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LATEST TELEGRAPH CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Continued from Pagel. troops were formed in full regimental paiade Jsi the presercj of thousands of spectators, Loaning against a tree close beside me was a white-haired mountatneer, who looked with intent eyes upon the movements of the men m uniform. The regiment bad finished its evolutions; the commissioned olllcers had lined themselves to make their regular march to the front for report and dismissal. The bugler had sounded the signal; .the hulyard had been grasped, and the flag slowly fell, saluting the retiring eun. Instinctively and apparently uncon? sciously my tall neighbor by the tree removed his bat from bis bead and held it In his band in reverential recognition until the flag bad been furled and the last strain of the national anthem bad been lost In the resonant trnmp of the troops as they left the Held. What a picture that was?the man With his hat in his hand, as he stood uncovered during that imprcw-lve cere? mony. I moved Involuntarily toward him, and impressed with bis reverential attitude, 1 asked him where he was from. "I am," said he "from Pickens county," and in casual conversation it developed that this raw mountalneer had come to Atlanta to say farewell to an only son. who stood in line before him. The silent exhibition of patriot Ism and loyalty I had .uisL witnessed had been prompted by a sou) no rugged, but as placid as the great blue moun? tains which gave It birth, and by an inspiration kindled from the very bosom of nature Itself. \ Thciv was the connecting link be? tween Ihc hearthslone and Hie ,Capitol. There was the citizen who, renVesent lng the only real, substantial element of the nation's reserve strength?"tho citizen standing in the doorway of bis home, contented on his threshold"? had answered hi? country's cull?the man of whom Henry Grndy po elo? quently sold: "He!shall nnve the Re? public when the drum top Is futile and the barracks arc exhausted." Permit me. Mr. Chairman, to ex? press my recognition of the fact that nn occasion like this is neither the time nor the place for a discussion which would be, even constructively, political in Its trend. A NON-POLITICAL TALK. What I say lo-nlght will he Ihc words of nn American citizen who loves his country. I do not spenk the creed of any party, neither do I speak the voice of any section. I shall speak ithe faith of the man with his hat in his hand, as I read it in his weather beaten face that day. In the Philippines, fii>,000 American soldiers to-day are standing in the trenches against the onslaught on our national authority. It is needless now to recount the why and the where? fores of this attack. There is room for patriotic differences on expansion of our boundary lines and the subsequent control of territory acquired. But It should -be enough for any American citizen, whatever mny toe his political opinions, to know that our boys are being killed, our flag Is being assailed and our authority is being defied. Personally I have thought, and still think, that had wo counled with the ratification of the peace treaty an as? surance In the nature of the declaration made for Cuban Independence there would have been no serious dlsluvb?nce in the Philippines, and that we would now be in the penceful possession of the archipelago, as wo arc In control of Cuba. I believe It Is not too late, even now, to make this broad declaration of our policy, assuring domestic control of Internal affairs, combined with the guarantee of 'independence whenever. In the opinion of this government, the Filipinos are able to administer a gov? ernment which will protect life, secure property, maintain law and order, and meet the demands of civilization. In referring to the marked Industrial development of the South during the last few years Mr. Howoll said: We have us yet but touched the bor? ders of Asiatic trade, and wllh any? thing like a fair busls for operation, giving us a vantage- ground from where wc can participate-In the fruits of that newly opening market, we will look confidently to the day when the Routh. Inking Its sister States of other occllon by the hand, will point to her overflowing apron of riches, and lead the Joyful chorus that sings the nation's wealth' THE NICARAGUA?? CANAL. Mr. Howell made a strong, plea In favor of the construction of the Nicara? gua Canal, if the new century com? mits the government to the under? taking, ho said, the nation will have occasion for congratulation at such an auspicious opening of an era In which Its' greatest triumphs uro yet to be achieved. With Hawaii and the Phil? ippine Islands, the Nicaragua Canal Is Inevitable; and whatever differences of opinion may exist as to tho advisa? bility of our having acquired the two former. there should be none as to the latter. DANGERS OF IMPERIALISM. In concluding the speaker said: Much In being said of the dangers of Imperialism. If that term implies the creation of a vast standing army which Shall he interposed between tho people nod their rights as guaranteed by the constitution, I would say that wo want none, of It hero: if it means a cen? tralized government with one-man power, with the Staten shorn of their fuu it. n teed authority, I would say that he day bus come when the people may well feel alarm for -their security; If it ?mcann that we arc to exchange an ideal system* at government for an experi? ment ln_ the turbulent and oppressive'lhods" of other countries, 1 would pray Ihm God might divert the lm '/Pending calamity. Rut I hnvo faith In my country. The compact of the States, made by them, has been guar? anteed by succeeding generations, and ' generatioiy* yet unborn will take It in llVrtli: hearts and defend it with their liven. Mormons in South Carolinn. (I3y Telegraph to VIrglhlan-Pllot.) Charleston, S. C, Dec, 111.?Mormon r.V.derfi, two nt a time, seven years ago, b<?gi;0 to visit .the great swamp section cf Hampton county, near tho of thto Rtmc, and made.many converts among the-,backwoodsmen near Ttldge Jnhtl. They have now so large a fol? lowing that they have established n church, n't which eight Mormon Elders were at work several weeks ago. The delegation -to the State Leglclaturo has lieen asked by the Orthodox peoplo or Hampton county to work for a law to extirpate ihc Elders, and say that "prompt legislation may save them, from having the mob violence that some sister States have lately had in trying to rid themselves or those disgraceful parasites.'' LOUISIANA DEMOCRATS . COMPLETE NOMINATIONS AND ENDORSE CHICAGO PLATFORM. (By Telegraph to Virglnlan-Pllot.) Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 21.?At the Democratic State convention to-day Senator Estoplnat, of St. Bernard Pat Isl^ was nominated for Lieutenant Governor, and John T. Michel, of Or? leans, was nominated to succeed him? self a3 Secretary of State. The resolutions adopted support the Chicago platform, denounce trusts, favor the Federal control of levees and the building of the Isthmian Cunul und the deepening of the passes of/' the mouth of the river, and endorse the administration of Governor Foster. . THE PLATFORM. The platform concludes: "We congratulate the people that the organic laws of the State without un? due political excitement or upheaval have been so amended as to Insure the supremacy of the white race und the salvation of Caucasian civilization in Louisiana at the same time that the best interests of all the people of the :5t?te, both white and black, have been carefully protected." An attempt was made to provide that future nomination be made by white primaries throughout the Slate, but It tailed to get a quarter of the voles in the convention. The result of the con? vention Is considered ao an adminis? tration victory with the single excep? tion of Judge Guion as Attorney-Gen? eral, in which the argument that his opponent was a corporation attorney was used with telling effect. The re? sult practically ensures the election of Governor Murphy J. Foster to the Sen? ate to succeed Senator Caffery. It had been conceded that Senator W. V>. Mc Bnery would be re-qlected and the su? gar parishes will make a strong fight for him. but h!?3 attitude In this cam? paign wan regarded a3 nnli-admlnlstra llon, and there wns talk of ex-Senator Binnchurd entering the llsls against him. A Burglary Nlpporl. Policemen Wade and Mnyo, assisted by Officer Mason, arrested William Harris and .Tamea Williams, colored, for breaking Into the store window of the second-hnnd clothing house on the east side of Church street just north of Union. The crash of the broken glass called the officer's attention, and the two were'arrested before they had time to get any plunder. Harris has been watched for several days past as a sus? picions character. Williams Is un? known to the police. Both will be ex? amined this morning. Mr. Boutelle III. (By Telegraph to Virginian-Pilot.) Boston, Mass., Dec. 21.?Congressman C.'A. Boutelle, of Maine, who ij^at Young's .Hotel, has been taken seri? ously 111. The nature of his trouble is not given out. heart ailure is frequently induced by in? jurious headache powders. There is one headache "cure" that is a CURE and destroys no tissues or organs in effecting its cure?it is ROYAL Head? ache Tablets. This remedy is made after a Johns Hopkins formula, and cures quickly, but cures harmlessly. Bewaro of substitution?ask for Royal Headache Tablets?and get them. i doses 10 cents. Dealers and Druggists sell Royal Headache Tablets. Notice to Customers Wo hereby announce that a REDUC? TION WILL BE MADE ON ALL BILLS for illuminating Gas consumed after Jan? uary 1st, 1900, of 10 cents per thousand from the regular rato. Bills will bo subject to tho usual dis? count of 20 cents per thousand for prompt payment by Gth of following month. The Company desires to lake this op? portunity to say that further reductions nro under contemplation nnd that these will be put Into effect as soon as practica? ble. _CITY GAS COMPANY. 500 REWARD! Pocket Books, Card Cases, Letter Cases, Bill Rolls, Cigar Cases, Cigarrette Cases, Bill Books, R.R, Pass Cases, Toilet Cases, Collar & Cuff Boxes, Writing Tablets, Music Rolls, Manicure Sets, Comb & Brush Cases, Shaving Cases, H'd'k & Glove Sets, Work Boxes, Necktie Cases, Hoik Truu? Factory, 172 Church St., near Main. The only exclusive Trunk and Leather Goods St?re In tho City. TWO ORPHANS. , LOOK FOR THE SIGN. Wines, Liquors, Cigars AND TOBACCO. N. & B. F METZGER, No. 103 Commercial Place. New Phone 482. SELECT ?OUR From Useful'or Plea? sure Giving Articles. Kodaks and Cameras furnish life-time pleasure. Military Hair Brushes, ele? gant Celluloid Brushes, Eng? lish Hair Brushes, French Hair Brushes, America n Hair Brushes, Manicure Toilet Sets, Bath Brushes. FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PERFUMES. Borrow. Ii 11 296 MAIN STREET. floods delivered free Portsmouth, Berk? ley uml ull parts of city. Christmas Presents Those wishing t<> sec a good assortment ol" (lr;:t class goods in the way or useful , Christmas presents, such as line Carving Set?, Table Knives, Stag. Celluloid. Bone Ivory ami Silver Plated 'Bandies. All grades Silver and Nickte Plated Ware und a large assortment of many other useful articles jpo numerous to mention. Call and S?O rtiy goods and yon will bo nleascd with both the goods und Iho price.-.. F. <L MILBON, 109 Commercial Place Bolh Fhones No. 401.. Of Eager Buyers at the Jas. W. Gilmer and L. Jack Oliver Sale of FURS, HATS AND UMBRELLAS! ONE-HRLF OFF FORMER PRICES ... A more meritorious sale was never known. One dollar buys the worth of two. The. sale is all the more important at this holiday season, when ^o many things are to be bought. ! ' FURS. $3.75 for Baby Carriage Robe, large size, with pocket, worth $7.50. $1.25 for Rug, long white hair, worth ?2.50. $1.25 for Children's Angora Muffs Collarette Sets, worth $2.50. $1.50 for Electric Seal Scarf, 6 tails, tforth $3.00. $3.25 for Black Marten Scarf, 6 tails 2 heads, worth $6.50. j - $5.00 for Electric Seal Collarette, long tab front, 8 tails, worth $10.00 . $12.50 for a large line of my stylish Collarettes, marten, electric and mink, worth $2,5.00. 25 for large full Tail, very close imitation of the real marten, worth 75c 25c. for White Angora, worth 50c. UMBRELLAS. GILMER'S AND OLIVER'S UMBRELLAS HALF FORMER PRICES $1.50 grade Ladies' and Men's 75c. $2.50 " " . " " $1.25.. $5.00 " " " " $250, $10.00 " " " " $5.00. Positively no finer line in the state an exceptional opportunity for making gifts. L. JACK OLIVER'S NEW FALL STYLES OF HATS. $3.00 grades Derbies and Fedoras, $1.50. $4.00 grades John 13. Stetson and other popular manufacturers, $2.00. 50c. Silk Lined Caps, 25c. 50c. Silk Lined Caps, 25c. BALM BEHHEMD, 304 Main St. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. I OMriioatBr*? BrcH'Ii niosionO Bt-onO. , EHNYROYAL FILLS y./TVA ?Are. iljrj.-. r ?mit a.t Ar\ S*A\ V-jV? '"-"tfiii lor ???(. .v?:,r. jr..rii.)i />ii ^U?5H(fe??*l*?IMl In u? ..nlJ .?'iMlIc^Vte C!>. sfWltn<^H*' "tl4 t)n rio>or>. -I'.ko \>y TM vi'V.* other. AV/W.I(in?rr.?jt:nil?f!fu. V I / ? /jr.'i*ni-:nW frnfftllfMi*. At I>rc,-flm.orMn4 4tN I JJy in at&rap? pattltmUn, U.rht-oiiiila tnr Er "Rriiof (sir t.n.llt-?," in frtltr. bt | jt/ Mull. io.HOn r-fimralMi. rt'!iUln-)^rfh<mUaU!i...,>tn.1l?uoSl ? f umrit??*tTr? twmirai ui^nMiiMtitiiiM bj all Liy?l ?McrMti. I' Ilil.UU. PA HAVE- YOU Sore Throat, Pimples. Cop pi/r-Colorcd Spots, Aches, Old Sores^ Ul? cers in Mouth. Hair Palling? Write COOK UbJMliDV CO., 1G77 MASONIC TEMPLE. ChicaKO. 111., for proofs ol cures. Capital ?f>00,000. We solicit the most obstinate cases. Wo have cured the worst eases In 15 to 35 days. 10O-pae? book free. Is founded upon wise real estate Investments Is pretty generally conceded, but tbo following statoments from some of the well known millionaires has Us vnlne as proving that claim. In nn address on "Tho Gospel of Wealth." Androw Carnegie said: "Fortunes do exist and will continue to be made hereafter by tho Increaro In tho value of real estate more than by all other causes combined." Senator .Tones, of Nevada, speaking of the growth of great fortunes, said: There Is only one sure way to get rich and that Is to buy what is called "outs de" real estate and hang onto It unll It becomes "Inside" property. Tho great for? tunes of the country have boon muda In this way. I tell you, young man, no Investment on earth la so safe, so sur?, so certain to enrich Its owner as undeveloped real estate. I always advise my young friends to plant their savings In realty near a growing city. Purchase a ?ood sized tract and wait for suro and certain returns of the growth of this wondorful country of ours to mnko you masters of your own fortunes." Andrew J. Drexcl siys: "I believe that there Is no more certain or reliable property to bo held than real estate." Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest woman In A.nerlea, worth $60.000,000, says that it was exclusively in real estate transac? tions that all of her Immense fortune was made. The abovo aro strong nnd pointed testimonials from persons who have made their fortunes, but those who read this advertisement must use judgment In purchasing. Notice how swiftly Port Norfolk property Is becoming "inside prop? erty." S'J lots of tho Port Norfolk Investment Company havo been sold the pust woek, and some of them wUl bo Im? proved with modern dwellings In tho very near future. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS AP.E BEING EXPENDED P.Y THE In Improving nnd beautifying Its property at Tort Norfolk. The improvements added to the natural charm of the place make this the most desirable suburban residence section on the harbor. The prices of lots Is ridiculously cheap, considering tho natural advantages of the property. Think of it. Improved lots right In the line of tho greatest growth on the harbor at less than $200 per lot on payments of $10 per month. Wo con never have a ?rent city on Ihi.i harbor without plac ng this property In close toueh with Its business centre. Look On your map nnd not'.co how rapidly the centre of population Is moving in the direction of llus property. This fact speaks Vol? umes In favor of this property and tells In unmistakable language that In the coming years this will become tho bus? iness centre of tbo vast population that will mike this tho greatest South AHlantlc seaport. Hotter take advantage of the inevitable nnd get a sharo of the profit by making a largo investment In solid growing real estate right In the path of Improvements. Port Norfolk and Pinner's Point section baa crown from a population of S00 to over 3.000 In five years. What wilt It he. live years hence'.' If a few years has changed this section to one of the busiest rallroud sections on the coast, can It bo doubted that a few yoirs hence wo will have wholesale houses, banks and all that goes to make a great commercial centre? It :s sure to come, and tho wiso will not wait until prices, are so advanced as to precluo their purohaslag. There has been a large call for lots, and prices will be raised within a short time. Call for maps and gensral information on tho agents of tho Company, or on Office Columbia Building, Norfolk, Ua. GREHT REMOVAL. SHLEI ANOST PIANOS! ORGANS! On December 31st we will move to larger quarters, and for this reason offer our entire stock of Pianos and Organs at less than manufacturer's cost. and if you want to get your money's worth don't buy until you have examined our stock. are the Largest Manufacturers of Pianos and Organs in the world, and besides giving you a great reduction on account of this removal sale, we sav&-you the dealer's profit. Pianos Jfom $50,00 up._ Organs^from $25.00 up. Sold on terms of $5.00 per month and up. Instruments shipped to any part of the State, freight prepaid. Catalogues mailed free. Old instruments taken in exchange. Call early and secure first choice. ^ ALL OF THE LATE POPULAR MUSIC AT J3c. PER COPY.