Newspaper Page Text
THE NEWS OF NORFOLK ON PAGES 2, 3 & 5. ^_WA NT EH. \ PARTNER WANTED WITH ?50.00 IN I a good paying I business; established four years. Apply at once. A, E. ROSS, ?7 Rank streot. It* ANTED ? FIRST-CLASS BARBER at once; good salary. Apply 231 , County street. Portsmouth. It* ANTED?BY TWO YOUNG GEN tlcmon furnished room, without board on or near College, Duke or Boush streets. G., Box 421, City P. O._It* ANTED?TO INVEST THREE OR four hundred in some business, with service. Address I. X. L. de22-3t ANTED ? SECOND-HAND BED room Suit. I also bavo lino Gents' Gold WUtch will trade for Ladles' Gold or llllcd one, or soil cheap on payments. O. Y., this paper. de22-3t* Fp~W? FURNISHED ROOMS FOR JL light housekeeping in nice locality. Address K.. Vlrglnlan-Pilot office. de22-3t? \\/ ANTED ? SITUATION JANUARY ?? 1st by hustling man, of experience; wholesale preferred: can glvo best refer? ence from present employer. Address HUSTLER, euro VIrglnian-Pllot. de21-4t* 1RCULAR LETTERS. ETC.. MIM ebgraphed by ERNEST STAPLES, stenographer. 313 Citizens' Bank Build? ing. New 'phone 410; old. 161. nol-tf _FOR S A LE^_ FOR SALE?THE FIXTURES AND good will of "Star Restaurant," sit? uated at 61 New Market Place. This Is a fine location. The business Is well estab? lished. A quick buyer can securo a bar? gain. Apply at Restaurant. 11? FOR SALE?TWO OF THE CHOICEST Lots In North Ghent. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at office of THE NORTH GHENT LAND CO., over City National Bank. de21-3t* ?SINESS FOR SALE ? GREAT chance tor young men to go In bus? iness with small amount of cash; can pay balance as business makes It; must bo sold Immediately. Address G., care Vlr glnlan-Pllot. . dc20-3t OH BALE ? RESTAURANT wTtH fine trade; lodging rooms well furnished; all occupied; day and night house. Terms easy. Apply 425 Church street, se29-t( FOR RENT. T71 OR RENT?FURNISHED OR UN JC furnished rooms, with or without board. 426 Freemason street. dc21-3t 171 OR RENT.?FURN1SHED OR_?N ? furnished rooms for rent York street. Address K. M. C. Virginlan-Pllot, de20-lw ?"ll RENT.?DESIRABLE ./ RESI dencc. No. 4 Hamilton avenue, Ghent. Modern Improvements: possession Janu? ary 1st. CI1AS. C. COUPER. 163 Bank street._._de3-tf P~ LEASANT NEATLY FURNISH rooms, 241 Church street, opposite St, Paul's Church. no22-lin* BOARDERS. CONNECTING ROOMS; LARGE AND sunny, with board; bath, hot and ! cold, within one block of cars; terms rea? sonable, at 122 Freemason. de^St* SPECIAL NOTICES._ NOTICE?I HEREBY NOTIFY THE J public that I w-:il be rcsponsiblo for | mo goods, etc., obtained In my namo by anyone other than myself, unless, there Is a written order signed by me. J. ,VAN DERBERRY. ?_de22-3t? N_ OTICE?ANY" LADY WISHING TO secure the services of a nurso will pleaso call at-Walker's Pharmacy, corner Clay and Claiborne avenues, and obtain the necessary information. MARY J. HODSDEN._dc20-3t SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL OF OUR photogr.iphlo work until the first of the year. The finest work guaranteed. Exclusive? processes, J. H. WHITE, 376 Main street. OLD SHERRY, COOKING SHERRY, Old Port Claret, etc., from Frost's Vineyards. Office 16 Hill street. Order 'through Bell 'phone 3-12 or mall. d.el7-lw ABSOLUTELY PURE WINES FROM Frost's Vineyards. Office 10 Hill street. Order through Bell 'phone 3-12 or mall. del7-lw rp"? LOAN?$1,000, $2,000 AND $4.0??~FO? .1 a year or more upon first class kc cinity. Address LOAN, caro Vlrglnliin Pllot. del?-15t rp O THE PUBLIC?RURIC & GRE ? gory, printers, publishers and blank book makers, have removed their plant to Nos. 2S, 30 32. 34 and 36 Rnndnluh -street, corner Plume, In rear of the New Atlantic Hotel. del?-tf 1-y IANOS TUNED BY OUR FACTORY Tuner All work guaranteed. Or? ders by mall given prompt attention. Roth Phones BOO. STIEFF WAR 12 ROOMS. Montlcello. Granby St. dc6-tf WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR new and casket wagon, both of tho latest des'gn. and persons needing our services will do well to call on us and get prices. J. L. MORRIS fc CO.. 527 Church street. New 'phono 1155. nul'j-Gm HUDSON'S ENGLISH KITCHEN.-A great many, changes have taken, place hi the restaurant business, hut the j old reliable Hudson's English Kitchen, j established In 1S90, has, like a stonewall, become a fixture at 347 Main street. This is strictly u. temperance restaurant. DR HARMON, tho (only exclusive Opti? cian. Eyes examined free. A large stock of S5S M Artificial Eyes. AIN STREET* BUREAU FOR EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR furnishes suitable employ? ment for men and women. Call and reg? ister your name. Pee, one dollar. One half refunded If we do not place yon. c J. 1REDELL, President; J. B. HAN? COCK. Secretary. Room 16, over 5 and 10c. Store. Special Room for.ladles. Old phone. 956: new phone. 810. no5 IAD! ES NICEDINU TREATMENT J for Irregularities. Leucorrhuea or any other Ovarian Troubles consult mi JACKSON. 112 w. Mulberry street. Hal. tlmoro, Md. Private sanitarium; trained nurse*. "VTOKKOI.K DTE1N5] CLE'?TTin? Jl"? and Repairing Co.?Ltdies' Suits cleaned; G*/?'s' Suits Dyed, J2.00. cleaned rind pressed. 75c.. pants pressed 10c., car pcla a npcclalty. 441 Main. New Phone 201. A CARD?DR B. R. KENNON-EYH .rV Ear, Throat and Nose. Office ifrf Main street. de!5-2w? PIANO TUNING, ACTION AND CASK work. C. S. Marble's addres.-i is p. O. Box 181. ? dc3-lin* BUREAU FOR EMPLOYMENT and LAHOR Is Incorporated and is com? posed of leading wholesale 'merchants of Norfolk. Business men wantJng help sup? plied FREE OF CHARGE, character and capacity thoroughly Investigated. None but worthy help recommended. J. jj HANCOCK. Secretary: C. J. IREDELL president. Old phone, 956; new phone, mo. Room 16, over 5 and 10c. Store. Special Room for ladles._!_no5 Nloeka nuil Honda. SfOTTU, de witt & CO,, SI Granby st Stocks and bonds. Southern Investments, Correspondence aoliclted. ? Free Trip to PairiSIl: GOOD SIDEWALKS. The Question Is Again Being Agi? tated in Norfolk. Tho l'nviiisr Onlliinnco anil (ho Antli? orliy It Confer*-The City Alloruvr A wilt* the Doclnion or Judvv 1>rontin. of city circuit Court. The agitation of the question of good sidewalks has begun again. The ques? tion Is becoming livelier every day, though city olllclals say It has never died out completely since it was agi? tated In 189C. At that time a large number of the most prominent citizens of Norfolk signed a petition to the Councils asking that the city pave and keep In repair the 6ldewalks, at Its own expense, Instead of requiring lot own? ers to Individually pave In front of their property. The present ordinance, un? der fire in the Circuit tourt as to its j validity, is not enforced with any de? gree of strictness, and many maintain that It cannot be enforced, and that the city will never have good sidewalks un? til they are constructed by the city out of the general tax fund, or a special tax is levied for that purpose. THIS PAVING ORDINANCE*. The ordinance Is as follows: "The owner, or occupant, of any house or lot fronting on any street shall, at his own expense, or at the charge of his landlord, keep in good re? pair, with good paving brick or stone slabs, so much of the sidewalk as shall front the building and lot of ground be? longing to him or In his possession. The inspector of streets shall direct such repairs to be made whenever ne? cessary, and if any such owner, or oc cupaYit, ?shall fail to make such repairs, after having received ten days' notice so to do, the person so falling shall pay a fine of JS for each day, and after the expiration of ten days. If the repairs shall not have been made by the owner, or occupant, It shall be the duty of the Inspector to cause the-repalra to be made, on account of such owner, or oc? cupant, and forthwith collect from the person liable the cost of such repairs and pay tho amount to the person who did the work, and the Inspector of streets Is empowered to collect the said amount by distraint, or by warrnnt In the name of the city." STREET INSPECTORS' DISCRETION This Is sweeping enough, but It was never expected that It would be carried out literally, It seems. There are hun? dreds of lots, many of which are in the central portion of the city. In front of which there Is no sidewalk pavement. The enforcement of the ordinance dueled above Is left entirely to the Street Inspector, and he uses his own discretion eis to what sidewalks need repairing and where pavements should be put down. CITY ATTORNEY'S INTENTION. The validity of the ordinance having beeu questioned, It Is now the intention of the City Attorney to determine, once for all, whether or not the law is valid. Therefore, as soon as Judge Prentls renders a decision In the test case now before him, It Is probable that the case wlU 'be carried to the Court of Appeals.-'no matter which side wins In the lower courts. Hut even if the ordinance Is finally upheld there Is a probability that rin effort will be made to n p ?al It and enact In Its stead a law providing thaj hereafter the city shall lay and keep in repair all side? walks. THE 1S!)G ORDINANCE. The ordinance before the Councils in isnc required that the owner of a lot ; b ar half the original expense of laying the pavement In front of his property, and thnt the city bear the Other half and keep it In repair thereafter. It was estimated at that time that such an ordinance would necessitate a lax of fi cents on $100 of properly. The proposition was In the hands of the Finance Committee when the Council men's term expired, and the new Coun? cils never took the matter up. Appointed Worse Underwriter's Agent. Mr. Charles M. Barnett, with Castner, Curran & Bullett, Norfolk office, has been nppolnted by Mr. Ove Lange, of New York, nvs sub-agent for the Eight Norwegian Shipping Insurance Clubs, for which Mr. Lange Is agent, Mr. Barnett's territory to Include Norfolk, Hampton Roads nnd Newport News. Two of tho companies or clubs have home quarters at Bergen, two at Dram men and one each at Grlmstad, Pors grund, Toensberg and Chrlstlanla. The appointment Is considered quite a com? pliment, and one that shipmasters from Norway will approve. TO I'VRR A l'OI,n IN 0-*F. DAT Take Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ml druggists refund the money If it fails io euro. E W. Grove's sicnaturo Is on each box. inc. Seme choice styles among the late ar? rivals In Oxford mixtures. Rudolphl & Wallace, 333 Main street. Messrs. Waller .T. Simmons & Co have just received a large consignment of furs. In every stylo worn, direct from the manufacturer, to be sold at sacri? fice prices 1o close them out. Call early nnd secure bargains. Their num? ber is 3I1 Main street. TVrOTVTTT1 V to loan in any IJXKJXM JZi amounts: no delay, eas? iest terms LF.O judson. Academy of Music building._110:3-1 m?_ CjiJP: f\{\f1 TO LEND ON TUB 0<??>.\ M f\ t Building nnd As? sociation plan. W. H. SARGKANT. Jr., Room 31, Lowcnbcrjr Uldg. no3-tf ?n/r7\KJ1?V" TO ~T7??n ?n ite?"L lawil L I estate. Easy monthly payments. Loans mado promptly. PRANK II. GALE. 310 Main street. "VTVYXT IjTV K?"'?'?ys n? wniiiiin iVLvJiN i*j X Quid? S.imiii* mi iioiimrtinlil Pitriilliir? irlil n in Mortgages and other securities; liberal advances on salaries, rents, annuities, es? tates and permanent Incomes. Interviews strictly private nnd nil transactions rig? idly confidential. NO It FOLK MORT? GAGE LOAN COMPANY. W. II. Hof helmcr, new No. 36S Mnln street. Morlrz Oftlce Building, suite 5. 6 and 7. FLORENCE CRITTENTON HOME. INSPECTED BY THE PUBLIC YES? TERDAY"?DONATIONS. The Florence Crlttenton Home was thrown open to the public for the first time In Its history, from the hours of 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. yesterday, and the visitors were afforded an opportunity of witnessing- some of the results of th s institution. Inaugurated here seven years ago "by the Christian wemen of Norfolk, who have given their time and services for the uplifting of their fall? en sisters to lives of purity. The visitors, quite a number, went through every department of the Home, and were most favorably impressed with what has been accomplished since the establishment of this place for the rescue of those for whom the world has only a sneer because of their unfortunate and unhappy condition. One visitor, a gentleman who has al? ready contributed liberally to the In? stitution, on seeing the demands upon its rapacity, 'offered "to give S100 dollars toward a movement looking to the en? largement cf the home. Exerythlng In the home was arrang? ed- with neatness and In the most sys? tematic manner, with modern conven? iences. The entire four floors are de? voted to the purpose of furnishing a home-life to the unf rtunate whi takes shelter under Its roof. A description of the var ious npartm nts hns already ap? peared in these columns. There were a number of contribu? tions yesterday to the home, among them several hams and two barrels of flour, for which the managers are very grateful. Donations may be made to the home at any time, and no better tlfne for extending help to this great work of charity can be selected than the Christ? mas holidays. WHEN WINTER BEGAN. THAT IS, ACCORDING TO THE CALENDAR. . The time between the rising sun and the setting sun has been gradually dwindling for months past until yester? day, which was the shortest day In. the year. It was a\so, properly speaking, tho first day of winter, although tht whole of December Is regarded as a winter month. Yesterday the sun, in its southern course, was at its most distant point from the equator, and cast Its light upon us in a slant. From that time on it will begin to approach us until, on June 21, the longest day In the year, it will attain Its highest point north of the equator. The sun rose yesterday morning at 7:24 o'clock and set at 4:46 o'clock, making the day Just 0 hours and 22 minutes long. A Sailor Accidentally Shot. Albert Fleming, a white sailor on the schooner Scarborough, now anchored in the harbor, was accidentally shot by another member of the crew about 5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The wound was Inflicted by a ball from a 32-callbre pistol. The party handling [X was shoot? ing nt^another object and the bullet glanced, striking Fleming In the bnek. The wounded man was attended by Dr. C. A. Saunders, after which-he wns sent to St. Vincent's Hospltnl. From the partial examination made It was impossible to say whether the man Is seriously Injured or not. It wns slated that there are three courses that the ball could have taken, two of which might prove fatal. Plans for Hospital. The designs for the new hospital to be erected at Richmond, the Charlotte Williams Memorial Hospital, will be submitted to the building committee on the 30th Instant, and the award will be made about the middle of January. Mr. J. K. Peebles, of this city. Is one of- the architects who was Invited to submit plans. For the second and third best there nre nrlzes of S750 and S-IOO, re? spectively. The nrchltcct whose design Is selected will get the usual 5 per cent, commission for superintending the con? struction. Funeral of Mr. Noo. The obsequies of this gentleman, whose death occurred "Wednesday after a briet illness, wero held from his late residence, No. 3 Loe street. Muntern vllle. at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and were attended by members of Washington Lodge No. 2. I. O. O. F. The services were conducted by Rev. Edward Mack. D. D., of the First Pres? byterian Church. The interment was in Elmwood Cemetery. The pall-bearers were selected from friends 'of the de? ceased and the Odd Fellows, of which he was a member. Quick Trip by Sail and steam. The steamship Princess Anne, of the Old Dominion line, beat her schedulo from New York to Norfolk by several hours, arriving yesterday before 10 o'clock at her pier, the run from the Cape being made at a.twenty-knot clip. This is considered fast traveling. The schooner Tcna A. Cotton, Captain McElwce, made the trip from New York to this port last week, starting at 10 a. in. ot one day nnd reaching Nor? folk at 3 p. m. the next, which was also considered quick work. See our line of Umbrellas. Evcry thlng new In natural nnd silver-trim? med handles. Rudolph! & Wallace, 333 Main street. I'Inno ('iirt'lliikPI*'I Come nnd see our magnificent stock of high-grade pianos. Prices lowest In Norfolk: quality of goods unsurpassed; von get big values for your money. 8TIEFF FACTORY WAREROOMS, delO-Ot Montleello, Granby St. ? h rial in h? >y lime*. ISflf? Tin. ?'. ?v ??. Ity. 1900 Klclimnnil mul ItMiirn. 63 .10 Account of Christmas holidays, the Chesapeake nnd Ohio railway will sell on December 22d to 25th, Inclusive, De? cember 30th and 31st and January 1st round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates, limited for return passage to January, looo. Further Information can be had of any C. ?"k O. ticket agent, or from F. W. CURD, passenger agent, C. & O. Ry., 22 Granby street, Norfolk. d<-22.24,29.3l-4t Special Christmas privileges to Col? lege Students by the Seaboard Air Line. Tickets good for three weeks If bought December 15th, at one and one-third fares for the round trip. Tickets on snle December 15th to 21st, Inclusive, good until January 4th, Inclusive. de8-su,we,fr-tf ; ' ?; ?' . . v:-'v:^Vvv."..:'. -, CHURCH ENTERTAINMENTS. REV. R, H. BENNETT PREACHES A SERMON. A Richmond dispatch of yesterday says: "Rev. R. H. Bennett, Dastor of St: James' Methodist Church, last night preached a sermon on the subject of church entertainment, In the course of which he strongly condemned the pres? ent method and manner of raising funds for churches. He read a news? paper article In which some of the various kinds of entertainments were mentioned, running the gamut from sacred music to skirt dancing, and prize-fighting. Mr. Bennett contended that It was lowering the standard of the church by appealing to sinners and scoffers to come and contribute to the cause of Christianity and be enter? tained. He argued that any form of attraction for the .benefit of the church, no matter when or where held, should be free to all to come and partake; he had rather see a church go under the auctioneer's hammer than to see tickets of admission demnnded at the door. Mr. Bennett declared that were per-j sons who give for church entertain? ments, suppers, etc., to count the cost and give one-half In cash, the amount raised for church purposes would be about double what they are at present. There are a great many of the mem? bers of Mr. Bennett's church who do not agree with him. and It Is predicted that there will be a split on the ques? tion." ? Coping About tho Monument. ^ The contractors are engaged In placing the coping stone around the Confederate monument nt the head of Commercial avenue The first corner, that at the southwest base of the mon? ument, is in place, and most of tho re? maining stone is on the ground. This coping Is set three feet from tho threo-step base of the main monument, and curves inward from the level of the street paving, which, with the circular corners, will prevent wagon wheels from chipping and defacing the base. Tills will complete the monument to the medallion face. The bronze medallion of tho seal of the Confederacy has been adopted as to design, and ordered, and Is expected to soon be shipped here for placing In position. The next move will be the bronze figures on the column, and when the four figures on the side pedestals are added Norfolk will have a monument to be proud of. Work of Hall Thieves. Hall thieves are plying their voca? tion In the northeastern section of the city. Tuesday night the residence of ?Rev. S. C. Hatcher, No. 107 Wood street, was entered between midnight and daybreak by a burglar through the front window, end an overcoat that was hanging on the ha track In the hallway carried away. Wednesday night Mr. Hatcher came hofhe about 9 o'clock and placed his bicycle on his front porch, where he usually leaves It until time to retire for the night. Fifteen minutes Inter he went to the porch for the purpose of taking the wheel into the house and found It had been stolen. He reported the theft at police headquarters, ond was Informed yesterday that It, had been recovered. Christmas Wook with tho Courts. Two lawyers asked Judge Htinckcl yesterday to sit In the Corporation Court the day after Christmas and hear them argue a casj which Is rending In that court. The Judge is obliging and willing to make sacrifices, but he 'old the lawyers that ?. Judge who would hold court Christmas week ought to be impeached. Of roursi?, Judge Hanckel didn't mean this 1 terally. for he will probn ly irans act some matters In chambers during next week. This court, as weil as Hie Court of Law and Chancery, will be closed next week. The Clerk's ofllcc will b? closed one day only, Monday. Clerk Royster real? izes that people have to record deeds, file suits, get marriage licenses, etc. Tho Norfolk Prosbytory. A called meeting of the Presbytery of Norfolk will be held at the Second Presbyterian Church, this city, on the 2fUh instant, for the purpose of making known to the Chesapeake Presbytery the wishes of the Second Church In the ma I tor of the call to Its pastorate, ac? cepted by Bev. .1. Ernest Thaoker, and to request the Presbytery to grant his dismissal from It so he can enter regu? larly upon his duties as pastor here the first Sunday in January next. ' Vacations for School Children. The Christmas holiday vacation for the school children of Norfolk begins to-morrow, to-day being their last day In school this year. They will have ten days of rest, play and enjoyment, and In consequence thereof are happy. At each of the schools to-day exercises of some nature will be held, but there will be no public exhibition. The schools will reopen on Tuesday, January 2d, the children's holidays In? cluding New Year's day. For all aches, Capndine Is the certain remedy; certain, safe. 15 and 25c. at druggists. A fine let of Palms and Potted Plants, especially nice for Christmas gifts, at Newton's Floral Bazaar. Also a choice assortment of cut flowers. de22-3t Kciiny'? rtirlntmit? Picture. A handsome lithograph, entitled "Christmas Joys." given away Satur? day, December 23d. C. D. KENNY. 202 Main street. S. E- corner Church and Queen Sts. de21-3t Get the benefit of the cheap Christ? mas rates and two weeks' tickets by the Seaboard Air Dine. deS-su,we,fr-tf An endless variety of Silk Suspend? ers. A useful Christmas present. Ru dolphl & Wallace, 333 Main street. I?inno Piirelinaers! Come and see our magnificent stock of high-grade pianos. Prices "lowest In Norfolk; quality of goods unsurpassed; you get big values for your money. STIFFF FACTORY WAREROOMS. dcl9-5t Montlcello, G-ranby St. F.yr* Kx >uiln<Ml l'r>f. Dr. A. Wecljf manager of the optical department of^'the Gale Jewelry Com? pany, will examine your eyes free. De? fective vision and complicated cases specially Invited to call. jc2G-tf . ?. i ?';V -. vm .- -.- ?. - ?-T^rr.-" FRANCES BARNES Y'S. THE REPORT OF THE.PRESIDENT . \ TO DATE. Instead of giving a dinner this sea? son the Frances Barnes Y's expect to give away during the week ot Christ? inas twenty-four baskets of groceries and clothing. < Mrs- A. J. Roughton, president of this organization, gives the following re? port of work done from September 1st up to the present date: Meals given to poor# 328; garments given to poor, 177; visits to sick, 32; delicacies to sick. 22; money spent for charity. $53,35; loaves of bread to poor, 55; butter, 2% pounds; pickles. 3 jars; sugai^_5_pounds; coffee, 3 pounds; milk, 1 gallon; cocoa, 1 box. [Communicated.] ' St. Vincent's Rebuilding Fund. For Building Fund St. Vincent's Hospital: Cumberland Street Public School..$765 Grace P. E. Church, nev. W. p. Burk, rector. 4-50 Hiawatha Beneficial Social Ass'n.. 5.00 Excelsior Brass and Reed Band.... 3.00 General Fund .? C.00 This movement was commenced nnd conducted by Benjamin R. Bouldlng, chairman; Wilson F. Foreman, secre? tary; Samuel L>. Tucker, treasurer, and others. This partial report of $25.15 Is now In the hands of Mr. Beaman. and It Is honed that an equal, or a bettor, report Will be made In the near future, ns sceveral promises have been made. Entertainment at Baysido. The "Old Maids' Convention" will be given at Ebenezer Hall, Bay Side, next Tuesday night, under the auspices ot the Volunteer Y. Wagons will start from No. '132 Charlotte street at 0 o'clock. Any desiring tickets may ob? tain them at Mr. Wm. Freeman's pho? tograph gallery on Main street. Tickets for the round trip will be 50 cents. C. &. O. Earnings. The gross earnings of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company for the second week of December, ISflO. w?'-re S287.195.5C; for the same week of 1S9S. J2G9.G30.70; an increase,of ?17,55S.SG. I'l n...! Pimm- ! Pianos that last a lifetime; highest posslbl^ grade. You will lind It In the ''Stielt.' Reasonable prices; liberal terms. STIEFP FACTORY W?REROOMS, del9-5t Montlccllo. Granby St. Korfo knninVMtrrn fCiiliwny Ciirl?l um? null ttrvt Vcnr HhlltlnT t iilr.. The Norfolk nnd Western Railway Company will sell during the Christmas holidays round trip tickets to and from all points on Its line at rate of a fare and a third for the round trip: tickets to be sold December 22d to 25th Inc'u slve. and December 80th to January 1st Inclusive, good for return pnssago until January 4th. 1900. Fare to Richmond and return $3.50. dcl2.17.19.21,22,24 OTHER LOCAL ON PAGE 3. Atlantic Coast Line, (Norfolk & Carolina Railroad Company) Traffic Dcpa.rlnient. Norfolk. Vn., December 22d, 1S99. SPECIAL NOTICE. On MONDAY. December 25th (Christ? mas Day), no freights will be received by lb s Company. Warehouses will lie open until 10:30 a. m. for delivers- of PERIHIL ABLE FREIGHTS only. No I'KiilMI A RLE FREIGHTS for Norfolk nnd Car? olina Rallrcad local stations w II be re? ceived on Saturday, December 23d. JAS. F. MAUPIN, de22-2t Gen'l Forwarding Agent Is the Biggest Thing in Norfolk. PRICES NONE LOWER. XNIflS PRESENTS! Special Holiday Fur Sale I Alaska Sable and Genuine Mink Collar? ettes and Scarfs. Children's Sets and La? dles' Muffs. Handsome Silk Umbrellas, with pearl and silver mounted handles, for Indies. Umbrellas. Canes and Cloves for Mon and Boys. Sydney Sherwood ?i Co 325 Main Street. Norfolk, Va. HATTERS AND FURRIERS. UNITED STATES Towing X-Transportation Co. Subscriptions will bo received at tho of- ? flee of William U?mb & -Company, Citi? zens' Dank Norfolk, '.Va., until the 1st of : January, 1000, to tlto stock of a (owing and transportation company, to .bo organ? ized for tho purpose of transporting lum? ber, coal, Iron and other merchandise, from and to Norfolk, Portsmouth and Newport News and Northern -and coast? wise American ports and the Islands of Cuba and Pcrto it loo, nnd elsewhero as may bo deemed advisable. American tonnago suitable for th's pur? pose was never scarcer t'han at tho pres? ent tttne. Freights are unprecedentedly high, and opportunities are offered for making season and annual contracts for transportation at largely remunerative rates. In some Instances freights htuve trebled since tho 1st: of September last? a fact unparalleled In tho history of our coastwise commerce. Tho undersigned hold valuable options on freights and vessels, which they will transfer! to the proposed company when organized for a-small stock consideration. Hooks of subscription will Ik? closed at G o'clock January 1st next,and a call made for the assembling of subscribers for or? ganization w'thln ten days. Parties desiring to avail themselves of this very promising Investment ,wlll ad? dress tho undersigned ns soon as possible. Shares will not be less than MOO (Five Hundred Dollars) each, and a depos't of 5 per cent, by check must l>c made with tho subscription to lnsuro its accoptanco. (Signed) WII.MAM DA MI? & COMPANY. Norfolk. Va., Dec. 18, 1S1R). FOIUI OF APPLICATION. Messrs. William Lamb & Company, Citizens' Pank Bullding, Norfolk, Va. Dear Sirs?Please enter my?our sub? scription for .slum s in the proposed United States Towing and Transportation Company. Herewith find my?our check for 6' per cent, of the subscription. Yours very truly, dc31-3t LOWE & M?LLER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ?< Imported Fancy ? Staple Groceries No. 62 Granby Street. Both Phones 343. Prompt Delivery, dc21-3m Oom Paul or John Bull? It'3 hard i to tell: depends on how?you look at It. [ Look at It In any way you choose, you'll I lind wo we'ro on toy whon It comes to I line laundry work. Troy Laundry, H. NIXDOItFF. ' 297 Clittrohi @t. BOTH PnONBS 557._ FISHERY for LEASE Sealed bids will be revolved by us tin til 12 o'clock m . December 20th; 1S93. for ihe. lease for from 3 to 5 years of tho Cluuuauqtin Flshei y -?4?Virginia Beach, which extends from Uudee Inlet south lo Jefferson street, being about three quarters of a mile ocean front, rent lo be payable vcarly in advance. Lease to begin January Ist. IM?. Tho right to re? ject any and all bids is reserved. T?e'Cu UtriuqM by ibe Sea Assembly, By H. L. PAGE. Secretary, No. 22 Bank street, Norfolk. Va. delG-ld ?><t>o eeo <*<z>-o <o oo ?o^o? i TAYLOR S COMPANY,, . Formerly under I Monticello Hotel I HAVE. MOVED TO 0 Ghent Market, Botetourt St, 1 With a fulPline of o Staple and Fancj Groceries | Wo carry everything for thd ta $ ble. We will be pleased to see our X ? old patrons. T $ - V PROMPT DELIVERY. <> Phones 838 ? -v>*3-<3> OOO OOO <>0<*> <X>C> LARGEST STOCK OF In llio city. Sterling and plated Sil? verware of every description. Don't fall to see our J10.C0 watch. A stock of rick Cat Glass to select from that will'surprise you. Repairing and en? graving a specialty. D. P, P?HL,' 228 Wain Street, Norfolk, Va S. S. 'Phone No. SS4.