Newspaper Page Text
MB ATM WM INIIICATIONH. a isa i aa lea luai M indications VtrsisM Bad Noith <'.milln*. ? ,i. timi tempi-ratio.-, light lo , wt terri a ssas, ISM treats* Ibe lath} TatJS DAILY Til ALSIAKAC. 9 a.m. M- il 3 p.m. I p.m. 9 p.m.. Hfdalght M*iM?ao temp.. ... rn'1 Bun rise*., Sun l:Vll Moon "?JOH Pay'slength.If*KM. VOL. II*?NUMBBB 640. RICHMOND. VA., TUESDAY, JUNE 2(5, 1888. PRICE, TWO CENT8 AT EI5T, IHI KUM HI KAN wi: !> WES! >ii<>w DISBANDS, Mle' a Week of Hum Rowdyism and Riot. I HE HOOSIERS CARRi" i HE DAV HARBISON OF INDIANA. , i" BE KNOCKED DOWN li I Ht MAN OF DESTINE [ti r ?iiu,lii\ ni Mit nu ll ii!" A ri ll HIS BAR I .GAINST I HE OLD ROMA A FINE TICKET TO BEA! ADDI i - .'? Ol a TEVIPEHA ? I ? t4 TO THI it iTFORN SPEECHES Oi THE VIRGINIANS I ..- ? | li HORE I "Ml dlON i it) Al i DI9PERS1 BINI DU All .te.- I,.Hillie f < iitioo nat r by I bail man E nee, a ho vt ii ! role Vs i ? rta ? Marda* the cob re otion mi ta lae . noa) ad lolute < ertalatt wai eotirt-l) obi ol i bi Ihe candi laiea ronsl combine ? al the Impendiug nomination ol Sherman ??. Rei Mi i I I hie Bau . there ls soi ... 18 COI . linnea Ede ? little \\ iii.-ii starla the band I BOC 1 TO -in i Ol i Bl mm '?i- Hast c'irgtala iroi tl.ct lit* desired lo offal i n -inn stiag the order of balli) a tl . wiiii I, .lld prohibit < I ? [ aay rote te nho ? nomi uation before tm ei n I ? ruled thal thia could no' icepl ling Mr li ? itt Ile ol Mali i tloa ol pris Mr Haymond ol Califoraia made thi pola! ol ordei thal aol ? *, pl lo balloi lt lhere we t<s mu sneechei lobe mi li ranted 11 rn ik .inc- for Blaiae I liol IKI.I I III tOS ul UBI - DISPATC hrs. Tba ' i. di -vii I tba be i. gentleman from Maine desired io mab ? privileged saaouncemeut, snd li'- wa Biran i be Booi He tm ante I I :???..- If i bet eml ia belt.!' thrown even lalo a semblance of satsgonlsm lo Un re present il the 'I* it. itioo ol the great ruin- ilo| who ha? such ? .linet 1 bara followed witta pride and affection these ni'inv years [Applause.] I would like I", we re Ibe ncc is on sppropri ne sad . i feel li pi 'ttl in \lew ol tbe coun? sel walch I an t n I a- ' >t ?:. roi aa ap* pearaace here al all, io preface the an ineaaseat I am aboui lo make by some esplaaatory remarki I shall nol attempt : i do bo. No one la tb Ihli magnificent auditorium bas aay doubt as lo wbere the affeciloa, ibe derotloa and the allegiance "i the Re public ui-ni .Mini- kai hu'! always will i't [A| plaaae | N ? ? jaie here will ?ii.I. which I dischsi ge tbe 'lute Imposed on rae, bul Mi Preat* ? i .I ^. ntlemea of tbe convention, I alli,mit r B ('"ti-! flint Which 1 .1" not fee'?: llbaitj to Igaore, und without at tempting to give coastractioas ol Intel pretstlona of my owa io the laagusge ol oae greater thai] psvselt by far, 1 di-* charge my bambie duty ?.?* the repre . Ive of the Maine delegation bj rcadlbf to yon, wltboai preface or com tueir tba following dtepatch, which I hsi ? received" Boutelle than read thi followlag dla pate bea ' ni.-rt'T ari >*Aie.i> ban rsa Epibbcbob, Jaae 94.?B mtelie ead Manley Earnest I j reqaeatall frleadere ?; ??'?*. my Psria lettei signed Bi ubi 'BBl kain rn M Vi'i [BO I "i: Ml xbrboo Jaae 29 ?1 think I bav< mk inv trlaada io reepeel my wishes Bad rsfraia from voting for nu Please make ibladispatch pablic t. ? Inned i, Bxaibi ; bi atxn baxjVOt. After thc applause m.<i coaiualoa .*. bkfa wi i Donielle's siBonaoemeBt bad died away, tbe cobvsbUoo proceeded to tLt slxili I'Hlle-t Little 'V itt Unlit WBS ned liv Hie? roll-call oataide of [he - d marara*! ol spplsase winn Cell forals agata cast bar solid rote tor Blaine uaUl Ohio was called snd Ooverooi Poi fen r announced 40 voles fol Sliitiirui ii.vKitt-'j.-, ana om von ia obio Tut-n b delegate BfOBI aud Ohalientfi ? thc.- correctnt-xs of tin- hiitioiincen.' Tnt (.'hair dt-i-jati'le 1 tin* nsnic- Ol e lu dele-gat-,-, 'mi iin-t ? halag soaae dela) ? caiioned by the effort*- ol Governor Foi Sker and olLer9 ot tuc- delegation tu pl i . saide their colleague io aithdran bia challenge, the Chair Haled that unless the eane waa Kjivea the anBoaacenMnl would ataad .1 H. Lackej nra-.- nnd BHBoanoed bi, aaaM, and tesiMed upon Hm poll. Tha result of tin- poll waa 45 votes foi Bbenaafl un,l l vote for Barri sob, which Was inst by Mr. Lacks, hhs. Mil ? iiitiiiM' lilli- int Hiu.-k io BAB RIBON. 'lin (ali ol tl.e roll wk* then proo eded sith for another ballot. When Califor? nia vrai reached Mi llavniomi announced, amii applause, 19votes tor Harrison .Mr lemsoed a call of tbe roll, and the resell ibowed i"< votes for Harrison And one lol AI1.0 r?t lint of Mr Rage him-elf Tin- ns,iii ..I the seveath ballot was thea snnouni ed hs actually i-iven. Tbe convention then proceeded to un >. ilillih baliol it I i- in u ITHDBiWI Mi Henderson ol Iowa creeled h sen sa'ion Iii rising in his Mal and nilli drawing th,- name "f Senator Allison Mt Hi mil ts;iu spoke briefly and io tbe Me BBld that he (hanked the irieads of > astor Allison fm their rap? port, (md with bis uBlborliy withdrew iii- Dame lt rn once became rumored iimt Mi.' Allison itreagtb *ould ga io Harrison, mid not lo Sherman, asthe Sin rm an people ivere claiming in the morning sin l; a \ ?? ? ll -1 noll ?,;?:.I Tin -i- turanci i a hi, h nen- n ci Ired - "ii after tin- withdrawal ol Allison that bil irength would go io Harrison took ti" I i-t bopc lunn tin- friends of Sherman end Seualoi Quay,finding that ' h. game vt-.-.- m. i,-l i ni. friends t,. full ii . and a- boob M ir i? came known vi a 'ink would not noar thal bia nomination wai in sight, desert II ini? on ti,,',-uii- ii" longei anv doab! ol iii.- result, and rn,- reading of the roll be , am. ii un re formality BABBIB0II NOMINATED Hain-- ib wai ii "in inai ad after I he Ten , hud been i as!, :-iiitu hun , ll votes < Inly a single vote stood by ^berman in Pennsylvania, and aftel th ii -i.i'- i ie ii,,- liam-,,ii movement bc , um.- a i-i, dsllde. nu mill \i ii i,i , , iii anan I ne li lull v. ,- la. .ive.I u ilh ii burst "I applause, hui the .'nat audience aroee io tii ti et sod ahonted until it had lired ll < 'ne III ihe officers of (he COB ventioa climbed ob tbe chairman'! tesl waved a baaaei bearing the portrait ol il .tri-,ni The i dies in Un- ira Hertel waved theil handkerchief! and parasol! Hat - sere ibro n up, mid a sceBs "t mi (haslam foll red, Criea "f " He's nil right' " were la ard iu ihe. din Finally, ii nh tlii. ?? . iie.r- im Harrison, I be coo ni. ,,11!. i enough to bear the fflclal n,ie urn eineiit f tin- n -ult ll tBINO IT i NAN ilim I i . ,.? i look ite i latform and moved : make ihe nomination mi inimout ll adi I th<- motion, md lin- ii ol Harrison was -. MM.Ut. "i 1 in BA1 - ? i tin- i, iii rotes ra? ni lidati * on each -.?ai Hoi,,'-. ita .!, iib. 'ti -:.-. l. ?.i,, in i i ? -i ,. , BO ' M :? ..) ? lc KI . 1 li,-oil, . ? I III I ?! I I ' lit '."1 -'. '.'1 Kl M H.' I.'. in l lim im.mi received "tie vote on ? ? i col h I' tli<>t., d ol thi i:>-pi.Mi. na Presldeatlal Nominee. BENJAMIN BABBIBOa <o indiana. Hen1 iiiiin Harrieoa was horn in limn lltoa < "'inly, i i,ii", AUgBSl 80, 1*3.! He graduated "' Ibe Oxford Ohio (Jailer* lily, and Btudled law for two years in I'laclnnati In 1954 he weal to Indian ipolls, vi here he has slaCC l"-i led. Mt Harrison wm elected repor*. r of he Bupreme C Bli "! Indiana iu l'-'iU, di i.-ars a,ur he bad begee the practice if his profeMloB. Soon after this, how? ie!, I,.-1 tined tin' Union army, in which 'ie wk- commissioned -i second lieutenant. tJewasooeol the 75,000 voluateen who inswered President Lincolns call. Ati.-r i sh.,tt -eui,-.' h.- organized I'ompan) ,\ of ihe Sevealli Indiana Volnn .. t infantry, and ? i- appoloteii ? d.ii.i 1 ile mis mastered OBI in .lune, 1993 nih thc rank of bragadter-geaeral Returning io civil life he discharged tbe huies of coan reporter for four ytara !n iSTGbewasa candidate for Governor, ni the I'epnbllcan side, hut ess de 'neted He wai appointed "ti ihe Mis ilaslppl Uiver Commission in ls?'.t Mr lani-"ii wu* United States Beaatoi from ndiana in l*r>U hs the successor ol i,i apb -"? McDoaakii and took bis ami ni March 4 1991, Hit tenn expirui ilarcb 'i. 1991 HU irreat graadfathei, ot thc bbbm hrlstiau Haine as blmselt, was a meniher ,f Hie Continental Congress from Yfr ?iiiin, and win one of the signers of the Jeclarstlou ol Independence, twice a Member of CoaglSM, and lliree times a Oovemor nf Viririnia. President Harri ? -on. his father, al-o served one or more ! renns in COBgTeM TUT. ABTSBNOOB B8BBI0N. CaiCAOO, .lune 98 -The work of tbe| ! COOVeatiOB is practically over. One can I -ee this from the lack of interest visible j "ii Hie faces of h tow delegstse bow la I the hall. It is 0 o'clock, ihe hour for lin: nconvening, nnd empty beaches are j -till the rule. There is a dearth al en tuasteem. The vice presiitential con-I . ti' disposed of in short order Ai 9:07Cha!rmaa Eslee utile,i Hie con realloate order. His v..ic.? is R^ain re nant and clear, "i'd will 'ie Bbl, to iide in i'ers,,n ihroaghthis, probably the last, session of ike coaveatloB The Southerners, lui! of flt, this afternoon in iiial.itu' and seconding their favorite nomination, are cool and digalfled now j I hey Mre Itrolling li i-un ly into tLe hall, | sad are calm mid digoifled indeed I'lII.I I'S BOMIBATSD FOB VICE I'KKSlllKNT I General Bewell of Nen- Jersey, who I wai lo hive placed Phelpsia mimina-! Hon, hud the floor, bo! lu- yielded to ' .rilli'-, of his own Slate, who loni: Hie ; work iii au acceptable (peech Ile -ays lae vice |iiesidenlittl Coodidalc Should ?tue from ihe doobtfal Btates, ead par-1 lien! illy from New Jer.-a y, ns that Mate has hotne un Important part in the paM struggles ol ibe party. Qlbsoo of Ohio -icu.led ihe pisiform and secooded I'help-' Domination Patrick Eagaa o' Nebraska lollowed. Ile created a urea laugh lu- forgaltiog hi i nords and polling ul his m tnnscripl only lo lin I Unit hs tad lost his glasses sad couldn't rend ii. Dollied "f Iowa followi Eagaa, and in regular order came Rosenthal ol Tesas, Pniler <>i Norm Gaiolina, Boutelle of daine. HOBT02S PLACED IN BOMINATION. New York bow called and VTaraer Milter n*i - io nominate Morton. Miller ? ays thc time lor platitudes is over when ["lew York withdrew lui candidate tor ;,|i -i'hney, she 'lid so in sorrow not in lager. For the first in a geaeratioa thc in Tori delegation have come to a .N'u'ional Convention, and been able to ni iii harmon, and aecord [ApplaoM.J Ile said Morton was s min nun wbooi be bs I t rosaed swords in partisan striie, hu! he sui.I it the COBVeBtiOB Ilolililla'ed Morton their swords wonld he drawaln t common cause. He Mid tin- actiooof thia morning msde ii possible to carry [adieu by farther action tai, evening ii ivoul.i iii ike ii poMible to curry Maw Yo/k. [Applause | Ile said he gave his ii,,i,l thai il Morton was nominated lhere M.mld be no atoppi&g Un- OOWBld march lo victory. Millet begged the cooran ?ion not to forgi i iha: inc battle la i" be I iugbl onl in A(i" fork. H.-suv- Har risou'a nun,in;.ii 'i, in,-',!,- Indiana and Morion's New York. He mentioned r.iiii:, - Minn- and wild cheering fol lowed. (Jovi ri,,,i 1 n in i,; i lido sk "iel- Mor loll. Ile ? il - I "Iii"' ? fondt'Sl li"| c ls broken but she still feels the convention bal done well !!? SS,! Atti,in's candi dacy in 1990 > mi, d Mew Yoi;., so in ihe intereat of good politic! give the noun nation noa to Moiton He is willing and capable, Mid tin ipeaker \cui ;,.,, durtagtba Irish in ni inc be m .t al bte own eXpBM a ibip loud ot prOViliOBI I" Hie Irish sufferers. ila),,-neil oi Kansas lecoadi Morion He av.- Kansas looked to New York, .nd comes now I lokiag to the doubtful tates. Entwined nih the asmeol Har i is,u: that ol' Minion and ficlory is mus. \ i plaUM.j i..-io i il Hsiiingi "t Penasyl*aiila fol* : ,.i-, sndssyi Peanayivaala believe! tbe Lull te ti,.un.1 Mill Le Nen York, and iiiai ihe sec-md State of the I'uion should reach "Ut her hand to New York PeBB -i.i'.ilia believes that Rea Jersey can .i in anyhow and Morton should he Hm . hoice Oliver of South Carolina (colored I rise, ? , lecood Morton, and sinaks ,.,-.i .-ii, i s h,,! attentively. i i IBOINl I DELBOATE OETI BIXBB 91ms of Vifgiols rises to second Mor lon. He says Virginie bbs occupied nd lime ia this convention. [Applause j He .-aid VirglBla na- lit*! ni nar, nnd hoped io prove hamil lirsi in pe ice. ^ims i I Phelps amid general surprise, .3 ;: was thought he nas tn ?.econ.! Mor i -ii He iayi Phelps is ss generous m Morton Hims ,irovoked mach Isugbter, a-iie cms ,| by Myiag "Give as bbc little boom?give ai I'm Ipa Mani of [Him li secoodi Morton in so husky a voice th ii ii sets the aadieac to laughing General t balmers ? : MiMissippi sec , m! Morton He ru -.Hs the Repebllcan geaeroilty io Ihe South during the yel? low fiver epi Inni,' and Chalmers . iosc, i amid great eathuatesm. Oreen of Delan me seconda. Horton. Ile say* Delaware hears the cry of New fork, sad believe, lt should ba heeded i ries ol "111110" and "vole" inti rrupt i.reen The COaveaUOB is gTOWiag im? patient Delegates WiBl IO lake evefilng i laius TUt HOI l-l ALI .'1 STATE! |iroceeded without interruption till Ten? nessee was reached, when McElwell icol >redi of Tennessee pres Lied the asass if William V\ alkei Moore of Tennessee -penis ot North CsroliBBSald thit North i arolina passed without beiag called. North Carolina was c; lied, and Spears trees amid great laughter. Ile told a un nv *:ory, whit li was creeled willi Liars oi laughter, Tbe Chair rapped for irder. Speen proti sled agaiasl the aud? en, e h,ln j- ([iihted, and said that this Sis ihe proudest li'.ur of his life. After i,,un bi begaa Bgaia and hanked tbe audience for their BMgaaal nous BMgaaaiMlty. This was too Mach ,?r thc convention, which bowled with lellgt-t. Spears closed iiiuid ? din of rokrea by propoelag the Bomiaatioa of llortoa by acclamation. Chandler nf Mississippi then seconds sfortOB, and spoke sour* lime, tn Hie In ?.use ittegBM ni Hit" convention, who eu iaaVOfSd to shut BUB nil by all sorts of rita He secouded Moore THE BALLOT ?egan, and Moore of Tennessee was rseeajaiasd BS the Choir, um! the balloting S)OpS a while Thanking tbe couveu .k'u. be witbdraws bis name, and tbe vote resulted as folio**, i Alabama, lind? ley. ."?; Moiton, 15; lows, lindley, 2; Morton, 10; Phelps, 14; Kaneas, Brad ley, 1, Morton, IT; Lontsfsaa, Bradley, il; Phelps. 2: Morton, ll; Kentucky, Jfradlev, 10; Maine, Morton,?; Phelps, 5; Maryland, Morton, 12. Brad? ley, 1. Phelps, 3; Maaaarhn setts. Morton, 28 ? MlehlgsB, Mor? ion. 15, Phelps, 9] Bradley, 1. Minnesota, Mono i, io. MlasiaiippI, Mor* t .ii, 5. Brace, I Brsdley, l ? Phelps, I; Mtseonri, Bradley, I : Phelp-. 2; Mono.,. 25; Nebraska, Motton, 5; Phelps,8 Ne eada. Morton, 6; New Hssapsbire, Mor* ton, 7; Phelps, 1 ; New Jersey, Phelps, 1-: New Ton, Morton. 71; North Caro Ima, Phelps, 5; Bradley, 3 Morton, If; dido, Ilradlev, r>; Phelps, H; Morton, 80; California, .Morton, 13 Phelps,.'?; Colo rada, Morton, U; Arkama-, Morton, 15; Idaho, Morton, 2; District of Columbia, Morton,2: Montana, Morton 2; Dakota, Morton, 10; New Mexico, Morion, -j, Itali, Morton, 2 Washington Terri tory, Morton, 5 Phelp?), 1 ? VTyomiog, .Morton, I, MOUTON XOMIXVI BO *'N' Ko BTU BALI ?' First ballot resulted Morion, :.'!; Phelps, lin, Bradley.lOt; B K. Brace, ll; If. T Tiionirts, 1. Tlie Ctialr then de? clared Morton a laminated MAO! DsTABUfOVI Themoaseal Morton'a aomloatioa bc came <-i certataty there; ins wild appian < When the Chairmiiti BBBOOBced thc re Mill to the COBVeatloa Sloane ol KsBSSI moved that the nomination be made naaaimons Jewell of New i*o -.?*, aecoadad the motion and thc convention eadoraed it with a roar ol applause Parnell ol Illinois moved thal .1 in it iii cation committee in* appolab d comp.<\ of oae member from each Btate delega tum. and thal Mr Estes of Califoini < be made chairmen Heated "t New JTork moved that Alaska, foor 3 irs beace, he given two delegates ('iiriled Flor,- of Michigan moved that tin Si Ite delegationi bsad in their members ol the Xotiocatlon Committee to tba Beemery TKMl'lT; VSi I I'I UTI Boutelle of Maine moved to impend rule- and add a resolotlofl to thc plat? form. Oliver of Peaaay I vania arose toa point of order that all rix.Union- mon he sabmitted to the Committee oa lt' Blioas Bootelle attempted tn speak, hut wssagaiu Irrterrupted by ? Uiver, wh 1 only deefsted when the Chsirmsa threat* eued to place bim Ia custody of ibessi gesBt-st-srms. Bootelleegsia <?lyed io -peak, Inn in a moment Oliver wu- on bil feet Inierrnptiag. The audience biss"d him soBodly. New .1. f-cy appe 'il ?*, from thc decision of the Chair, ami Hewitt stated thsl ii waa naceaeary to read tbe resolution I" Bod Whether the nile- t'.riV Lc SBspeBded or not Bootelle read hi- r?*eolotios proved to !?? b lemperaaoeplaok aad waa greeted by wild applause Ml the Ststea secoaded thc motion, and (he rains were laspeaded by a rising vote. 11(1. Ill -nt ll io . ia] - 1 lu- iii-! concern * il iii good governrai tn i- the virtue un', lobrietvof the people, and tba purity of tbe borne Tbe Republican panv cordial'} sympa Ibises with all the weil directed 1 lor the promotion of temperance and morality.'' The resolotlon waa then adopted aad, ifter a vote ol thank- lo tin- t bsirmSD, Ibe Republican National Convention for 1888 adjourned at 8:68 pin without dav. Wiatt BUKBI a c 11 a ii ac TKUi-iii -n.i 1 11 1 lae "f tan latarestiag iacideata of this tfteraooo leasioo's waa tba speecbeebv iheYlrgtalanadcrlBg tbegeaeral bud* ihsktag over Harrison's nomination. Mr Wise said it would be Btraage ii \ ir yilila wa- -ilent when thc- name "t Har rllOa was in the field TWO liin.drc.' amt If ty yean &%o that rich and glorious ?looa was planted oa Vlrgioia soil and I had-plead out in its richill*-- Where* ?vcr it had gone When they 1 I hat name' hack to oil VirglBS, not all he narrowaeas, nol all Hu- bigotry ol by oiae dav-could keep them from electing Sarriaoa ilAiioNE BBDOBSaa BABBtSOB, Hil BB1 1; a tea. Mr. Mahone was railed for. "Tbisil 1 love feast," said the Chair. " Give nil a how.'' Mr. Mahoac said that i,e need iot Basan any Repablicsn within me Imlta of tids coooiry tim' lie wasal rsys for the BOmioee, and while he (sine icre. like many others, preferrtag -onie articular candidate?Sherman above all .thef-i?yet with heart full of frieadabiri or the tield, he had not seen lit io BOBB* lon his colors until the qsjentiofl wa led. Now thal it Wai settled hy 1 decla? re majority vote, he Joined heartily in ecoadlag the motion to make the aomt lation unanimous. Whatever he could lo to promote RepnbJicaa succe-? would ie done. A voice " Shake hands with Vije." The General stepped dona and hook hands wit li Foraker, Depew, and 'tners, hut overlooked his Virginia rival tVKKVBony OI.AD TO ott aWAl For one week Hie hattie has bael to et In this convention town and -tay lere lt is reversed now. The battle fl 0 iret out and stav. Every train i- loaded lilli passengers, and to-morrow there roa'l be any delegates in town except esideats The only ndeeaalag featnn ii this afternoon's session wa- the antics f Speais of North Carolina and the 'Torts of Oliver to prevent the con-id rution of Ilotitelle's resolution In oifset lie free whi-ky plank In the plat form. 'Tfl c *uld sweat in ''Wry style To which rna" in Vin le-j'ire.-, I liMi'tiv oouM do ju-tice io ill.- Ooviinor ol ? Ino" ri-om "Cursory Critic-tarn"1 bj Juba lherssaa, ?H'nshliiaton Ci ita-. I'lu.toifrMplile- Notice. I respectfully announce- to ihe public nd our patrons tiiat we will until fur her notice make tirst-cla? cabinet por raits as ara did last year at $1 BO per ozen or C fur $1 00. 1 eleven ot these aldin i.t ai.d a lartte 18*20 pojtiait for 3 00, and no extra charge for babies or iiitin*' the large portrait in pastel. Respectfully, A. DC L.EM08, Proprietor Vernon Poitrail Gallery, 107 East Broad street 'Gallery open Sundays.) HOME HAPPENINGS CURRENT EVENTS IS ASH THE'IT). AB0fT\ I taaMlMsSMMMl of In Iii* City <Inuit Court tither Court Proceedings Artlon of the I I'.itir* osauMSsssnsBi -MBseiasaa for, i'.i'ir C'hthtren Notes and Oeneral Items. I'l, ?? City i.'ncult Coiirr did considers-' hie business yesterday. The following cases tried bf jury were disposed of Wara*, Moore against the Western' Inion Telegraph Company. This ca9e wm heard Batarday, and the Jury not! Bgreeiagtbea were adjourned over until yeaterdsy. Tin-suit was fur daMMgee.1 nhii lt it whs alleged were caused hy the failure lo properly deliver a telegram The jury ( ame into court, and returned a verdict for the Insurance- Company, aad] jada Mini was entered srrnrdlngly. Charles II. Parsons it Cn. BgsiBBt Jame. Woodall. Dam iris pieced I at 9940. Verdict for defeadaat. A mo? tion to -et aside |jj, verdict was over j rated ead ladgaseai for defend,nt en? ter d Minor ni,I Rlaatofl agilest J II. Al? bert Vi rd,- i and Judgment for plaintiff | for 9179-99, with itif.nst from April 12, 1387, until p dd ll. I' TsJteferro a Co.agaiaM John A Viarki Verdict bb I |adgmeal fbi 1114.02 1.1 i' rn [ce Company ,>f Bostoa agates! the I'etersbarg Ice Company Verdict and judgmeni for plsintifl tor 9919 Eastern ice Company agslasl tbs Peiersbarg Ice Compaay. Verdict and ludgmeal foi $1,710 84 lu the-nil of .launs Ii Klatii sgaiast John lt tktholiz, tte Jory were sworn, snd bavteg beard tbe evidence and -ir ! gnmeBi ot i-ounwl, wereeeat oul of court, aad afiet mum time reiaraed and not] b ii. sble to agree boob a verdict wera ' I natl! thii morales. J'hel uart appoioteil Harris Jacobs, M. I Greeawad, A Hershborg, ami Samuel trustees of the coagragatloa of Kenm sith Israel, Hm synagogue on Maye Hreet. Ueurge D Pesnaan was appoloted bj it truMee of Vensble-street Bap list church ia place Ol B Y Cooke, Who declined t.< serve. The inutari of the Venable -tr. el Baptist church were allowed hy the co,ur lo gita ii dvvd of tru-t OB the church property to secara certain notes representing the church's Indebtedness. Id the -uh "t E A Saunders A Sob , ain-i l- a Preach, an ordei was ea* ered directing the sherill to make sale ? lin property Mired ander an ut lacbmeai at u former day. lu lae roll ol ll t. Terrell ami Thomas fl, Bocock trustee. | agates) iee ki,dimond A Alle L.h hiv Railroad, mid T II A esaadei and Henry K Ellyaoo sgsiast tbe Rich* i ld 'i ,i-1 1,-ur, Railroad, the follow. lng dei ree - were eati red Tor tb, Immedlile termination ol B contract for thc lea-,- ol certain waler power si Elkins, lu Goocblaad county, l-l ween the receiv.-t of the liii -limoti I 9 Al egbany Railroad sad IV. B. Snead. upon tbe payment by the receivers io VT. P, Snead ot 9300 Granting the Dunlop a) McCance Mill? ing Company right of way over the prop* etty of the Richmond a- Allegheny Rail? road lor i track connecting their milli ia Man, te -ii r with Ihe tracks of the Rich* mond kV Danville RaUroad Mukiug Georg, Backer, James linker, and .l"hn C Marron committee of the Ural mortgage buodbohlers, parties de fi ideal tn - heir... in righi sad ms com? mittee of the first inortgsg, bondholders, io the Ural shove meotfoned suit thar ol ll I. Terrill, and Thomas s Boera k, trustees pl klatiffi Making tbe salary of Laurence Myer?, one ol tbe receivers ol tbe biebmond \ \ ' ,- ">.'?<:u per ?. i ar r't"iu M ?. 1888, iostesd ol $10,000 as formerly, and revoking all decrees fa opposition to ibe shove. Reqniring Tbomu ?' Evans, controls item rof bi counts in the above censes, io take notice of isms and make his report io the court before the next tenn The prevent tenn nf Ihe City Circuit Coon will end shoal Joly 9th H lin- Moaart la-t >? c111 ii i.pite the wi st ber a good au gathered al the A -'.demy fast evening to listen to Hrary Barnabas, tbe droll, tbe Hue: arian Quartette, MpiSBO solas by Mi-- Clara Howard Jones, und reading by Mi-s ida Florence lt wasaneven iag '.;' ian- musical enjoyment. Barna li .- fun I y ns tunny could lej the Hnagariaas ravelled ia Ihe weird strata! of their aativa land, and MIm Jobi - proved i moil arce| table singer If the Mi/art Jori keeps "whooping Ihiaj - Bp" like Ihey have done for sev? eral concert, pas!, Rlchmoad will soon hold un enviable position in the musical matter! "f the country. Cowal, I'ourt Not**. Thc <'..linty Court of Henrico yt.ster dav adjourai d for the tenn. Tin- appeal "f John Booker (colored), charged with braakiag into the house of C !' Tlmbertekeand who whs given live years in Un- Penitentiary to the Circuit Court, whs allowed. Council I Olllllllttees. Tin- Council ( oininiii' c on lirounds Hud Bnlldingi uni iu regaler -e*si,,ri yesterday eveaiag in the City Cnnineer's . Hi.-,-al C. lill o'clock. They did BOthlsg beyood approving a very Urge number of bill, .ind thc pay mil. Tue CosBSSittec on First Marke: net at 7 o clock ia the Council Chamber. Thu committee approved thc jiav-roll and ordered some [>aiiitiug to lie done on the market-house. * Fui.i MoNiiuF., Va, June Sri-The flagship Hit liim'ini. ibe Atlanta, Galena, Oseipee, ami Yautic Ballad at 7 for Bfow York. They will itnp to-day at Lynn Haven Bay for target practice! will have Heel tnana'iivrei at sea to morrow, and reach New York, Wednesday. ISTITlrsTlNC. ItAII.BOAI) NEWS. A tlatsmSBl Thu! Neirfolk I* BS be Ihe Termliiii- e,r eli- III. hintiiiil snel Dsnvllle. A special dispatch from Norfolk to the Baltimon flats "f vaaterday reports that .Norfolk i- io he ile- luturc deepwater terminus of that line Says the dispatch: "Some time Ifothe Norfolk and Ports moath Cottee Exchange wrote to Presi? dent Sent of tin.* Richmond sad Danville Railroad, Bid s-ked him what could be BOBS to gat him to make Norfolk the deep-water terminus of his system. In reply he SBBWe red t!,at if Norfolk would furnish termlaai fssCflftsna he would use his beat endeavor* to have his road come herc Th. Richmond and manville Hall road have made West Point an outlet for their road for the joist two years, and bow propose to abandon it for d'-i per water At present the Rich mond avd Dsovllle i- in possession of rsrious i Itroada in North Carolina, connecting linea with either roads lu Qeorgis Ult I lippi nnd Tennessee They propose to i.iii! soother road from Rocky Mount to Raleigh From Rocky Monal tl.e Coast Line lyatem will be bulli t" Tarli ?. ?>', aad and from Tarboro' io Norfolk ., combination of the Rich mond & Dani ilie lyatem nnd the Atlantic Coast Line lo obtain aa outlet to Norfolk. \ large lumber firm of tbii city?Tasia dk Set pall?have already built a railroad betweea thc Chowan and Roanoke rivers which ll-c Uh-iiniimil di Danville road had an Option ''I"!,, and as there i* a charter allo-vlag the Chowan A- Southern Hail road Company to eater the city of Nor folk, the R -'nu ui I A- Danville will come to the city nodei tbe name of the Chowan ck Boat hara Practically oaly aboal one boodled nih ? ol road win have to be baili lo complete this eyeless. which will briog into Norfolk tin* fr. i^r!;i of ?,500 miles of railroad. Il try Walters, vico-presldeai sad general msnagr-i ot' ihe Allende I'"!-' Line, ??", I Reuben Poster, of the York Hirer Linc, thc accredited mpre lentalive A Hu Kichmond & Danville Radi.I Company and Hie Atlantic tua-' I le I, ha'.,- been here several days looking rei 'the situation, with the idea of making this their deep waler terminus Tiny were taking ia hand by some of our leading citizens, merchants and trans portaiion mea ead ibowa the advantages poaaeeeed bj this port for the handling of heavy freights Thc only property owned by Ibe city available tot the pur pose desired ls tbe tobacco warehouse -ii inti ii on Hater linet, sad from ing on tour streets. These geaileaaea were given lo mid'r-ian.i ilia! the city would ?/rant the lease of tba tobacco werebouse tad they* iBunadiataly weal i I irk ind .have secured nptlom on tbe desired properly, which will give U.tin 100 feet of water iron! Mesai - W dian and Postal also -i and, opposite to this property, oa tba Portsmouth side ot the river, the prop irty owned l>v W. P. Clyde, adjacent to ihe Naval Roapitsl groaada, cootalalag iboul forty-five acree At the joint meet* lag of the two ??"uni il- of this city, held leal iii.-:it tbe lease ol the tobacco wsre boflsa at the wharf .'tout to the Chowan 1 southern wai ordered foi thirty .' in n ,'i nominal figure A meeting of he Ricbmood ct Dsuvtlle proper will be held in New York early in -Inly, and tlie. Batter oi the chaage ol ihe terminus of in- lyatem ??% 111 be offlctaUf. diaposnd of." rn - - LOCAL NCI1TS. Tba Poole Mice i- BOOB to be removed 'rom the Customhouse* to enable the sork now beingcerried ob there to be completed. The mail carrier service of Rlchaaoad i boob to be locreased by seven maa. That ipring which burst out Of .Main treel sunday night, mention of which i aa a i le In m id laj a i lama, attracted . jil' deal ' attention yesterday. It is emarkablyb lld, and the water i- clear rn i Tbe city might utilize it io be a li intagc ind i omforl of the public 'in- Qrsln aud ( ittoa Escbaage held n: election ol officsn for the eaSBlng rear yesterday Messn. I. D. Cns ?haw, Jr, Qeorse T. King and S. T. Beveridge wen laapectors <>f election, ? nd BBBooBced ihe neall as follows Presldedt, Philip Ilaxsll Fir-' Vice President, H A Dunlop Second Vice Presielenl, C II. Simpson. Hoard of Di acton: l? T Airey, F H. Deana, War ur Mo re, Fred W. cJcott, H. I. Talia erro, H. C, l! i) tor, T. H Elleu, Morrell lyiand, P A Sui.len, Herman Waller ? it In, W < j ClemOBB, VT. H Johnston, S". H Savage < L Todd, and T. H. The American ichooBei ( naries ii 'abers, 188 looa BBtnrad featarday from iscbilla with 450 mai of gaano to H. W. I ravers. The Aile . msaslon, corner of Broad md Twelfth street-, is BOW leveled to be ground. 1 WO brick tenements facing fwelf th street will bc erected oa the lot. Rev. Mr Nelson, lbs colored rector of Jt, Philip's Episcopal chunk and priu ipal of Si i'i. lip's Parochial school, will ie married today in Petersbarg. Ills rife, who ;- said to lie a good worker moog tha Buodav-achooi children in 'etenborg, will prove ol valaablo aid to lim la bia church work at St. Philip's Mr. Oeorgl I' I ait'-r. at present den tty clark ai the Cbsncary t'ourt, ha- aa epted B position as reporter cm the I).* otek I nial I ell i.uni a Steeple. iii i rain, N V JaaeM ?A fatal ac? id, -ni grow lag out of a di-pute tis to the ?bel ive- height "f the steeples of St. fiery'-* .uni St Michaela Catholic hur. he-, "curred lu.-re yesterday. bari.- Sullivan, aged 40, volunteered to c. ide tue question lie went to the oof "f 8t. .Michael'* church and began HmbtBg up Un- ltgbtBlag*rod toward the np stet pbs When lie hud nearly cached the top the lightning-rod broke ad he dropped to tba roof Death was BstantaBcoos June M ?A thief entered tbe rowu Pi ince af Sweden's apartments ii the hotel a' Fran''-iisbad on Saturday itgfcl and secured jewell Y worth $100, 00, with which he escapee/. BY TELEGRAPH. LATEST REPORTED BT MAH. ASD WIRE. lu Co uk rsi* Yestertlar-Kmperor Wil? liam's Speech to the Reichstag?De* i-litnllv Pmlllc In Tour terri Ma I'atal Ity from Heat Brief Telegrauia. Ob the call of States an.I Territories in lu the House today a number of bills were Introduced. The Speaker announced that to day be? longed to the District of Columbia. Mr. Holman wanted the House to go on with thc consideration of the land till] .Mr. Hemphili said he would like to oblige him, but the District hail only bad one day since (he deadlock last spring, and if he gave in tbe time the chances were that tlit* District would not secure another day this session. The House then weut into Committee of the Whole, and adopted the joint res? olution relatiug to Ibe Samuel Strong claim. Mr. Holman's laud lull was then taken up. At 210 the nomination of General Uar rison fae Presldc-it was anuounced, and lhere was a general waving of dig* by Republican members, lo which the Dem "lim responded willi Meir badanii. The chesrtag and gcnerul uproar lasted tully three minutes. Neither Mr Allison nor Mr. Sherman were lu their seats to day when tbe Sen? ate wno called lo order. Mr Sherman came in'fielore the funding of the jour ml was concluded, hut his maimer showed no unusual c.vri'cment He opened bis voluminous mail and read lt through calmly, pausing occasionally IO carelessly glance over a bulletin laid upon hil desk Mr Allison came in a few minutes later, his white vest and spotless linen giving him an appearance of cooluess, which was in BB wise detracted from by Ins calm, unconcerned bearing A number of unimportant bills were introduced. The legislative, Judicial, and executive appropriation bill was reported by Mr. Allison. No changes of consequence affecting the District were made A memorial was preeeated from Oen? eral Benlen, the gun inventor, now re? siding iu Washington, setiinu forth at length arguments to support his opin? ion that all means now In use to protect sea coast cities would he ineffective. Bills were pained on thc calendar call as follows Providing for a custom house and BeStofSBM ai Newport News, Va, and incorporating the Washington and Sandy Sprint Narrow-Gauge Rall mad Company The Senate then, at 1 40. went into ex? ecutive session, continuing live minutes r herein Mr. Harris then took the rt tor to make I speech on the tariff question OPffXMIHal THK lil I. inl,.|.ii SN lill,nu I uk.* I'm t In ii llilllluul I'itimiii in lui To-Ila). BBBLIB, lune 99.?TIM Reichstag was i p -ned to-day with pomjit and brilliancy. After divine service in the court chapel the Emperor was escorted with great ceremony to the White Hall of the old castle, where he declared the session open. Throughout bis speech the Ein peror dwelt upon Germany's pacific dis? position. He says her policy aims solely to wald off attack, not lo acquire milltsry glory. The Empire, bc declare!, desires pesos with all nations The Emperor says further: "Germany will adhere to ber alli? ance with Austria, which public opinion rapport, aa tha baal, nf European equil? ibrium and an inheritance of German history. The same relations and national needs anita Germany and Italy These relations will permit the ( arelul cultlvs linn of the Emperor's personal friend? ship with the i /ar, and thc maintenance of the pacific relations with Russia, u billi have exfs'ed for a century, in con sonance with the Emperor's feelings mid Germany's interests " flt. I'KTKiisiiiiiu, Jnna90 ?ll ii stated in well informed circles that Emperor William Of Germany will meet the Czar la the autumn ea Russian territory. -ssa Till: Hilt.UTI LL Ht AT 1 iventy Three Death. Kc-iortad lu Naur York HBW Yohk. June M ?The continu? ance of the latents heat is cuu.sjng an unu*ual number of deaths in this city, and tbe number of case* reported at the coroner's office where death ensued from prostration before medical asaiitance could be obtained ii almost unprece? dented. Tbe coroner's office waa thronged with policemen, undertakers, and relatives of thc dead bringing notices of death or seeking burial permits. Tbe majority of the cases reported were of (>crs ms lu the prime of life. Most of them lived In .the tenement-bouse dis trici- In many cases tbe victims went to bcd list night apparently in gnni he dib hilI were found dead this in,,rn in/ Up tn 10 o'clock this morning the number of sudden deaths from thc bent reported at tbe coroner's office waa tweet v-th ree. TO BK FORMALLY NOTIFIED The President to Keralva the Commit!** To-day. WasBISotos, June 2.5.?The 1'resident will receive the committee appointed to notify him of his renomination to-morrow at 2 o'clock iu tbe East room of tb* White House. The public will Bet be admitted. Ii is very likely that both Mr. Collina' speech and the President'a reply will l>e very short. After the interview the committee will be given a luncheon in the State dining-room. Baas-Ball The following wera the League games plsyed yesterday: Pbiladelphla-Philadclphlen, ll; Nsw York, 4. Bolton?Bostons, 2, Waahingtona, 4 Detroit-Detroits, 2 Calcagoe, 0.