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VOL. VI-NO. 144, Are always on the lookout for BARGAINS And arc receiving new and Desirable "/Goods EVERY BAY. Satin striped Batiste, at 12Jc a yd. French cashmere Piubre's, 23c a vd; usual price, 3?jc. Yard wide Batiste at 8c a yd. Pongee Drapery in great variety of Styles, at 15 and 17c a yd. Ladies' black drapery Nets from 23c a yd up. Figured Mohairs, in light shades, at 88c a yd. All wool Challies, inches wide. 42c a yd. Wool suitings, 54 inches wide, 28c a yd. Wool striped Suiting, 30 inches wide. 12:c. Pin cheek wool Suiting, 38 inches, at 15c a yd. All woo! Suiting, 88 inches-wide, 20c a yd. Chiua Silks, at 37jc, 50c, Toe and $1 a yd. Striped Pongee Sil ks in all the latest hades, at 50c; regular price, 70c. Ladies' and children's cambric and Swhs Flouncings, from 25c up. Buttelick's Metropolitan Fashion Sheet lias just arrived and will l?e given away free of charge. Snj?sr. Isssler M McBaii 134 SALE?,! AVENUE. S. W., ROAlfOKE, - - - - VIRGINIA. COTH1EKS. OUTFITTEUS. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Wfc kn-v. : ?r S6 AMD ?8 SUITS Are superior to all others, but we want you to see them. We have an" increasing demand for our $10" - ^$12 BUSINESS SUITS. And as sizes are broken, those we have left, we cut from $12 lo $10 and From $10 to $8. This will give you a chance to be well dressed for little monev. The black Cheviot, formerly advertised at $10, we are selling at *9.50. 85? Fine Diagonals, Corkscrews and newly-patterned Cassi .tneres. WORKMANSHIP SO EXCELLENT ?AND? PRICES SO LOW That it will make the leading tailor wonder ARE THE LATEST. It will pay you to look at them be ore you buy. Hi s? LANDRETH'S CELEBRATED GOODS.' SEEDS FRESH -AND RELIABLE. -FOR SALE AT C. R.WERTZ, fail! grocery. 108 Commerce St. Prices as Low as the Lowest. WHERE YOU CAN BUY Ghampignous, Petits Pois, Dnrkeel's Salad Dressing Lea A Perrin's Sauce Essence of Anchovies. Walnut Catsup, China Soy, Truffees, Currie Powder Celery Salt, Chili Sauce, . Canned Shrimp, Deviled Crabs, Snails, Pitted Olives, Frencd Capres, Mustard Sardines, Sardines in Oil, Cross & Blackwill's Chow Chow, Mixed Pickels and Gherkins, Cross & Blackwill's Assorted Jams, Orange Momolade Turkish Preserved Roses, 0 Richardson & Robiuson's Potted Meats and Plum Pudding. Edam, Pine Apple, Sweitzer , and Cream Cheese. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, -AT THE? Checkered Front Grocery CMARKLEY&CO.. j PROPRIETORS. Vaugrhn.Tl oward&Co, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Carnegie City, Va., (Formerly Big Spring.) Investors would do well to corres? pond with us. ap2?hli|a ROANOKE, VI Iii RROS WILL OFFEIt THIS WEEK SPECIAL ? DR1VJKS In black and colored faille Silks, at | 99c per yard; regular price $1.25. Silk finished Henr^Ua cloth, beet rjuality? 46 inches wide, 90c. per yard. All silk Fish Net, 4G inches wide. 89c. per yard; sold elsewhere at $1.25. All wool Stripes and Plaids, sprhnrl shades, 30 inches, wide, 35c. per yard; regular price SOe.... A few more pieces left, 40 inch wool stripes at 15c. per yard. Twenty dozen ladies' blouse waists j at 50c. apiece. Full Hue of ladies' muslin and cam? bric underwear. The largest assortment of Towels, Napkins and Table Linen m the city, at New York prices. ?OUR? Millinery Department, IS COMPLETE II EVERY PARTICULAR. AT PRICES THAT Defy Competition, BOSENBACH BROS., 42 Salem avenue. BUSINESS. . i O to 15 Per Cent SAVED BY PAYING CASH L OR Your .'Groceries, -AT 154 SALEM AVENUE. WHOLESALE PRICES ON FLOUR. Oil Sold at Night. A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED. Respectfullv, C. F. BLOUNT. my3-ti HICKS, BANE & KELLY, Real Estate Agents, GRAHAM, VA. They are associated with J W Hicks, Attorney-at-Law, who furnishes ab? stracts of title. apl7-3m ]VOTICE.-SEALED PROPOSALS l.y will lie received until May 31, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the repair and enlargement of the public school building at Vinton, Va. lJIans and specifications can bo seen by calling on W. P. Moomaw, No. 32, Campbell street. Koanoke, Va. Bids may be left with W. P. Moomaw, Koanoke, Va.. Dr. George T. Walker. Vinton. or the undersigned through city postoffice. The ! board reserves the right to reject any and all ( bids. D. E. K EFAU VEH, myHto31 Clerk of Board. J. E. Mulcare & Co, Manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRUN WARE, And dealers in all kinds of Cooking and Heating Stoves. Plumbing, and Gas and Steam fitting done. Tin roofing a specialty. Satisfaction guar? anteed. No. 115 First avenue, Roan oke, Va. ap5-tf IN. SALE AND CO., BEDFORD CITY, VA., Agents for The Bedford City Land and Im? provement Co. The Otter View Land Co. The Longwood Park Co. And the most desirable business and residence property in the town.;: Refer to the First National Bank, Bedford City, Va. apl.5-3m. RGINIA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY V5> 1890: PRI SUNDAY CHAT, COLONEL PAT D?RAN MAKES A FEW OBSERVATIONS. THE POLICE HAVE NEW UNIFORMS Ami it Roy Wants to Know Where They Got Them?About Fishing lu Nonthurst Virginia?And JohnNon Poetizes on the Rcaiitilitl Spring Colonel Pat Donan passed through Roanoke during the week,on his way South where lie will visit the place of his birth in Mississippi. The prophet of Devil's Lake is just as genial as ever and quite as enthusiastic in his prognostications about th? grand future that lies before this section Since he failed to be elected a senator from Dakota he has not much to say about politics as a profession. '?Politics? Oh. d?n politics!" he said emphatically. '"Mr. Harrison's administration is about the deadest failure in American history. He could hardly be elected constable in Indianapolis today. Civil service re form is an almost busted humbug Nobody can tell who will be the next presidential candidates, or what the issue will be. Moth parties are split upon the tariff. Capital and labor are squabbling. Monopolists and anti-monopolists are going to lock horns. The next Hou-e of Represen? tatives will be overwhelmingly Dem? ocratic. And that's about all I know tonight?and I'm not sure I know that "Where did you get that bat?'' yelled a smalt boy as Chief Morris passed up Salem avenue yesterday afternoon, with a new dicer perched on his head. The Chief smiled, pulled bisbat a little more over towards his left ear, and glanced at a pretty girl across the way. The new suits have arrived for the police force, and it is expected the officers will wear them for the first time today. They will make a much better appearance than usual, and now the public can take pride in them. The Times is not disposed to boast about ir> achievements, but it shakes hands with itself this morning on the success ii made in awakening public opinion regarding the matter of uniforms. It also shakes hands with the force. The officers look like Mr. McGinty before he fell in the bot? tom of the hole. Time was, and not very Ion;; ago either, when the mountain streams of Southwest Virginia were not consid? ered bad by sporting men. They could spend a week or more with the rod very profitably, but few try it now Progress seenis to deal a death blow to that kind of sport. The mines aloug the stream- are running the lish away. The practice of washing ore keeps the water muddy nearly all the time and mud is fatal to ba^s. trout and every other kind of game fish. Hut the Southern chubb thrive and grow fat on it. Who cares to catch a chubb, though. Might as well bang an old piece of drift wood. Spring fever is epidemic. The air is he*, and fight it olTas yen try.a feeJ-< ing of lanquor steals over one in spite ol oneself. This is how "Phlit" Jobn son put it and he ought to know: The sun that seeks the Wes' Gleams Hot and seems Sort o' dim and hazy er And now a fellow jes' Sits Down an' gits Lazier an' lazier. a i,eintritt; COMPANY. The Ri Vermont Land Company is st rona One. One of the most substantial corpo? rations of Lynchburg is the River mont Land Company. The men at the head of it are all thorough busi ness men and are going into this with a vim. The property of the company con? tains about ">,000 acres of land lying contiguous to the city and company, which are within the city limits. This embraces the triangle between the Norfolk and Western and Chesapeake and Ohio railroads, and is only sepa rated from the city proper by c small ravine which can be easily bridged. This is the intention of the company, and they will very soon erect one or more handsome bridges. The first one will be sixty feet wide, of iron, and put up in the best style and of the best material. This place is within less than five squares of the main business portion of the city. Among the enterprises that will probably be established there will be a manufactory of all kinds of cars; a furnace to manufacture Bessemer pig iron; a belt line running three miles through the Company's" lands and connecting the Chesapeake and Ohio, Norfolk and Western. Richmond and Danville, and Lynchburg and Dur? ham systems, and other railways cen? tering at Lynchburg; a complete sys? tem of electric street railway, includ? ing aline from the Union Depot, con? necting with a line which will cross the new bridge in the Company's lands; water works; a handsome mod? ern hotel and other large enterprises, as utility suggests. The property will be laid off into streets, drives and sites for residences, business and manufac? turing purposes, which will be placed upon the market as speedily as the scope of so large an enterprise will ad? mit of. Lynchburg's- environments and rapid growth have made "The River mont Company" a necessity. It will afford new homes to its overcrowded population and singularly attractive sights for its rapidly expanding in? dustries. The Company starts out under fav? orable auspices and will, no doubt, be a big thing for Lynchburg. Roanoke will probably be alloted a block of stock so look out and don't get left. ABOUT THE HOTELS. Ilinton Helper, the well-known cor? respondent, who has been traveling in the north in the interest of Roan? oke, stepped off the sleeping car of the morning train yesterday, and will spend several days in the city. He was looking bronzed, somewhat, from his trip, and has travelled over the greater part of three States since last he was here. He visited various cities in New York, Delaware and Pennsylvania, and presented the ad? vantages of Roanoke in sections it had never been advertised before. He car? ried thousands of neat little circulars with him, printed on yellew paper and choke full of statistics, and suc? ceeded in enlisting a great deal of interest wherever he went. When he returns he will bring down three or four excursion parties with him from Delaware and Pennsylvania. Arthur Henry, BtafT correspondent of Frank Leslie's, has been in the city for the past few days gathering data about Roanoke and the surrounding section for a descriptive article to ap Fear In an early number of Frank ?slie's. Mr. Henry is a slight young man with blonde bushy hair and wears eye-glasses. He has just come from the lam ber region of Michigan, but says that he has seen no section equal to the Roanoke valley in fertil? ity. He left last night for Natural Bridge. PRESS PEOPLE. COMING TO THE SOUTHWESi ON THEIR EXCURSION. TWO STOPS IN THIS CITY It Will bo n I.arxc and Talented Crowd Thpy Hill be llanqiicted in Norfolk And All Along the Mn?-A Visit to Pulaski mid Ivuntioe-Ciiveiliiitf SKCl'RK A iio.m:. the Inducements Offered Those NfcMiii IIomcN. III. The real estate market bus been very active in Roanoke during the ?ast week. Owners agents and pur hasers were all in a good humor, and verybody is satisfied. The market during the week has hown largely increased sales in every department, and James S. Simmon's & Co. report a number of large sales. Not only is this increase of sales very noticeable in the transfers of property for speculative purposes, but also for permanent investors, men who pro? pose to build homes for themselves. :\sthe summer advances much ac? tivity in building operations is noticed, and many new houses are in process of construction. This natu illy makes the real estate market ranch firmer, and agents are corres? pondingly happy. Simmons & Co. been doing a rushing business, one of the best since the linn was stablished. The East End property is changing hands very rapidly, and many new houses will be erected this season. Among the prominent additions in East End, is that of the Oak Ridge Land Company. The addition just ea?t of Belmont and south of Bast Side Land Company's prop rty ami adjoins the farms of essrs. George Taylor and G. W. irr. This offers every inducement as a lace of residence. It is removed from business portion of the city and it refore gives a quiet, suburban ?nie, while at the same time it is near the dummy line and therefore piite convenient to the city. The land is high and dry and has just enough slope to give it good rainage. Gas and water mains are icing put in and new streets arc being lid out. Every thing is propitious, md it is destined to take its proper place in the front rank. It is located near the furnace, rolling mill, bridge orks and the machine works and oilers, therefore greater inducements to the w?rkiBgman, as it is near his work. A number o'r neat-Cottages are eoimr up and others have/t/CS^p011" traded for. James S. Simmons & Co., are agents for the company, and they can give good bargains. The property is going rapidly, and if you want to obtain a good bargain, call on them at once. The prices for the lots are low and the terms easy, so every man can own his home. A telegram received by the times last night, from Boston, announced that the surburban Press Association had sailed for Norfolk on their trip through Southwest Virginia. They will arrive in Norfolk tomor? row at noon and will be entertained by the Business Men's Association At 10 o'clock they will leave for Roan oke, where they will arrive at 12:16 and for three hours will be entertained by the citizens. From Pulaski the party will go to Ivanhoe Furnace, staying there about four hours, and then returning to the former place, where they will spend the night and eat breakfast the next morning. Wednesday at 8:02 the train pull out for Salem, and from 10 until 1 o'clock they will lie the guests of the citizens. They will reach this city in time for a half past-one o'clock din? ner, and at 7:05 will leave lor Natural Bridge where they will spend the night and the succeeding day in visit? ing this great curiosity of nature. Luray will be the next place visited, and a night and day will be spent in exploring the wonders and beauties of the caverns The party will then leave for Wash? ington where they will remain from Friday until Monday. The route, as outlined, may be slightly changed so as to allow the press people to attend the unveiling of the Lee statue, in Richmond, but this has not yet been definitely decided upon. From Wash? ington the party will goto Baltimore thence to Norfolk and thence back to Boston. It is hardly necessary, we trust, to remind members of our commercial organizations and individuals aside from their affiliation with such bodies, that it should be a pleasure, as it is a duty, to make the necessary effort financially, ami personally in the way of attendance upon the visitors, for their proper reception and comfort here. This delegation will make a more extended tour than the former one through Virginia. mi < iu m ins today. Place? of Worship for the inherent Denomination?. YOUNG HEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION A Yonng Men's meeting will be con? ducted at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms today at 4 o'clock p.m., by B. W. Jarrett. THE lutheran church. Rev. J. E. Bushneil will preach in the Lutheran Church this morning at II o'clock, and Rev. ,J. A. Hufford at night. Rev. J. M. Spencer will assist in administering the Lord's Supperat the morning service. THE 11kurkw SYNAGOGUE. The Hebrews, of this city, will cele? brate the Pentecost (feast of week) by holding divine service in their tempo? rary synagogue. st. JOHN'S CHURCH. Services will be held at St. Johnl Episcopal church by the rector. Rev. W- H. Meade, at 11 o'clock in the I morning and 8 o'clock in the evening Sunday school at 0:30 o'clock. Tnif baptist CHURCH. Rev. O. F. Flippo will preach in the Bonsack Baptist Church this morn? ing at 11 o'clock, and in the Roanoke Baptist Church at 8 o'clock. Dr. C. F. James will preach in the | Roanoke Baptist Church today at 11 o'clock. ST. an'drkw's catholic CHURCH. Regular services at St. Andrew? Catholic Church thismorningat8and| 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. W. Lynch. THE METHODIST CONGREGATION. The First Avenue Methodist Con giegation will worship in the Opera! H?use today at 11 a. ui. and 8 p. m. Sunday school as usual. THE GREENE memorial CHURCH. At Greene Memorial Church Rev. H. Boyd will preach at the usual j hours. WEST END ADDITION. 'OED JOHN'S TRID I T E.? Hotel Arrival*. Palace Hotel.?W A Abrel, Read ing, Pa.; JC Simpson, Fiucastle. Va. B. W. Smith, Suffolk; AL Saunders I thousands ( and wife, Charleston; G H N?ster! Since the w Charleston: C R Shandle, Blacksburg; I stant visitor J H Slusser, Blacksburg; J W Carper, Virginia: S L Witt, Virginia; H Smith. Alleghany: M D Paddon, Springfield; S F Condozo, Virginia: S F Fulker son. Bristol; J M Hood, Virginia; M N Lancey Baltimore; A L Powell, Vir? ginia; F Haas, Bluefield; C C Baly, Virginia; D P Copenhaver,Bltiefield;*A Whitty, Alleghany; G W Shune. Maryland; W J Allen, Danville; E M Smith, W R LConway, Suffolk; Chas Futz, Baltimore; George W Carr, Win Thornton and family, Philadel? phia; C C Neil, Birmingham; John Martin, Cincinnati; D J Earley, Vir? ginia; J C Edwards, J J Board, New York; E J Wilson, Philadelphia; W D Fisher, Texas; M 0 Abbott. Rich? mond; L Laundry, Washington. Hotel Roanoke.?J B Straw bridge, Ivanhoe; J B Carev, Rich? mond; S W Heelm, Danville; S. V Fulkerson, Bristol; W F Hutharey, Rochester; C P Mahood, Lynchburg; Hinton Helper, New York; W N Bay less, Baltimore; A E Yarnell, Phila? delphia; A H O'Neil, C P Langlois, Boston; R Sanshuman, Baltimore; Hugh Moor, Radford; G T Mills, Pulaski; W H McQuail, Pottsville; E Barlow, Mahoney City, Pa.; A Robertson, J W Bushony, Salem; R Ruffiu, Virginia; W J Quinn, Pennsylvania; JC Mun, Buena Vista; Frank T Curamings, New York; W N Thomson, Baltimore; WW Marple, Philadelphia; J D Small, Baltimore; Crozier, jr.. Philadelphia; Joseph Strauss, Baltimore; J W Cook, Shen andoah Valley. The finest material and most expen? sive workmen are employed in the construction of the Kranich & Bach piano; therefore it is first-class and; acknowledged by all leading musi-! cians as the standard instrument of j the world. The Hobbie Music Co He Writes in a SynipntlielIc Strain of the Lee Statue Unveiling. Pulaski, Va., May 2:3rd, 1800. The unveiiug of the Lee monument at Richmond on the 29th of this month, would not be celebrated with ceremonies becoming the fume of our commander without the presence there of great numbers of the surviv? ors of that army with which his name is entwined. And from what I can learn, large numbers from every State in the South will be piesent. It will be a gr at feast to these old vet? erans to look upon the bronze statue rf their much beloved commander. And many will be there, who will re? call his memorable words spoken to them at Appomattox Court House. "Tt^johonie men, and try and make so\nTVn>nHvT^"r families, and may God Almighty p^ggS!*"* ?m of you." Twenty-five years has plttBcj, since thes? words were spoken and his soldiers furled their banner, but they are still fresh in their memories. Who will be able to tell the emotions that will spring from these old veterans' breasts when thev cast their eyes upon the statue ?' J While thousands will be there thousands of others will be absent ir death has been a con to their ranks, whil fortune has driven many of their com? rades to seek homes in distant States Wounds, sickness, old age and pov? erty will keep many others away. ] feel sure that every one who fought in the army of Northern Virginia would be proud to do honor once more to the man they loved more than tongue can express, and another great pleasure will be to meet and shake hands with old comrades for the first time since the war. 1 feel certain that many battles will be fought over again and many camp in cidents will be told over again. ] want to say a word to these old sol diers : My comrades of the army of Northern Virginia, let us all make sacrifices to attend this unveilin Don't be afraid that you will not be taken care of in Richmond. I know the people there too well. The "Old Confeds" will have more honor be? stowed upon them than the volun? teers and it isright that they should have. In all probability this will be our last chance to honor our beloved Lee, and when we return to our homes we can tell our children what we heard and saw and inspire them to revere the name of him whom their fathers loved. "Old John." Wants to Reach Washington. Mr. Sands, counsel for the Norfolk and Western railroad, made an fargu ment before the House District of Columbia committee yesterday in favor of giving that road an entrance into that city by a bridge of its own at the "Three Sisters," near George? town. No determination was reached, but the committee seemed favorably disposed. For Sale. A new six-room house, with conven LVnchbnrg, Va~ general State agents,' j iences; large back yard; convenient ?uarantee lowest prices. Catalogue to business and machine works. Must mailed free be sold in the next few days. Price, '_?_ $1,800? $300 cash and $20 monthly in Go to Geyer's to get your spring I stallments. Address and summer suits, my20 tf. my23tf Care Times Office. Desirability of and Demands lorl.ols I gg There. All who come to this city, either as isitors or as residents, are pleased with its location as well as with the uergy and enterprise of its people. As soon as they have ascended one of the gently rising elevations of the city and viewed the handsome public and private buildings, many of them fresh from the builders hands, and all ol them comparatively new, they are filled with admiration for the city and its progressive people, and begin at once, if they are able, to make invest? ments with the ultimate intention of building themselves homes. In whate/er direction they look they see eligible building lots and | houses in differeut degrees of cons? truction. In the western part of the city the view, however is one of the most enchanting and that location for residences is most numerous and desirable. The land from Grove street westward, with occassional mi d ilations, rises gradually, till within a few hundred yards of Roanoke river, where it slopes westwardly to the beautiful valley border, the banks ol that winding stream. Just where tbe last western ascent commences, a handsome boulevard of a mile in length begins, and from this to the north, and south runs numer? ous streets, intersecting others lead? ing east and west. These streets di? vide what was once the property of the West End Land Company into blocks which in turn have been laid oil into lots, the most desirable to be found anywhere for the purposes of residences. The demand for these lots was such that the company soon disposed of all of them, and they are now owned mostly by single individuals. Me-srs. VT^u'e*J5."Simmons & Co., are agents rt^?*' T*??' "Member of these owners, fully attest the great ^mand ,,,r them. The Roanoke Street Railway Com? pany have lately completed a line through the center of this property, and cars run hourly from the Union depot by this route to the western limits of the city. Here, removed from the bustle and turmoil of the business centers, the hard worked man can find the rest and quiet of i suburban home without any of its at tendant advantages. The pure air from tbe surrounding mountains will s .'vivify the blood which'-courses through his veins, and the panoramic views of all that is grand and beauti? ful in nature or tasteful in art will sooth his mind when weared with the cares of constant daily toil. The elevation is such that every lot is thoroughly drained without beiutr abruptly steep or permeated with ledges of stone, so commonly the case i;i mountainous districts. Many of tue streets have been planted in trees which in time will give a splendid shade and make the West End addi? tion not only one of the choicest parts of the city in natural advantages, but one of the loveliest portions also. The lover of nature can here gratify his tastes by adorning his ground or developing their productiveness in proportion to the area which he holds. Water, electric and gas lights, the tslepbone and the letter carrier sys? tem will be as completely within his reach as if he resided in the center of the city, and a few yards from his door, ready for his call will be street cars to carry him to his place of busi? ness during working days or to church upon the Sabbath. All things considered, the West End property offers advantages to pur? chasers which cannot be surpassed, and, that these advantages are appre? ciated, the handsome houses already erected there, those in process of con? struction, or contemplated, abund? antly prove. A talk with the leading contractors of the city will satisfy the most skep? tical as to the splendid building pros? pects of the addition, and the records of the clerk of tbe corporation court will show that many fine building sites there are owned by men of means and culture, who have purchased sole? ly to build themselves homes of taste and comfort at an early date. BedfordCity i LAND and IMPROVEMENT COMPANY CHARTERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY' OF VIRGIRIA. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 The Bedford City Land Company offers the best investment on the Norfolk and Western Railroad. It is a golden opportunity $300,000 of par value stock only has been offered for sale. Nearly all taken. Shares,$10 par value. Terms: $2 cash; each thirty days thereafter $1 until $5 are paid. Then a non-assessable certificate for $10 issued. This company has three thousand building aiid business lots in the western part of Bedford City. Incomparably the best property and the most beautiful 6ites. The town s growing west. The [new depot site is on these lands. Tbe Randolph Macon College Academy is there and a new first-class hotel will be erected as oon as the architect has finished the drawings. Nearly 4,000 population now. Fifteen plug tobacco concerns. The largest and most successful woolen mills in the State except Charlottesville. Twenty-five manu? factories now and seven new manufacturing enterprises fihderway. The Bedford and James River Railroad is to be built in the near future. ' For those who want a safe investment the stock and land of the Bedford City Land Company presents the greatest inducements. The present selling Talne of the property is worth more money than the total amount of stock the company offors for sale. For particulars address ftp 5 3m PRESIDENT OF THE BEDFORD CITY LAND ?ND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, Bedford City, Va CE - - JFIVE CENTS FROM OUTSIDE. THE ANARCHISTS ARE STILL AT WORK. A WEST VIRGINIA EPIDEMIC. A Priest ?cnd-Speakcr Reed's Mother Dead-Aii F.artbquak? Shock? They are Banished?Yesterday's Base Ball ?ames?Other Telegraphic Ticks. By United Press. London, May 25.?The English Mission, provided with an unlimited quantity of bibles and religious tracts, printed in Persion and Kuristan lan? guage has arrived at Tillis on its way to Persia. It is the intention of the Mission to convert to Christianity Kurus and Nestorians of eastern Persia. Two Hundred PerMOiis III. By United Press. B ARBO URS vtlle, west virginia May 24.?A distressing situation exists here. Flux, measles and typobid fever are prevalent. Two hundred pen-onsare ill. Business is at a stand still, and physicians and undertakers are overworked and grave diggers have not been so busy for years. They will be Banished. By United Press. Constantinople, May 25.?The Turkish officerand five students have been held by the Russian embassy for assaulting the wife and daughter of its chief dragoman and have been sentenced to six months imprison? ment. After their sentence expires they will be banished. - a Thoy Want More Funds. By United Press. LONDON, Hay 24.?The German gov? ernment has asked the Reichstag for a further vote of nearly $5,000,000 for military purposes. This is to meet the increased expenditures which will be occasioned by the passage of a new army bill now pending in the Reich? stag. t An Attack on Romanist. By United Press. CHICAGO, May 24.?This morning's session of the Baptist anniversaries was devoted to reports and discussions of mission work. Rev. J. D. Fulton, oi Boston, in an address on the sub? ject, severely attacked Romanists and made an appeal for the redemption of [taly from tin- eur.-e of the "serpent." lor the World*? Fair. By United Pres?. CHICAGO, May 24.?The World's Fair Committee have decided to ask Governor Fifer to call a special session of the legislature to submit the consti? tutional amendment authorizing Chi? cago to vote $5.000,000 for the World's Fair purposes. An Outrageous Attempt. By United Press. CHICAGO, May 24.?An unsuccessful attend was made last night to blow up the Hay Market Monument erect? ed in memory of the policemen, who were killed by a bomb thrown May 4. lStfij. .. 17 . ** ?arrelt Bend lather Stephen .?.. ... By United Press. CHICAGO, May 24.?The Rev. Father Stephen M. Barrett, of St. Stephens Roman Catholic Church, who was shot yesterday by a maniac named Patrick Keady, died at nine oclock this morning. The Ink Sliu&er Captured. By United Press. New York, May 24.?The police captured the individual, who had gained for himself the titie of "Jack, the Ink Slinger."' His mania has been to throw ink on the dresses of the ladies, as they walked along the streets. * -m .Speaker Reed's Mother Bead. By United Press. Washington, D. C, May 25,1890. Speaker Reed received a telegram this morning notifying him of the death of his mother at Deerfield, Mm inc. No Conclusion Reached. By United Press. Washington, I). C, May 24.-The Senate discussed the Naval appro? priation bill all day without reaching a conclusion. Au Karthqnake Shock. By United Press. Billings, Mont., May 14.?There were three sharp shocks of earth? quake here yesterday. Baseball Yesterday. national league. New York, May 24.?At New York New York, 5; Chicago, 3. At Boston?Boston, 5; Cincinnati, 7. At Philadelphia?Philadelphia, 9 ; Pittsburg, 0. At Brooklyn?Brooklyn, 7: Cleve land, 3. players' LEAGUB. At Boston?Boston, 8; Chicago, 9. At New York?New York, 6; Cleve land, 0. At Philadelphia?Philadelphia, 10 Buffalo, 8. At Brooklyn?Brooklyn, 8; Pitts burg, 4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. At Rochester?Rochester, 6; T ledo, 7. At Syracuse?Syracuse, 4; Lou ville, 3. At Philadelphia?Athletic, 8; St Louie, 4. p> At Brooklyn?Brooklyn, -3; Colnm bus, 1. ATLANTIC LEAGUE. At Worcester?Worcester, 17; Wfl mington, 7. At Hartford?Hartford,0; Newark,?. At Jersey City-Jersey City, 4 Washington, 4.