Newspaper Page Text
_;ROAlfOKE TIMES. DALLY ATSD WEEKLY) '.'ependent Democratic paper \ ; to the material and political ^.\of Roanoke and Southwest -JO YOU ADVERTISE ? "^iscouliuue an advertisement,'' J\? Wauaniaker, "is like taking nur sign. If you want to do \s you must let the] public know A-vould as soon think of doing without clorks as without sing." _ FROtTCTIYE OF GOOD. visit of the New England Press - ation to Virginia, is proving pro s of a great deal ef good to the j Nearly all of the editors who I ho trip were from Massachusetts, papers in the smaller citie3 have been filled in the last few J with descriptive matter about Id Domiuiou, its people, its cities, ac great industrial progress the is making. e trip was a rsvelatiou to many, :t to a vast majority of the editors selves, and the information tlioy imparted lo their readers, cannot 0 trive the latter a much more ac? he and comprehensive idea of af in Virginia than they ever had I ;c. le people of the two sections need inow each other more thoroughly, y need to kuow the business, the cs of Ufe, the manners and cus s, and the motives which animate r political action. Such knowledge :> be obtained bsst by actual con i and the New England editors who vo to Virginia, kept the photo {pliic plate of their minds thoroughly jtsitived, aud went Daek aud reported fir impressions fairly, (aud all of m. whose articles we have seen did) formed good service, and did work St will be beneficial to both Massa asets and Virginia, lit would bo a good idsa if the Vir? il jia editors could visit Massachusetts. 1 N FIT TO BE SPEAKER. ^Proof that Speaker Reei? is entirely o partizan to preside over the Llouse ?d that he can never receive the eu u-3ement of both parties, as did Mr. a klisle, for the fairness of his rulings r vntiaues to accumulate. -. As Speaker he allows nothing to v ^and in his way to prevent him from { fckiug the course he desires, and on P Thursday the House found it necessary [i p rebuke him for referring the silver [| Coinage bill, as taken from the Senate, _> the commi?eo on coainoge-weights nd measures without'seeiug what dis? position the members of that body ;night wish to make ol it. Reed is opposed to free coiuage and he bold step was taken to throttlo th? ueasure. There is every indication, I .lowerer, that he will be thwarted in his purpose. THE RACE QUESTION. President Ingalls of the Chesa? peake and Ohio railroad, thinks that the wonderful industrial development that is taking place in Virginia will settle the race question in this State, at least, lie says with a good deal of ttuth : "I have seen in the last year a gliin . mc-r of light that is growing stronger and which I believe in the next three years will solve this question. The relief is coming from the "boomer."' With the mines that are being opened tin the State, with the mills that are being erected, with the villages that are being built up, with the immigra? tion that is pouring in here from the North and West, the proportion of the colored vote will decrease and it will become relatively so small shortly that it will no longer be a menace to the prosperity and good government of the State." HARRISON AND HAYES. The news comes from the White House that President Harrison has decided that under no considera? tion will he allow himself to be a can? didate for reuomiuatiou aud that at the expiration of his term of office in March, 1803, ho will retire to private life in Indianapolis. If the statement is true, it is perhaps well that the president has reached such a philosophical conclusion. He would have no chance whatever in the race if he were to enter and he will pair exceedingly well with Hayes. tue radford enterprise. The initial number of the Radford Enterprise has been received. The editor is Mr.W.L. Wardle, of Dedham, Mass. The paper is a semi-weekly. Its typographical appearance is neat aud its matter is well arranged and printed on good paper. Its editorial columns contain a most sensible article on news and advertising space being merchantable commodities, and it is no exaggeration to say that the papor gives every indication that it will prove extremely creditable to Radford. The Times welcomes Mr. Wardle to this section. Congrssman McAdoo has written a letter to his party managers at Ho boken, New Jersey, denying that he intended to remove to Virginia and run for Congress from the Old Domin? ion, and that settles the question. T70R SALE.-No. 2 REMINGTON i Typewriter; number 19,186; good condition. Bargain. C. W. SEAMAN, je 20 Tt. Elkhorn. W. Va. |~"?sT?ON THURSDAY, JUNE 10," U between Union Depot and Lylo's drug store, a gentleman's scarf pin; also a Silver Maltese Cross, Liberal reward if returned to *5. H. SKINKER, j un 20 2t 421 Church street. Sewers, City Engineer's Office, ) Eoanokb, Va., June 8, 18?0. J G UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. OVER $1,000,000 DISTRIBUTED. I Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature, for educational and charitable pur? poses, and its franchise made a part of the present state constitution in 1879 by an overwhelming popular vote, and To Continue Until January 1, 1895. Its mammoth drawings take place semi-annual ly, in (June and Decem? ber), and its Grand Single Number Drawings take place in each of the other ten months of the year, and are all drawn in public at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS for integrity of its drawings, and prompt payment of Prizes. Attested as follows: " We do hereby certify that we supers vise the arrangement for all the monthly and semi-annual draioing of the Louisiana State Lottery Com? pany, and inperson manage and con? trol the drawings themselves,and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parti:s,and we authorize the company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its ad? vertisements." Commissioners. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all prizes drawn in the Louisiana State. Lotteries which may be presented at our counters. R. M.Walrasley,President Louisiana National Bank. Pierre Lanaux, President State Na? tional Bank. A. Baldwin, President New Orleans National Bank. Carl Kohn, President Union National Bank. Grand Monthly Drawing, At the Academy of Music, New Or? leans, Tuesday, July 15th, 1S90. CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000 100,000 Tickets at $20 each; Halves $10; Quarters, $5; Tenths, $2; Twen? tieths, $1. list of prizes. 1 ?rize of: $300,000 is.$300,000 1 prize of 100,000 is. 100,000 1 prize of 50,000 is. 50,000 1 prize of 25,000 is . 25,000 2 prizes of 10,000 are. 20,000 5 prizes of ?,000 are. 25,000 25 prizes of 1,000 are. 25,000 100 prizes of 500 are. 50.000 200 prizes of 300 are. G0,000 500 prizes of 200 are. 100,000 approximation' prizes. 100prizes of $500 are.... $50,000 100 " of 300 are. 30,000 100 " of 200 are. 30,000 terminal prizes. 999 prizes of $100are. $999.900 999 41 of $100 are.$9i'.900 3,144 prizes, amounting to....$l,054.S00 NOTE?Tickets drawing capital prizes are not entitled to terminal prizes. AGENTS WASTED. CgT For club rates or any further information desired, write legibly to the undersigned, clearly stating your residence, with state, county, 6treet and number. More rapid return mail delivery will be assured by your en? closing an envelope bearing your full address. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN New Orleans, La., or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. By ordinary letter containing money order issued by all express companies, New York exchange, draft or postal note. Address REGISTERED LETTERS CONTAINING CDBESSCI to New Orleans National Bank, New Orleans, La. Remember that the payment of prizes is guaranteed by four Na? tional Banks of 2*ew Orleans, and the tickets are signed by the president of an institution whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest court; therefore, beware of all imitations or anonymous schemes. Remember that the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that the Louisiana State Lottery Co., has a contract with the State of Louisiana, which does not expire untd January 1st, 1895. HICKS, BANE & KELLY, Real Estate Agents, graham, va. They are associated with J W Hicks, Attoruey-at-Law, who furnishes ab I stracts of title. apl7-3m OCEAN SHORE PARK HOTEL VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA. The Ocean Shore Park Hotel, Vir inia Beach, in Princess Anne county, Virginia, at the ocean terminus of the Norfolk andVirginia Beac Railroad offers to the public a long fel t want. It is an ocean shore retort within the means of all. The hotel is new, being its first season, with a first class table, large, airy rooms, andcnewly furnished throughout. THE BATHING. The surf bath? ing is unsurpassed by ony upon the Atlantic coast. The absence of any undertow being a marked feature. The temperature of the water is warmer, and the bathing more pro? longed than on the New Jersey, or Long Island Coast. HEALTH RESORT. As a health resort , it has been pronounced as com? pared with Atlantic City and Fort? ress Monroe, to have many superior natural advantages, both winter and summer, AMUSEMENTS. Surf and still water bathing, Crabbing, Bowling, Tennis, Horse-back and Switch-back riding may be indulged in. Music throughout the season. The Western Union Telegraph Company has an office on the Beach. TRANSPORTATION. There are seven : trains daily (exeept Sunday), each way between Norfolk and Vir? ginia Beach. Four trains each way on Sunday. For all other informa? tion address / ^ r^^EO. 6. QUACKENBOS, v ^e0an Shore Park Hotel, SHENANDOAH VALLEY RAIL BOAD. 8. F., Receiver. Schedule in effect June, 2, 1890. arrive at roanoke. 5 00 p. in. JJaily?Memphis Express, from Hagei stown and the north. Tin ough Pullman sleeping cars from New York and Philadelphia to Chattanooga and Mem? phis jvia H.irrisburg, Ha gerstown and Roanoke, .40 a. m. Daily-? New Orleans ex? press^ from New York, Philadelphia and Balti? more, making connection through to the south Carries through Pullman palace buffet sleeping car from Philadelphia to New Orleans without change via Harrisburg, Hagers town, Roanoke, Cleve? land, Calera, and L. & N. it. R. lkavk roanoke. 5.45 a. m. Daily?Baltimore express" from all points south for Washington, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and New York. Car? ries Pullman palace buffet sleeping car from Roanoke to Philadelphia without change, via 11a gerstown and Harrisburg. 7,20 p. m. Daily?New York and Philadelphia express, from Memphis. Chat? tanooga and all points south. For Phil? adelphia and New York. Carries Pullman Palace buffet sleeping cars through to Philadelphia and New York via Roan? oke, Hagerstown and Harrisburg. Ticket agents will furnish all infor mation and through schedules upon application to O. HOWARD ROY ER. GL P. & T. Agent, Roanoke. Va. YTORFOLK & WESTERN RAIL il ROAD. Schedule in effect May 11th, 1S90. WEST BOUND. leave roanoke. 10:05 a m. Daily; arrive Bristol 4.00 p m. Stopi at all sta? tions, connecting at Rad? ford with ??.rains on New River Brandl; arrivingPo cahontas at 3:35 p m. 5:45 p m? Daily, arrh es Radford 7.20 I p. in., connecting with New River branch at 7:35 p. m., for Bluelield and Pocahontas; arrives Poca hontas 10:55 p. m. Arrives Bristol 11:C0 p. in., con? necting wich E. T., V. & G. R. R. for all points south and west; has Pullman Palace Sleeper, Roanoke :o Rome, via Calera an 1 Roanoke to Memphis w ithout change. 7:55 a m. Daily, arrh e Radford 9:15 a m, connecting with New River Branch, leaving Radford 12 10 p.m.,arrives Bristol 12.40pm., connects with E. T., V, ii G. R. R. for all points south and west; has Pullman Palace Sleeper from Roanoke to New Orleans without change. EAST BOUND. leave roanoke. 5:25 a m. Daily; for Lynchburg, Pe? tersburg, Richmond, (via Petersburg and R. & P. R. R.,) Norfolk and interme? diate points; Conneetsjat Lynchburg with V. M. R. R'forWashingtonand the east, leaving Lynchburg 7:40 a in daily. Arrives Norfolk 2.00 p m connect? ing with 6teamer lines to Baltimore and New York. 7:20 pm.. Daily; for Lynchburg and intermediate stations. 10:10 a in. Daily; arrives Lynchburg 11:59 a m,connecting with V. M. R. R. for all points north, arriving Washing? ton 7:05 p m; arrives Pe? tersburg 4:20 p.m; arrives Richmond, via R. & P. R. R., 5:05 p m; arrivesNor folk 7.00 p m; Cripple Creek Extension?Leaves Pulaski 8:15 a m. Daily except Sun? day, and 3:00 p m. Daily, arrive Ivan hoe 9:45 a m and 4:30 p m. Returning leave Iyanhoe 10:25 a in. Daily except Sunday, and 5:23 p in. Daily, arrive Pulaski 11:55 a m and 0:30 p m. All inquiries as to rates, routes, etc., promptly answered. W. B. Bkvill, Gen'1 Pass, and Ticket Agent. chas. G. eddy, vice-president. General Offices, Roanoke. RAILROAD CONTRACTORS WAG? ONS, CARTS, TOOLS. MULES. ETC., FOR SALE BY PUBLIC I AUCTION IN DANVILLE AND NORTH DANVILLE. We will offer for sale, by public auc? tion, to the highest bidder, on WEDNESDAY, 25TE DAY OF JUNE, 1890, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m , at Ruffian & Hairston's storage ware? house on Craghead slreet, a large j outfit and equipment for contractors, consisting of 1 pair Fin3 Mules, Steel Drills, set of Track TodIs and Steel Hammers, Picks, Shovels and Crow? bars, 40 Scrapers and j sets Black I smiths1 Tools, and lot of office Desks I and Tables. Immediately after the sale we will proceeed to sell in the same way on Main street, North Dar.ville : 70 Railroad Carts and Harness, 11-Horse Wagon and Harness. 5 2-Horse Wagons. 6 Track Trucks. C Railroad Dumps, ('arts, etc., etc. This outfit is nearly new and in good condition, and it will afford con [ tractors and others a fine opportunity to purchase at low prices. This sale will be continued from day to day until completed. TERMS:?For all sums under one hundred dollars, cash; for sums of one hundred dollars and over, a credit of 90 days will be given. Pur? chasers to give negotiable notes with satisfactory security with interest from date. DANVILLE CONSTRUCTION CO. je 12 td. Mark Day, (Late of R. H. Adams & Co., Baltimore.) 6 Shirts to Order Unlaundried, $6.00. 6 Best Shirts to Order Laundried,$9.00. Commerce Street and Salem Avenue, Over Gambill & Co's. Roanoke Virginia. ! Wm, F. Baker. | Wm. H. arkley Bel Hate Agents, R<fom No. 9, Second Floor, Moomaw Block, South Jefferson Street, \ grand drawing OP THE Loteria k la BeiieficeBcia FnMisa OF THE STATE OFZACATEC?S, MEXICO. A syndicate capitalists have secured the concession for operating this LOTTERY And have extended its business j throughout the United States and British America. The drawing will take place on the I 27th of each mouth, not excepting ! Suudavs and holidavs. Below will be found a list of the prizes which will be drawn on June 27th. 1890, At Zaeatecas, Mexico, and continued monthly thereafter. Capital Prize, $150,000. 100.000 Tickets at $10; Halves, Tenths, $1; American Currency LIST OF PRIZES: 1 PRIZE OF$150,000 is $150 1 PRIZE OF 50,000 is 50 1 PRIZE OF 2r.,000 is I! PHIZES OPfc 10,000 are $5; 2 PRIZES OF' 5 PRIZES OF 10 PRIZES OF 20 PRIZES OF 200 PRIZES OF 300 PRIZES OF 500 PRIZES OF 5,000 are 2,000 arc l,d00 are 500 art; 200 are 150 are 100 are ,000 ,000 ,000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 150 PRIZES OF $150are $22,500 150 PRIZES OF 100 are 15,000 150 PRIZES OF 50 are 7,500 95)9 Terminal Prizes of 50 are 49,950 2492 $524,950 sP Club Rates: 0 Tickets for $50. ecial Rates arranged with Agents. AGENTS WANTED in every town aud city in United States am! British America. The payment of prizes is guaranteed by a special deposit of live hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), with the State Government, and approved by Jesus Arechiga, (tovernor. Drawing under the personal super? vision of Lie. Henninio Arteaga, who is appointed by the Government as Interventor. "I Certify that with the state Treasurer all necessary guarantees are deposited, assuring full payment of all prizes of this drawing. "HERMINTO, ARGTEAG \. "Interventor." IMPORTANT. Remittances must be either by New York Draft, Express or Registered Letter, American money. Collections can be made by Express Companies or Panks. Tickets sent direct to manage? ment will be paid by drafts on New York, Montreal, St. Paul, Chicago, San Francisco or City of Mexico. For further information address JUAN PIED AD, Manager. my21-ly Zaeatecas, Mexico. ? RAY SWELL, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Improved and unimproved property for sale in all parts of the city. REYTLYG A SPECIALTY The only Agents in the City that Handle Exclusively Prop? erty Inside je the Corporation, and are Agents for the Exchange Building and Investment Company. Your patronage respectfully solicited. No. 114 Jeflersou street, Roanoke, Va. Gray &Boswell. jin2-tf CAUTION Tabe no shoes nnleps W. L. Dongl?*' name and price ur? stamped on tbe bottom. If the denier cannot supply yon. send direct to factory, enclosing ndrcrtlned price. ~ FOR GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, nenvy Laced drain and Creed moor Waterproof. Bent in tlio world. Examine his 85.00 GENUINE HAND-SKWICD SHOE. 84.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. 83.80 POLICE AND FAKMEIS8' SHOE. 82.50 EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. 88.25 & 82 WORKINGMEN'S SHOES. 82.00 nnd 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made la Congress, Button and Lace. S3 & $2 SHOES uffik 81.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Bent Style. Best Fitting. IV. I.. Douglas, Srocktoo. Blaaa. Sold by janlleod-6m tu th sat NOTHING M like success, SDflSDS The reason RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the most wonderful medicine, is because it has nev? er failed in any in? stance, no matter what the disease, from Leprosy to the simplest disease known to the human system. The scientific men of today claim and prove that every disease is Caused By Microbes, -and RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER exterminates the microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done j'ou cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whethera simple case of malaria fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at the same time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Kidney and LiverDisease,Chills and Fever,Female Troubles, in all its forms, and, in fact, every disease known to the human system. Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. See that our Trade Hark (same as above) appears on each jug. <i -???? v,nr>^. "History of the P R OPER1 moh M FINE RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS PROPERTY, IN ANY APRT OF ROANOKE. CALL C S OR ADDRESS L. L. POWELL & CO MP ANY Roanoke, Va. Office. Stewart Building, Third Avenue, Opposite City Postoffice. D u & COMPANY. PROFESSIONAL. JJR. J. T. HILL, COMPANY. ?AGENTS FOR REAL ESTATE Offico Moomaw Building Jeffeson Street. Sell or Exchange Houses and Lots in Roanoke and Vicinity -CORRESPONDENCE SOL1C1TKD. GIVE US A CALL. Physician and Surgeon, Offers his professional services to the J VINTON EXTENSION citizens of Roanoke. j . . - Office over Huri well and Christian's. ' Dummy ever-v hoxu:r }rrT cor Entrance No. ? Salem (First) avenue, i oer Jeffersou street and Norfolk ave ?OFFICE HOURS? ! nue. On and aller Sunday, December 3 to 10 a. m., 12 to 1 p. m., 3 to 4.30 j 3, 1889, the fare wdl be as follows p. m.,7.30 to 10 p. m. sep24 Cm inch It*. 1 r S. S. S HAFER . -JEWELER, MO. 5 Salem Avenue. - - FULL STOCK REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED 8. griffin. I J. ai/"okIS WATTS. QRIFFIN & WATTS; ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW, Roanoke, .... Virgiuia. Office : Room No. 5, Kirk's building, corner Salem avenue and Jefferson St. tf City limits, 5 cents; Vinton 10 cents. Tickets can he purchased at reduced rates by applying to the conductor or i at the office of the Company (Didier ' building). J. F. CHRISTIAN, jau4-tf Genrl Maneg OFFICES FOR RENT. ROOMS FOR RENT. 1:111 W. S. GOOCH, President. N. PARTE Vice President. E,H. L. CHILES, Sec'y & Tr, III Ifflffl m P H. S. MORRISON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Room No. 1, Thomas Build? ing, Court House Square, Roanoke, J Va. All business promptly attended to P. STAPLES, A. Attorxe v-at-La w, Offlje: Corner Salem avenue and ! L. L? Poweii & Co., Commerce streets, over Wertz's gro-j Opposite Postoffice. Offices and Rooms for reut hi the City Hotel Building, which has recently lein converted into an c?ice building. BEST LOCATION IN CITY. Management intend putting a passeoget eh vato* in the building. E.'ectr'.c lights and gas in all rooms. For term', apply to OFFICE: IN CITIZENS' BANK BUILDING, Roanoke,.Virginia eery. myl4tf. ?THOMAS W. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law. Office?No. 10 Kirk building,over i Johnson & Johnson s Drug Store. ap2-tf mj'3-tf MAKES AND NEGOTIATES FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENTS. apS-flm PALACE HOTEL IN FRONT OF PASSENGER DEPOT R ? ? N O Kg- ? ? _VIRC1NBA. Commercial Tourists Home, and Headquarters for those desiring Fir^t-Class Accommodations. Lapp Sample Roll " " [~".T'~ . Fine Bar Attacbe? S. A. VICK, Proprietor, Member A. T. B. A. ONE TO FIVE DOLLARS. CUT RATES ON RAILROAD TICKET BOUGHT OF ME TO ALL POINTS FUQ?A & BOA/, PRACTICAL Tinners, Pliimbers. Gas and Steam Fit ters C B. MOOMAW. I JNO. W. WOODS, Botctourt couiity. | Roanoke county. MOOMAW & WOODS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW .'. u ractice in the courts of Roanoke; r. . ,,, T, , ,,, , citvand county and counties adjoining. Will Heating by Steam, Hot Watei or Hot attend the courts of 'ioauoke andBotetourt! Air Furnaces egnlarly. Ullice?Salem Avenne, opposite 1 tewart's Furniture Stoic, Ro&sohc. Va tf roofing, guttering, spouting. 4ol JEFFERSON ST., roanoke, - - - virginia. ARCHITECTS. O.VON NERTA, _ I Estimates cheerfully given on this line 1405 F. Street, Washfn^ K |_?f?k- >6 6m Correspondence Solicited. j. W. HARTWELL, ?rr? iiiifiiLiM IF YOU WAIT TO ME MONEY INVEST 1 FOR EXAMPLE : j Three lots bought for 17,000 five months ago, sold (or $35,000 last weeK Similar Instances Wumerous? Offi Jefferson street, Roanoke city, Va Will practice at Salem and in the ad? joining counties, United Slates Dis? trict and Circuit Courts and Court o? Appeals. Special aitentiou given to cLiims for collection. marl5-1 y A RCHER L. PAYNE, attorney-at-law, Roanoke, Va. Office on Commerce street, near Court House. Special attention given to examina? tion of titles to and matters connected with real estate. j. F. Marshall & Co., Prop'rs. NUMBER 15, SALEM A VF OPEN DAI ?ND NIGH"? MEALS A.T ALL HOURS. Real Estate Agents, Agents for all kinds of property, improved and unimproved, city aud surburban. ^Rtddl-e s. Williams; Hardwood & Slate Mantels, Tiles ? lantel Facings, Hearths, Plain and Inlaid Tiles for Floor, &c. Grates, Brass Goods, and Fire? place Appurtenances. Catalogues furnished on application. TELETHONS 1482, [Please mention th!? paper. o. w. hansbrough: SAM. g. WILLIAMS. nANSBROUGHI& WILLIAMS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Room No. 11, - Moomaw Building, Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Va. Will practice in the Hustings court of the city of Roanoke, Court of Ap? peals of Virginia and United States district courts. inar25-tf DR. EDWIN P. WRIGHT. DENTIST, late of Richmond, Va. Office in Didier Building, cor. Jeffer? son and Campbell streets. Special attention to bleaching dis? colored teeth by a process of bis own invention. All"work guaranteed and at moderate figures. Terms cash. my2? 3m j KINNEY, M. D. practice limited to Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose OFFICE?Over O'Leary, Campbell itreet. my27 (5m I EVERY STYLE No. 124 North Howard Street, Baltimore, Md. W. A. PEIDIGO & CO., TJR. W. S. GREGORY, DENTIST, OFFICE?Next door to First National Bank, Salem avenue, Roanoke,"Va. my30 tf ?VINTON, VIRGINIA. Correspondence Solicited. ap25-3m. CO CZD O 55 <0 2 D O > Z w X DYEING, CLEANING and REPAIRING You will save money by bringing your" dirty clothes to be cleaned or dyed and repaired to me. Charges moderate. Work Orst class. E. Walsak, Corner Campbell and Henry streets Roanoke, V?. tf GEO. ALLEN. C. C. TOMPKINS. C. L. HATCHER. ALLEN, TOMPKINS & HATCHER, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. - OFFICE?Main Street, Opposite Hotel Lucerne, SALEM, VIRGINIA. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF PROPERTY OF WEST SALEM LAND COMP A MY, The Salem Improvement Co., and all other Salem Land Companies. Prop? erty in all parts of the city. Also, Farm, Mineral and Coal Lands. ^^-Correspondence Solicited._my7-tf IHM I BROS.. manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, and dealers in all kiads of COOKING and HEAT I S G Tu V ES, Plumbing and Gas-Fittiug, Roofing Spouting aud Jobbing. -0 19 Salem Avenue, ROANOKE, VA. ana 6m Rooms handsomely furnished wi antique oak furniture. DRINKS OF ?EVERY DESCRIPTION; We keep the following brande of whiskey on band: Helle of Nelson, Gibson,Hunter, Wilson, Walker's Old Malt, Alderney and Clover Club. These are among the finest whiseys dstiUed. QPBiUiard and pool rooms attached. feb20tf RoanoleStreelRaiifi Roanoke and Driving Park Liue. TIME TABLE, Daily Except Sunday Cars will leave for park, at corner Commerce street and Shenar.doah avenue at 8.00, 9.30, aud 11.00 a. m., 1.30, 3.00 and 4 30 p. m. Returning, leave park at 8.45, 10.15 and 11.45 a.m., 2.15, 3.15 and 5.15 p.m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Cars will leave for Driving Park very hour, commencing at 8.00 a. nu ROANOKE AND VINTON LINE. Cars will leave front of Union Pas? senger depot daily for Viuton every 30 minutes, commencing at 8.00 a. m. J. F. CHRISTIAN, an _. General Manager. cTFTTX?TTftT Railroad Work, V Street Grading, * -n. or Excavating of AuyTLitod Either in Earth or Rock,' ? by the Yard or on Force Account. I now have a road machine espe? cially adapted to grading new streets and shaping of old ones. The work can be done neater and cheaper than by any other method. GRAVES SIMS, P. O BOX 20. ROANOKE. VA. tf. J. C. FURROW, W..H.KARNES, "G.F.BURCHETT* J. C. Furrow & Co., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS. OFFICE OVER E. DIDIER'S GROCERY STORE. JpjfersoTi Street, - - --Eoanoke, Ya. ferson 6treet. t-5?-i^.,?~., l.?,-^^. A SpecmuyT^ UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC RAIL? WAY SIGNAL COMPANY. Stockholders' Meeting. A general meeting of the Stockhold? ers of the Universal Electric Railway Signal Company will be held in Rich? mond, Va. on Wednesday, June 25th, 1890, at 5 oclock p. mj in the rooms of the Bar Association, corner of lltb and Main streets. Stockholders who cannot be present in] person, are re Tie Citizens M of BoanoiP Roanoke, Virginia, Salem Zenite, between Jefferson and Henry Streets, J. B. Levy, President. Late carMa* Commercial Bank, Roanokt, Va John Ott, Cashier. - Lat? ?f.?,??. City Bank, Richmond, vf CMhier ft^Ca0Unt8 ?ibanks. bankers, corpor ationa, merchants, and ind!vMnnL solicited Our faci? /or ?a general bank ng business are equal to to any banking hou?e in Vl?SnhV Collections a specialty and pSSt remittances made. Interest Sowed on time deposits mllTf a. l. gorlet, President S. p. GORi/EY Vice Presidpht j. s. Simmons, Sec'y aSSs. fir. to GeveFs to get your spring WEST END BrSckandtii?W k quested to appoint proxies to repre- j Manufacturers of first-class Brick of sent them at the_ meeting. By order I all kinds, including No. 1 Press Brick Draining Tile, &c. Works on West Campbell street, Roanoke, Va. Box aprl-6m of the Board of Directors. JAMES R. BRANCH, je 19 lw Sec'y and Treasurer jTIASR SIGN WRITER, COR hOT? street iird avenue and Fl.? r, ?a 10 R*<?ond Street, southwesj jun 20 2t 421 Church street, f ROOM AND BOARD IN a "nw lightful l^my, &? Fbnrfh^e N?.'