Newspaper Page Text
Is y vi?no. im. 7 k SMYDER. '?m on the lookout for GAINS -jid are1"receiving new and r Arable '.'Goods EVERY DAY. iped Batiste, at 12Jc a yd. .shmere I'nibre's. 25c a yd; :>7jC. ^.rd wide Batiste at Sc a yd. * ongee Drapery in great variety of vies, at 15 and 17e a yd. Ladic>" black drapery Nets from 25c a yd up. figured Mohairs, in light shades, at ay a. il wool ChaHies. 32 inches wide. j *_ _ ? uitings, 54 inches wide, 28c a Ool si riped SuTf^f^W inches wide, . ;iin check wool Suiting, 38 inches, Y a yd. ol Suiting, :;s inches wide, 20c i Silks, at oT-ic, 50c, 75c aud Striped Pongee Silks in all the latest ^s, at 50c: regular price, 75c. o'and children's cambric and '?'ngs. from 25c up. ? Metropolitan Fashion just arri ied and will he free of charge. retro|olit<c arri ied of charge. t Basaler aiil fflcBain ; [Klem avenue, s. w., pOKE, --- - VIRGINIA. ALS 8 BURKE IN Blue Serge Sack Suits at iQ.oo, Former Price $1300 I - Gray Serge Sack Suits at ^6.00, Former Price 7.50 Black Cheviot Sack and 'roclfi^fc.^ F-"^r Price IMixed Cheviot Sack and rock at $12.0*0, Former rice i4?oo. ranCy Worsted Frock at ^.oo, Fori ^ Price 18.00 1 |e have for.yoar^inspeo [four or five dozen suits iful patterns in frocks lacks. Have bought them r-kabiy low and you shall [the the benefit in prices. | is the time to secure j rain. GARDEN SEEDS 108Commerce St. Prices as Low as the Lowest. lie Bread Flour! WHITE BREAD FLOUR. WE WILL PAY To any one who (tan furnish the "slightest proof of the slightest adulteration in the Famous anil Popular WHITE BREAD FLOUR. Try "WHITE BREAD1' and you will Usf?f(o Other. ? C HARRIET & CO.. ?THE? Checkered Front Grocers 1^4 and 126 First Avenue, S- W. C A. HEATH, The well-known Jefferson Street BARBER; Has opened a Barber Shop in Hotel Roanoke. Room in basement. my20 lm. ROANO ill TU ?FOR? r -AT ROSENB?UM BROS. French salines at 17c. per yard, reg? ular price 25c. Diap De Venice and side baud ging? hams IGc'. per yard, sold elsewhese at 12\ and 15 cents. Twenty-live different styles wool challies just received, both figured and side bands. All silk ti.-h net. 4G wide. 79e. per yard. New lot ladies' blouse waist8 from 50c. to $2 00 each. Twenty dozen babies caps at 12jc each, worth 20 ccuis. Tine assortment of Swiss fluuncingsj at all prices. Guaranteed fast black ladies' hose 25 ceuIs per pair. Large assortment of ladies' and chiljdreus' parasols and umbrellas. The liucst line of drtss goods in the city at prices that defy competition. Millinery Department* I We are receiving daily all the new desirable shapes in white and black I straws. Flowers in abundance at| [trices that will astonish you. Call! early and secure geuuine bargains. ROSENBAUM BROS., 42 Salom avenue. /5 - Ladies TO CALL AT Get one box red seal lye and one cake j Hoe Cake soap for 12c. Good for Ten Days. RESPECTFULLY, C. F. BIX)UNT, The - Cash - Grocer,! 154 SALEM AVENUE. MONEY TO LOAN ON TIME, AND I payments to suit borrower. People's Per-1 petual Loan anil Building Association, of ltoan oke, Va. A. /.K?lner, president;M.C. Thomas, vice president; W. F. Winch, secretary and I 11 (?usurer. Koum 1, Masonic Temple, Campbell j street. Paid up shares, &i0 each. Installment shares, <1 per month. Borrowers can at any t ime secure a loan and fix their own limit of tlie period forvepayment. As a savings uank this institution offers spe? cial inducements. Installment shares may be subscribed for at any time. Interest is allowed 011 moneys placed with the association. This association is doinir a successful busi? ness, paying semi-annual divi lends, and is a desirable investment for capital. apl-tf. J. E. Mulcare& Co, Manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, And dealers in all kinds of Cooking and Heating Stoves. Plumbing, and Gas and Steam fitting done. Tin roofinira "~T.. Satisfaction guar anteed. JNo. First avenue, Roan oke, Va. ap5-tf N.< SALE & CO., BEDFORD CITY, VA., Agents for 1 The Bedford City Land and Im? provement Co. The Otter View Land Co. The Longwood Park Co. And the most desirable business and residence property in the town. Refer to the First National Bank, Bedford City.lVa, apl.5-8m. KES VIRGINIA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1S90. PRI AT THE MARKET Saturday scenes aboutthe stalls and streets. HOW PRICES ARB H?NNING NOW Prelty CilrN nud Malronlr ilntnuk Roanoho l.ndlc* arc Good Blouse Wires?Wo Seed n Detter Uuildlncr. The Accommodations ar? Very Poor. Saturday ia the greatest of market? ing days in Roanoke, as well as it is everywhere else, and the scenes about Salem avenue market yesterday wer?? unusually animated. At this season the markets are at their very best. The Ricinus watermelon has arrived, all the berries are there in the greatest profusion and at prices within the reach of everybody, and vegetables are much cheaper ih iu Roanoke dirt. So the housewife is correspondingly happy and has more than the u*???al amount of piu money at lier di posal. The old market house is not the most inviting place in the world when deserted. The odors that hangabout its dingy comers smack not 01 those from Araby, but in the morning the bright faces of Itoauoke's pretty girls brighten the building up wont lei f ally, tml a leisure hour may be spent there .putt' profitably. A pretty girl never looks so pretty as she does in the morning, and even a plain girl, fm- the time, becomes almost handsome in her simple morning toilet. Here are some notes picked up about the stands. Butter is golden like and to the muh of green gras.-, daisy brands come from daisy pastures. Prices are tumbling because of the rush, and the consumer, if ho be nut a producer, Iglories in the downfall, if he is both, I and his production scores a surplus I over that which he sends to market, he isn't on the hurrah side of the transaction. Eggs are the kind we always get about this time of the year. They lare now viewed with some suspicion, I'cause a warm sun and a- wan:: egg lead to results that are not so pleasant. at t 111: nestle. The hot spell of knocked the bottom cl fresh fish market for fish after new plentiful. weather has ?ar out '.f the IJeople care little vegetables become Here are some of the home-made prices just as spun out to the scribe on his round ; the res; wen- furnished by "Mary Jane," who makes an oc :a sional visit to that mart. The butch? ers report the old scales of prices ia force as yet. Their schedule never knows a change?same in summer as winter. Irish potatoes of last year's crop are getting scarce ?*t twenty-live cents per peck, and will soon give way to the new ones, which arc mak? ing their appearance at 35 and 10 cents per peck. Cabbage is holding its own at 10 to 15 cents per bead; peas you can get for .*!0 rents; string beans, 60. You can get a nice mess of lettuce for 3 cents; asparagus. 10 cents per bu nob; radishes, 2 to 3; onions, ?; rhubarb, 5; beets, 10. Undertakers' delight? cucumbers, 25 to 40 cents per dozen. A few apples are to be found hanging around from last, year's crop ar 80 cents per peck. Florida oranges are out of the market and Messina ora nges have taken their place at 40 to 70 cents per dozen. Cherries will be scarce this year and are worth 10 cents a box ; bananas are to be seen on every side at from 15 to 25 cents per dozen; lemons-remain at the same prices and lemonade still flourishes. Hotter good, butter had, butter gar? licky, butter grassy, any kind you want, from 10 to l? "cents a pouial ; smear case, 10 cents per quart; and last but not least,summer eggs ar 12 to 11 cents per doxen. Tin- Young People or che Catholic Have Their Annual Outing. A picnic without a shower would hardly be a picnic at all, and yester? day the young people of the Catholic church who annually have an outing in Carr's Woods, wore not disap? pointed. it way a merry crowd and tbo oars of the dummy road were crowded all day with merry parties in light cool fab rics on their way to (he grounds. It is a delightful spot fur a picnic. These woods with their cozy nooks where lovers might -it on a fallen log and quarrel only to make up again; and the spring.of cool lvmp.d water flowing boldly fio a a cleft in the rocks. Then liiere were plenty of swings and girls were tossed high into the air among the tree tops by pres piring swains in wilted collars. I5ut it was a labor of love, and tho boys didn't seem to mind it at all. Then there was dacingon an Impro? vised platform of pine hoards, to the music of She Machine Works hand, and jnutus the Lancers were being formed a few rain drops came patter? ing down, !.n:! every body sougLt shelter of the tret-, while the mus Q cians wrapped their instruments in their gos omen, ami ?ol wet Lhem selves. But the rain didn't last long, and was rattier enjoyable, for every fellow had a chance fora private chat with bis best girl under the protec tion of his umbrella Altogether it was a. pleasanI occasion, and it will l>" remembered for a long time. The same <?( base ball betwci a the L''.:;.-t Roauokes and the Teny Hill clubs, resulted in a v ictory lor the former by a score of Id to 11 Super? intendent Carr presented the win? ing club with a Spauldiug ball, and the looser- with a tine bat. A ''A ME. U roanoke defeats bedford city 6 to 4. m WORK OF THE BITFERIES TO ME?T jut.VK so. Tin It ', iml(?:?-;>ii .Makvn n in (ho Field. Some I*reily I'loys -A Mntnll Crowd On Account of llnln -Hat l( ns Ell thnsisfltlc. - M.l. The Churches Today. FOURTH AVENUE CHRISTIAN 0IIURC.H. Preaching this morning at II o'clock, and tonight at 8:15 at the Fourth ave nue Christian church. Morning sub? ject: '?Salvation?Its nature. &c." Night : '?Testimony Knough." ST. JOHN'S KI'ISCOTA Ji CHURCH. Regular service at 11 a. in. at St. John's Episcopal chureh, and a short twilight service at seven in" the eve? ning. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Come to the Young Men's Christian Association today at 4 p. in. and hear Mr. H. J. Taylor. His subject will be taken from Isiah 40:26-31. Jiow to become strong, and how Vf> keep strong. All men are invited to at? tend. SECOND LUTHERAN. At the Second Street Luthern church. Sunday school at 3 o'clock p. in. Superintendent E. H. Eohn will speak of the "Great Christian Endeavor Convention," which heat tended last week. Ex-Mayor J. H. Duns tan and fam? ily, have returned from an extended trip to Tennessee and Alabama. ST. MARK'S LUTHERAN. Divine service of St. Mark's Luth? eran church will be held today at 11 a. m. in the school chapel. The Rev ri.ksox.xi.s AM> briefs. Rev. Mr. Wagner, of Trupp.?, is visiting friends in this city. Colonel James Tiraberlakc, of Al beniarlc, is a guest of Mrs. William Carr, on Lee street. A bear weighing 188 pounds sva kiled about twelve miles from Lyneh burg by a man named Leftwich. Mrs. S. B. Williams has left the city fora weeks' vacation. She will return in time t-< take up her music class. The Vigilant Fire Company will dys a ball at their hall oh July 4. It promises to be a most eujoyabln af? fair. Mr. James A. Pugh left last night for Boston to attend the annual meet? ing of the National Editorial Associa? tion. Rev. J. A Huflard will address the Ladies'Home and Foreign Missionary Society of Blacksburg today, by special request. (>n Tuesday, at the residence of Mr. Y. McD. Smith, at Vioton, there will ben social Leathering in honor of the birth-day ol his .-on. Miss BcttieD. John, of Appomatox, who ban been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. II. Tr>mt, left for Lynchburg yes? terday to attend the State Normal. Mayor Evans bus returned from Blacksburg, where be went to attend the wedding of a relative to Editor Sullivan, of the ttadford Democrat. Nothing now remains of the old offices ol the Pocahontas Coal Com? pany, except a ?mall pile of debris. The erection of the addition to the N irlolk and Western building will be eoinanenoed as soon a- the contract is i warded ROANOKES. Wicmore, 3b. Welch, rf. Ppronl, If. " Reefer, lb. Sands, cf. Brodle, 1., p. Brodie, A , s. s Kirbv, c. Reilley, 3b; Roanoke boysth sent tin bedford city. Booth. e. H. Sanderson, 2b & cf. Dame, p. A'nsp'gb, W..2b, cf. Aunspaugh, 1) , 3b. Otey, lb. < rarrett, rf. Rosser, c. Lee, If. gave tin Bedford razzle dazzle yesterday i buck home defeated. mi:. s::>?v rktvrxk. Vir Every tto?y 5s Talking Abonl ginla siml 11 er l'rogres?. V ice-President Eddy returned from Marble Head Neck, Mu.?s., yesterday. His somewhat sun-burnt face'shov iog the effect of ten days stay on the rock bonud coast of the Bay Stale. He owns a very pretty cottage on* the coast. It is situated sixty-live feet above the sea, and is 30? feet dis? tant from t':n> surf. From his piazzas a magnificent view i- commanded of the yachting club h< ase,s of Boston and Lynn, and tlie light of eleven light houses can be .-ecu from tue windows at night. Up to the present it Lias been so cool, as to make fire accessary during the day. "Everybody in Massachusetts is talking about Virginia," said Mr. Eddy, 'and there is no doubt that there will be more visitors to the sec? tion in the next few months than ever before.'" An elegant assortment of chamber and parlor suits have just been re? ceived by E. H. Stewart & Co. jc'.'l-tf Tlie Exchange Addition. The Exchange Addition property has just been put on the market, and tl:>' lot- are going fast The property is most desirably lo? cated. It is adjacent to the Lewis addition, and lies north and nearer the centre of the city than the Jeanette prop? erty, four acres ol which have been donated to the Presbvterian church as a site for the $30,000 Female Semi? nary, which is to be erected at an early date. The property is also adjacent to that of t he well-known Roanoke Land and Improvement Company. The addition is to be called the Ex? change Addition. The land is level ami well drained, and well adapted in every way for beautiful residence lots. Messrs. Cray & Boswell are sole agents for the property. Itishop Keane's Injurie* Kllghi. Among the persons injured in the Baltimore and Ohio wreck was Bishop Keane. In reply to a telegram en? quiring about the extent of his inju at 9:30 a. in. Strangers will receive a cordial welcome. A Pare and Reliable Medicine.?A compound fluid extract of roots, leaves, barks and berries is Burdock's Blood Bitters. They cure all diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys. "Heariy.thanks and best blessings t) you all: am pot seriously hurt." j. j. Keane. Our $10 black cheviot suits can't be bought elsewhere for less than $12.50. How is that'.'?at Cohn's, of course. mvl-tf Tue crowd attending the game was snail, on account of tlie threatening w 'a ther? and at one I inn if tla- rain would break up tho gains The features were the work of bot' batteries and the fielding of Sander son, who, though he looked like a tanner, played like a professional. Play was called about 4.20, with the Bedford City team at the bat. Boothe made a short hit. which was thrown wild to first, be going to sec? ond, reaching third on Sanderson's scratch hit. Dame came (next and knocked a long fly to Sproul, which wa- fie!.led nicely. I). Aunspaugh got to first on a scratcli bit and Boothe scored. Wigmore, Welch and Brodic crossed the home plate in this inning for t he Roanoke'*. In the second inning both .-ides were retired in one, two. three order. In the third, Bedford City got an? other man across] tho plate, the Roanokes being letired a- in the pre? vious inning. The visitors failed to score in the fourth. Sands caught t lie ball with his bat, and sent it over the ground as if tired from the mouth of a. cannon. It passed nil the fielders, and was only stopped by striking the centre field fence, Sands crossing the plate before it could lie returned. A. Brodic and Klrby were stopped at first, and Reil ley fouled out. Another run was tallied for the vis? iting team in the fifth. Booth died at first, Sanderson struck out. Dame hit the ball for two bases, ami reached home fin W Aunspaugh's hit to the right field. D. Aunspaugh struck out. Wigmore and Welch struck out, Sproul was bit with a pitched ball, and I. Brodie out on a long tly to Sanderson. Roanoke, -1: Bedford City, 3. The game began to get very inter ?Sting iu the sixth, otey hit for a iiis.-. wenl to -eeond on Garrett's out it first, und crossed ti. ? plate on Ros ser's hit. Lee and Boothe struck out, retiriug the side. Sanderton did some linefleldihg at this stage of the game, capturing two very difficult balls from the bats of Kcefcrand Kirbv, re spectivelv. Sands struck out. Roan oke, 4: Bedford <'ity, i. Daring the remainder of the game Bedford scored no more. Roanoke scored twice in the seventh, thus win ning tho ganie by a score of ? to 4. A very pretty double pla y was made in the eighth. Wigmore captured a fly from Boothe's but, returned it in time to Garrctt who ran too far off second. Deinocraeic Stale 4'omtnll tee Will Make a Hard Fight Agniuwt Hrowne. is understood that Secretary Sheppard, uf the Democratic Slate committee, will at once issue a cull for that body to raectiu Richmond on June 30. Tho committee, at its last meeting, adjourned subject to the call of tho secretary. Mr. J. Taylor Elly son, who is regarded as the acting chairman of the committee, has ju -x had a conference with Mr. Suep pard. and tho ca'.l to be issued is the result of that consultaaion. The members of the committee are united in expressing the desire that the cam paign shall fx* opened as soon as prac ticable. This view is urged, among others, by sonic in tho First Con? gressional district. They say that it is desirable that the committee shall meet at as early a day as practicable, in order that the district committees may meet and assemble a convention to nominate a representative. The Democrats expect to make a determ? ined fight in tho First district this year, and hope to elect a successor to Mr. Browne, the Republican repre? sentative. Senator John S. Barbour ha.- opposed opening tin- campaign in Virginia until(lougress adjourns, lit think-; that course will enable C: it looked as I party to begin work with .a, fall know? ledge of >he plans of the enemy. No one in the Sta te has more weight or influence with his party than Mr, Barbour, and while the committee will meet soon, that gentleman's sug? gestion as to the policy of waifini: for the Republicans to complete their partisan legislation before beginning active campaign work is almost cer? tain to be adopted' As to the chair? manship of the committee, it Senator Harbour will consent to accept again, he can get it without an opposing voice. Mr. Basil B. Gordon, the pres ent chairman of the committee, is in the Adirondack mountains. Ciry and Zulus vs. Hei.ssiies. Reported for the TIMES. < >n Monday afternoon a game of bail will be "attempted!' at Hiverside Park, provided it does not rain and the police do not interfere between t lie young men in the offices of the auditor and general freight agent of the Norfolk and Western railroad. This game is the outcome of a van detta of long standii played with a biitet"e?s exceeding that shown in the last fight of Kilrain and Sullivan, and nine rminds will be fought to a finish. They are all heavy hitters, as will be seen by the follow? ing : In a game of practice they broke two bats and lost one ball,which now reposes on the toboggan slide roof of Horton's mule motor repository. It is hoped a lar^o audience will greefrthe beys in their endeavor to broaden their chests and lengthen their strides. No admission will be charged. Killed by Lightning Sarah Haimshell, a colored woman, who with two younger brothers .started to walk from Wytheville to Cripple Creek oh Tuesday, stopped under a tree when on the mountain to avoid a passing shower. While there they were struck by lightning. Tlie oman was instantly killed and the two boys were fatally injured. The bodies of tho three were taken back to Wytheville Tuesday after? noon. a I'liilanthronie Movement. .lames T. tiott, Carml, 111., Says He paid thirty-one dollars doctor's bill for his wife in one year, and one bottle of Bradlield's Female Regula? tor did her more good than all the medicine she had taken before. H. Dale, druggist, Carmi, 111. Write Bradlield Regulator Co.. Atlanta Ga., for particulars*. Sold by Budwell. Christian & Barbee. The exchange property is the only desirable inside property that is be? ing sold on time and without the as? sumption of paper. The deed comes directly from the company, and the payments are made one-third in cash, balance in one and two years. Call early as choice lots are being sold rap? idly. Gray & lioswell. junlO tf Geyer, the Campbell street Tailo.r carries a large and select stock of goods in his line. my20 tf A movement for establishing our hospital upon a philanthropic basis deserves a general commendation. The present elTort has tho potency and promise of success. With tho TIMES, I believe the present public spirited movement "will undoubtedly be successful.", More than two years uqo, some of us met and considered the hospital claim. A committe was appointed and here the .matter ended. Within the past year the questii n was brought before the city fa! hers and discussed at some length in the papers, but the proposal for raising the money by taxation was rejected by a popular vote. Not having discussed the municipal plan, though requested to do so, 1 beg leave to express now my profound appreciation of the gen? eral aspects of the hospital claim, and to add my unsolicited commendation of the present movement. It is con? fessedly philanthropic, and is .-vi dently free fn>n\ certain object ionable features fatal to the municipal plan. There i- ho occasion to present tb? needs and inestimable benefits of a city hospital, for none appreciate these points better than tin.- large hearted and liberal minded citizens who will provide ih.- financial sup? port for ilii.- benevolent enterprise. No flatteringapp -I to tender sympa? thies of the general public is de? manded. The benefit of a firat ?i, well-ordered city hospital*is understood by the public, and tin funds for it- substantial endowment ire in the hands of those who appre mite the importance of the work. We may conclude that the enterprise is now an assured fact. The money raised already is a guarantee of finan i il and moral sup-port. As a. people, however, we should ap? preciate and encourage the philan? thropic spirit which characterizes the present movement. The fund will be ecured, the hospital will be built and the. sick and wounded will have all that professional skdl and personal ministry can render, and it simply n - mains for us to sink our person;.1 and selfish preferences beneath the higher claims ol a public II beisPirite?'. Pjittanthrjpio movement 1 ttie establishment of a city hospital upon a purely philanthropic bar's will bind our citizens of every condi? tion together in a common service, and no boue cf contention will be left for either municipal or denomina? tional factions The liberal subscri? bers who feel enough interest to pro vide the means, will consider care? fully and wisely the practical details of organization and adaptation, and current contributions will meet emer? gencies. While at Vale College I noticed with especial interest the generous rivalry of the New Haven churches in raising their annual contributions on ''Hospital Day." The church I attended took the lead with an average of nearly two thousand dollars. The TIMES is right in sug? gesting that tlie ladies and churches' can come to the rescue if anything is lacking, and there can be no lack when the philanthropic spirit pre? vails. There will he no delicate mu? nicipal or denominational issues. The present hospital movement is a golden opportunity for binding till of our people together more closely in cue grand, good work. May the present movement meet with abundant success. J. E. B. The Estey stands at. the head of all the different makes of organs^^lt, is unrivalled for beauty of ^"""man ship, sweetness of tone am durabil? ity. If you are thinking of purcha? ing an organ besure you get the Es tey, take no other. Tin-: Hobbie Mu^ic Co., Lynchburg, Va. General South? ern Agents. For colds, croup, asthma, bronchi tisand sore throat use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, and get the best. For fire insurance call at the office j of the Roanoke Tust, ~oan andS^fe] 1 Deposit Co. dec28-tf Bedford.City land and IMPROVEMENT COMPANY1 CHARTERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGIRIA. Authorized Capita! t The Bedford City Land Company offers the best investment on the Norfolk and Western Railroad. It is a golden opportunity L After June 3rd a limited number of lots will be offered for sale. This company has three thousand building and business lots in the western part ol Bedford City. Incomparably the best property and the most beautiful sites. The town s growing west. Tho new depot site is on these lands, lne Randolph Macon College Academy is there and a new first-class hotel will be erected asoon as the architect has finished tho drawings. A early ?,UW population now. Fifteen plug tobacco concerns. The largest and most successful woolen mills Ih the State except Charlottesville. T wenty-flve manti factories now and seven new manufacturing enterprises tfiaderwav. The Bedford and James River Railroad is to b'e built in ths near future. I? For those wh,c w?Dt a safe investment the stock and land of t'he Bedford City Land Company present's the greatest inducements. The present selling alue of thfrfSi^gft^vorth more money that? the total amotint of stock the company offers for gale._J^erMjattic^^rs apl 5 3m CE - - FIVE CE^TS FROM THE WEST AN ILLINOIS CYCLONE KILLS TWENTY-SEVEN PEOPLE BLA1NE OBJECTS TO THE BILL Tli?:<?l!v?ir Hill Referred Art?r An Ex" elllnarDebate? >ln Alnlmiiin ;;.;.;!<, the Dentil?Race* and tlnli Tester day?Von Mnlikc- Very III. Von Moiske Ih 113, By United Press. Paris, June 2!.?The Siecle pub Hshed a dispatch from its Berlin cor respondent which announces the Beri ous illness of Field Marshal Count Von Moltke. Tlie Sliver Kill Referred. By United Press. ? Washington, June 21.?The fight in the llou.^e in reference to the r il vcr bill continued nil day. Finally, after a long and bitter partisan de? bate Speaker Reed referred the Sil er bill to a committee on coinage weights and the measures were approved i a vote of 14 to 117. Eight renubiicaus voted with democrats and 11 demo- ? crats with republicans. An Alabama Tragedy. By United Press. Mobile,Ala.. Juue2i.?A special to the News from Guntersville, Ala., says that Colonel J. T. Sheffield, elerk in the office of Superintendent of Ed? ucation, shot and instantly killed Major Buck May. a prominent citizen of Guntersville, yesterday. The*ra gedygrew out of some domestics trou? ble. Killed by a 4 yelenc, By United Press. Dixon, III, June 21.?A terrible cyclone pasted through Lee eouu.y yesterday evening, southward, taking the same track as twelve years a^o, which wiped a town in L<'e county. After a heavy storm of twenty-four hours, heavy clouds was noticed In the Southwest, which developed into a terrible cyclone, and passed through Soutine, taking over one-half of the town. ChurclieFjStores and dwellings in its path are reported entirely de? molished. Ten persons reported to have been injured, four fatally. All wires are down and fuli particulars cannot be obtained. Paw Paw, 111., w;is also struck by a cyclone yesterday afternoon and sev? enteen people were killed and town d"stro\ i <!. Klaiiir Object*; By United Press. Washington, .June 21.?It instated here tonight, by authority, that Sec? retary Blaine, when before t 11*-* Senate cDinmittee on appropriations last Thursday, decidedly objected to the McKinley tariff bill. Mr. Blain objected to the sugar and wool provisions. He took the ground that to pass these provisions for polit? ical effect they would not have one single election. It would operate against the exten? sion of our trade in South America for years to come and prevent us from extending our commerce to fifty mil? lion people in that section. KcsuIIn i I' MiiecpstMMMi* liny Rae? v. By United Press. New York, June 21.?Fh\?l race, mile?Beck, tirsr; lima, second : Rhono. third. Time, 1.20 3-3 Second race, turf stakes, 5 furlongs ?Sallie McClelland, first: Ambulauc ?. second ; Reckon, third. Time. 1.02 :j ?>. Third race, tidal stakes, 1 mile Burlington, first; Chesapeake, sec? ond; Banquet, third. Time, L43. Fourth race, Ray Ridge Handicap, H miles?rCassius, firsl ; Tin Tray., second; Bun Coyne, third. Tim". 3:39. - Fifth race, 1 8-16 miles?Eon"; lir.*-; ; Taragon, second ; Major Domo, third. Tiniel 2.05 3-5. Sixth sace, 1J miles on the turf Philosophy, first: Briaji Boon, second. Dead heat between Cast Steel and Folson for second place. Time. 2.11 1 ?">. . Busvliitll Ganiea of Ytaterday. By United Press. national league. At Cincinnati?Cincinnati. :! Bos? ton, 1. j At Cleveland?Cleveland, 7; Brool - i lyn, 5. At Chicago?Chicago, 7: New Vorl., 8. At Philadelphia?Wet grounds. players1 league/ At Pittsburg?Pittsburg, 7; Phila delpbia, ! At Olevt-land?Cleveland, ;j: Bon ton, 9. At Chicago? Chicago.O; Brooklyn, t At Buffalo?Rain. AM ERICA A SSOCIATION. At Rochester?Rochester, 9; Brook? lyn. 4. At Columbus?Columbus, 10; St. Louis, 4. At Toledo?Toledo, :i; Lonigyillo, & At Philadelphia?Wet grounds. ATLANTIC LKAGUE. At Worcester?Worcester, .3; New Haven, 10. At Baltimore?Baltimore. 4: New? ark, 2. At Hartford?Rain. At Washington?Wet grounds The regular monthly meetings of t he Home Loan and Building Asso? ciation for the payment of dues, will be held in the office of Gray ?rBoswell on Jefferson street, irntil further notice. First meeting., to be held Wednesday evening, 25tli instant, a 8 o'clock. je22, 84, 25. Go to Geyer's to get your soring j and summer suits. my20 tf. i Having secured the services of ?n' [ experienced and expert tmper hangw iand draper and carpet layer wo are * now prepared to do all work^ "