Butler & Camp. Sehr Lagrange, Crowell, from Richmond, hound ; to Philadelphia, put in on account of head winds Packet schr Marv Jane, Powell, fin New York, 2 days, to It. Rowland. Schr Virginia, Hudgins, and F.mily Frances. Shackleford, fin Mattapoiu, corn to W. II. Garnett j Schr Garnett, Richcrson, fm Pamtmkcy,corn to: W. II. Garnett & Co. Schr Flora, Nichols, fm Petersburg, coal to A. W ilsou. Schr Eliza Jane, Hubbard, fm Gatesvillc, staves, shingles and wheat. New brig Adeline, Burt, fm Taunton,-t days, in 1 ballast to Williams, Staples & Williams. Schr i fades Union, Matchctt, fm Baltimore bud | to Petersburg. Schr Fountain, Wcl.-sbv, fm Thomaston. 4 days, I hay and lime to Sootier & Bell. Schr N.irragan-c-tt, Bake-, fin Boston 4 days bud ^ to Richmond to Mvers & Co. Schr It. N. Williams, Elliott, fm Providcnc*, in 1 ballast to Williams, Staples & Williams. IN HAMPTON ROADS, Barque Mary, fm Baltimore, hound to New Or leans, and an unknown ship from sea bound up the Bay. GOUBAR'S LOTTERY OFFICE. Drawingof Alexandria Lottery Extra Class No.203. 68. 20. 69, 7,60, 40. 72, 42, 45. 15. 19. 34. Nos. 42, 60. 68, a Capital Prize sold at this Office. ! Drawing Alexandria Lottery Extra Class No. 201. | 6, 35, 36, 59, 4, 67, 12, 66, 53. 33, 38, 26, 43 SPLENDID SCHEMES. This Dai) aiih/ ! $10,001) !‘ 10 Prizes of S 1.000 ! 75 Numbers, 14 Drawn Ballots. Alexandria Lottery Extra Class No. 205, Drawing received Monday Morning. Capital® --10,000, 2,000. 1,25'>, 1.200. 1,036, 10 of 1000, 200s, 150s. 100 s, 73s, 25, 20 . fee. Tickets only $4— Shares in proportion. DRAWS THIS DAY ! <•40,000, 50 Prizes of 1000. 78 Numbers, 12 Drawn Ballots. Alexandria Lottery, ('las:: JVo. 35. Drawing received Monday Evening. Capitals.—40,000, 15,000. 7.000. 5,190. 2000s, £0 of 1000, 500s, 200s, 100--, &r. &c. &c. Tickets only $>10—Shares in proportion. Tickets to he had at JNO D GOR DAN'S, Littery and Exchange Office, Norfolk. Where the hi -best premium is paid for Cold, Silver, and Specie Checks. Aug 30 FiSHIONAHL I; M A N TI 1 A H V KER. MRS. ELIZA GODWIN will Cut and Make i DRESSES in the mrist fasliionahlo manner and neat- ; cat style. She will be thankful for public patron- ' age. Her residence is on Dinwiddie street, hear I the corner of Crab. ''"IT 30—2t I CUJOIUI'; HAMS*—owl nidi Vj out) III AM I • J TON HAMS. 60 Hushcl* Ground Allum Salt. 10 Sacks Liverpool Salt. AIho 100 's, Is, and *2 palls Slone Jars. WJ H. II. HODGES & CO., have constantly on VV . hand a large and well assorted Stork of HOOKS. STATIONARY, and FANCY GOODS, which they arc prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, on the most favorable terms. Country Merchants, Teacher*, and others at a distance can have their orders satisfactorily filled. Au^1 30 C1IIF.A P SHOES. I h-ivc t ow -.n hand I c.,se J of Seal Spring Heel Ties, Kid Lined ; yoinp off rapidly at 50 cents a pair. Call soon or von will ini*.* a bargain. ^ M. H d I’CHEH, Am; -20 s :' n 1P f Boot. BLACKSMITH’S lirsiM;ss. I wish to take to the. I’,lack-smith’s Husinrs*. a pood j healthy Hoy, filicen or sixteen years of tin j Apprentice. One with a tolerable education, would j he preferred. A food moral character must bn borne by the applicant. , WILLIAM F.TIIEREDGE. Aug 29—3t On N • 1 II1YOR v I Lie CBMEiNT JRD #AWi> FOR HIILDING SLIP N<» NAVY AGENT’S OFFICE,) Norfolk, August SHg IS45. S. i ORALKD Tropo^.il^ in Duplicate will tv rcccivctl j O until 12 o’clock, on the 8tli September lor the delivery at the Navy Yard, of Two hundred one Ciflu Catkx of IVrhoit <S‘ Brown e freth mono fat lured Hydraulic Cement, and /Vo thoneand bushels of clean Perth Waite, angular Sand for Cement. Oder* will he received Separately, for the Cement and Sand, and bond and security he icqnircd for the delivery of the whole quantity hy the l*t of Or toiler ; but any portion may be delivered without delayt (hat tin work may be begun, and pc on without obstruction. Offer* must state explicitly, the cost, per baahel, and cask, and be carried out for the whole amoun' I Aug f>- s4w GEO LOYALL, Navy Agent A tig 30 THOS. HHOOKS. A MARE four years old, sound and penth; in Harness—sold for no fault. Apply at this office. RICHARD YOUNG 8 Iliivin-r opened a Sirov for the Hale ol Boots, shoes, &e., in (lit* Store for l^gmurjy occupied by Mr Georgre M. c-U iiain, is prepared t<> sell HOOTS, SiloKS, IIATS. CAPS, TRI'NKS. i ■» ,,,, •'s tfood, it not better terms tlian they emu he offered i I.-civtierv in Portsmouth, Gnspoit ot Norfolk. lie lias made arratureinents to sell tin a mve mention'd arlirlra, made by the lie t M um Jariurers in the country, of the best materials, and be-t \\ orkiti uisiiin at stiictly NE'V YORK PRI CKS. “e is not in tbe habit of pufltnjr, and it is ottlv necessary to state, that a call will convince every ‘■in- that (be above is m> exagv-eration. bn* the All SOLUTKTRUTH. Au<r‘3«>—2w nKAir ” HOTH SII»I S ’’—Reasons why I . am a Churchman. mid Reasons why I am not a Churchman—just publish. J. price l*J-, cents each. ■ALSO. The Churchman's Reasons for his faith an ! prac Thc Modern Ihitish Kssayists, viz; Miiuinlcy, Allison, Wilson and others, in tm.form volumes alt.l at a very low price. The Family Monitor or I Joint's-tie Guido, liy Airs. Klliss, beautifully hound in Muslin, I-oril Rrnueham’s lives of men of letters, .lust received by 1IODGKS ft CO. Au«r 2 1 riMIK PATENT KAIA’ANIG RINGS,'& JL MAGNbl'IC FLl II).- 'i' i i i s remaikthh- djs eovorv bas received the universal a:>probation ol the Medical Profession of Great Hritain. and ha been sufficiently Ion? before the American public to stive a fait trial of its power and efficacy. The PATF.NT GALVANIC RINGS have been found to answer all the pur poses tor which ordinaiy Galvan ic II ittery or Electric and Magnetic Machines ate used, but arc without any of the injurious shocks which accompany the applications by those instru ments, nnd in many otte r respects are more sake and certain in acooinplishinjr the desired object. The Galvanic Kinsrs have been used with perfect n«v' ' ■ •• v ^ viohi, 111 uii* nr uiron ic, applying to ilio bend, face or limits ; Gout, Tic Dolotetix. Toothache, llron>'liitia, Vertigo, Nervous or Sick Headache, indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy, Fits. Cramp, Palpitation ol the Heart,’ Apoplexy, Stillness of Joints, Lumbago. Neuralgia, General Debility. Deficiency of Nervous Energy, and all Nervous Disorders. In rates of confirmed Dyspepsia they have been successful. Their extra ordinary effects upon the system must be witnessed to be believed; and as a certain preventive for the above complaints they are equally to be recom mended. Tin; Galvanic King’s are in every way perfectly harmless, and are sold at prices to he within the reach of all. Cristie’b Magnetic is used in conneetion with the Kings, to render their efficient action certain, ami to direct the Gal vanic influence to the particular pot tiona which ate affected. For numerous certificates of the highest charac ter regarding the efficacy of the G alvanic Kings and Magnetic Fluid, reference is made to former advertisements, or they tnav be seen at the office. Only Agency in New-York, 134 Fulton street, (Sun Builcing.) To guard against fraud. Dr. Cristie appoints hut one A -eticy in cacli of the Cith-s of the United States. The only Agency for tin: City of Norfolk is M. A. SANTOS, for Portsmouth, Vu., CHAS. 11 HEIMTSH, Agent. {Vy- Please call and pet a pamphlet gratis. A ng 2.0 Delinquent laxds.-i have recorded the Delinquent Land List for Norfolk Ooimty. A sale of whicii Lands will lake place at October Court next, before the (’uurt House in PmUmouih. All persons interested can call at the Clerk’s Office, and examiiK the same. Lists can he found at Deep Creik, the (ire,it Bridge and at the Court House door in a few days. JOHN K. KILBY, Deputy Sheriff, Norfolk County. Aug ‘23—2aw 11n ■JV/IORE NEW GOODS. Tho Inst arrivals ir * from the North brought us a further supply ol I ILL GOODS. We shall also continue to re ceive, in all this anti the next month, an entire Stork to which we respectfully invite the attention of buyer?, both wholesale and retail. Aug 23 JOHN COCKE & CO. DOR PICKLING!! A supply of the follow i ing Fresh Spices, suitable for Pickling, viz : Mace—White Ginger Allspice, " liite Mustard Seed—Tumeric, Black do do—Black Pepper, (-’loves, Cinnamon, Garlic, Long Pepper, &c. &e. Ju t received and for sale at the Aug23 MEDICAL EMPORIUM, H i. • PCRCIMMON WOOD WANTED. ! , 20 Cord good PERCLMMON WOOD, either in logs or blocks, for which a fair cash price will he given. Apply to CHAS. II. HEIMTSH, Drug Store, High st.,>*th door below Middle. Aug 28 A LA lt(» E assortment of Chess-men just open --V efl. A Iso, Dominoes of different sizes. Pas-age Lamps at only )j$l 60 each, and at £3, I, .<$(» and S'fi. (ait (»h>ss 'I umhlers at uncommon low prices, French Porcelain 'lea Setts, consisting of 104 pieces, also to he sold low, French Letter Paper, French Nute do Envelopes, Writing Cards, all sizes, Mahogany Writing Desks, some inlaid with Brass and some plain, PnMablr \\ riling Desks ot Russian Leather, re ceiving and for sale by Aug ’.’3 C. HALL & CO. /\ IT A I) It ANTS from the best London makers at various prirfs. A Iso Say Glasses, Cnntcr’.s Scale-;, BowditeheH’ Navigators, Cnnr.t Pilot. A large assortment of tlic most approved and latest (’harts, just received and tor sale at low prices, l>y Ang2« C. HALL & CO. DllHB SULPHATE QITI MX E.-dOO oun 1 res PURE SULPHATE QUININE The last quotations from the North, particularly’thc price currents from the Manufacturers ; n I Chemists, shows that Quinine is rapidly adoanring. All those wishing1 to purchase will do well to c all soon, ns we will still sell at the old pi ires \V"c are ready to furnish 80 or 100 ounces without delay. CM AS H. HKI.MTSII, Agent. Aug 26 High at., -Ith rloor below Middle. 1711N A L NOTICE.-The Notes and Am ounts < f Doctor Win. Collins not paid previous to the lo ir of September next will he collected by pro cess of Law. S. WHEELER, Attorney. 1ANCJIIOKNE «fe S >VS BXTIIA TO. J llACt (). —.Inst rtceived another lot of that fine TOBACCO, whic h cost §!?•*> in the leaf, for gale at factory prices by Aug >6 WILLS Jt CO. FOR s \ LU. The S> osefiber briny about to remove ■ 7 from Virginia, off 's for «a!‘- those two Two Ji. yj Story FRAME f > W LLI.f N(»S, sir na ted near 'fie int'-rsertion of North and Court sirer-t, and a| so a Marsh Lot adjoining1 said Dwellings. For terms, which will be found remarkably low, apply to .1 NO. N. BAIRD. NEW GOODS. I Have just rrr ivi d i new lot ol Cent lemon's, Ladies’ and Mi-scs Shoes of all descriptions. Also a splendid l it of Umbrellas anrl Walking Cane*, cheaper than the other lot; I runhs (lf 11 descriptions, Sole Leather, Linings a no Hindin rs, Calf Skins, BnfT !.'• alber, Split Skin -, Horse LealIn r, Waxed Leather, Morocco Skins ■ *>■ a lie r, Waxed Leather, Morocco Mill)', 1 L A w Is. Hammers, Shoe Knives, Thre ad of all i> ,n,’, rA' birr-n\« Fine Channel Boots. Fine IVg Boots, Bom,vs of all kinds. Navy Ties, all d rip ions. | [)C people of Pnrtsmou'h ami the sur rounding country will do well hv < allino-and ex amining my stork, and prices, before pm b asing e. rveh' re. and | will as lire them tint they r.,n get be.ter bargains at my Store thud any oilier in the town... . . . „ W.M M. PITCHER, \V est aide Crawford at., Sign of tin* Bio- Boot. Richmonn flour fine receiving, for »*l* hy Any V I0(> bbl*i New Super WILL9 k CO #^J.Rkat ii\ipkov!::,:ent!—colored j j “ * DAO b'KIMtKOTYPF. POIlTIt AITS. J. 11. j " H- * Kill'IIS l has the pleasure to nntmuucc to' iho Ladies and Cfiitlt-mon of Norfolk and I’m-.- ; i mouth, that ho has uyum returned and i-t |M.'puix, l j [ to serve all who may favor him with their patron* i aye. l Pictures taken in tile most beautiful unci tier- , I feet style of the Art, put up in elegant Cases, at a I i Very moderate cost, equally well j„ clear, cloudy, . and even in stormy weather, and wa ranled not to I j fade or rub otr. The public irenerully are invited i j to call and examine his specimens. whether they sit or not. lie is assure I. from the liberal patron i ajc which lie has received, in both Northern and ! Southern Cities, that lie will he aide to jrjee entire satisfaction. See Rooms Corner of Main and T il bert .its, over E Dorney’s Drv Ootids Stor. , Norfolk, for a short time only Also 170'. Main street, opno , . site the llinlis, in Richmond. Any *20 — If. A CIIANCK EOll A Gt NSMITII. -The ■ , V Suh-criber briii^ desirous . f mnvitiy to tlie West will Si II his STOCK AND TOOI.S to a Cun- , smith very cheap, lor cnslt, a person that is nidus- i . Irioiis and attentive to business can make iiiouov ; the terms can he known hv calling on the suhaci i- j her or hv letter post pa «l. All persons havitnr work | at his Shop ate requested to ea!| f,,r jt bv the first ol'j Sept, tuber, as, should I sell, out I s!,.,ll tart about j that time, and a lsi> persons indebted hi mi will plea -e call and settle, as it is tint his wish to place them ! in the hands of an officer. Aug 20 J. A. SPALDING. * TTK.VTIO.V SPOItTSMK.V ! You w7li Jt\ tin*I a complete supply of 1*0\V l)KR & SHOT,! assorted size-. V lsr> Peu-us-ion Caps and Flints, 5 keys of F, FF, & FI-'F Powder, 100 hays Shot from Is to IPs. i 10 bills N*-\v Family Flour, 10 noxes Family Snap, 10 bb's Lird and Sperm Oil, 10 boxes Tallow, W ax and Sperm Candles, which j will be sold low to suit the titties. T It ROOKS. Jr. Aug 25 Wost side the :M irket. \T E XV (i(H)DS. JOHN COCKE .N CO.. arc! 1-N receiving their F ALL GOODS. The boat (hi- J morning b.-oi:<rht Ihom n h;m<l.4'.imc assortment of j Whim Cambrics J.irkonets, Rook Muslins, Swiss j rlo.. Cap and Capo Lares Sattinelts, &c., to which ! tliey invito tlio attention of purchasers. Auir 23 M OUVPAIN F LOU It.—50 bhla Extra Su perfine just received and for sale, by Anar “26 WILLS & CO. FOR KENT. The Subscriber will rent that laiare. airy iruS|an<* commodious Three Story HOUSE, on .k ,.f „J_Count v street in which she reuv reside-, to a good tenant. Atur23 Possession triven immc'iaiclv. FR ANCES (ft)II WIN . FOR HUNT, r. A coinfoitable 1)\\ ELI.INC, with convc P ulj"'c,lf promises, ted on County, mar .»■W'ashinjrton st. Tlte Promises and House have just heeu placed in thorough and complete re pair; and ton careful, punctual tenant the terms will be moderate. A I.SO. I' i" hire fer the balance of the year, an active, likely Mulatto BOY, about 15 years of age. He can come well recommended as a house servant or for general qualifications. Aug 23—1 w JOHN It. DAVIS. DRUSII SI'ICUS FOR PICK LINO. Wo fi keep con-Uantlv on baud a full and fresh sup ply ol all kinds of SPICES, such as Mace, Nutmegs, W hite and 11In; 1c Mustard Seeds, ARspi -c, Sweet Oil, Long Black ;md Bed Pepper, 5^ hite and Itrowii Ginjyer, Cinnamon, Garlic, j Cloves, Tumeric, &e. 1'or aal<-at the Drugstore, High street, f Doors below Middle. CilAS. II. IIEIMTSII, Aug 23 Agent. WHITE SULPHUR WATER. -Just r c.i-ivi- I per St-um-r J '\vess a fresh supply of Hi i L SULPIIL It W \TER, and for sale in h ill barrels and botlli s, per dozen or single, at the Drug •Store, High street, Ith door from Middle. Auit 23 CHAS. II. IIEIMTSII. .Went. x CIIAN/; i : w.\ NT El).—The highest pre j 1/ lii'.mn will be paid for Exchange on Baltimore, j Philadelphia and New York, at J NO. I). JORDAN’S, A tig 22 Lottery and Exchange fllticc, Norfolk. I HOTj-—1300 Bajfs SHOT, well a sort l,foi sale t r at factory prices, by j An Mist |___ ' j. WILLS. N'OTICE. All persons in debt to the late firm ol \\ ills & llnyncs, will make immediate set* J tlemcnt as the nflairs of the concern must be closed. Payment t an be m ide to J .5i;,h Wills, William IJ. j llnyncs. or to the Subscribers ! Atur 22 WILLS CO. rIM) LOVERS OF GOOD BUTTER. — You 8 will alwavs find the very best BUTTER that tin* Baltimore Markets can produce by rilling at “ The Red Sign.” T. BROOKS, Jr. Aug 22 I^OR PICK LING.—-A very superior article of \ INLGAR, which is seldom fc.und cun be had ilt T. BROOKS, Jr. A tig 22 CIOPFEE. 30 bags of Laguirn i1 ! SI Domiii ^ go ( Of !• EE, front (i| to 12.'. cents per ll». Ang 22 T. BROOKS, Jr. H I. I’ It I \ (iS. — .50 bb)a HRIilllN’fiS, (i ross find Nett, for sale low by T. BROOKS. Jr. Ana-‘2-2 IOA P SUCr A it.—An cxecll. iit quality of f.oaf J and Crushed SI'< J A It, for 1 *2 \ rent*, for pre sort lllf?. A tii? 22 T. IlflOOKS, Jr., Wm- side tin; Market. CALT. (•=•<» idea .Liverpool Blown Salt, in tore L7 and for sale by j WILLS. Aui? 21 SiLEAP TOBACCO. • Segai > 7 L-af lob.icco, for sale by An? 21 J. WILLS. Molasses. Cs. | Au<? 21 75 bhtlr P. K. and K. I Muln.-r J. W1 LLS. TRUST 8ALE OP REAL AND PER. I SOX A L ESTATE.—Pursuant to n Deed of Trust, executed by John II Hope and Eliza V. his 'Vllr, dated on the 12th day ol July, in the year l-ilo. and of record in the Clerk'* Ofli e of Norfolk County Court, lor tbe purposes mentioned in tiro said D.rd. will In sold at public auction for cadi, before the f • nrt I l<>u-e of Norfolk (! runty. on MONI) \ V. the 15th .lay of September next ,at I o’clock, the 1'illowtng Heal and Personal Estate, to wit : One Tract of Land on Mount Pleasant, contain olio hnnrircii dii<l for tv {irrtM, more or I» - - ;i(J. joinii.n: the lands of Jesse P. Sikes and Thus. Mur One T. ■ t of Land on {lie Elbow Road in the IV. ri-n ol st Rrides. adjoining the land of Stephen H ratem, containing otir hundred and lifty aert more or less. J An undivided Iwo-thirds of a Tract of Land on the Mount Pleasant Road in St. Rrides Pi i-h, ad joining- the I tnds of Ncheiniah Foreman and nth ers^. containing two hundred and twelve .ores, more An I nn undivided threc-fourths of t|,- Tract of Land or, the Elbow Road in St. Bride.* parish, ad joining the I in Is of the heirs of Charles Kile-rid «v. :,lcc;i.*» containing two hundred acre . more or llVR. The three last mentioned Tract* of Land are sold suhjcct lo the .lower estate of Ann. the wife of L-un • arc! < . Ac! him. Also. Negro Men, Harry Painter, and the rever sion.ry interest of the raid Hope a.,1 wife in N groes Bill and Sam, now m the possession of Leonard ( • A,l!un* "J «.f hj* Ann. who is entitled loan cr.iate Tor tier life m «ai<| Negro-* The title to the above properly is heii. v-rt (r, be tinque-iiortohle, but s> lbng as Trust,- s w • shdi eonvey midi title only as i- v< led in us by (h. y-hl Peed. JOHN \. CHANDLER SAMUEL M. WILSON. < 1 rn**<;c* A tig 25—Jtawpj C't ARD.-P. & A. P. HOW, Enginerr-*, Inti and J Uruo.' Fomi'Icrn, I>< i^rsT-H* Point, Norfolk. Are ' no’.v prcpurr*! lo contract for rx^cHtintfanv kin*l of I ste\.m exginks. agkiculti hal impli; MI-N 1'S, and Machinery in ireueral. Orders left at C. sX G. ll>-id*-. No. Newton's »i «rT. or Mr. Jolm Nash, (! irni'i' of II e-|, and Crawford street, Portsmouth, will he promptly a* !• tided to. lay 12 tyiLLIAM WOODWARD, Xo'tarv Pu * • •' and Scrivener, General Atrent, Convey ancer,and Collector, will.attend to all Ini-in css en trusted I i Id-care with promptness and despite!,. ■ 11 on Wido Water Stteot, (icad of Hoa tiolte Stjnarc. July 8 |)KI V A TM Uf) \ KDIMMIorSK. I. \V ’ LAN'E, on Mi Idle, between North an I (Jl is. clow Streets, Port-month, Vi. X. It. Transient Hoarders taken |>y tl,e week or llltioth. O Wlll'KhKR, \ttornry and Counsellor at I ’• Law. Pori-mouth. Vi. v* Otliee on Crawford street, Two I),,, hedow the Crawford lions', where lie will he pleased to s-ee all persons haviug* business in the line of hi. profession. Aujr JU \niM.’i vi\ LITBRARY, Sf.’IBXTIFIC > \ NI) Mil.IT AH Y ACADEMY.—Th • r,H Session of this Inuitntion will conimeiice on MON’. D \ \ . the S»I, ot Scptetnher next, mi'ter the dir.-c lionet the present ablo mid sitrrfttfii! Professors, M tjorS. M’liKnt.Kit ami Mr. X. It. WnnsTiui. Perms, Course ol In truction, \ • . . tame aa heretofore. .lOMV HODGES. July 30 President ol 1* mr I • if T ... . NIM l( B.—A PK PITIOM will he pr. t . the next Legislature of Virginia, prayinjg for the pnssaye of an Act to Incorporate the mu. „ of ] Portsmouth; conferring* upon her municipal rights and privileges. All persons interested will take due notice. An<r 20_tf. N1-* I>()()!v.S rcccivr. i an«l for ^ hv C. II \1Aj tz CO. The Travel* of M nr.o Polo, being- the 173d No. of the Family Library. I'.j-nys by John A inbercrom'de, hi. f). F. II. S. I-'., Ii-oin the 19th Kdinbur:r edition , Thi- duly of American Women to their country, No. Hi of the Wandering Jew, The Parpono(ta of Mora, No 33. 31. 33, <>f Harper’s Illuminated and New Pictorial Hihb*. 25 cm. No lil and (»’ Harper’s Illuminated and THustra ted Shakespeare, 25 ets. C. M ALL f_ CO Aug 21 fHV.-3)bbls Imdation Holland Min, just re s' reived, for sale by An? 21 J. WILLS. A n g 7 L. K. THOMAS, AAr eat ride Market Squ ire. fy-nuvu WH ISK I’.V.-M) bbls Old Rye vr Whiskey, for sale on consignment, and ran be sold low. ( Aug 21) J. WILLS. F> \GINfi AND ROPE. 50 piece Kentucky 9 Rifflnc. .M) Coils Rope, for sab- low by 3nor 12 WILLS & CO. "PRESH BUTTER received three times a X week from Haiti more, an I for silr hv L. K THOMAS, Anar 7 W rst s; le Market Square. TJ1A 1>IIL\ PLOI 17 \ article by the harrel or retail—just send and iret some to try, from L K. THOM AS’S , An? 7 A\ rst Side Market Square. Black & gu \powder te a • o. i and for sale by NOTICE. ffi All Freight. for J nne= River f,rnWr0'-* intended to hr landed on tin- river, .w,„MAmrrf.ini|,t l)L. |>0foro it will ho taken on board the boats, or it will not cm. DICKSON & MALLORY, July 31 Agents, James River Steam srs. HPHE REV. JAMES STRATTON, wiil 5 rr inne the Kx-rrises of bin School in Ports mouth, on MONO ' Y, the 22 1 of September. The course or instruction will be thorough and exten *ivr, nnhracing all the blanches of a finished Fe male Education. 1st Class, - - - $ IS per scs-non. 21 Class, - - . i(j 3d Class, . . 14 .Mr. S. would take, this opportunity of sayin r that if anv of the pupils are desirous of attending to M I SIC, he has made arrangement! ran lie competently taught, at per quarter, cither on the PI A NO or t|lt. M LIT All Portsmouth, August 10—3tawt22dSep. B > vnm x; wo o \v school, n .. fill:. V.'i . under tlie Superinlondancc of Mrs S. CROflKKU. Mrs. C. takes this un'tlioil to infirm the citizens «>f Norfolk on I vicinity, tint she has taken the large and iirv Room in the Dwelling House ocru pied hy Mrs. Berry, on Omnix-i I anil street, for the purpose of establishing a Seminary for Youti" La dies and Misses. This Institut'on will he opened for the reception of I’upils on the 10th of Srptcmbar. Its design is to impart a thorough maetir il and finished Kdu.-a lion. Advantages will be offered for acquiring an extenmvo and thorough acquaintance with the Englisn Language, Latin. French and Spanish. - Also, Music, Drawing and Punting, and various styles of Embroidery. Mrs. C. will he assisted hy Teachers of the first talent. Particular attention will he paid to the rno'-al. and manners of the Pupils placed under Mrs. care, and il will he her aim to bring the social .if feetions into exercise, to train the pupil to correct h >hits of thought and action and to make the ac quisition of knowledge a pleasant occupation. Mrs. ('. will continue giving Les-ons in Penman ship at the School Room front It ill-past four to half past five o'clock. Terms of Tuition made known at Iter School Room. Those who may wish to take Lessons in Penman ship or enter as Day Schollars will please leave their mines with Mrs. Berry, at the School Room. Mrs. (\ takes pleasure in stating1 (hat she in kind ly permitted to make the f dlowing references. W. Seaton. Esq., Al iyor of Washingl m. D t . ; Rev. (). B. Brown ; Rev. George IV. Samson : Ri v. S. Sprole ; Rev. S. B. Willis. CuUkill, N. V. ; Rev. Septimus Tuston. Chaplain ot the. Senate ; Rvv. A. \. Muller; B. F llallctt, Rsq,, Roston ; J. A. Cnderwoofl, Esq., N. Y. July if9 JVffUSQUITO MiTUM, i" I quit.> Itars for sale cheap hy* Aug 15 JOHN COO KB f: CO. 1 J EI)I CING S I'D! Iv . IX dured prices our remaining Stock of SUM MER GOODS to itiako room for fir Kail eupply ' - Come and get the Bargains Aug 15 JOHN COOKK CO. for it t:\ r, / tSs. a comfortable DWELLING Mot SR ;n g the most healthy put of the town terms - » -E- LiJJnw it will I c sufficient indm uncut to make nnv person rent wh . wishes to gcla good residence. Also fine up town will be renleft very low. Aug 12 STEPHEN JAMES. IV? ^JOE. The Liver y 8 r 1 by James Alex imler, it the Washington Hof» I. a-e now in good order. Persons wishing to have Horse-'led tty the day or month rtri do so by tail ing at the Stable* or on th" Subscriber Persons living in the country having business in Norfolk w:d find it convenient to top at these Stables, tiny being immediately at the ferry wharf. A»g 12 STRPHRN JAMES. 1 JORSl'iS and good comfortable liAl'HIAtiF.S X m. can tie hail at the shortest notice. Young p<T Mtn wi-hing t«> visit the II .If-Way lion -on very urgent business ran he accommodated with a good ( irriagc and a p;tir of ||nr.-c* that they may rest w, .l assured can't he overtakcri. Atig 12 STEPHEN J AMES. V\'!N J S! WINKS!! WINKS!!! I |i;,v, t ♦ > r- plcnishcd my stock of the very best WINES of all kinds. Persons can test them ’ y calling *„,{ tasting lightly at STEPHEN JAMES’S Aug 12 ( U.T:A»LI] HATS V- /\ .n 1 > ( ti’S—The object now-u-oays is, with .•v -rv person, to cut th> Ix-i artii le at ihe lowest I” 11 I' *■* only nee irv for a pur-on to call at II KIEL'S (‘Ml .\1* \ NI) FASHION A BI.E MAT STORE, to s ni«iy ihoiiiaolvui of tin fo-t, that herannot be im'h i - ohI at any ot* 1'• f e-tahi i-iimr nt in this place. r;r *H >'.il examinr his i-sortm. nt of I*'i„o llca vor, t'ii-siirii ru, Brush atnl Moleskin Mats ami Caps ol all patterns and qualities. 1 N' A V V COCKED II ATS, ami every descrip tion of Huts made to order, by R BELL, ' Si<rn of the Panther, ‘'''l* llii’li. near Crawford street. JBW'ELllV, .1 MWEI.KY. The Subscriber would res spi.-tfully rail the attemion of t the public toa new mu! beaut i ' tut as-or tmi nt of watches A A I) J E\\ MLII V, consisting it: p u t of M .1. Tobias’ Cold laAfis warranted genuine, a«>‘» •'* vi i Anchm Le v--r .1.1 and Silver Lrpines, <...hl nml Silver V jra \\ A 1 CllliS —a lari'.- as-or t m- nt of (b id Finjyei Kim's. Cold m l Silver Sperta eh-b, with pe.-ifoi n a! an.I plain plays.. f•.>]<! Guard Fob, anti I'rst Clntinx, beautiful articles, Gold ami Silver Guard K-vs in I Studs, Cold Locket Indies amiI Gentlemen’s Cold Breast Pins, and a lot of Bodtreiv’ superior Pen and Poekct Knives, with in n% other ai li. u-s too numerous to l.e enuinerated all of which 1 will sell as low as ran he obtained at! any establishment in the City. All kinds ol Clocks ami " -itches repaired and warranted, as usual. Old Gold and Silver boueht or taken in exchange-. CHARI.ES V.\ hf.ydon. Jl,*y Histh Street, Portsmouth. lion :m<! Miniature >p< -claries, Gold an ,v'‘ *• t'ASHIOX ABLE (jOODS.- I have just returned withn new nndspleo J v -J Hi,l assort men t of Cold. Silvei (I' A v'S'W L'-pme, J.. v. r. ami V.-rce ~ o W i< tries, Gold Guards,alarg-c lot <>t iiii'nst Pins ;«n unusual -t-.< k,Ool.i Pol,and W*t « -^ Chains, Gold Locket*. Medal (;<il<i. Silver, and Steel . I silver T!iiinal<M uml Shield*, Cold (I'mril Keys, Oo’d Studs an I Sleeve Buttons Coral a ml Clasps, Ping-er Minifs of every vari-tyj Table, Dessert and Tea threaded Silver Porks Ta ble, Dessert mid Tea thread Spoon -, pl iin s'ilver ... Su-ar Tony*, Salt mid Mustard Spoons. Ladles, Mutter Knives, Crenin Ladles, Siimr La dle-, Silver Teasels ol superior stylo. Combs Tooth and 11 air Brushes, Sill: and other variety of Iteti eule , a hirer lot of Panev Goods. "f'r \ 'nrire supnly of Fancy Pans from 12'eta. to SB « nch. Ladies, call and see them. fc/'Cloel.s and Watches mnnire.l and warranted ns mini. O I Gold ami Silver bought an 1 tikcu in ex.-han"0. July 7 J M FRRBiVf AN, Norfolk. WILLIAM RRID, 1! \T A MX \ |» M \ \ I • p \{; I- u|> F<n_ Ml kinds of H ATS and CAPS made fr» order and at the shortest possible notice, J[S n.'»d at a cheap prices, as thu same ar tie le m Now York. Norfolk, .Tune 7. <;’id’n i:\. \ Ti'Mvriov * SO.VTKTHINt; NKW UNDER TUP. >t/\.M—Ghfutleiiien, please rail at my s ore and examine a new article of MAI'S, with “ Cilats and Welling,” |l"'t trot up on a plan entirely new. 1 cannot, weli dcs-rilie them in an ad vertisement, and no adequate idea of their c.onvcni - in. ;tI,d utility ran be had without an examina tion. C II at once. J ■ li- R. BRLL, Hiffh atreet. ^ ' ( VI’S AM) {: V }> G'OV r.lis.-Jiist received .1 simply ofSpIcndid XAN Y CAPS, and COVfillS, which will I he sole! very low,—Coll and examine. I? It I.' I I Aprii 1 I Sijrn of < l"' P inHir-r, Hisrh street. / 1* 11J .\ I'].—'1 w<> mom Barrels Superior c . -yiPilINE.just received and for gale at the Medical Emporium. l?i«rh »t. Q l I \ IN E. —50 oarers >•! Sulphate do Quinine .1" > received at the MEDICAL EMPORIUM’ l •! Hisrh street. K eep it beforeTtiie people i The Subs--ribcr informs the pul.lie that ho continues the (’ \BIXKT M \KlNO BUSINESS on the Corner of llifrli and Middle streets, w|,em ho will he happy to receive orders, and execute them in a style not tu he surpassed, tn may he demon strated t . the satisfaction of those who will do him the favor to call ami examine his work, lie ha. some of tin: most fashion ihlc specimens of CABINET WORK. ,\,-on la ICC lot of Curled Maple, Rush and Wind soi ( HA IKS. Bein^an experienced mechanic he respectfully appeal- to the Iodines of a rrenerous public to ex tend to him a portion of its patronap--. Old Ftir ture taken in exchange for New. K. D. HAYNES All persons indebted tom* are. respectfully invited to call ap.d settle their hill*. 7 jnue In B, D. H, upiIE CHALMERS OP SWITZERLAND Vi B t«l Christianity ; nr K.-ays and Discourse* on the religions of man and the religion of G0 | bv A. Vi net. I) IV. Professor of Theology in Liumij. ne, Swiiz'o land. “Wesprik advisedly when we s.y this M the pp lilnctioii of on.: of the finest minds of the ay,” f'h is'i tn Spectator. “Dr. V inet is decidedly the ablest Christian Phi '■•-Phcr i" Europe.” -R. v. !?. Baird,]). j» , prj,.f, ' CR EDEN’S rONCORDXSCB, abridged and rc arrioer. d at die v. rv low pri< of §|,?5. f ne puhlishers ate ‘minr >| service to the Am eietu Mini dry and tho Church by the issue ef this mv.ilnahle work a' a pi-i. < which brings it. willun the] of all ” The, Refit: tor. The Tonieal Quoad.m I! >nk, on snhjre:« connect - I with tho plan of < ,Iv,,tion-ju«t published and r"T> u'h*i e.| very v doa Me. \|-u, the ,| <> tom Bo<dc for S d.lrith S.'hooln md family instruc tion. The a! '.V' just re -cived by A'icr2'l W. If ff HODGES fk no. XTIJW HOOKS jn«l r.erivcd and for sale bv iN U If. II. HODGES & CO Abercrombie a Mlsccllanemi* Kseivs, Xh‘ l",v °.f Ameri."", Women to their Country, f lie I r ivel - or Marco I olo. -rrtntly amended and pjirircfoo frfMii vr* * ptiblishcd by and in Italy lit No. If. Wandering No 35 Pictorial Mihle. p, lYOTICi:. By virtue ;.f a Decree of tie- Court II,:'U 'r>*’f,r N ,r,’,k {-'unity. I hall sell ;V u ,r!l " {r{ "oV1 rk Dm ( oiirl House Door in the town of Portsmouth a likely NEGRO WOW, John. Id „r ,, :,r%"Z l!c’ lone-mg to the rstate of Jas. Williams. Term. 1 a:h , . I- J FLEMING, ' " ' • Administrator. (have just received * few keys of OLA DE’S HET~ TER, for aal", very good and rhenp . STEPHEN JAMES, *"* *ndo Market f>rju.r#. ' , ' ’ 0,,°- ~r' «»ly amended and I V dual. <• earn- immisrript* rerently the r reneh So doty of Geoirranhv ••fount Baltic,li Doni, pny’