Newspaper Page Text
__FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1845. ' ■'■■■■■■ —m——— .. DuMfsheU Safin. Corner of High and, Crawford sis., Ports mouth, Va. TERMS OK THE NEW ERA. To subscribers TEN CENTS PER WEEK, pav abls to the Carries, to whom alone they are re sponsible for the amount duo at the expiration of the week. Vhcn sent by mail the terms are $5 for twelve months, $2 60 for six months, $125 for three months. TEEMS OP TUB OLD DOMINION, ( WEEKLY. ) One copy $2 per year—by Mail. By the Carrier, $2 60. fry.To be paid in advance. S WHEELER, Attorney and Counsellor a _ . Law, Portsmouth, Va. Qiy- Office in Bourkc’s New Building, High street, where he will be pleased to sec all persons having business in the line of his profession. Sep IS Wrl LLIAM WOODWARD, Notary Pub- j lie and Scrivener, General Agent, Convoy ancor, and Collector, will attend to all business en trusted to bis care with promptness and despatch. fry- Office on Wide Water Street, head of Roa noke Square. July 8 ROBERT BEEL, Wholesale and Retail Hat and Cap Store, Sign of the Panther, High street, Portsmouth Va. HBUlf'F, Onemist, corner of High and Mid . dls streets, Portsmouth, Va. JOHN COCKE & CO., Dealers in Foreign : and Domestic. Dry Goods, High street, near I Middle street, Portsmouth, Va. WH. II. HODGES «fc CO., Wholesale and ' • Retail Dealers in Hooks, Stationer? and ! Fane? Goods, Crawr'ord larger, Portsmouth Va. CIIA 11 LES II. II El NITS 11, AgentDriigl I gist anil Apotecary, ami Dealer in Paints, Oils, i Dypstilff*, Ac-, High street, Portsmouth. V\. ED. HAYNES, Wholesale and Retail Fnr • niture Warehouse, corner of High and Mid- ( tile streets, Portsmouth, Va. ■71 HOFFMAN. Root and Shoes Manufacture F • er, south of the Market, Crawford strset, l Portsmouth, Va OT EPI IEN J ANTES, Wholesale, and Retail O Dealer in Family Groceries, Wines, Ac., Mar ie! Square, Portsmouth, Va. WILLI AM B PITCHER,~VVholesale ami Retail Dealer in Roots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, ! Trunk*, Leather, Linings, Bindings, Ac., west side 1 Crawford street, Portsmouth, Va. IXT1 LLIAM I). ROBERTS. .Fit.. MaAbfac V\ turer and Dealer in Stoves, Iron, Copper and I Tin Ware, Ac., Ac., corner of High and Crawford ; treeis, Portsmouth, Va. J.AS, A. SPALDING, Manufacturer and Deal er in Guns, Rifles, Pistols, and every other ar ticle in the Sporting line, Sign of the Mammoth Gun, High street, Portsmouth, Va. WILLS A CO., Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants, east end of High stree t, Portsmouth, Va. CIIALL & CO. Wholesale ami Retail Hoc k, • Stationery and Fancy Goods Establishment, Main street, Norfolk, Va. J WILLS, Wholesale Grocery and Cnmnrf.s • sion Store, Commerce atreet, Norfolk, Va. WILLIAM REID, Wholes. IT «iul Rm ail Hat and Cap Store, east side Market Squa re, Norfolk, Va. Ferguson a milhado—Lumber, coaT, and general Commission business. Wide VVa ter atcet, Norfolk, Va. A XES! AXES!!—Can ho had nt the Stop j ot j\ S. JAMES, West side. Market Square, Ports mouth, an as*ortment of T. Huestis’. AXB$, of .11 size*, at the lowest prices; warranted to stand six months. Oct 21 CHANGE OF HOUR. On and alter SATUR DAY, the 25th instant, the Baltimore Steam Pockets will leave Hunter’s W.harf. Norfolk, at 4 o’clock, P. RI. JAS. F. HUNTER, Agent . Oct 25 B. S. P. Co. NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS. DAILY LINE, (Sunday’s oxccptcd.) TO RICHMOND, PETERSBURG A ND THROUGH TO CHARLESTON. THE Steamer CURTIS PECK.Capt John Da wk, leave* Southgate’* Wharf, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday .Morning, at half past t> ■o’clock, and Steamer ALICE, Capt. Thos. !;,kin ner, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mor ning, at aarnc hour, each boat touching at a II the intermediate landing* on the River, and connect with the Hay eteamer* daily, ho that passenger » go ing South can go on without detention. Passage and fare, (from and after the 1st N j vrm ber,) from Norfolk and to and from Richmond and Petersburg, $3 00 Paa*nge throughout to Weldon, $6 00. Oct 31 DICKSON & MALLORY. Til E CHEAPEST Ac BEST ROUTE TO THE ' VIRGINIA SPRINCJS.— 5 Through in three day* , with nmcnr 99 *iage travel man any outer route, u/. 11,1, (Sunday’s excepted.) The Steamers CURTIS PECK, Captain I)/.vis, And. JEWESS, Capt. Sotton, leave Southgate’s Whirl, Norfolk, at 5J o’clock, daily (Sunday’s ex cepted) for Richmond, and arrive in due c to Connect with the Packet Boats t<> Lynchburc;, lea ving daily at 6 o'clock, P M., (Sunday’s except ed) arriving in 32 hours, thence by stages (in day time,) via. Natural Bridge to the Springs ; thrt »ugh the whole route from Norfolk in 3 days, wit hout Any fatigue, so requisite for invalids. Phsaago and Fare through to White Sul| >hur Springs, meals and lodgings included on boar d of "°ats Irom Norfolk to Lyncnburg, #14. PASSENGERS FOR STAUNTON. The Packet Boaw lor Staunton leave Kichrr ,ond every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afteri loon At 5 o’clock, passengers going to Staunton by lca v,ng Norfolk on Monday, Wednesday and Fr day mornings in the Jewess, Capt. Sutton, will at rive In sufficient time to take this comfortable and ex peditious route, being only 44 miles staging. Pas •Age anrl F ire to Staunton by ‘bis route from Nor folk #8, whole expense #8J Irom Norfolk to St; iun ton, #1 26 less than by Louisa Railroad at #9. Tickets throughout can be procured on board the River Boats. DICKSON fc MALLORY,. -£l!nc Agents, J. R. Steamboa t«. Drugs and medicines, pain ts. OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE HTU FFs) By recent arrivals from Northern Citie s the subscriber is put in possession of a complet e as sortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PAI NTS OILS, WINDOW GLASS. DYE STUFFS t,, ^hich he invites the attention of the public gen ?ra*|7- Purchasers wishing to obtain artieh ?s in line, of business, would do well to give hi m a C Th f,r<! ^®aBng elsewhere. Inc following comprises but a small portion of ■is assortment, »i*; Aqua Ammon, “ Fort,” Ammon Carb; Arrowroot, "Bermuda,” Alcohol, Borax, Mayberry Bark, Peruvirn Bark, best; Gurn Opium, »*!?« an?Ph6r' Hum Benzoin, Ko|| Snphnr, Dover Powder. aloiael, “ English and American,” Jalap, Ipecac, Epsom Salts, Lemon Syrup, Mar*apsi i[la, Wild Cherry Bark, vamla Beane, Musk "in grain,” „ HENRY BUFF.. _Druggiat and Chemist. High S'.reet. r^ONHEN rilEENE -A Thoir. “ V * cHved and for sale by ho,ce lot Jtwt re Ost7 RRo«i in, jr Ct RAWPORD HOUSE, Portsmouth, Va. by / JOHN \V. COLLINS,assisted by J. \V. Doyal, who will always be in attendance to render Travel lers arid Sojourners comlortable and agreeable. |Cj1* Porters are always in attendance, free of ehnrge. PASSENGERS RY CARS AND BOATS TAKE THEIR MEALS AT THIS HOUSE. OCfr*Tliis House is so well known to Northern and Southern Travellers, that not one word is necessary to be said in its praise. To Ladies and Gentlemen, desirous of making a longor shortsojonrn in Ports mouth, where every flclicacy of land and sea cun be obtained in the utmost richness and abundance, the Proprietor would state that the House is pro vided with every modern improvement, for the comfort and convenience of his Patrons, while honest and attentive Servants are always in atten dance. Ct>*The STABLES attached to this popular and extensive Esiiklismncnt are the largest and most commodious o any in Eastern Virginia. MRS. FANNY GODwT N, can nccommo- j date n few single gentlemen, and a gentle man and bis wife with Hoard, on moderate terms. For her ability to give satisfaction, she would refer to any who have boarded with her - Residence on County street, between Court and Dinwiddie sts. Transient Boarders taken by the day or week. April 24 BOARDING iioi si:. Mm' Sabah Ghamt, would respectfully call the attention of Hoard ers and Transient Persons to her large and com modious House, situated in »tio most pleasant part of Portsmouth, at the lower terminous of Court ! street, near' the water, commanding u full view of i the. harbor and shipping. Mrs. G. is desirous of obtaining a few genteel Boarders, to whom she feels certain she will give entire satisfaction. Her Baths are fitted op in neat style, and their use are free to her Boarders. Terms moderate. N. B. Two small Houses oil Glasgow street for Rent for the next year. Enquire as above. Oct 1 SIIAW LS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS.—JOHN I COCKE & CO., are now offering for sale a very lar^r and well selected Stork of SHAWLS, to which they invite the attention of the ladies, and all who desire a neat, cheap, warm, and good arti cle. They are in part as follows: Super S-4 Striped, Plain and Fig’d Silk Shawls. Do 9-4 Cashmere do of the latest patterns and styles. Super Thibet Wool do, Brocha do, Merino do, Zephyr Wool do, very-large anil pretty ; Mousalinc de Lane do, some of which are while and hand somely embroidered ; Nett do, Prusian do., and al pha large supply of Black Thibet and Muslin dc Lainc Shawls, Black Silk Mantillas, kc , all of which they will sell low for the money. <»• I fi JOHN COCKE CO . High St. I^MBROIDERED sWJ6S MUSLIN ROBES. -4 JOHN COCKE & CO., have just received and offer for sale a few of those beautiful EMBROIDER ED SWISS MUSLIN DRESSES, Also, a few pieces of white Tarlclon Muslin, Handsome Black and W hitc Silk Blond for Veils, to which they would respectfully call the attention of the Indies. Oct 7_‘ ‘ JOHN COCKE & CO. Tin: world outdoni: bowers In LOVETT’S Celebrated PERUVIAN PILLS— warranted to cure Ague and.Fever in Two Days. So happily adapted are they, to all the indica tions of a speedy, immediate anti permanent cure, that in every instance, if direction* be followed, a cure will be guaranteed tn two days, or the money re funded. Printed directions will accompany each box of the Pill*. Remember, a cure is guaranteed in the short spare of two days, if directions l>c followed. N. B. None aro genuine without the written signatures of the Proprietors on each envelope. For sale at the Drug Store, High street, Sign of the Big Mortar, who is the only Agent in Ports mouth. C1IAS. II. HEINITSH, Agent. Nov 1 KOI I Lit A U9CH?S HISTORY OF GER | MAN Y ; from the earliest period to the pre- } sent time. Taylor’s Manual of Ancient and Modern History. Reed’s Dictionary of the English Language, containing the. pronunciation, etymology, ynd ex planation of all words authorized by eminent wit ters; to which are added a vocabulary oi the roots of English words, and an accented list of Green, Latin and Scripture proper names. The above for sale bv VV. II. II. HODGES & CO. Nov 7 _ STAR R’N CA Ml* III NR* LA >1 P.N.—Af-era fair trial of W. H. STAim’s Patent Camphme Lamps, lam convinced they have no superior, if , brilliant y and economy bo considered. Being anx- j ioua to afford a* much light as possible to the Pub- I lie, I have consented to act as Agent lor the man ufacturer. I have rerrivrd a variety of the above LAMPS, I to wit: Side, Hanging-, and Parlor LAMPS, of beautiful patterns, which I will si II at the manu facturer’* prices. In many parts of the city of New York these Lamps have superceded the Gas I Light. (July”) WILLIAM'R KID, Norfolk, j RECTIFIED WOOD NAPHTHA -This having recently r<mie into use in I/ondon as ft remedy for Turberuuloua Consumption, and very favorable and happy effects having resulted from it, has induced the subscribers to have sumo of it prepared with great care, perfectly pure, and high ly rectified, in order that a fair trial may be made of its merits. This is warranted to be the article so highly re commended by Dr. Hastings (Physician to the Free Dispensary London.) in his statement pub lished in the London Lancet, when heeautions per sons using it to be sure and procu-e this kind, as an impure article (or C<»al Tar Naphtha) has pro duced the most unpleasant and dangerous effects. It has been used by many of our most eminent Phy sicians, with decided success. /Virir York. Jan. 1st. H45. RUSIITIN & CO. The above article of Naphtha just received and for sale by HENRY HOFF, July 12 High street. PRROIMMOK WOOD WANTED if,0*1 20 Cord good PKRCl.MMON WOOD, either in logs or blocks, for which a fair cash price wi',1 be given. Appfy to CH\S II. HF.INITSft. Drug Store, High at., 4th door below Midi lie. Aug 2A RIOCOFFEB.-JO bags Prime Green, just re ceived, for sale by Srr, OT WILLS A CO BAOIjjl AND ROPR.-W piece* K ento-ky W I’oils Rope, for •*!<• low by A"? 15 WILLS- * CO FALL FASI I ION S.—THE SUBSCRIBER X would atinou.nee to his numerous friends and customers, that he lias now received the Now ami Improved I< ASUlO NS lor tin: Full, and is prepared to lurniftli them wit i the Rest, most fashionable, and ( boa pest Hats that can be procured irt this section of country. SIGN OF THE PANTHER, _ Higlf street, Portsmouth. SoP 9 __ R. BELL. WATCH AM) CLOCK HE PA I KIN'LL i lit* .N:i!\ii» ribera respectful* !y inlurin the inhabitants of 1'orUniomh and Norfolk, that Mr. Andrew Robinson has commenced the WATCH & CI.OCK REPAIRING RUS1 NESS, at the Stand forinctly ■ occupied by C. \V Heydon, Public that he lias bci v ed a regular apprenticeship at the business, and lias* been engaged for the last ten years, Repairing fin e WATCHES & CLOCKS ; therefore, lie. llattcrs Ir.msclf bis abilities are such, as to give satisfact .ion to all who may favour him with their custom. Officers of the Navy, a nd others, may relv upon then work being done in the best manner, and at the time appointed. The Public are also informed that Mr. DICKSON of Philadelphia, is con nee ted with him in business, juk! is prepared t*> man uf<*.ct lire and repair Jewelry of every description, on n todcratc terms, and in a style not to be surpassed. SeP 27 HO HINSON & DICKSON. NPAV ifc FASH IOW - ABI.K GOODS -I have just . refill lied with a new and splen j did a. wortim-ntof Gold, Silver [ Lepin e, Lever, nml Verge k " ate lies, Gold Guards,a large I lot ol Breast Pins, an mmsual $ larges toek.Gold Fob and Vest lion and Miniature Cases, Cold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles and Shields, Gold Guard Keys, Gold Stu Is and Sleeve Hintons, Coral and Clasps, Finger Kings of every vanity. Table, Dessert and Tea threa ded Silver Fo rks, Tar !>lo, Dessert and Tea thread Spoons, plain Silve Spoona, Sugar Tongs, Salt ind Mustard Spoons. Ladles, Hotter Knives, Crea, n Ladles, Sugar La dles, Silver Teasels of superio rstyle. Combs, Tooth and Hair Hrushes, Silk and other variety of Hcti cules, a large lot of Fancy Go xls. IJCh A large supply of Fanc y Fans from 12* cts. to $6<'acli. Ladies, call and see them {JCJ»(docka and \V atehos repa ired and warranted as usual. Old Gold and Silver bought and taken in exchange. July 7 J. M FRISBMAN. Nor loll;. OTOTE BLACKING. -*• TR IT. MEXICAN ^ - - J E I LEAD M— Just received this superior arti cle ol Lustre for'Polishing Stoves, Grates, tie.._ Also BLACK OR \TE VARNISH, used for Coal Grates, Ash Pans, Fenders, Back and Jambs, and all other iron utensils used about fire places, which require to he kept neat and rhvin. For sale at the Drug Store, High street. Sign of the Rig Mortar. Oct 18 CHAS. H. 'rIKINITSH, Agent. WHITE SLATE PHNCILS.—This is a y T new article, and Iroin the only (initrry of the kind in the known world; possessing every desira ble. quality wanted to write on the Slate, being soft, free from grit, and very strong, and is fast super seding all others. For sale *t the Drug Store, High street,Sign of the Big Mortar. CHAS. r I. HEJ.NITSH, Agent. Also 3000 Common Slats Pencils. On 27 PROSP BCTII8 FOR PUBLISHING A MONTHLY PAPER. IN BALTIMORE. TO BP. AI.LED THE CU JLTURIST. On subjects connected w ith Agriculture, to include nn Emigrants’ Department, containing such in* formotion ns may be. useful to persona making u settlement in the \V eat, or seeking new fields ol agricultural enterprise. THE SUBSURI HER pn •poses to issue a .1. monthly sheet, in. quarto form, of sixteen pa ges, on husbandry, pastoral affairs, anil kindred subjects:—a portion ol the paper to he. occupied with notices geograp hieal, statistical and historical of such portions of t'ne West as will he of most in terest to Western 9 cittern, and also of portions of the South. Agriculture is tl ic most ancient occupation of tnun. It is also the most useful, the most indepen dent, the happiest, the most healthy, the most pro fitable and the in or it honorable. But this is not a II. Agriculture comprehends in itself more scicue c, than any other occupation in the whole circle .f human pursuits anrl industry. Geology, chcinis'iry, vegetable physiology, all make ti part of the tho rough knowledge of this most ex tensive and useful art. They are indeed but the beginning* of t he vast field of knowledge contain ed within it. Jo tli it if a man can lie a thorough agriculturist, 1 io will be in tlie large sense of the word a learned man. Farmers h< twever have been, to a great extent, opposed to w’nnt they called -science, or book-farm ing. from a mistaken idea that whatever was in print was m ercly speculative, and matter of theory. If it were io indeed, they would be right in coh demningit. It is however a mistaken idea. Sci ence is the result of experience and practice. It is the ripe h irvcst of fat Is, reaped not by one man in one field, hut gathered by all the laltorers through out all tb e harvest fields of the earth in year after year fro>,ri the beginning. E very intelligent farmer like* to talk to his nrig'n or, and draw advantage from his experience._ Tins experience is no lr»s valuable fur being de liverer t to him in print, by typ. s, than if it should be giv en to him by his neighbor, by word of mouth. It is t ho same thing. hk ill in the manual of hoeing anrl ploughing ran nevr -r make a farmer. It make* only an apprentice in t lie art. Since the multiplication of agricultu ral papers anrl societies in this country, there has he en a great improvement in the state of ac-ricul 1 to re. It is designed to give in this paper all useful gen e ral intelligence relating to rural affairs and econ < uny, whether of implements, storks, seeds, modes of culture, articles of cultivation. Soils, or fertilizer*} nnd such discoveries of seizure ns in.«y assist, light ten snd make more profitable Ihe hardy and hon orable toil of the farmer. A secondary object will he to give information to persons making settlement in the West: from per •onal knowledge mostly - sothit they will be able to make judicious selections, am) proceed in the es tablishing of their new homes to best advantage, and some description of the lands of Maryland and Virginia, with the modes of renovating them. The price will he. one dollar, invariably in ad vance. Agricultural and Emigration Societies, and oth ers who subscribe for one hundred copies or more, will be supplied at #75 per hundred. Postmasters and country collectors are requested to act as agents. All such will he allowed 20 p,’-r rent; anrl any person sending five dollars will have i si* copie*. 0«tP> W.M J. A. BRADFORD. rP,,E PATBKT (HLVANIC kings & 1 MAGNETIC FLUID—This mnaTkJbS covcrv has received the universal approbation of the Medical Profession of Great Britain, and has been sufficiently long before the American public 1? » bur trial of Its power and efficacy. The PA I EN I GALVANIC KINGS have been found to answer all the purposes for which ordinary Galvan ic Battery or Electric and Magnetic Machines ate used, but are without any of the injurious shocks winch accompany the applications by those in-tru- i menta, and m many other respects are more save I au.l certain iu accomplishing the desired object. I he Galvanic Rings have been used with perfect success in all eases ot Rheumatism, acute or chron ic applying to the head, face or limbs; Gout, Tic Doloreux. Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo. Nervous I or Sick Headache, Indigestion. Paralysis, Palsy, i Epilepsy, Fils, Cramp, Palpitation ot the Heart, Apoplexy, StiiTncssof Joints, Lumbago. Neural-da General Debility. Deficiency of Nervous Energy! and all Nervous Disorders. In ca«es of confi. uied* Dyspepsia they have been successful. Their extra- • ordinary effects upon the system must be witnessed ; to be believed; aiul as a certain preventive for the al>ove complaints they nre equally tube rccom- i mended. The Galvanic Rings are in every way I perfectly harmless, and are sold nt prices to be | within the reach of all. Eristic's Magnetic Fluid is used in connection with the Rings, to render 1 their efficient action certain, and to direct the Gal- i vai.ic influence to the particular portions which arc ' affected. ; For numerous certificates of the highest charac- I ter regarding tho efficacy of the Galvanic Rin-r* . ami Magn.-tic Fluid, reference is made to former ■ advertisements, or they may he seen at the office Only Agency in New- York, 13* Fulton street, (Sun BuilOng*.) v To goani against fraud, Dr. Camra appoints hut one A renry in each of the Cities of the United States. The only Agency for the trity ,,f Norfolk is M. A. SANTOS, for Portsmouth, Va., CH AS H HEINITSH, Agent. ' " iSCh Please colt anil get a pamphlet gratis. A tig 29 1IUY GOODS SI'OKi:. -Li hast side Crawford street, Portsmouth Va.— U .M. C. M.AUPIN having just returned from the North, where, after a close and careful examina tion of the Markets, he has been enabled to pur chase for Cash n complete assortment of F.\LC & W IN! I hit I)R\ GOODS, which he is prepared to dispose of fur Cash at such prices as cannot fail to please, and by n strict adherence to his motto, which will be “ Small Profit* ami Quirk Sales," he hopes to merit a share of public patronaire. His Stock consuls in part of Rep do Run Rounds A! ipaca Lustres French Ginghams Linen Cambric Do do Hdkfs Imitation do do do Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose Kid, Silk and Merino Gloves Ladies’ Merino Vests, do Imperial Bustles Green Rerturc, Fdirings and Iniertings Shawls, every stylo and price Black, Blue and Fancy Cloths Black. Bine and Fancy Cassirneres Gold .Mixed Tveeds Satinets from 37';cts to 31.25 Silk and Satin Vestings Common do Merino and Silk Shirts Do do (i loves Biaek Silk Cravats roeiccl I id k la Seal fa Suspenders from 25 cents to <jt3 Linen Sheetings !c Shirt ings • Damask Table Cloths Do Napkins D’Oyles’ Flannels ^ bite and Ked do Canton do I) nnestic Goods Sheetings and Shirtings Tieka, Cheeks, Kerseys Negro Clothing Do Hoan and Hlankets Prints—French. Knglish and Domestic, from fij to 37.'; cents Whitney Hlankets Mackinaw and Duffle do, from 8-1 to 14-4 Crib do Cloakings and Plaids < ’ ishinere Hoods Diapers and Crash Umbrellas from 5t) cents to >$5' Furniture Dimity Corded do mi many oincr artirip* too nmnoroiH to men '•on. Call s >»n at the NEW CASH STORE. Sep 2!) JOHN COCKE A CO., have Just received per Hi'lir Leroy from New Y’ork, and are now opening a fine assortment of FALL AND WINTER I)U\' GOODS, to whirh they invite the attention of purchasers, both wholesale and retail. The Stork is well ass >rted and consists in part as follows : 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Ribbond Hound Whitney Blankets: Point, Duffle, and1 Saddle do; White, R*d, Yellow and Green flannels; Grn n Baize; Brown, Bleached and Coloured Canton Flannels; Dress and Furniture Calicoes; Table Diaper, 8-4 and 1(1 4, wide; Russia do; Birds Eye do; Hucher bttek do; Colored End Towels; Long Lawn and Linen Cambric; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Hi in Stilt.tied do ; Coloured Bordered do; Barnsley Sheeting, three yars wide; Cotton do, same width ; Black. Bine. Mixed and Fancy Sattincts ; Tweeds lor Sack Coals; Superior Buckskin Cassinets, Plaid Cloaking ; Black, Blur, Green, Clarot, and other coloured Cloths; Black, Blue, and Fancy Ca.-si meres ; Hlrickston I weeds ; vVoolen Vestings ; Va lencia do; Superior Cashmere do; Mixed Doc Skins; 12-4 White Marscdls Quilts; Paper Cam bric Furniture Checks; Brown Holland; French Turkey Red Prints; English Turkey Red Cam brics ; Turkey R d Cotton, for Striping; Gum Sits ponders; Cotton do ; Cashmere Shawls; Imitation Cashmere do; Damask do; Shaded Ginghams; t Black Silk finish Tabby Velvet; do Sabine finish i do; Rich Albert Cords; Irish Linens; Brown French ! do; Green Barrage, Embroidered; De Lain Shawls; ; Polka Gimp; Black Love Veils; (Hack Italian Cra vats; Fancy do ; Worsted Caps ; Donna Maria do ; Cashmere do; Pekin Hoods; Ladies’ Silk and Kid , Gloves; Men’s do; Bleached and Brown Shirtings; Ih-avy Woollen Kerseys; Canvass and Padding; | Black and white Wiggins; Cord Roy: Furniture I Dimity; do Fringes; Watered and Damask Mo I roms; Merino, Lambs Wool, Cotton, and Buck- ' skin Shirts; Merino, Lambs Wool and Cotton Draws; White Laeo Muslins; Jackone.t dr,; Mull do; Cambric do; Swiss do; Fig’d and Plain do ; Tarlcton do; Wash Blonds; Bobinct* ; Thread ; La- i ecu; Edgings and Inserting*, Lisle do; Needles, Pinj, (Vrd, Tape, nod many other articles too tedi- ■ oils to mention. Also one thousand pounds Gill Nett Thread, in | pound skeins. JOHN COCKE ft CO., Sep 13 High St.. Portsmouth, Va. j (_(IN.—SO bhla Imitation Holland Gin, just re- ; X reived, for sale by Aug31 . J. WILLS, T ONJDON MYRTLE POMATUM. ' XJ received i supply of tint excellent and highly | perfumed LONDON POMATUM, put up in neat ! jars. For sale at .he Drug Store of Sep 16 CHA5L II. HF.INITSII, Agent. BVI 11N S000 C i l - !: nnd. lotto lbs Choie.e 11-utm, receiving per R •* Road, for sale by WILLS k. CO. Sep 22 1 VI) PACK %GB9 new pall goods ■ JOHN COCKE fc CO., an- now opening their extensive Stork of NEW GOODS, lo whir]| they invite the attention of ilm publie S<-p 16 UI9TORICAL AMUSEMENT \ new ft entertaining game on the History of England ! For sale at HODGES * CITS Sep 3 Variety Store, Crawford street. PURE SPICEN.—Jt»»t received s fresh sopply ot Pure ,Spires. I.ochas Ground Pepper, Ground | Allspice. Ground Ginger, Cayenne Pepper, Cloves. Nutmeg*. Cinnamon, k<\ For sale at the Drug i Store, Sign of the. Big Mortar. Oat 47 ( HAS U HCINITSH. Agent. I 1 artruis oC j One square oue insertion,.jiO aO * One do two- do. l> 75 ! One do three do. I 00 One do one week. 1 75 : One do two weeks. « 75 One do one mouth. 4 po I One do two months. 7 00 One do three months,. 10 OP Oue do six months,. It, 00 One do per year. 30 00 fyjr'l\orlve lines or Irss make a square ; longer ones charged in proportion, and are to be paid for in advance. Advertisements ordered in only once or twice a week, will ho charged 50 cents per square for the first insertion, and 37 ; cents for each subsequent insertion. TO DRUGGISTS AND WHOLESALE J DEALERS. UNITED STATES DEPOT OK POPl LAK MEDICINES.—The sole and general Agencies for the sale of all (ienmne and most pop j ular Medicines, Inis been appointed, and invested by the various proprietors, in the hands of T. W. Dyott & Sons, of the Columbian College, No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia, *or the con venience and express purpose of supplying all wholesale purchasers at one particular point. Dr. T. \\ . Dyott & Sons, have made such arrangements with the proprietors of the most pop ular medicines now in use, as to enable them to turni-h druggists and wholesale dealers, on much more advantageous terms than they can in general la- procured from the proprietors themselves. And a* no sophisticated preparations aro kept or sold at this establishment, thorc-i* no risk of getting Coun terfeit articles, with wtiicis, tho country now a hounds The attention of the public is solicited, to rail at the Fountain Head a- above, where is kept for sale, and may he examined, the rn*>st extensive nnd gen eral assortment of Proprietory articles of Medi cines, to he found in the United1 States. For the convenience of those who it mar not be convenient to apply at the above establishment, we have established Special Dxpots in the folibwing eilics, where (he most of the article* contained in our general catalogue are to be found. RICHMOND, Va., at the store of A. Duval & Co. 117 Main street. ^ W ASHINGTON, D C., at the store of Robert Farnhutn, corner of Eleventh stnoctand Penn. Av enue U.VLTI ATORF,, Md., at' the store oPS-. S. Ilanco, No. 108 |{altiinorc street. NEW YORK, No. 1>S Maiden Lane. ALBANY, N. Y., No. 53 State street. BOS I ON. Mass . No. 2 Water street. All of whom are supplied from the Columbian College and f'ountain Head of Oct 3 T. W. DYOTT U SONS. PROSPECTUS ' THE I ’OXCItKS'lliN AL UNION ANDAP ' PK.VDfX, &c. The undersigned respect fully inform ine public, that, with tin; approaching- si s don of (’ongnms, they will begin tin publication of ih~ ‘^Congressional Union” and “Appendix.”— I he fi; st will contain a full and accurate history of ill daily proceedings of both brandies of the na tional legislature. It will bo compiler! with such '■arc, that every citizen who is interested in the public affairs v/ill find it a complete synopsis of dicir proceeding's, and a ready book ol referenda upon ail questions which come "before them. The second, ( the “ Appendix,”) will contain 'very speech which is delivered in the House of Koprcsentaiives a. id Senate during the sessions re ported at length I iy a full and able corps of con gressional reporte --s, and revised before publication. I.y tile authors, • vherever it is requested. These two works will be strictly impartial, and nre in tended to be as int cresting and useful to the man if business, and to the politician of the owe party »s of the other. J ' The Daily, Semi-weekly, and Weekly Union, will, as usual, embrace an interesting variety of matter on political, scientific, and literary suWiieta, along with current news of tho day. The editor will continue to d.svote all his energies to the im provement of “ Thi Union.” He finds many ac complished men in this city. The administration Ims brought with it a considerable accession of tal ents. Several tried and distinguished members of die democratic party have accepted office under- it Some of them have li berally contributed their liter ary labors to our benefit; and wc hope to enlist oth ers in our service. Resides, the time is not far dis tant when the editor intends to call other lalent* to his assistan e. Ilia a mbition is, to make his paper worthy of the metropolis of the Union. Wc feel a dei p sens,? of gratitude for (he prompt manner in which our political friends in every sec lion of the country have already come forward to sustain the “Union?” May we not hope that our friends throughout the. Un»ted States will cont inne to assist our labors, and prevail upon their frionds to take some one edition iif the “ Union.” 1)3- As this will be the long session ol Con°-rcs., Mid will probably last, eight months, we hnve’con sludnd to publish the Congrbssional Union and Appendix on the following TERMS. For the Congressional Union, $1 50 per copy. For the Appendix, I 50 per copy. 1 J Clubs will be furnished witli 7Vr> copies of either tin; above works for $12; Twenty five copies lor & 25. EXTRA WEEKY AND «EMI-WE KEY UNION. iffy- For the accommodation of those who desire i paper printed at the seat of government during the session of Congress only, we will furnish them tin* Extra union m follow* ? Semi-1Feebly, l copy, - - . - A2 50 6 c6P'ei».. no V, l? r(,P“*» * • • 24 00 lv cekly, I copy, .... 1 q(). 12 copies, - - . . 10 00 “ 25 coble*, - - . . 20 00 THE UNION Will be furnished hereafter to yearly subscribers as follows: Daily, per year, for one copy, . . ^|o 00 „ “• “ five copies, . . . 40 00 Semi- Ir eekly “ one copy, - . 5 od “ five copies, - - - 20 0(t “ ” ten copies, . . 35 oo treekly, " one ropy, . . . 2 00 “ five copies, . 8 00 ” “ t-n copice, - - -15 00 (Vo attention will he paid to any order unless the money aciomp>mie* it. (jCJ-Those desiring complete copies of the Con gressional Union and Appendix, will please send us their names previous to the. 1st day of December next. ft?" Wc will willingly pay the postage on all let ters sent us containing fine dollars nnd upwards._ Other letters directed to us, with the postage un paid, will not he taken out of the office. ftrt- Newspapers throughout the country, who will publish the above prospectus until the meeting ot Congress will receive, in return, the Congress ional Union during the session. RITCHIE k IIE1SS. " AsttlNc.TON ingiist I 184$- Oct 3 ^Ij N DiliKS.—1000 bags Shot, assorted, 5 hh O Ol.l Horn. 30 casks Madeira, Teneriffe, Sweet Malaga and P.>rt Wins, 40 bhls N O. and N. K. Rum 40 do Old Rye Whiskey, 30 do Imitation Cognac Brandy, 40 do Philadelphia and Baltimore Rye Gin 10 bins Peppermint Cordial, 200 kegs Baltimore Nails, !0 do Kabratus, 200 lbs Indigo, 50 do Nutmegs, 7Of* do Black Popper, 500 do Allspice, ® ; WltLS, Commerce ttnet. s" 1 1 KMC -I CDS. Received 1 day, in addition to oar supply of Seeds the fol lowing : Rota Rags, (white.) RntaKnga or Swedish Yellow, Large Norfolk, White Flat, kr. kr. Also. Cabbage Seeds, Flat Dutch, F.arRe Dm™ head, Drumhead Savoy. l arge gRcrge n »i, n.itc kr. For sale af the Prog d.e oStorg). ,trrr, door* below Middle n st c t, \mr!2 CIIAS. fi. rTKlN,TS,,T Agent. i^irOCR io bhi« of family fiopr I thbhUM Funk