OCR Interpretation

The New era. [volume] ([Portsmouth, Va.]) 1845-1847, December 10, 1846, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071753/1846-12-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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. ! 1. . --1 —1 _
_ ____ _ . (VOGUMK SJ.---NO. GO.
ru ui>t s Jt E u TRI-W KKKhy.
Corner of High and Crawford sts., Ports
mouth, Va.
trims or the nr.iv bra.
Tjsubscribers, NINKCENTSPKR WEEK, pay
(bla to tile Carrier, to whom alone they arc ie<
po.mble for the amount ducat iho expiration ol
itic week.
*’.v m’'H the terms are § j fot twelve
mo it ns, 52 50 for six months, A 1 26 for three
01O-1 His.
Ouc copy $2 per year—by .Mail.
By the Carrier, #2 60.
1 o be paid in advance.
_^IIT.SINK.NS c.\ K1)S.
28?B®T°PB-“ SchooF ciasalcaladd
N » VV KRSTfT 0li*’ ”• &*■•. will by
N- " " Ellis I ER one door North o| the Crawford
Rouse, Portsmouth, V«.
\\f V/ ,111 ViaPU *5® * <<>• w holcsule and
" • Kc,nl Dealers in Books. Music, and Mu
sicsl Instruments, La nips, and all kinds of Fancy
(J.iods-Crawford street, Portsmouth, Va.
DANILiIj S. Cll KRItV , Munufaelurer and
Pe iler in Stoves. Iron, Copper and Pin Ware,
fee.. Sir., corner of High and Crawford strecta,
Portsmouth, Va, jl|n 13
IV liEELKR, Attorney and Counsellor at
1J. Law, PortMiioiith, Va.
10- Office in Hourke’s New Huildiiiir, Highstrect,
where lie will be pleased to see all persons having
business In the line of his profession. Sep 18 *
triLLIAtH WOODWARD* Notary pui>
IT lie and Scrivener, Genuial Agent, Convey
ancer,ami Collector, will attend to ull business en
trusted to his care with promptness and despatch.
tXJ«Odico on Wide Water Street, head of Roa
noke Squarc^^ ^ July 8
G OB 10 It l’ BELL, Wholesale ami Retail Hat
tV and Cap Store, Sign of tho Panther, Hi.rh
t 'jot. Portsmouth Va. 0
HI* li FF, Chemist, corner of High amTMhT
• dl) streets, Pot tsmoutli, Va.
JOHN COCKE Ac CO., Dealers in Foreign
and Domestic Dry Goods, High street, near
Middle street, Portsmouth, Va.
C1II ARLES H. If El N I I'.SII, Agent. Drng
J gist and Apotociry, ami Dealer in Paints, Gifs,
Dyestuffs hr.. High street, Portsmouth. Va.
FIIOI- FHI A N, Bom aud Shoes Manufacture
. er, south of the Market, Crawford street,
Portsmouth, Va
STEPHEN JAMES, Wholesale and Retail
^7 Dealer in Family Groceries, Wines, &c., Mar
tet S |Uare, Portsmouth, Va.
f AS. A . 8 P A L OI N < ; , M a 11 u la. „V, e, ami I), ,[
J er in Guns, Rille9, Pistols, and every other ar
icle in tho Sporting line, Sign of the Mammoth
Sun, High stree.t, Portsmouth, Va.
II7TLL8 «fc GO., Wholesale Grocers and Com
\\ mission Merchants, east end of High street,
Portsmouth, Va.
J WILLS, Wholesale Grocery and Cotnmis
. sion Store, Commerce street, Norfolk. Va.
WILLIAM REID, Wholesale and Retail
Hat and Cap Store, cast side Market Square,
S n folk, Va.
IjVfiRGU80N& MILII AD )—Lomber. CoaT,
and general Commission liusiucss. Wide Water
tcet, Norfolk, Va.
Nert to the Farmers' Rank, Main street, Norfolk.
JII. (iRKttORY, Wholesale and Retail deal
• cr in Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Possessing
superior advantages as wc do in the purchase of
jur Goods, by our weekly connection with the Nor
thern markets, we can otTer such inducements to
purchasers, either hv the case or at retail, as can
not fail to please. June 25
respectfully, to impress upon the minds of all
persons who aie indebted to me, and more especially
those whose accounts have been longstanding, that
justice to me demands of them an immediate set
tlement. Those who do not heed this notice may
soon expect a more pressing invitation.
July 28 R. BELL.
JAMES 11. HALL, Manufacture •r ol Russia
and American Sheet Iron, Brass, Tin, Zinc,
Ac. Ac., respectfully informs his friends and the
dublic genet ally, that he is now prepared to exe
cute all orders in any of the above branches with
neatnefs and despatch. lie has just received a
supply of Roofing Tin, and Russia and American
Sheet Iron. Persons who may want Roofs or Gut
ters laid, Stove Pipes, Ac., will please give him a
call, as lie is satisfied that lie can and will do
any work in his line of business as cheap as can be
done cither in this place or in Norfolk.
lie ha* on hand an assortment of Parlor, Cham
ber, and Office Stoves ; Parlor and Chamber (J rates,
with all the fixtures complete, which lie will disposc
°f very low. Al o a general assortment of Hard
ware, coiisi',ting in part of the following articles,
viz :
Polished Steel and Brass Head Slw.vel ami Tongs
Jamb Hooks and Cinder Shovels,
fable and Desert Knives and Forks, (a variety)
Scissors, Shears, Pen and Pocket Knives,
Tia Trays and Waiters,
Candlesticks. Snuffers and Trays,
Sid Irons, WalU- Irons, Hair and Wire Soivcs,
Brittauia and Japaned Spittoons,
Britlani* Tea and Table Spoons,
Souri Ladles, Ac., &c.
Together with a general assortment ol H dlow
Ware, such as Ovens, Sniders, Pot-*, Kettles, Ac.
A great variety of Tii) W arc, &c>, ail of which will
be sold for Cash.
I hose in want of any of the above artii les will
please call at his Establishment, West side Craw
ford street, opposite the Market House.
IlY TAYLOR ; with an account of tils bril
liant achievements on the Rio Grande and else
where, including tin*, defence of Fort Harrison and
• he Rattle of Okce-Cho Hoc Also sketches of the
lives and heroic acts of Maj. Ring drl, Mnj. Brown,
l ol. Cross, Capt. Montgomery, (’.apt. May, Capt.
Valker. Lieut’s. Ridgeley, Blake. Jordan, Ac.,
'Y b'. Frank Powell, illustrated with a Portrait of
»en. Taylor—price only 26 cents. Call quick if
yon want a copy.
w. h. h. Hopqga & co.
*- Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortiuca*
;»h. Parties of Battle*, &c., embracin'* tbc duties
0 Infantry, Cav.tlry, Artilcry, ami Engi
neers, adapted to the use of Volunteers and Mili
'u, by H. Wajoi Hallock, A M. Lieut, of Kngi
"‘ ers, U. 8. Army—price #1 fit). Fur sale by
_July 2 VV. II. II. HDDOED .V <■ ().
() holer a, cHolera, Ac.-TbL
tfuctivc acourgeof hum»nity seems once more
"n its W(,y thi* country VVo should nil rcirrctn
Ixr (lie visitation of this dreadful disease in 1832,
"men countless thousands were nutnl ered among
Lie dead, then it was, that Medical Skill almost
cessed to war agninst it* ravages,—and not until
discovered could the disease be successfully man
I ht Sickly Season is rapidly approaching, wc
advise and recommend every family to purchase
and keep always aj hand, a bottle of *' Hernard’
oelvbrated Medici^/' for the euro of Cholera l ol*
,r"».Cramps, Diarr^xa, Bowel and Summer Coin.
P 'ui!s, and all other Complaints of the Stomach,
I he Genuine for sale at ttie Drug Store, High st.s
“ign of the Big Mot tar.
July 4 CHAS. H. HEINITSH, Agent.
Vanilla beams!* a fresh supply of the
above named BEANS just received and for .-ale
July It Corner of High a ml Middle at*.
(IBMUIJME HARLEM oil J list received
r (ftorri a direct importation) a supply of Gen
June IlARLEM OIL, warranted to be the real „r
'c'c- For sale at the Drug Store. Sign of the Big
‘oortar. CHAS. H HEINITSH,
July 3Q Agent.
URNNE LEAVES abound in a gummy inat
9 ter, which they rowdily impnrt to water, form
jjR a rich bland mucilage, much used, with great
.J y.^nt*ge, hs a drink, in summer eornplainis of
JHdren, diarrheea. dysentery, catarrh, fcc. To be
all times, fresh from the Drug Store, Sign
thr Big Mortar. "
JlACOfi AMO LA MO.—1«,OOP ih* Nouthamp
f *°» BACON, Hams and Hog Round.
‘ ’ kegs No. 1 and J LARI), for sale by
ges large and small, just received anti for sale
TAKE NOTICE.—Persons wishing* to have
*- Bells hung can hove it done by u person (lint
lives in their midst, without sending to the North
for a person to do it, mid warranted to be done a«*
well mill as cheap, and at the same time, encour
age Home Industry, ns the (Materialsarc of his own
manufacture. So by calling at the Sign id the
Mammoth Gun. High street, Portsmouth, Va.,you
can have yonr Bells hung 01 vour Guns Repaired
on reasonable tc-tins. "J. A. SPALDING.
Feb 2S
„ The undersigned hiving purclias
Icd the Establishment heretofore
conducted by Air. S. N. Chandler,
has the pleasure of Announcing to
the public that lie intends continu
ing the business at the same Stand
on Crawford street, near High, and
invites the attention ol purchasers,
and particularly those who have
hitherto patronized this Establish
limn miniiiiiKi supply men warns in tins line ol
Repairing neatly and dural.lv done at the usual
cheep rates. DANIEL K. FRJETAS.
The subscriber while taking this method of ex
pressing his gratitude to his former customers,
would tool that he was doing injustice, were he not
to solicit for hi? successor the p itrouage so liberally
extended to himself.
Nov 0-2 ___a. N. CHANDLER.
i no auDscrihcr grateful for the
patronag-c heretofore so liberally ex
pended to him. would in this public
manner'return his thanks for the
same, and inform them,that he has
iiihul Home vaiURDte improvement* in th<*in»nu
factnre. of ROOTS & SHOES. His Stork of LEATII
EU of all kinds, cannot be surpassed in ibis or any
other market for durability and beauty of finish,
while his Workmen are equal to, if not superior In
the best. He trusts that Imvina oncotcsted his work
the public, will CALL AGAIN.
Two or three first rate Hands, for Boots or Shoes
would find immediate and constant employment
by applying soon.
The mostorompt attention given, as usual to all
orders, and no (lisappointment. Recollect that the
money left in his Establisment, is expended in the
Town, and goes to the support of our own me
chanics, and tradesmen. K. HOFFMAN,
Butters’ New Building, Crawford Street.
N. B. A Tow BOARDERS will lx- taken by the
Subscriber, by the year, montbor week,on inode
rate terms. |>ec q
A large and excellent assortment of
/ of the latest style, anti ut tile lowest
^ prices, will be found at the Store of
oigu ui mu rauiiHT, iiiirn street,
June 25 __ Portsmouth. Va,
W. BILLUPS <k CO., h iving taken the
± Jm Old Stand on (lie Corner ot' High and Middle
streets. Port-mouth, Vn , formerly occupied hy E.
D. Haynes, are now prepared to exeoule nil orders
which they may be. favored with. All kinds of
CABINET WORK done in the ncatr«J, manner at
the shortest notice and on the most accommodating
terms. The business being conducted under their
I own superintendence, those win may patronize
their establishment, may ho assured that the work
wilt he done of the best materials, and in the neat
cst and most fashionable s'ylo.
All Funeral Orders will be promptly attended
to nt nil times. ' Aug- I
subscriber, grateful for the liberal patronage ho
stowed upon him sine.e lie has been carrying on bu
siness, respectfully solicits its continuance.0
He takes this occasion to say, that lie is prcparerl
to execute any order, in Iron or Brass, upon the
most reasonable terms, and in a manner not to Lc
excelled in this city'or elsewhere, in durability or
Chur ch, Steamboat, and other BELLS, furnished
upon the shortest notice, and warranted.
All orders, (for cash or city references) will bet
promptly attended to. NELSON CORY.
_J»ly H Norfolk.
151 FF\S
the cure of all diseases arising from an
impure stave of the blood.
The great popularity of Sarsaparilla, and its es
tablished efficacy, render it superfluous to enter in
to any encomium of its virtues, or adduce any evi
dence in its favor. It is true, that it has been here
tofore subject lo frequent changes of reputation,
owing to ignorance of the proper mode ol extract
ing its virtues, or lo the inferior quality of the ruol
used. Hence also the inefficacy of many prepara
tions of it offered to the public. The proprietor of
this Syrup can assert with confidence, that it is pre
pared fiom the best materials, with the greatest
pharmaceutical care and accuracy, and in the best
inode to obtain the active principle in the most
concentrated state, answering the desideratum ol
exhibiting a large quantity of Sarsaparilla in a
small dose. A supply of (his Msdirinc for sale at
J"'y ^ Corner of High ami Middle sis
A NOTH K It LOT OF HOOKS from Harper
& Brothers.
Dictionary of (.'reck and Roman Antiquities,
abridged from ihe larger Dictionary, by William
Smith, L. 1,. D., with corrections by Charles An
then, L. L. D. J
I lie Bible, I be Koran, and the Talmud $ or. Rib
» *i,c Mussulmans, compiled from
Arabic sources, and compared with Jewish tradi
tions, by Dr. (J. Weil.
No. 11 Harper’s New Miscellany, on the connec
tion of the Physical Sciences, by Mary Somerville.
No. 16 Illustrated Jew,
No. 4 Pictorial Histxyof England.
Nos. 89,94. 91 and 9i2 Illustrated Shakespeare,
French Domestic Cooking, combining cleg mcc
with economy—w'th many engravings. All lor
®ale at W. 11. II. HOD(»ER & CD'S.,
July *21 Cheap Book and Fancy Store.
ACARI), -Therein an impression prevalent
here, that another person is connected with the
business of this Shop. I would beg leave most re
spectfully to say, that it is not so. I am on my
own hook, ‘‘make or break,” and shall endeavor
by rlos«* attention and low prices to merit a liberal
share of public patronage.
Tin and Coppersmith,
July 25 1 ndcr the " Old Dominion Office,”
Bermuda arrow robt.—Aimofm
been received at the Medical Emporium. Corner of
High and Middle streets Persons wishing to oh
tain a primr arlirlr would do well to call and pur
chase some of t from the subscriber.
fjong and favorably known ns French's.)
i nr subscriber bgsleivc to
at inform bis friends and the pub
E lio in general, that ho has leased
W this osl.iblisbiu. nl, and is put
Err. ting it in complete order, ami
g7 will spare no p i ins or expense
“ in conducting it so as to incot
Hie ii|»|)-uuiuon oi tnusc who may lavor him with
their custom. p BLACK
June 30 ‘
X nut street, between Third nml Fourth, Phila
delphia.—This popular and central Hotel, estab
lished by the Messrs. Sanderson, having parsed
into lh*i Iitinds of the subscriber, he desires to in
form his friends and the public that it is now open
for the reception of guests.
To those who have visited ” THE FRANKLIN
HOUSE,’ its advantages ns u desirable Btopping
place nrc well known; to those who have not, it
will he only necessary to state that it is situated in
the. business port of the most fashionable street, in
the immediate vicinity of the Exchange, Post ’of
fice, Banks, Custom II one, places of Amusement.
Hotels,Steamboat Landings, Railroad Depots, Pub
lie Squares, Court Houses, &e.
Si cc the change of proprietor, a laige amount
of tnonev has been expended in enlarging, re-fit
ting, rc-furnishing and painting. Among the nu
merous improvements, may be mentioned improved
Entrances, a new Ladies’ Ordinary, a new Gentle
men’s Dining Saloon, new Parlors, new Chambers,
nok Kitchen. and now Bar Room, besides many
other minor improvements.
The principal features of a first rate. Hotel—
I lie I able and U mu Cellar.” will be under the
management of Mr. JAMES M SANDERSON,
one of the former proprietors, whose ambition to
excel as a Caterer is well known. Ilia widely cel
ebrated Cook, •• Pelletier.” aided by experienced
assistants, will still continue to be liia right hand
man. The Office and Books will he under die
charge of Mr. GEORGE I’. BURNHAM, late the
able Editor of the ” Duly Ohio Union,” of Cin
cinnati, and more recently of Boston. In *hort.
great exertions have been ma le, and herealt-r will
not be spared, to render ” THE FRANK LIN”one
of the vert/ firnt Hotels for comfort, convenience,
ami good living. D K. MINOR
A ug 20
A FEW of the EMPIRE STOVES left yet, at
Manufacturers Prices. Persons wishing to.
buy. can ascot tain all nUnit th.- Stove, by referring
to the fo lowing gentlemen, Messrs. A. F. Cun
ningham, Old Dnini.ii.n Ottice, Mr. J. a. P. Rey
nolds, Gosport, Col. .Men it Jordan, Naval Store,
nod Samuel Mo >re, in the Market, and others who
have them in u.-e.
A Og 29 Under (lie Oi.l Dominion Ollice.
For the cure of Dyspepsia, .Ague & Fever, Bil
ious and all the con.plaints generally arising from
a disordered state ol thcs'oinach or digestive or
This Medicine seems well calculated to afford re
lief in any of the above diseases; its component
jiaris being of such a mild and innocent nature.—
1 tic inode ot using it being very simple, no re
striction being necessary except to refrain from
the use of Spirituous Liquors during its operation.
'I he season lias now advanced when every one
requires a little Pitrga ive Medicine for the better
preservation of their henltb ; the subscriber there
fore takes this method of informing his customers
and the public, generally, that he has prepared a
large quantity ol the above Medicine, which he
has for sale at the MKDiCAL EMPORIUM,
Aug l.» Corner oi High and Middle eta.
O DERS.—-We have just received a full and fresh
These different kinds me universally acknowledged
tube, the best manufactured, and far superior to
any '.tilers. They are therefore recommended with
confidence to tin so Wishing a p ue and excellent
article ot Seidlitz or Soda Powders. For sale at
tin: Drugstore, Sign of tno Big Mortar.
Aug 13 CHAS. H HKIMTSH, Agent.
OOOJtS just i eceivrd and torsilc at Now Vork
19 prices, by W. II. II. HODGES & CO.
The Expedition to Borneo of II. M. S. Dido, for
the Suppression of Piracy ; with extra is from the
Journal of James Brook.:, Esq , (now Agent for
the Bri tisli Government in Borneo,) by Cnpt. Hen
ry Kepp-d, R. N. — price 50 eta.
The Modern British Plutarch; or. Lives of Men
distinguished jt) the recent History of England
for their talents, virtues, or achievements, by Mr.
C. I aylor, L. I, D.—price 50 cents.
Treatise on Algelun, by Elias Loomis, A. M.,
Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy
in the University of (he City of New Vork, Mem
ber of the Philosophical Society, „f (he American
Academy of Arts and Sciences. &c.
N >. *2 Statesmen of England.
Nos. 97. 98. 99 and 100 Pj lorial Shakespeare.
No. 8 Morse’s Cerographie Maps Aug 18
I na’s justly celebrated and highly popular CO
LOGNE, which wc ofie-r f..r rale «t the usual pri
ces. 1. C. bCHOOLFIELD ic CO„
Aug 20—51 Druggists.
just received a large supply of S \VI FT’S CEL
EBRATED CHALK HALLS, by the dozen or sin
gle. Swift’s make are the most celebrated and
more approved of than anv others by the ladies._
They arc also used as a Tooth P..wder, giving a
pearly whiteness to the teeth. The genuine "for
sale, at the Drug Store, Sign of the Rig Mor tar.
Aug ‘20 CHAS. H. HEINITSfl, Agent.
^PICU8 ! SF 1C US!! Constantly on hand the
IJ usual variety of Spices,such as
Allspice. Mace, Ginger,
Turmeric, Cloves. Nutmegs,
Cinnamon, Mustard Seed, kc.
All of the above may ho hndfrtnh and good n.1 the
New Drug Store of
W High street.
P holer a Morbus and bowel
\y COMPLAINT.—l)r. JaVSB No. 8 Sooth Third
street, is willing to guaranty that hi* CARMIN A
TIVE BALSAM will cure Diarihrea, Cholic*, Gri
ping Pains, Cramps, Cholera Morbus. Summer
Complaint, and other derangementaof the Stom
ach and Rowel*, in ninety nine eases out of a hun
dred. an<l in les* than half the time they can he
effected by any other means.
It is extremely ple«»ant, and children are fond o
it. It is equally as rffectual for adults ns children
and when the directions are followed. The Gen
uine for sale at the Drug S'ore, Sign of the Bit
Mortar. CHAS. II. HEIM IBM, Agent.
Sep I
rpo 'rii f. ladies' again. wTwuTth«
Jl attention of the Is riles again to this superioi
srtirle, NYMPH SOAP, for Ihe complexion. Itseon
slant use will change the most bidong enmplexinr
into one of radiant wliitcms*; while on the. nock
hsnrls anil arms it l>e*lows a delicacy and fairnesi
which it* continued usd^will happily prntret, will
every appearance of youthful charm to the mon
advanced period of life. The genuine only for sab
st the Drug Store. Sign of t.he Big Mortar
T’dv30 f If .A S H HEfrlTSH. Agent
'1MIK so83i(>ii of Congress, which lias just iciini
*- iiatcd, will bo long mid gratefully icmciiihercd
hvall true republicans for tins triumnhant success
of many of ilieii cherished principles and mea
sures. While wo lieurtilv rejoice at the tiiuuiph
<d the principles which it has been om constant . (
fort to advocate and defend, and from which n >
prosperity, no adversitv, can swerve us; wc can
not be unmindful of tho attitude in which we are
placed by a recent vote of both houses of Congress :
—-wc allude to the contemplated withdrawal of
their pattonage from tho newspaper | ross. To
this dec’ston wc cheerfully bow, sensible as wc are
of the patriotic motives w hich have led to it. But
we tru-.t that this decision of Congress increases
rather than diminished our claim to the support ot
a higher power —that of tht proplr ; nnd to whom
we confidently appeal to aid us, by t/ieii patronage,
in sustaining at the seat of government a journal
tint is inflexibly devoted to their interests and
the true interests of the country.
It is known to every one, that the chief source
of sustaining a newspaper is not the magnitude of
its subscription list, «><> much as the advertising
patronage which may lie bestowed upon it. In
large commercial cities, indeed, the latter is usual
ly the concomitant of tho former, as it becomes
the obvious interest of mercantile men toadvertido
in t lose papers which at e the most extensively cir
culated. Washington, howcvei, is differently situ
.yc' . Deprived of the advertising patronage inci
dent to a mercantile community, and burdened
"*lh peculiar mid enormous expersrs which arc
not elsewhere ineuricd, nothing hut a very long
list or subscribing patrons can sustain a paper in
useful ness if, indeed, even ,ii existence Thu pro
prietors of the “ Union” have hitherto spared no
paint?, and uo expend**, (•» make their paper worthy
of the metropolis, and worthy of tho suppoit of
that great party under whose banner they are en
.iste I. In publishing tho most full and ample de
bates of the two h >uses of Cong mi, it is believe I,
cvct Liu fore attempted on (hi.*? continent in a da ly
newspaper, they have secured the services of the
be,t reporters which the country nff odod, but at
tbe enormous cost of £12,000 or 015.OIK) p, r year.
1 heir extensive foreign and domestic correspon
dence w another large item of expense, but the in
structive usefulness of wldeh is so tiighly com
mended and appreciated as to justify almost any
Outlay to attain it. Nii 1, it ,„Usi ho evident that
t iese heavy expenses cannot he bnrtie, unless the
subscription h^t is roniinensurnle In the uuderta
I ...... «( ( .in on ist nl lo.tMllt stlbSCri
bcrs (n,eluding daily, tri weekly, and weeklv.)
yet I his list must he still c .nsideriblv enlarged to
eual.lc the pr< prictor* of the •• Union” to sustain
all its usefulness, and to insure them against p.cu
mary loss. Invoking, then, again, the aid and
support ol all true friends of republican govern
ment. and pledging ourselves to renewed efforts n
the cause of I he glorious principles we cherish, we
oiler them tho following proposals:
1 he. “ Daily Union” will |,c published, as here
t to e, at $ III per annum, payable in advance. Its
i• *-U V > Ih pii almost exclusively no
ntteal. We purpose it, future to devote a portion
ot (s columns to domes'ie. news of general interest,
and to miscellaneous literature, whTch. without ini
pairing* its political influoncp, may ron<l«'r it th*>
more acceptable to an extended class of readers.
1 he •• sum, Weekly Union” will be published
every Yonday and Thursday, during i|„; recess of
Congress, at $5 per annum. This rnntains all the
matter contained in th •• Daily .Union,” exec ,t
lot al advertisements. During tho sessions of Con
gr. ss three number*, instead of two. will be issued,
"e "7 charge to subscribers.
the ‘ Weekly Union” is issued every S.tur
< ay : and nsarrangem. nts are in progress to en
atge it to ue.u double its present size, we shall soon
lx- enabled (0 give nearly every article which nmv
appear in the daily and semi-weekly editions, at
the extremely low rate of $2. We propose also to
cuin (hi* <v!it jU|lf a complete synoptical sum
mary of tire proceedings i„ loth houses of Con
gress—thus ren'ering the “ Weekly Union” a
mod Valuable channel of inform ,tion to all classes
ol our country. But, to remunerate us for this <•„
;er, rise, an extensive subset iption list is absolutely
indispensable. 1
In addition to the foregoing, we have resolved to
publish, during the session* ot the nnlional legis
la lure, a “ Congressional Register,” to be issued
weekly, anil to contain a full retort of the rlaily
proceedings nnd debate* of both houses. Indeed,
the artaiigcincnts whit h we have made with the
very best corps of reporters will enable us to give
even more full and extended reporis than w'e have
produced during this se-s on, superior as we claim
then, to he to any preceding ones. The Register
will he made up from the daily report! in the
“ Union,1'carefully revised by a experienced edi
tor, and will constitute a complete ami authentic
record ol the ses-ion. An appendix will he added,
nuiforii with the Register, and tobes-nt grattti
t"U‘ly to subscribe,s. eonipi isirtg ii lists of the acts
passed during the ses-ion, w ith ;, synopsis of their
contents, and a reference, when necessary, to pre
v.ous legislation. This will form the most com
plete Instoiy of the sessions of Congress, and will
he furnished at the low priceofsEVENrv-FivE cents
for the next session.
30-Postm xsteils arc authorized to art as our
agents; and oy sending us five yearly subscriber*,
with the subscription money, for cither the Daily,
Semi- Weekly or IVtekly, will be entitled to one copy
of the. same edition as they lurnish us subscribers
CO The Congressional Register will be fur
nished them on the same terms.
Oty- Newspapers publishing our prospectus, with
the notes attached, until the 1st of Dccemb t next,
will be. entitled, during the next session of Con
gross, to rc.ee ve a ropy of tbe Congressional Regis
ter and 7'ri-lVeekly Union
Clubs will be furnished milh
copies of the Daily for - .^$ 40 00
5 do Semi Weekly - - 20 00
10 do do . 35 oo
i f* do Weekly . . .q on
| 10 f|o do - . 15 oo
j *20 do Congressional Register 10 oo
The name of no purse will be entered upon our
; hooks unless tho payin'. ,t of the subscription he
; marie in advance. Bep 20
HO l s E.
a\1 the iVtw York Root find Shoe IVueehouse.
£~A WE arc just opening, by the J. W.
EU1 Kimpton, a large and fresh etoek of
13L to which wo invite ilie attention of
tWh tli*- public, confident that by our sys
tem of doing a ca-'li business, ,th in buying nnrl
vlling, wc arc enable.*! to offer better inducements
j than are to be found in other stoics. Just opening
| this morning, in part
103 prs gentlemen’s Calf (loots
132 do do Kip do
1 !0 do do do Bootcos
6f» do fine do rlo
36 do gentleman’s «f wed half Boots
96 do men's Kip Boots, 9 to 12
Ladies’Morocco Tii-s and Bu-kins, ladies’ Gai
ters anil half Gaiters, women's pegged and sewed
Boots, women’s pegged and sewed Ties and Bus
kins, children's strap Shoe, clrililrcn’s Kid Lace
Also, a few cases satin Btaver Hats.
OO N’ w York Bool and Shoe Store, Main street,
next to the Farmers’ Bank.
Sep 3 .1. If. GREGORY.
; V Plf.E LOTION. This Lotion has been used for
j several years past, and ha* universally given satis
. j faction. Many persons who have be* n afflicted
with this piiti*■«»! disease, and suffer-d for many
! years undir its influence,- have been rnre*l in a f,;w
, weeks by the us-of ttiis invaluable Lotion. Call
' an ' get a pamphlet respecting it. The Genuine
; for sab’ at the Drug Store, Sign of the Big Mortar.
Sep 15 Cl! AS. IL TlEl.NfTSH. AgenL
t, 1 Factory prices the following article*: Cinder
i Shovel*. Coil Scuttles. Tes Spoons, large and small
j Bake Ovens, British cheap Lustre, and all kinds of
. I Stoves. Also a goo I article of a Cofleo Mil) for the
' low price of 37J cents. DAN’L S. CHERRY
. S*r 22 t’nder the OH Dominion offirr
o* ANEW POLITICAL paper, called the
To the Hrpi.blican Party hi Virginia:
Notwithstanding their signal defeat in Ml. the
advocates of curie -titrated power and a strong go
vernment, are determined to make anotlu i and a
\ igortxi* effort for suprt m u v in tiro national eoun- I
eils. Tito press is the great engine ol party iti the
present age, and in Virginia out opponents are
| making powerful use of this formidable weapon.
Aware that the Metropolis is the gnat battle
ground upon which the heat of the light is to lie
su-tainc I, it is to tIt's importint p int tin y are di
recting their moat strenuous exertions. They hat«
railed to the Whig Mr. Richard II. Toler, a gen
tieinnn o' acknowledged abilities ant. great «xpe
riencc ; Mcssr*. Gullahvr & Haiti win have been
placed at the h a.I of the no called Republican ; a,„|
the Compiler Ins been greatlv strengthened by die
acquisition of Mr. W. C Carrington, who to the
.iccomphdmieots ol a ripe sclioltr. adds toe force
j ot a vigorous intellect.
To (his array of torces w e have only to oppose a
single Metropolitan Journal, which, however
great its ability, ought not to he left to cop single
handed with such a host. To come thercloreto
the ai<l of the Enquirer and the Democratic party,
if they will acccr.pl of services so humble, « c, the*
undersigned, have resolved to cstnhlisli another
Democratic paper in the city ol Richmond. To '
this design we have been instigated ehielly bv the
press ng and frequ-nt solicitations of many o*f the
wisest and most iiitiucntial members of the Demo
cratic party, ami to its support we invoke the aid of
our po ideal friends, not inly in Virginia,'but
throughout the Union The press is a town of
strength, and to the maint -nance*tf our political
principles w e shoo hi cli*-cr I u ly con t r ihu te our men -
tal powers and our pecuniary means.
lit this Journal we will endeavor, with what
ability we may, to sustain the principles and doc
trines of the Republican party in flair pristine pu
rity. Utterly repudiating all Agrarianism and
Radicalism, as destructive of the mom valuable so
cial institutions, and worse than Federalism itself,
with which indeed we will not pretend tocompaic
it, wo will advocate a limitc I construction ol the
Constitution of the United States, believing that
the plain and obvious meaning of its context, gi ants
full as much power to the General Government, as
:'t is either wise or politic to bestow upon it.
When men are secure in the enjoyment of per
sonal liberty and the product of their labor, the ac
| live promptings of individual jntcro-t cti-mrc a
1 much better investment of labor and capital, than
can he obtained by any system do vised for the pur
pose of diverting it Iroin it- natural into artificial
channels. tV c shall, thcrctorc, oppose a Tariff
for protection, not only bee tuse it is unconstitu
tional, hut because it is in the highest decree on
wise and impolitic.
Accountability is the grout chock upon human
depravity, and Corporations arc corrupt because
ihcii members arc individually irresponsible; they
are, therefore, to be opposed upon general princi
ples, and only to be tolerated occasionally as ne
cessary cvil3. In tin- Const tut ion of,the United
States, wc find no warrant or authority to establish
anv of the <> excrescences upon the body public •
and in the shape of a Rank, we held dint the pow
er would be peculiarly dangerous and objection
Wc shall always oppose the expenditure or vast
sums upon local objects, ns being not less unwise,
because the fund is always sadly administered,
warning the vigilant evo ol individual inlcicst;
and unjust, because it lays violent hands upon the
acquisitions of the minority, to be expended net fur
general and necessary purposes, but fur local and
individual .inoluiucut.
In short, we r-teeui the Government ol the Uni
ted Stales a c enturc of the Sovereign States of this
Union, instituted for particular purposes, which
cannot be transcended without Hie must imminent
danger of overthrowing that Uni >u, which it was
the boast of our anccstcis to have erected, and
w hi- h it should br our pride, as it is our inter. st, to
Although these are our own particular views, we
are by no means an b.gutted, or so illiberal, as to
exclude all othcis from our columns. Our politi
< al opponents shall always be welcome, provided
their arguments are presented in an able nnd re
spectful form ; all wc ask, is the opportunity of re
futing them. With rtg/i/ on our side, wc arc pie
pared to cucount r anv comer, i.o mutter what
weapons lie wields ; such is our faith in truth un
bodied, as we believe it to be, in the principles ,.f
the Republican Party.
Although the political will bo the chief, it will
not be the only feature of the paper. To the coun
try paper an Agricu tural department w ill fe add
ed, which it is hoped the experience of one of the
Editors, in that particular line, will enable him to
make pai ticnlarly ncc* ptab:e to the farming com
munity. This department will be handsomely il
lustrated with cute. of agricultural implements,
[ when they can be procured, nnd it is believed it
S w ill constitute a very valuable and popular feature
in the paper; at least, no exertion on our part-hall
he wanting to make it so. Mechanics and Manu
facturers shall also roec ivc their full share of atten
tion ; and wc have engaged the services of one of
the first merchants in this rity to take charge of
the Commercial Department. Able and Host-wot
! Ihy correspondents will also be procured to keep os
| constantly advis. d of the most important new !) in
t the principal cities of the Union.
Nor w ill the claims of polite Literature pass
■ unheeded. We arc not unmindful ol the variety
of tastes for which wc shall have locator in this de
partment ; hut wc hope by a due admixture of po
■ ciry and tomance, of anecdote, humor and fun. to
provide for all, whilst we will endeavor to shock
the sensit ilitics ol none. At least, wc will promise
to our readers a more intellectual banquet than is
nfTotded by the. “ boirding school Miss” order of
literature, which graces, or disgraces rather, so
many of the public journals of America.
We are well aware of ilie risk, the labor, and the
responaibllily of such an undertaking, and wc
have, encountered them all, after calm and actions
deliberation; relying foe success upon our deter
ninadon to labor diligently in the prosecution of
un design, 'flic at.solute dependence of one and
dl of us upon the prosperity of the paper, i* tho
’est guarantee for Hie performance ol this rcsolu
wiuiirownanimv mr mis ai (limns task, it would
lot hi come us to speak. One of us hn« had .mmc
ivcor six year* experience in the editorial depart
, oenl, an I another ii. by profession ami p,a< tice,
horotighly acquaint d with the mechanical duties
■f an office. Wo huve been nromi.-od the aid of
tome of the ablest pens in the Union, and we start
viih the hope of seeing the SOUTHERN STAND
\RD, for such is the name of our paper, lake its
.(and by the side of the first journals of the dsty._
IVe shall b.gm with a sheet, (be size of which will
>o commensurate with our means. We know that
not e paper run be b -light for Irss money ; hut « r,
'imo not yet learned to measure mental produc
ions by the yard, nor to os iii.uite the value of
i bought hy the exterft of the medium throti,'li which
j tis conveyed.
Our motto is, “Cheap for Cash.” The Daily
paper will bo published and mailed for mz dollar*
per annum,--the Semi-W rr.K'.v for /'our, and ihc
W eekly, for two
The pap.-rcan only be procured by transmitting
(he money in advance; and in no raur will this im
portant rule be departed from. Ilut any one who
wishes to take, the paper for a period lew. or greater
than a year, can forward u* any amount of money,
not less than a dollar, and wo w ill furni-h him with
he daily, the semi-weekly or the weekly, as he
may designate, to the value of it, a. Ihc rates afore
i .aid.
! Our friends who are sufficiently interested in the
I sucres* of the paper to encounter the trouble, will
please collect anti forward to us immediately. The.
i first number of flic paper will be issued as soon as
| VC can get our office a. ranged, say on or about the
i first of September next.
I We will gratefully acknowledge the liberality of
orb Whig Editors as may be. pleased to give ibis
ProtpecUis an insertion; our political b.thren
will, we know, do ns a faver which, under similar
-.ircumstatices,wc would *o cheerfully reciprocate.
< another sup -lv of that very fine article of pure
table SWEET Oil,. E«r sale at (ho Drug Store,
Sign of the Big Mortar.
j***'***>t*:—yurt '.evTr-tm.y-•< * w»^ . ^vm
Oneaquare one insertion.c,y jy
On« do two «lo. tl 75
One do three do. j yy
On« do one week. I 74
One do two weeks... *» 75
One do one month. 4 00
One do two months. 7 0)
One do three month*. 10 yO
One do six months,. jy yy
One do per year,. 30 00
■v^)* Ttvelvelints or less make a tquart; longer ona .
charged in proportion, snd arc to t r paid for in
Advertisement, ordeed in only oix c or twice a
week, will be charged 50 cents per squar ; lor the
mat inset (ion, and 3V J cent, for enclt subsequent
LOR STOVE—Patented, March, 1846; and
received the SILVER MEDAL, at the State Fair
nt Auburn, Sept. 18, 1846.
1 lie Air Tight Parlor Stove, with its fine Goth
ic carvings, is not only beautiful in the extreme,
. ul ,,ls per b et article of the kind ever offered
in market. It differs materially from all other
Stoves railed • air-tight,* in the improvement* of
the jornfs. and the audition of the Hot Air Chamber.
I lie joints nt the corner arc constructed in such
it peculiar manner as to insure them what they p?o
frs* lobe, air-tight. They have the usual protec
tion of cement in the joint* of the eastings, and the
tui (her and perfect eecuriltj of a quantity of cement
inserted between the join's made by the castings
and the inner joints at the stove rods.
One of our customers doaling in these Stoves,
saps, that, on trial with them lust winter, a single
hie. built in ihe ordinary way, lasted three flays ;
uiul that he will warrant nil lie fell* to retain tho
hro that length of time without being distur bed.
At the New York Slate Fair, nt Auburn, Sept.
18, 1846. wo received the First Premium, A SIL
^ LK M EDAL, anti,nt the Rensselaer County Fair,
24. 1846, the First Premium of FIVE DOL
nev^tv '' ® ^*'! *'■** MEDAL, on our NON-CON
r*ov 3 Under the Old Dominion Office.
\X7”k are just opening this morning, our second
* ’ invoice of r ALL GOODS, which were pur
chased ENTlBEi.y FOB CASH, mid at such reduced
prices from whni we have formerly paid Hint our
bargains this fall will be better than w.- have yet
offered. IVe call the attention of Metclntnls to this
fad. and having opened a separate atartincnt ex
clusivity for jobbing-they can make their pur
chases w iHi greater facilities than heretofore. The
retail department has been improved ami put in
thorough repair, for the accommodation of retail
customers. We call the attention of transient per
sons visiting Norfolk to our Stun* anil I..cation, al
ihough a little removed from Market Square, our
rent is but ose half of what is generally paid,
winch w ill of course enable us to ti ll at a smaller
profit than those wiio pay large rents. Transient
persons will observe that our Store is situated next
to the New Farmer’s Rank on Main street, it I,as
l.ngc Gloss Window's in front, and two Corinthian
Piliars exit tiding to (lie height of 2d and 3d sto
riea, Look tor the large Checkered Boot oh
top of tlie Store, and then there will be no mistake.
We shaII from this date continue to open our
weekly supplies from the north.
As we buy only for cash, we are obliged to sell
for the same; city acceptances or its equivalent.
• *\ * , (ol winch the largest berries are from 5
to C inches in circumference, and the quality not
'Ellis season being more preferable to plant the
above, than the spring, I w'ill commence ordering
from the Nurseries such quantities as may be de
siinl The Strawberries produced last season from
plants sold by ine, have placed it beyond doubt,
that m respects size, flavour, productiveness and
adaptation to this climate, they stand higher than
any other kird of Strawberry.
For sale by PhiUlus Phillips, Middletown Point,
New Jersey, or by bis agents, M. A. SANTOS, for
Norfolk and vicinity, and (’HAS. H. HEIN1TSH,
for Portsmouth and vicinity.
Being Agent for Samuel J. Guston, of Morris
town, N. J., will take orders for Fruit and Orna
mental Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses a nil Flow
er* of every quality. .Sep |()
X just received and for sale at the New York
Boot and Shoe Store. We are now opening our
third Fall supply of ROOTS AND SHOES by the
Ami D, which we offer upon as advantageous terms
Hhcan be found at any other store, and in many
kinds of goods which we have recently received.—
The price and quality arc without competition in
By the schr Mary Jane, we are opening this day
an extensive assortment ol Gentlemen’s, Men’s.
Boy’.* and Youth’s heavy fall Boots, purchased for
cash at the large sales in Boston and New York, to
w liich we invite the attention of dealers.
15 cases Men’s Thick Bools at $ 1 50 the pair, or
9 1 30 by ihe case, ns good as are iccncrally sold at
#■2 00.
ft) rases Wntcr Pioof Boots of superior qualify
from #2 00 to 3 50. 7
10 cases Double Stitch Brogans, very heavy and
at much less than former prices
Next to the Farmer’s Bank, Main st, Norfolk
Oct 17
\J EW BOOKS just received and for Bate by
The Trees of America, native and foreign, picto
rially and bolnnicnlly delineated, and scientifically
and popularly described,illustrated with numerous
engravings—by D. J. Browne, author of the "Syl- '
va Americana.” J
Life and Adventure* in the Rocky Mountain*.
Lectures to Women, on Anatomy and Physiolo
gy, with an Appendix on Water Cure, by Alary S.
First Latin Pook ; containing Grammar, Exer
cises, and Vocabularies on the method of constant
imitation and repetition -by John AlcClintock
A, AL, and G R. Crook*. A. M.
Greek-EngHgh Lexicon, based on the German
Work of Franc s Pa«*,.w — by II, nry George Lid
dell, M. A , and Robot Scott, M. A , njib correc
tions nod additions i>v Henry Drisler, AL A.
No. 4, Statesmen of England.
) Nos, 100, 110, III, and 11-2, Shakespeare.
Lcontinc; or the Court of Louis XV, by Mrs.'
; Maberly, author of •< Mrlanthr,” “ Emily,” "The
; Live Afate.b,” &c. &c. Oct I
fM. COGNAC BRANDY v i . i i
J J phin Hrandy, for sale low by
8’S lOHAffo. $0 Bati’« H.. pew 8’s, of
superior rjualitv, for sale at reduced prices, by
WHITE SLATE PENCIL,. \ >uf»pW jact
received and for sale by
Nov 17 W. H H HODGES & CO.
1KMON.S —40 boxes in fine, order, for s*le by
for**!'*’? JOSIAH WILLS
No n

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