Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VI-AO. 152. TP. Ei l inH k Axe always on the lookout for And are receiving new and Desirable '/Goods EVERT DAY. Satin striped Batiste, at 121c a yd. French cashmere Unibre's, 33c ayd; usual price, 3?ic. Yard wide Batiste at Sc a yd. Pongee Drapery in great variety of styles, at 15 and I7u a yd. Ladies' black drapery Nets from 35c a yd up. Figured Mohairs, in light shades, at 33c ayd. All wool Challies, :52 inches wide. 42c a yd. Wool suitings, 54 inches wide, 28c a yd, I . _ I Woo; si riped Suitin Jk'> inches wide, I 12k Pin check wool Suiting. 88 inches, at loe a yd. All wool Suiting. 38 inches wide, 20c a yd. China Silks, at 37*0, 50c, 73c and *1 a vd. striped Pongee Silks in all the latest hades, at 50c: regular price, 73c. Ladies' and children's catubw and Swiss Flouncings, from 25c up?"' Jutterick's Metropolitan Fashion Sheet has just arrived and will be given away free of charge. er, mm m 134 SALEM AVENUE, S. W., BOANOKFT, VIRGINIA I MEALS ? BURKI COTIiiEKS? OUTFITTERS. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We know our 36 ?ND $8 SUIT&V Are superior tc all others, but I we want you to see them. We have an" increasing demand for our im<m business wi And as sizes are broken, those we have left, we cut from $12 to $10 arid From $10 to $8. This will give you a chance to be well dressed for little money. The black Cheviot, ? formerly advertised at $10, we are selling at $0.50. ^-ye we at $15 ? _je Diagonals, Corkscrews and newly-patterned Cassi mere). ' rf^J^IP SO EXCELLENT ppfiM SO LOW That it will malee the leading tailor wonder if1*"1 ARE THE LATEST. It will pay yon to look at them be ore'you buy. LANDRETH'S CELEBRATED GOODS. SEEDS FRESH -A?D? RELIABLE. -FOR SALE AT C. R.WERTZ, FAMILY GROCERY, 108G ommerce St. Prices as Low as the \ Low *st. Hh Bread Flour! WHITE BREAD FLOUR WE WILL PAT $50 IN CASH To any one who can furnish the slightest proof of the slightest adulteration in the Famous and Popular WHITE BREAD FLOUR. Try "WHITE BREAD" and you will Use No Other. CMARKLEY&CO.. -THE ... n -* Checkered Front Grocers 124 and 126 -First Avenue, S. W. \T? TICE.? A STOCKHOLDERS' ii meeting of the Roanoke Rollins: Mil! Co. is called at Hotel Roanok?, Roanoke, Va., at 12 o'clock m. June 9, 1890. . All stockholders are requested to be present in person or by proxy. , S. B. HAUPT, iuylStojeB President. ROANOKE, VI i -FOR? * THIS WEEK -AT ?IK French salines tit 17c. per yard, re. ular price 25c. Drap De Venice and side hand hip.: hums lOo. per yard, sold elsewhere at 12A siiul 15 cents Twentv-tlve different styles wool cbulhes jin-t received, bolh figured ami side bands. All siik li-h not, 46 inches wide, 79? per yard. New lot Indies' blouse wr.ists irmn 50c. to 82 tu" each Twenty dozen babies cops at 12Jc. each, worth 20 cents. Fine assortment of Swiss 11 luucinga at a!! prices. Guaranteed fast black ladies' hose 25 cents per pair. Large assorln.cnt of ladies' and childrens" parasols and umbrellas. Tlie finest lino of dress goods ir. the I city at prices that defy competition. Millinery Depart inent? We are receiving daily all the new desirable shapes in white and black straws. Flowers in abuudainc al pr\es tbat will astonish you. Call ea "and secure genuine bargains. RkZNBA?M BROS., 42 Salem avenue. BUS! N ESS. 10 to 15 Per Cent L<Y FAYING CASH I OR | Your -/Groceries, -AT irsiii 151 SALEM AVENUE. WHOLESALE PRICES ON FL* OUR Oi^old at Night. ATRIAL ORDER SOLICITED.^ Respectful! v, C. F. BLOUNT. my3-tl MONEY TO LOAN ON TIME, AND payments to suit borrower. People's Per? petual Loan and Buildimr Association, uf Roan? oke, Va. A. z. K?lner, president; M.c Thomas, vice president; W. F. Winch, seeratary and treasurer. Room 1, Masonic Temple, Campbell street. Paid up shares, S?O each. Installment shares, $1 per month. Borrowers can at ac? tinic secure a loan and fix their own limit of the period for repayment. As a sav^js nank this institution offers spe I cial ia*lu'<? ^nts. Installment shares may be subscriber rat any time. Interest is allowed [ onmonoyi placed with the association. This association ia tiotiiK a aucccsotul Dull? ness, paying semi-annual divilends, and is a desirable investment for capital. apl-tf. J. E. Mulcare & Co, Manufacturers of T?IN AND SHEET-Ilj?N WARE, I And dealers in all kinds of Cooking j and Heating Stoves. Plumbing, and Gras and Steam fitting done. Tin roofing a specialty. Satisfaction guar anteed. No. 115 First avenue, Roan oke, Va. ap5-tf N. SALE AND CO., BEDFORD CITY, VA., ^ Agents for The Bedford City jnnd and Im? provement Co. The Otter View LandTCo. The Longwood Park Co. And the most desirable business and residence property in the town. Refer to the First National Bank, Bedford City, Va. apl.5-3l RGINIA. TUESDAY MOllNLYG, JUNE 3, IS90. PBI get it or b?st.I v about the hotels. I counting us PoCAV Irropn Lester waa n Hhu.?v' u 11 * xl' u KJ KJ . edmunds' speech on postoffice bill. the SHOWING UP THE LOS ROLLERS. Onr CoiiffrcsKmiiu its a Humorist?lie in Determined to Have a lltiilding Here?Kolbing Will Prevent Ulm. STo Opposition. I Paul C. Edmunds, the representa? tive in Congress from this district, made a speech in Cbngresslast Wedn? esday in supportol" ttie hill to ap? propriate $50,000 for a postoffice building in this city. Mr. Edmunds boomed Roanoke fjr nil it is worth,-and some of his hits were received with laughter and ap< planse. It was a gerat advertisement for the city, ami there is hardly a doubt m>w but what the bill will be passed just as it l as been reported from the committoe. Appended will be found a number of extracts from Mr. Edmunds' < (Tori . Poscy Green Lester was in the city for a shott time yesterday. Mr. Les? ter is a congressman from the Fifth Virginia district, a Hard Shell Bap? tist preacher and an old batchelor. He has. Cor the past several days, been attending the conf*/erne of his de? nomination held at Pilgrim's Rest, Pulaski c >unty. Mr. Lester is a capi? tal speaker, talking with equal fncil ty from the stump and the pulpit. He went, on to Washington where he arrives this morning. * ? ?? Mr. ,J. M. Carrington, the well known railroad contractor, of South Hoston. was at the Hotel Felix yester? day. Mr. Carrington is a stout man and has had quite a.checkered career. He is known all over the country as a circus manager, having traveled through the Southern States with Iiis show years before Barnum and Fore paugh thought of doing so. At pres? ent (n- has a contract up on the Elk horn extension and expects to leave for his field of opperations. the enumerators begun their work yesterday. OF THEM BIFiRiBHOSD, The 3.a.lies ??n't Tell Their Age What the Negroes Think of Il-Tlie Chance for St inly ing Unman Nature. It In Slow Work at First. Mr. Chairman, I to the distinguish! Texas(Mr. Mills), i some of his time. am very grateful fl gentleman from iho has given me I think that every gentleman in this House with whom I have !>een thrown in contact will acknowledge that I am at least a very ? lOdcst man. but L too, have my ' rale of woe" which 1 desire to lay b -fore this body: In accordance with the modesty which 1 claim for myself, 1 have introduced only one bill in the Congress of'the Foiled States; and that a bill for a public building in the city of Roanoke, in Southwest Virginia, a city which, in the last ten year.-, has reached a population of over 20,000 inhabitants, a city that pays annually over $23,000 Of postal revenues to the gov? ernment, yet it is without a public building, and the government isrent ing a little office so small that when, on one occasion, I called for uy mail, hearing Foine confusion, the post master informed me?and you will see that lam not a large man?that the room was so small only one man could come in at a time. [Laughter.] Vet this great city, that 1 believe in the next ten years will have a population Of 60,000 souls, is not to have a public building: j Laughter.] "Mr. Chairman, I have noticed that gentlemen*here like to allude now and then to the length of time they have been in Congress, and I have no doubt, sir, that if I am permitted to remain here until 1 getthat Koanoke bill through, I too, will be able t? point to quite a long period of service in this House. (Laughter.) Although 1 am a new member lu re, I am not wholly without political experience. I served eight years 411 the Senate of Virginia and never spoke half "Rn hour during that tim<\ and I could Jtave been there still, but my people, ap;,/?. dating my silence and bard work as a member of that body, sent me to the Congress of the United States by 4,000 majority. (Laughter.) .Now, sir. the gentleman from Maine has i..i,i rn" that nohixiv has ever offered a word of objection to my Roanoke bill. Hi'was very pleasant about if. (Laughter.' I also submitted the matter to the gentleman from Ala? bama (Mr. Hank tad], a democratic member of t hat" I went to the CG after my bill P* lost all 1 be paper [ appealed te t New Jersey I Mr. ?mittee, hut when ' :'c r< to look ,V1 that they had 1 laughter. 1 Then he gentlemen from Lehibacb). Heal.-.. received me pleasantly, hut he could not and any of the papers, and he wrote a report and left out of it about $13,000 of revenue that should have been credited to Koanoke- (Laughter.) And so, Mr. Chairman, here today I am missing the glorious old Confede? rate time in Richmond by invitation of the gentleman from Maine, who promised me that my hill would he called up. 1 Laughter)." Mr. Mullikin asked leave to explain, hut Mr. Edmunds would not have it. ?"There has been allusion made here to political matters, "he continued," in connection with these hills, and while this discussion has been going on, I happened to cast my eye upon the list and I saw there two hills re? ported for buildings in places in Vir? ginia, and, by the coincidence in the world, they were both for Republican [districts. [Greatlaughter.] Idonot I charge anything upon anybody in con? nect ion with this matter,becauselam the politest as well as the most modest of men, hut 1 do say that it is a very remarkable . coincidence that both those bills should be for Republican districts. One of the districts, the Fourth, is Demoeratic now. but in a very short, time, for the edict has gone forth from the committee on elections, the place that knew my friend Venable will know him noj ! more forever, or at least until another [election. [Great laughter.] T^-Z The Orphans* Home. The third annual meeting of the South View Orphans' Home was held in the Third ward school building yesterday morning, with Dr. W. B. Younger, of Salem, in the chair and Rev. j. A. Huff?rd, of St. Mark's Lutheran church, secretary pro. tern. The meeting was a very successful one throughout the superintendent's report represented the future prospect of the home as bright. The South View Orpans' Home is located about five miles southwest of the city and is conducted under the auspices of the Lutheran church of Roanoke. It is an excellent institution. Ned Ryan, the well known billiard ist. of Philadelphia, is a guest of Mar-hall's Cafe, and .yesterday he played a number of games, showing renrirkable'skill. lie is a slim, lithe young fellow with a curling blonde mustache, and travels for a linn in the Quaker City. There are but few men on the road who can make Ryan pay for a game, and he has made several professionals feel ashamed of themselves. A couple of months ago he played a series of games here with Koche, the Virginia champion, but lost. Mr. M. Summerfleld, of Danville, was in town yesterday grasping the hands of the many friends he has made on his many visits here. Mr. Summerfleld has a bushy black heard and saw service running the blockade during the late unpleasantness. He is enthusiastic regarding the furure of Koanoke and the whole .Southwest section ami has shown his confidence in it by making investments. He has large interests at Big Stone Gap and expects in tin* near future to see tilings humming there. ? * Speaking of the Massachusetts newspapermen, is a reminder that E. Gerry Brown, of Boston, arrived in the city ycterday, and is located at t te Hotel !'? anoke. Mr. Brown is a tall man ]w< an spectacles and abig heard, and was one of the first party ol press people. So well pleased was he with the opportunities offered by the great Southwest section, that he deter? mined to investigate further, and the result is his present visit. He is ac '?oi:ij.--uied hy two of his friend-. Messrs .ilitchell and Carr, and together the three will make a tour of the sur? rounding section, with the idea, of making investments. 'rhey went to Salem yesterday afternoon. Mr. Allen Hull, tjie traveling pas? senger agent of the Norfolk and West? ern, returned to the city yesterday from Washington, where be went in c harge of the Suburban Press Asso? ciation'- Mr. II nil says that tin-mem hers wivv delighted with their trip through the Shenandoah valley and with the stay they made in the Na ?onal Capital. They were on yester may received by President Harrison, who gave each one of them**tv hearty handshake, and then they were al? lowed to make a thorough inspection of the White House! A teleeram re? ceived here last fSght,saying that the association had left for Baltimore from which city they will Siiil for Nor? folk and thence home. ikance>at the animated interrogation erton's court yesterday was That ?, Biutwben be approaches them He the Commonwealth against Son Midway Iron Company. This company which was recently chartered with a capital stock pf .{300,000 for the purpose of manufac? turing railroad spikes and merchant? able irons, held a stockholders' meet? ing for the purpose of ratify the pro? visions of its charter and "Preparing for immediate work yester y after? noon. Immediately after the adjournment of the stockholders' meeting the vice president, J. F. Christian, called a meeting of directors for the purpose of taking steps to expedite business. K. W. Davis, of New Castle, Pa., was elected general manager, and Rush U. Derr was chosen attorney for the company. Earth will he hroken for the plant today and the machinery will be shipped at once. ElTorts will be made to he in full working order within the next ninety days. This will be another valuable industry employing skilled labor and added to the other enterprises of Roanoke. The site deeded for the factory by the Midway Land Company is beautiful and well located, and will add mate? rially to the value of land in and around this company's property. Enumerrtor ?1 1 v ? ': ? Citizen?! ! ! ! ! ! This was the gist of a number of conversation- held in Koanoke yester? day between citizens and census enu? merators. The latter"*are not particularly in love with their work, although it had little touches of humor about it that added to the interest- It gives them a^great opportunity "? study human nature and look at life from many different points of view. "What is your age Miss Johnson," asked .Mr. t'ehuysou of a Newtown maiden. "My age!!! "On, well then, when were you horn ? "Oh, really I couldn't answer that. You know 1 was very young then." This was a specimen of what the enumerators had ?0 contend with. Hut they keptal it; despite the draw? backs, and by night fall they had a good many pages in their long flat books Ii lied Then.'is a good deal of difficulty experienced in getting peo pie to answer questions,and the poorer lasses, especially the negroes, look asl poiu doesn't know what to make of il all. and thinks that it is some scheme ol the Democrats to ?et them back into la very. The enumerators thought it a good plan to get their training by ques? tioning the negroes, ami so yesterday morning they got some experience with him. After the object of tin visit bail been experienced, it was easy enongh to get the questions answered,though many of them had to hi' [nit in simpler language than thai framed by Mr. Commissioner Porter. They didn't know about chronic dis? eases, and when they were asked if there was any lunatic in the family, t hey wanted to tight. There are thirty questions to be answered, and on tile pages of the book the answers are arranged along in parallel columns. The enumerators read the (juestions from a little slip, for they haven't learned them yet. Tiie slip will not he in use long, how? ever, for in asking the same questions constantly they will soon have them indelibly printed on their memory. This is the last order received by the enumerators from the commis? sioner: department of the interior, 1 Census Office, Washington, - D. C. May 26, 1890. ) To the Census Enumerators. You are In-rby instructed in cases whe.< . ";ons refuse to answer the questions on the population sched? ule relating tp physical and mental disabilities 1 twenty two and twenty three), or tin- questions relating to farms, homes and mortgages (twen? ty-five to thirty inclusive), to enter in the proper column the words. "Refused to answer." No furt her steps will he necessary on the part of tiie supervisor or enumerator, and all legal proceedings will beinsti tuted by the Washington ollice through the department of just ice. Verv respectfully, Robert p. Porter, Superintendent of Census. The fine for "refusing to answer" is $100, hut then, your fish, before you can eat them. HUSTINGS COURT. \ Large Docket I)i?po*ed of Yester? day Horning. The June term of the Hustings court began at 10o'clock yesterday morning, with Judge Win. Cordon "Robertson presiding, and transacted the follow? ing husiness: The estate of Pleasant Cofer was committed to the sergeant asadminis trator, and on motion of the Paid city sergeant,0. M. Turner, M. 0. Thomas, W. M. Vager, J.B. Levy and W. H Trent were appointed appraisers of the property of said deceased. The following cases were continued Stone vs Lipscomb, attachment; J S. Irby vs. Knos Stoddard, removed warrant: Brown Hardware Company vs. Messrs. Alexander and Conner, a removed warrant; J. D. Rose vs. Jack Smiltzer, attachment; Henry Neal vs W. E. Lewis, attachment; E. W. Don nelly vs. Walter Haley, attachment; F. M. Wilson vs. John M. Lane, an appeal:; John Ends vs. Humphrey Skelton, attachment ; Harris Bros. ?' Co. vs. W. C. Overby, appeal; Bowe Manufacturing Company vs. Miss Sal lie Crawford, appeal; Mrs. I. C. Alvis vs. Sid Chalkley, attachment ; J. S. Simmons vs. J. 0. Harris, appeal. In 1 ue case Garland Morris', vs. Lev; Watt, appeal, judgement was rendered for the defendant. In the case of Jacob Epstein, vs II. Hessman, appeal; judgment rendered for the plaintiff. In the chancery suit of E.V. Tug gle, guardian, vs. Henry J. Tuggle and others, the plaintiff hied hill in open court, and J. C. Brown tiled his answer. \V. F. Randolph and W. S. Gopch qualified as attorneys at law. MAGISTRATE'S COI RS'. Judge llowertou Disposed Touch* Yesterday. The first case called in Jud How For the Ladles. The ladies of Roanoke would do well to read Rosen bau m Bros, new advertisement this morning. They offer a number of attractions in French satines, wood challies, blouses, parasols and millinery. Mayors Court. The following cases were disposed of by Mayor Evans yesterday: R. Haley, carrying concealed weapons, fined $10. Jesse Younger, disturbing the peace of the city, lined $4.50. Frastus" llaus,disturbing the peace, lined $0. Walter Allen, disturbing the peace and quiet of the city, lined $:J.?0. M. Connelly, lighting, lined $3. E. A. McGehee was fined $2.50 for disturbing the peace and quiet of the city. M. Joe and W- H. Hudson, disturb? ing the quiet and good order of the city, fined $2 and $3, respectively. They've Got (Joo<I Itackin?;. The clerk of court, city sergeant, commissioner of the revenue, and the city treasurer, who were elected May 22d, will qualify and give bond this week. The clerk's bond last year was $0,000, the sergeant's $10,000, treas? urer $110,000, and the commissioner of the revenue's $8,000. It is proba? ble that these amounts will be in? creased, however, this year. A Confederate Memorial Society. The Circuit court of Richmoud has granted a charter to the Confederate Memorial Literary Society. The pur poses for which it is formed are to establish in the capital of the bite Confederate States of Americana Con? federate memorial literary society to collect and receive by gift, purchase or otherwise, all books and other literary productions pertaining to the late war between the States and of those engaged therein, all works of art or science, all battle-Hags, relics and other emblems ofthat struggle and to preserve and keep the same for the use of the society and the public. The society is authorized to receive from the city of Richmond, and hold, occupy and enjoy, buildings and grounds at the corner of Clay and Twelfth streets, used and occupied by Jefferson Da vis, late president of the Confederate States of America during the late war. The officers are Mrs. Joseph Bryan, president; vice presidents, Mrs. Lewis N. Webb, Mrs. John Purcell, Mrs. James Thomas, Mrs. W. W. Henry, Mrs. James II. Branch, Mrs. James B. Pace, Mrs. V. W: McKinuey. Mrs. Maxwell T. Clarke, Miss Mary V. Crenshaw, Mrs. Ann R. Grant, Mrs. Charles G. Barney, Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel and Mrs. Raleigh Colston. Help the Fire J.addics. The firemen, who will attend the Firemen's Convention at Alexandria, will leave tonight. The Junior Hose Company No. 2 have succeeded in raising enough money to go, but they need $50 more to pay the expenses of the City Band who are to accompany them. A committee will call on the citizens of Roanoke today for the pur? pose of soliciting subscriptions and it is hoped that they will meet with a ready response. The Roanoke Trust.'Loan and Safe Deposit Company :haye purchased Brooks for shooting at: a colored man named Walter Allen, on Railroad ave? nue Saturday. The case was sent on to the grand jury and the witnesses recognized to appear at the July term. One of the Commonwealth's witnesses, Henry Coleman, when placed on the stand and saw the pris oner looking so dismal, with a face that looked as if it hadn't smiled since McKinney was elected governor, evi? dently felt that it Was his duty to help Lawyer Olliver in the defence. The attorney was albe to look after his own side "f the case, but let the fel? low gOOO. Coleman is a tall, heavy set man. parts his hair in the middle, and hail something around his neck that was formerly a bjjicksilk hand? kerchief. He roiled up his sleeves and began to pour hot shot into tiie dives of Railroad ave in;e, t-toppirig every little while to mop the perspiration from his classic brow. He kept up his har? angue for ten minutes, when his honor rapped severely on hi desk and called time. Coleman's speech in full is as follows: "Y'onor pleese, * * * * * *." "Fifteen days." said Judge Hower ton, " and let it be a lesson to you." This was spoken to George Harris, who was before the court on the charge of attempted larceny. Harris is an Ugly looking customer and his looks don't belie him. When he slouched into the court room with an old felt hat pulled well down over his eyes he was the picture of a typical tough, lb' leaned on the arm of Officer.Browning and the officer was clinging to the nippers that were around rhe prisoners wristlet, with the tenacity of a bull dog. As the steps that, go into the courtroom were readied the officer took a turn on the iron bracelet which made the pris? oner squirm. Harris was only re? cently released from the penitentiary where he was sent for house breaking, and is a had citizen. off for Alexandria. J,e: The Junior Hose Company Tonight. Junior Hose Company No. of tin Koanoke lire department, with thirtj men and a drum corps of eight Will take the Shenandoah Valley train this evening at 7 o'clock for Alexan? dria to attend the annual convention of Stare firemen tobe held ihe -1th 5th and (>th. Mr. James McFalls will have charge of the hoys and he will be assisted by Mr. Llewellyn Looka hill. The convention will open at '.' o'clock tomorrow afternoon 111 the opera house at Alexandria and the business of the body will be disposed of. On Thursday all the fife com? panies represented will give a big parade through the principal streets, and on Friday, the last day, an ex cursion will be given down the river to Mount Vernon. When they return at night a big banquet will be ten? dered them. The Juniors will return out he after-1 noon train Saturday. The boys are looking forward to a line time and I they deserve to have it. The Citizens' Rank. The annual stockholder*' meeting| of this bank was held in their flank? ing house on yesterday. The follow? ing directors were elected for tin; next twelve mouths: J. B. Levy, Judge A. E. King, Judge W. Gooch, A. M. Nelson, S. S. Brooke, J. Smith, W. M. Yager, and R. J. Eck loff. Four thousand dollars was car? ried to the surplus fuud for twelve months! business, leaving a balance for undivided profits. This speaks well for this institution, and we W eak for it a bright future and comm/ d it | to the public as a safe andsolidjwink. Worked Eike a Charm. Bradfield's Female Regulator worked like a charm; improvement been wonderful: cannot express my gratitude. Wish every lady alfiicteJ would try it. I know it would cure them. Mrs. Li'laA. Long, Sprim; Write The Bradlield Tile Misses Pechins, of Cleveland, _ Ohio, daughters of Mr. E. C Pechin, from Mr. George Geddes, a Farrall Grove, Fla general manager of the Virginia De- safe weighing 10,000 pounds. This is | Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for f 111 velopment Company, are stopping at the* largest safe in Virginia, with the ther particulars, bold by all drug Hotel Roanoke. ' exception of one in N orfolk. _ J gists. Bedford City LAND amd IMPROVEMENT COMPANY CHARTERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY^ OFVIRGIRIA. $1,OGO,000 The Bedford Citv Land Companv offers the best investment on the Norfolk and Western Railroad. It is a golden opportunity _ 4fter June 3rd a limited number of lots will be offered for sale. This company has three thousand building and business lots m the western part of Bedford City. Incomparably the best property and the most beautiful sites. The town s growing west.. The new- depot site is on these lands 1 he Randolph Macon Colle-e Academy is there and .a new first-class hotel will be erected asoon as the-architect lias^nnished the| drawings. N early 4,0<5O nonulation now Fifteen plug tobacco concerns. The largest and most successful woolen mills in the State except Charlottesville. Twenty-five man n factones now and seven new manufacturing enterprises underway. The Bedford and James River Railroad is to be built in the near future. For thfltre who want a safe investment the stock and land of the Bedford Cityiand Company presents the greatest inducements. The present selling alue of iMproperty is worth more monev than the total amount of stock the company offers for sale. For particulars address a?l 5 'itW ' PRESn)ENT 0F THE BEDFORD CITY LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, Bedford OH \ CE - - n\? (JENTS BY THE WIRES. NEWS BROUGHT TO Th? TIMES READERS'LAST NIG jt. ELEVEN HUNDRED MEN 8tim. s__ Secretary Noble .Way Kcslcn- Tbc K n. sits Whisky War?"Whipped ShotStricken Down Dead?A Ken tucky Oucl?Telegraphic Brief?. By United Press. Charlotte. N. 0., Jane 2.?Walter Taylor, employed ;it Holmes & Mil ler'a factory at Salisbury, dropped dead today during an ? altercation with'a negro boy. He bad accused the negro of stealing a watch, and upon the negro's picking up a stone, Taylor struck him and immediately fell dead. B>ar.t failure is ascribodas the cause of death. Whipped and Shot. \ By United Press. St. Lodis, Mo., Juue 2 ?A special to the Rvening Chronicle from Little Hock says: Kohert Parrot was shot from ambush in Scott county near Green Ridge last night. Parret was whipped by masked men a year ago and left the county. He bad recently returned. He was charged with mur? der. The Danville Tobacco Market. By United Press. Danville, Va., June 2.?The sales of leaf tobacco on this market for May. 1,680,583 pounds being a/S?fing a oil of nearly a million pounds. Sales from October to June 1st, 19,954,32, an increase of over the same period of last tobacco year, 2,802,743 pounds. The average paid in May was the largest for any month in eight years. General Xohle May Resign. By United Press. r; r. Louis. Mo., June 2.?There is a rumor among politicians and railroad men in the city to the effect that General John W. Noble is to resign the secretaryship of the Interior in President Harrison's cabinet. Salomon Keeper? Indicted. By United Pres.. Baltimore, June 2.?The grand jury today brought in presentments against a number of hotel and saloon keepers for violating the new high license law. which went into effect May 1st. .1 Kentucky Duel. By United Press. Louisville, Ky., June 2 ? Iuaduel between ThomasOverby and Charles Sanders in the cemetery near here Sunday night over a girl, Sauders was severely wounded. The Kansas Whisky War. By United Press. TOPE k A, KAN., June 2.?The whisky warjis being vigorously waged, and the State and Federal authorities are arrayed against each other in the fight._ .1 l?g Brooklyn Strike. By United Press. Brooklyn-, Juue 2.?All tin roofers, cornice workers and sky light workers in this city went out on a strike today becanse .their demand for eight hours way not granted by the. bosses. Eleven Hundred Carpenters Strike. By United Press. C&cinnati, 0-, June 2.?Eleven hundred carpenters went out on a strike this morning. They demand nine hours work for ten hours pay. Tue Virginia Postmasters Appointed. By United Press. WASHiNGTOir, June 2 ?Among the postmasters confirmed today by the Senate were: Virginia; J. T. Daven? port, at Gordonsville; WT. C. Repass, at Wytheville. Telegraphic Briers. The public debt was reduced in May $0,061,871. It is now $1,008,885, 399. The House filibustered all day on pnblic building bills. The council of the City of Mexico has passed an ordinance committee, compelling laborers on city works to wear pantaloons The parachutist, Rolla, has been drowned at sea. / It is proposed by the Woniens' Lib? eral Federation to memorialise Mr Gladstone on the subject of granting franchises to women. The House of Commons re-assem? bled yesterday after whitsuntide recess. Yesterday's Basehall (James. By United Press. players' league. At New York?New York, 1; Bos? ton, 7. At Philadelphia?Philadelphia, 12; Brooklyn 7. At Builalo?Buffalo 1; Pittsburg, 8. Ac Chicago?Chicago 7; Cleve? land, 20. national league. At New York?New York, 6; Brook-" lyn, 4. At* Philadelphia?Philadelphia. 6; Boston, 14. At Pittsburg?Pittshurg, 1; Chi? cago 14. _ > ; ?5:; atlantic LEAGUE. At Hartford?Hartford, 2; New Haven, 3. At Worcester?Worcester, 2; Haiti more 9. Write to the Hobbie Music Co., Lynchburg, Va., for illustrated cata? logue of pianos and organs. Anionff the different make this house bandies, are the well known pianos of Knkbe, Weber, Kranch & Bach and"Estey organs, which are the befct onj^ market. Every new instrojaer? War? ranted for five ye?rs. Lowest prices and easiest terms.