OCR Interpretation

The Daily times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1886-1889, June 05, 1888, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071854/1888-06-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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?riis? p~ut) c itttt'0.
Pi,Wll.l,-l -vary Har In tba V-r by lbs
Tl mea PahlUhln*- Company, Ofllea SSC
Ea*! Main *tra?t. Wehtnon.1, Va.
Tai Ha it Tihks. delivered In cit)* br car?
ri, rs 112 cents per wwi. 1?8** a.Ureai
at thi offlce or send lt nv postal card.
liv MAIL 15.00 A YEAH.
vtHTisiKO Hatvs (one lnch).-l time, 76
i.'iita; Stlmo*, fl.-; il times fl..'SJ; 4 tlTOPS.
fl rx * 1'r-r, y** fir: T ttrsTt, **'"*? l* tiroes.
88a?1* 1 nunn h.* 10; r months. |1S; il mooth*.
tis,; c. ru-mt tm, ami 1-' i-Uilha, | Tn.
Tna Wsttftt.r Timm, by rnsll, postajre paid,?
mc year. Bli six month*, iii cents; thrt*r
un lillis. J' i-i-ntK.
Knten-1 at the Mehi_t*? (V*) ***?**_?
r.-a iili-l i IllSa mullel.
- JUNE 5
The dispatches last night from St.
Louis indicate lhat ( levelsnd will be the
fir.it card, aad that Thurman will be the
second on tbe ticket
(?ray's friends have made* fining fight
for ililli, hal the lille of opinion is In
favor of UM "Old Roman" nf thc De?
mocracy, who, being s Western man, csu
annuaand nil thal the Western Democracy
wants to give tbe boom IO tho ticket.
About the vice -presidential candidate
there should bc DO m-'.e discussion than
about ths chief,and the mott harmonious
the St Louis Democracy is the more
powerful vvill bc iis prestige in the coming
coalesl. The spirit of tbs corps, as las
French call it, is li great thing to rally the
Himy" bu a Iii,.: battle, um! what the
Democratic party wants now is thc cnn
doaaaeea ol ona gvanl victory oh sound
principles und the pride to wli another
with all the Hush ol victory that W8
Congreaa may maha mUtubes, bul Ihe
rnpreaentnUra body of th, National Be
BBoerncy amy call Congreaa to correct its
errors We do not mena lo stand by
mistakes mads by politicians, for thi
convention is ti more complete and iuiitl
ligcnt representation of ths people. The
St. Louis Convention, therefore, should
declare a straight and poaitire cali for
reform of the larilT in 8 manner lo re?
dam tbl SaormOUiI Minina revenue ac?
cumulated by war laves in time nf peace,
and ibis should im done in a manner not
to dtstarb tke interests of the country hy
a loo sudden chango.
Tba Hydi?rraphlc OfBoa has in pre?
paration a Complete report of the "Mardi
bil?lard,*1 which caused such great dam
aire along the COBBI. Effort! are bciag
matle to collect all thc data possible from
vessels at sea ut that time, and fruin what
has already been received it is certain tbat,
from ii- terrill, violence at s-ea and th*
wide area which it covered, it was one of
thc most notable storms of the century in
las North Aila-.tic -.V r a-V-irss. *
Tin* office nugal to ?*ei up Un data ol
the bUasard lhat is approaching the Re?
publican party from tho West with a BKrr*
log centre towards Chicago where tbe
concern is likely tobe unroofed and scat?
The UaCOBS?OBMIM of the Republi?
cans about this coming bli/rzard is tbe
worst part of it to them, as they might
possibly save themselves by getting down
in a hole und pulling la the hole after
them, or biding under their shadow amt
ami?ng complacently at the bewildered
pursuer like the great American Nimphoo.
Tbe B?hap of London declares, in 9n
open letter to the Bishop of New York,
that 'the tlagrant abuses caused by the
trat.ii- in arms and spiiits iou Ihe Pacific
Islands aro now ticing perpetuated by
the refusal of the American Government
to take pail in an undertaking which ihe
European powers generally support."
Au Australian paper says that accord*
in; to thc new Blue lt iok the trade in
arms an i rum bas grown up with this
"qualified slave trade" of Great Britain
and is a part of it For years tho colo
nie9 of Queensland and Fiji have drawl
laborers from Hie Polynesian Islands by
methods closely resembling those of thc
African slave trade. Tno native! were
"recruited" by th* crew, of "labor ves
eels," who virtually bought them by pay?
ments of firearms and liquors At last
account, moro than 20,000 native* had
thus been procured for use on thc colony
plantations and ranches
Minister Lawton says tbat Mr. Blain*
ii not no muscular and healthy as tbe
Republicans report him to be. "Mr.
Blaine used to be a very robaat man, you
know. Now he is anything but robust.
De has aged greatly, 1 think He has
been failing la health for several year*
and looks as if he had some serious physi?
cal disorder His appearance ls not that
of a well mau by any mesns."
Of course he basan increasing stomach
and a decreasing leg as Shakespeare says,
which is tbe sign of not bein*; elected.
The convention at Si. Louis to day will
number H20 delegates Of ihsl number
li? will be delegates al large, 650 district
delegates, ill delegates from Territories,
and | from the District of Columbia. The
tao thirds rule has been in effect for
forty-four yean lader this iult> tao.
thirds of .'he delegates muit vote for s
given candidate lo make him the nominee
of the convention
Ali thc news of tin dav ls xx ha! lin
WaUoual OouyasUau ts altout. Tbs Idea
today is thal Cleveland and Tliutiuati
will he nominated, ami that IBS harmony
and unanimity (>f ibu convention xviii be
such as to -.trike terror into the ranks of
Ibe Republicans It cannot I"' denied
that after heating tbs Reonbllcsai when
they hail h11 the advautags of SI xx.
ought to be able lo do the thine in-tin
this time when we have all the sdvaa
tsge of them They no longer batu tbs
prestige of power or 1 he enornio i > tttti I
of a political machine rmi l.x the OoT>
crnment. They BO tonger hue tbs
strom*; men who achieved lbs tacoesi ni
their party, ami besides all thistle Re
publican parly Ins -el Itself Bgaiatl
peace ami reuoncilietioB, sad mada a
declaration BgaiBBl tbe spirit ol lbs age,
Thc Si L-oaii Coaveallon xxiii thou i ?
?tong ii coalrasl t" thal of Chicago hs ii e
Norfolk Convention did to the one Bl
I'idersliiirg The harmony in lbs Den ??
erm ic party is the result of a fairly woa
?ucoess after twenty yean ol strifi, aad
it univ Bsadi I" ii-" the mord courage io
??ive tbe enemy a regaler Wat! rio i In th
coming piestdeatlal battle.
What Congress bas done with tba latin
is not exactly t question mai (evolve.
the chances of Hie party, as CongTt -- i
llkeiv tn sii until thc middle ol uugast,
and can take tba cue fruin the "pinion of
the c invention.
This is the title "I i nea evening pap i
published in Manchester by J. P. Bi idley
and Hen P, Owen. It is l -rood looking
little sheet, snd Intelligent We wliu
the Leader raccest
This is d corker ? " rbe I iel thal
Colonel Ingersoll is lo pat Gresham in
nomination ai Ibe Chicago Convention
Indicates thal t strong effort xviii be made
lo parade tbe favorite of Tlllnoli Repub
Hean* as entirely Bp IO tb! Blaine sim!
ard of top-notch protection
That is ju-t what tin' Democrat, want,
xvno wisely appreciate the services ol
Republican! ns Democratic canvasser.
like Maltose ead John Wise We fondly
wish fur Ingersoll, becaam when tbe
devils favorite Imp plsyt Repnbllcsa
booster ii will be the real thing
provria ptrtona
When the Westmoreland Club, and the
Richmond Club play thal match esme of
basr-bsll wa bops io see the respective
nine* in proper Bathetic costumi -knee
breeches, canvass ihoes, colored stock
Ini**, Bad tl inncl shins
The junior sporting reporten of the
Timbs witt bs on bead tossslst tha um
pire, aad tba millinery contributor will be
lhere to de-Tribe the dress I
The House devoted ni"-! ol the lit-'
lay of sumtiUT to a few lloet "I the Itrifl
MU, which are tbs following 'Timber,
Ikewa sad tawed, Bad timber used for
?pats and in bailding wharves" ittrm
ililli* blocks, Bl it were, wblt li hy the bill
ire exempt from doty.
At that rate tbs tariff bill Will hist until
IMO, supposing tbsl tttla ls leap y< ir,
lt is reported thst Mis* Mary Andei
son intends to marry a yoong artist. That
is a good idea, hut the artist oagbt to be
a long-drawn picture ur elsi- Marv will
lower above him.
Highwayman politics xxiii bs ob the
wane, anti the "BoozlBf Ken'' ni Petet ?
burg bail just as wall be shut up ind sold
The Virginia Republican, begin lo see
sow badly the parly xviii get h fi.
We nil their attention to the pretty
ink* picton by a Virginia girl ol t 1 ib*
)lt caught iii the old-fashioned " ram
Though Congress Lsgi behind the Ideas
if the day, it is remarkable bos tbs neo>!
ile are carried by tin* tide of popular]
lentiment for lbs Democratic psrty.
The -.tatue of Garibaldi, which xvas na*
ceiled in New York vestenlav. shows
;bat our people like to recognize the
barona of popular govenjmepi in other
The'public waati to know why the
Union News Company xviii boi sell tbe
ITmks on the trains when the, contract
to do it.
limn ? ni ii.-. Sha-j
"Yes, I betteve 1 did till yon iln- last
time I Btw you before this thai at BOOM
futuro date 1 xvould give you lite mun! ur
nf bones there SN ni a shad." laid I
Romlout Bah dealer to a nporter the
other day. "Sine taut time, ix hen I
loki you boxv niMiy scales tin re are on B
shad, 1 have given ilus bone bunira**.
careful attention and am now ra*epared
to gi ve you tbs curract figures, and also
tell you the liiaiuier in xvhicii | -<,lvts|
the Bosnewbat perplexing riddle.
"Any one Wno has partaken of ..had
kuOWS 11 Ult the nu at of the Ssh is full of
line iKines. Being aware tbsl it wast ??
less to attempt I., c.mut all lin Um. ( bl
the fish ..ne hy.me, 1 acuotupliebcd tbe
feat hy undhi iii:itic:il priH-es-i. I took a
shad that was Iii incites in letUJtU and 0
inches willi-. Nix. lum s Ki tm he. ii lill
inehi'-i. In i inch of shad I found there
wera IS9 bones, which when mulUpbcd
hythe BUUBSUf of racbu. gives the an?
swer -11,808 hoaua in a shad. Now. au j
Ihavetolii you before, dtnriag thuabad
SBtaoa hssrsshool I bandteabotu BM shad i
a day ft>i 111) days, which is m.."ino shad, j
flieiefore you xviii see tbat then COOM
into my place in one laontb's time 11',.". :
702,000 fliiad bones, auuaitSr Of wlnci.
aaSSbsr I have BO doubt ?o doxvn peo?
ple a ttooui*.''----iu**g?tou Freeman.
ll., l-litlforiii Tin- lltiiritiHti lliK.ni lin
Al?WU "ii <Vlv?'luiiil RHtlNrallnii Tim
Criiiiii'itii.ii CaaS?!at* _B_Ita**. ii?-m)iIi.
Ami IMS"?11 Lieu.
Tm. Pi \rronn Whatever elsa the
Democratic National plat form shall conj
i iiu. it iboald declare ia unmistakable
h mis in favor nf tarin reform and tax
rettnction, one and inseparable.
: ia condition nf tbe Treasury, wit li its
1130,000,000 turpins, created Ibi* Issue.
i ia- pn ildenl forced it uno i las attea
, .a ni Congress Bo?t parties have ac?
cepted ii. Thc Democrat! suv stop tba
surplui by reducing taves. The Bepub
..-. - iv. spend the surplus and perpet?
ual! ih" lavis Upon this isa?i ihe
; ri i itii'itl toniest will be fought
Xi Tori WarUi
Tm an v. The editor of the Phils
delpkla Timm lelegrapbl n* follows
Everything io night point! io the nomi?
nation ol riiunnan foi Vi'c President,
willi nearly if noi quite the unanimity and
i nthusiss? thal U mid io ba exhibited in
ihe renomination ol Pn il lent Clevel ind.
Tbe only thing thal baa mada the friend,
ol Governor limy keep bim In Ibe fit ld,
la lbs refusal of tim.,- who -ire presumed
lo apeak for Ibe administration lo say
Heit Thurman is the man ihey want.
Lim i on i nv ii ino The topic of i
inc day bas bena Ibe scurrilous pamphlet |
Issued yesterday in flew York and In this
city lo day making an Infamous attack on
the character of President Cleveland. I
As i Invernor Hill I* reported t" hive - ti i
| to a Herald correspondent, it ia doubtless
tbe work of a crank. Billi a veritable
whirlwind ol Imlignati >n ba. bern stirred
np by i: A pro al tent St. Louis Demo
11 a. dd (o-nlghi in the rotunda of tba
St min tn Hotel, "It tba man who cir
eulah d ihe miserable pack nf lil.el- wera
iletei ted he would be fortune if li" escaped
lynching."?Dispute* to thi ll
? ?
1! \ i ii H vi io:,. -"This 'tin t bo Con*
vention. Thli 'ere meetin is nawtblo'
nore net lesa than a ratine il ion
Thia (enliment, expressed in lanj a tg
-'i ilmple sud effective, though voice i i.v
a citizen "i ile great city ol Clerelami, j
upon iva.-sc noble bosom a great red
label in i.kcd "Ohio" rosa and fell with
??v. a tobacco tinctured btentb, ia no!
exclusively bil own.?Dispatch U the
? ?
A dispati it from -unaaa < lit*, lo int
W dated June 8. saya Jay
(ii.ni.I and party arrived bera al
noon to-day. and vvill remain till to-mor
ron night Tiiey drove ab Bl ria- town
b)I Ibe afiernoon Mr. Gould baa been
'offering somewhat from neuralgia, bul
ii i- nothing serious
* ?
I l.iiniii i in . Mi St 'lolii! be, virtu*
ally confessed thal General Fi-k'- candi?
dacy ia not an nones! one. St, John
stun 1 un in ila' Indiansp 'li- Convention
iiiid declared that ihe mission of the Pro?
hibition peaty is to destroy tb* Republi?
can party Thai is io say, General Fisk
i- running, noi In Ibe interest ol r< form,
inn ol politics. Ara genuine friends of
temperance throughout New York pre?
pared lo countenance a movement aimed
al tbe existence of ibe Repnbicno j ,*t rt \ !
Wc believe not. \ Y 1 .'?'-/? .
? a
Hi vi i ii Bi ii i i is -Tb- morning
ibe Star pobliibed an interview vviih
Ministei Lawton, who recently law i
great deal ol Mr Blaine In Rome, and
?.lim confirm! our sion ol yesterday In
every particular, eran going aa far ai lo
announce thal Mr. Blaine', health ia
"completely shattered." snd thal be i- y.
"physics] wreck." Yesterday miniim'
the World aano?aced Mi Blaine'sairl
v,il i i London looking ' remarkably
well Yew Yuri. Stai
? .Nu matter what a New Yorker is ac
, u -iii ni now," says (he Pott, "bli Ural
Impulse is to -I'ml foi bil lawyer ia 1
-i md in ita until he arrives. Everybody
who is sccused ol any delinquency,
social oi mora), lonni for counsel and i-.
? . open in's mouth without prof, -
-i.inii advice It von *-k tbs ashman
why he did n ii rem iva your barrel rea
terday, ba wanta to be represented by
We lane h id , olapuk, an I m>.\ comes
Alexandei Melville Bell with World*
English, WV are i" have two kind-, of
Engliahnow World Bngliah aad Literary
Engliah Thc- ordinary "common pen
pie ' ara to he contented with a phonetic
form ii our language, ind we writers ara
10 UM I mcred literary Eaglisb. Very
ilmple. But who f>io dub tbs "com?
mon people" Into naing Ibenewsyateml
Thi Joui nalitt.
Tm. i.i;vi- ia Man "i ona Ths mill
limit-it ot tin- Richmond Graya who
after their brief riait to ibis town, have
gone 'auk ta Virginia, wire praised on
all bunda tor iheir appearance, style, and
demeanor Our Ninth Regiment were
proud of tba rue*? whoo* company they
i-nj vv I Thc Drays were well pleased
at the righi of thal part of the elephant
which they wera permitted lo see when
in Gotham. As io the eathusisam \vith
which the Virginians bora aloft the
American Bag, ii could bm bi inrpaaaed
by sny tefiment of New Yorkers There
is a pit,-peet ibm our city may be visited
by other mllitlatnen from the South
before ihe end of the yent ami they
will ul! lie welcomed ?ir. )" Sun.
4 *
li will be i great campaign, anti one
which will till a memorable chapter in
history lt will be a campaign of idea-,
not ol abuse. Bo much bas American
politics been elevated slace Grover
i leveliiinl was chosen President Boston
ir . ?
? .
The larifl bill cornea up, and tbs Irre?
pressible conflict will go on. It is a ton
llict between the benet?lari** and tbe
victims of a vii iou- irate? of clasa legia
lation?splan of legjslalion iliai trana
fore!*b?earning*of the lolita% nunrn tn
lie t offer! of lin- 1 avoted few ? ]\'t-'~,,i,n
'an Patt
? ?
St Lui is. .lune 1?Tb* twenty-fifth
lailonal annual siengerfe.-t of the North
_mei?na B-nnrimini coenn?noaslai Uria
?ily OB .lune ia, ami will last till ,**Htur
lay Bight, Jam 10 The last of the bi
-nuial BBBSMtfeatl was held in Milwau*
iee two yean ago, when over 160,000
>eople attended
j. r Irxx.a, oTOawi.... :>' y . paid I .? i
fora Ih ld
Uno nf the besoV ? Boll ge i Carri tau
baaa aupartUMst af parasol. -
Then'.'ire Luis against u ????? profane lan
BSBkfsby te|.j,i,uii,. in all ktatal . ti pt Con
ne-t icu'.
A barhsr al Baas, Arl, wblls aaavb . a
man waa asiaed srUb aaatteckof bomiridsJ
aaaateaad ral h:* oaateessr'. israel fruin
ear to ear.
At I?.-:ii-"ii, i\\ , a bel it- 1 !???
? 'itiptiiNl 'ni-:, i 1,,-r tit lbs tram tlt.it lind
j nut waited for bias, and <>u* proaaptly taken
j in hand by th-' | oiks
Then- is -.nd .. banal] .n*- aural ? I
; sosea power fal Lassa* tribe la California.
? wi.i ti ba ii i?-i tb. lu.-.: ea i.\- tn.
triba fl .ll hst uti* extinct
non .' - . ?? testis* n ? road A Bi a
? ni n.s hui found a vallie..- i ti'-t, and,
upon i a ..tn : it to tba ????mei. wbu bad adver
I tis. d tbe I--, was mads nappy ix-.: h a I read
I,, i | 100 bili
Pnil - . mal burglar* are foiug tbs round*
.-t tbe. "iii:'i, towns just nos lt i* their
ii .i.i aunaner hegira, snd tbs guardiaa. ol
I.... pests sh. mid be oe the watch tern .m.
?ve|.-utiu- i i?.it').-h.
I..--- than "ne i,,, aoa .-?
..;h -t an lei. rn i i the teti tb i p
i ? ni \r i. rican. -? ld un ? ni . it-- out ut
the count! r, but thej Ideal of i mi
grating .d"..it in thstr "-tn buid
laen maganofa weUerai ;? ai wbicb
U expsrimenting arith uaturnl pw bi
tbat il asa] yet r-rovc* no! only the el
..f iii.-i tn' th.' luraaaotlva, but ei elana" i .i
basting n well B. li . ilia, lr I
Am.-!., tu until'-rsan more read than tbe
English in Japan Last vern B.f- ?
and HO OOO Amid ..-.?:) boob WI ??? il
.m.i thal rountrj, i ? thal tl.bi rp* 11 in
?? iVln11 ead, an American bookf" was foirlj
maa tn i
TbsZilvern lim, tbs fi I D man .-i
mr to en tci t ft-lden Gal iyenn
i ? lying off 8 ui Vi mci i io is a 1
ihip on h r way I Jape) I . ? and tbe
Dutch colonle. in In ll i ?bei ll make
a i i"l'.' ? i i .
lilas El . B i ? ? ? i.
, ti lat ramp aitb a ? ? il tt I
i n pei ing the food tbe I
ii L te The nd at I
- i fron
h. - ban in d i
The ii.a.- li,.., in kt ea tho!
fork, i ii rited I i
iiii->u,l.iiI li Ti. it
ia the ? ntract b] the ci ? S
tbould i
and 1. .* .
A N. a England i
i . ? ol th br goods. 1
inc ?? l lil. an ?
? . .?. i ?? ' - lt '?..!.
indi an i
A* u
tba (ti il . lia I
way te ihe dim ii al ??.
li.- perform! I. tbe i an iag ? dr ive
overs little giri, miling bei
. n -t ..I tbs party pn ??? ute i the ni ir
i Ugi. and it hui bean p *t|
Th.- m iiieU i beni u is i |
i- a tin) 'i;-* shoat tbs ...
Im. . nhl.:, is . tii[.J..-.. i :
in gold p. ii- ii.i
ns niilm ii. paps. . .
th aisand I ima. I - r ni.:.'.'- 11
pa them rigid, nol
London bani fora
snaking te oteain an add
? ? ? togattbeu
clearing boos, afb rtbec
dav. i iring hou
??? d i iii ?? n tliat 1
i-i- ... sven tm- a- a
? tutti lbw boon
Nea: "
and IO sent out aft.
their way In tba a
dal 1: they Miirniii. d
:-... i -baiter, but wara
toned t.. ramaia all night ia the moodt, and
ur!.-1 and i ? I ?. ?
lng bah dead trott cold, ti igbl and
A atoatana newspaper say. thst tba day.
lng in tbs billa sj ?? rapid
Uti am i ? fast tahiti j tb
lunle po rer,and Pullman
in ?. .-ut til- . .1 il
Bsa -i Kort >., wattan ii iu*j n
paaj i.a be *un I i I p
is prc-parin : t.. Bun! | .
i liv ri ? i .. :
h.... firs itonei I to i
snd I'. i . . between ll md :ii:-i
p. ansylvania ban ju rt
i isitatii n ? ?
ia gi 'i . inditton, one los!
dislodged bj miniu; perati
which I
\ ante, "ii i us Lord 1
i.air. ? imagi d by vandal i
\ ra bil b been cured Di Uicbard.
a* rsportsd by Tba India Daily
handling i cobra with in. ia
trading toons i ? won b -.. .-. bi ??
tbs im-.; He nam list ly cut il
tba bona above tbe wound, and ? .. i
mail. U Ol f potash l ..:
nun. d ofl li advt A , ' .
opened tba around and
miiic acid,,?uni Dr Richard, hasi
Tbs pride ol L-Lingman county, Kan i. ;.
bull tbat wajgba t\2SS pound.
An alligator nt st, found In Ki . cn ik,
Pla , '?uiit~itu.il i ny ti.i a you
\ rena j to tbs nataroli-tti via-;, remem
berths locality ? ?; their naata just ubi
Thsrasja-sO,OfJO laptiin kepi Lu ow room
in tbe .Suiithsoiiiaii ui-i.'.iii. ;. .; \t..-Inn'
:ou. Itavnaadlaai to add they are i.
A ,'i. at noarj pelic tn, tbat I i
*ot woefully astray, was snot the otl r da]
tear Albany, Ga. Tho hunter aays that "al
i.st he took it fora calf '
A man in Den "it nasa ed froraaboi
ai.!.-d.-,.?:! I.i tbe co ara,, ? ol two | " cats,
a hi a ? la ? d bim awake bon ly la lune ti
.- .e.i.?' teran a bnrniag b lildin -
: i iti ..i ut i; made th -t no lesa tl
petries o I Sorts, kaaericaa hirdsban i* ????...?
istinct daring tbe last lan "reals, and a ?
mm. d tb it I"..i inn parvowa a n ll
naia oa ?
Than la a man in Tankecbuifl i
Ul- tn.' i .- pi I ll I bj a i'll ii: irita Rock ia.':
un. ul tin.iii BBSBSBriag B}i Incuss Long sad
; j inessa round, trbsotnar ** Lui bi - I am aad
I , tncbSI i'.'lind.
\ Philadelphia drummer BBteniiaed th
-bop** sf Osasas tbs other day by ?? ni
live cbaaMSaoa aa u watch chara*. Tbs curt i
ms little h-jiri ssaaauaebad te acasta bj
i thin I und of gold wound shoat its ti*M*l.,
md ie stiisl in the erea-a-s of the 11 ru tamer's i'
asdahauU ???itb every indication of eouteutr I
la-ut. I I
| lilli latB 88*81 nf dear southern hirds
, IIhv.- BM?I lli.-lr hniiiii In hrr r.nr throat.
Vol"BB1 ll* BB?** ***_??n of HBSpsUSB (rori)*
lu 1,11,11 > ti , 1.-.-I Baan atlrrtiii* not*
Be**t??BM UW areli kii-1 -BBBB BBNBBBJ html
(Jiilrfli. I" BBf *l?|i|iy, fSBBBB ("ne.
ABa?* lin- V'-ariiing of tlieilove I. BUW*\
,\- -.vinii (Sm iiiiiiniii. tier ina?1 skinp,
An.I no.. flu- oil f'lnt ? ith ni* vii.runt mil
8BB**"?? a rain or BMBBS SB thi- air
Or um wama mais a?aa tn?* panaa thrin
Like BOBS! ""ni BB?BS?8 choral prayer
Out -(tint s wtHJ HaB BJ lier v.iiee. a.al ta}
Adnu.-il io _?BSBWta?I_I harmony'
->l"l B ("al'iuitlln New Orleans TiBMaOBB?
I li?> Bk?SW*?*?* of llelrrll.e..
Wlula I am in tho luiiiipss mysie?, I am
tr** to admit thar _*_ctfvaa ar" of?a bb
credits*! wain at?rsw_?sato wi?eb tb*y are
nut i-iititi'i-.1 Fur instance, n "ian Bill lose a
ralaaMa ptee*of para?ad pniperty sad ap
piy tonana?llvs torneovar ll for bim, il?
Brill un??MB tniTis, lr' rn tho ofl? r. tell hun
?rheta be we* and what be ans doing bubb
ba kwI bia profwrty, um! then wont i lirople
tani.- it ia to ii'invir lt In tba majority ot
_? rfa*?rn wm robbed ht coropanj la>
a.mid not want ta nscogufaw in daylight Hs
Informs tbs detective of ihi?-.j irbo nara In
I . . and tl." detect | ti th*
part r or parti*, i i ia grand I i'liT abo g
knowing who ba* ric- goods, and te Mi" ma
foril | ? ? bs carr?? ali pntet fha de
lighted owner up a baring bil property ra
tai??mya "What a sm?rt fell at
t.-i-tivs i*P* whlIle ta feel be ls no brigbtei
ldutvn the ordinary ma of ban?nit* ??
-anph traast?tedaplace of bssrinemfo, bis
ra tomar on bu?aa? pri url plas D?active
In Globe Democrat.
(.nu 0?naa in a m.ii<*. ?
linn ci it ti in B?talJ tnitta tba beal ?ill?rj
.?? ?town, for, ?inle ns sap?sire
force va*tl) M??ia that ot gnnpowd i sn*]
ippi?uthes tbat ol ni?o-glyoMina, lt li tba
?sfaat and in"-r stable explosive nc p"?? -.
ositi ia im (ton ii aad i ran i ort?I ?-t
and whtla in thia Kata, tboagb lt may tn- <i.
tot?ted, .: '-atitini be BZpkX?d ia sn) other
way Ai much ai two thoussnd pounds ?
wet eompn - ed gun conon nave been plari*I
in i ti-: -.- bounre, whare it has graduall\
dried, layer by layer, >_>ti bsee ronsnm?I
I ? ? plo ling Beal I"., aim '? 'rt'.;i i
tbe only milit?rj explosive which ".-iii ba
i arith certainty "lien fi
i E. Munroe tn Bcri nei * ttajzazlne
i wo Meal, i Oar.
Ju il mn- Elisabet!?n fi i -
fattier* -al and did to tbs c mti iry, and not.
landing the opinion* ot (oms eminent
nt timi ->, evening is the
utily rational time to dina There ihoold
only lw l?'. rea!:'." -ni a.-uai.ii ca-a- i I i .
ll land du ner v
I and I nutritious meal o
y's worn, an equal f - lid and
??-ii ??? aid ei. l it. Vi i. it
courm of tb* working b mi,
may lu'snaii aa merely tomtisfy tbs argent
? lite, aad to in.!.'il
, condition ol steady rocivemeoi th* ascend
.:._; or '!? (cen hug o uri* of the nerve ?-.
-Tho Hospital.
All Iheie WU In light
\n Iii gill? li uti-ter BB! ?1*1) N?D non I
1,. for* tl enol bil Inn, cnaiged with
, pr iii i dona! off sii*i ot a ?
i i- ? of half a guln** whan bis brief wa.
marked "ith a gah?a. Tb* offender wa.
r ii-| i iin.'iindad and Inforn_d that b*
bad departed from "tba i?-.t traditioni ol
tb* bar ' Ha respectfully urged that ba bad
? d that ii- waa ?-oariag "tba '? I
tnt?it! ns? tba bar," _b?u bch as I
io sr na I watt Un
. , i liner wi? ilia force of tbii
ration litplayed by the
? :-i hist "-vii (_???>, thal they i- I
-.11 without finalMT reinui-k.--l.oiiii.iii Truth.
Bal I" r lon V l.i.?..i>? Lil.-.
A I lt?M .- tOUgfa j .. I WBS i ? : ??: i"
is roembar of tbe legal triittmitylasi
M.d tbs sotbor amy bi well pn
ii bod] . ince If
til" \ Ictim aver learn ? who i. a li 'I
var bad jual n rared fi ra . quiet junket
and bbb ? irprissd a tans morning* a. > to ra
kl in- offlc* a neat package ot I duck
loam on which a card reseed. Un Um
board wai the kwerip?oni "Real lr_k saith
ikes ena i."' bmw it" Tho lawyw
i ipnronrial Boil Ka wa
lin. Collas*!?*- Clot?
A inri" mia. Bram iBurhora avenua en*
tared i North Clark itin?-t atntl nery store
wearing an eapveaa! in tbat plainly told I
-.. ? ki- b ja-r a air -:.,? vants_ In t: nth, - ?
bad ba peeling fha aaa? of ruo urti -.
?bs bad been wat for Iron th* tun* mju bad
a .ni.-, and thou i.t tbs bad it put.
"Give nu-,' Bald tba nt:la miss, "a li?
worth of "tut' toed p?-n-."
And th* clerk roi;.td tip his ey*!
; i' v.-r quita 'ita, rt ?_cag El raid.
Viii. I ii,- B i'U<"l 111111 r.' > a I u 11.
by," cantioaad hit ? nbar, "th ?
1 : ii ia; i la ru dian arith us roda;-, an I yon ?tut
. quiet at tbe tal.le. 1 want bim to
think that you an a ?**t little I
v.!. im eli luipi ? BBKa, Bobbj a to !.;
liniai iii B?SOC* liatiI hu plato I?BO*d HS
. nn
"l'a." hf mid deroBtly, "will i .
toma uiare (tiing 08*1 ", I I" of KO?1 ll tb*
kingdom of beaven."?Tbs Epoch.
\ ll ir.I (Jun In I'lvl.lou.
"I mta," i'i--erveil Mr- BmiggU "tllal
alb?n 'd Zuumhaj luit twenty earea vim
??v.-." rep?ad ?Twggi Imart??ly, "I.
ripensd a ti?ivy crop uf wec_ tety sud
lollly "
"That waaa't what I w;_ thinking of
IVLat 1 eau t. undtr.ttiiiil *B how all ?BB*
tviiij-.vs Bill gal their third-"?".ittsLur,*
-hu lln?\r Him IVbI!.
"Bare roan very stylisti young ^-iri rou
?ouid i*ooaaa_ad mer" _jj a ganttianaa In
ui t-iiiploymeut liurtaiu.
"t_t-(M BM, su, ' replied tho ufTahlo rn.u.
IgST, "but tl" yon live la tho i*oru?r hoi?u/"
"Yes, bul why du >uu sskl"
MB*??ss '."ai wlfs was bare oaty a wu.
aent ego to st* if we ked a tow besafed giri
ri?i : wart un ha-r noi?"?Jwlea
Aa exefaang* t'-lls of th* Anding "f th
nidi' body of a niau who -ava two ^-t.s{rs-tn I
hen died. Thia la a c_<? bbbiwanali'ot
j?its isiuld not serve as niimetit,
AjMBMt the Wales silver wi. ?lng, lt Bl Ob
erv ci thal the ntinttmt ?gat bridmnau?i ? f
?? i, live year. BgO uro ail l]vt;i0*, all BBUr
?ie.l anil ii mm divoroed,
Tiie pSOpiSi of Pet?BBd, Ure., havor??eeiitIy
abeerinaI a awn t" impon a sb*?b uhmtsoti
.t I -iri.|.-.-in sin,;,ag ia:, to eixil Veil their
-artieBB and grovesI
Y.i|?'j itiu-r.rs are bein^ made on i'i _a?lun
-ailroa?s with axle tx>ita (Itt?J with baBf
ngs ot vet?able parc!ire?ut in pia.-,- ul
Caring for Cat* ami Hn-j*.
Tit* Boetety for tho I'teventlon of
Cnialty tn Animal, has B -'rupert y St
Atei'uil behest, rsiauul at ito.into Itbsuu,
and lite iiiui'ial e\-*->use is shoat 20.000
francs Tba twa branch establishment-!
ure ut aUtuufsa Bona tine ago I vunsud
tho homes of the ISSeued, ami found uni'
af tbe most luturustlng in ihe linn Bar
renu, A.-nieiv.. Any une ulm xvishe. to
Shandon a dog or a rat throws it niel- tho
Wall, rm.I tin' aniniiil f:.Hs ti|?iii a it*rOBg
netting tbat eaves lt from bijery sosa
us its erj is heart! a aUBflUB eoaiea fruin
tbs house, pata aad faade the poor earea,
:, piaeaa it in a cushioned lui**-*-'
Every room uf this tbns story hon-, is
heated, and against the walla ari- berrr-fte.
iti mI.i I, ii,, erery kimi uf -.-..ali aaliaalt,
uni ..;.i beantifal and u ?';.
I ?. ? s ipei ll tandan! uf ! I.: . establish
inei.t ul-.i ,.?.?!?* th" welfare of hoi
every 'lav -he eda ? Pt ''iii" she
mm a it rs i h.elly pevsd .
I.-f.-r ii written i" tbe prefect "t thu
i the ! "i a v. hip
? ii., coaebtn intstn ploted, nol - I
? ma bul rx ipect that |
\t the cab tanda ? ' ? - tor 'h.' uni
? bat nee I >|
boos te i sch ? a thal
mon <y li kl] .1" '?. - d itj W !.
II. 1 te oh ? buye I
u la it to Saint I
ii ben ll s di l
happim?-1 i . ?:..'..'i I.i!.
ri..ti. ii.hi x-.-1 -? "i ia i, ,,, -.??
Tbe ni" ' pc. nib r im ?
il x .111* .. ' '
lt is a protect I dim i;. from ? hat
..:??? i ailed ; ? '
'rom ih" t. lephone
I dynamoti ? lei
lied In x ?
P i'. I ?
an Li ...
. Ircuit
' ?
? ? . I
IX hell:
:iuu.- in tbi
' ?
? ri sun
? : ll lill, anil Xl
\ ara
lng Tbi j i
ii-.! otbei * xi:, i h
. ... .t their ei ?
- "
rightly, too ii
? ? od bj
?u'.'le. but I
it from tho amount
which ? gib and
I l, ? I X.: I''.. ? |. ,
i .-1.tl;., ut. I .. Ile 1
Granville, <?, and
i iii in Is.;a lil .
?ailed to the da
gave up all
try ll
: . ' :
Louis a ?
tj'l ever t ? ?
.i ind f tho
.ii tbe i -I
, now iii | * ? ion of Tho Phils ? a
I1,. ? . f Henrj
vi ebster on the Uniti d S
; .-? ? ?
Ur! Root Kew Yoi
ll. ti.ire ..I il..- <'....t.
Di .m..ri- ll Henry, of ti *
tad d<
itady, I ; :
f Diet in the I
in- errors I
;be development ul
if .mr population I
ion of time when ? j
? hail I. 1 bi rena fu
>i |ui ntl ? ..* in other ?
hat prevailed foci eui Dome Jour
"Nothing I ? i.i ' 'but bones
'm only a (badi un In
ba saint snd the sinnei Who sit down < ?
tinner And spike theil ;?? r throats on
.,. bth Hey of bones 1
\* they ehob ? him bj pair. And
- ii r familia. Turn, ri iluxi and -
A ben lu* yo
' i ? Su a hen ll
il..-- people Just wish they Cou!'. ? et up
i shad Without bones, ! * u dad I'
Muk they Baili sra. et ... dlshl
iey.' Nlxuj -- Iv.s;.m Courier
Hurl, for ITprrts.
Saie lisaufactun-r- Soawthlng wrong
vitb tba tafe, eb.
Banker?The ba-k la oat of < 1
raeaaaot get thu safe epea Boa ioug
viii lt take yu ti to open it fur asl
"It won't lake long after BUfB bugfotS
ni it. but it may require sex et il hours ti
iud a good burglar. "?Omaha World.
or rn aa -.in a
Ht SI M.SS Hot SI.s.
T'u IHrrrCry behm of reliaf,lt ?
Vtmmttt h'?ii??, giri'.g tlu.r lr*-.Uu -, ,v,
tsuaass),sal ttftwndura iv *.,; ;. i ? ,.^
tfrtftrttitt Bat su/svwasBnta raWfin I
ri'i-f" ni/ f/i? tUfereut bVvsUsBU. af hut |
A..Hi) I l. ul ( lien,I.I ?
!>r. IIKMtV UliiKl.lMI. 17 s |?, , .
flll'llll*! IO 1 II!-r*H|-.'r*kr- 'I'dl'l... ,, | ,(
m..nd Hud Allea-hrtiiy riii.i'-.'. , .
t.l.Hun te OraS asS i_lm-r?i wat. i.
Andilte< I.
M. J. kim inn K. IBB B. Main (tra.
re?.M?|,i,.?, ,. .,,,;, |t,..|.
xvi! I 1AM ll. oakum: H. ll. K
?tie.i. lian cutUna. dji-iri-:, -
Halt. IB
lill HMOND BT| x?l It.Xhl ny ,, K
I'luprielui, ll SJ, liv. Itu. .
m.: la-tail.
II...n? amt sh,...
I.B. . BA8DAI B. l :. I!. Mi
1 - BU ! fi m. na .ti,! ?* ? f
Illili lu r?
xx I. I i RH I . ft BA! I.ii il
x:.,, ,-r | tn .ki ? hr* t ? . ....
Ca*r*paalar* aad BaUdi r*
WILLI IM i, I'I I ll ie , .
? il ? il.- a ??? i-. i
Oa*r*rtsss* asd Baaala*
I X i.i: \ UIKHOBH, in- i. | ,
All a ' , . . . ti . ?',
Cllllltr, ii.ri.lt *
ii S ILLBB8TIBI .*. CO ll aad I
- i i i tal
basi. \
t .liol V Xl III.if,ti I mel.
? I,ix KU ii. |.x SH flll 1 M
ind n ..
1 aux a. li.... I.
Mn. ii u x\\|s i gu, -: i
'HUN .!..,,.-..
I miti*. i.i ? niel ll.ill.l. ..
.1 ii 11 r yr.? n
'"-I 111 1 ll I-.,,: .
xi i.i ii . ' DAISI
tn, tm!
I. xx . m;\X -I ii : . -I x
I '
'.. Ae.
i.. u | i -? abll. i
Mr.. A
" ?
I H. |ili.I ll,. Ill \ e.
I. I'. ll
Il ti.I it .1 ? tr..I 1 ti . rte..|.
X li . ; Xl,k I A SON, I ... i M ? '
ta fur Ito peria a*
ll.ru.-- and s ,,|.|1. i ,
Hort* xi.
Hut, In alu. .V
ix xii EH J TOltP, t ', . ?
taut i "tn.11) i-i. lu
Ik.n ll.uk*.
i. salton
X ? H I".II. : - - I. "
I.. .lt .1 ... I
I. Hill.. -
.. li.
I i -ii.nl .
I nini.. i
tOSI I'll I tx is,,i (Bl D. des
--... ? x a
Xl ,ride XX..ik. ra
.x ALLBN A >x lt \ i .
-ri. ? I- Bi a.ia. nts, tuuit
; ? ?
H .ii.. -? Nasal >
'. DAM DIA< 0N1 - - i
iftd retail.
?I.lill,, i KEN H.t
- ? .
m. 11 toil. l< ; i
d urabi.
.Min. I tl Ila'. ! Il rttll i
l I 1 .1"! I I IM. I
.? , ? M.
ui. : Bim
I'a'itt. ntl- x.
Ul BMOND PAIN 1 -1? -it. I -
? .
Peso* Haas
i. j. DAv i" SB N
ii,ii,.I., a *. Qa* -?i..i Btea
. - ? i.i - a
Itali, ll ll- k. 1 lu -
BAU 1 ? mn * ll xxv i -
-tr. et. Ba i ... -
ad j.mt* ??! Um v.-i I I
,. .i
ll--ul Lint- Ak. i.i*
M i:,. ;.. -:? i X.' '
.-,...?* i lt) I ? ? ,
i. - \ IbllO.N .X sus .N N i
( ll i ll.Xi I IN \ t " ,N IN
i H"X||'s,,N BBOWM i
Kill,I,, a li.,...!?
? 1 HUI NI A III .lill.I( CO
Ultlnii i - . ? ?
u.iiii.rr Htasiff
i I I .xs in KT HUI ll "TAMI I
i r Kl Mi in , ttl* 11. M.
tillel - ll; -1 .ar, ? lt. I - "-g
jj) lian! (tn . I .-..
li .ti
si,;,, SalaUai
. * 1 HllXII sl!> lire -
M I ? ? '
ll. .it I I !
Lil's' ,,xin. No .**.'?
palntias ami aildlna i -
Baas I*, Issi
l. ii A ll' I Ni ? '
ipili,I i sn i
'. xv. STAOO, 1 -
Motel. CH ? '
i attsaussatss
Maaessstar. )'ti bs, tu
Wire >l,uIrr.si-. BSdl
. xx i.i ixx K, .".".i K M. *
i.-r ol IW.,:..,, Vt ?;'
mid i ut*. Hie i-i-t mi ? ? |*i "
ki C.
ll .....I and ? ? ul
- ti
and Clue *t..--*U W.kPlk'Brl *?
mud* of Coal, Wutul. antlXr-i-s ?
BBaUtBi -t*U

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