Newspaper Page Text
’ !T—i—■—I—— WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1845 . -«'" ■> in i -——- - JDublfshctJ Da fin. Corner of High and Crawford sis., Ports mouth, Va. TERMS or THE NEW ERA. To subscribers, TEN <JKN I S PER WEEK, pav *bls to the Cabsirr, to whom alone they are re aponsihlo for the amount due at the expiration of the wock. When sent by wail the terms arc $5 for twelve months, $2 50 for six months, $135 for three months. TSRMS OF TUB OLD DOMINION, (WKEKLt. ) One copy $2 per year—by Mail. By the Carrier, 50. j^j»To he paid in advance. S WHEELER, Attorney and Counsellor a , Law, Portsmouth, Va. fry-Office in Rourkc’s New Building, High street, where he wall be pleased to sec all persons having business in the line of his profession. Sep 18 tlMLLlAM WOODWARD, Notify Pub VV 11c and Scrivener, General Agent, Convey ancer, and Collector, will attend to all business cn- i trusted to his care with promptness and despatch. fry-Office on Wide Water Street, head of Roa- I noke Square. July 8 YJOBERT BELL, Wholesale and Retail Hat JA and Cap Store, Sign of the Panther, High atrect, Portsmouth Va. HBUFF, Chemist, corner of High and Mid • dls streets, Portsmouth, Va. JOI1W COCKE & CO., Dcalsrs in Forsign and Domestic Dry Goods, High street, near Middle street, Portsmouth, Va. TTT H. II. IIODGES <fc CO., Wholesale and VV • Retail Dealers in Books. Stationery and Finev Goods, Crawford stree1, Portsmouth Va. CHARLES II. HEIMTSH, A gent. Drug gist and Apotecary, and Dealer in Paints, Oils, prestuffs, Ac-, High street, Portsmouth. Va. El). HAYNES, Wholesale and Retail Fur . iiiturc Warehouse, comer of High and Mid dle streets, Portsmouth, Va. F HOFFMAN. Root and Shoes Manufactur . er, south of the Market, Crawford street, ■Portsmouth, Va _ STEPHEN JAMES, Wholesale and Retail O Dealer in Family Groceries, Wines, &c., Mar ket Square, Portsmouth, Va. WILLIAM B. PITCHER, Wholesale amt Retail Dealer in Roots. Shoes, Hats, Caps. Trunks, Lenlher, Linings, Bindings, See., west side Crawford street, Portsmouth, Va. (T7TLLIAM l>. ROBERTS. JR., Mnnufac VV turer ami Dealer in Stoves, Iron, Copper and Tin Ware, &c., &c., corner of High and Crawford treels, Portsmouth, Va. JAN. A. SPA LDING. Manufacturer and Do it er in (Juris, Rifles, Pistols, and every other ar ticle in the Sporting line. Sign of the Mammoth Sun, nigh street, Portsmouth, Va. (ITILLS At CO., Wholesale Grocers and Coin V? mission Merchants, east end of High street, Portsmouth, Va. C4 II ALL & (JO. Wholesale and Retail Book, J» Stationery and Fancy Goods Establishment, Main street, Norfolk, Va. J WILLS, Wholesale Grocery anti Coirimis • sion Store, Commerce street, Norfolk, Va. WILLIAM REID, WliolesahT and Retail Hat and Cap Store, cast side Market Square, Norfolk, Va. I FERGUSON & MILH ADD—Lumber, CoaT, ami general Commission business. Wide Water sleet, Norfolk, Va. \ XES! AXES |!—(.’an be had M the Store ot Jx. S. JAMES, West side Market Square, Ports mouth, an assortment of T. Hnestis’* AXES, of all fuses, at the lowest prices ; warranted io stand six months Oot 21 CHANGE OP HOUR. Ori and alter SATUR DAY. the 25th instant, the Baltimore Steam Packets will leave Hunter’s Wharf, Norfolk, at 4 o'clock. P. M. JAS. F. HUNTER, Agent, Oct 55 B. S. P. Co. NOTICE TO TKA VELLERS. DAILY LINE, (Sunday’s excepted.) TO RICHMOND, PETERSBURG AND THROUGH TO CHARLESTON. r|MIE Steamer CURTIS PECK.Capt. John I)a J- vis, leaves Southgate’s Wharf, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Morning, at halt past 6 o’clock, nnd Steamer ALICE, Capt. Thos. Skin neb, every Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday Mor ning, at same hour, each boat touching at all the ' intermediate landings on the River, and connect with the Bay steamers daily, so that passengers go ing South can go oil without detention. Passage and fare (from and after the 1st N.ivom her,) from Norfolk anil to and from Richmond and Petersburg, $3 (M) Passage throughout to Weldon, $6 00, Oct 31 DI(.'KSOv A MALLORY. THE < II EA PEST & BEST ROUTE To THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS.— 'Through in ihrer days, with •C9S9UIrraprtmrm any outer route. DAILY, x^jjmiay’s excepted.) Tlic Steamers CURTIS PECK, Captain Davis. and JEWESS, Capt. Sutton, leave Southgate’* "hart, Norfolk, at o’clock, daily (Sunday's cx ceppvl) f,,r Richmond, and arrive in due time to connect with the Packet Moats to Lynchburg, lea v'"g daily at 5 o’clock, P. M., (Sunday’s except ed) arriving in 32 hours, thence by stages (in (|ay tmie,) via. Natural Bridge to the Springs ; through l"c whole route from Norfolk in 3 days, without **’/ fatigue, so requisite for invalids. Phssago and Faro through to White Sulphur oprings, meals and lodgings included on board of boats !roin Norfolk to Lyncdiburg, #14. PASSENGERS FOR STAUNTON. * he Packet Boats lor Staunton leave Richmond ,y*T)Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon : ® "’clock, passengers going to Staunton by lea ’’mg Norfolk on Monday. VVednesday and Friday nornmgs in the Jewess, Capt. Sutton, will arrive a,sufficient time to take this comfortable and ex peditions route, being only 44 miles staging. Pas a,,d Fare to Staunton by 'his route from Nor ,° * #S, whole expense Irom Norfolk toStaun “Q* S'l 25 less than by Louisa Railroad at #S. * ickets throughout can be procured on board the K"er Moats. DICKSON h MALLORY. '”'r 1,1 Agents, ,T. R, Stcamlionts. I)Krt.s wit MEDICINES, fain is, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFs) , recent arrivals from Northern Cities the b'cfiber is put in possession of a complete as "''rtmentof DRUGS AND MEDICINES, FAINTS ’ T"«. WINDOW GLASS, DYE8TUFFS &c., to erali ' 'Mv',ew Ihc attention of the public gen stiy. Purchasers wishing to obtain articles in r .n 12% °* business, would do well to give him a Tf dealing elsev/hore. hi, '""owing comprises but a small portion of assortment, riz: Aqua Ammon, «« Fort ” Arrowroot. ” Rrrmuda,” p ? ’ Borax, Bayberry Bark, Ginn r,rn H?r|c’ best; Gurn Opium, Rol?a#nZphof- Gu,n Benzoin, r-_. ^dphur, Dover Powder. j..| >'<v,’ ” English and American,” *•. * 2prr'*c» KP"orn Salts, Lemon Svtnn •uiia Beane, Musk “in grain,” ^ .^^•L^lclemistV|K;ret, SWir-* u - T BROOK*. Jr CRAWFORD HOUSE, Portsmouth, Va. l»y JOHN VV. COLLINS,assisted by J. \V. Doy'al, who will always be in attendance to render Travel lers and Sojourners comfortable and agreeable. id*Sorters are always in attendance, free of charge. PASSENGERS HY CARS AND BOATS TAKE THEIR MEALS AT THIS HOUSE. House is so well known to Northern and Southern Travellers, that not one word is necessary to be said in its praise. To Ladies and Gentlemen, desirous of making a longor shor(sojourn in Ports mouth, where every delicacy of land and sea can be Obtained in the utmost r ienness and abundance, the Proprietor would state that the House ia pro vided with every modern improvement, for the coinfort and convenience of his Pairotis, while honest and attentive Servants are always in atten dance. 05-The STABLES attached to this popular and extensive EstnHisnmeut are the largest and most commodious o any in Eastern Virginia. MRS. FANNY GODWIN , cart accpinmo date ft few single gentlemen, and a gentle man and his wife with Board, on moderate farina. 1 Fot her ability to give satisfaction, she would refer to any who have boarded with her. Residence on County street, between Court and Ditiwiddie sts. Transient Boarders taket. bv the day or week. April 24 Boarding sahah Uhast, would respectfully cal! the nt'ention of Hoard ers and Transient Por-ons to her large and com modious House, situated jn <ho most pleasant part of Port smouth, at the lower tcrminous of Court street, near the water, commanding a full view of, the harhor and shipping. Mrs. G. is desirous of j obtaining a few genteel Hoarders, to whom she ' fee la certain she will give entire satisfaction. Her | Baths arc fitted up in neat style, and their use are ; free to her Hoarders. Terms moderate. N. 11. Two small Houses on Glasgow street for i Rent for the next year. Enquire as above. Oct l Sh a wls, shawls, sh vwls. .hhin COCKE & CO., are now offering for sale a very ’ large and well selected Stock of SHAWLS, to; which they invite the attention of the ladies, and I all who desire a neat, cheap, warm, and good arti cle. They arc in part as follows: Super 5-4 Striped. Plain and Fig’d Silk Shawls. Do 9-4 Cashmere do of the latest patterns and styles. Super Thibet Wool do, broclio do, Merino do, Zephyr Wool do, very large and pretty ; Mouvaline db Lane do, some of which are white and hand somely embroidered ; Nett do, Prusian do., and al so a large supply of Black Thibet and Muslin de j Lninc Shawls, fllaek Silk Mantillas, Sic , all of I which they will sell low for the money. Oct g_JOHN COCffE & CD . High i ]?MBROtDEREO SYV 1SS Ml'M.lN ROBES -J JOHN COCKE & CO., have just received and • offer for sale a few of those beautiful EM BHOIDER. EDSYYISS MUSLIN DRESSES. Also,a few pieces of white. Tfirloton Muslin, Handsome Black and White Silk Blond for Veils, to which they would ; respectfully call the attention of the ladies. Oct 7 _ JOHN COCKE & CO. rr» 11K YV ORLD 6UTDO Y E - IK) W ERs 1 LOVETT’S Celebrated PERUVIAN PILLS— warranted to cure Ague and Fever in Two Days. ! So happily adapted are they, to all the indica- I lions of a speedy, immediate and permanent cure, i that in every instance, if ilireetions be followed, a \ cure will be guaranteed in two days, or the money re funded. Printed directions will accompany each box of the Pills. Remember, a cure is guaranteed in the short space of two days, it directions be followed. N. It. None are genuine without the written signatures of the Proprietors on each envelope. Tor sale at the Drug Store, High street. Sign of the Big Mortar, who is tho only Agent in Ports mouth. CIIAS. II. HEIMTSH, Agent. Nov 1 _ KOHLR AIJSCirS HISTORY OF HER MANY ; from the earliest period to the pre sent time. Taylor’s Manuai of Ancient and Modern History, j Reed’s Dictionary of the English Language, \ containing the pronunciation, etymology, and ex planation of all words authorized by eminent wii tors; to which arc added a vocabola rv ol the roots of English words, and an accented list of Green, ' Latin and Scripture proper n unes. The above fot sale by \V. H. H. HODGES & CO. Nov 7 ST A RR’S C AM I*TfiN E I, V >1 FN~Aft^Ti fair trial of W. II. Starr’s Patent Camphine Lamps, I am convinced they have no superior, if brilliancy and economy be considered. Reitig anx ious to afford as much light as possible to the Pub lic, 1 have consented to art as Agent for the man ufacturer. I have received a variety of the altove LAMPS, to wit: Side, Hanging, and Parlor ! IPS, rtf beautiful patterns, which I will sill at mo manu facturer's prices. In many part , of the city of New York these Lamps have superceded the Gas Light, (July 71 WILLIAM REID, Norfolk. Rectified wood napiitTi a—This having recently come into use in Lortrfott as a remedy for Turbereulous Consumption, and very favorable and happy effects having resulted from it, has induced the subscribers to hayo some of it prepared with great care, perfectly pure, and high ly rectified, in order that a fair trial may be made of its merits. This is warranted to he the article so highly re commended by Dr. Hastings (Physician to the Free Dispensary London.) in his statement pub lished in the London Lancet, when he cautions per I sons using it to be sure and proeu-e this kimf, as an impure article (or Coal Tar Naphtha) has pro duced the most unpleasant and dangerous effects. It has been used by many of our most eminent Phy. siefans, with decided success. .Veto York, Jan. 1st. 1345. RUSHTIN ft CO. The above article of Naphtha just received and for sale by HENRY HUFF. July 12 High street, PKRGIMMO.N WOOD WANTED I'or 20 Cord good PKRCIMMON WOOD, either in logs or blocks, for which a fair cash price will ho given Apply to CHAff. H. HEINITSH. Drug Store, High st., 4th door below Middle, Aug 28 RIO CO Ft EE. so bag-i Prime Green, just re ceived, for Sale by ' Sep 22 TVILf 4» h CO. H AGING AND ROPE.—50 pieces Kentucky Raging, J SO Coil* Rope, for sals low by Aug 12 WILLS it CO. vNgffipy PALL FASHIONS.—THE SURSCRIKER X would announce to his numerous friends anti customers, that he has now received the New and Improved FASHIONS for tile Fall, and is prepared to> furnish them with the Rest, must fashionable, and Cheapest Hats that can he procured in tins section of country. SIGN OF THE PANTHER, „ . High sticet, FurUinuiiili. s,'Pn_R. BELL. W ATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING. t ne sixttti'ribers reepectlul ly inform the inhabitants of v I’ortamonth and Norfolk, that X Mr. Andrew Robinson has f commerced the WATCH & i> CLOCK REPAIRING HUS! | NESS, at the Stand formally 0 occupied by C. \V lleydon, an<i tltey would say to tltc ’ ....... 111 mis si i»1*1 n retruiar apprenticeship a! the business, and lias been onpratrrd for the last ten years, Repairin’' fine WATCHKS & CLOCKS; t.icrclorc. lie ll.liters himsell that his abilities are Mirb, as to ;_rivo satisfaction (o all who may favour nun with their custom. Officers ol the Navy, rind others, may rolv upon dii'jr work boinir done in the best manner, and at the time appointed. The Public are also informed that Mr. DICKSON ol Philadelphia, is connected with him in business, •u:d is prepared to manufacture and repair Jewelry ol ever y description, on moderate terms, and in a style not to he surpassed. S,,P 27 RORINSON & DICKSON. 1\ 10 \V At FASHION AHLK GOODS.— 1 have just ^ returned with a new and spTen j did assortment of Gold, Silver T Lrpine, Lever, and Verge % NN ntehes. Gold Guards,a large 8 lot of lireast Pins, un unusual j| largeatoek, (fold Fob and Vest Chains, Gold Lockets. Medal lion ami Miniature ('isr--, Gold, Silver, und Steel Spectacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles and Shields, Gold Guard Keys, Gobi Studs and Sleeve Huttons, Coral and Clasps, 1* mger Kings of every vari -tv. I ihl>'. Dessert ami Tea threaded Silver Fo rks, Tar bio, Dessert and Tea thread Spoons, plain Si|v.; Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Salt and Mustard Spoons, Ladies, KttUei Knives, Cream Ladles, Sugar La dies. Silver T-a seta of superior style. Combs, Tooth ami Hair Brushes, Silk and other variety of Reti cules, a lnrsre lot of Fanev Goods. (fh A large supply of Fancy Fans from 12cts. to $ii> each. Ladies, call and see them {jCJ»Clocks and Watches repaired and warranted as usual. < >LJ Gold and Silver bought and taken in exchange. July 7 J. M. FREEMAN, Norfolk. C'l’O VEHLACKING.—" TRUE MEX10AN C, JE I LEAD ” -Just received this superior arti cle ol Lustre for Polishing Stoves, (irate*, &c.— Also BLACK GR \TE VARNISH, use.) for Coal (•rates. Ash Pans, Fenders Back and Jamhs, and all other iron utensils used about fire places, which require to he kcp> neat and clean. For sale at the Drug Store, High street. Sign of the Big Mortar. Oct 13 CIIAS. H. HFJNIT8H, Agent. YI7HITE SLATE PENCILS.—This is a r T new article, and from the only Qiturry of the kind in the known world; possessing every desirn hie quality wanted to write on t!»•• Slate, being soft, free from grit, and very strong, ami it» fast super seding all others. For sale at the Drugstore, Hi«q, street, Sign of the. Big Mortar. Cli.AS. II. HE1MTSH, Ag-mt. Also 3000 Common Slate. Pencils. Oet 27 PROSPECTUS FOR PUBLISHING A MONTHLY PAPER JN BALTIMORE, TO BE AI.LED THE CULT UR 1ST. On subjects connected with Agriculture, to include an Emigrants’ Department, containing such in formation as may be useful to persons making a settlement in the West, or seeking new fields of agiiralturnl entemrije. SUHSCKIBCU proposes to issue a -I monthly sheet, in quarto form, of sixteen pa ges, oti husbandry, pastoral affairs, and kindred subjects :—a portion of the. paper to be occupied with notices geogrupfiicnl, statistical and historic al of such portions of tin- West ns will hoof most in terest to Western settlers, and also of portions of the South. Agriculture is the most ancient occupation of man. It is also the most useful, the most indepen dent, the happiest, the most healthy, the most pro fitable and the most honorable. Knt this is not all. Agriculture comprehends in itself more scicnec, than any other occupation in the whole circle of human pursuits and industry. Geology, chemistry, vegetable physiology, all make a part of the thorough know ledge of this most ex tensive and useful art. They are indeed but the beginnings of the vast field of knowledge contain ed within it. So th <t if a man can he a thorough agriculturist, ho will be in the large sense of the word a luarued man. Farmers however have l>ecn, to a great extent, opposed to what they called science, or book-farm ing, from a mist ikon idea that whatever was in print was merely speculative, and matter of theory. If it were so indeed, they would he right in con demning it. It is however a mistaken idea. Sci cnc< is the result of experience and practice. It is the ripe harvest of fat ts, reaped not by one irnu in one field, but gathered by all the laborer* through outall the harvest fields of the earth in year after year from the beginning. Every intelligent Uriner likes to talk to his neigh- I ..r, and draw advantage from his experience. This rxp<ricn< e in no kgs valuable for bring de livered to him in print, by types, than if it Should be given to him by hi* neighbor, by word of mouth. It is the same thing. Skill in the manual of hoeing anti ploughing can n« ver make a firmer, it makes only an app entice in the art. Rinrr the multiplication of ngricultu ral papers and *t*-ietks in this country, there has been a great improvement in the stale of agricul ture. It i* designed t-> give in tills paper all useful gen eral intelligence relating to rural affairs and econ omy, whether of implements, stocks, seeds, modes of culture, articles of cultivation, soils, or fertilizers; and such discoveries of science as may assist, light en and make more profitable the hardy anti hon orable toil of the farmer. A secondary object will be m p.;*,. information to persons making settlement in th<- West ; from per sonal knowledge mostly—so that they will he able to make judicious selections, and proceed in fhr es tablishing of their new Icmcs to best advantage and some description of the lands of Maryland and’ Virginia, with the modes of renovating them. Th< price will bo one dollar, invariably in ad vance. Agricultural and Emigration Mocieties, nnd oth ers who subscribe for one hundred copies or more, ' will be supplied ar ft?f> ger hArndrkt postmasters and country collectors are reqitesfed to act a* agents. All such will be allowed 20 per cent; and any person sending five dollars will have copies. Ott 3b W.M. J. A BR ADFORD rriIK PATENT GALVANIC RINGS. & A M.\(iM,nc FLUID.—This remarkable dis covery has received the universal approbation of the Medical Profession of Great Britain, and has been sufficiently long before the American public to given fnii trial of its power and ellieacv. The I A I EN I GALVANIC KINGS have been found to answer all the purposes for which ordinary Galvan ic Battery or Electric and Magnetic Machines are used, but arc without any of trie injurious shocks which accompany the applications t>y those in-dru iRcnts, and in many other respects are more safe and certain in accomplishing the desired object. The Galvanic Rings have been used with perfect success in all cases of Rheumatism, acute or chron ic, applying to the head, face or limbs ; Gout, Tic Dolorcux. Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo. Nervous or Sick Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy, Fits, Cramp, Palpitation ot the Heart) Apoplexy, Stiffness of Joints, Lumbago. Neural-da, General Debility, Deficiency of Nervous Energy) and all Nervous Disorders. In eases of confirmed Dyspepsia they have been successful. Their extra ordinary effects upon the system must be witnessed to be believed; and as n certain preventive for the above complaints they are equally to be recom mended. The Galvanic Rings arc in every way perfectly harmless, and are sold at nriees to be within the reach of all. Cristie’s Magnetic Fluid is used in connection with the Rings, to render their efficient action certain, and to direct the Gal \ariit influence to the particular pot lions which ar c affected. For numerous certificates of the highest charac u r regarding the efficacy of the Galvanic Rings and Magnetic Fluid, reference is made to former advertisements, or they mav be seen at the office Onlv Agency in New- York, 131 Fulton street, (Sun Builcing.) To guard against fraud, Dr. Cristif. appoints but one Agency in each of the Cities of the United States. The onlv Agency for the City of Norfolk is M. A. SANTOS, for Portsmouth, Vu.,CIIAS. 11 HKINITSH, Agent. (tCf- Please rail and gel a pamphlet gratis. _ New, cheap dky goods store, L ist hide Crawford street, Portsmouth Va.— W .M.C. M.AUPIN having just returned from the North, where, alter a close and careful examina tion ol the Markets, he has been enabled u> pur chase for Cash a complete assortment of FALL & AA IN 1 ER DKA GOODS, which he is prepared to dispose of for Cush at such prices as cannot fail to please, and by a -trirt adherence to his motto, which will be “ Small Profits and Quick Sales,” he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. His Stock consists in nart of Cashmeres Hep do Run Rounds Alapaca Lustres French Ginghams Linen Cambric l>o do Ildkfe Imitation do do do .Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose Kid, Silk and Merino Gloves Ladies’ Merino Vests, do Impeiial ILi-iies Green Borage, Kdginsrs anti I user tings Shawls, every style and price Black, Bine and Fancy Cloths Black, Blue and Fancy Cassirneres Gobi Mixed T vcerls Satinets from 37.icta to 81 -25 Silk and Satin Vestings Common do Merino and Silk Shirts Do do Gloves Biaek Silk Cravats Pocket Hdkfa Scarfs Suspenders from 25 cents to $3 Linen Sheetings & Shirt ings Damask Table Cloths Do Napkins D’Ovles’ Flannels Wbite and lied 'o Canton do Domestic G<K>ds Sheetings and Shirtings Ticks, Checks, Kerseys Negro Clothing Do IIos<; und Blankets Prints—-French, English and Domestic, from to 37^ cents Whitney Blankets Mackinaw and DufTlo do, from 8-4 to 14-4 Crib do Cloakings and Plaids Cashmere Hoods Diapers and Crash Umbrellas from 50 cents to So Furniture Dimity Corded do /ina many other article* too numerous to men lion. Call soon at the NEW CASH STOKE. Sep 29 FOIIN COCKE «fc, CO., have ju«i received per sc hr Leroy from New Yrork, am] are now opening'a fine assortment of FALL AND WINTF.K DIvV (»OODS, to which they invite the attention of purchasers, both wholesale an (I retail. The Stock is well assorted an I consists in part as follows : 10-4. 11-4 a ml 1 a - 4 no,.. Blankets; Point, Duffle, and Saddle do; White, Red, Yellow and Green Flannels; Gretn Baize; Brown, Bleached and Coloured Canton Flannels; Gross and Furniture Calicoes; Table Diaper, 8-4 and 10 4, wide ; Russia do; Birds Eye do; llucher back do; Colored End Towels; Long Lawn and Linen Cambric; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Ilem Stitt.bed tit*; Coloured Bordered do; Barnsley Sheeting, three yars wide ; Cotton do, same width ; Black, Blue, Mixed and Fancy Satiinets; Tweeds for Sack Coats; Superior Buckskin Cnssincts, Plaid ( leaking; Black, Blue, Green, Clnrot, and other coloured Cloths; Black, Blue, anti Fancy Ca-si meres; Rlacksion Tweeds; Woolen Vesting!; Va lencia do; Superior Cashmere do; Mixed f)oc Skins; 12-4 While Marsci llg Quilts; Paper Cam bric Furniture Checks; Brown Holland; French Turkey Red Print- ; English Turkey Red Cam brie8; Furkny Rod Cotton, for Striping; Gum Sih Renders; Cotton do; Cashmere Shawls: Imitation Cashmere do; Damask do; Shaded Gioghams; Black Silk finish Tabby Velvet; do Sabine finish 'Jo; Rich Albert Cords; Irish Linens ; Brown French do; Green Barrage, Embroidered; De Lain Shawls; Polka Gimp ; Black Lovo Veils ; Black Italian Cra vats; Fancy do; Worsted Caps; Donna Maria do; C (sincere do; Pekin Hoods; Ladies’ Silk and Kid Gloves ; Men’s do; Bleached and Brown Shirtings; Heavy Woollen Kersey*; Canvass and Padding; Black and white WTiggjng; Cord Roy; Furniture Dimity; do Fringes; Watered and Damask Mo rretis; Merino, Lambs Wool, Cotton, and Bin k -kin Shirts; Merino, Lunin Wool and Cotton Draws; White Lace Muslins ; Jackonct do; Mull do; Cambric, do; Swiss do; Fig’d and Plnin do; Tarlcton do; W ash Blonds; H'lbinets ; Thread ; La ces ; Edgings and Inserting*, Lisle do; Needles, Pins. (Vrd, 1’ape, and many other articles too tedi ous to mention. Also one thousand pounds Gill Nelt Thread, is ; pound skeins. JOHN COCKE A CO., Sep 13 High st., Portsmouth, Va. ft IN .—50 bids Imitation Holland Gin, just re J ceivcd, for sale by Aug 21 J. WILLS. fON DON MYRTLE VO W ATVM. Just J received a -upply of that excellent and highly pcrfum d LONDON POMATUM, put up in seat jars. For sale at .ft" Drug Store of ■s<ep ,6_ CHAU. IL HEINITSH, Agent, HA CON.-’'<>00 lbs Choics- H-.g Bonn I. 1000 I Its Choice Hams, receiving per R it Road, for sale by WILLS A CO. S"p 22 1 ♦Hi1’V( K AGBS \r\v FALL GOODS 1 C\T .inns COCKE A CO., are now opening H eir extensive Stork of NEW' GOODS, to which they invite thp attention of the pnhlie. Sep | f, ITLSTORfCAL A Mt'SMM ENT -A „*cwTa Il entertaining game on the History of England. For sale at HODGES A CO’S Sep 3 Variety Store, CrfWTdfd street. P!TRr HVICI.S. .Tost received a fresh supply of Vr/re Spirit, I,uch is Ground Pepper, Ground Ailspir#, Ground Ginger, f’avenrie P.pper. Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Ac. For sale at the Drnrr Store, Sie-n of the Big Mortar. Oe.rr’ HUS U HF.IKITSH, Agent ' -■"" 1 "■ 11 ' ■■■ I emits of Sfctocrtfofnfl. One square otic insertion.<$0 60 One do two do. 0 76 One do three do...,... 1 00 One do ono week,. 1 75 due do two weeks. 2 76 Ono do .one month. 4 00 One do two month*. 7 00 One do three months,. lt> 00 One do six months,. lU 00 One do per year,. 30 00 lities or lm$ make u njiiart; longer ones charged in proportion, and are to Le paid for in 1 advance. j Advertisement* ordered in only once or t wire a week, will bo charged 50 cents per square for the ■ first insertion, and 37^ cents for each subsequent insertion. rFO l)KU(;liUiTM AND WHOLESALE! .1 DEALERS.—UNITED STATES DEPOT OF POPULAR MEDICINES.—The sole and general Agencies.for the sole ol all 6'mumruail most pop nlar Medicines, has been appointed, and invested l>y tbe various proprietors, in the hands of T. W. Dvott ft Sunk, of the Columbian College, No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia, ‘or the. con venience and express purpose of supplying nil wholesale purchasers at one particular point. Dr. T. \\ Dyott ft Sons, have made such’ arrangements with the proprietors of the most pop ular medicines now in use, as to enable thru) to lurtii.di dr nggists ami wholesale dealer*, on much more, advantageous terms than they ran in general! he procured from rile proprietors themselves. And as no sophisticn ted preparations are kept or sold at this establishment, there is no risk of gelling Coun terfeit at tides, with wtiidv tho country now a bounds The attention of the public is solicited, to call at the Fountain Head as above, where is kept for sale, | and may he exa mined, the most extensive and gen 1 oral assortment of Proprietory articles of Msdi ! cincs, to ho found in the United States. For the convenience of those who it may not be convenient to apply at tbe above establishment, we have established Special Depots in the following cities, where the moot of tho articles contained in oor general eatnlogue are to be found. RICHMOND, Vn., at the ator« of A. Duval ft Co. 1 17 Main street. " ASHING TON. D C., at the store of Robert Farnham, corner of Elevcuth street and Penn. Av enue BALTIMORE, Md., at the store of S. S Hancc, No. lfi-S Baltimore street. NEW YORK, No. 12S Maiden Lane ALBANY, N. Y., No. 53 Stato street. BOSTON, Mass . No. 2 Water strept. All of whom arc supplied from tho Columbian College and Fountain licet of Oct 3 T. W. DYOTT & SONS. A TREASURE FOR CLERGYMEN & STUDENTS. — The Pulpit Cyclopedia and -Minister’s Companion, containing tlneo hundred and sixty skeletons and sketches of Sermons, and ei^hty-two essavs on Piblicnl learning. Theologi cal Studies and the composition and delivery of Ser mons. Encyclopedia of Religion* Knowledge ; or Dic tionary oi the Hihle. Theology, Religious Biogra phy, all Religions, Eclesiastical Ilist -ry, and Mis «ions ; containing definitions of Ml relig on* terms * ail impartial account of the principal Christian De nominations, together with the manners and cus toms of the Hast, Illustrations of the Holy Scrip tiir-. s, and a description of the Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects, Trees, Plants, and Min erals, mentioned in the Bibl'e; Biographical No tices of the early Martyrs and distinguished Rell ous writers and characters of alt ages, with other interesting matter, by RevM B. B. Edwards, Edi tor of tin- “ Quarterly Observer.” Another supply of the above valuable Books re ceived by W. H. H. HODGES & CO. Nov 17 rruAS ! TEAS! ! TE AS!! 1—From the Can J ton Tea Company of New York.—We have • ist received a fresh supply of these celebrated PEAS. The importers state they are far superior to those we have hold heretofore, and full worth 25 per cent more, in consequence of their fine quality and flavour. They will bn sold however at the usual prices. 1 lie following are among those received : Extra Guh Powder Tea - - $1.50 Do do do do - |.00 Good Imperial ... 75 No. 2, Fragrant Young Hyson - 75 Good Young Hyson - - . 50 No. 1, Souchong • * - &t) Finest English Breakfast - - 75 Howqoa, or Finest Black - - 1.00 For sale at the Drug Store, High street. Sign of tho Big Mortar. CHAS. HEINITSII, Agent. Nov -Jt> SUN I1KI ES.—1000 bags Shot, assorted, 5 hit Old Kutn, 30 casks Madeira, Tenerifle, Sweet Malaga and Port Wine, ■10 hhiri N. O. and N. E. Hum, 40 do Old Rye Whiskey, 30 do Imitation Cognac Brandy, 40 do Philadelphia and Baltimore Rye Gin,> 10 bins Peppermint Cordial, 200 kegs Baltimore Nails, 10 do Sail ratus, 200 lbs Indigo, 50 do Nutmegs, 700 do Black Pepper, 500 do Allspice, St'P 25 J. WILLS. Commerce street. VfEW AN D VALUABLE BOOKS just rc 1N reived by W. H. H. HODGES & CO. ! Introductory Lectures on Modern History, by ! Thomas Arnold, D. D. Professor of Modern Histo ry in the Cnivrr.-ity of Oxford, and Head Master r.t Rugby School—edited from Second Condon edi tion, with a priTarr and notes, hy Henry Reed, M A., Professor of English Liteiaturc in the Univer sity r.t Pennsylvania. Reed’s Dictionary of tin; English Language, con taining tlie pronunciation, etymology a id explana tion of all words authorized hy eminent writers ; to which are added, a vocabularly of the roots of Eng lish words, and an accounted list of Gicek, Latin, and Scripture proper names, by Alexander Reed A. M., author of “ Rudiments of English Compo sition,” tkc. r History of Germany from the earliest period to the present time, by Frederick Kohlrauseh, Chief Counsellor of the board of education of the King Horn of Hanover. gCp 20 Ct HEAP SHOES.—1 hivo now on hand 1 case J of Seal Spring Heel Ties, Kid Lined ; going off rapidly at 50 rents a pair. Call soon or you will miss a bargain. W'M. B. PITCHER, s 1 r __ Sign of the Big |p.,\t COLOUR. - 10 bbis of FAMILY FLOI R. I 5 bill* Old Funk Whiskey, for sale low by S*T 20 T. BROOKS, Jr HLACK BULLION FRINGES,-Just re reived a few pieces BLACK BULLION FRIN GES. Call on JOHN COCKE & CO. Nov 2.5 America* form book ; containing le grllv approved precedents for arguments, ar bitrations, assignments, boor Is, bills of exchange, prnmissirv notes, eonvr yanring, letters of attor - nry, partnerships, receipts, releases, transfers, wills, deeds,in trust, and other mailers of import ance ; with an index to the whole. The above val uable book for sale by *'»v II W f? fl. HODGES Sc CD. BUNCH P. a INI N S. lu whole and half i>oxtv« very fine, for rale by Nov 20 T BROOKS. Jr. / 11 HER. CIDER BWStT CIDER. bv th» V' barrel or on draught. S. JAMES N»v 12 _ ' _______ PICK LED OYSTER*, iVirrty SpirrdTvu7np in the be-t p*w«iblr manner, can b<- had bv ap plying >t the Sr r< * of John James, Norfolk ; Jo sr|,b A. Itifimly, Pnf(smooth, or to the subscriber on the Western llranrb. Sep 15-Jswtf JflllN RENSOTf. rlf’R ET CUTLER V.— W<- have just opened a beautiful a°sortment of R'jfhr’s WrVtr’n ItoliCs and Marsh* a A Shepherd’s POCKET CFT LERY, which «i are *<lling remarkably low Nov 4 w h H HODGItS St ro