Ik. IMUT wk7« 1. -4-P.I Ute Cm* The gre* deomnJ for the Zlt Wai. -ithta the city, w Mil by regular u by tranmen. readers, sad the difl tolty of satisfactorily supplying bdi cU*-w of readers, be a carry u.g sy-wm “I.ptml »nlf to office .ut-enp. , ,n((> induced us to resort to tha only feasible of managi’g a Urry» city drculauon, to wit: that , tJu Cirvi*n i>’« this dale, there y ao,,-; ' >•' ,s for «'ie Wma to be left within the * bo uaet at this. ffice, «td all pweons indebted . otioa to t.« or - : time, wuhia the city, are , ,0 v >i. ’I. -id rule their aocouaia. w „ ■ I.e to deli ter the pa,1 MfM pay for the l - i.rweck Thepunlic „ J* ;ow underecaudthat all rreinctton upon the sale of br Carriers within the city » remoeed, and that all who want it may hay it from the Owner, or hare it eft for them at their residences or places of business. ^t«*A*r 1W*. 1*61. _ TO II fc tO> OF DKPART Fy HKtTBAMD AkUBTAHTh-IwoaldbeftolnTiUtho SZST,:V* Has Is of Drpartwoow .1 tbryarleue braaobo.-I i .-.aratnt at tho 0 atrduraU States, now la Blcbmoud, to at ad extcarlre Woe* ot Books, Paper, Stmltom K.nrelopce, Hlamk Hooke, Me., -blob t wd. hi: nisi tsea at fair prices. ._ __ . . tlaria* titaobed m my rrtabltrlimrat aa rtteorlrr keok Binds r, er .<■ prepared *c nmole Stadia*, aad the aanafartarro' h'aas »oou,ot rear, drrerlpUoa. la tbr M maaarr aad at tbt . npt Aja A- 3BUIm5aD, MMlrhrr aad BoobrrUrr, )<4 It Main Wrest, Btehmood. U APRIL, IM*1. URY OOODS. a « dBOHATPS rltllls* tb'r city e’th a rlre of ma*'l* perrba.0. >1 Jrr rrrprciWly eoilctted to esaalae car Morb of 3B» WOO*. Ws o*rr for rale: JO' baler Brora SbcrtlBBraad SMrUajs MW « Orarbarss . _. * carer a cached ihecUase aad CMrUrf*, y> bales Bald aod striped Oeaabur a, _ tOU plrert Striped aad Plaid DomerUca, tor MrshBM, 90 bales tlokiafr, 9! Deal a. aad Striped tidrwafe, 1. roe fancy Prints, i! “ OoMoaSita, IS “ Color,J Can. brim, ,4 “ Bonia-ky draaraadTwooda . ,, . „„ Mroroaeat of H««ey and Plot Llama. for forts’woar w • < OaabflMb M> Unra*, boyar. Plain, striped aod thnbrold -rwe an.’ Poplins, Oictn*. Caerlraeree, Teetla**, he., Be-, 5. * 252 w. -u. J> y-y G7* Wo. !7 f^wr’ firo*4, ^ , "J hntoodr ▼». HI XT A JA1 f»d let bh’to ’P**1* edBrt ;) l ujrorl'ii the Comdtllom of HriaerrhU V*. , “?n* tbr- *o apprdte aad BrUrno* ‘ — of Bow 7^ Voraw. •Ideboaal.SerlWit and Jtwr-npry. and al. DW«n*ee i ; - Toorye k .nbje.d lalermaUy lbk “Herw Toole"T’re tbaT, iiinHnK t- I r«. aod in ala *« rrery l«artrr of ,V.‘ • I ibe traant a WexdHylecrowuif. ~ - dorpo roolc'VM xtv.a aaltrraal aatlifaciloo ar far ar the i jttt«a ini of JlA P. DUVAL .ftelurcr Jtllltmry t ia|*« . ! «w' >_g f.-j, ji 4 ..’lease aad detail, to the Military > • ,.o .me- — \ • .urge stock of Hume Manufactured , . .,,.18 ,c< Cadet and fatltar Style Cape, can cu as farorskle terms as In any city ,n iti - :i- is desired to the Black Mt'itary -•! durable and •tr ial Cap nowmsoafac < a land a «>bl eupjly of .took, me nanofacto-o a :>: the Wtoiewale and Retail trade sill be eenttna , 1*5)0wi» No Mala r-lre-t. Rie^miml. Ty V#d.K» lifttXT « A.10, OOVIRXOB 3TRSKT, a tt walking tor the Vail Trade, Carpetings 0*1 tJtotha. Ma A *» Jartii 0'eto,C>ruleee and Bands, Window Shads f . * ni.Uss, Cortrd Hair aad Holt, for sate at low pHcee - C V Cutaina, nrda at 1 Ulitre-eea made to order a! short ao 11 3 .a-.es laosing dime la the-ny or reentry by saporlir work ■aa. ____'wl mi: nHiKKt ,r *(»uni i f it ■ lepa.at on b w-.en 'h ,N rthero tnd Snath < a Sutea ha» 4 , .• ' j-ar ueaa serene permanent, m wig,In a great measer*. - >• Media topply *eSouth wUn BCrrgR, and harag bees e-e i lekteaaU'ly *or many yoaraln thatB eof buliieea, 1 take . - . o' west ug .e p"ip tety of teaLag y >nr hutt-r wel' be'- - , arc. t a , act sk» af patnag ap la tees larger at th cloy t • tve bottom, aad wad to market at soon afer packing as yoa •os "ly can. Twntid be pie-sed -> rec ire It on ooatlrtm-u; or ase It—all 'Wing the highest market price; and, as I deal ea e itt tor cash, ex arm-sn yea go de a. the lowest m rest pH —j se-l'-he eaah pr-jatpuy. fir whileeer may be rout me. 1 iddent 'ha! I ran mate .t to the Interest of both 'he 'annex ns * ai myael'. t would be « a to recelee any 'Iher eonntry ., . bit ay pra-lpai object la :o call year particular attea . ,u.a ^ Large applies hare bean lent heretofore i, ttom «.o North.whi ti we an make an I *Urtlafc It nor i . •< {(team -I'-rr-a. e hi® me fact that I taee been engage.' • out- vu In this • V> (ir the das*, thirty-flee year*. All 1 aah la a I ‘ . 'e-'l.g c id deot Of gdemg aafa'actica. ' “ * .VVP80N CONtS, tgent, a-ccer tad c\ -u-ato ton Merchant. _JAC Ocr Mala vnl»h ns., *!«•' n.md. Va ,u:u Ait riuv not *1* i . d r ft 8AL* of SKuduk*. r*l * ' 4» iru* lay cotvb#oi «1 the Auction fcaiieeM, m bA • ‘ *4 Lac Aa a & .a (.a tnnkZz • • A*« e raa*uu_».m \ILEMIIM WATM.-Vrmb frote tea »pnn«, u>t fi ." I «nd ter tale by W. PCTBRaOV A 00., IrmaRieta, Jifl JainStmat ee A (MMIU SW) A r. so Cue* Caat > Soap, tqy tale, to er r r«rr«e_ecSO J Bt Y'lARP'lIH'l OLD HYK WHILKY. * I , _J .a.o,'ar Jocr’i Old Ayr Wh'aty tea one to five yeere ; i, for tale by leoSu) aivtv a l.lPeQOata \J UHlbK M IdLTIMiA—A Babble aad Leather) .rl ‘lotion fwitie ad Law Ootlaa lope aad tiorday* C Moo Vacua. awi rted aia-w; a good aapply ea hand a jo. large Wrap ploy Paper. E.WOWLW A WaLfORD. ,e0 ISO Main itreet. Pit eta, of tH rtade, Rronad and whole, for PreaerTtny and “ Bat ln<. aiao, all eat Sal Coraa, ter preeerre Jart, ter tale at vro ■ a eaKIA’b idmy Store, 1* Mala tteet, c-eoer a i» PoebCYea _tcW (,’IHIIY fLul Y.-an Bbla. ewi-en.r Pem'iy Pi-or. jam r o aad. Htrvr a dawn, -if IS Oornar Va aad Cary eta VIT IM K. —Sherry aad Madeira «*toe ef ewperlor igaalliy, for TV aaleby tel _ IDMONI), PARRWPORT A 00. *> MIRIM freer Ooeie . ala , A,UUU pair Cotton aad (It' ''’'"'uloi Kennel Drawer*; W> ©e-elatere Oetr S '. SwO ftray shlrta, non ready, and far aa e at 111 It'i ft oel WW. IRA aMITH. fPlIHtCCO AtlKRC’Y.— We bare In atora aadewi.aaaualy I r. drtag Lytrlutni Ohewlay and esotiay Toba c d, frotn » eral-i io ta-e- « .a-nor luallty, all of wnleu we tell on con • ly.me i J HWS.1W, *ors ,KR a (IRT. Wl.oleaale Hr ere a t lent ral Coatewal '0 Merehaow. II Pearl Street,_n 5 I f PAPY MAPI OUITHIMO -My aAonk of ClUeea'. wear b «h 1 4den and Boyt- w-ar, te mantlly Rood (nolwdfatend'nr i,chadc.> w.Ucb will ba offered «t fair prl-#t. Thraeinwani w Sa l Mm and Hoya' Orer Ocala. M.-n and Bojt' Boeln—a C alt. .aides a eart.dy of oilier etyiw., tollable for tha ritall i ‘ . le, to whloh I d -.re to call the alien Jon ef tha trade Thoae In want wlH lo we I to call el 114 Main .treat. O, _Wig. IRA PTTTW (tROUIP SCOAB — Locer-aa'l craehed Sugar, )ual recelred d and for tale by RHLDStt A MIL'.BR, corner Pearl and Cary •tr-eaa _ _ _ _ _ •** _ aJ 1t.T —Ureran#!Baa Salt; da amend alas do. )nal recehred ^ i ll ter ea r by Hr,JIN a Mil.LI I, comer Pearl and Cary tu acta _ anrPfrjtWY PI or K. -Bawltad’a brand. In eio.e and for tale by a "fa Mil a>R, r - cr Pet»' and Cary etrcila ocS g A..p ur article of cure Oil, for tale by W PL J r fad If A CO _ or* I SHI AX, u* -'-cal red and fareale by W PVYBUON ’ t | I "C* >•." t glia-1- . So. 1 WWMWY t r J rained Old r viwnaB ■ -e - d fareale b < W. W. WOOt.PBIPGB, . _PftetBlh alreet Vf tT.ISA S'ldJ AKR.— dart reccleed, by way of Chari*# a T 4 0., torn* eery Raw Horace Otwam. 0. CRARZ, 5 Wn t Rerheaae RIoeb rmOTTPW tVYvr —15,110(1 pound* eaperlnr Oottoa Yarn*. Woe. * 1 •-> 4 iccinaire. In atom and ter aa:eat Ion prtoeaby KRftT, PAfWt A 00. ___ ooO tv. a, .- .et rcecteed by . * _POTB A 00 » » b »f \ a D tA >« K IT, ter aced, ter aola by A ■ MOOBB, 14 t«.n.. Cory meet, new OeSawWea Hotel aoll ■n fATlRT COLTER HARROW. ““ NEW HARROW riff?*™ r£b"or thJ out. of Virginia,»n le manufaceured under patent granted to him and Jama. X. WIU “. dated Jan. ». 1861. raMmid July U.1SK. Patent#. , of oat 10,196b, Pehraary *1,19*0. Alto Uncengeo under .U olhe. ‘‘aler t*, covering the enUre contraction of the Machine; conga ,u.n.here , en he no litigation In regard to >h« patoatrtgBL It la ieeg romj heated and Ihg moot po: feet working Sewing Ma !% forttw ^aa‘?er« and elaetie Mam,, wkleh tawarraaiad net K 1*0 la Wear, and U reliablenpon ail kadr of fabric^ ^..Bgs'H rk B~T ^M.e war.^ Bui vtn’i Block, UPI *»Hf> aid Qowornor Hr«wi*. IFIC HMOM> CLOTHING M4NIF1G CL TOBY.—The *abambe~* have c» bun d a large and complete iNVioeol of icrTbli!! MXNMAOTDIID M GOODS—Oloiha, Camlner* and Yoottnps, of all grade*, frora BM th*raBowlng B' ted mill*: Crenshaw Mill* IMMiilLMUk k Jo.’a Mill*. Cnipei er count*. Va; EelleyefordB 0d a .look of BRANCH AND ABOLISH CLOTHS AND CASSlMkHIS, not to be mrpigeed by Any hongelr the oily. We hare the beet of Outtere, and n ooroe of workmei act to he aorraoecd by any hocae In the Union, wtta a Jeterralna Uon to furnlan our patrons with ionthernClothing—materialraMod South, goods wove South, cut and madefouth, and we trait to b* cold and worn Sonth. a* we are determined to do all la oor powr topagh (nrwardSawlhernlAgtitnlioGg. Corner o! Main and 18th firMli T.ayTIrdi: «i awo. f |1HI anderelered cSer tor nl* 10# ten Oay Tard# 6 nano, and 4 annex report of an analyal* made by Prodeaeor liable. ExportThe eumpi# of Gnaao enl aa, apos aaalyris, wa found ta contain: _ u Inoryunlc Miller, Tle'dlcp Sand and Inaolabia •*katana*, l.M PBoa. Iron and Alomlna. <*** Phnapbor* - arid ceablnad with Uaa and Wa* aaoia, Oryanle ttatur, u-‘t Oapabla af pr Jaeiay|Amm«aii, »' „ „ Watar a* aotatara, ___ 1M. 01 Tba Phoaphorte Arid aa onotad ah***, eambtaad with lto* an -ayncrit la annul to 84. IT), par oant of Bone Pboaphuta of Uxe Btyued, «. A. LBIBU), Ph. Dr. W* huxa, with tba ahox* Gnaao, M par era! of the beat Parma1 aa So too an 1 briny daelrota of Introdacloy It naony the form art, oSar II lor aula, ta unnll lota M S4u paxtOB-^^, ^ Q() ],T 18th Street, near Cure W11UWWGLA** 80 brief Preteh Window Glean 90 do American do lu bee* rained Saltpetre, In itar* and far all* b; aa* W, W. WOoLdBIDSB 15tb etrr-t BHOOMa, *«,—t'X) doa Bucket* and Brooma 100 do Walchea 100 do Bad Oord, and Unea, In ator* and or ule b* W. W. WOOJ.DKIDGB. lllth Air ret PLI'l'K.—*° bbla Extra Blvanna Flonr. 8t») bblt Soo-rftn flour, Ido bbla dupertcr family flour, for aala by HINT 1 . tuts__,'*7 tllBM AMD tjWEMT A EBOW BOOT Blackberry Brandy Ohocolnte Brcon Cocoa fnarl Barley OoxaBtarat Bbeotlna taaieea leap:*’* Taaat Powder, at MEUMf A BASES'* Drnx Btora, anlB ltd Main At„-or abore p. Q <01*4 —100 tore Bop. C'rbdoda, juai rarirad and for *» » by 5 W PCTbHAQA A CO.. Its Main btraak._<*8# l'OJU't NOW I H (AHOL1NA PAMILT KOI IT HXBBIMGB. 80 half bble. of M. 0. family Bo* Herrlny*, Wood1, brand, 9b bS.u of N. C. family Grom Hrrriny, Wood1* brand, I bbla. of N. 0. family Col Herrin,r, Wood’* brand, 100 -bl* of fan-lly Flour, that cannot be inrpaa'- l, lu, srta of iuperter Green, Gnnpowder nndblaok Tean, 8,000 buahela ef Mill Offal, inch aa Bran, Browtetnff and fhlp ital bi n of ■nraolhj lid Olowtr Otj, 100 b*lei «f 0%u, l 00U vjccc ■ City B ust, Old Bamyk-ioer Whlaky, Otkrd Brandy And Cbanpiytti Wlnae of tbe eery teat nnalKy. for tala on tat coat reaaeaable term* by ROBf. A I DABNtT, epl.t Oomer of Broad and Tib ale oppoeHeTtieai—_ llOM)1 t IIKtM - p aa li To.-qaa Beane, bee 1. qual.ty cf Anrnet-oa. as excellent aubai*uia for licorice, for ,*> by ESMOND, DAVKNPORT^k 00._ *•* M 1LIT.AU Y CLOTHING. 6>i0 pea, heaey Cotton ale Panta 800 do Bed Caaoimer* Pent*. enltnbl* tor Artillery Ocm panla* ISO pea. haaay Gray Tweed Panta. NoanWAf.KEB A 00. ;aflfl Corner of Main and Hth. or Pearl Street. 'FY"'lLffT SOAPS In great satiety, of English, French and Amer A lean mans factor s, fnr aale by W. ft i IlhON A 00 , Drag **> Kt< \ hi as V ■ - A® Oases Purr- Calnuby Brandy, for medlolnul pofpr-eev fee aale Ur W PATgRlHlN. A Oil. Druggists Gl ViPR. h r-a ground Wager, for tale by W PfTIRHON A 00 , Drugg «t% __o«* IlMt.OIMt FRFT OF IRASONRD HKART LUMBIR.to airier Corialsllog oftlie following: l by II Inches, from 11 to T! Vet In length, fl “ * It B ‘ “ 11# - “lfl *» “ “ 'Veatherboardlngfrow H I* JH feet In length, -rardee Ralls, fl br 4. 14 feel la length, lock Boards and eitrn Flooring Plank, formal# 4 s\ BBU. Portland STROP , _ 411 to bbM. prim# N. 0. MO LABI IS—In elore and for sale by W. W. WOOLDBIDOI, salt! FIReontb street WINDOW OLv»g AND POTTV — A large supply ’f Wluduw fllass and Putty, now on hand and fur aale by W. PIT PR •ON A CO , 1M Main street. _deS ft’ST H CMIVKU -Ahhdt Bagar, 10 bbla Crushed Su gar; 1« bbla Powdered Sugar; ID bbla 0 Yellow Pngtr; 10 bags 'offer; 9 bbla of Old Peach Brands, 9 bbla old Apple Brandy; 10 bbla superior Old Whisky; 1i half bbla No. 1 Family Roe Herring-; HI bbla No. I Pam ly Shad; 10 bbla No. 1 N. C. Cut Herrings : SO bo sea Adamantine Candice, for sale aa low as the market will a' fbrd fbr the cash. SAMPSON JONIAgent, Corner of Main and Ash streets. te*T ICAn PACKAGER l*fl ANI PACTCKED Tts ,'M " v" IV fl CCO. —We hare In store l.fion pa-kscea man* s'artnred Tobanco, of rarlons b.an ta and qualities, which we will •-II and taka In payment Bank of PtlUyteanla antes at as I w prices aa fbr the notes of any Bank In oar State HUM f A JAM rs, earner Va and Cary streets___. aelfl I MNSIAM ASHMIIFR PKITBR, sod ttlia I sire Plaster Cloth, for sale at UtADI A Bt KIR'S Drag Store 1*4 Main Street, eor. shore P. O. _roll URRRIV- R. W vd’s Family Roe Herrings, In store and her sale *y SRLDRN A MU.HR, corner Hth and Cary llrel SMO tlE«»V— Ml balsa bast onalliy Waits, for salt by I sat UMfORDv Ot FBI PORT A 00. Richmond «Sc Petersburg R. R. OH mud e'ter Monde; the Mth February, the train# over thla mud will run u follow!: hail run, Laura Richmond ut 4:46, a. m , dull;, und Peteraburg ut 4:18 p, m. rumoarr tan aocommooatioi run. Laura Richmond dell;, aaeepl Sunday* et 8:46, a. m, end 6:46 p ru., und Peteraburg ut S:i5, a m. The Mull frail e will stop only at Half Wap Station, Cheater and Port Walthall Jnncti n. .... ur*Tratcl*'S will bear In mind that they are required to ahow a pais from u* Governor or tomt other auloorlied parson, before they can leur* th* city by thla read. M- H. GILL, General rapt. fiiCHMiiM) ASP DANVILLE UA1LK0AD. giagiKiitaittnJ.'Mi' tob oUPRKiNTRNDKN 1 ’8 UfFlOK, I R Canoan, Much 7.n, 18* i | hRRANGIMINT PORTHRmJUlH h.ru BOGTH-WhnT. MlGHkOND AND DANVILLE KA.lLilUA.ir. hH and alter SLNJAT, March 8th, th* Paaangar Train* will 1/ t «h u follow*: , . * m ja. . M* ] rratu leave* Richmond -ally (Buoday* IncAuded) ai« Oj A d ■ baton Sunday the Train goa* to BurkuvlU# only, connecting .here witu the tram* ou the bout3 bide ttullroad for th* booth ana Mali train leave* DunrUia :a.iy, (exoept Sundays) al 8:80 A. M., and reaches Klouniond at 5 41 P. M. _. .... Ou Sunday there wUl be a Mall Train from Bnrkeavilla to Rich aoul. leaving Ba;ke*Vlil* on the arrival of the Train from the •outhand So urn vet I al *.4\ P. el., and reaching Richmond at “ Trap from Klohmond cenneeta al BnrkaavUl* with th* Train* n the south side Kulroad for Lynehbnrg, und the loath Weat lftllj. i he Train from llanvilla oonneot* at BarkaavUl* with th* South id#Railroad train* lor reterabnrg and Norfolk, rbrnagu Ticket* can b*p ucurtd, and Baggage wUl hi checked •hrongi to the following Point*: Lynchsnrg, AnonvUla, Grand Junction, u:’**;aiii>ogu. Brill ol, Aiempbla, Abanta, Da.lon, Vickiburg, and Mocigemwp, Hew oriaaaa, Oor.nth. CEAA. o. laLOoTT, ng)_'I Superintendent. 8 lhAul J.riA LANfMAL MAIL KOAl> WLtitit A&KANUtlMENia. OH and AFTRR Monday tlovomber l.lh, Thu iliil and i’atMutigtr TriUii. W.U iaav** Rle! a*oA.d lor lioruoaevUR, chanouaaviU! ana 4iau**ico, d ally a 7:JO a cunnectiug »ivn the oraugo and Aiti .cdrla Railn.Ad petti age. Ua.l al Uo r do u* villa for Muj||iy and B.enaetAigbic p.mu and al Onarl. Ucavlii* lor Lyuchuarg. _ciwv«n ci »ui*u>a and Jock* n’# River the uiAtl train will rue Prt-Wec»ijr, leaving tUunuia on Tuoedaya and aauirdaja, and Jackin'* jE.vrr ou Mon Joy a, wedn.ada.# ad krldaym. liaruaii « grown’* e Line, for Lcx*ugU>n, couneot* will, tha aali train and )«avr« nuuLku. lu Monday*, Wodnoaday* and fridayi, and tioaben on Tnaadayt, Thurauay* and balur Hartnau, Mason and Company** Stag* line, for While bulphar, Ltwteborg, Ac., connects With uds train on Tuesdays, Tburt lay* and Palardayi. me regular Ahrough Freight for Gordongfilk and point! Weil of there leave! Richmond al WWr. ■. ou bcaday*, Taeaday«and rtortdaya, and arneea fromlno Wwlalt A.M.,on bun day a, Wao j !da>iaji Friday* a Regular Way Freight train for GordunjTiUa and point! Rail, leave* dally, Randayi cictpud, al 5:bn, A* M. no# H. D. WHITOOMB. _Qaoerai §aparlntandant_ *01 XU-NlOt MAILUOAO. ON AN U A FT KM MONDAY THiidIdAU*QL guM, id a paaaanger Trains, will ran a* follow*: ^Ik FROM PRTIRiliiURli TO LYNOHRCRG. ■all Tral a nark dairy at tM A. M., reaohce Ly non»«r| at ii.n r.M. raaupr Trail itarw dally, except Aeiiayv, at Ml V. IL, raaahM Lyn thburt at 11J0 A. M. MOM LTNOUBCRG TO FiTIBBBCBG. ■all Train itart dally at 11 A. M.,reac£ee Fetenbarg at t P.RL Famager Train*itart* daily, except bnndaye, at 10JO P. M-, reachae retttabn.g at (JO A. M. Three tralni eoanoct with two dally train! to tho Iprlngl, Knox rule, NiehvtUe, Memphle, Ac., to New Orleann. IIT Tile la the ehortoet and Boer expedlUoae root* to nil pule of Tenneowe, A abama, Mlnele04.pl,Lonlaana, Arkaneaa and Texan. The City Print Train leave* Peterebnrg dally, except dondnye, at 1 A. ■., and it Noon, and Olty Point at oJO A. ■., and 1 Ju F. ■. Iitra tralae tre iu ta and (roa aU the (team paoketi whan an H. D. BIRD, ante Bcaeral gnoertnlendari. VI UU1.11A CLITUAL RAILROAD. GENERAL (CPERINTENDINT'd OPIIOK, I Rronnoas, July (let, lsdl. | .lutice to Person* wilding Fltckagt* to Soldiers at Mara* ■as, Staunton, Re,, Re. i]HK practice ol wading large package* by the Mall Train* !e beer ml.,- eo bnrdeneome 10 the Train, bceidce raualng delay, hat 1 lad it Dcceeeaiy to motion ptreor.i to confine themaclvci to reryern. i package*, cr they wUl ran the rink of their being left, .1 . ghl, and return eacb altrrnau day, Teoedaj, Thnracay and Pat 11 day m. ruing a, leaving Keck Wharf at the cam* boor (.4 o'clock, vnd touch at all the .egular landing*. Paaeagc and freight a. aauah ocW __R. 0. lU- RlNS, JO.HUKKHtl UUJNO.-300 tone Sombrero Guano, 1 v ground and In the Rock, for tale by dell_M.MoND. DATkNPORT A OO. ItTUORlZLD CAPITAL..$300,000 ThS PLAITSHS S AVI ju.'. BIZI, OF lUk CITY or KlOUMONn. r. I flattens SAVINGS' BANS, having .a ample UaehOop ilal nr. * Chartered by the LegMature of Virginia, will receive Depoeltceoi Five Dolliarw and Uj vardr, on which lnterect wtl, he paid at the ra'.e of tNa per ccntam per annum If remalulag Ml in per aoncB If Icee than Ml month!. Ink real payable Neiat-A illiuH ly, if desired. Dewoaltai 1 ereived a*, theti vflcc, at tha awreof Maaan. Dwkt A katehteon, No. AO Main Creel, J. J. tnUOH, Pretldcnt. a. A. Huvoxaox. TVeaeorer._mall—ly Kl'1*1 .—Old Grenada Rum, a really chalce article. In (lore ,.nd for cal* by hlLDEN A MILLER, corner l*th and Cary ftreeta. ocSO tCONTAIN U* JO LID ITl KD ORKAM Of WALD FLOWER*—For 1 (having nothing can he mere aatleaeturv. For tho ablution M Inin it*, preventing erapUoce, Ac., it ■ ewpertor to any ether „>ap lotion or coeuetlc. For late by W. PETR] BOM A 00., DrnggleU, mbit _loo Main (tract B.1C J.N.-VDO I he. Barry Oonnty eta Be a0J Bog b, coa. lor solo bf n-.J* WU. H Ft.tABANTBL P04KK* AND TA TIL £ (ITlKHV.-W.hmlB »bcrt a large assortment of t’oeket and Table Cull try, which «• ofir for tale cheat*. CLARK BON A 00., %a9 Np* IlM %!•!** HvaaI CHAINS.—We hare In store and off*-for sale,SUOu pairs ira*e Chains, all qual 'lee: Will bright os and log do; 10 raska ;troof coll do; back, breast, tongue and well do. K* T MOOR! A JO , .rj|>orten of Hardware, 141 Maui st._ocll JllfJ.lH AND 'XOLAkRKH. 60 hhJi fagar, fair to O choice quality; «" hbla choice Mulastei; 10 bbl* cruahed Su gar. lor eale by DUNLOP, HONOUR* * OO._oe’l—Iw A AT JIKADL A HAkkH'A UKUU STOMa.. t\ ISO Main otrr> t, comer at '»e Poll Offloe, Stranger* and eth*r* will Ond a One aaaortmenl of Lobln'* and Uitr On* Snap., Pomade., Perfumery and Ouumetlque. A loo, * *rge a*» irimmi of the neot port Moualee and Pori re, Oorabe, roebce, Cigar Matcbea, and all lie popalar Patent Medicine* at .be price* bo na.b 1.18 UOPS, HOP*, Hepa, Hops, Hops, for asle by R. A. L DABNEY, Whole** e and Retail, Corner r.f Broad and Ttb Ikjlk 1 t Kit WAGON HAMRSr-Jul roeelfrd eight dnoen Red Ik vt *g -n llarir*, or homo manufactuied. OLARRAON A CO., No. 10t Main etreel *e80 (11,0 V KSL—9M bales Clofea fnr eale by J oc*» PDnO.ND, DAVENPORT A CO._ Kir V . C» 11.1* .le*. In tierce# and Rag*. • - .«'« by ooU RDMONP, DAVENPORT A OO j it li t. L AC.—1 cage Shellac, for tala by l>OV* A CO., fl lo ^ eale ft. cg„lsta _del* |»>la <’«.*« HKH.N—NObniee Eire Ora-k-m, Imported r by oa, *cr ealc by EDMOND, DAVUPORT A OO oe9* ALtrSHtre.-'." Pag* Alliplcr, jut to band, and fbr eale by \Y PETERSON A CO.. Druggtrt*._i*M ^UNttKIKk.—Copier Wire,German Malthei, Cotton Plow * L'nea, Wool Card*, W 1 Htirrnpe, Hand Saw Pile*. Heme g ,*| i. itra-i Spar*. Wnnd 8,wi, Porte bn ye*, Port Bilte, We* Vfbtrhe*. Knife* an 1 f rk», Ranm,Sharing F no*, Iron Spoor* Ratur S rnpr Sharing Bruahre, Candle Stick*, In *tor* end for • ale by CLARKSON A UO , No lo* u >n -tr-et_o'J8 Bl RN1NI. PHUD.—Atuperlsr article *• Flu-mag Etui now on band, and fur ealc by W, PETERSON A 00., Dmg get*__ _deS nJa LT, S,V AT.—1,1)00 sack* Salt, Icr ra.e by 1 A T. 8T0KM A 00., *,*10 Cor. !!Rh and Gary St*., HOP*. HAPS, HOPS.-* bale* nice Hop*, |o*t to hand on ronelgnnteat HUNT S JAMES, ■«a Cor V* and City itr.et* « NLOt K. ^3 bag* far 'u and npsrtse four. In etoreand lor r eale,by WM H. PLMPaNTB. _ __drt8 FJATARLK8 P1)H TUB AHJIV.-1M do*en frtah IJ Peaehe* In cane; a conlgoroenl, for aale by de8n_DOVE A 00. tAOH 8ILK.-A fatrbank'edtlbuihel tlopperHeale 1 Jal CLARKSON I 00 . No. UK Main at. HVK ANU n I V I KU~0.VTk.-ln .tore a enpertor lot of Rje and winter Oam, f"r *red. This* wanting a .oporto* ..ll.I.b. I hel*.. roll aooe nriHfll Wi*T 1 W ..1* t *! A NO.—10 ton* DeBcrg Pbpaubatle Gukno, for aale by l**t« KDM.ND DAVENPORT AOO. s * i|'>, HOPS, Hops, Hops, Hop* llops.-i IX snputy of frr*h Hopa, ju*t recelfed and fnr «ale. I hare a.io for tale, Old Bntngirdner, an I^Old ri»re^Br»ody. Wfoteaale and Retail, nil Onrner of Broad and 7th etreete VIRGINIA APPLI Hit AINDV.-AO bblf par. Vtr *pp'. Brand,, for osleby ^ ft | K EH't PRRNirn HIT EPHR, the be*t known I) for DtapepPo for *ale In oil qsaat'tloo at MEADE* BA KER’S Dm. Store, l‘« Main Street, cor. abote *. O. J*20 _ (NAIL at TOPMATI SHIFT DEPOT. 109. Main «'re»t, for J o.aal * ere nnl Plann.l *h rt*; f r Mcrlio Shlrti an' Drawer.; forteggl'* and’lait-.i, dlff r t» .ytee; fifWe I Hoad Onrer* and Comforu, for Water proof Blanket* and Uggtni. feb 11 INSURANCE OFFICES ftC. INSURE YOUR LIFE AT HOME I THE VIRtflHIA LIFE IS8URAICE COMPAHV, (OHIO* OORNRt Of MAIN AHD ILHTHHTH ITUUm.) INBCRI white perse M for Ilia or for a tarn of yaara, and atavaa for one or more (not exceeding four) yoaiu. Grncta Annuities and Rndowmenta on the moat equitable tenaa. The Yankee companies haring made known their InlenUon to rapadlmie the policies of oar fellow-dtlaena who may be killed In defence of their homes, ellbar by taking up ymk, or bj Lhlalng with, or by leading aid and a imlort to Southern Rebels, every prudent man, Insured by them, ought at ones to eaneel hie ^Hookj^ontalnlng1the necessary information ara furnished at tha »aet al tha Oumpaay. RA|(UKL j HARRISON, President J. ADAIR PLIABANTB, Secretary. Buie Bcawau, M. D., Medical Kkamlner. j b. MoCaw, M. D., Ooniultlng Physician. Romos B. Hun, Legal Adviser._W. INSURANCE. THE VUUMBIA FiRK AM) MlRJYE IY8UKAICE COMP’Y. OM'lcc ComiMtny'a New Building, No. 188 Mein rlreet, Rlch’d, Va. CAPITAL $200,000. SURPLUS.A4®.®00 I lulls old Inaliiullon, (Chartered by the Legielature ol flr X glnla, In lb8i.) rontlnnee to Insure, In city end country, against lo,e or damage by fire, almost every dee rlptlon of pro prn iy bea rieke on Chips and Cargoes, and risks on Inland trans portation, taken to all perl* of the world, at reasonable rates of premium. The very liberal eh are of publl; patronbge which It haa to long received, operates In return, a liberal and prompt eeitlemcnt of claims. Which It haa ev.-r been Its pleasure to o beer re. larmert, March.nu and Oilmens generally, my be referred, to parties already Insured la this Company, In over fifty counties In the State. . . _ , AppUoatlon, by letter or olherwlae, to the Prauldant or Secrete ry, will meet prompt attention. DIRECTORS. joe. Allen, i. R. Wadsworth, Sen. W. Smith, Uf. L Cowar din, t*m. Been, f- Cullen, M D., H L. Kent, Thomas Samson, IL Wuuion, Wn. 1 nlmer, 0. *Y. Purcell, R. H. Maury, A. S Parker, Joe. P. Winston, Samuel P. Laihrop, Jae. A. Inloea, H. A. Claiborne. W. L. 00WARDIN, President. Wn. Wm-ie, Ja., secretary._ MERCHANT? (K3UBANCE OOMtANT. CAPITAL »»O0,OOO. ... 4*000. Office No. US Hela It., Rlchamond. MARl.M INBCRAHCti on Yrdaeli, Cargo, and freight. INLAND INdCRAJlua cl Goodi transported by rivore, sen ale, or l$£d oirrlitts H1L INBCRaNCfi on Mcrohaodee genera lv, Dwelling Boases Walehouses, a d other Building! in town or country. POUOIBS Issued at eurrea ales, and losses promptly paid. Oommn: IwUon. r. iv.d a, thence « EStT J, N. Morn anna. Beer.__>it thi Uirdfvi S*or» 0. J. Biitoi k Oo., T1 MrIa street, and at tha BanRUf Heuee ol1RJL Manar A Co., 001raw at Mala and Wall tWouMi (F. WORTHAM, Picaldeat. wan eom. D liKIu Jr.t Secretary. a J. fiJNTON, Treajwrm. fiumu. ■a. X. Msary, Jan H Or .anas. Oornellus Drew, Jaa. U. Talbott, wm. Holi kicnerana, Hr am U. Smith, A. W. Oonant, & a Turpin, M».J, OhrlitUa, Otaa. Talbott.' W. B. Iaa, Aneon Richard* franklin S learn* ■almond. 15th September, US*._ LD DOMINION IMUBANCI COMPANY • Capital ISOO.OOO I , Mo. as Main itrtti, tttdtr ML Chariot BottL Thin Company la now prepare! to receive application* far llal AND MARINA lNIDRAMOBon la vocable tenaa. ■asanas: Gab Wortham, John H. Grcaatt, John Indore, Geo. A Palmer, ■ami M. Prloa, Wm. A Triplett, B, P. Ladd, A 0. Tardy, Jao. Stewart Walk*,! Wm. Onrrle, Lather k. Bpllman, | Jna. A Oroneham, Peter C Warwick, ..9 John H. William*) Jna. 8. Kent, Nark Downey, ■ornoe P. KdmoaA, Thoe. Jonet, Joe. M. Talbot, Bdwln A. Bir.KA, GrlMn B. DavenpaH, Ro. A. Paine, Gao. W. Yancey, Bo. P. William* Jon. Bronmal, Wm. P. Bag Inn A, Wm. Brent, HenryO. Oalell, Bs.H. Macrey, Geo. W. Boygtar. ISAAC DAVINPOBT, jL.PraMdMl. Onif. A Woefiiaa.Aee’y.__ malB—M Life, File mid ilutinc luanrance, Richmond J?’ii*o Association. Office No. 138 Main (Northcaet oorner of 11th ttree*) Richmond, Va OBABTfBKD ‘Hit MARCH, 1S8T. THIS old and reliable IntU'nUon, with ample Capital, and con tingent fund car rfully vetted, continue to lneure Bluwcn, llulloluka. Me-re:Uiemdlnnof every deecrlplion, uoona liOld Pnrnllnrr, and Family Wearing Apparel, Vessels, Car' ore slJ Fr« Iklel, allbe low ret current rates. Loeaoe .’.dlaeved and paid with all poeelhie doepatch. iDUBOTOBh. David Carrie, Bobt M. Barton, Chan. T. Wortham, Praneln J. Barns* John H. Olalborn* John T iuU.it, John J. WUeon, Thoa.: A. Rneu Aiaxaadtr Garrett, Goo. « Gwathmev, Peter a Warwick. DAVID OCRRIA PreW Jon J. Wiiaow, Treas'r. Boar. T. Baooea, Pec ’y__ Mhl’IUNG STYLES ML OF MATH AND CAP*. MY auortment of H*TS and CAPS lor the Spring trade It now complete, embracing nil the new at $ lei and colon of Soft Bate, abo M letk'a, Silk and Caaalmere llate, and a great earlety of new etjle of Oape, Leghorn and Straw Hate In great earlety.— Alio, a general aeeortment of gentlemen*! fornlrhlng gooda. Cm brellne. Vailing Canea, Ac., Ac., all or any of which will be sold on na good term ae at any other eetabliahmealln the city. 1 meet reapectfnlly Invite a oall from purchaaerv.___ JOHN THOMPSON, mhJS No. 1 Ballard Hoot*. STICK AND .TAM L1COHICR.-P A Battok Uco rlce; alio, male Licorice, for sale by RDMOND, DAVINPOBT A 00.___ ItLAfKBBKKV WINE.—A enperlor article of the AJ ab. re, recommended by Phyetdane for D1arrl.eea. Dysente ry, Ac., JAA P DDVAL, m Main and lt*Oi elrcela. ecS* CIOTTON OX\ A t:|litl.N.—150 bales Onnabnrge for isle / by IDMOND, DAVIIWMAOA_ mM G~KM I IN it ll.tVAK • CIG lK», oft h* f.ocet brand., )n«t received from New Orleute and Charleston; also, a few real Cigarettes, and the Sneat brande of emoklng and chewing To bacco, forea.e at MCADK A RABKS*S Drua Store, lb* Main street, nor above Poe* DlW-o «eSA KRAIS Tt T VK, Sal Soda,-a email lot of Soda Aah and Barilla: Prlnlera* Glue, and Pruee ate Potaah, tor tale at MBSDS A HABIB'S Drug Store, IS* Mala Street, earner above FKKNCT1 BRANDT.—B qoart*r eaaki very luperior quality, for aale by BUN LOP. toONCPRE A 00. deV-lw IVOR RFNT.-Twn lory* War* Homan, fronUnf on Doe* and Oary street*. Apply to del* - Iw _010. » PALMER SOOTH I INU NVRUP.-Mr*. Wlnelcw’a SooUito* Syrup, aud Railway's Ready Relief, for tala by W. PETERSON A 00., iBA Main street _ dell H.IFP.T V KVlNKIn atorv and for aaleby CLARKSON A (VB No. 10* Main street _««'• non THE AMIRV.-ftftOlb (0 r inert, for aale by DOVE A 00. ^ 0 ,c 8 A LTPK j It A small aupp'y by dr AO __ __DOTE » 00. WILSON’S DANl'ELIOS COPECK-TU* la a d;.le!oua aa wall as an rcci>oinl:albi,'r-ar*. and la tald to bo equal in the beet Java. Err tale by W. PETERsON A 0«> , lVuvcWa. deft /'bAHEI VA INKS.—1(0 CARRS, IN STORM * / and tor tala by 1 EL PEN A MILLER, ev|S nee eeiata set Aar*. EN«J1,1«H PILOT rlUTH.-'ni cue. dark blue, heavy unybth Pilot Cloth, In ator and fer sa,e by dr*! RAQiiN A B aSKKRTILl.B litaA LHi. CHIP LObUlinn, Jett received and for aale by W. PETERSON A 00._del* rillllLET NOAPa.-A ch-dee lotof Totlet Sotpt Perfumei, I P.- m ad at. Tooth Rri ahee, Ac., for aale by DnYB A CO. HA V Him.- One Panc^eon of very taperlor Ray Bam, for aale by DOVE A 00. DHIKD PMACTIKS—Pn hand, and for aale, averyau perlor lot . 'lirle I >’■ n ' • _DOTE A 00. ISO It MAR. 1— J oat reeeivril and for aale, 1000 Ibt Beeswax: r 1B0 lbs Country Heap; V b-.aca March: 1 bov Hrown Roan; •• hhla Tver Kvtra Elmir HUNT a J A W KM net WINK.’ b >ies Claret WlMj * qutiier casks pale Sheiry Wmr, of line quality, for sale by noil EDMOND, DAVENPORT A 00. BPPBR -U baa around Pepper, a superior article, far aale by VV. PtrER-MON a 0(>, iirunelsi*. :» Main street IrVT.-Bblhs Patent Uni, or aale by J. P. DOTAL, Oornai J Main an llHh ale. nnIS J|IRDRIB*.—Try Pant, Country Rime Thread, Rencl. “ Hatcbrts, Braes Spurt, Cast Steel, House Rasps, Trace Chain* letter Paper, Out and Wrouyht Nalls, Oopper wire. Knlvru and Porks, Pocket Helen. Oclflo Bc-ew* Sand Paper, Eenorr Ololh or aale by CLARKSON A 00 , No. H>« Main (treat, de » ONK rnPPEH STILL AND WOHNT. lent ua fat tale, and to be teen at our More, dtld_ALTEYA LIPSOOMB PAA/\ LHR, White and Brown Bine’ Paint, In oil, tot OUlIV/ aaleby WM. 8ATTI.tR A ro, noT _ __HI Main street. HAVANA CICARR.—A lot of (enulne Havana Clear* vety line, for aale by W. PETERSON A 00.,I Malr Street deB INL'tl' K. PamPy PI ur nf tape lor quality, tor tala In quun r title. In anil nuvi/ip. MONCCRt A 00. del IkKnoVAl .-I IMONI). DAVENPORT ACO~ haveremov XV ed ihelr < (lice, e rner Oarr and 13th Stre-'r, up Malr' deU rRATHRR.—1<" tides Rcaaett Leather; BO aldee Hit • J Upper Leather; 1ft aldee Kip Sklnr, 10 aldee french Calf (kina on penflyntorof, and tor talc by no« HUNT A JAMES. CRURimn loaf lire ah, m atom on ih. to hbi* Ls'verlr.ea and N. T. Steam *uyar Reflnlny Oempany. • r tala by Wu. WaLLaOI BOMB, oorner Pearl and Oarj Me. rmo*.«. pmoh * oo.».« '»■«»«* •*» T k„t, jm Blank***, Gray Array Kanketa, 1t UP~ •THOMAS B, PIIOI A 00. 1O0HY Ac ANDKHdON, BOB % f ANOPAOTTRiRB of, and Agenu for the aala of Tobacco, Cl jl nn, ac , No. *S MEDICINES, *P. JOHN T GBAY, 147 Main meet, BlehaaaJ, V*., haala tUra, aad offen lor aalc, at market ratoe, tor oat* oaly, th* ,toll0N ****** indigo, ttrlctly prim* qaallly Madder, good Ombre Alum Gum Opium Pow kino -“* 16 Side* P,t Enameled Leather, ao’d colon Y 2;- 800 pr. Men'o Bhoc Laate 900 Wonune end Children do 800 do* Alexander's spool Cotton 160 pks Pino, asooited lOOOpr. Trace Chain* 800 log, Filth and Tongue Chain* 100 Mill and X CutBa.i 60 Circular Pave, ass'd 4 to 64 In. 10 caeea genuine Castile Foap 800 M, 0 D and Englbh Pc’. Capo In More and ter eale by RHODES, WiLBON A HCRT, ■uecooore to Smith, Rhodes A Co. 9i Pear HtreeL CTITRATE OF MAGNESIA hAS long been known 4> one of the 9 beet PurgatlTe* In nee; but In the usual form of a Solution or Liquid Preparation It la too bulky for the trareller We hare now the tame In aBOLID FORM-one bottle being rqulralent to three or foor of the liquid prrpartlon, and far preferable to Epeom Falti, Beldllta Powder* *r the uiual AperlecU and Cathartics. Erery eoldler or Trareller ehoeld base a bottle with him at thta iraeot of lhpoV*aii at MEADE A BAKER’S Drug Btort, j j j I HO Hair »t corner abore P. O. UOOKM AHU .1 AT.ONKHV. w 111 Male e'reet, Has mad* large additions to hli itoek, by recent pnrehaoea — 6000 Mlllwry W rke by the beet author*; TOO ■ and rd and mix celtaneoua norcla. In cheap and Library b 1 -d 1 rg; Trarrla, Biogra phy and history; WO Bible*. law e and email, common aod fancy blading; lfklO New Teetamenti; S>0 Hymn Booki; W0 Prayer Bo.iki; l'HO Pcrular School Books; 100,000 Manilla. bluff, Blu-, an! White Knee npe , 160 Rear.,* Note, Letter, Cap, and Folio f It Paper; loco Blank B oka. tuch as Ledger*, J u-nale, Ceeb, Inrolee Day B ok, Ac ; »,0(10 negea of Mutle; Violin, Paolo*, Fife*. Pluter, VloUn Hflnge, Ac; J0O Gold Pene, with and without ha ,dira; Idl packa Playing Cards, common and first quality, dell___ nmovAL. P. T. MOORE & CO, IMPORTERS AID DEALERS IN POREItiN AND. DOMES TIC HARDWARE, Hut* rets jred lo 141 Main street, the tore recently oecapled by Mess re Wra. P. Perkin* A Do., where they will he hnppy to ■** their friend* and customer*. Tl ey hare now on hand a large assortment cf Engllih and American HARDWARE, and are dally rec siring further additions to their etock. Ercry effort thall be mad* to make prices and quality of gooda tauxfactory to all who may faror them with their patronage nh4 ALL THE PREMIUMS. PLOWS! PLOWS!! PLOWS!!! STARKE'S PATENT SOUTHERN PLOW WAS awarded a Patent by the Patent Dorn- "V mlui.nrr at Washington, on the 10th day of Angast, 18*0, and at tht late Fair of jj>rl the Virginia itale aod Central Agricultural YvW" ■oeletlee, held lo Richmond lo October, was _ ~ awarded the Premlam for being the be* on*- — bone Plow, the beet two-heree Plow, aod the boot threo-horae cr fonr-horoe Plow on exhibition, ever all the most popular makers of Plowe la tho Mate, and wae awarded the Bllrer Medil at the Fair of the Mechanics’ lnsLIute of the Ftate, held at Rlehmoad at the lam* time. The Farmer whs does had Plowing makee a had crop; tborofura, oaod your order* and get th» beet to be had. P. H. STARKE, ■a. M, Boon abore ft Charles H-l*L t*l«Uchmcad. fa. ■ AMI III IMEbte A % lb mtflMI. SAWING AND TUNNING. TUI Oldaet laUbllehmenl lo Richmond, where may be ht kac the ikoec art.,-lee, ta per/boMow, at the ehortart notice. Bein' condJent of giving entire eatlafketlon, the inbacrlber toll stta, ai heretofore, Uia public patronage. Havin' recently added cabinet and carpenter*’ Turnin' t* hie boeln***, the public eaa MW havethef* «ocb mtttowl MtapiHAnhnmi or delay. Give me* tall, call—I ¥11 IB AMHI.fR. Mavoetrawk_ ALBERT TIH.LbPAlOH, PI 00 D 0 I COMMISSION MERCHANT 00RN1R OART AND 18TM STRUT*. RICHSOID, fi. WM. N. HOWARD, 01 era. Tork nearly._iioAd FINK CASSimBKE OVKRNHl»TS.-S..*tcial»« really nice, for oale at 114 Main etrnet. aagK __my. IRA SMITH. JOI1.1 C. SIIAFER * to,, DRAPERS AND TAILORS EXrHlSUE IFUJIIEU, 14th rritKiT, sniiino.TD, ta. Weald reapectfbllf call attention to their new Myte* *t fall and "Winter O-ood*. east CONI BS.— Pocket and Dreetlaf Combe, at wholeeale an re tell, by MIADF A oAKIR, DruggDta, lSdMeln Street, corner above P. O. _ deSl^ MILL STONES.—Wehavc for eale, a pair Preach Burr Mill lit,.DM, 4 leet, and a pair Eaopoe MlllBtonee, To Inchee. CLARKSON A 0O„ eel No 1 i*4l Main etreei. %TAILN. —Mv“> Ibe Malia eltehtly damaged, for Bale by R. A. lw R. DABNIY, cor Broad and Ith alreete. noM IINftRRtt Oil,.—We Wteb to purchaec fr'o 1 I - gtlloneof J pure Oil, for which we are witling to pty a liberal price. Ad dreea, Wt[. SA1 .1.KR A 0 1, Southern Paint and Claee Depot, ooT 141 Main rtreai. SALT, SALT,—450 Sack fine Mverpool Balt; BOO Sack! Oround Alum Salt A. Y STORKS A CO. oc« FLA* SEED, Pmther., Mnma made SOAP, a lot of Country Jeune," and eeveral boie* Par, In etor# eon ctgned for eale JOJNBON, YOUNGS 1 A OTRY, noSO IStb Pearl Bt ect RVVNOLD’S SP^riPfr-flcoolee fnglleh Ariicta - The beet known remedy for the relief of G at, Ja.t to hand, at MIADB A BAKER'S Drug Store, 1«* Malm itreet, corner «hove p o.____. y1 MESTARD*—Kngllrh Durham -ur’.ard, In pound and half pound bottle*; Worcettera IteSvtee.ln plot* ar.d half pint*; Beat Italian Salad Oil; Or and and Whole Bl*ck Pe; |.er, for eale at MRADE A RAKER'S Drug S ore, lad Main B.rtrt, corner above p. o. _ N ^ll,; ^duVlV MoVc^r A 00. jr.r RECEIVED, and for ^ tso gram Playing Carda; 5(10 do Cedar Penclle; 1000 do Heel Pen.; 1000 do Pen Holder*; 1W doaen Pert Monalea, Buck Porae* and Pock Booka; 500 doaen Tuck and PI dn Meranr Hooke, to svHK ilsrt* o EtAtlfnnT _ ****** SARDINE*.--if rare* BarIInee. q carter boiev, Inel reertv -i ar i (or eale by ALTRT A LIPSCOMB_ CI(>M'tNTH,t'rFD UK. * lot of the above at or., ^dollar per bo*. Poraal.b, JAJ P. DCVA1. IkOtiKlf areCMBMX A hiUSiRB •*•»» nouns o> cab Ain> mu n/m lUBBlM, VA. TALBOTT A BAOThIB, Proprietors *f lb* scow* WvAB AT* BOV bolMlof POBTABLI STB All afl'JU, «l IB la I roved aoastrwctios, of all elite-fro* ill laforty vh Paw* nluklt for Circular Biw Mill:, Threablay HmMun, Bad «th» porpoiea, vbicb they bailor tkemsalvea in fifty »<;sal,lf It* ll oarior w any Buy dm bat'i bore or alsevkero. TUy will elro furnlib STATION A«T ST BAM BVG1NBB, rot ha Uorrr Vo tay roqcirod paver. OIBCOLAB BAW UILli, of lit Boat approved tcmlri -Udf and of variola slaei. FCMPB tad WHEBLA for WATBB WO ABB, POBTABLI WAUl MILLS, end IKONS for MILLS of aU Mod*. KAILBOAD WOES of every description. TOBAOOO PBB88BS, Sl.ATTENING MILLS,aai alla tlalai all ■ BiacafaclarlDsTobicre.tf-yevfcer wlthmry llldaf BIAS all BOH PASTINGS end Wf )CGHT IKON W0K1,_ WATT’S CUFF BRACE PLOUGHS. Goo- Watt & Oo.. ESTABLISHED IN 1844, GIOKOI WATT bavlnf obtained al dlfaronl Unui loot sap ersve paleola, on '..'l Cuff Brace Plowa. Aeknowle' idle embrace L.C moet reliable Improvement. ever Bade OB thli Irnlm tkeai, t^ro* of which paler m bavo to rin rt.p ctfully 10, lik'd 11 ycau, eap Levity pecs awarded al the late Mechanic Pair, Blchmond. a eertiacau of &.Vir Medal, for OOffTINCBD SC til OBIT If IN PLOWS, (the Mpbeitfroauuu (tvip,) »nd at lb. Ill Bute Pair, /reauum on Ik* *am*. la iddMua W p«e ' ami awarded al all lb. preccdlni rale lor yeart Wlttda two monirj pail be haa added olher valuable imnrev, menu, and we new Invite all la want of plowa, warranted la every rBpact luperkr to all oiLo/t, la OkU an! aiaalne our larvc and varied Stock of Plows, Oaitlanj aai ta.t.ullen' lis; 'en-n’i.ai. fresh and Prime Garden andr.1.1 Scads, An, Ac., *U«t vs SAW fci sale an oar eical aeoomcodaitny linn GBOAGB WATT A OO. dalOaa Square Botov racbanye Bvtet, Elebm-td, fa. m~ IIWING IRIt'lll.SBI, jm 8LOAT8 njsuTit iuiptu' sock mm SEWING MACHINE*. Ana aov wabctaiwciu sr rue DMION VA1TTTFACTUBING 00., Of R ichmond, Virginia. AND ABB POB BALI AT STOKI No. 991 flslii Street! I Tb«a Maobtsea of Dobs Mannledara, are varraabe i tea »• la aaa. PLEASB _CALL AND RXARIIfRJUMt_ A. r. STOUER * CO.. WHOUBALB UIOOSaA, Forwarding and Oornmissiom MERCHANTS •snsr 1 Alb tad Obit HmU, RICHMOND, TA. A, t. atiw,_D*M1 _leak «-_wnniM0B »A8I1, BLIND AND DOOM Manufactory UUAiiui 7TB blaiu m '.ui niuoBuny, MERCER r. 1 Order It Heaven’. Iret aw ’ ). W RANDOLPH tu po'lh'-ed n -w and Improved editions. Tlte Hie and prices for oaa year 11.80; far two year. Ii.ho, he three year* 8 Nl, for fear years AM; for flv. years IS. Alee, another edition, particularly adapted for Ootaoa Plantatuat proe»2. The author of this book It rne of the stoat (acres, fal farmers it * thaSoutLero Males, and ti e systematic ate of It Las add* i teas of thousands of dollars to his estate A Oat* cons of ft"# boobs, waloeklo to lanaera, will be l-nlW tt wao «-•>- m DACaN,-'.,too Ins prime Mountain taeoa f) MlerecsMsw Eire,‘nst rr-oleed and for sals by W. W. WOOLDRIDGE, •ell IMh 8tract. RY«—Jail recelred T. lrty bull els aery nloe yr, and for •ale by B, A. R I.aHNVt, no!7 Cor Tth and Broad srraeee. SOLDI* It* Wl 1 BAKER, jam Propria or, Richmond, Va ii tHURN, Tll fTHY A * D «RI HARD \T ffruf Peri. Ac., Ac., Kxtra Farlv P*m. Cabbage, Crtrty% Hatt'r andT.lma Rata, I-rttar# Fancy, Paran!p, HaMfy, Ba-ll* Soap. Tomato. Mp**»g«a, Cehra, Pienm^rr aod SI lot 8« d, 4c. A Urn'- EiUa K r\t Corn. Com A .al ar , 8 raw Caller*, OratMnr, fit ling an I Weding Uoea, Traci Chaloi, Ac., Ac., for •ale by fr*0 0«0. W4TT AOO. C4NAEY ■ MRD—Just recelred and for isle by W. PETER*).*! A CO , felO • _Itt Main >t (AROUND A Lira N ALT.-. MU Racks tire and A,am T Ball, retelling and'or sals. telO BACON A B APR REV ILL. I) E A*.—AM baa Black Ejrd P.ai, In ttore, and for sale I_dSf,WM. H. PLEASANT*. ALARGE uaortm'nt cf .opi-rior Paint Rrwahrw, Dusters and Whitewash Brushes, for sale by nol___WM RATTLER A CO (D A.a HN.- Dreesin*. fins Tooth sod Pocket Oombs, an rlr J ,eot aasortment. for .ale by DDVR A 00.. Wholesale Dm, flats. del* A CANDOR OIL.—Iu* rreefrod, one cask fast India tartar m Oil, for sals by W PETCUBJN A C) , ISA Halo at did ■ SUNDRIES*. -Pota»h; Bel Boda; Oooeentrated Lye; Olae; I Coppers.; Quinine; Neatefaot Oil; Ext. Loswood; ip's Tor* V ptm!’«; Opium; Mace; Nul-’ege; Allspice, Ac., for sal* t.e 1 dekO JAL F. DUVAL, Ear. Mata and lOtk .1* * i