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Virginian-pilot. (Norfolk, Va.) 1898-1911, October 18, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. VIL--XO. 15.
Imperial Edict Ordering Punish?
ment of Officials Was a Forgery.
Xhe Fnlse Killet Concoctctl to Prevent the
Advance or Allies on Tao Ting Fn -
Prlnee C'hiug mid Karl U Conferring
With Itoforeuce to I'enco Negotiations -
France, Now That Her Proposals Ilavo
Uecn Agreed to, Is Anxious to Ilcgln
\Vo;-lt of Negotiating.
(Bv Telegraph to Virginian-Pilot.)
Pekln, Oct. 15.?It Is now regarded as
certain that the ulIeBCd imperial edict,
ordering the punishment of high ofll
cials, was forgrtl and was concocted
with the object of preventing the ad?
vance of the nllles on Pao Ting Fu.
Both Prince Chlng nnd i.i Hung t.'lmng
deny Its authenticity.
Count van Waldersee Is expected to
arrive here October 17.
small marauding bands have become
troublesome In the vicinity of the sum?
mer palace, and a punitive expedition
Is being organized to proceed against
Peking Oct. 16.?(Via Tien Tsln, Oct.
IG and Shanghai, Oct. I7j -There in re
newed activity among the Boxers north
Of Pekln. The imperial troops claim
that they can suppress the Boxers, but
the " allies may send an expedition
against the rebels.
United States .Minister Conger and
(h urrah; Chaff t..id Wilson returned
LI Hung Chang's visit this afternoon.
Prince Chlhg.antl I.I Hung ?'hang ure
conferring for the purpose of (lxing the
ilrst date with the ministers.
Washington, I), c, Oct. 17.?The
French charge d'ACfalrs, M, Thlebaut,
called at the State Department lb-day
and h.-ui a conference with Secretary
Hay. it is understood that ho present?
ed a memorandum proposing that the
peace negotiations with China begin
Immediately, in accordance with the
favorable action of the Powers, on the
recent unto of the French Government.
M. Thlebaut also made known the sat?
isfactory character of the answer re?
ceived from the several governments,
nnd pointed out the desirability of hav?
ing action taken at once to carry out
the several points on which the Powers
have been brought Into agreement.
Russia's dcteigilnnllon to pursue a
policy Independent of (he other Powers
is regarded by ofllclals us a most im?
portant development In the situation.
In the absence Of Official details those
In authority are in doubt ns to whether
this Russian move la designed to in?
sure occupation of Manchuria or is only
another move In (he Pttclilc tendencies
which the Czar's Government hnn
given expression to, beginning with
the announcement of the Withdrawal
of Russian troops from Pekln. As lb
Russian designs on .Manchuria, it Is
being recalled that in the Russian voto,
of August 28 that Government specifi?
cally stated:
"Russin will not fail to withdraw her
troops from within the boundaries of
the ttdjaccnt empire, provided, how?
ever, that the nctlon of other powers
shall not stand In the way."
It Is it question, however, whether
the present aggressive course of Ger?
many Ih opening a military campaign
is not the "action of other powers,"
which will "stand In the way."
There Is a strong Impression In ofli
clal quarters that the entire trend of
Russia Is toward the ultimate acqui?
sition of Manchuria as part of the
Russian domain.
Berlin, Oct. 17.?It is understood that
Emperor William will send a special
message regarding the Chinese situa?
tion'to the Reichstag when that body
convenes on November 14. the date
agreed upon to-day between Emperor
William and Count von Buelow.
Hong Kong, Oct. 1.".?Advices from
Canton say it Is reported there that
Sun Vat Son, the reformer, captured
Hul Chow last Monday. The Cantonese
assert that If Hul Chotv, which resist?
ed the insurgents In the Tal Plug re?
bellion falls thus, the rebels will be
able to take Canton within ;t week.
Admiral Ho. with the bulk of bis
forces, left Sain Chun this morning in
pursuit of the rebels, leaving 250 troops
to protect Sum Chun anil sending 2'10
to garrison the .Mandarin station at
Nno Tau, on the western arm of Deep
The t'nitcd States gunboat Marietta,
from Swntow, arrived at Hong Kong,
coaled nnd proceeded for canton.
Berlin. Oct. 17.?M. de C.lers nnd (lie
Russian legation, according to a dis?
patch from Tlon Tsln to the K?lnische
Zeit ting, have been ordered to return
to Pekln with n few days.
Pekln, Oct. 10. via Tien Tsln. Oct. 17.
via Shanghai, Oct. 17.?Prince Cning
nnd I.I Hung ''huntf have addressed a
Joint meeting of Ilm foreign envoys,
fixing Saturday next for the first meet?
ing to discuss the conditions of peace.
(r?y Telegraph to Virginian-Pilot)
Charlotte. N. C, Oct. 17.?A special
from Greensboro to Ihe Observer says:
The cotton mill trouble In Alamance
county has reached an acute stage.
Hundreds of men, women nnd chil?
dren are idle ns the result of notices
posted by the mill owners some days
ago notifying till operatives who would
not withdraw from the Textile Union
to consider themselves discharged af?
ter the 15th.
Very few, if any, of the operatives
abandoned the union. As the mill men
remained firm, a majority of the mills
In the county are cither idle or run?
ning with greatly reduced forces. In
etend of crippling the union, the order
of the mill owners seems to have had
the effect of strengthening: it, numbers
of new members having been received
since the notices were posted.
Both the operatives nnd their lute
employers are firm and determined to
carry their points. As yet no disorders
hav# been reported.
If the difference ls>not soon adjusted
or employment secured elsewhere,
many of the operatives will suffer for
the necessaries of life. A majority of
them are homeless and with practically
no means. The Textile Union is taking
steps to provide shelter and food for
the needy.
(By Telegraph to Virginlavi-Pllot)
New York, Oct. 17.?William J. Bryan
breakTustod to-dny with Ex-Governor
Stone, Congressman liichardson, his
private secretory, and Judge Carrow,
and at 8:30 the start was made for the
Grand Central depot to lake a train
for up State points.
"I'm in good shape," said Mr. Bryan.
"I understand I'm to have an easy
time of it up the State, and 1 can afford
to feel good."
He laughed at the joke, for the fnct
is that he is to make speeches at fre?
quent intervals of the tour. Ho spoke
about the number of persons who lost
their hats by the big wind at the out?
side meetings last night, and he said
tho Republican party ought to com?
pensate those people lor the loss.
"The big Republican wind from the
West carried them away," he Bald.
Berorc leaving the Hoffman House
this morning Mr. Bryan turned to
state Comiriitteeman Campbell and
asked: "Do you think the Republi?
cans rightly gauge the significance of
last night's demonstration?" Several
persons present answered in the nega?
tive. "The meeting carried witli it."
added Mr. Bryan. "Its own story. It
was the largest demonstration 1 ever
witnessed anywhere, on any occasion.
The enthusiasm appeal ed to be sincere,
and at all the meetings of hist night
my auditors appeared to be en rapport,
l am perfectly satisfied."
Albany, N. V.. Oct. 17.- William J.
Bryatl ran around two sides .of a tri?
angle to-day from Hudson to Albany,
Inclusive, nnd probably spoke to as
cosmopolitan n lot of people us he bus
addressed during Ha- campaign. At
Hudson he spoke to a gathering of
business people of all ( losses, at Troy
to t he capacity of an t IpCfU 1 lOUSO, and
with an overflow meeting of collar fac?
tory und laundry employees; nt Me
chanicsville to railroad people, at Co
hoes to the mass <>f the employees of
the cotton and woolen mills, nnd at
Albany to two immense meetings?one
In tho Opera House arid one outside
composed of the besl element in the
city. During this speech-making Mr.
Bryan was accompanied by chairman
of the State Committee, Prank Camp?
bell: Judge N. C. Bulger, of Osv.ogo:
ex-Senator Murphy. ox-Mayor Francis
Malloy. of Troy: Mayor Samuel M.
Jones, or Toledo, and J. j. Delaney, of
New York.
Messrs. Bulger, Delaney and Joins
alternated in the speaking with Mr.
Bryan, assisting particularly at places
where there were overflow meetings.
The great meetings of this trip were
held nt Troy, (he home of ox-Senator
Murphy, and Albany, the home of ex
Sennlor Hill. Mr. Hill is absent In the"
West. At both Troy and Albany the
meetings were phenomenally large and
enthusiastic, Immense overflows having
to he held to accommodate those who
desired either to hear or see Mr. Bryan.
During this traverse of the two sides
of a triangle Mr. Bryan aliud.>d to
many things which he hail not men?
tioned nt many other places during the
campaign, and hit the trusts and Im?
perialism some heavy blows.
At Hudson he said:
iBy Telegraph to Vlrglnlnn-Pllot.)
Berlin. Oct. 17.?The K?lnische Zei?
tung asserts that Prince Hohenlohe
has tendered his i-eso-nmioo ni, |mi,,.
rial chancellor and that It has been
According to the same authority Em?
peror William has designated ?s the
retiring chancellor's successor Count
von Buelow, Minister of Foreign Af?
Although rumors had been current
for several doys thai Prince Hohenlohe
Intended to retire, little credence was
given to them, since such reports bad
returned periodically for several years
past. The fa. t is that neither tho For
eign Office or any other government
department in Berlin knew until this
evening of Prince Hohenlohe'? retire?
ment and Emperor William's approval
of it.
The reasons which induced the Prime
to insist upon retiring were, in the
main, his rapidly growing infirmities
and his distinct disapproval of the Em?
peror's personal policy in China.
(Ry Telegraph lo VIrgintan-Pllot.i
Now York, Oct. 17.?The Evening
Post prints to-day accounts, received
by mail, of yellow fever in Havana,
The Post article Bays in part that the
disclosures made by mail advices show
a startling condition of the health of
Havana and suburbs. Also an appa?
rently concerted attempt >>t" tji& au?
thorities and hotel proprietors to sup?
press the facts. The facts are that
yellow fever is now raging, not only in
the districts where it is yearly expect?
ed, but in places that have been con?
sidered safe from Iis raids. From
seventy to ninety cases were under
treatment on October in. the date on
which the mall just received left
Ctlba. While the death rate has been
comparatively low. the fever having
appeared for the most part in mild
form, the Infection of those parts of
the town and the suburbs Is said to
have caused consternation.
Sir Thomas Thomas Lipton's
(By Telegraph to Vlrglnlan-PIIotl
New York, Oct. 17.?Sir Thomas Lip
ton's challenge for the American cup
was accepted by the New York Yacht
Club to-night. At a special meeting of
the club held for the purpose of con?
sidering the challenge, resolutions were
adopted by the terms or which I' ?
commodore of the club Is authorized to
appoint a committee to formally accept
the challenge of the Royal Ulster Yncht
He Passed Away Yesterday Morn?
ing at Lexington, Virginia.
Congestion or tllOlAtngS the, Tuuse of His
Stuhlen Demise Tor .Many Yenrs He
Had lleen Closely Identified With the
Educational and Political History or the
Country-A Sketch or His itise and Pro?
gress ns n Cltlzon and Public Otilclill.
(By Telegraph to Virginian-Pilot.)
Lexington. Yn., Oct. 17.?Hon. Wil?
liam L. Wilson, president of Washing?
ton and'Lee University and ex-Post
master-Generat, died suddenly at 9:20
o'clock this morning of congestion of
the lungs. He hud been failing ever
since his return from Arizona. His son.
Dr. Arthur Wilson, of Lynchburg. Ya.,
visited him Sunday and loft Monday.
Tuen came the stuhlen change.
.Mr. Wilson's attendant physician del
not give up hope- of Iiis rallying until
late lust night. He was confined to the
iiouse from Tuesday week, but was
thought to be improved when his son
left him. He was conscious until the
last. By bis bedside were his wife,
bis daughters, Misses Mary und l.cttie
Wilson, and one son, William H. Wil?
Hon. William Lyne Wilson was born
in Jefferson county, Ya., now West
Virginia, .May 3, isiJ. He was the only
child of Benjamin Wilson by his sec?
ond wife, who was Mary Whiting Lyne.
Benjamin Wilson was a native of King
und Queen county. Ya.. and Mary
Lyne. although born In Jefferson, was
it resident of that county until her mm -
Benjamin Wilson lost his father in
childhood, but enjoyed the training of
one of lite foremost teachers of Vir?
ginia at that day the KeV. Dr. R. B.
Seihpii?at his classical school, Mor
dlngton, in King and Uueen. His
scholarship and character were stub
that when Dr. Sempie was requested
bv bis kinsman. William Baylor, of Jef?
ferson, to send him a tutor lor his chil?
dren, ho selected youns Wilson, who
henceforward made that county bis
home, and for some years made leaoh
ttiK%his profession, lie was a Jackson
iiin Democrat or the most vigorous
type. He died before bis son William
was four years of age, enjoining by lib
will and otherwise that the latter
should be thoroughly educated. Mrs.
Wilson, who was as marked by shrink?
ing modesty as by devoted piety, gave
herself to this duty with a singleness
of purpose only equaled by her tfalth
in the future usefulness and distinction
William llrst attended the Charles
town Academy, where be was noted for
bis quick mind nnd studious habits.
\t IT. be had read more Latin. Greek
and French than Is required for college
graduate.--, although mathematics was
his favorite study. He then entered
the junior class of Columbian Univer?
sity, District of Columbia, nnd grad?
uated in i860, at the age of 17. He de?
clined it tutorship In this college and
went to the University of Virginia with
the Intention of spending several years.
The war broke up the sell ?>l and Mr.
Wilson enlisted in 1862 in the Confede?
rate army. He joined in the organiza?
tion of Baylor's Cavalry. Company B.
Twelfth Virginia cavalry, a company
largely made up of school-boy8 and
college graduates from Jefferson, that
gained quite it distinction In the ser- |
vice, receiving from General Robert 10.
Lee himself the unique compliment of
n furlough by general orders for a gal- I
bint charge made tinder his own eyes
at Warrenton Bridge._._!
At the close of the war Mr. Wilson
was offered the place of assistant pro?
fessor of ancient languages in Colum
blnn College, and while so engaged
studied law and graduated in lf-<>7. But
being promoted to the full chair of
Latin, and debarred by the lawyers'
test oath In West Virginia, lie held on
to his professorship until 1871, when he
resigned and began practice in Char
lestown in partnership with his cousin.
Captain George Baylor, having a full
practice almost from the start, and
gaining prominence, not only as an ad?
vocate, but as often selected for lldu
ciarv trusts.
He (list entered politics in 1SS0 ns a
delegate to the National Democratic
Convention, and In that year made a
canvass of his State as clector-at-large
on the Hancock ticket, which attract?
ed much attention. In 1SS2 ho was
asked by the unanimous vote of the
regents to take the presidency of the
West Virginia State University, and
reluctantly accepted, entering on his
duties September 6th. On September
20lh he was nominated by acclamation
ns the Democratic candidate for Con?
gress from his district and was elected
on the secon.1 Tuesday in October fol?
lowing. He resigned Iiis position nt
the University with the beginning of
bis Congressional term. March -Ith.
1883, but on the unanimous petition of
regents, faculty and students served
until the end of tin- session, in June,
refusing pay for this period. Mr.
Wilson was re-elected to Congress five
times. He was again the nominee in
1SH4. but was dofented by Hon. A. G.
Dayton, Republican.
His twelve years of Congressional
service were marked by hard'work,
stendy devotion to principle, increns
I Ing Influence, reputation and promi?
nence in the country.
As lie had been an outspoken nnd
earnest advocate of Mr. Cleveland's
nomination in 1S;>2, h^ was selected by
the friends of the latter for perma?
nent chairman of the National Demo?
cratic Convention nt Chicago, and his
speoch on assuming the chnir. ns also
his subsequent address informing Mr.
Cleveland of bis nomination, in the
Madison Square Garden, was regarded
ns a masterpiece of political oratory
and kindled the most intense enthusi?
Mennwhllo Speaker Crisp, in response
to what seemed a clear designation of
public opinion, bad appointed him
chairman Of tho Ways and Means
Committee, which was to prepare the
tariff bill promised by the Democratic
party as its chief mission on being
given the control of the gover. ent.
This was a task of the most surpassing
magnitude and difficulty, and Mr. Wil?
son entered upon it with a zeal, devo?
tion and capacity commensurate with
its greatness, ltefore Christmas he
had reported tho bill known as the
Wilson bill.
The Wilson bill having passed the
House, Mr. Wilson Bought rest In a
trip to Mexico, but was stricken down
with typhoid fever from the very oven
Ing he crossed the Rio Grande. For
w-cks he lay ill and Buffering in that
country, and not able to return home
Until the middle of May. still weakened
and exhausted by his Illness.
As stated. Mr. Wilson was defeated
for the Fifty-fourth Congress by Mr.
Dayton, but before his term expired as
n member of the Fifty-third Congress
ho was nominated for Postmaster
Oeneral by President Cleveland and
promptly confirmed by the United
States Senate.
lie wns for two Congresses n regent
of the Smithsonian Institution on the
part of the House, was a member ?f
quite a number of learned Bocletles,
nnd received the degree of Do.-tor of
Laws from Hampden-Sydney College
and the Columbian University. In 1S90
he was offered the presidency of the
Missouri University, anil in 1S01 that
of the Richmond College. Va., both of
which he declined.
Mr. Wilson was- married in 1S69 t>>
Miss Nannie Huntington, daughter of
III v. Dr. Huntington, of the Coluirjblan
University, and has a family ot six
Mr. Wilson was elected president of
Washington nnd Loo University on
February 11. 1S97.
Mr. Wilson would have voted for
Hon. w. Jennings Bryan bad he lived.
He recently wrote a strong letter
against imperialism.
Torpedo Boots Collide.
? By Telegraph to Vlrginlan-Pilot.)
Washington. Oct. IT.?A telegram
was received at the Navy Department
to-dny stating that the torpedo hont.?
Dahlgren and Craven were in collision
outside Newport last nignt and wert
obliged to put hack. They i cached
N.-wport in safety.
The Tammany Chieftain, who received Hon. w. Jennings Bryan, the Demo
cratlc candidate Tor the Presidency, in New York City Tuesday, en
tertained him "at a dinner at the Hoffman House, and arranged
for three public meetings, at which Mr. Bryan received
-_ _mngniilcent ovations.
(By Telegraph (o Virginian-Pilot.)
Lynn, Mass.. Oct. 17.?That great
"trunk tragedy/;' us it was known
through nil New England way back in
ls7_> when the mutilated body of Jennie
Clark was found wedged Into n trunk;
which had been picked up in the Snti
gtt.s river, was in some respects no
more mysterious than tlie murder
which was revealed to-day by the flhd?
ing of a man's body, decapitated and
dfenuded of tlie limbs, in a gunny sack
In ?lenmore pond. The police to-night
arc inclined to tlie belief that George.'
P. Bailey has been murdered and have
taken undi f artest John ('. Best, LS
years of i go, a farm hand, employed
on the ? ! of which the supposed
victim v the caretaker. The police
in Bcarchii - the farm house where the
men live, found in the barn cellar tin
axe which bore blood stains, but It is
not certain they are of human blood,
but it is stains on a window sill and on
a piece oi card board in a room of the
Balk y disappeared on October S. No
one Kie v, the reason, but there were
porsons who supposed that he had fol?
lowed It s wife to Wincastle, Maine,
she having left the house, it Is assert?
ed, because of a disagreement, it is
now claimed that the woman, known
as Mrs. Bailey was not his wife, that
although nnlley was married, bis
w ife's tvhen nhOuts are unknown. The
woman is said to bo Miss Susie YoUng,
nnd she was the housekeeper. With
these clews the police arc trying to
solve the mystery of the murder.
Krugor Will Visit France
(By Telegraph to Virglnlnn-PlloO
Loree:., Marques, Oct. 17.?Mr. Kru?
ge r has postponed his departure for
Europ? until October 20. He will land
at Man lUes. Before arriving nt Mar?
seilles the Dutch cruiser Gelderland,
on which Mr. Krugcr is t<> sail to
Europe -' ill touch at Rns Jibutil, on
the GUlf Of Aden.
Ten Men Killed
(By Telegraph to Vlrglhlnn-Pllot)
El Paso. Texas. Oct. 17.?George C.
Beverldge, of San Francisco, arrived
to-daj from Mexico. He brought n -
of a tragedy enacted In the vicinity of
his mine, near ZaCatecas, He said a
young woman was abducted by her
lover, and before she was finally re?
leased ten men had been killed.
Annual Meeting State Council
Jr. 0. U. A. M.
Tut IVooSO Entirely From til?National Itmly
?The Present Per Capita Tax Reduced
by One-ball No Law or Order From the
National Council to be Noticed-Report
Willi Iteferencu to Mr. ?lamr? S, Grove*,
of Norloiii, Contradicted- V Bonutiful
(Special to Virginian-Pilot.)
Richmond, Va.. Oct. 17.-The mem?
bers of the Junior Order. United Amer?
ican Mechanics, nh order so strong all
over the state, are intensely Interested
in the action taken by the Virginia
Council, which concluded its session at
Roanoke last night.
That body took a Ilrm. decided step
and cut loose entirely from the national
body, which is controlled for the most
part by Northern nnd Western people.
Several of the Officers, who returned
from Ronnoke this morning, talked
freely about Interesting matters which
have not so far found their way into
print, and which will prove good read?
ing for the thousands of Juniors which
are reached by the VIrglnlnn-PllOt.
The points of chief Interest which
were passed upon by the Council are as
Reducing the present per capita tax
by one-half.
Providing that no order nor law shall
he legal nor even noticed that emanates
from tin- National Council.
Declaring that*the charter granted by
the Virginia Legislature in February
Is the only one now in existence.
It wus stat.?(! to-day by Mr. E. T.
Keeton, n prominent member of the or?
der, that the report in regard to Mr.
James s. Groves, of N.>. 22 of Norfolk,
being turned down at the morning ses?
sion of the Council yesterday on ac?
count of being In fav?r of returning to
the National Council, of which he bad
been appointed a representative, was
not corfedt.
Mr. Keeton said that Mr. droves was
barred out on the grounds of not being
a legal representative and not having
passed through the proper channel in
order (?? become a Past Councillor
During tin- past year the increase in
membership has been river 2,000, which
makes the total numerical strength In
the S'ati- about twelve thousand.
Governor 'Tyler this morning per?
formed mi action which has given al?
most general satisfaction when he
named Judge John <Dew. of King
and Queen county, as the successor of
Second Auditor joslnh Itylnnd, Jr..
Mho died n few days ago.
Judge Dew. who I-- the presiding of
Ilcer of the Com ky Court of King and
Queen, is one ? tie- most highly con?
nected men In thai county, and Is re?
cognized as in every wa> fitted for the
responsible position i" which he has
been appointed.
Judge Dew Is ahoul fifty-five years
: of age, lie was a brave confederate
?? ih' ? and waS a m< t*)ber of t!:; same
I company as Gdvo.Mor T>ler during the
I civil war. On ?? " in! of his mnthe
I matlcal mind and aptness at figures
?he Judge always kepi the rrcoris mi l
made out the pay-roll of his Company.
Judge Dew, who is in the city, ns
soon as his appointment was ninde out.
tendered his resignation ns Judge of
King and Queen county, and qunllflcd
as .Second Auditor before Notar?' C.
I.ee Moore, in the absence of At
torney?General Montague, the Govern?
or appointed H?h. E. \V. Saunders^ nct
I lng Attorney-General, and the fatter
approved Judge Dew's bond.
One of the most beautiful and im?
pressive weddings in the history if
Richmond took place to-night in the
ball-i.to of the Jefferson Hotel, when
Miss Hattle V. Syele and Mr. Edward
Eigenbrun were united. The ball-room
was profusely decorated . with palms
and yellow crysanthemums. while \ el
low (lowers were everywhere In the
greatest profusion.
The bridal party entered the* room at
0 o'clock to the .strains of Lohengrin
wedding march, rendered by Thllow's
Orchestra. The bride came with her
rather, Mr. Simon Sycle. She wore a
French renaissance lace gown over
white duchesse satin. Her veil was
caught with a diamond pin and she
?aiiled a shower bouquet of lilies of
the valley.
-Miss Mabel Sycle, the bride's sister,
was maid of honor. She wore a while
liberty satin gown, trimmed with Rus?
sian lace, and carried a bouquet of
yellow crysantheraums tied with white
satin ribbon,
Mr. Herbert Eigenbrun, brother of the
groom, was best man, and the ushers
were Messrs. August Smith Sycle. Wal
ter Scott Sycle. Lee Helnhelmer, Syd?
ney Sycle. Leroy Hell stem. Moses
Kose. Lev Sycle. Carlyle Sycle. Auron
Cohen, of Petersburg; Joseph Schloss,
of New York: Simon Gtieff and Ed?
ward Oppenheim, of Batmtiore; Isaac
Cohen, Of Petersburg. Mr. Henry S.
Hutr.ler was the master of ceremonies
and Rev. K. N. Callsch performed the
Among the handsome gowns worn atl
the wedding was that of the bride's'
mother, Mrs. Simon Sycle. She wore
an exquisite creation of lavender peau
tie sole, with point lace trimmings. Htt
ornaments were diamonds. Mrs. Julia
Raab, of Burlington, wore black Chah
tillv lace over white duchess; Mrs.
Nordemnn, of New York, hand-painted
real hire rohe over white taffeta: Mrs.
.lack Coleman, of Petersburg, sister of
the groom. Parisian costume of white
lace; Mrs. E. Raab, lavender silk, ap
pliqued with lace; Miss Florence Eigen?
brun, pink crepe, pear! trimmings; Mrs.
Parrlsh, of Louisville, black net over1
satin, point lace: Miss Helen Elgen
grun. white lace, appliqued with taf?
feta; Miss Levy, of Louisville, white
panne crepe, t'luny lace trimmings:
Mrs. Mann Sycle. black net. appliqued
with black taffeta: Miss Whitehall, of I
Baltimore, black taffeta, duchess ho e.
Following the marriage ah elegant
reception took place on the roof gnrden
of the Jefferson.
Among the out-of-town guests pres?
ent was Miss Emily Frank, of Norfolk.
(By Telegraph to Virginian-Pilot)
Aberdeen, s. l).. Oct. 17.?Senator
Hanna and his party attracted a big
crowd lu re to-day. Mr. Hanna began
to discuss the tariff.
"What about the trusts?" asked some
one In the crowd.
"Well, my friend. If you will tell me
what n trust is. 1 11 answer your ques?
tion." said Mr. Hanna. No reply came.
"Well, if you don't know I'll tell
you." continued Mr. Hanna. "A trust
under the law, and what is known as
a trust In commerce, Is where the stock
of a corporation is put into the hands
?>f a trustee, carrying with it the vot?
ing power. Every single organisation
of that kind that ever hail its exist eine
In the United States has been wiped
out through the action or the Sherman
law. and that law was put upon the
statute hooks of the United Slates bv a
Republican Congress."
Mr. Hanna then proceeded with his
speech, hut a moment later was again
I Interrupted by a question regarding
the Cleveland Shipbuilders' Associa?
"Shy, Senator, thai man thinks the
world Is flat, don't pay any attention
to him," yelled a farmer.
"All right." said Mr. Hanna with n
? auch, "but l would like to stay here
all day nnd discuss this thing. But I
want to tell you that the Hattest of all
flatness will be the Democratic party
next month." Cheers for Pettlgrew,
mingled with cheers for McKinley and
Hanna, as the speaker concluded.
(By Telegraph to Virginian-Pilot)
Washington, Oct. 17.?Tlie second
session of the New England Cotton
Manufacturers' Association was called
to ord.-r In the Arlington Hotel this
I afternoon. The ftrSl paper on the pro?
gram was by Walter H. Evnns, of the j
Agricultural Department, on "The j
I'm ton Plant."
Lysler H. Dewey. also of the Agri?
cultural Department, made an inter?
esting address on the subject of "Amer?
ican Crown Egyptian Cotton."
It. H. Edmonds, Of Baltimore, read n|
paper on "American Textile Industry?
From a Southern Point of View."
The last paper of the session was by
In. M. Miller. Jr., of Charlotte, N. C,
j on "The possibility of cotton manufac?
turing In the United states and espe-|
dally In the south."
The President received the represent?
atives of the New England Cotton I
Manufacturers' Association nt 11:30
o'clock this morning in the East room)
of the White House. Secretary Long
presented them to the President.
(By Telegraph to Vlrglnlan-Pilot.)
Manila, Oct. 17.?Under cover of
stormy night Captain Elliott, of the I
Fortieth Infant! v. surprised the rebel
headquarters near Oroquleta, Island of
Mindanao, anil captured without light?
ing General Alvarez, with his staff,
and 23 men.
The capture Is important and will
tend to pacify the district. Alvarez
had for a long time been provoking
hostilities in Mindanao. It was ho who
effected the disastrous attack on Oro
ouieia some time ago. and he was pre?
paring another when he was captured.
Detachments of the Twenty-sixth
ami Eighteenth Regiments engaged the
rebels Hear Tubuangah, in Southern
Pa nay. routing them, killing 20 and
i wounding many.
Telegraph News?Paste t, 5. 6.
Locai News ? Pa?e$ X 3.
Editorial? Patrj 4.
Virginia News?Pass 6.
North Carolin? News ? Pa?: 7
Portsmouth News-?Patt? 10.
Berkley News?Pass 6
Shippin?---Pa<J S.
Real Estate?Pail 3.
.Markets?Page. 8.
The Operators Agree to Demands
of the Strikers.
Tho Philadelphia and Heading Coal and
Iron Company, nnd the Lehlgb Valley
Coal Company Lend tn the Settlement,
and Minor Operators are Xxpected to
Follow-All Difference, Rot Adjusted,
Yesterday Will lie Submitted to ArbitM,.
tlon?The Companies Post Notices.
(By Telegraph to Virginian-Pilot)
Philadelphia, Oct. 17.?The strike of
the anthracite mine workers of Penn- *
sylvahia, which began September 17,
practically ended to-day, when the
Philadelphia nnd Reading Coal and
Iron Company, and the Lehlgh Valley
foal Company agreed to abolish the
sliding scale in their respective regions
nnd u? grant an advance in wages of
ten per cent. net. the advance to re?
main in operation until April 1, 1301
or thereafter. This action meets the :
demands of the Scranton miners' con- 1
ventlon. The decision was arrived at. tfl
after a conference between representa- m
tives of the individual coal operators
and the large coal-carrying companies.
The conference began yesterday.
To-day's action was the culmination E
of the recent meeting of the Individual
operators at Scranton, following the
mine workers' convention in the same
city. Nearly all or the collieries in the
coal region had previous to the mine
workers' convention posted notices :
granting an advance of 10 per cent.
The mine workers in considering this
demanded that the sliding scale In
the Lehlgh and Schuykill districts be
abolished, the Increase to be guaran?
teed until April 1, 1901. and all other
differences be submitted to arbitration. !'
The Individual operators agreed to
everything nnd the appointment of a .'.
committee to induce the Pending and
the Lehlgh companies to abolish tho
sliding scale and make the wage in?
crease permanent followed.
It is conceded that the result of to-,
day's conference is a complete victory
for tho men. AU the demands of their
convention are acceded to, and as one
of the individual operators put It after
tho conference, the operators go a lit?
tle further in agreeing to maintain the
wage advance after April 1. This
same operator, who suggested that his ;
nnme be not used, said in speaking of
the conference:
"It's up to the miners, now. We
have agreed to everything and nothing
remains now but for them to return to
work as soon as the notices ane post?
ed by the colliery managers. These
notices will be practically similar to
the Reading company's notice, the
phraseology only being changed. I
look for a resumption of operations by
Monday night at the latest. The con?
ference was entirely harmonious, and
every phase of the strike situation was
gone over."
The Reading company's notice reads:
"It hereby withdraws the notice
posted October 3. 1900. and, to bring
about practical uniformity in the ad?
vance of wages In the several coal re?
gions gives notice that it will suspend
the operation of the sliding scale, will
pay ten per cent, advance on Septem?
ber wages till April 1. 1901. and there?
after until further notice, and will
take up with Its mine employees any
grievances which they may have
Hazleiort, PH.. Oct. 1T.-Pitfstdeirt"
Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers,
when informed of the Reading Com?
pany's action by a representative of
the Associated Press, was pressed for a
statement on this acceptance of the
miners proposition. All he would ven?
ture to sav, however, was that he
would bo glad to know that the anthra?
cite operators had decided to change
the notices previously posted so as to
comply with the provisions of the re?
solutions adopted at the Scranton con?
vention. . ^^rr
The rtrst company In the Hasleton re?
gion to take action similar to that of
the Rending Company were Calvin
Pardee & Co.. operating tho Lattimer
collieries, nnd the A. Pardee Company,
owners of the Cranberry mines, both
of them individual concerns. The no?
tices announcing their acceptance,
which will be posted to-morrow morn?
ing, are as follows:
"We hereby withdraw our offer ot
October 6 anil make the following an?
nouncement to our mine employees:
"The sliding scale under which wo
have been working is hereby suspend?
ed, and we will adjust rate of wages so
as to pay to our mine employees from
October 1. 1300, to April 1, 1001. and
thereafter until further notice, a na$
increase of 10 per cent, over the wages
paid for September. 1900."
These companies will reduce the price
of powder from J2.75 to 51.50. which re?
duction is to be considered In arriving
at n net increase in wages.
(By Telcgra-bh to Vlrginlan-Pllot.)
New York, Oct. 17.?Eight people
were either burned to death or suffo?
cated in a fire which partially de?
stroyed the threo-story and attic frame
double tenement housc^S ainMS1* Reft*
tor street, early to-day. The dead are:
Ssrah Sass. 36 years old; Santuel Sastf,
13; Lena Sass, 9; Morris Sass, 2: Mrs.
Horowitz. 40; Rosa Lewis. 52: Mendels
Strauss. 60; Samuel Strauss. 20. Mary
Murrav, 40, was severely burned about
the back, and was taken to a hospitnL
The fire was discovered shortly after
1:30 o'clock by the Janitor of tho build?
ing. He ran out Into the hall, to find
It ablaze. His shouts aroused tho oth-.
ers In the house, but the flames had)
already gained fierce headway. Rtid
few of those In the building had time
to save themselves bv Uxe ?tolrs. TU?
Jos? is $6,000,

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