Newspaper Page Text
l ?irci en ?in ii l'iiiinn I??, DECEMBER .22, 1899. ARRIVED. Br. stnip. Frnmlleld, Wright, New Orleans, to coal. Ger. stinp. Liveland, Reims, Fernan dlnu, tu coal. Sehr. Robert C. McQuillen, Rankln, New York, light. Sehr. L. E. Willlame, Penton, Balto more, coal. Schi'. R. T. Rundlett, Fountain, Suf? folk, lumber. CLEARED. Br. 8tmp. Framfleld, Wright, Bristol, coaled. Qer. stmp. Llveland, Reims, Ham? burg, coaled. Sehr. De Mory Gray, Walton, New York, lumber. Sehr. Abbie Bowkcr, Perry, Provi? dence, lumber. Sehr. Mary E. Olys, Moore, New York, lumber. Sehr. Marion E. Rockhlll, Bragg, New York, lumber. Sehr. Mary E. Grahum, Medley, New York, lumber. Sehr. R. T. Rundlett, Fountain, New York, lumber. Sehr. Twilight, Maxwell, New York, lumber. SAILED. Br. stmp. Romsdalen, Long, Cork. Sehr. Florence Shay, Smith, New York. Sehr. ,T. M. Harlow, Llnet, New York. Sehr. John K, Reese, White, Rappn haunook river. Sehr. H. S. Landfear, Bragg, New York. Tug A. ,T. Hudson and tow of barges. Baltimore. ALBEMARLE AND CHESAPEAKE CANAL. NORTHBOUND. Sehr. Lucy R. Waring, light, North Carolina to Norfolk. SOUTHBOUND. Slmr. Col. .1. C. Hill, light, Norfolk to North Carolina. Stnir. Spring Garden, light, Norfolk to North Carollpa. SHIPPING NOTES. The license of Chas. .7. Boush was revoked yesterday by the Steam Vessel Inspector for misrepresentation In experience in obtaining license. The lleeiusc of J. B. Forbes, master nnd first class pilot, was suspended for four months fur sinking the tug Mag? gie J. Jory in Hampton Roads. NEW SIGNAL LETTERS. Signal letters were assigned to the following merchant vessels of the United States by the Bureau of Nav? igation, Treasury Department, during tho week ending December 1f>, 1S09: K P M V?Schooner Jennie French rotter. 1993 tons gross, of New York. K P M W?Steam yacht Virgtnin, 411 tnn.s gruss, of New York. K P N B?Sebonner Mary W, Bowen, 21.13 ton/= gross, of Fall River. K P N C?Brig Alcnea, 403 tons gross. nf New York. K P N F?Steamer Knlulanl, 3S4 tona gross, of San Francisco. J. E. CRAIO, Captain, IT, S, N.. Hydrographor. OUR NATIONAL DEFICIT. OVER FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS ASKED FOR. (By Telegraph to Vtrginlan-Pllol.) Washington, D. C, Dec. 22.?The Urgent Deficiency Appropriation bill, the first of the important supply bills for Government expenses, is practically made up, nnd the total will amount to about $51.000,000. The items already have been sent In by the several de? partments, and these nre being put to? gether so that the Appropriations Com? mittee will be able to sumbit the bill to the House soon after it assembles. Of this amount $40,157,871 is asked for tho War Department and $3,113,740 for the Navy Department. Some of the deficiency items required for the War Department are. very large, that, for the transportation, troopships, etc., being $20,000.000; subsistence, $3. 000,000; pay, etc., for the army, $15,ISS. S32; quar-tcrmasUr's supplies, $1,500,000. Other amounts are: Temporary em? ployes War Department, $150,000; Signal Service for apparatus, war balloons, etc., $1G5,000; balloon bouse nt Fort Myer, Va., $18,500: horses for cavalry and artillery. 3250,000; barracks and quarters, $1,000.000; clothing, camp and garrison equipage, $2,0110.0001 bringing home the remains of olllcers and sol? diers who die abroad, $100,000; manu? facture of arms, $200,000; ordn-.mce sup? plies, $330,000; medical and hospital de? partment, $500.000; deep waterway com? munication, for surveys for waterways between Great Lakes and Atlantic, $20,000. The S15.1SS.832 already enumerated for pay account Includes Items of $3,107, 140 for pay of enlisted men; $4,000,000 trnvel allowance to enlisted men on discharge; $1,500,000 for clothing ullow on discharge; and $1,521.715 ?addi? tional 20 per cent, on pay of enlisted men. . The main Navy Department items nre ns follows: Ordnance, $2.10,000; coal and other equipment, $370,000; preservation and completion of vessels on the stocks, etc., $2,500,000; Naval Ac-.idcmy electric light plant. $43.740. The other departments and bureaus also have urgent deficiency items ns follows: Trensttry Department. $1,740,060; Inte? rior Department. $101!.317; Library of Congress, $17,654: observation of total eclipse of sun, $8.000. Groat Deluge of Bills. (By Telegraph to Virglnlan-Pilot.) Washington. I). C, Dec. 22.?The ofTl- j clals of the House of Representatives have stvtiek a bnlance on the recent de? luge of bills, showing that up to the recess the record stood: Total bills in? troduced. 5.015; joint resolutions, 05; simple resolutions, 65- Grand total. 5.175 mensurcs of all kinds. Burial of Maine's Dead. (By Telegraph to Virginian-Pilot.) Washington, December 22.?The Navy Department has aununced that the ceremonies at Arlington attending the burial'of"~the Maines dead, which are coming on the Texas, will take place at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 28th in? stant. J. M. JORDAN eV CO., Grocers and Ship Chandlers, Have opened in their new store, south? east corner of Water street and Ferry Place. CALL AND SEE THEM. Cuban, neue; New Orleans, fair to cholc*. U lo SC; common-, U to it _ _ _ UUlliittiiiiii'iiiiiHi?init((tifi?ntiitiiiitiiti?tt?nt(tiiii?iitttitiui)iiiiiiitiiiiitiitit*iiiititiiitiitiiiiliittitii r" OVER 6,000,000 &OXES SOLD YEARLY. Wo reason g^^^l^^^^'^ ^vjJ8fl!,-j M Nl , c v_ 1 whether you require Uiumornot?If not today, you may I arises you should, In your own Interest, take them. The reason for'their need Is often There Is a reason for everything, and the reason for the popularity of Beecham's rills lsLthot they flU_all_tho requirements of a general ai'tldote for.ALL BILIOUS AND ire satisfactory manner tliau any propnetary tncdh-lno Ilcccham's l'uls are orouylit before vour notice, ami, tomorrow? wnen Ute necessity is. that they fill all tho n . NERVOUS DISORDERS in a more satisfactory ever placed beforo the public. cUicj ics youEboul' . ! ? best known to yourself, b\it bo that us It may, you will show good judgmout by taking them in reasonable doses, and doing so is as simple us A11 C. Ihe enormous sale of Beecham's Pills has been achieved without the publication 1 of testimonials, the fact being that Beecham's Pills recommend thotnsclves. Sold everywhere, in boxes, 10 ccuts and as cents encb. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiitiiiiiiHtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiitiiMiiMi"' WORLD-RENOWNED The above offer of Five Thousand Dollars ($5.000) Reward is bona fide. Anyone having Freckles, Pimples or Blackheads that Mine. Ruppert's Face Blench will not remove harmlessly and effectually will receive the above amount. Mine. A. Ruppert's financial condition is unquestioned. Thousands of the most beautiful women of America and Kuropc can honestly testify that Mine. Ruppert's Face Bleacil is the only article known that will remove all blemishes of the complexion without the slightest injury to the skin. It clears and beautifies the skin, making it smooth and velvety. pciir.nnctuly. If you arc troubled with Eczema, Acne, Red Nose, Black? heads, or any other disease or discoloration of Ihe skin, do not wait until the disease gets deeply sealed, but use Face Blench at once. It. does hot recpiire a long treatment?a few applications will shown great improvement, and a few weeks cures you fSOPmatS?ntlym Face Blench is not a cosmetic, but a perfect skin tonic. It docs not show on the face after application, and its use does not in any way interfere with your daily duties. It is applied twice daily, night and morn nig. 'I hoiisnnds who read this may have made up tluir minds to investigate* what Face Bleach is, hut have as yet neglected to do so. It will but tho mailing of your letter to Mine. A. Ruppert, 6 Fast 141h Street, New York, mid vour every inquiry will be cordially replied to. Mme. Ruppert's'hook fiiUov\r to ho Boauiifulg" will be mailed to any address on receipt of 6c. postage.' This book is the. result of Mine. Ruppert's life study, and is invaluable to any woman who prizes perfection of the face and figure. Address all conununicalions, Mme. A. HUPPERT, 6 E. 14tii Street, Slew York. LADIES IN TOWN CAN SECURE MV FACE RLEACII OR ANY OF MY TOILET PREPARATIONS FROM MY LOCAL AGENT, MME. A. RUPPERT'S TOILET PREPARATIONS ARE FOR SALE IN NORFOLK BY 340-344 MAIN STREET A Great Attraction During the holiday season for'the family is the cheery glow of the lire made from our coal. Ii is ihe magnet that draws the household totrctlicr, and the place were they always discus's (he superior merits of our in heating Ihe home und for the baking and cooking of the Yulottdo feast. Our clean and well screened coal we are selling at - per ton. Batchelder & Collins, Phone 10J Ho Water St. Genuine Must Bear Signature of See PaoSlmlle Wrapper Below. [ Varr sm&U and bb oooy to talto as sugar. FOR HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVES. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION OfNunni uuoTiuvt nvt..?tuMt. CORE SICK HEADACHE. DO YOU KNOW RENOVATING HAIP. M ATT It ESS E 3. We havo all kinds In clock, and made of beat materials. W1LLARD E. BROWN. 123 Main itxeet. STENCIL OuiT&KS, Rubber and Steel Stamps, Railroad, lloiel, UuggaRr and llrassCheck?, Seals. Badge*, Stencil and Slamt Inks, Pads, Datere, etc. PHOENIX sifliup Qnd Ml works, Job Printers, Cot. Nlvison and Church Sis TRAVELERS' GUIDE, The, new and powerful Iron palace ?learners NEWPORT .NEWS, WASH? INGTON and NUlU'OLK will ltuvo daily "3 follows: NORTH-BOUND. I.envo Portsmouth, foot of North street. '0:00 0 m Leave Norfolk, foot of Water 1 m' itrcet ?i;","."?,""V. 6:*5 P. m Leave Old l'omt t'omlort. D Arrive in Washington. 7;00 ?? Arrive in Philadelphia, Penn. Arrive' in' Phil?de'fph?;' B."&"10:55 n" m O. It. R- ?:.**?-00 a Arrive in New York. Penn, Arrlvr'in' New 'Vo'rk;- B."*?3 * ?? O. R. R. "1:25 p. SOUTH-BOUND. l^^'riiii^^^''^'' R. m Leave'Rnnadeiphiai'"?.' &"?'. *3'12 m. Arrive "In WaMiliYgion." Penn. v*?7 pi m \rrP.v'Vn 'Washlngloi'i.'B.'"& '6A0 !>? m. ' o lt. R. . ???tfO n rn tJ;.;v" Washington. ?fi-SOn S' jffrfVs Old Point Comfort.... L ' Arr VC Iri Not folk.. . i:0), J ?J ArriV- in Portsmouth. g:3j) ? m ?1 >aiiy. . ??Pally, except Sunday. Tickets on sale at It &'0. tleket Office S & C office, at W T. Walke's and company's office on wharf. l-'or further Infoi mailon, apply L>. J. caLLahan, Telephone 4u, Agent, TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 4:00 p. m. FOR NEW YORK.-Pas eenger ships arc appointed to ?all from Norfolk daily at C:CO p. m. FROM NEW VORK.-On Monday, Tuesday, Wednes? day, Thursday and at 3:00 p. in., Saturdays at PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Fare. Including meals and stateroom berth.5 S co Round trip (limited to SO days). 13.00 For tickets and reservation of state? rooms apply at ticket office, I9D Main Street, or at'general office, at wharf. Ships leave Old Pont tor Norfolk Sun? day about 10 a. m. TIME SCHEDULE OF STEAMERS Hampton Roads, Mobjack, Luray: Aeco niac and* Virginia Dare,-sailing daily (ex? cept Sunday) from Company's wharf. Norfolk: FOB OLD POINT?VI f,:30 and 11:13 a. m.. and ?1:15 p. m.: Portsmouth. f>:45 and 10:03 a. in., anil 3:05 p. hi.: Ray Line wliarr. Norfolk, at 7 ar.d 11:30 a. in. and 4:30 p. ni. FOR HAMPTON?At 11:13 ?. m. and 4:13 p. m.: Portsmouth 10:05 a. m. and 3:03 p. m.; Hay j_ino wharf at 11:30 a. in. and -1:30 P. ni. FOR NKWrORT NEWS AND SMITH FIELD?At 2:30 p. in.: Portsmouth. 2:15 p. m.: Ray Line. 3:00 a. m. FOR WARE AND EAST RIVERS-AI ?5:30 a. tn.: Portsmouth, (1:15 ll. m.; Hay L!ri?. 7:00 a. in FOR NORTH RIVER?On Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 0:30 a. m.: Portsmouth; 0:45 a ni.; Ray Line. 7:00 a. in. FOR SEVERN RIVER-On Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 0:30 a. in.: Portsmouth. G:43 a. m ; Bay Lino 1:0) a. in. FOR BACK. POQUOSIN AND YORK RIVER LANDINGS AND CRAB NECK ?On Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 6:13 a. m.; Portsmouth 0:S0 a.m.: Bay i.In.-?. (1:45 a. m. Returning following day, FOR NAN3F.MOND RIVER AND SUFFOLK?At 3:?'.o p. in.; Portsmonih, 3::o p. m. Connecting at Suffolk with Suffolk and Carolina railroad. Freight for Ware. East. North. Severn. Rack. Poquesin, York and Naiiscniontl River Landings must lie prepaid. All sch<;dulcj subject to change without notice. Freight for Washington and Nowberno, N. C? received at and delivered fiom Norfolk und Southern railroad depot. Freight received dallv (except Sunday) until ? p. ni. M. F.. CROWELL, General Agent. CftPE \ New York? puftpi rel Philadelphia rVo.,^ and Norfolk ROUTE V Railroad. QUICK TIME?LOW RATES. TWO TRAINS EACH WAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT SUNDAY. NOVEMBER IS, IS39. LEAVE NORFOLK. 7:15 a. m. daily, except Sunday?(Ports? mouth. Hieb street. 7:25 a m.) Arrive at Philadelphia C:42 p. in.; New York at S:3S p. in. LEAVE NORFOLK. C:00 p. m. dally (Portsmouth, High street, 3:20 p. ;n). Arrive at Pluladcl. phla 3:10 a. m.; New York, 7:13 AR'r'iVE AT NORFOLK. 0:00 a. in. dally (Portsmouth. High street, *J:1U) leaving New York at S:5i p. in.: Philadelphia. 11:30 p. in. ARRIVE AT NORFOLK. 7:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday (Ports? mouth. High street, fc:00 p. in.) leaving New York at S:00 v.. in.; Philadelphia, 10:20 a. m. Close connection made with alt iall ami sound to and lrom Boston. Pullman Sleeping Cars on night trains between Jersey City, Philadelphia and Cape Charles Pullman I (uff et Parlor Cars on day trains between Philadelphia and Capo Clin rles. Through tickets sold and baggage checked at Walko's Agency, under At? lantic Hotel, at Passenger Station at the Wharf and en Steamers. R. R. COOKF.. Central Passenger and Freight Agent. WiYoEliViCE Atlanta, Now Ortffiins, AuguKta, Mucnn, OhnllMnooeii, Nashville, Mmupiiis, Florida, I'nliliu nia HIKl Hie ?Iii ire South._ Tn'EfTeot Nov. r>. 1S99.| No. 41 | No. 40s. Lv. Norfolk .I ?It:0S n~ri7l^::!0~n-iri " Portsmouth S.A.LI f'.'n a ml S:45 p m Ar. Suffolk .... "I <>:M a m 0:22 p m " I.ew|..|nn N. C...| 1:03 p m'. '? Welrtnn .. ,S.A I..! 11:43 a ml 11:10 p m " Henderson .. " 1:83 p m| |?:Sfi n m " T!n!e!qh .. .. " | 8:3<! p ml 2:22 a m " Southern Pines " C:00 p ml 1:27 n m ' Wilmington .. " I.I 12:05 p m " Charlotte .. .. " ?10:25 p m S-.03 a m '? Foluinbla .CN^.TJ 10:45 a ml -pur, p m " Augusta . C.&WC 10:10 a ml 5:10 p m " Athens .. ..S.A.L ?3:48 a mi ? ?, " Atlanta (Co tiir>e)i R-tJ a m) 2;50 p m " Maeon C. of On.i li:io a in! 7:20 p m " Jacksonville Plant' 7:40 p !ni 7:,? ? In " Tampa .. ..Plant| 8:00 a ml 15:45 p m " Mohtgom'y W.ofA I0::;i a m! 9:20 p m " Mobile ?? ..L.&N.I 4:12 p ml :'.:03 a in '? New Orl'ns.. " 8:30 p m 7:40 a m " rhnt'i<eo?ra W&A| 1fflpm| l:o0n m " Nashville NC?StL 6:55 p m| 7:00 a ?, '? Memphis KCM&BI 8:20 p m| 4:00 p m ?Daily. (Dally ex. Sunday. Connections at New Orleans with South? ern Pacific and Texas & Pacific rail? ways f'>r all points in Texas. Mexico and California No. 402?Arrivo Portsmouth dally 7::'.'; a. m. No. SS-Arrlve Portsmouth daily 5:;o p. m. .1. W. BROWN. Jr. Eass'r A gt., 1?!' Ml in St.. Norfolk. Va MURRAY FORBES, ' Trav. Pass'r Agt.. Portsmouth. Va E. ST. JOHN. Vice President and Gen? eral Manager. V. E General Superintendent. II. W. P.. GL?VER. L S. ALLEN, Trafliee Manager Gch'l Pass'r Agt Portsmouth, Va. DIRECT ROUTE. FOR BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. For Boston?Mondays, Wednesdays aiul Fridays at <":00 p. m. FOB PROVIDENCE. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur? day al"ij:00 p. m. FARES TO BOSTON AND PROVI? DENCE. First-class, including meals and. stateroom berth. J3.00 Intermediate, Including meals , and stateroom berth. JS.OO Stetrage. Including meals and bunk. JT.ou Perishable frelgnt sent v:a Providence forwatded by early train to Boston and at the same rate as by direct <s learners lo Boston For further Information apply to R. H. WRIGHT, Agent Norfolk. Va. A. D. STEP.B1NS, Ass't Traffic M'gr. W. P. TURNER. Gen. Pass. Agent J. C. WHITNEY. TraHlc Manager. General Offices. Baltimore, Md. TRAVELERS" 6?IDE. ? & Ohio fix FOn RICHMOND. WASHINGTON. CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE, CHICAGO ST. LOUIS AND ALL WESTERN POINTS. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 23th. 1839. WESTBOUND. Lv. Pci tsmouth .| Lv. Norfolk .{ Lv. Newport Newa .1 Ar. Richmond . Ar. Roncevcrlo . Ai. Cincinnati. Ar. Louisville . Ar. Chicago ... Ar. St. Loula ..;.;( ?Daily except Sunday. Other ilmo dully. No. 1?DAILY, Parlor Car Old Point to it.ciiniond: Pullman Itlchmond to Cincin? nati, Louisville .ml tit Louis; connects at GOrdoiisvillt! for Orange and at Orangs with boutnerti Railway train tor principal Stations Northbound. No. 5? Local, Kichmond to Clifton Va'ly except Sunday, Nu. 3-^DAlLV; Pullmans, old. Point to iilnloii, Cincinnati ami Louisville. m ?*.? served In Dining Cars ?>? Noa. i ami u west a Got don* villi*. C. .v o. STEAMER LOUISE leaves Nor? ton: for Newport No\s at i a in. and 3:i0 i'," J'cav^'? Newport News for^s'urfolk. 11.18 a. in. and 6:03 p. in. Arrives Norfolk 1Z.IS noon and 7:05 p. in. For further Infu:?unlton apply to J It. VVILLCOX. Ticket Ar.enl. or i. VS. CURD, Piirnenco' Asciit. c. and O Ticket Office, Atlantic Hotel, Norfolk. Va, JOHN D. POTTO. Asst. ttencrat l'a?ienircr Agnat? A. C. L. ATLArio-T vjo a_f. LINE (Norfolk ck Carolina Railroad.) IN EFFECT Jl.'.VU 1th. !Sf3. I 1 No. 103. stations. | No. 13 |DTy ** I Dally, i Sunday. Lv. Norfolk .i 0:00 a in; 2:20 p m Lv. Ports June .| ?:?2 u in| 2:ii p m \r. Suffolk, Va.10:00 a ml ;t:l7 p m \r. Tunis, N c .10:5') a m 4:K> p m Ar, Hobgood, N. c . 12:1? m | 6:ii p in Ar. Turlioro. N. C .|12:21 p ni| tl:W p in Ar. Rocky Mount, N. ClI2:5? i> in) l>:3j p ni Ar. Will .ainstotT"1\7~C 1.77.77! Plymouth, Ni C. ..(. Waisliingtun, N. C..I. Elusion. N. c.]., Ar. Wils ui. N. C ., 2:15 p in; 7:10 p lit Ar. Uoldshoro, N. C-1 3121 p in, 7:.>0 p Iii Ar. Wilmington, N. C.| 5:50 p mj 3:10 a in Ar. KnycttfVllle, N. C .j t p' ni| l:t<s a m Ar. Florence, S. C . 7 ... [i in ti:15 a m Ar. Charleston, S. C_1" 50 p in' 6:18 a in Ar. Columbia, s. C.110:20 p nillLOO a in Ar. Augusta, Ga.; 7:55 a m\ 7:53 a m Ar. VAllanta, t'.a.12:35 p inl2:.:."i p in Ar Mac an, C!a.|ll:15 a in 11:15 a in Ar. Snvannnh, Oa .j 3:00 .i nil 9:00 a in Ar. Jacksonville, Fla ti li a m| 1:33 p in No, 49 daily connects with A. C. L train 23 for all points South No. I0:t, dally,exo ;>i Sunday,makes close Connection nt Hobgood for Washington, N. C, Klnston, N. C. and Plymouth, N. and all Eastern Carolina points; also at'Rocky Mount with a. c. L. train ? for all points South. No. 103. daily, except Sunday, makes clcae connection at Aliosk'.e for Windsor. N. C? ami stations oil W. & P. R. ft. Trains arrive at Norfolk at 6:95 p. m. daily: also at 10:25 a. in., dally, except Sunday. No. 43 runs thiough without change Norfolk to Wilmington Baggage checked at Company's Norfolk wharf, and nlvo at office of Passenger and Ticket Agent, 17! Main street toppo slta Atlantic Hotel.) For tickets to nil points South sleep'ng car reservations and general Information call on or address J. A. N BUG EH AUER, Passenger mid Ticket Agent. JAMES F. MAUPIN, CTrneral Forwarding Agent. II. M. EMERSON, Oeii. Pas*. Agent. G. M SEHPELL Cen. Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Trtlfllc .Manager. lucrareEcrxctro Schedule in Effort: SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 13, 1S03. LEAVE NO FOLK DAILY. 7:4?> u. m?For Richmond, Washington, Lynch burg and the West. 4:33 p. m ? VcstlblllcU Limited for Rich? mond and Washington. Slops only ni Suffolk, Wavcrly and Petersburg. 7 CO p. m.?For Petersburg, I.vnchburg, the West and Soilthweat. Traln.1 arrivo at Norfolk daily 9:10 a. m.. 11.25 a. Mi. end 10: iO p. in. Tickets und all Information at station ind to Urunby street. W. n. DEV1LL, General Pass? ngcr Agent. W. E. IIAZLEWOOD, <1'. A._ BALTIMORE STEAM PACKET CO eav Lirxt e:. COMMENCING MONDAY. NOV. 20, 1S3?. Lv. Portsmouth. High street-!3:25 p m Lv Norfolk Main streut .16:00 p in Lv uid Point, Hygela i hr .17:00 p, in Ar. Italtiir.. i ??. l'ul?:i Dock _ t*>:30 u m xoiiTiit'.orMi i i' i:. it. i it &?. Lv lt>!liuijie .I 7i45 a m|l 7:55 u in Ar. Philadelphia .M0:I5 a mi 110:16 a tr. Ar. New York .i*li:42 p in1112:35 n'n Soi~THl:UL NU I P. R. R. I U. & 67' Lv. New York . 12:55 p ml l:00 p ,tn Lv I'hltadelph a .. ..| 3:12 p ml 13:07 p in Ar. Halt.. Union St!n] 5:12 ;> in. Io-:10 p ni T7v._iTaitlmore. Light f.ivet new piers direct fur tli'j Souili.G:30 p m Lv. Old Point .??.a ni Ar. Norfolk .7:00 a m Ar. Portsmouth .a in "~l?Daily except Sunday. *?Daily. Tickets seid to all points North. East and West and baggage Checked lo desti? nation. Staterooms reserved upon appli? cation In person at the company's otiice. No 199 West Main street, or on board ste i mor. Freight Will not bo received after 4 p. ni. io j:o forward that day. For lurther liilurin.ilion apply to KEY COMPTON; General Agent. J. W. UROW N, Jr.. Southern Passenger Agent. Cl LYDE'S REGULAR I.INK STEAM / SHIPS rent I'll I LADE LPH1 A; ONLY DIRECT LINE FROM NOR. FOLK TO PHILADELPHIA; Until further notice steamers are ap? pointed to sa.l from No: Ml; every MON D\Y WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at ft "o'clock p. ">?.. ;,',!V!,.f'0.'," .V.1' '"''clphiii 'very TUESDAY. THURSDAY anu SAT, LT7ir'ou\;h bills of lading to all points South and Southwest via b.aboard Air t ine Atlantic Coa.-;t Line. Virginia and Tennessee Air Line. Southern R.uhvuy, Norfulk und Carolina and Norfolk and kuuihern Railroads. SuU JAMES W. McCARRICK. rtenerul Southern Agent, Norfolk, Va. WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO.. Guncial Agents, Phdadciphii, NoiloiK I SoiiiSw'p. ?ijl Norfolk, Yd. Beach & Soatuern U.R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC. 1st, TS39. . MA 11, AND EXPRESS LEAVES NOR IOLK DAILY (except Sunday)" 10 a m. for ReJhaven and all stations. Connects at Edenton for Plymouth, J&mesvlllo. \\ illianiston and Windsor. For landings on Oh..wan river TUESDAY. THURSDAY:! and SATURDAY, and for Scuopernong river '-EIDAY. Connects nt Re) haven I with Old Dominion steamers for Makley Ville, South Creek. Aurora, Washington ar..J intermediate landings. EVENING EXPRESS LEAVES NOR POLK u 4:10 p. m. TUESDAY, THURSU. D.W and SATURDAY for Edenton. Con-' at Elisabeth City with steamer ' 1 ES DAY, THURSDAY and SATUR? DAY tor Roanoko Island, Oriental and New Rem. N. C. ARRIVE AT NORFOLK. MAIL AND EXPRESS DAILY (except Sunday] nt 4:25 p. in. and at U a. m. A.UESl>AY> THURSDAY and SATUR? DAY. Passenger station Norfolk and streHrR Uopot* ^e'Bht station on Water Ste-.mris leave Norfolk. Water street Statloh 030 a. in. TUESDAY, THURS? DAY and SATl.-RDAL for Elizabeth City v a Dismal Swamp Canal, and Elizabeth.'' VkK. * ,',<'?" lor Scuppernong river MON WEDNESDAY, and 3 p. . m. 1 111 USD AY AND SATURDAY' tor CobS Jock and North river landings. FOR VIRGINIA BEACH. LEAVE NORFOLK. BRAMBLETON STATION. Dally (except Sundny)-?7:00 a. m.. 11:30 a. m. and 5:10 p. m.. and Sunday 10 a. m. > ?LEAVE VIRGINIA BEACH. Daily (. xcrpt Sunday)?S:20 a. m.. 3:39 p. m.. m so p. m.. und Sunday 4:30 p. ru. ??Mixed trains. FOR MUNDEN POINT. . LEAVE NORFOLK. Dally (except Sunday)?10:00 a. m. (con? nects Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Munden Point with steamer for Currltuck Sound landings), and 5:00 p. m. on Friday only. LEAVE MUNDEN POINT. _ 2:?? p. in. du ly (except Sunday), and i .30 a. in. Friday only. Trains stop at tctermedlato stations, freight received until 5:00 p. m. 11. C. HUDGINS. Ocn. Freight and Pass. Agent. M. K. KING. General Manager. XTolli;"OLJC * OCEAN VIEW RAIL -TN WAY COMPANY. QUICK AND FREQUENT SERVICB BETWEEN. NORFOLK. OCEAN VIEW, OLD POINT HAMPTON AND NEWPORT NEWS. Take the Ocean View Route for Old Point, connecting with tho C. & O. and Trolley Lints for Newport News and in? termediate towns. ? ? A M|?"M]?~> . 7:30j S:C0F l>:dv;ijui:ui 8:4S 9:10' IMS'Local 10:30,11 fflHUdOl Local P MIP U P M Schedule tak? ing effect Sept. 35, US9. Local dally. |A M| AM ?1st Section Old Point Express, 2nd Seo. lion Ocean View Local. Local freight leaves Norfolk 11:00 a. m. Freight received until fifteen minutes before leaving tlma. Faro for tho round trip to Ocean View. .'a)e. ' Fore ror tha round trip to Old Point from any part or Norfolk, 60c. Old Point tickets on sale by all street car conduc? tors. Local Pains leave Ocean View for Nor. foik at 12:30. 1:30, 3:30, 3:30. 4:30. 6:30 and C:20 p. ,n. _ OR RICHMOND. PETERSBURG, CLARE.MONT, OLD POINT. NEWPORT NEWS AND JAMES RIVER LANDINGS DIRECT BY DAYLIGHT. Virginia Navigation Company's Elegant Sal-on Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves Clyde Wharf, Norfolk, every TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY at 7 a. m.. touching ot Portsmouth. Newport News and Ohl Point going and returning, ar? riving at Richmond about 5:30 p. m., con. nccting with all evening trains. Fare to Richmond, $1.50. To Richmond and return, $2.50. To Richmond, second-class, (1.00. Tickets much cheaper than any other route to Richmond, Petersburg. Waverly lllvksford and stations on Atlantic and DunvillU railroad and all via Rich? mond. Tickets for sale at ticket agencies of Wulke & Son. 11. Brandt, and on board steamer. Freight received dally (Sunday except? ed) for all above named points. Hound tri|i tickets will lie sold for on* fare from IX?ombCr 21st, 1S99. to January ?2d 1000, Inclusive. JAMES W. M'CARRICK. Agent. SOUTHERN RY. DOUBLE DAILY SCHEDULES TO ALL POINTS SOUTH, SOUTHEAST. and SOUTHWEST. EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 10, 1599. Lv Norfolk.8.? a m ?L40 p m Ar Suffolk . W.40 a m 8.5? p m Ar' Franklin .U..21 am 9.53 p m Ar Jchresa . S.v6 p tu 3.00 am Ar' Buffalo Junction 3.30 p m S.24 a m Ar. Danville.s-3a P m 6 30 * m fv?Norfolk". 9.00 a m 8.35 p m aV KaWlgh. 3.50 pm 2-09 a ra Ar Durham . p m 3.10 a m Ar'. Greensboro . G.35 p :n S.lo a ra l?~DaiivlTie . 5 ? p m Lv. Greenshoro. ?.10 p m Ar." Salisbury .8.24 p m Ar. Charlotte .. ?? .. 9.4o p m Lv. Salisbury .. ?? s7i? p m Ar. Ashevllle .12.10 a ni Ar. Hot Springs .. .. 1.29 am Ar. Knoxvf.le . 4.1a =? ? Ar Chattanooga. ?.40 a ro 11.3o p m Ar Nashville 6.55 p m ; 6.40 a-'ta Lv. Chattanooga . 8.00 a in Ar. Me nphis . 7-10 P m ?v i ChiirloUe .10.00 p m 9.35 a m Ar." Atlanta . ?.10 a in 8.55 p m -\r Montgoniery.10.31 a m 9.20 p m Ar Mobile . 4.13 pm 3.05 a m Ar! New Orleans . 8.30 P m 7.40 a m Lv Atlanta . 6.30 a m 4.15 p m ?\r' Birmingham .11.20 a m 10.10 p m Ar. Memphis . S-Oo pm 7.15 a m Lv Charlotte.10.00 p m 8.15 a m Ar.'Columbia. 1.20 am 11.23 a m \r Aurosta. 8.00 a m 2.oO p nv Ar. Six tnnah. 5 15 a m 3.20 p m \r Ja. kfonvlilo .0-25 a m 7.40 p m Ar. Tampa. S.40 p m 7.00 a m ? Daily except Sunday. I'lilliiinii Pnim'o Meeting Cnn. For all information apply at t'ujf i n'Kft uuiof. 'ium null ?iruuby Mr'i'K, MMlOli?? 1 ,'?, Baggage called for and cht. .ed from hotels, and residences by Virginia Trans? fer Company on orders left at ticket of llc*. _ FRANK S. CANNON 3d V. President and Oen'l Mir J. W. CULP. W A. TURK, Traffic Mgr. Gen'l Pass. A&t " 1 Washington. D. C. W. II. DOLL, Pass, Afit., NorfolK, V?.