OCR Interpretation

The Daily times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1886-1889, April 27, 1888, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071854/1888-04-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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The JSc.i.r*vun I. cal thai Moor.heuill,
si,-. BflwarJ irnr len uni Uah;
liut in- v toabaam n?ian,i aaa hm head
. v - rn ?ii aaa
Tie ? ,i- eil ?ik?-i1 aa ii ii paassaa,
? i -., >.- a leant beal,
a .,-,11 aaaaRrea*Rb aafldaaalm
htoaaUaaa. Bala ami eal 1
| .1 ,lr.-|,III I-.-!... 1
!!.. ' -.a ian-.? raaaxaag rtaswa;
At. 1 ? '- l-l PU*. nouM in-:-ll..Int*
'fiaa> af*?ov Unit lny between.
.in:... ti..- Daj i?v peats*-**;
lr. Iii,-?tin'.,.! til,- ii.ui.-lit -lim.
1:. ? ? aaaasm aarafbl iaeoaab*ao .^-1.t
At,.I liv.i te i i I , .-t., lila.
Hut "it .,) 1,1- aiT.rui anns ntnrtl.il,
aad ; tlrr-il hy I.,xe a tltM rUWCfc,
Baa apraae flfreiB, Bk. a ti* il line maid,
Au I I..J in ll." h.- !.?? i-f a RM k
aad abe Brsnaaam roll iw*d and loxard bar,
,\- : i -<i ina to line ?ena fm t,
Aad ti lea thal i ? aaa,
and tba dj'-..: Da) iras th ?? pr! I
t trareand ra gem,
When* I H . I . bara I tal - aa
i ? ?... -i tl ti... bora t.. them
? ?Ells '\ lieder WUoul ni N-'aS- Y.-rli OiapbiO
Tue man suter, do nat seen tobedie
BpiBjBrliifl, as rnpidlj ss adgin beex|ieatetl
uinli r I Bgllsh (l.niiiui'ui in linlia. and
liiniy tlc'ii-aii'ls of people ure animally
i . ? tigers even lurk
along ibo I I detour tim native
i ? . ???? ile- dangerous beasts
,. de itToj .-.J is told in t be fol
l.-.ss,.. I v u I its sa ?
. tbs littlo depot nt J'?>*
. on, m i"'r.ci-:iti"ii nita tin*
ati ' Freight No 18," from
? ci tin' aiding opposite tc
j express to pas.
Al ed to the kin ? train "f ric cots
a .- ? arith ''daks'' on
1 . otberu with i danqulna, and on tbs
i a eery odd lo iking objeel
, .. attra< '? l our uM
ire that there si ami d * i ba a man
? . rear cur
1 ? ; : ? ali. il "in ;u
i. . hu tor ni t' ? j
\ t- ;- lc 1 lliiit
.?ii ii laugh " i
nam on it Billed u>
I Walk up and bi for your
aeb . '.- . I iiat '. ? tbs .hipper
ii ' eter Zoom Joogr, by trude
a tig i .. : But yon won't I
.. round, i i re
lil,.- : . . lue 12 lect ill ili.-I',- 1 t
\ kn 1. . bl 1 in) bottom ara*' (
l. i timber, anti the flat lop ol th
? : i . .? arid! 11 ?
sa, ? q bamboo
i , ...it- I:,
1; it th b -'i.i
.- . li "I in i.
? iii ty blu
ilia I wen
i., e?such I
bon) an i "i ui b - hinj ?> lu brown hue
j ba i been
ii. man ara*
i it id
I in par!
lown 1
Tbe ' ? ? ? ? bbl tit,..as
.. mum
i ? . by the
? li ? ?;, -. . - .- i ni i oarse, thin eye
Li"sa , bile the Iowa part ol kui faee
ems ..- ... marked with .till "'.tr-ei.
eriuke "? ring i" l>" termed
u bean!
II, .ii. rii complaxiou waa like an old
ss ? dnu! from the c!i...sa down
Ki-, ara cc."- bare, and they Beeined
mere bone uiui ainaw bound
m .- nu dried bl le, ss I.:,,- bbl
Ilk.- elawa terminated iii
inn! - an Inch or i. ire I m ; Index d, in
mat! . ai ance afr Quoter
Zoom Joo ?[? waa one ol the rori .1 rangest,
unhuman human being. I have erm
abai in m.> e'iu:.'.i.
bV : a- alnst ti.- ide .i tbs cage were
Isa,. - . I or lance-, Iii,, ol BU Let
ill length vs. f li Imiiiiii - ol sollie black
an sj md theil .harp, bender r?? >mt?> ol
bi sa in. ti toona liku silver
'ii- i ladi - ci point, uer., nt thsmselfes
lil-,ills ur mute 1 ssh fee! lim." Altogether
vary nely i- dug unplement.
A tun stolid reaponaes reen all that I
oonld ilia! from the men by questions.
il- d, or rather sdmitted, that ks ssa*
geln ? to Yuloodiaa to lui a tiger, and
that killing mun eaters wa. Ids huslnnsB
Fifty rupee, ssas li*, ntsm tor kUUne- a
ila:, eroua tigor
ll' bud uiaii.. thi* lu* bnsinsm fox
Iwunty jn .m. Banes tbs Bepoy wai I teit
very euitoaa i" kt: na- bow los old mau
hunted, arni a.-kt*i pet*mlsslon tu eo up to
Yul .".ililli and participate la tLo Inuit
Tx) thu request h.- BBSds BO reply tor
awhile, bat uj?on my ruging it several
tillie* ut luugth said: 'The sahib SBR suit
Ju I 'lieu ihe i xpress sa (untied lu. ukd
i tl ic it li-iil pa??t-d tho freight, alid
xvitii it i.Ll Center and Ida mam, moTsdoa
l.af ki the afternoon, altai my dutios
en the letfcm wees otat lot the lins, I
ss, up or tbs wuy fruighl to fulooojaB,
taking my BsaBsnaftoa curl.inc ami BtOSk
. I eart-rldges lt was du>k mid t Lo hutM
wen-ci .-ed, LiH by dint ol knosadngand
*?lioutiiir- I lenrned where tho tiger humer
Imil 1". ut.\l bieesgs I found it a short
distunes bayoaai tba fillsge Alter Banjo
i ssa-, admitted tbinagh .i little
trap il'.or in tLc tiir... which nus SSSnjajhf
fastetu'.i again, but my ineeptkm was u
imi>t uagiwcioas enc Bs pumbatd
ominously In th^ aatlrs toagne ut mj
disturbui,* tho iufc'Lt aud Lieakiii^ tho
apel li.
Bssidss "ur issi, sslvas kn tbs cage there
?was tbs aaiease t>f * j/oat tu sAiasel tho
ti^'cr Hour after imur of tin- damp.
warm, dark night ne sat crouched n itlon
les 11 lure Old Qeeternsitbm BBohs nor
iui'veii, but 1 OOald ksei kim breathe.
One. wo tiexutl a short, tjuciulotii roar,
winch I supposed to bo that of a ti^er ut
ndiatanae, kart ne Issue car..) uear that
aiel.: Th., next utc-bt I took a bini cali
willi luo. 1 had intended to Luiliata tli*
birtntinir of a kill. thinking (lin* to attract
\ho tiger, bal roflsettag aft<r a fa* trial,
Unit ilii-t araa a ti,-it ?.??iili a taste I ?
human leak, I began to etmntetrfelt tin
Stying of a child. which I found U
rnli matter wham aura I bad i t tb ri I
k' y tu it I i-ni'l nothing to "i'i Ol
of my tri.-I; wheal 1 re u bed ?
that ??vi'inii.- I.ui Joined bim a ? ka foi*
The nlgbl waa rory still Several tum
ti..- v.. ,r,l.;;. ..f u dorotea In Ibe i
village <.t Rasotpore enme falntlj to < i
ava otu ttiiiny mlle The itara aboni
ii.iv n wiih u misty lubt. i U u i
limul' \i t warm
Onoo ? iii.ml of gnen, spark!
ll i . inn-, ami ilriltuig In I etwixi thi
stunt bara ol ba cage. I
with their glinting Area Later u dole
tully bowling -i-i.-,. : ,wept pas!
rib. sight oe tin raab ?ni' thc
piMt.. hi.i -.1 Thea.ro ol
Lil.'-1. wall from di id, i ??-. il ? ' i
__?*,.. tho mobun bolj er) of tin
in l.i. Bolitarj inui pain! il ? nd u I
long after we beard tho grui ? ?
grant of a prowling tiger front aero t tha
"sashes "
With thal I aoftljr diva oul mj
ami began Bobbing un.l - a child
in dlatreaa
OM Heater atarted and u*,? red a km
exclamation, then, ns qulckl*
motive, he iai down a ? du I ? I
li**ti'iiiiih' poeture
s.-v.-rul titnea I Imitat* d the - r ot Din
d.liililivii "inaiiiiiiiy . toa
may" then aobbed on a Mime little one
lost in thc Jungle
Pre, ?:?'.iy my old i onfre*-.
"BeeehM Hu b ?"'?? ? ? the bea ?
I heard not liing* arni contlo
tut ii lound, bul I be old nat
ne "t bia ; on iii-.
ku'-*--, i".'. ry muacle braced
Kn..- or ten mil ati pa
I fancied tbe old man a
si? aharp aa I th ugbl Bul on a
Budden a low eager shuffle, a
cami* bi * ti -I.: ? i
broke the atillnea I.
- Sa i.i.n , it
Howl} ? ?.< -althily, and with - urcely a
rustle ol tbe (bj al db
The carena, "f I *
again I 11
Within twelve or lift* ?
tare bo
tering alon
The cage racked I
iLr,,*.'. u to . ;. i ide, but lt bette!
prepai l foi the pt bia
pi titi ?ii. and a
.. I l< ring al tl
thrust bia
A * i i :?? : . tbe ab u;- ;?
great I led I
with a
I ' ?
'iii- air stilling
cracke I I
Jiiit tl i chane
: : Bel , . . .
Ira be
that long acute 1
With aloud
? v. itli its deep bs rowl and
roar, 1 bc lea t o t be
lih-i iii.; ... a :
and again it bout In tba
_..??, tumbling down lo leap
Ita fear! till) I
mlgh! lim ? l"-'-ii bi il ; ;
It mu.-1 fa .
death n
?.ur .li.! wa r* forth till it lay Ump
ninl breathless Da I
uni. a ... I
tiger of tli-- bi ..- ittened
mi human leah Nol !?
parson, In luding children I
victim* during tbe month lt bad I
i Mag*
1 ret alni I I aaa 11 ?? peopli
? ? out at anni ? rer th.
"karat lin ' l hej perfor. . . Kimi ul
' ? ? Iring dance ' il i.?? i pea
with iii.-in to collect bl - - lime
Two il.i\ - later 1 aaa him pana
bia .* <* "U a freight train Hi
grim u- rtv. i- i il .. Muii
Dasi ..f mi' atm
While voyaging from a
Zealand one of tbe i iml\
iwaplalned that the dual I
bat ayes to amarl, and ba *
clothing She wat laughed al
paeoeogers, who inaiated thai there could (,
bu ii ? dual at aaa
??'flu-) wi re miatal Iii Balli u, I
who talla tbe Incident In .. L, ? _ ol ti
'? Tlif.-v h ii aalt >ln.--t whl iii tin.. '
tatty, uti Impeagnateo everything evan '
Hiing one , in ruth with u sui nu- ta->t
?? While- the bbb 1-l.u.bb tl.; depoait, like
tin- iii-iv ? u land, ls I-'*-.** ut*ti\.- and pei
ssptfbla; bot to walk tha deck ut night is
to become covered with a thin coating ol
bah duet, bo Ina u- I i l',- bardi- i
able but which in time b
siaatlj crystallized u> hv v\<\
myt The dust of tha Bea la no 1 t
"Tbi offl ar who ttl a Btch '
cm tin bridge will testify I ? an i -
liis ruii'm ateward will tell you
titti'ii t,. reaorl to aomel hil p itenl
tLuii u "hi^k broom I
which has been *-\ut.i?*u tu
Youthv. Companion '
lin, t til lou. I.lilli- ni- iii.ii.r.
Tut ii .-.I. -iv i- acurious litl ? i-real
It i** nut an animal! but a lab
has tufted gills ami baloo ?-. to lbs
family It grows fran bu I ?
long TL.- moot i i the
head elevated posteriorly, \. -much ra
aemblmj tho hoad of a hot the t-ur-t j
halag reptoaented by a spin; - ? net on v
tho occiput The tail lab . ipllke t
lad without u lin It ls with tho I il that g
ti;' - I ?*? Q -j- i.i tl..-'H.s.]*,. - ; , _r.i ii
?Bods und Ot-MI Mibiiiiuinu ol yet', ? Tho
tysasBB prominoot aad caa be moved in :
dependently of ouch Othes and in Oppoaite '
directions In Bwhaadag these ii->h always "
as.uuio mi upright position.? Fin-ont and '
b.r-?___. i I
OoaatevMttas * BaBsaa flawates.
Tbs pahllc i- t "> Brail laforasd i lo
tbs dangei fruin alain baking powder,
to need any cautiua againsi tining them
li i.. i..\. ? iii. I. --. n ii. i H. ii n,my <'l
our ini?*t |,iinli-iii and can lui bona* keep
en are. will* ul know ing ii, oslni
del* i* nota, irtli Isa >i iRy, and from ibt m
pp paring foi iheli families In ni wlii. b,
m-i te u ? v .in irs "' Hi Bal Ul
mu nhl am off* r lo ii bej u Hakim
powdei ? ma le from burnt a
ir cent a pi
, m bo worked "tl in plai ?? ol lb* 1: |
llsking Powdt i. ind t I for tori* "t
Ifly , ? * mad, Mi.ire man)
- ipian : - sod dealt rs auftlclentli
mn rupuloua lo do il
A favoriti mell
-.mun- alum baking powdi rs ls I
m. tin iii iii mi i rapt* li--- ii B ii-' ig l'"->
.li-i , m and a el "binn them oul In tm ill
quanti!) ?- when Ibi If ij iii i'- iklnj I*
: called foi by cu domi i I
, r. ii qm - loni d i) lima lhal be buy*
arel n!' Bod is
. -,ii 11 Lm lin ;,rn e "i Ihe
good, In niusll ? ins All ' i
der, old I ' i way are eolith d u
nil nm Aili \ - i ol m ihv ol tli'-in liavi
bei ii n. fl' ?*? i'll ii lea io ? pi.
and in ,*ll i :i-', Hu v have lu rt
largel) ul lerated au I ir i
from poisonous hui ni alum I
:? counterfeit good, and ls ol course
ia i'll ? lbe lan Wi ire ul
tu Lunn, thai the I. ij ii B thing I'owdr
Comp my have I band,
and ,n i a way I tu ill prolei t
lc [Kiln li,'
i ? - un -l (null i timi froi
Ib for the housekeepei lo buy lbe baking
poa li i ni the brand ?he m i- bea in tin
il unbroken ,
tampered with 'I P
bal I, well
know ii, tb ii theil
various 'i'i In bulk,
by Ihe barn 1 oi li mei
.ure Tin - .,' I w iiii
ind tin*
t of ead ? ? on Ihe
???.I i An\
? 1 , u b* wi Ighl (lo ei '
- I
' ? ibi bc u i lt
roi nd il tin ,
.:.*A,|, : lloj
i !? r.in ,
Ul-. Ui.nl.
? ?
The he iit bas rea
ioi ni,.!' * -? u. i
i dark
il - de
i rill in".' i Ii?
im re ? di e
.\ \ ..ii.. In rn :
-in- ol industry
up in lbe
vorlil tn !,. . ly down In tbe
A lu. illly, 1 ??'? I b i cr In*
? ti, IllU-t '
i distils -in li ? i .
ii ii drip, i rom I bc tongue ol the
Ile w
n thi'- id ll .
ion, ta bli h.
. ii*.
.i 'ins l I I Mi;.
\ I'I. i-mi l .i In ml..
' ?
i.-In-, biliouaay
? '.' :, . bills
icrvout prostration I Livei
itonmcli Rowels, Ki.li ? -1
. Iver li
i liver toni
bo ii, up ii Ihe
-, kidney
? ii to eley, M l? .
-t IK Kinli.i
nil la h i-i i' i- ii h< ?
ike t.i have ru eh
? I Ribbons I . n
..mu Scarf
I it- and Dr< - - Bown Fan< *. Work
.:i gel an :i-t mUhing I
io iii. n ? enl I
ilu.li -dr Ribbon to - ,i , hy
endim* "nil 25
n below
tlii- hun -?
tniount of an*
I aenil ibo nan I
'''.::? if tl
: ii., ntiou thi n mn* nt
ii Lu. i ii Kaiisfa
led Three |
ig< - for 60 cent. A.Mn
.OMHlS Kl ROOM A..IM i li Ul , in*.
N .1
* "I..ii. Ill VII.,.I \l | ,i, .
I am in my seri nty third yent and foi
ifty years ol iii.u time I have 1
i from iniii.-.-i i, , ?
. mi,! - ii I vcr tis* ii foi 'i.i --? li,. , ?
"i ii" permanenl reliel About nm ., i:
go 1 grew rn ui , a "I -i-. in, : - .
urning i in i.- teven ind
?iii li-, imi rery w ? liesh
? mill III N,.wini,, i I , ,ii,iii, ?uri ,1
i-iiiv' l?i ll M.,. Iii - Lemon Elixii l
slued twelve pound, in tbn .? month,
? oglfa and health, my appetiti
ni di > lion were | erfei llj' ri
od i. iw ii.., ,- young and rigor* i, i
ever dui In my life
L I. Ai I i.i.i.
Man I. . I-**?
have been giving my children Dr. I>.\
tii i Coi '.ii Svnt i*. and it sets bo bi I
hst it y,.ii do not oblect I will alwaya
;1ti ii in coughs, colds, and bronchia]
nd lung troubles
""?"? * i \\ iy, certainly Bot, know
1 'i" tbi ingredlenta ol ti., ex
eleni Cough Sun'. I always recom
send ll lo my patleala sad lad it
urea avery ihna, but ms thal you gal
ht genuine Ut David', Cough Syrup.
anea ii
Tnsutnerd iy a b hi ???? nalktna; al *\y
ut. Miami Beean, and tncounh red i in in
Uy down. 1
other, i ' ad
on ? ni a han > addi .1
? -, mad all the I
? '
?-U ? I. tu-, wife hail 1
tb" tiri
were exhibit -:
:. lion 1 lu lil .
Ry friend, you
? 11 , )
"Ceri ? are I I
I roil
i . - i '
I .
i. In'i i.un n th
' ' ?
Sui V . . i
else i
I li. i Int or ll
sa . I ? ? \ '? un
? ?
lt Old I
Who 1 - I m.
i ,
. -
-''?a-;' "' ? l - ft
ftm 4
\ > 1. -
I Vi i ?.
X : ?
>**j-. ?
*a.. I line ll
: i
I I mill | >l ,
: ? :
V I i ;l,t lum ll.-.. II.
ami', i
lilli!', i IUI ? | ' .
x m..,..ii : i , :, a.. ,i I,.,, ii,,,
I ll,,uii li V.la.;, ill,l-l i iii ,|.
A . ??? 'a.a ? i' man ri) i /'nr
lll_'t"tl li.I- il Sen ll ln -1 .I" I ile I- -
licknamed them "ei . .
Stirling! >n Free ii --
l pl'! BRI ute.
B bm tramp raoentJ rated
light, :. - ',
tbs . and, ??ii.ur .ut arhik >"U
rail l.v iiau^e. I
Il N \M I \M1 I 11 >| Ml Kl I
Nih i arl Stoat Harket.
- "? ' . IV, Branch .vt., -.* ? .. ?
?.ii i .'ir.i..-i , No. lill Ma
II' .liv.
? \ - ? r 11 M -Thara
i n*k of imi,i-b sentiment t" laj. an I
i tin r . ? wen inure or leas
along tb'' lim'. Tin' : were
. k v. hero -i -I.mi iu
i . mppo, Iles
ia ii-1. a , ,.. i i.i, I.-,,
* ? --ii-i.i. ral
'ni" t i iii in il.
Idi ? ? ? "ii was
eir < overing .il daj I. ??
were limited '" i t, u
? ? rn
l craze wa, in Ibo room
..1 lb'' ll.1 Ml Lull-,
iii.* lille inn their way, and tbi *.
! lu continued
* -.Miii,
check I ! . .
l"-u.lim il to cl on 1
: .....
'h.-1* h. German) ??- mu lt
lelivery hour,
* tb ii I hen
? ,
I _. (I
1 i<
. to I
i . i; i'
?? ;;.
\ i;
. hen il
11.1 i. i ..i.
Absolutely Pure.
.? r. -r. ihoi I wi
ll i i i il \ K
? I' Uh ll A lilt ' ? ?
B in
Al. 1*1.1 I.Ni.- OIL < J", il -. " INDOB
.N l"N ,\Mi i "i IM MA IIIM.
i l.t-: MainStubb*
I'.i. ? ? ii * ut,
i'i s lu ms.
Fourqurean, Price & Co.
Nl>t*iil|2 :iiul Hummel** lt*M"*issj.
ss. , ?. the Itlcb ami 1 ' I
i , | - - ? ? i
ii- > ',...-. I'un
ritlM.MI.MI SM' -I IMPIMI hi I' si. ' mi v I : |
ii );*? i 11 l.l
-.'? . , ,Nt? MOST Cl '-'l'i KTB ESTA DI ISHMI il
R1CHMON1I :i i.mii i.i ii. i i " si \ i s -. i i i i i
1436 & 1438 WAIN, AN,
nHoiiistii: no ueta ii
hm: LINK Ol
< iii.mhn and Parlor Snits, liiHiis, o.<
Walnut, from *? > to 300.
Refrigerators and Baby Carriage
Parlor Suits, from 030 io 20
Cottage Suits, from !
lt* , i'i!|;,.i * ii- '.it r s.-i s I'. - ? - ' "i '
i Md Sa M. I
. tn- is st tl I i ,,?? ii , : i s ITI IN ti
? . ,, . ?
Furniture in Mahogany, Oak and i
10W p.
fl* } T
I ' !
Kl Lr, '
. '?:::, dr* ,
/-cir /*?*
a- W/
WWW** a
. l>
UL '
' - ^- ' /"'
ill ssl' MRNTIOM nus PAPER
i . IMI -Hilt *-.
| ni l-l!. HMOND ti m t
ti IL
lii.'i! AMi -li'il. MAH BB
III ll
IH N I l-l -
>K. I. 1
t it.
V .
i, . in
.. I .1.1 !-t. I.
j |R I I. HAKIM \N,
i,i HMOND ?> t
IHiHO AMI I' VIM -.1 lit || s.
' hi tai* ii - I tl ? M.! .... I'niLit
i:...'. I. ,i-- S , ni irtMftl i .ii ?,.
.. i-?.i tn. ?,i atreec
.1 V I.I ,11 M.I
Itt oiiil-M reel iii.< in li
i or? i?:. j in
INKBl 1 * > I I / / I M - I : HIM
ir atbi gad
i- i; ??
fn.-n I*-ii ?! the pul
. 'MN ?
i; ,' tore* t ii: i- ?
?u.>i ly

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