Newspaper Page Text
T IB BOaNOKE TIMES. ( ally and weekly) \n Independent Democratic paper dt >ted to the material and political ei -.ts of Roanoke and Southwest \" glnia. * 5>? YOr AI>VEBTiSE ? SFo uisxontiuuo au advertisement." st j joha Wanatuaker, "is like taking d vn your sign. If you want to do b. siness you must let the] public kuow it I would as soon think of doing b' iness without clerks as without a iidsing.'' HANDSOFF2 are at least three Republicaus ' in the House who do not acknowledge t< tiding boadsmgn of Heid. Their namce should be re;nembor*d b all good citiaeus, and they propose t< make a gallant light against tho at t> tp'ed ialerferance of the national g ^rtjjruaat with elections. day the debate in the House- on 1 Lodge's bill for the regulation oi 2 !cral electiors comes to an end. 1 .:. ilia vote will be taken,and against tl ? measure of centralization, it 13 to b hoped will come from every Con g >jraan a prompt and vigorous pro- j t? t. ? >c want :iu Federal interference v b. ejections. Hands off the ballot b >.c3! TIIK INCOMING COUNCIL. .'bo new members of the Council li . s taken the oath of office and a new \ *sident ha? been elected. "he retiring Council, which by t' way is for tMc most parti a 0 the now Council, have the e orsament of tho people. TheyJ h ye dons their duty as they saw it, a ?: Uey saw it in a right light. The p lie are satisfied with its work aud j i; aly the present body does as well, t v may be assured that there will be u grumbling. I'ha i. 1 mks extends to the new, un- j t ] members of that august body the a mrances ot its distinguished cm-| i ritten. about grass rt lOOWS. The grass widow is a mighty hard i utution to down. She is a creature i. "Minit-c resource, and has so shown ; self to Mr. Cox nolly, the chief I 1 y inspector of New York. He had most pronounced views ? the grass widow question, aud 1 ia't hesitate to express them. He ; ha i the appointment of a number c -romen deputies,aud he declared that 1 t one of them should bo a grass \ -low. Now :t seems that this ra'd : on the grass widows has had one I ssuraably happy result, aud has c used couples long separated to dwell 1 .e'.her again in unity.- A uumbor of f pi'cants to bo made deputies have I 'ought '.heir recaptured husbands th them to Mr. Connolly as vouch < s for their eligibility. Mr. Connolly mu's. Lavs had a high opinion ofhunself. The idea his trying to get ahead of the grass .. proves this, as many a man haa i jwn beforo to his sorrow. Tue Tbjes congratulates lie. Coac . di.y. but at the samt time, lbs ipathles go out to Mr. Connolly. A i^.io ot babies bora la Georgia r? eailcd RED, White aud Eixe. ?1 they wcra all black. CVe would suggest that the next an? al regatta of the Virginia boat clubs held on the streets of Boanok?. Jitii; prospect of a great wave of nrth of July oratory is slightly ob s .red by a premised wave of super 1 ated atmosphere. * The Republican committee will not set in Washington today un account the illness in Petersburg of General [lliammahone. It doesn't make . ich difference, however. The census ouumerators have corn st3dthe work of cauvassiug, and are ??v busy counting ths results. II you vc!:*i beon seen send your name to 1 (flee and we will seo that you are. oke must make .1 good showing. 3i ty-focb millions, live hundred ? 1 people now reside withiu the tinds of this gretjt republic. Of this :mber 20,000 live ri.;'ut here in Roan te aud it would be protty hard to find more enterprising, energetic and pub :-spirited 20,000 if you looked over q whole blamed 64,000,000. ?THE DANVILLE? URSERY anfl GREEN HOUSE COMPANY. Danville, Virginia. .. T. Sutherlin, President. Geo. 3. Sartin, Gen'l Manager. We are prepared to furnish any and I kinds ot fruit, shade and ornamen tl trees, plants, vines, etc., in any uantfty. Eine lot of roses and bed mgplants, and anything in the the ilrsery line. Write us before buying, ttalogue sent free. Goood agents anted. Mr. D. R. Younger, our agent, is iOw in the city, and orders can be it with him at Nuchpls, Abbitte Srown's, 84 Gale Building, Jefferson eat. GEO. S. SARTIN, ip ! 3m Secretary afid.Manager. ?i?SMJIBIRT&C?. cai Estate Agents, Moomaw Block, No. 9. re have a line list of property from which to select. [creation, price and terms, we hope to stilt ulk if you have property To sell or exchange, call. . of references given. junl? im I ARE THE SIGN WRITER, COR? .; nor Third avenue and First Street *W. a'arO-tf ! GRAND DRAWING] OF THE Loteria ?e la Beieheicia Publica I OF THE 3TATE OF ZACATECAS, MEXICO, A. syndicate capitalists have Becured the concession for operating this LOTTERY And have extended its business throughout the United States and British America. The drawing will take place on the 27th ot each month, not excepting Sundays and holidays. Below will be found a list of the prizes | which will be drawn on June 27th. 1800, At Zacatecas, Mexico, and continued monthly thereafter. Capital Prize, $150,000. 100,000 Tickets at $10; Halves, $5; Tenths, $1; American Currency. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 PRIZE OF $100.000 is .$150,000 1 PRIZE OF 50,000 is 50,000 1 PRIZE OF 05,000 is 25,000 8 PRIZES OF 10,000 are 30,000 2 PRIZES OF 5,000are 10.000 5 PRIZES OF 2.000 are 10,000 10 PRIZES OF 1,000 are 10,000 ?20 PRIZES OF 500 are 10,000 200 PRIZES OF 200 are 40,000 800 PRIZES OF 150 are -15,000 500 PRIZES OF 100 are 50,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 150 PRIZES OF $150 are $22,500 150 PRIZES OF 100 are 15,000 150 PRIZES OF 50 are 7,500 009 Terminal Prizes of 50 are 49,950 1493 $521,050 Club Rates : G Tickets for $50. Special Rates arranged with Agents. AGENTS WANTED in every town | and city in United States and British America. The payment of prices is guaranteed by a special deposit of live hundred tiiousaul dollars ($500,000), with the State Government, and approved by Jcmis Arechiga. Governor. Drawing under the personal super? vision of Lie. Herminio Arteaga, who i* appointed by the Government as J InterA-entor. "1 Ckktiky that wirb the State TreasureraU necessary guarantees are deposited, assuring tu 1 payment of all prizes of this drawing. 1'Herminio, Argtkaga, "Tnterventor." IMPORTANT. Remittances must be either by New York Draft. Express or Registered Letter, American money. Collections can be made by Express Companies or Rauks. Tickets sent direct to manage? ment will be paid by drafts on New York, Montreal, St. Piul, Chicago. San Francisco or City o: Mexico. For further Information address JUAN PIEDAD. Manager. mv21-lv Zacatecas Mexico. sun IfALffl - RAILROAD th JULY 4th -THE KATIOML HOLIDAY. EXCURSION IV. WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY educed Rates, i TO ANY POINT ON THE LINE, IULY 3-4 Good to return on, or before JULY 71 10, Special Attractions -AT I Natural Bridge, Crottoes. Luray Caverns. - j O. HOWARD ROYER, General Passenger Agent, jun 20. jy 1,2,3. GRAY j . REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Improved aud unimproved property for sale in all parts of the city. RENTING A SPECIALTY The only Agents in the City that Handle Exclusively Prop? erty Inside of the Corporation, and are Agents for the Exchange Building and Investment Company.' Your patronage respectfully solicited. No. 114 Jefferson street, Roanoke, Va. Gray & Bos well. jan2-tf iOSl UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. OVER $1,000,000 DISTRIBUTED. Pi iflii Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature, for educational and chiritable pur? poses, and its franchise made a part of the present state constitution in 1870 by an overwhelming popular vote, and To Oqtiimus Until January 1, 1895. Its iiiuniuiwili diawingstake place ieuii-rsunnady. in (June and Deeem 'ber!. Ml: its <?rand Single Number Drawings take | lace in* euch of the ?ther ten months Ol the 3'car, and are aii drawn in public at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. FAMED FUR TWENTY YEARS for integrity of its drawings, and prompt payment of Prizes. Attested as follows: " Wt do hereby certify (hat ice supers vise the arrangement for all the monthly and semi-annual drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Com? pany, and inpersoji manage and con? trol the drawings thems<.'lces,and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toioard all p arties, and we authorizeth", company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its ad vertisemenis." Commissioners. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all prizes drawn in the Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our counters. R. M.Walinsley,President Louisiana National Bank. Pierre Lanaux, President State Na? tional Bank. A. Baldwin, President New Orleans National BanK. Carl Kohu,President Union Natioual Bank. Grand Monthly Drawing, At the Academy of Mi sic, New Or? leans, Tuesday, July 15th, 1890. CAPITAL PKIZE, S:}0tl,?O? 100,000 Tickets at $2C each; Halves $10;Quarters, Tenths, $2; Twen? tieths, $1. LIST OF PRirKS. 1 prize of $300,000 is.$300,000 1 prize of 100,000 is. . 100,000 1 prize of 00,000 is. 50,000 1 prize of 25,000 is . 25,000 2 prizes of 10,000 art. 20,000 5 prizes of 5,000 an . 25,000 25 prizes of 1,000 are. 25,000 100 prizes of 500 art. 50,000 200 prizes of 300 an. 00,000 500 prizes of 200 an. 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRI7.KS. 100 prizes of $500 are ... $50,000 100 " of 300 are. 30,000 100 " of 200 are. 20,000 TKRMINAL PRIZES. 990 prizes of $100 are. $909.900 090 " of $100 are.900 3,144 prizes, amounting to....$1,05-1.800 | NOTE?Tickets drawing capital prizes are not oniitled to terminal | prizes. AtiENTS WASTED. ?3T" For club rates or any further information desired, write legibly to the undersigned, clearly stating your residence, with state, "county, street and number. More rapid return mail delivery will be assured by your en? closing an envelope bearing your full address. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN New Orleans. La., j or M.A.DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. By ordinary letter containing money order issued by all express companies. New York exchange, draft or postal note. Address REGISTERED LETTERS WMAI.MSC GORRBXCI to New Orleans National Bank, New | Orleans, La. Remember that the payment of i prizes is guaranteed by four Na- j tional Banks of New Orleans, and the tickets are signed by the president of j an institution whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest court; I therefore, beware of all imitations or j anonymous schemes. Remember that the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that j the Louisiana State Lottery Co., has a contract with the State of Louisiana,! which does not expire until January 1st, 1895. OCEAN SHORE PARK HOTEL! ^VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA. The Ocean Shore Park Hotel, Vir ginia Beach, in Princess Anne county, Virginia, at the ocean terminus of the I Norfolk andVirginia Beach Railroad | offers to the public a loug-felt want. It is an ocean short resort within the means of all. The hotel is new, being its tirst season, with a first class I table, large, airy rooms, and newly] furnished throughout. THE BATHING. The surf bath? ing is unsurpassed by ;my upon the) Atlantic coast. The absence of any undertow being a marked feature. The temperature of the water is j warmer, and the bathing more pro-] longed than on the New Jersey, Long Island Coast. HEALTH RESORT. As a health resort, it has been pronounced as com? pared with Atlautic C:ty and Fort? ress Monroe, to have many superior I natural advantages, both winter and | summer. AMUSEMENTS. Surf and still water bathing, Crabbing, Bowling, Tennis, Horse-back and Switch-back riding may be indulged in. Music throughout the season. The Western Union Telegraph Company has an office on the Beach. TRANSPORTATION. There are seven ;trains daily (except Sunday), each way between Norfolk and Vir? ginia Beach. Four trt.ins each way on Sunday. For all ether informa- j tion address GEO. H. QUACKENBOS, Ocean Shore Park Hotel, je9 tf._Virginia Beach, Va. DYEING, CLEANING and REPAIRING I You will save money by bringing' your dirty clothes to be cleaned or dyed and repaired to me. Charges moderate. Work first class. E. Walsak, Corner Campbell and Henry streets (i Rojanoke, Va. tf (< CHENANDOAH VALLEY RAIL O ROAD. 8. F. Ttleb, Kbceivcr. Schedule in effect June, 2, 1S90. ARRIVE AT ROASTOKB. 5-0O p. in. Daily?Memphis Express, from Hagerstown and the north. Through Pullman1 _ sleeping cars from New Ij^P York ami Philadelphia 10 Chattanooga and Mem? phis via Harrlsburg, Ha gerstown and Roanoke. .40 a. m. Daily? New Orleans ex? press from New York, Philadelphia and Balti? more, making connection through 'to tho south Carries through Pullman palace buffet sleeping car from Philadelphia to New Orleans without change via Harrisburg, Hagers town, Roanoke, Cleve? land, Calera, and L. & N. R. R. LB AVK ROANOKB. 3.?15 a. m. Daily?Baltimore exrjress from all points south for Washington, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and New York. Car- j ries Pullman palace buffet sleeping car from Roanoke to Philadelphia without change, via Ha? gerstown and Harrisburg. 7.20 p.m. Daily?New Vork and Philadelphia express, from Memphis, Chat? tanooga and all points south. For Phil? adelphia and New York. Carries Pullman Palace bullet Bleeping cars through to Philadelphia and New York via Roan? oke, Hagerstown and Harrisburg. Ticket agents will furnish all infor unit ion and through schedules upon application to O. HOWARD ROYRR. G. P. & T. Agent, Roanoke. Va. NORFOLK & WESTERN RAIL ROAD. Schedule in effect May llth, 1800. WEST BOUND. liKAVK ROANOKE. 10:05 am. Daily; arrive Bristol LOO p m. Stops at all Sta? tions, connecting at Rad? ford wit h trains on N't w River Branch: amvingPo cahontas at :!:"?") p tn. 5:45 p m. Daily, arrivesRadford 7.20 p. m., connecting with New River brant h at p. nu, for Blueiield ami Pocabontas; arrives Poca bontas 10:55 p. m. Arrives Brisiol 11:20 p. m., con? necting with E. T., V. & O. R. R. for ail points south ami west; has Pullman Palace Sleeper, Roanoke to Rome, via Calera and Roanokt to Memphis without change. 7:55 am. Daily, arrive Radford 9:15 a m, connecting with New River Branch. leaving Radford 12:10 p.m.,arri\ ee Bristol 12.40 pm.. connects with E. T., V. & G. R. R. for all points south and west; has Pullman Palace \ Sleeper from Roanoke to i New Orleans without change. EAST Bo I'M). LEAVE ROANOKK. 5:25 a iu. Daily; for Lynchburg,Pe? tersburg, Richmond, (via Pet< rsburg and R. & P. R. R.,) Norfolk and interme? diate points; Connectsfat Lynchburg with V. M. K. R. forWashington and che east, leaving Lynchburg 7:10 a m daily. Arrives Norfolk 2.00 p m connect? ing with steamer lines to Baltimore and New York. 7:20 p m. Daily; forLynchburg and : intermediate sta: ions. 10:10 am. Daily; arrives Lynchburg] 11:59 a m,connecting with V. M. R. R. for all pointfr north, arriving Washing ton 7:05 p m; arrives Pe-, tersburg*4:20 p.m; arrive? Richmond, via R. & P. R. R., 0:05 ]) m; arrives Nor-, folk 7.00 p in; Cripple Creek Extension?Leaves 1 Pulaski 8:15 a m. Daily except Sun-i day, and 3:00 p iu. Daily, arrive Iv?u hoe 9:45 a m and4:30 p m. Returning leave Iyanhoe 10:25 a m. Daily exc< ol Sunday, and 5:25 *p m. DaRy, arrive Pulaski 11:55 a m and 0:30 p m. All inquiries as to rates, routes, etc..: promptly answered. W. B. bbvill, Oen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent. Chas. G. Eddy, vice-president. General Offices, Roanoke. NOTHING ?SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS, The reason RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the mosl wonderful medicine, is because it has nev failed in any in? stance, no matter what the disease, i from Leprosy to the I simplest (1 i sense! known to the human system. The scientific men of today claim and prove that every disease is Caused By Microbes, 'i j -and RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER) exterminates the microbes and drives j them out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whethera simple case of malaria fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at the same time, as we trea' all diseases constitutionally. Asthma. Consumption, Catarrh. Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Kidney and LiverDisease,Chillsand Fever.Femalt Troubles, in all its forms,.and, in fact, every disease known to the human system. Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. See that our Trade Mark (same as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the JOHNSON & JOHNSON, Druggists. Sole agents, Cor. Jefferson and First ave., S. W. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Beil Printing and Man ufacturing Company, will be held in the counting room of the J. P. Bell! company, at Lynchburg, Va.. on the 7th of July, 1SSI0 at 12 m. ED. L. STONE, L. G. BELL, j Manager. Secretary. j jel4 taw 2\v. a. l. eoRLKY, President. S. P. GORLEY, Vice President. i j. s. snraoNS, Sec'y and Treas. j WEST END Brick and TSIe Works, Manufacturers of first-class Brick of ah kinds, including No. 1 Press Brick, f Draining Tile, Sec. Works on West] Campbell street, Roanoke, Va. Box j < B18, aprl-Cm FINE RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS PROPERTY, IN ANY PART OF ROANOKE. CALL C 3 OR ADDRESS. L. L. POWELL & CO MP A N Y Roanoke Va. Office, Stewart Building. Third Avenue, Opposite City Postoffice. PROFESSIONAL WANT. R. J. T. HILL, _= ROANOKE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ?AGENTS FOR 1EAL E3TATE Offlco Woumaw Building Jo tier on Struct. Soil or Exchange, lutrance No. 0 Salem (First) avenue. ?OFFICE HOURS? ? w- ? *a 8 to 10 a. m., 12 to 1 p. in., 3 to 4.80 louses and Lots in Roanoke and Vicinity i.._m..7.gotoioP.m._^P24cm ?CORRESPONDE ICE SOL1C1TED. ??,,? ?? Gl VE USA CALL. Physician and Surgeon, - 'Jffers bis professional services to the ' VINT'?N EXTEN SION Citizens of Roanoke Dummy lca?e3 everv hour from cor OOlce over Budwell and Christian s.; QM Jeffergon slres. tf0rfolk ave? nue. On and after Suuday, December 3, 1889, the fare will be as follows : City limits, 5 cents; Vinton 10 eonte. Tickets can be purchased at reduced rates by applying to the conductor or at the office of the Company iDIdioa building). J. F. CHRISTIAN, jan4-tf air! t GRIFFIN. j. allen watts. Pi RIFFLN & WATTS; ATTOENEYS-AT-LAW. lioauoke, ... - Virginia. Oi?ce : Room No. 5, Kirk's buildinii, corner Salem avenue and Jellerson St. tf -JEWE1 ER, OFFICES FOR R3S^7I\ ROOMS FOR RENT. NO. 5 Salein Avenue. - mn, REPAIRING PROM TLY EXECUTED D II. S. MORRISON. r. - ATTORNEY AT LAW. , Office Room No. 1. Thomas Build? ing, Court House Square, Roanoke,! BES^ LOCATION IN Uli. T,T7T T Qrjv^r'l/" \Vu- Ail business promptly attended to | Management in tend putting a passenga t UJLLi ?lU^lV : ? sTvprT^-elevator in the building. ' A ' i Electric lights and gas :n all rooi i ? -r,_. ?_ _... . _ Oilioes and Room? for rent iu tin City Hotel Building, which hits reci cl been converted into an office bui d W.S. GOOCH, President. N. 1'/. RTE Vice Pres dent. LG DOMINI e,h: l. chiles, Sec'y & Tr, ? Attornky-at-Law, i For terms, apply to Office: Corner Salem avenue und iL. L. Foweli Sl Co-, j Commerce streets, over Wertz's gro | eery. myM tf. j rpll< i.MAS \V. MILLER, i Attorney-at-Law, mv3-tf Opposite Postoilice. FIJQUA & BOAZ, PRACTICAL office: ix citize n's' bank building, Roanoke, Virginia Office?No. 10 Kirk building,over hp* nnpno fohnson A Johnson's Drug Store | A ^A ?? MAKES AND NEGOTIATES FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENTS apo-Gm PALACE, HO TEL in FRONT OP Pj SSENGER depot &O?53QKjL Comrderctal Tourists Home, and Headquarters for those desi ing Fir.-c-Class Accommodations. VIRGINIA. Home, iccommodations. Fine Bar attached S. A. VICK. Prxiprietc Member A. T. b. A. I ONE TO FIV EDOLLARS. "(JUT RiYTES ON RAILROADT CKET BOUGHT OF METO ALL p( i nts 1FT0U WAMT TG IKE HB INVEST IP BOANOKE REAL ESTATE. FOE EXAMPLE : Three lots bought lor 17,0)0 five months ago, sold io $35.000 last weeK Similar Instances Numerous* ap2-tf M o. B. MOOMAIV, 1 JSO. W. WOODS, Botetourt county. | Roanoke county. OOMAW cSc WOODS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW PI 11 mbers. Gas and Steam Fitters ?Vii . racticc in the courts of .Roanoke Beating by Steam, Hot Water or Hot eitv and county and counties adjoining. W n. ; 13 * ... i....... itlenil the courts of toauoke andBotctonr* egularly. Office?Salem Avennc, opposite tc'warfs Furniture Store. Roam-U. Va ROOFING, GUTTERING, SI'OCSJ S ! tf - A R< 'HJTECTS. 4ul jefferson st.. koanokk, - - virginia. o. VON NERTA, Estimates cheerfully giveu on 1!.: ARCHITECT. of work. 1105 P. Street, Washington, d. C. ' Correspondence Solicited. MARSHALL'S iOROPEAN HOTEL AND CAFi AJRCHER L. PAYNE, attorney-at-law, Roanoke, Va. j F MarsiiaIjIj & C'u., Prop rs.. Oilice on Commerc^street, near Court |N?MBER ^ SALEM A VP DAY AID NIGHf MEALS AT ~P ALL HOURS. Special attention given to examina-1 tionof titles toand matters connected jjp with real estate. G. W. HANSBRO?GH. SAM. (i. WILLIAMS. ANSBROUGH& WILLIAMS, II ATTORNEYS AT LAW., - Moomaw Building, Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Va. Will practice in the Hustings court of the eitv of Roanoke, Court of Ap- I ]\j D \J w Q V Q ? ?' ) jp peals of Virginia and United States N [? D V LJ 1 i I U 1 I D? district courts. mar25-tf | s JjR. E Rooms handsomely hin-: bed wi antisjueoak furniture. DRINKS OF a i Real Estate Agents, Agents for all kinds of properly, impr< vrd and unimproved, city and surburbat DENTIST, late of Richmond, Va. F (tflice in Didier Building, cor. JetTer I son and Campbell streets. Special attention to bleaching dh-; ?EVERY DESCRlPllOlN ^colored teeth by a process t)f bis own .invention. All work truarauteed and ? We keep the foUpwing brands o' at moderate figures. Terras cash. whiskey on band: Belie o:' Nelson, my273m . Gibson,Hunter, Wilson, Walker's ' Id "_,??- 'Malt, Alderney and Clover Club. KINNEY M D These are among the ?nest whiseys dstilled. ; BS^Billiard and pool rooms attached, i feb20-tf J. V<S9 TRACTICK LIMITED TO Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose OFFICE?Over O'Leary, Campbell street. my27 lim oaiofceStreeiRaiiway iwood &, SS ate w. o. HARD AWAY, attorney at law. ffi^V:.-.;:.'-' ., m Mantels, Tiles ' lantel Facings, Hearths, Plain . Inlaid Tile? for Floor, &c. Grates, Brass Goods, and Fire? place Appurtenances. k'? ? % Catalogues furnished on appUcation. counties. Office No. 30? Seen^-i . Thomas Buildin janlG tf ]STo, 124 North Howard Street, Baltimore, Md. W. A. FFDid0C?~ nR. W. S. GREGORY, DENTIST, OFFICE? Next door to First National Bank, Salem avenue, Roanoke, Va. inySO tf iL K Corre^poudeuco Solicited. Roanoke and Driving Park Line. TIME TABLE, ? ! Dau> Ex^t Sunday Cars will leave for park, ai corner Commerce street and Shenundoah avenue at S.00, 9.30, and 11.00 a. m.. 1.30, 3.?0 and 4 30 p. m. Returning, leave pp.r'< at 8.45, 10.15 aud 11.15 a.m., 2.3-r), :). \? um) 5 15 p.m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Can? will leave !->r Driving Park j very hour, commencing at 8.00 a. m. j ROANOKE AND VINTON LINE. ! Cars will leave front of Union Pas j seuirer depot daily for Vinton every j 30 minutes, commencing at 8.Q0 m. J. F. CHRISTIAN, an 3-tf General Manager. ENGLEBY i manufacturers OF VrINTON, VIRGINIA. ap25-3m. per. to- ^ cd . CID ?Ss TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, \ Q Q }} f }{ ^ Q J j g and dealers in all kinds of I ^?road Work, Street Grading, -*S^ COOKING and HEATING STOVES,! or Excavating of An>i ind, 0- Either in Earth or Rock. Plumbing and Gas-Fitting, Roofing Spouting and Jobbing. -0 19 Salem Avenue, ROANOKE, VA. an5 Cm L. F. BURKS, Practical Plumber j. c. FURROW, w. h. karnes, g.f.burchet; J. C. Furrow & Co. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ?AGENTS OFFICE OVER E. DID ER'S GROCERY STORE. 118 Jefferson Street,-Roanoke, Ya. WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. by the Yard or on Force Account. 1 now have a road machine espe? cially adapted to grading new streets and shaping of old ones. The work can be done neater and cheaper than by any other method. GRAVES SIMS, tf. P. O BOX 20, ROANOKE, va. r|fle Citizens mTr? GAS and STEAM FITTER. Roaaoke, ?^Su And dealer iu all' kinds of Plumber, 1 Salem Aven?> between Jefferson Gas and Steam Fitters'Supplies j and Henry Streets, ~" Prompt Attention lo ?' ' > . ::i _ J. B. Levy, President. Late cashier Satisfaction (i uui.mlti.d. : Commercial Bank, Roanoke, Va. 715 Main Street. LYNCHBURG, VA. 115 Commerce Street, iel2-3mo ROANOKE, VA. John Ott Cashier. Late cashier City Bank, Richmond, Va Accounts of banks, bankers, corpor? ations, merchants, and individuals solicited. Our facilities for doing a UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC RAIL-1 foTny* SSSJ SSS" U WAY SIGNAL COMPANY. Collecticns a specialty and p? remittances made. Interest allow- ': GEO. ALLEN. C. C. TC HPKINS. C. L. HATCHER. Stockholders' Meeting. A general meeting of the Stockhold? ers of- the Universal Electric Railway Signal Company will be held in Rich? mond, Va. on Wednesday, June 25th, 1890, at 5 oclock p. m. in the rooms of the Bar Association, corner of 11th and Main streets. Stockholders who cannot be present in person, are re? quested to appoint proxies to repre on time deposite ral8-tf K, HOCK ADA Y, THE PIONEER ML ESTATE AGEfiT ALLEN, TOMPKiNS & HATCHER By orto! Roanoke city, Va. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. je 19 lw Sec'y and Treasurer. OFFICE?Main Street, Opposite lotel Lucerne. SALEM, VIRGINIA. ? AGENTS FOR THE S vLE OF PROPERTY OF ?rrriHE STRONGEST FINANCIAL WEST SALEM LAND COMPANY. ?? ?'S'? Salem improvement Co., and t il other Salem Land Companies, Prop- DepOfell ?Mpany. Co*Tt%l rtrfd SQr ?ll mrts of the city. Also, Farm, Mineral and Coal Lands. plnft $182,000. Pays interest tm de? my 7-tf pdsltp. The ?rty in all parts of the city ^^Correspondence Solicited dfa25-tf. OFPICE: 105 First St??S. V R%SEB,SJ3AK;.B8 ACCOMM0 L dated at No. Ua secohd rtvr-rr,