OCR Interpretation

Daily Richmond Whig. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1861-1862, December 09, 1861, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071866/1861-12-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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t o be , woduclsd ew eur ade.bul b aim, I hav* iwon to
belies*. •* variance with lha Com mender-in-Oblel. Ia
r.c4fj (• Ibedispssilioa to be majs of the Slavs* ia the
rceioaa that mat be or "bare beeu subdued by our arms,
,7r„»ral McClsUan's eiew seem to coincide wth those of
•v, President. McClellan recoguicts the necessity of
. jopflog tome well A fined and uniform mods of treating
this *ut> et, but is decidedly opposed to that p cposed by
- ■(•retsrf Oamsroo. I understood that be has It ia ceu
isrip’atioa to issue a general cries, iu a few days, to the
command#™ of the several miii’ary rdepartmeuts, eu
I at nine upon them the observance of the course of
poiioy embraced in tho recent proclamation of Osoeral
l)ii, and also in that of General Halieck. Any at
tempt to carry let# operation the tcutimente of
Secretary Oameroa, witn reference to arming the
slavca, would be inevitably attended with moot
if s s' rout consequences. It would probably lead to the
resignation of Gen. McClellan and the general disorgani
r tion of the army. This danger is well known te the
1’.evident, and i- one of tho most powerful motives actu-'
a' ng him to a disapproval of tb • views which Secretary
Cam rou desired to ei uacia e in his report ai d to make
prevail in the conduct of the war. Mr Lincoln’s own
views are decidedly averse to the c» rein • measures
proposed by Mr. Cameron ; bu*, if there were do o'her
cause to lead him to set hie face obstinately against the ni,
t ieir extremely dangerous < fleet upon the army would I e
a!i -ufficient. It is no wouder, therefore, lha* there ia
anxiety and trepidation among niembets of Cougresr,
army officers, and the whole community, growing out of
the non-delivery uf the Message to dsy. I believe that
the moderate and constitutional views of the President
will pie veil, and that 'be ultra extreme measures of ab
eliuouists in the Cabinet, in Congress and in public Ule
will meet with failure and discomfiture.
The subject of negro emancipation has also been
brought forward iu the House by Mr. Kliot, of Mis a
ehusetts, who offV-red a resolution which, while recogniz
ing the constitutional obligations of the government, de
clares it as the opiuiou and advice ot the House of Rep
r -seotatives that orders of emancipation should be is
sued in miii ary d strife in a state of insurreaioo.wheu
ever the same will appear to the Commandcr-in-Chief, cr
o her officer in command under him, calculated to
wi-aken the power of the rebels or to str.ngth-n the
pawer of the loyal forces. A motion to lay this resolu
t an on the tab's was negatived by a vote of eves 56,
• cose 70. Mr Klio-'s resolution, together with one <f
a similar tenor, offered by Mr. S-ephrni, of Pennsyl
vania, were subsequently laid asids till next weak
The work of Corgrcss to-day has hern exceedingly
precipitate. Vri v bad taste baa been shown in not de
fying aotion on lue great question* agitating the coun
try until tbs mew-age of the President and repute of
the Secretaries were sect in, considered, end duly dis
posed of. The entire precaedings have pirtsken tnoie
of a country debating society, where t-ach ueuibrr tries
to exoel the other in in'roducing subjects for discussion,
than that of a great deliberative body, whose action is
closely watched by the civllis-d world Tue nigger las
been on the far ce at both teds of tbs Capitol, and at
both ends of the ave: ur.
The mow. conservative republicans in the House < p
p-vsrd this bavy legislation.
Information has been receiv. d here that oho clause in
♦he treaty with the Mexican Government, provides for a
loan of $10,000.OnO by oar Government,to be furnished in
flvsannnal sums of $2 0001>)0 etch, in return for the com
DiCrctal advautsg'S and trai sit of rutted States troops
t rjugh Mexican territory, guaranteed by the treaty —
The sum appears to me an inadequate one ifit be inten
ded to relieve Mexico from her present difficulties.
pRoroaxn xvaaMic or rstsoNxas.
Geoeial McCiellau ia understood to hive made the
most argent repreaeutatio! a to tne l ret-iieui In lavor ol
a regular and systematic exchange of prisoner*, demon
strating that th • ialemtl of (he conntry, no lose than
those of the army, to «( no hiug of the dictates of hu
min ty, require this. He will probably succeed in hav
ing bis views approved and acted on.
■racial Wash, after, Dsapxlchu to the Naw York Times.
ncmuucal strxnotu or Tax asmt.
The (ffrutive force at the disposal of tbe Government
now rises to the enormous aggregate of 666,tniO men,
(i lading regulars, i of whom, in tound numbers, 530,
ire infantry, 64 .. <aralry, and 20,000 artillery*
men, besides sharp shooters, engineers, 1 •. The gr at
Posers of Europe wifi learn, from the figures of the
S cretary of War, that, j ldged by their own standard,
t' e Colon abo is a grtat Power, ar.d tint, if Urge
arntiee are the test ot the strength of a Gov<rntn*u',
th -re is yet e poweiful cohesive lorce in the Amari.au Hc
The feeling of the blouse and the pec pie on the
tulij-ctof sustaining Jo.nmandrr Wilkes wa< shown by
the unanimity with which the vote of thanks to bim
was passed, and the words of satisfaction that passed
along the galleries. When the rvactuiion catling upon
ths President to cor,to# Mason auil Slidell is Mon’s cells
*° long as Cols Corcoran and Wood were so treated by
th« Oonfcderate*, the applause that rrsounded from the
cillery shewed how deep was ibe 1st ling of the people
upon .he subject of the baibarous treatment of ihoee
gallant men.
rcxDAMXVraL eaosrxxirv or tbx rouirrav
The report of CommisMOaer El wards, of the General
l.tod Odtee, is a work of g*eat labor. It baa been in
preptralioo for se.no months past. I learn that ilex
hibiw th* ss'oni'nieg feet thvt, notwithstanding the p>
!i val diflnil.ies of the country, aciual settlement* on
»u - public lands hews greatly increased, and that during
lbs year forty tbonseud new farms, of eighty acres eaca,
b re been added to the wealth or the Republic.
tM tvi cosranaaATts now* thi potomac.
Sod ig has been Hying from the Confedera e batter'rv
on the lower Potomac for sum- time, uutil a few day*
since, when the Snath Carolina dag was unfurled, and is
uow displayed all along their line.
a cay. cros tux rax.miir:.
yho dna'ice* cf the Supreme .Court exiled upon the
premdcjt today, and wets cordially received A duty
that devolves u on the Prescient is to till the V?eirries
in tb* Supreme Cour* Bench, caused by tbo rraignauots
of the Confederate J sates Campbell aud Pauiel, and
bv the death of Mr Justice hi Lean. Cor grass will
* probable take measures to reorgan u the Supreme
• OB art during the present session.
iH ivx cairoans raau ratxci.
Te-day. Cap's! i Thomr-s, if ths If lar erraestei’s D»
partmos n?eeiT<?a -»roai MW Ujmpcw wwm«.|
jnj equipment* for three reeimeuM of troop*. The oti
fornw are of the French /. >uive style, ai d cinsist of
eerreoata, jackets, thirls, trowsrrs, gdtcte, socking*,
ah,,®, and op*. Besides, there are singl! tents fore.cn
~..L knapsack*, kits, pau*. cup*, spades, shovels, and
crareShia^ prstaining to th* equipment of the French
uia'ual Bcaiur a»n ru* iuti-tuiil
MtrahsI Murray artired in this city !**t night, and lift
on hi* return this evening. Hg vide w*s to m^ke fur
ther provision fir the stoppsga of the African clave
tit le, aru be goes *o New York, armed with the fullest
power tons* men and means in the furtherance of thi*
purpose. His success ha* not only met the higher pr»i,e
of toe Government, but ha* received the commendation
of th* London .Vn*t, which states that be had done more
for the suppression of the slave-trade than both ua:ional
ax-ti hare doae for leu year*.
a ssantD* asp grstcHia.
A aarenade wa* given to-n'ght to Senator L»ne, o*
Kauaas, at Willard’s It furum.ied the occa-ion far two
•p-acbea, one from Oacn LoTijoy aud the other from
Mr Liua Bo'h apeakers look ground that rm tcc:pUioo
wa< ueoaaaa'V in cond icting the war to a -peedy and »uc
c >*tul termination, holding, that leivit g Slav, ry undia
,urxd **» only giving rtrvngth to the rebellion. They
werd loudly *ppl»tH*d. , . _
T i* band then preceded to th* re*ide>;ee of the Soore
re’ary of State, wo, on being called for, said that be
b-breed 'h- day bad turn d, and that in ten days we
* could have joyful new* A yeir ago a Union man dared
uot cot* r the speaker'-* bouse in Waahingtoo, except by
Um- basement door. TV day a traitor dare not ahow hi*
he id in Washington. Ia *noih«r year *11 wiJ b j settled.
The derjKwl feeling sod utmost excitement, nroftila
mg the Union member* of Congress frem Western
V.rmui* Kentucky and Missouri, ia yegard 10 the future
noliCf of the Administration. Tiie most p: om incut among
!Niu' aud thoaj who have labored ui>-t eurnca ly from
■be Degiuning ag*inst the Southern trb iliou, declare
that th* inaugur*' ion of the Abolition policy cf the war,
and a movement tacking to the arming of the slarce,
w io&untly throw the three S'sIbb osmed into the
Ri itharn Confederacy, and annihilate the great National
ariai-** in Kentucky and Missouri—Li feet. all Na’ional
o.-ganiattioo west of lb* AUegbxny Mountain*.
WassLiso. D c. i —The Sute Legislature met in thii
ri*r todxv, U Gov. P* Is y preeidlug iu the Senate, and
Diniel Froat, of Jackson COUD'y, iu the House.
The Gowrnor’a msmsge was rent In ttu* evening. It
U A foicibl* review of th* oouditiou of thin** to this
Htut. and advocate* strong tacaaims aga-na« lb* rebel
.-wttors in our midst. _
Oof K renter of Monorgaba’a county, r IT>rcd a resolu
tion providing for a stringent corBica-im law.
fuiuitt, Dec. A-ln the State Convention, Mr. Hog
j i-_ Rooue ooutitr, ot?wd lb* following!
Whare^Nagro aUwwry ia 'L* origin and foundation
,f aaueuai troubli and th* can** of th* larnW* **•
be 1 lion In our ml,to,, that to nocking to overthrow our
Government; end whereas ala eery. to luoorapatibto with
tho word of God, detrimental to the interests of a free
people, as well as wroog to the ritvra themselves ;
Iktrt/vr* rttolvtH, That this Convention Inquire into
tho expediency of making the proposed now Slate a Free
State, and that a provision ho inserted (or the gradual
emancipation of all slave, within the proposed bounda
r es pf the new State, to be rubmitted to the people of
the §• me for their approval or r jection.
U ferred to the Committee on Fundamental and Gen
era! Provisions.
Mr. Browu, of Kanawha, c flared the following:
Rooolood, That the State of Kanawha ought to aarnM
a just and equitable proportion of the State debt ot Vir
ginia, and, in doing so, discriminate between ito friends
and (oea by paying, first, the bonda held by her own
loyal citix ns, next, tbw-e bel 1 by loyal oitiaina bo; re
aident in the State ef Kanawha, and of the 11 jew, a pro
rata ahara.
Mr. Oaldweil. of Marshall, gave notioe that he should
ark tkat a provision be inserted in the Constitution to
the < ft.-ot that when the Constitution ia submitted to the
peep e they shall then determine whether the same shall
be Western Virginia or Kanawha.
§v-X rm an interest in Turn -i am now mxsu
fcMfcMg roost complete article for the* relief of the il k and
convenience of ihoss who none turn. that wu ever ioTented. It
It cmllrd the “Mechanical Kur»lag Swing,” tod wu Invented and
patented bv Dr. 8. D. Hopkinu, of iUunton, Vv The approval
of IhU Bed, or Swing, by nil who btvo teen it, especially by inch
men as Dr. Blribl.ng, of the Western « unaUc Asylum, Dr. Dnnbar,
of Bal Imor*, and Krofctsor Oampbell, of Waahlngton College, is
iwoof of iU great fupe lority. These gentlemen have all given
wrtuaa testimonials of ihelr estimate of Its value over any other
Improvement of the kind. I (^addition to these, the '*Mar>lan1
Mechanics' Institute ' prevented tkf inventor with a Gold Medal.
This “Bwing” combines every lequlflte for adding to the comfort
ofihestet. With It the patient ean be removed from one bed to
tu>'t.*:er, p'.x *ed over the Bill IMMil fit vated an l the feet t< w
ered to a sitting i oeUlon Indeed, I; e helpless can be placed in
any positi jn desirable, apd by giving the Owing a gentle motion
•to end fro tovslide can receive the most refrewhtr g exercise with
out an effort on their part All this can be done by a mere child
of tea cr twelve year*; doing more by thie wonderful Invention
ban the moot experienced nur»e can accomplish otherwise. 1 am
now A dog an order lor the Acting Sirgeon General of the Con
federate Mates of Ameiloa, and would Invite the public to call at
my store and satisfy themeelvee in regard to tbentlllty tnd value
ot this moot humane Invention. I am authorised by the Inventor
to contract for and make the Mechau'cal Nutsing Swing to order
1 w ad aleo Inform those In need of a supply .that 1 have a variety
of Camp Cole and v hairs, of the most convenient and Improved
style. B. C HOWf. Governor street and 12th. Richmond, V a. _
Dr. A. Y. P Q-aroett.
HATING removed Ms restdaucs (tern WaaMaitos, D. 0., to
Richmond, via hereafter pone* the practice of Ma proto*
■ton In this city nnd vicinity.
Ornoe—Main Street, over P. D. TaylorV-aaat dear to Mandr
A Baker’e Drea 8t^e. _malft—Sro
^PflCE uf IE. II. Jltl'H* A C«.
V-rgtnla Plata Mart. rr*i«ter*d. Vlrrinla Coupon Bondi; Ten
Iimee Coupon Bond.; North Carolina Coupon Bondi; Confederal,
Sta'et B.uda nnd reyblered Stock, (or tale at market rate*.
rPCWANTCD-Oold and Silver Cola. E. 11. MAURY A 00.,
under St. Charlek Hotel • ac14
\| ANUFACTURkRS r f, and Xy-n'i for-he sale of Tcbaccn,UP
AA gan, lc,No ?0J Main Sued, one K|uare above the Port
IBoe, nave -d han 1 the large* .took of manor tetared and Hmoktrg
T( hacco to bo found In the Souther., tounlry, and ared Uy reorie
nt addition, to their dork, wMrh they ofertaf kale eh Irene and
retail, tow for rath, aid r.ip.ctfu ! requed all etkbnyiopur
chaee to ell tnd eiti-ilne tor tataseivo,, nefore pu.ch elty ebc
>ur pr**t*iit stork bia? b« found the following brands, of &•*.
TwitU. Ac., in |»4t k wtlghicg from 10 to 1-0 lbs., doth duk irni
• Pikl« of VlrglulA," M Palmetto."
“ Kadori." '* Progreei,"
•• ufa^ea-'n,’’ M {hftrwitlm,"
»• Louis & Kellt," ** Dewberr?,"
“Colorado." **Gulden LbA*,**
•* April ot," M Our Own,"
•* Minn-fmonee,” ••Philo,"
• HI,Minder's PoUee," " Or**noko,"
•' CwLuuislador." '* Ptirl."
% M Pride of Bethel Ac., Ac.
noil Koothern Tobeceo Ptore.
44 IK. L. I. B.”
ANT somber of nod Recruit* will be reeeleei Into thU ,
Corps, permlaslon hieing been 'btalned to IncrtAM the S
time to A complete kAttAllou. The Bira* ire Attache J to the I*
Legion now In eerelce In Western Virginia, under the command 4
of Brigadier (ienerai Henry 4. Win.
The Blare are enUeled for the erU.Y* cotOlMkMOd o/ Or war
and no recruit wl.l be accepted for A Km period of eallttmsnL
Apply lo Captain Hammond Daran, eiw l^/wn OJU-t, oeei
P. H Taylor’* Mualc Here, No lob, Main afreet, between Mh anr
huh, Blchmon I, between the hour* of f * M and 6 PM.
None need apply but men of (cod character and roban
Honorary members of the Rlaee and hther friends thronghont th
country are renneeted to assist ea
Uniform* and other necessary clothing furnished.
anRO-dSctf Oaptan R. I. I. B
DR HfiWH HIVIBW I >r Oe-»o«**>r and Now
rsmlier, I SO I. — A. MOdKIb, hiring nude arrangement*
for th* sale of the abore sti.l nj work, so long and faeoralil)
known for lie high Wned cha-acter. ted as the exponent of Boutn
ern In’crextA, rexpectWIy xollcilx »r’icriplions for the samr.—
P,Ice |5 a year, io advene*, tingle number50 cUeaah. nollt
TIDE ■SI.Bt.-3tI lihd* N. U Sugar; SSbbllNo. 1 Cogee gu
r gar; 6*1 LL|a byrup; Crushed arl Powdered Huger; Rice.
Nail*. Sc.; 15*1 Old* pure Mountain Whisky; french Niandy end
trine*. J JHNHOK. YOUTHER a TIT, IH Pearl .few. ocX«
I1 Blackberry Brandy
Cocoa .
Trail Ruler
Cora (tareh
•euplx’s Teasl Powder, at
■ SADI S B ACER* Drag At era,
anl* lus Main ror ahoee f. O.
100,000 ff AT Of NISSANU> HEART LCMSSS.tw inter.
Consisting of the following:
A by 14 Inches, from 14 to W feet In length,
t " “ l« III “ **
IX “ “ 1* *0 •• “
Wevihsrbnsrd’ng from 16t" 20 feet In length,
Harden Ratio, 2 by 4,1G feet la length,
Inch B arde and .xtxa yioerlng Plank, for a»le fcy
Match #, Wntchr*’ five eaee* T Ugraph Matchee,
for rale by W. PATASbON S CO.. 155 Mala street. ntHO
YttNlLf KLO I’K.--Rowlands X X feiul'y fl nr, P.lmel
g to Mranu; a fresh supply, ground from Sestovsr Crop, White
Wheat, jam reeeleed and for sale by hKJ,DKN S MILL Ah, corn#
11th and Cary lire, u.__hcW)
MILL NTONKS.—Wchare for sale, a pair french Barr
■111Stone*, 4 feet, and a pair Eeopui Mll'-Hlones, 20 lccnee
,e4 No. HIS Main street,
~Z . i.ne__... as.*..* ItoM,
and Whitswash Brushes, for sale by
CNI'MIBD LOAPROntR, !■ aloro Oct. 93d.
25 bbla Loierlogi and N. Y. Hleam huger R -lining Company,
for sale hr «■ Wall.aCg AONR. corner Pearl sod Carr sta_
IUI' IIKCKIVKD, and lor salt at
MORRIS’ Bookstore,
250 gross flaying Cards; 500 do Cedar Pencil; 1000 di Her
Pens; 100-t do Pen Holders; 151 tlosen Port Monties, Bock Pu*«et
and Pock Hooks; 500 dntea Tuck snd PI In Mentor. Books, to
gether with a large ass. r.mont of Atauonery._o*2A
Guano AND FI. VNTK*.-Manipulated Guano;
Sombrero 'lutno; Elcc-ond Ground Plastet; for ills bj
GBRK.% AND I1LAI K TUAN; Dos old Marieiri
Wine, In bettles ; choice old Rye Wubky, and one cask clier
ry Sl jne Brand/, fot sale by A It K iORK. Agent. _PC 11
TINE; Rice in bag! and tierces; Spirits Tnrpentlon, In bbls
for^. c by inMOBD. DAVENPORT^ CO.
FIsOIJM.—tObble Extra Rleinat Tour; 500 bbls bnp'rBst
Ptonr, 100 bbls Superior family bluer, for sale by HUNT A
CIO4F -50 braes Castile Soap, now In Mors snd for rale by
W. PETIRSON A CO . l6b_Ma'n Mr-rct,_ocM
altHAUl.-irail il Sugars, rccelviny and for sa'e, at prices
15 from $20 to I no per tb .usual A. Y. ATOCNn A 0.1. ocW
I f U, I »' A K V Miser Ik It for sale at
[V| WWWT a jnmSATQW AnobsSnr.
and for sals by BU,niN A MILLIE,
nr fp (lor of 1Mb »n( WT
JW. RANDOLPH will publish In ten days—
• luixuciloua for OflUtaM ftod Hon*^o®BwOMl OfloWf w
CiTtlrj on Oat poit duty, by Ucut. OoL Voa Arcn'ychLdt, W-n
IIcM«ra, Oerraoa Lofftoc, vhh an abridgment of tbcin by
TJcui. Ool »ho Una. F Pokonby, lHh Ughi Drago^M. It will Jbt
rndlod poot-yiald for «Vtc.___
S PI rtKloby
%aJI1 tDM 'ND. T»AF«IIF<HT i OQ.
CflAINFAlGN WINY, !■ Mori Oct. 23d, 18*1.
lOobs.keU g.uuine imported Champagne wine, for sale by
Mu Wtt.LAOEeOSA, curler Pearl and Cary Sts._££**_
on A. SOOpoun-sSal Sods, and *6 k-ga bast »l Cark Soda,
net Ire J and for sale at MEaDE A BAS tE’h Drug Store, ISt
Hatin'reel, cursor shows P. O__ __"•!*
IILATEOKH *4 ILLS —We have Just rxsIreA an as
I snrt«*nt of Pulrbenk’i celebrated Plaiforu healer, weighing
300 200 1400, 100". 2000 and *500 lbs, tor sale by W. S. A 0. IM'N
IIAN, Iron front BoUdlng. floee-nor Street,_no*
A LOT ( b VERY PINE WHITEB OATH In Store and for sale, by
mss _ w. a. pleasant*.
OKFIIIA.—lOOt’sa. Sulpb. Morphia; 150 do fnlplt. Mat.
Mnif.’ju.t receir.d by_I J. P, DUVAL.
MIIITARV ATfEN'ElON —llte unirrsgnrS liars
oo held and are isanufa. -uring Brxss pretaed letters, Ctots
Bsbrsu, Cross cannons, At, f x Mints y Cap., and wtaU to call the
sitenHon of tho military to the fact.
Orders promptly elAend d to.
All 1-UeVof teoulry mutt cintaln stamp to pay return postagu
Kria Ji of ail ib \ d*lfn< »*•»« T^KWlikk kaymS'
d!* for m irking c Ouhlaff m4d« U «£d*r. Lbwla k K4Y TON,
Armnd OatUrs lith bctvHQ Mtlfl *^4ry kWodJ
addrtm by’nail, Lewis A Ktytro. Boa r.t\ Rtohunud, Vu.
Havanahe.iaeh,hmnand for ;by sslden a mjl
LIU. corner 14th and Cary itreem._oc*0
I oAHDINf N.e-41 cases or. boim Surdluw, Juot r*ooHsd
! S asdtorsAlsby ALVBY * UPBOoMA.
. •
Tea RiLtir Fcito.—We regret to learn that tbe fund
el the diepoael of tbe treesurer of the “Soldiers' Aid Ho
mely’’ has been exhausted 1 The privation wh'ch moat
neult from the cseeition of tbe relief heretofore affor
ded will be severely fell daring the inclement season, by
the families of our absent volunteer*. Tbe subject
should at once receive the earueet attention of th# phil
anthropic citiseas of Riehmoud. It will never do, after
hiving relieved tbe want* of the dependent mother*,
wives, or ohildreu of the Richmond volunteer*, during
the lummer month*, to abaudoa them to a pracariooa
•xiateoce, during the froeta and anowa of winter. If ia
•aid, on good authority, that the member* of tha City
0 mncll have expreaed a willingnest to cootribate tha
additional aum of $5,000 to the land, provided the Leg
islature will legaliio th* issue of sm^l cotea by tbe cor
poration. This aonoqpoemant ahotffd incite the repre
eentativae of the city,.in th* Legislature, to urge the
speedy passage of ac act to legal 11 said issue ; for un
less this be done, it now seems impossible to avert an
immense deal of suffering. We speak of what wa know
from actual observation when we assert that tha families
of some of the absent volunteers are In a deplorably
destitute condition. If the Alms House ereotsd by tbe
city, for the reception and care of the poor could be oc
cupied for those put-posts, many worthy, but humble
and dependent women would seek an asylum there, du
ring ths winter, but it cannot be rxptctad that they
wi'l apply for winter quarters in the sheds or barn* in
which the paupars are low lodged. We invoke every
ci'rxen who hat fire, twenty, or a hundred dollars to
•pare, to pay over a contribution to the “ Soldier's Aid
Fund " The Treasurer, Dr. Barucv, may be found at
'he Virginia Life Insurance Office—corner of Main and
11th streets, opposite American Hotel.
An “Amts or Honor."—The leading topic of atreet
talk, Saturday, was a reported duel between two ol the
sporting fraternity, Washington J. Worsham, of this
'c'ty. at d Jamei McCullough, late of New Orleans. We
learn that tha parties, accompanied by their seoonds
and a number of friends, repaired to Broad Bock
rtce course, Saturday morning, about 8 o'clock, and
exchanged shots with duelling pistols, ten paces apart
Both fell at tbe first fire, severely wopnded. Wortham
waa struck in the right aide, tha ball passing circuitously
to tbe left side, if Acting a mortal wound. McCullough
was wounded iu the upper part of the right thigh, the
bell passing near the femoral artery, and indicting other
1 juries of a painful character. The wr untied men were
both brought back to tbe city, and placed under aergi
cil treatment We lecrn that McCullcch challenged
Worsham, in consequence of some harsh imputations
against his honesty and fair-dealing iu a partnership mat
Mr Wcrsham diet] yesterc'av forenoon, about twelve
o'clock, at his residence, on tith' strut, between Clay
»r.d Leigh He leaves a wi'o and two small children —
Mr. Mc'J. is lying at his rotut, in tb* Columbian Hotel,
and hit friend! report that bs will probably recover.
Daovt.vxn—The body of Mr. Louis Sweitasr, was
found ufloat iu the Basin, yesterday morning, near ths
gu'gelcck. Mr. 8, w ts an I-rneli’s, well kuown in this
city, at tb* proprietor of a small dry goods store, which
be had kept for maPy years, in the vicinity of tbe First
vf&rket. He left home, on flatuithv morning, 30th uk.,
with the intention ol proceeding to Petersburg, to pur
chase gaciis, carrying with him $32t) mostly In small
■loies, winon i-i.m *u icunu in 11* pccacis, ycbierusy,
■ben the body wa* recovered. This fact, together with
the ahscns* of marks of violence on hla person, cotclu
dvely indicate that Mr. S , in repairing to the depyt, at
in earlv hour of the morning, walked accidentally into
'he basic, and drowned. Alderman Haney viewed the ho
ly yesterday, but as the circumstance showed that the de
ce sed had came to hit death by accident, ryairquestwas
hell. Cannot tho James River and Kauawhi Company
be required to enclose the basin, at those points where
oedeatria'is are txpoeed to the danger of meeting the
fate of Mr. Sweitxer *
TuiaTts —Th- patience or endurxnoe of the audiencA,
Saturday nigh', wa< taxed to the utmost, by the abomi
nable marncr in which the Brougham butlerqueof ‘To
ot-bon-taa" was presented. The burlesque, when ren
der' d by an rffleient cute, is pretty much ol a “hum
b ie,” destitute of point, and replete only with stale
jokn sod clownish non<ease. Those who have seen it
.bus rendered may judge of the lr.fl otion.wben the eba
•actors, with one or teo exceptions, are oblivious of
heir parts, and require constant prompting, as was the
case Hatni day night. The Theatre must necessarily fad
into disrepute with respectable people, unices the niana
g*M will restrain the vulgarity of some of hie company,
on the boards. We are disposed to aid him in the en
terprise he has u dertakeu, end to make allowance*
lor unavoidable dsfec’s and short-comiDgs, but we can
not raerihoe randor nor withhold censure when wt think
it is deserved.
RirsLiss Datvtsn—We hoar complaint* of the
ei-klcss and rapid driving or the negroes employed to
rive the transportation wagona of tho Quartermaster’*
Department in this city. They make their tearoe whirl
nrougb the streets at a rapid rate, and produce by their
emp'y wagois a din rqial to tho noiao of a hundred
rip-hammers The police should reineoatrate with the
iroper authorities against this dangerous nuiaauce, or
therwise, report the drivers to the Mayor.
Maroa's Cocav.—The proceedings ou Saturday, were
S-aroly worth noting. A man named Hammond was
arraigned ou the charge of receiving ten tiara of lead,
stolen from the Confederate Laboratory. The inveali
galion was continued until this mcraing. An Irishman
named Fitzgerald, wea charged with beating hi* wife,
iut it appeared that the gray mare woe the better home,
md so the prooeedinrs were d smisard.
ItOhqt'A fetCAN.1.-M' iown<ia Tun.|ia Means, beat
1_ qu ii iv i f Ati&Uftl nv an excellent -lulkiliui* for Llccr.rr, for
«xl •!> X. MOND, DAYK fFOllT I OO. _d»6
£j PROCLAMATION — Whercu, a vacancy ha* occurred In
*be Hoove of Deiegitr* of this *t%te, bv the rt-tifcnatloo of A. ML
(jTrlkk, E*q , the Delegate il-ct for the county of Jeffe’son:
therefore!. JOIN LKi'CUEft, Governor of th* Common waal.h of
vlrjnla, in exercbe of authority vetted tn the tsccuUre bylaw,
Jo hereby req'tire ill* hbrrlffof the said county of Jefferson In
cauee au election to be held lit that con ty, ou th« 17th DAY O'
JICmbXA Lett, for a Delegate All the vacancy af^retald.
i —) Given under my hand, a*t.o.«rnor, »n^ under the feat
' I U l al... nAiananwaalth wt i’lskm.-md daf ftf KlW
I j TunOtr, 1541, end In the year of tne Commonwealth the
By the Governor:
Onoaoi W. Mraroip,
Be ireUry of the Commonwealth,
ty The paper* at Chnrleetown to pnbllah until the da/ of elec*
By tiik uovbhnou op viuuinia.-a
rROCLA Mat,OH—Wboreu, a va-ancy hoe occurred. Iw
he repreuecta'lon of this Commonwealth, In the General turn
V y, by the resignation of Jauas G. Paxruk, the Senator lor the
Jiatrlct composed rf the countlet of Lath, Highland and Rock
orldge; therefore, I, John Letdber, Qovern-r of the Common
wealth cf Virginia, do hereby require the Sheriff! of the tald ocun
tie# to hold elojUoni In their respective eountlee, on the ISA day
of December nixt, for a Senator to fill the vacancy aforeeald.
!—*— 1 Given under my hand aa Governor, ana under the leel
L S. vSeal of the OommonwealthRt 81 Amend, thla ISA day of
-V- \ November, A. D., lot:, nod In the Mth year of the Com
By the Governor:
(laoaaa W. Mini roan,
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Lexington paper* copy_noil—td
THK PoiiMnllt Annual Hertlmm al Ihe
dteckboldrrflTthe Uehraond and Danville Railroad will bu
held In thU city oo WuDnaaiuv, 11th December next.
nol8—td TtlOi W. BAOORJNBSOCGH, Seet’y
man or raoxv.
Know All Mei by theae Presemis, That the
uoierUlgued do hereby eonetltole and appoint Attorney
for and In name, to vote on all qnaetlona that
may be brought before the meeting of the atodkholderu of the Rlch
noad and Danville Railroad Company, to be held at no
the day of or at any adjourned meeting
thereof, hereby rattf/l g all tha act* of aatd attorney In the
•reulaei, aa fully aa U were present and voting In pereoa.
In lattimnny whereof, hove hereunto afftied hand
hladay ofno18—td
Vtacuu aun Tax-vustk Rittnoan Oo., }
Lynchburg, V n , Oct fit, 18*1. )
■AA SL.IVES WANTED -The Virginia and Teanae
')*‘U tee Railroad Company wlah to btre, lor the enaul g
rear to work on the reptlra of their road, and In their (hope, the
following described slaves, via:
4'0 Lab rer*
SO Train Honda
So Orrpentere
SO ElacgsoMtha and Strikers.
Binds payable quarterly will be given fbr their hire.
ocfitV—SraU H- flll.L, OenT Sept.
WHITE’* _ „
For isle by the luhecrlber, at
Furniture Store, Governor Street, Richmond.
Aleo, Feme Pnrulalilnga In general.
UnfiS-tf_ __O W WHITS A OO.
G" INGIR.-10 brae* ground Ginger, fur sale by W PBTBbBON
A CO .DruggrU. . b€»
TAM YARD FOR BALK OR LE»S«.—The undersigned has a
Tannery which he wlah re to loll •> lease for n term sf yean.
The Bark 4ads, shrp building and Bark M1U are la a pretty good
ris e of repair lbs Vau. ic , will require a good deal of repair
hi* yard la alteated near tne town of Buehannon, Botetourt Oo ,
Virginia, lmmtdla ely on the Ueldam road, and within 190 ytrda
jfthe James liver; hat a ronitabt and ample tupplyof >prln(
water, which never frecaea In tha co dest weather. Mark can ha
had In abandonee For further Informa'lon apply to the luhac-tl
b r, at Btehaaxoa, Boletoui t ocunty, Va., eg to »m W. Boyd,
Virginia OonveuUoa, Rich rood
Address A. k Boyi, FaUon burg, BetetaaH oouatv Ye.
aal5—1m ABDR1W k »0YD.
Naihvilli, Deo. 7.—A few day* «fo Colonel Fotr**»,
with 800 of hi* Ranger*, eUrted from Piketon, Ry.; on
an expedition to Osco river. He first vieited Ashbyi
burg, on Green river, where it>ae reported there wa* a
large foree of Yankee*, but they found none. They then
went to Hendereon on the 28 th, bat tb* enemy were found
flying on tbeir approach. They returned to Princeton on
tb* ir.h. A deuckm-nt of Yanke* troop* vieited
OaebvilU, in Union county, on the 30.h, and Hole about
100 boge end heave*. It hu fine* b**n ascertained
that the hogs and hasves belonged to a Union man.
Surgeon Van Wick, of Forrest’* regiment, wa* (hot
and killed by a Lincolait* by tb* name of But, in
Henderson county, Ky., on *h* 30ih. Best ws* ar
rested but eecapcd. Dr. V "ok wu from Hunts
ville. •
Msunns, Deo. 6 —On Wedneeday afternoon a Fed.
ertl steamer brought to Columbus, under* Htg of truce,
100 Southerners from Camp Jackson, Mo. The prisoners
with their arms and equipments were given up, beesue*
Gen. Jacks3n let off the Federal prisoners. Ou Thurs
day the gunboaU Peik and Jicksoa made another de
monstration. Capt. Holt peppered the Federal* and ran
them cut of their tints. Tb* extent of the damage is
J«ff. Thompson is fortifying at New Madrid. He feels
□o apprehension of disturbance.
Gen. Polk hu entirely recovered, and bu assumed
command at Columbus. *
It is rumored at Columbus that there will probably be
an attack ou Paducah.
AcorsTA, Dec. 8.—The Savannah Morning News of
yesterday learns that Picayune Butler hu arrived at
Port Roval.
The 2ith Mississippi Regiment arrived at the coast on
The Charleston Courier of yesterday morning put.
li'hee Havana da'ee to the 24 ’.h of November. The caf
tan and mail agent of the Trent hid cutered tbeir pro
test against the seizure o( Matou, Slidell, Eusti* end
McFarUnd before the proper authorities at St. Thomas,
and sent a special messenger on the steamer La Platts
to report the Mason and Slidell affair to the home gov
partner bu jutl retained home, a fr w <la jr* ago. fr. m
y«w Orleans and other Southern cities, alter# he h\a ma**e large
purchases cl R »u,hbo*s, Trunks, Vaises ami Oarpei Rag*, with h
w j purchased at lowest cuh price, to which we most respretfulty
call the attention of genth men to call and examine t ur stork, as
the7 will see lamelhlng better than was ev«r In the city before.
ALkX. HIL . A CO .
de8 Wo 127 Main Flrert, Richmond. Va.
VERY valuable \ r.v. U Deelllog and vacant Let, on IM, i •
tweeu Broad and Marsh ill Streets for sale At the request
of Mr. John Jones, we t Ifor for sale i Is vers dee'rabe Kesl ience,
locals.! as above. The L>lhas a f out of TTjtf feet, and the u*uai
depth of 1*0fret to a wide a ley. The Dwelling It very large, hav
ing, betides the basement, eight roar s, beah'ts bath rooms, water
clo*ct t Ac. The rooms are not only large, but remarkably well j
ventllUted. Tee rear view Isa dnI ».l«ac!nr one, c-.maandlng, j
~ .k.L...»eri nf l.m..BI*u A itinlmlwiu ilia Am tttnu I
on the 9 ju’Ji, there ta a Lit, froi.t ng about .91 feet, tanning beet
Iso reel, and har.ng the eoosesvanse' brle.k t.o'se end a large ita*
tie. The locatl u of thla property la eery desirable: being In a
retired and g meel neghbubood, and yet allhin (Ire minutes
walk of the osuai bull .an part of the city. F >r tenns Ac .apply to
dcfi-6i _ GODD1N A APFAdbOK.
TANNER’S OIL.—Ik Barrels Prime Tanner'a OU In .tore,
and for sale, by A. T. SrOKKS A CO
deft—iwOorner IB h and Cary Du.
Rieesusn, Ta , Dec, (, 19(1. f
Forlhe rrl’ef of the Mercantile c<*meoHy, we propose tl'l Imr
Iher notice, lo redeem the notee of the Bank of Philippi, In banka
ble currency, at par, at our couuMr. . MM
deft-Iw_WM, B I9AA09 A 00. _
INDIGO, INDIGO.—A supply of superior Indigo, stw In
store aad for sale by W. PCTUUON A CO., 158 Main street.
NOTICE.—I. Persona who are sanding clothing and suppUsS
to trr.o ■ In the Held, arc requested to mark distinctly on tht
package, with marking Ink, the ruims n/ tht parly /or ,M/»s <«•
tender/, tht Hryimtnt lo which he belongs an i the p ace of duU
nation, care of the Quartermaster, at Richmond, to whom the
osoal railroad raoelpt should bs forwarded by the ehlpper.
Tl. Many naebagee ernes at the Drpola of the Aallroade In
Richmond, with paper mark, rabbed off. Of eourae their dcetlna
lion cannot be known by the QuartermaaUr; others are Imperfect
ly marked, aad cannot be Identified.
III. All articles deposited at Ute Qaartermaster’s Office In Rich
mond, for shipment, mint be left there before I o’clock, P. M., to
Ineare their shipment on that day.
aetl Oapt. aad Acts. Q. M.
NAILS, turn M,s Walts stigSstly damaged, fce sale by X A.
X PABNsV, cor. Broad slid *sh street#._not*_
WX ALRX4MPET BILL A 00 .has e laeued aotaa to the am on n I
oflPtssn thousand dollars, In twenty-Hre soil n ly ce t bills,
feronrowo accommodation and for that of the public; sort I,
Aleaander Hill, have made a deed, J-awn up by one of the first
leasers In the city, and records! In the Buslines Court, of tro| er
ly without ln;unihrnace, d-.ulile the amoant of notes of oar saeur
lor the'r rrdemp.loa, as specified, upen presentation.
I hasp also made one of our leading met chants my trustee to tee
that the provleione o’ the deed are eiecuted,
V 9.—1 dr 'his In pr. frreoce to pay log 1.1 or 90 per cent, for spe
cie, which would have to be added to the c it of my stock, the pri
ces b. log sufficiently high already, my customers thereby ease
this amount.
deft AI.RX HIM,
1JURSCANT lo an ordinance passed 11th JAnnery, 1986,1 will
attend at the Celleetor’e Office, In the Olfy Hall, from the
16th to the 81st of December, Inclusive, to receive the remaining
half cf takes from such persons as are entitled lo a deduction of
W per cent, bv having previously paid tba first half In June last,
lo aoeordance with said ordinance.
N. B.— It wl'l he seen from the shove that the Collector la re
quired to attend at the office from the lids to :11st of tht month,
lo rscelve taxes remaining due from Jon. last. Befors the Janu
ary 'erm ef the Hustings Court, he It required by ordinance t.i ad
vertise Ae irquent real estate to he,old for non payment of team.
Peieone who hare not dose so, will tea the necemity of calling
end paying their tasee as H wilt be laepoaelblt for the Oellector
to oall on them before he advertleee.
no3P—1 inJ. A. H., 0. C. R.
WI have Jait received a Urge stock of Tobacco and Began of
every d.terlpUon and quality.
Champaign Winn In qt. and pH., of approved branda.
AIm. Boot* and ahoes Ac., all of which la offered for aale at law
price* CHAS. BAVNK A CO.,
no9j _Under Spotawood Hotel.
Mtataau Joaouoc, June 86th, 1S«1. f
Hmmarml Order# I
N». ST. f . ,
On and after the SOth lnilut, so per eon whalaoever, with er
efthoat peoaport, except from the War Department, will be par
slued to enur the line# oooupled by the Amy of the Poto-sae,
eHh latenaon to paee Uieace or thereafter tale the United Staler,
>r tha Baaa #f th* eaamr.
Sv order of Brig. Sen. Butruoano,
mI _A. A. AdJ't. General.
WHS. Dentin, off >r for e»:e the following dealrable goods
, Juet received, 460 dot 1 able Oailery, low priced; SI dot
lot Ivory Tahla and Deaert Knlrea, only, 3 do* flue Ivory Table
Me la; 100 pair* Oarring Knlrea and Porta; 300 dat pocket Knlvee,
Mwrlrd paUern*; 80 dri Bulcher’i 0. S. Taper dice; 18 do* Plat
latlard fllea, 11,18 and ld> Inchra; Sldo* MM Saw die*. 10 to14
achat; 100 kL U D Pareaaalon Cape; 80 do Walker’* Snjll.h do do;
MW gro. Wood Screw*, aaa'd; 280 pro Shovel and Tongs “*d. *oc
tetta Cart and Wagon box#*; 4 dot Nipple Wrench**; 80 doaen
Painted BackeU; 600 Pick and Handle*.11 °9
rrulB andrrilgned offer for eule, by package or otherwlee, a 8n*
Jl aaaortmriit of Cigar* mmdl NniilhrWrad To>
Macro, of »h* moat approved brand*.
We are the tola Affanta for aeveral of the Iargaat Manufaetnrtr.
In tha Stale of Virginia, and are thla dav reoMetng a general an
wrtmudo* all kind. ofTokaceo, ranging from 14 to 76 cent*
v Trims Under gprvlawood Hotel, Wchmond, V*.
p. |_gpeclil Attention psld to order* from fatten end Her*
chant* who are torplving the army._anSO—<Hn
WnAON'SDANDIUOS COPPER.—Thla la a dalleloo. a* well
aa an economical berm-age, and le aalJto be equal to U#
beat Java. Vvrul* by W. PlrfKR*ON A OP.. Prngglat*._d«6
Iron Forging of all Kinds
WE ere now prepared lo wake to order, la large qaaaUUea, tb*
following *ridea,to wit:
» r ed gat-carrel* (unBclahed)
Spadre end rhovele (tike 0, Amu)
Piets Dr.ll and Oio»-btr»
Who t »od cer axlta
Anchors Cratke an 1 Shaft*
Bledgea, Hammer* and Plow-Bharaa
• hthsTiaeu and Blnga
Urats *plk<* Bol'a. Non and Waahara
All, s (h:»rl>, KnlVit and Hoea
Per dr Moulds
And aver/ dmcripJoa of Iron and Steel A „0
d.8-?f; _Mnahvnic, Teois_
Bum MU LI’BTBK and Stove So lab, or Bale by
If BADE A BaBBB'A Drug Store. 188 Main Street. cor. abov*
°ijii.—oid c^,“'iSh,MA £n
and ter aale by IELD1N A MILLER, oee^r
all* for sale! ~
»AA D02M iXM, of VlrtlnU ninufacterf, ont-hjlf of
far Ml* la qaasthlu * mH ,-rdwjms
I|4* fT4S» D«B, Hev«m,» ■**«,
Lmii inn Mmuoa.J. U. HVWITV
Thla evening BcctMker Bib.
Second week of
Joliet. . .MlasMa Vecncn
Orertnre, (Tnncrodi).Orcheotrn
High]and Fling.Ik Fortlngton
, And
PVI-l programme.
AQOVERNEM In n qalet Interior Tiling*, In Mlosteelppl, bp n
gentles, nn with three children, aged #, T and 5 genre. Only
moderate wages ean be paid—bat the ladp wl I be treated aa one
of the fnmllp.
Reference!required. Addre.i, MANFRED,
dt8-lw* _Richmond, To.
THE Spring SeAlon of thli InitltaUcn will begin the t!h of Jan
aarp next.
Board can be had at |10 per month, at tht Boarding Hall, or
at $U per month, In private famLiea
Tboie r xperllog to alien 1 aie requested to notify the undersign
ed Immediate Ip. Ou-othercharge! are:
Tu tlon, fjr 6 ao'ilti!.|15 to SB 00
Pool and charge for Janltur.;...AS0
Contingent Fee.5 00
K~i II payable In advance.
er Information ean be had bp addressing.
R. X. WILEY, Prea’t,
noil—1!5 Peb Rmocy f. O .Ta.
Tub XKHriNHN op minn m. a. allkvs
At her residence, on lit Street, between Clap and Marshal]!
npHIB lnitltotloD will be opened again on the 1>I day #f Oeto
X ber, 1861, for the recei*ion bath of Boarders and Day Bohol
art. F.r particular*, apply to
QcARm«AJT*a On'* DcPAarusav. V
Richhoii», Not. 1861* |
CIRCULAR.—1The following udOltlonal lniUwcJoaa, in
reference to Impreaaaoaie of private proparty far mlllury
purpose*, are Uaucd for the Information and guidance of officers
and agrnta of this Department
1 an officer appointing agent* to make Impreeament* will, la ah
caaea, furnish to vuch agent* written evidence of tbilr authority
to act; and agents, wheuever required by parties Interfiled, wf* I
exhibit thi order* or anthoilty unier wMch they are *ctlag.
2. Agent* who msk^ Impressment* will. In all caaea, give to the
owner of U.e propert^n.p.*e**«si,or hla agent, a ceitlflcsl* statin?
the character and value thereof; aod the w.ll, mo -rover, re urn
to the office of this Departmtat, from whom they derive Pair au
thurity, a statement of all property Impreaaed by them, with the
name of the owoers Anabitracl of three iluiemeute will be f. r
warded to this office by Die <flicer to whom ih<*y arc returned.
8 Impre amenta muit not be reported »o eicept when absn'ute
ly demanded by the pub.lr neccaalUea, and their but den moil br
apportioned among the community, ao far aa m*y be poealble,
l>«(ually aaJ Impartially, hating due regard to llie mean* and
Ability ot owner* of property.
4 Ahfi t«-**s nd other property. Including flave teamster,
are Impressed Into Die service of the Confederal* >*U!«e, the own
ers thereof may be r>mpen*Aled by officer* tf the Quartermaiter'i
Department, a,the usual rate* of hire
ft. When Die owner* of any property Impressed Into ths public
sei vVe, slave* excepted, are w'.UIry to relinquish tie same t) tht
Government, the officers of the Quartermaster's Department may
pay the fair appra ted vtlue ther»of. aod take up the prore.ty lo
thtlr returos, to be accouo ed for aa o her public property.
6. Whropnvate prop:rty baa been duly Impressed by order of
ih« commanding officer, a .d I- shall appear by satisfactory evl
leuce to have been •amended lo t*e public sertlc.*, officer* tf the
Quartermaster's Department may pay the fair appraised value
thereof, al-hougi tbs property may not have been regularly re
eeived and Issued by any Quartermaster.
d o - Cl Acting Quartermaster General.
INDIA OHOLATOYMB — Thla u..fa',log rentdy for Peter and
Ague, and ether billion* diaeaa*', may be had at the Drug
dtore of W. PiTEBSON A 00,1M Main atrut._dtS_
WINDOW OLAFS AND POTTY— Alarge tupply of window
Hiatt and Putty, naw on hind and for *al* by W. P AT*R
AON A 00 , If 6 Ma n elr.et.dcS
BI'HNIM; FE.I1D.-A ruperlor article of Boralng Pluld
now on hand, and for aale by W. PAY LKSON A 00., Drug
gieta. drS
/"lOX'S SPABELING GELATINE, and rooper'* rrfloed ahred
\J lalngla**, f r Blanc Manrr and table jilllci, for Mle by W.
PKrraSON A CO ,1th Miln*trect.__deS^
SAFETY FINE In itore and for *ale by CL A ARSON A|C I
No. lOd Main ilreet.oeld
RYE AND WINTER OATS.-In itore a ruperlor lot
of ilye and ' Inter Oaia, for aeed. Thoaa wanting a anperlor
article haJ better call loon. GkORGE WaTP A 00. **1S
T We offer for sale, on reaaonable term*, Bodgin' (Tory Ubit
Knirea only and In let* SI piece* ; Wo*tenholm'* Sne uocke
Koine, a groat rirlety ; Woateuh jlm'i and lodger*' Sue kaanr
and Hclmor*; Kodgere' flue Ifory Carrera and table Btcelf. P Y
MOORE A CO , 141 Main e»r»ct.__ ocll
fVTOILET NIlAP In great rarlety, embracing Brown Win. ■
X *or, PonJne, MllleBier, Omnlhu* and Honey Soap*, for talt
by W. PETERSON A OH . 1SS Main rtreet._ _oc80
MANUFACTURED at Bnowflllt, Pulaakl county, Virginia, no*
opening, on Cary atreet, oc* door abate the Bank of Rich
mend. Shall recelfe from our Manufactory weekly eupplle* lott
ed to th* winter trad*. WR R. BULLARD k 00.
Raomi for Re at t, on Oary Street, arer new Shot Store o'
We. r,. Bru-aeu A Co. Apply at their (tor*, 1*1 door abort Bank
of Richmond. nolB—Sw*
X 15Oarpentert a « wanted to lo-door work, forth* winter.—
klao »or 10 good llnlahera Apply Immediately of
d..Y—St* Pagle Machine Workf.
. PHI A fD ACCEPTED MASONS, of Virginia, wtU /A
hold their Annual Ccmamnlcallon, at the Ma*eu' Hall, \ if
Intel* rtf Ik HtBdBY Slflil l—l kl I o'clock,*. /▼ '
a. By order of the u. w u»«.
deS—id _. JOHN D3VE.0. Sott’e.
TANNER*’ OIL.—10 bbl* for Ml* to arrlf.
NOTICP.—Th* Ordnance Department of th* Confederate
Smtee of America will pay for ad SALTPETRE dtUyered a'
Richmond. Va , In foie lit July, lb«i at th* rate of 40 real* per
pound, either on cutting contract* with th* Department or other
wile. J GORGES, U. Col met,
del—Ot Chief of Ordnance.
EVOli KALY.—Juet recelfed and for tale, 100) ,ba Beeawai:
ISO In, Country Soap. S hole* Starch, 1 box Brown Soap. 69
bbl* Tyro Extra flour. HURTS JAMES_ded
FLAXSEED, Pealberi, Hoae Made SOAP,
a lot of Country Jean*," and acvcral boia* Far. in ator* eon
tlgned for tale JOiNSON, YOUNG*d a OTIT,
no?0 18th Pearl St. eel
Y17ANTBD.— A work on Court Martial Any prnoo haring
if iMsfi m. wnrlf fnr ia's pin nktsln x vsrv !la#rxl nHe# tar th
lame, by applying lo JAMES MCDONALD, Esq., at the bh'fOl
flee. _oe»8
has Juit opened a lot of new Music, pnbllthed at the South -
Dials War Song, elan of Onr Banner, Confederate Grand March,
Southern Marseillaise, Bonnie Bine Slag, Our Ilret President'*
Quickstep. Beauregard Manassas Quickstep, Ac_ocH
Uetous beverage, and a sorerr'gn remedy for Dyspepsia.
Bilious affectlona, alt •Uaeaaaa o! the Liver, aad Irritable eoudnloi
of the stomach and bowela. for sale by W. PETBSSUN A CO.,
Draggleta, in* Main stress._•_aaff*
WINES.—I have still In store very flee Sherries and Made!
ras, most of them b ugbt from three to live years ego; very
superior Port, b if led In Oporto. Also, n fsw casks of old Brar
ties and several cases of very rars Hook Wines, and Chat. Youem,
all of which I offer at reasonable prices. 0. CRA.hZ, No. 9 Ex*
change Block._««1>
CAUTION.—Ni one is authorised to collect Virginia arm
In this dtp, or elsewhere In this State, tales* they show writ
en authority from me.
This notice Is not of coorse to Interiors with the anthority of th
AdjuUnt General of the State, In any order he my hart Issued or
may liaue hereafter upon thla subject, bat la glean to prevent Im
positions by those having oo anthority and who make no retarni
to this office. . a DIN MOCK,
ocl« -teCol, of Ordnance of Tlrglnla.
WINE.—so boxes Claret Wine; 4 quarter casks pals ffhfTTj
Wise, of flne quality, ter tale by
O COMPANY— Persons desirous cf promctlrg this J|Rb
branch of onr National Defence against our enemies, can yet Bn,
tfew shares or the Stock to subscribe for, attheoSce No. 14 Pear
ttreot, flret floor, where all Information ean be had.
Shares $190; each In A No. I Whip. __IfN -tf
ENVBLOPKN AND PAPER.-*>0,000 Envelopes
'MO Reams Rnled Paper, just received by A. MORRIS, (7
Main Ht-ret,w*1
Cigars, from New Orleans and Ohatlcelon; the lines: brands
of Oheeln* nod Smoking Tobacco, for sals, wholesale and retail
by MCADk A BAKER, DruggVt, 1»4 Mtln Street, comer above
PAINT.—Metallic firs Prof Paint, Roof Oil and colors cf
every ileectfpOon, for sale by
Da; ’ _WM. BaTTf.RR A 00,,
A f\ BBLB Portland SYRDP
1U|0 bbU. prime N. 0. MOLARS IB—In store and for tale by
,,,10 " flOevath street.
WANTED Immediately, s SCLSTITCTI for the army, for whiel
a liberal compensation will be given. Addreea Bow cock A
Brown. 19th street, south of Cary. _od-dlf
SUDURIBN - Cop er Wire, German Matthes, Oclloa fkv
Lloeo, Wool Cardt, Wood ftlrrape, Hand Saw filet, Dots*
uupt, Brau Spurs, Wood Siwa, Pocks, kn'v**, Pott Bltts, W. x
Matobee, Knives and Porks, Retire, Hhavlrg Boxes, Iron Spoons
Kssor 3 rope Shavtng Broshes, Candle Sticks. In store and for
sate ky CLAHKeON A 00 ■ No lOfl Mtln it-eat_noth
^SUBSTITUTE WANTED.-The advertiser who It
R compelled to rctlro, temporarily, frets strvlce. on account ol
impatieu he*ltl', wishes to engage a subsUtute for ih* term ol
four months, to erne la a Cevaliy Company. Clothing, equip
menu, tie., lurnkbed. lor further perlltulara Inquire st thlsol
flee. _ _noli— tf
SCHNAPPS.—W d men Wolf ** colsbmtM e.vux..n ttfhnsnpa
far sale by w PETEEAOM A OO., DraggljSa._m*
PUNCH BRANDY -A pure article, tor ask by w. SATES
AON A 00., Premiss*.___» ocl*
Books ano iriT-niHr.-j w
by recent purebaaee, ha* reads large eJANitml to hbMr*
Books and Btatlonery._____
8 HORS.—We ha vs to-day reoelvod by Skpxto*
s^sr-wsJwcMstaw ^jydt^SiSS
•» » •’«*•“. “-.the full,.to, real pr.pcvty, to . ,■ ”—*M
lit Th, store and premium occup ,j i,. j,aM g,-*.,
V* fc»h «de of franklin Ptre.t, neit SJUT aljaZSC
Shockoa floating kljf fact, and running back M fact Tka
alia alien of thla property la oaa o' the treat In the dly for t ualaaaa
parpoaea, aaa auch aa always to command tka beat taaanu and
good rani
IX Voar knUdlng Ida on tka Worth 111 of Clay a treat at 111
Inte-eeetlon with 14th atreet, footing aboat U fast eaah ruanlma .
back 10« tat, and near the acv leotaicat af Mr. e ads tad
ill Two lota at thaeoraarof Marahali Street, aad Jail Alley
adjoining tbe realdeare of Mrs. EUaa A. OhraUiaai, fronting lo
gatbar 411a fact, being neonreolent list I r two tea-are ate
Tune Ooa-fourth cash; balance at 4, a and 11 months, for
negotiate! enotoi a lib lotcriat added, and aa.ared by a treat dead.
Purchasers to pay tho War Tax.
dot-tda tIODDIN S APPtUlOH, Aocta.
BY virtue of A Decretal Crier of the Confederate States District
Ooort, at the Wove nber Term, 1SS1, Judge John W. Brock
culo.'ODg'i prerill'g, I will proemd to aell, ca Naturalsty, Was.
14:h, laal. at pnbllr taction, at tho BaUroad Depot, In. Wlocbca
ter, Va, roa cash, the following, to wit:
* 14 Hogshead* and three bhD Lra/ Totacco
g Boxes of Mar nfaetured Tobacco
1 Ba o of Deer Sk ua and Pur, and
IS Bales of Hcg Hair, Ucaly prepared for tha U phots
ter’t ue, . a
I will tell, ala,, at tha tan:a time and place
7 new Three* log Machines, with Boise Power attachments,
and a quantity Castings and i it raj belonging to lb* same,
rwiali to begin at 10 o'clock, a a , end ter as dak.
Brcrirer O 1.1.
Inquirer copy.nolt—td
WILL be Mid At public tuctloa. CD THURSDAY, th# 1C Isti.,
Yf the propery Ute'y helcotfiog Ij the New loci cod Rich
mond Cool x ompA /, At the Sprlngii Id And Bt«p Ran toil Pit#,
la the county of Hearten, About twelve mil«# above tichmood, Ail
the p rionsJ jr pert/, oa »Aid | r.raises, consisting cf (tree hUcm
p.nglne*, from 15 to bo M-po»«r; Uo or fifteen tons of T And
fist R*i rood lr«o, A .ot uf cos I pH tool, for mining. eosl €•?•#,
K* mt bAlAoers, coAl scaIs, w sd Urrows, a ot or tersptren,
pips, he., farming utensils, And household fuiwHws. ••*
Trras e«sh. HENRY L BROOKE,
dids Receiver District No.
ktracl at Auegton. We wlti se'l, on WEDMBRAV,
I, lb lust., commeictog at 4 o'clock, P. M , that valuable real ee
Ute with a Cotug, building thereon, adjoining tbe African
Churca. The lot fma'a ou triad Street Oi feet, aad rue back
lib feet, to an 11 y, and will be If desired divided Into two lot* of
0 feet each the lOcaUen ,-f thla property renders It vary vahu
ble fc r | r.vatc realdeocea
Ismum -One-fourth rash, tha balance at S. 11 and 1, montha. tor
aig tl b’e nous, with Int-reit added and teemed by a treat deed.
7he War Tax to be paid I y the pcrchaatia
d«6 -Id J.t uKS H. Tl V 1.02 A ION, Aur a.
aL da ce.ln tbe town of rtdney, about three fourths of a mils o
it eet of tbe city ol A rhmond, at Auction —We etll eell, uocn the
prenla a cn MONDAY, the 16th day ofDe-cmbcr. commerdrgna
12 o'clock, V the emit d urable a rhu'bu residence, located In
rhe town of kidney, a,d nearly ad j lining lire residence of L IL
Dance, »ar,containing 111* a-r ao. lint I] a hlsh Mat* of eta',
tlratlon. It haa on It a IWiuUJol three-store framed house, with
eight rooms, kitchen, barns it. lire, carriage horeea, Sc., all In ex
oerl* nt order, and a wc I of excellent water In the yard; alio, a
I rife aitottmebt of fruit treee, vineyard, and a square wt.l act Is
sop* rag ue
Tt,le atle presents a rare opportunity to say one who dralroa a
-e Ireland qj et horns, with ti-irv all the adranugea ofUe olty,
Peases, loti can be bad Irnmr lit%,
Tuu On. luurth caah; the ia a.ee al >’•, 11 aad 1$ montlia, for
ncgollaUe note*, with lotereet ad.ed, and Be ared by a treat
ded—id_JAI. M. TAVLOB A SON, AncU.
• a Mayo, meur to Hou Mr< *(, for sale at
l ■(ilOBi-Al the re«i«<it of aaml. Brinain, w« shall toll al
mb lie *uc Ir-n, so ih« premUea, on TH0B8DAY, Iho ISA D*c«n
her, 156*, Al 4 o’c oc«, P. M , the very beauU ul u ntmeni, located
mi above, now owned aad occupied by him. The lot has a Irool
of*8 feel, and a depth of li* tool l> aa a.ley. Th* dwaUlag baa
ten roo 11. aod the kitchen ha* four rooms* Tho premlaoa are
icppllad olih fit and water, aad thioughout art In In* moat con -
Diet* order All kte build ngs rav« been erecUl within the last
flea or tiz year* Altogether this la a moil deair able residence.
TsfcUs-One fifth rash; balance at 4, 8. It and 16 months, for
nrgot a* le notes, later it added, secartd by a trust deed.
The war Uz t > be paid by the purchtser.
Pcsaessloo given by the 1st January Best, or perbapa aoonar.
dc5-td_(fODPIN A APPKEION, Aacta.
A. roaili, on iiaa Virginia « antral Hall rout
IT Miles froiii Ihw < lly of Hlrlinaond, roulala*
Inc from 1 004) to 1.300 Acres, together with
a I me Perishable rroperty'f hereon, Consist*
ag of a Large Varl> ty.—At the '*<!««•» of .Uiusst. Sw
um. *r , tsq., we vhvll tell, at ptbOa suction, enth* premises, on
iVk.DNt.tDAV, the lata iloy of December, 1->6X, st It o’cloeh, A.
C , If fair, I not, the Ant fair dty thereafter, th* largo sad raua
ile farm located at short, railed 'Konst HeusunV os which Mr
wtion hat long rrslded. Th* trset contains from 1,000 to l.tud
seres, of which tbrul 400 sere* are In weds, and th* remainder
open land on s potllon ol wh ch ICO bushels of wheat hare been
• reded. The hsIMInyson the place are smile forth* aecommo
ItUon of s large family A plat sod surv-y of the land will he
nade la t>se for th* sal* and the same will b* asb divided Into
, wok smaller traela sc nsy bo deemed nwt Judict of. Is u/ds
•don Id the usual baliotngs, there Is a Grist Mill attach Ml to the
.dice. Ma i In pen abundance Is on the land, ao that Helm
»roreel, nt Is readily at hand. 1 h# place Is very healthy, and tha
neighborhood eicollent. The Virginia Cent, al Railroad run*
•hruugh the estate, and the depot al Hanover Ooort House U oue
wile distant.
alter the sal* of th* laid, all the personal aad perishable re
nte, (rir-pt Waves.) will be .old. Among Ih* personal property
•her* is-boat 1,000 barrels Corn, *0,UnO rounds F-dder, 80 head
if Cattle, TO Slurp 11 Mules, S Horses, Ji Hop, together with all
'.he Parming implements. Honeehcld Furniture, Ac Mr. Intlon,
residing on th* estate, will take pleasure In showieg It to b'dders.
raking Into consideration the hei.tklnras of the place. Its convea
enceto market, It offers pecodar advantages to persona rcaldlsg
In Richmcnd to possets themislvas of a farm (wl.hln SB* hoar's
ride bp rsl.rosd ) share they can spend thersummees with their
Ttaait-for lbs land one-foarth cash, balance at 1, J, and (
rest*, for bonds bearing Interest, the same payable half yearly,
'reared by a trust deed, for the persjaal estate, all earns under
fb) cash, over that amoant « months credit lot approved endors
ed negotiable paper.
noil—Ids_GGDDIHjb AFFIMOM, Aee**.
Corner Main and 14th Hires la, Richmcnd, va. (
IN ccnneclon with their Btnklng buslnaw.the undersigned will
give prompt and faithful attention to lh« Adjustment a: d Col
lection of Cla ms against theCrnftderst: Govertm nt
They wl'l Itescla- with them com- eteut legal talent whenever
it rosy be found mceeosry to do to.
Ihelr charge* will be moderate, either »p fetal or rootlogeot ss
their patron, may desire. WI.L ISAACS A 00.
of Mrgnla; C«! Jno. a Calvert, Treasurer ttat» of Virginia; OoL
f. M Kann.-U, lat AuJ'tor Plate of Virginia Jemee Oaakle, Caq.,
Prialdeol Rank of Virginia; Wm t. Tarlor, teq , Oaahier Bank of
rirgl-l"; Hector Dana, K q , Preaidanl Tralera Back; l. Ban
dolph Tucker, Paq , Altornep General Slate of Virginia.
gSr-Cla m» tenl to u* for aljustmaot or oollecllon akould, la a'l
cam he accompanied hy tba proper c ntracte and vouchstt, and
iprclpl pow r of attorney to repieaent and alga tba naaaa cf tba
party I ■ any paptra or document! noeeatary in lb* premia*t.
Ditrta*, MEDICINES, Ac.
JOB* T OKAY, 147 alalu (treat, Klehnand, Va, baa In itarh
and off. re lor tala, at market rataa, k> cam only, tbo follow
of gooda
lo'M/o, urlrtly prim a quality
Maid r, good Oabro
Guru Opium
Powd. Oplnm
Pulpb. Morphia
Calomel •
blue Maaa
Mercurial Olntmant
. Ihloro'orm, rpit. Ultra
Adheelve Platter
Tartar. A aid, Pup. Carb. foda
Slab Pepper. AUaploe, Gin gar
NuUneye, Mace 0 ovta and Olnnasca
Paled oil. Oil Lamon, para
Uaatlia Coop
Powd. Bbauarb ■ t.
Pieach Maitard, Oocoa
ttrmiB Mildifi. Me.. Me.
AJso, % 7trlfif of PeUeI or fAEiilj ■ Mlderpu
nt-8JOHN T. OBIT, Prugglat
FOR NAB.IT.—Prom TO to 60 Pervamto, la hmlllr*,
ratted In Weateru Virginia Tor partlonlara apply la ’
dcfi-Hm_dllOTOb DAVIS.
HAVANA GICARB.-A lot of genuine Havana OIrarv,
vvry See, for talv ky W. PtltBBOM 6 00., IBS Mala
l.reei._ dafi
rnoiLCT roars In great variety, of Brgilah, Traach and A mar
X lean maaa'actort, for tala by W. Pd I BISON 6 00, Drug
fit1 «■_de6_
BACON.—1,000 tba prime Mountain Bacon
6 tier cat hew Blot, just racalvad and hr aala
Skull. _ lOOi Rraet.
011.8, ALCOHOL, e g-.
SO bairt’a Alco'oL 16 K«r*e a N-atrai Splrlta IS Ba'rtla Beck
Jtl 4 Ba rela L sued IB1,1) Berrelt Botin Oil, II Barraia Ppirtla
rurpentlna, 10 Ban-b white Create, <16 Kege nub. Oarb Be da, It
Barraia Corp ru. 16) dot Medicinal Brandy, 10c, boxea 8x10 and
Oxll Glaaa,4> (i lb. npaniah Wbltlng, 100 Borneo Ob swing Tobacco,
I * ba'm Pmoklne Tsbtcco. 78 doa. a-cal Oil, 1 larval Oorn 04.
or Umpi, (a new artlo'e.) jut racjvad.and hr aala bp Dnvg 6
_ 00X8
ftilEJUl k N„ ■<*.
0 P X 1° 1 **
I 1
rEdm4)Fli SPBCMAC1.EE,
alae, a v try largs «■"*•“** -
t1 RMI M*UBhaaLRAmaa6.Th

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