The Judge of Hanover County Speaks. Tim. Howard suffered for three years with tuny and throat troubles, and last spring was thought by his neighbors to be dying, i heard of his condition and gave him A. B. C. Tonic. Its effect was ma]ical. in a very short time he was ab!e to leave his bed, and now regards hkuseff a well man. Others in this vicinity have taken the " Tonic " with preneuueed benefit. Very respectfully, S. C. REDD, Beaver Dam Depot. Hanover Co., Va. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Trouflso oa Blood aad Skin Diseases by zuau free. Address A, B. ?. CHEMICAL CO., 17 9. 12th ST., RICHMOND. VA. DYSPEPSIA. Riga, Mkn., [Gents: I now write to let you know that I have jbeen using your ?Burdock Blood 'Bitters, and also to tell you what nej have done for me. I have been routiled with dyspepsia for years. 1 eonunenced the use of your Burdock Blood Bitters and they have brought me out all right. The use of three bottles* conferred the great benefit, fur which 1 feel profoundly grateful. I wiii never be without it. an!4 d ly WM. H D ELK ER. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. 1RA3E MARK The Great TRADE MARK English. Reni edy. An un fa??ig core for Seminal Weakn ess, Spermator rbea, Inipo B?FQRETAKiS*3.Tt,,u'>- amlAFTER TAXING, all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self-Abuse; as loss of memory, Cni vers d Lassitude.paininthe back,dim nessol vision, premature old age, and manv other diseases that lead to in nity or consumption and a preema ure grave. fgg" Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to ? e yone. :?rThe Specific Medi ein< is sold by all druggists at (1 per] package, or'six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail on the receipt of tiie money, bv addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine. Sola in Roanoke, Va., by Budwell, Christian & Barbee. jan!4 d ly I DIMINISHES MjJSflTHER E~C]K "MOTHERS \- .in f* u s! H B?ALT:ZLD REGULATOR CD. ATLANTA^ SCUS BY ALL DRUEStSTS. jp.n It 1 JT _ [NT-F NATIONAL TYPEWRITER. A strictly flrst-class macmne. ;d. Made from very best ma? terial, by skilled workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been di 1 for the purpose. Warranted to -io ail that can be reasonably ex? pected of. the very best typewriter extaut. Capable of writing 150 words per minute?or more?according to the ability of the operator. Price ?100.00. If there is no agent in your town address the manufacturers. THE PARISH MFG. CO., Agents wanted. Parish, N. Y. ut. 9 if WEFT'S SPECIFIC FOR r cnovating the entire system, eliminating ell Poisons from the Blood, ?whether of serofulous or malarial origin, this prep? aration has no equal. . ? S.S.S. UF r eighteen months I had an tati ?g sore "., and was entirely cured after using a few bottles? C. li. McLemore, Henderson, Tex. TREATISE on Blood and Skia 1 ?se.-w.-s mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, ua. fe25 Iv D ROANOKE. G E. H. STUART, President. J. J. EOHOLS, Sec. and Treas. J F. BARBOUR, Gen'l Manager. V 9 io a Office with Gray St Boswell, Jef? ferson Street. Large Brick. Buildings a Specialty. Homes built on easy payments. Pat ronage solicited. Estimates cheer? fully furnished on application. F. BARBOUR, GENERAL MANAGER, je 14-tf. A RACE DOWN A TRAMWAY. Shooting Der. n II Mountain I loud Itchlml a Fleeing Cow and a Wnafc IlrnUe. "Did I ever have a lively rido? 1 think I am safe in saying ycal? though I cannot .say that I traveled at the rate of sixty or seventy miles, per? haps not more than forty. But we went fast enough, and few of us in the car were suro enough of being aUye the nest day to put off thinking of those things that a man will dwell on when lie believes his liTe in danger. I know that the people on the car were giad when it stopped, although we Were out of all danger when it did stop.' lTf you ever travel to Aha. a min? ing camp high in the Wahsalch mountains, in Utah territory, you will make part of the trip on a horse tram? way, lor no railroad couM climb the mountains to the head of Little L'ot tonwood canyon, where xYlta sits up among the clouds. The j tramway is extremely narrow and hangs by ledges and crags and peaks, as itseemS, wind? ing its way till you are at the very head of the canyon. Fvom first to last you are in a snowshed, tho ii>of of which inclines at an angle with the mountain's side, and over this snow shed and down its steep pitched roof flash snow slides and masses of ice, which leap far out when they leave the shed and go diving to the bot? tom of the canyon, down so far below that when you look at a man follow? ing the trail down therein his broncho he looks like a doll on tboback ofa small dog. In the sides of the shed there are little square holes which let in light enough to enable you to see the string of mules stretched out before you in single line tugging away at your narrow car. "But while mules pull your light car on the upward trip j >:i come down with a rush. The mule.-, are sent down the canon to WahsatCh station. When you are nicely tucked .; i the car the man sitting in the fro::t scat gently loosens a couple of brakes and the car is off with an easy roll. In a moment you are spinning along the light car swinging swiftly around the sharp curves and bits of whit ? flashing past you where the holes are cut for light, the brakeman has gone over the road in this way so often that he can tell by the resistance on the brakes how fast the car is going. His deft hand les? sens or lightens its grip as the grade rises or falls, and so uniform is the ! rate of speed that at any time lie can tell you the exact minute of the hour by the distance he has traveled. *'\Ye were rolling swiftly down the narrow, ill lighted snowshed one sum? mer when in a streak of light from one of the holes ahead wc saw stand? ing a cow. .Instantly there was a grating sound of the brakes, followed by the shock of decreased speed. But there came a loud snap and the car bounded away. I sat behind the brakeman and could sec his face. I have often thought since that lie was more frightened than i, but lie seemed as cool as a veteran soldier under fire. He released one brake entirely, the one which had snapped, and pressed all his force on the other. He gave out a loud yell, wjiich frightened the cow and started it on a run. The fast? er tho cow ran the louder and wilder he cried until the mad cow went {dunging ahead like a mad engine, iacing after the terrified animal, wc rapidly drew near it. Once I caught sight through an opening of the given grass far below in tie-<- in?h, and even wondered if a man could iive till he reached tho bottom, [t seemed that we caught the cow with one long leap after that. It was just at one of the windows that wo struck her. The ter? rific shock drove her crashing through the side of the shed over the side of the mountain, but the car kept the track and went spinning along, the wheels .snapping loudly, and the one remaining brake grinding away until we raced out to the open grade, and tire speed slackened on the level stretch as we rolled into the little station. As I recall the experience, not one word was spoken after the cow was hurled through the side of the shtd."?New York Tribune. Unlimited Credit. A country school mistress had much trouble with her pupils and to avoid it made her examples placed before jjiem of an explanatory character or illustrative. The effect was often un? expected. In going over their usual reading lesson a line was chosen by the lady upon which to test the merits of the scholars. The line read: "And he was a man of unlimited credit in business.7' "Now, John, can v an tell me what is meant by the word credit when used as in this lesson?" Thus she addressed one of the stum? bling blocks of the school. "I dunno, mann," said Johnny, looking sheepishly. "You don't know?" said the mis? tress. "Well, look here. Suppose your mother was io come short of money at the latter part of the week and needed provision-, etc., now what would she do?" She was satisfied that her illustra? tion was plain and awaited the correct reply and it came thus: "Well, marin," replied Johnny. "I dunno what she would do unless she pawned dads Sunday coat." The subject was instantly dropped and the teacher has lost all faith in [ that style of illustration.?Young La-j dies' Journal. How to Seep Koys on the l-'arni. You want your beys to stay with you. Then don't make the farm so dreary and desolate and farming such a drudgery that they will start off to town the day they arc 21, to teach school, study theology or keep store. Make it so attractive that they had rather remain at the happy old home? stead than go out into tho great bois? terous world. ? Hall's Journal of Health. A Long Mutt res?. A Santa Rosa (Cal.) furniture man has filled an order for a mattress. It was 7 feet C inches long and will be used by a newcomer iroin Missouri.? Chicago Times. Sunday Scenes In Central Park. Central park Sunday was crowded with gayly dressed people. Cappa has begun his open air concerts, and the mall was simply packed with men, women, children and baby carriages. Mingled with the strains of "Aida" rose the yells of squalling babies, whose iin becde mothers and nurses would push into the thick of the scramble. I wit? nessed a very amusing scene. A well dressed man rose, and courteously dof? fing Ids hat to a white haired lady offered his seat. As she bowed and started to take it a strong, healthy woman of middle age pushed her one side and plunked into the vacated seat. TJie man turning saw this bold theft, and Ids big, dark eyes snapped ominous? ly. "I gave my seat to this lady," he said with a slight accent on tho word "lady." "I don't care if you did," re [ torted thx'woman; "yotc can't dispose f of the universe." I confess I was de I lighted when the man snTd cbntemptu j dusly, "Shut up, you old bear," and [ anothef person at oncfc ft#e and gave I fife dehcaie", white haired old lady a I seat.?Clor. Chicago Herald, ODDS AND ENDS. An Indian living near Port Discovery I bay caught a salnion in that bay on j Wednesday that weighed seventy i pounds. This is one of tho largest sal j mon ever captured in these waters, and strange to say was hauled safoly to shore. "No less than fifteen sparrow nests were found in the ivy running over a Aval! in West Chester, Pa. All of thorn were removed, but some of the birds ', almost immediately began building now I homes, and in the old spots, too. I A lady in Apoka, Fla., has used the [ same needlo for seven years. She says she would sooner loso a dress than tho needle. Several young men on Mackinac Isl? and have formed a society with a cap I ital stock of $11,000, which will be spent on a visit to tho World's fair and a trip j around tho earth in 1S93. Ymnlla is produced from a species of orchid that attaches itself to walls, trees and other suitable objects. The plant has a long, fleshy stem, and the leaves are alternate, oval and lanceo? late. The dower is a greenish white. The United States is beyond question a great nation of coffee drinkers. The imports from South America amount to over 525,000,000 pounds annually, of which 00 per cent, comes from Bra? zil. Tho second largest shipper to tliis market is Venezuela, 11 per cent. A Spanish coin was recently found on a Burlington (N. J.) farm, bearing the date of 1721. It is In excellent con j ditlon, the letters and flgiires being as distinct as when the coin was first is? sued. It is about tho size of our two j cent piece. Tho weekly papers of Huntington, L. I., have been for a couple of weeks I publishing the following notice: 'Want I ed?A smart, strong and handsonio school inistrem. 2sono but tlioHo wlio will guarantee- to keep the school and use tho rod need apply. Term to com? mence May :}0 in tho aa?^nibly rooms. I Wages $10 a month and board around." Tho amount of heat given by the moonlight has again been investigated, I this time with a thermopile of almost incredible delicacy. The results show that the warmth received from tho re flected light of the moon is equal to that given out by a candle at twenty one feet distance. Observations seem to show that, although the moon's face is under the blaze of an unclouded sun for fourteen days, it remains compara? tively cool, and that whatever heating it does receive is rapidly gained and as rapidly lost. A remarkable clock has just been set up in the municipal library of Rouen, France. A single winding keeps it run? ning for fourteen years. It was con? structed in 1S02; underwent alterations in 1816; was bought by the city of Rouen in 1S38, and has been recently repaired and set going. It is seen from the report of the do? minion department of Indian affairs that the number of Indians in Canada is 121,520. Ontario has 17,752; Que? bec, 13,500; Nova Scoria, 2,059; New Brunswick, 1,574; Prince Edward Island, 814; Manitoba and Northwest territories, 24,522. A number i f wealthy Jews recently offered ?200,01 0 for the Vatican's copy of the Hebrew Bible, but the pope wouldn't sell. A similar effort to buy this R?de was made in 1512, when Julius II was greatly in need of infmey, but still he refused 8100,000. The near? est approach to such a price for a book hitherto was $50,000, paid by tho Ger? man government in 1884 for the missal formerly given by LeoX to Henry VIII, together with the parchment making thatsovereign "'Defender of the Faith." Charles II gave the missal to the Duke of Hamilton, and it stayed in his fam? ily for 200 years. Marriage of Do Lesseps' Daughter. On Saturday, at Paris, Mile. Fernan? da de Lesseps, eldest daughter of the great engineer, was married to her cousin, Comte Ferdinand de Gontaut Biron. The wedding was extremely quiet, and in consequence of an an? nouncement in the papers that it had been postponed no crowd gathered about the Nunciature, where the re? ligious ceremony was celebrated. Con? trary to expectation, Queen Isabella was not present, but she was represent? ed by her major domo, tho Marquis de Villa Segura. The bride, who has fine black eyes and a very interesting face, was dressed in white faiUe, trimmed with old English lace. Her three sis? ters, the bridesmaids, wore, pale blue. The pages of honor were the bride's younger brothers. They had court dresses. Mme. de Lossep6 in silver gray wore the grand insignia of the Or? der of Isabella tha Catholic, and M. de Lesseps his Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor and a number of other crosses and stars. The company was for the greater part composed of the members of the two families and their relatives. M. de Lesseps seemed In good health and received the congratulations of the company in his old lively manner. The bride and brldogrooin have left for Egypt.?-Cor. London Standard. The Bible Wat) Spoiled. There is such a thing as doing a piece of work too thoroughly, as the follow? ing incident shows: A Portland lady had a large family Bible that had be? longed to her husband's mother and which both highly prized. For twenty years they traveled a great deal and al? ways took this Bible with them. Each Sunday on re+mr?ng from church the lady wrote in the margin of this Bible opposite the passage that had formed the preacher's text the name of the minister and of the town or city where the sermon was given, also brief com merts. A few months ago the couple came to Portland, and as the Bible was coming from the binding it was taken to a bookbinder's to be repaired. It is (liffict?t to imagine the owner's feelings when on again recehing the book she found that the bookbinder had not only cut down the previously wide mar? gin fully one half, but had carefully gone through the book mid erased near? ly all the work of the lady's pencil dur? ing all these years. The book looked better, no doubt, but to the owner it was irreparably spoiled. ? Lewiston Jcrarnal._ The First Symptoms or Dentil. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appe-; tite, feverishness. pimples or sores, ? are aU positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be purified to avoid I death, Dr. Acker's English Blood elixir has never failed to remove serof ; ulons or syphUitle poisons. Sold under positive guarantee byBudwell, Christian & Barbee. may25-tj J A Safe Investment Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or In case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump? tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affec? tion of the throat, lungs or chest, such as consumption, inflammation of lungs, bronchitis, asthma, whoop? ing cough, croup, etc., oct. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, per? fectly safe, and can always be de? pended upon. Trial bottles free at Bndwell & Christian's drug store. my25 tf. "Better late than never.'" Says the sage with bated breath. It may be said of some things, But it can't be said of death. 8. B. Durfey, mate of steamer Ari? zona, had his foot badly jammed. Thomas' liclectric Oil cured it. Noth? ing equal to it for a quick pain re? liever. Chicago now claims over a million population. Possibly rlie census ta? kers there hnvo allowed their imagi? nations to run wild on the prairies. OUB YKKY IIKST PEOPLE. Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker's English remedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the "throat and lungs. In whooping cough and cronj), it is magic and relieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, this remedy is sold on .a positive guarantee by Bud well, Chris and Barbee. my 25, tf. Judging from Chicago's claims the whole population has gone West and grown up with the city. The clergy, the medical faculty ami the people all endorse Burdock Blood Bitters :is the best system ing, blood purifying tonic in the world. Send for testimonials. No matter how the cards ire played the free coinage bill will have to be taken up before it is passed. THAT TKRRIBLR COUGH. In the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilli? ness in the evening or sweat at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy will cure these fearful symptoms, anil Is sold under a positive guarantee by Bud well, Christian & Barbee, druggists. Ye housekeepers who haven't put up your cherries will be left out in the cold, as that fruit is very scarce. Dr. Arker's English Tills Are active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered Stomach, !ob< of appetite, bad complexion and biliousness, they have never been equaled,eit her in America or abroad. Sold b\ Bndwell, Christian & Barbee. my25tf. The New York Sun says, President Harrison has sold his birthright for a mess at cottage. DOXOTSIFFRU AXY LONGER. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day. and the lirsr stages of consumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy, ami will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not lind our state? ment correct. Bndwell, Christian i Barbee, druggists. Nothing was ever got together in the platform of a political party thai meant more or panned out less than a boy's first attempt at gardening. In Consmiiiitlou Incurable. Read the following: Mr. O. il. Mor? ris. Newark. Ark., say.1: " Whal down with abscess of lungs, ami friends and physicians pronounced me an incurable consumptive. Began talking Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, am now on third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jessie Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: laHad it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption i would have died of lung troubles AVas given up bydoctors. Am now In best of health." Try sample bottles free at Bndwell, Christian & Barbee's drugstore. may2o-tf \ti ^toi BOUyUE i Clear Hav-aa Filled 5 ts iCc- Cigars Bbajtd i?TASU?irn .-Aar i mr?t re;;ab!e brand o..i.ieir.irktf. Safes mot * - ?cXi'.". tr\ other ciqar in Um iJr.i:"? States. Sales since 1077 run c-ver -I?,oc 3,0C 3 -'ip.Tss averajo per ruonti I,OCO,C? Sales average i.vly 33.300 BEV/ArlF. O? tVlT?TIONS? fcN brad uapyt ::hU 1 nmt owjt.-r! ? : ?ivriyl.y TiiE ?? UCUST CtG^.l CO. For sale by all leading delalers in Roanoke. jonlS-law sun. Mark Day, (Late of R. H. Adams & Co., Baltimore.) 6 Shirts to Order ?nlauudried, *G-00. G Best Shirts to Order Laundried,*!).00. Commerce Street and Salem Avenue Over Gambill & Co's. Roanoke Virginia, em s mm. Still keep the largest assortment of HARDWARE In Southwest Virginia. Xhr.y huv r- ceived a large sppuly ?OF? Lap Rotes, Horse Covers Breech Loading Guns, ?AKD? Sporting Goods, Miner's and Railroad Supplie A Specialty. 17 and 19 Second Street, soathwes ? ? .' .? ?? ... - ? i. - . TRUSTEES AND COMMISSIONER'S SALE. tur fidelity insurance, trust and s.ife deposit company and others versus THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY AND OTHERS. Tl le undcrscigned, tin* Fidelity insurance, Trust and Safe deposit Com? pany, trustee, under a mortgage given by the Shenandoah Valley Railroad Company, bearing date April 1st, 1880, and A. Moore, jr, esq., special com? missioner, by virtue of a decree entered in the above-entitled cause by the circuit court of the city of Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, upon the 20th of April, 1800, and by the circuit court of Jefferson county, in the State of West Virginia on tin? M it h day of May, 1800, and by the circuit court of Washington county, in the State of Maryland, on the :jrd day of June, 1S90, will oiler for sale at public auction on Tuesday, the 30th day of September, I Hill), at twelve noon, upon the front steps of the court house in the city of Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, all the right, title, and interest of the Shenandoah Valley Railroad Company in and to its entire line of Railroad extending from Roanoke, in I he State of Virginia, through the counties of Roanoke, Botetourt, Rockbbridge, Augusta, Rockiugham. Page, Warren, and Clark in said state and through the county of Jefferson in the State of West Virginia and through the county of Washington in the State of Mary laud to Hagerst own in the State of Maryland, a distance of two hundred and thirty-nine miles more or less, together with all branches, sidings, and other appurtenances of the said line of railroad,with the tolls, incomes,rents, issues,and profits thereof, and all its real estato.rights of way, casemeiits,fix tures, rolling stock, machinery, tools and equipments, and all other personal property thereto belonging, and all property, real, personal and mixed, and all corporate powers and franchises belonging or appertaining to the Shen? andoah Valley Railroad Company. The receiver will remain in possession of the mortgaged premises, and eon tinueto operate the line of railroad after the sale and until the conveyance thereof. He will keep n correct account of the earnings "and income of the premises accruing after the dat( of the sale, and it the sale shall be confirmed the purchaser, on delivi ry of possession by the receiver, will be entitled to receive the net income ;. nd earning accruings subsequent to the date of sale, and the proceeds of sue i income and earnings. For a more full a ml d< tailed d 'scription of the mortgaged pn-mises, bidders are referred to an inventory, which may be examined at theofSce of the re? ceiver, room No. 131 lb: litt Bui ding.Philadeiphia. Tim pren tses to be sold include all additions mede or to be inade bv the receiver, and all railroad supplies which the receiver may have on hand at the time of -de. or may acquire thereafter befoie delivery of possession. By said decree the li'- is upon the premises and die order ol 'their priority are? 1. Costs of suit-in \ irgiida. West Virginia and Maryland. 2. Sundry judgments which are specific liens upon detached tracts of land in the State of Virginia having priority to all mortgage liens. $25,007 11 3. Outstanding receiver's certificates and other charges un? der the receivership. 779.000 00 4. Amount secured by first mortgage of April 1st,1880, having priority over claim of Central improvement Company. 5,005,505 00 5. Amount due the Central Improvement Company. 791,337 09 0. Balance .-"cured by first mortgage of April I, 1880, post? poned to claim of Central improvement Company. 584,205 25 7. Past-due and unpaid coupons secured by mortgage of April 5th, 1881. 1,535,493 W 8. Amount ol bonds i sued and outstanding under mortgage ol April 5th, 1881, known asgeueral mortgage. 1,113,000 00 9. Amount of bonds issued and outstanding under mortgage of February I2tb, known a> the income mortgage. 2,200,000 00 10. Judgim nt in favor of S. P. H. Miller. 54 33 11. Judgment in favor ol J. E. Moose. 10,115 20 12. Judgment in favor of F. T. Anderson, September, . 20 75 13. Judgment in favor of F.T.Anderson, March, 1880. 1,347 08 11. Amount due Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit i lompauy under th ? several Car Trusts (January, 1st, 1800) 635,522 5-1 15. Amount due Maddock & Evans. 410 02 10. Amount due Join.ton A Weaver. \-> 00 17. Amount due C. Or. Crawford. 750 51 The amounts mentioned in the foregoing schedule carry interest from July 1st. IS'.iO. This sale will be made subject to all executory contracts made by the re? ceiver under the authority of the court, of which contracts the receiver, by .-aid decrees, is directed to give to the trustee and special commissioner a fuil and accurate statement, to be publicly adnounced by the trustee and special j commissioner at the tine of sale, and subject also to any liability that may be established against the receiver growing out of any lawful acts done by him in bis capacity of receiver or out of any suits which may be pending again; t the receiver at the time of sale, or that may be instituted against him at any time thereafter: all such liabilities, if tiny, will remain a lien upon the premises until discharged. TERMS OF SALE, By the decrees hereinbefore recited, it i- provided that?The said trustee ami special commissioner shall sell the premises herein directed to be sold to the highest and best bidder, and shall require such bidder, before making an adjudication to him, to pay in cash the sum of $75,000, and if the sale is eoutiruied by thecourt, the balance of the purchase-money must bo paid one-tbird within three months, one-third within six months, and Cue balance within nine months fr >ra the date of s tie, each o." said defern d payments to carry interest from tin date of sale ai the rate of six per cent, per annum: but I he purchaser shall have the right to anticipate the day oi payment.After t he payment by the pnrceaser of such sum in cash as may be sufficient to pay the costs, charges, and expenses of the complainant's trust and of this cause, and the indebN dness of the receiver, and the liens and indebtedness as prior to the first mortgage, and for the payment of the pro rata dividend out of the net proceed, s of sale for distribution that may be due to those beneficiaries under th" said trust deeds, whose bonds and coupons may not be used in payment of purchase-money as is herein provided for, the said trustee and special commissioner may receive from the purchaser or pur? chasers, in part payment of the purchase-money, any of the bonds or unpaid interest coupons, with interest thereon, in the order of their priority which are secured by th" sail deeds of trust to the complainant, to or toward the payment of which the said net proceeds of such sale shail be legally applica? ble, the amount of such bonds or coupons so to be received in part payment of such purchase-money to be determined and fixed at a sum which shall, upon a proper distribution and accounting for such proceed -, be. at least equal to the share or proportion payable out of such net proceeds to such purchaser or purchase rs as the holder or holders of such bonds or coupons, and the bonds and coupons so applied iu satisfaction of the parehase-nioney shall be treated as a payment thereof to the extent of such Application. In case *he Central Improvement Company, or its representatives, shall become the purchaser of the property herein ordered to be sold, it shall be lawful for such a purchaser to make payment of so much of the purchase money ds is applicable to the equitable lien of the Centrai Improvement Company, by receipting for such amount upon account of such lien. If any question shall arise as to the proportion of the purchase-money thai must be paid in cash and the proportion thereof that may bv paid in* such bonds and coupons, or by giving credit upon said equitable lien, application may be made to the court to have the same determined. In case of the failure of any bidder to comply with the terms of sale that are to be complied with on the day of sale, and before a final adjudication to such bidder, the trust ee and special commissioner may reject the bid, and proceed at once, then and there, to make a resale, or mny den and there publicly announce tin t on soi le other day, to be then designated, and be t ween certain hours of the day, to be designated; they will, aT the same place, make asaleol ike premises underthe decree without further ad Ver? mont, and theymay make the same accordingly. And the trustee and special commissioner "shall have power to adjourn the sale from time, in their discretion, until a sale shall have beed made in accordance with the provisions of this decree. THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT* COMPANY, TRUSTEE. A. MOORE, Jb., JOHN C. BULLITT, Special Commissioner. WM. J. ROBERTSON, Solicitors for Trustees. jun 27 tf RACES P AlRK AT DRIVING July 4, at 3.30 P. M. PROGRAMME. First Race.?Trotting to harness, mile heats, 2 m 3; purse $75; $50 to first, $20 to second. Entranee fee $5. Three horses must start. Only horses | ownen in Roanoke county, 20 days be? fore the race, are eligible to start in this race. Second Race ?Running; one half mile heats, 2 in 3; weight for age; purse $125; $100 to first, $25 to second. Entrance fee, 87.50, Three horses must start. Third Race.?Free for all. Trot? ting; mile heats; 3 in 5; to harness; purse $150; $110 to first, $40 to second. Entrance fee, $10. Four horses must enter and three start. Races will be trotted under National Trotting Association Rules, and run under National Jocky Club Rules. Ladies are specially invited. Admis? sion, $50 cents; children under 10 years free. W. O.Williams, General Manager, LAKE AND DRIVING PARK AS? SOCIATION. I War, F. Baker. War. H. arklet Seal Estate Apis, Room No. 0, Second Floor, Moomaw Block, South Jelferson Street, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. City Property, Farms and Minera Lands sold. Correspondence ap3-tf Solicited. FOR SALE.-No. 2 REMINGTON Typewriter, number 10,186; good condition. Bargain. C.W.SEAMAN, j? 2? 7t ) Elkhorn W Va WILBUR S. POLE 4 CO Heal Estate Agents AND DEALRS IN STOCK OFFICE : Rooms 3 and 4, first floor Exchange Building. PARTIES WISHING BOARD CAN tinA & select boarding house at 518 Salem a&nue. jane26|?k. - T R.GREENE&CCl SUCCESSORS TO D?EFEY & GREENE, ?HAVE OPENED UP THEIR IMMENSE SPRING STOCK And will be pleased to have the public come and examine it. If a?PPRICES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE 8EA.-& ESTABLISHED IN ROANOKE 188: PI o Bffll -CARRIES THE LARGEST, FINEST AND MOST AUTISTIC STOCK IN THE CITY, Our repairing department is up tothe highest mark and al kinds of fine Work in Watches and Jewelry, Also Artistic -ENGRAVING DONE ON THE PREMISES._ ARTISTS' MATERIAL SOLD. tf -VS. LEM AVENUE. ROANOKE. VIRG'2' ; M. A. RIFE, P.est. B. L. GRELDJ ? MANUFACTURERS OF RIFE'S HYDRAULIC ENGINE. OB KAM Fur supplying water to SMALL TOWNS, Factories, Steam Mi lls| DAIRIES, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED; STOCK YARDS Resident s, i -and? For Irrigation, Railroad Tanis, r.T<:. GOOli AG ENTS WA NTE11 Office No. 3 Seccnd avenue, S. W. Opposite .Masonic Tempi'1. y7y )TEI. 0 D. R. Surreii, Proprietor, Nos. 5 tu ? Norfolk Avenue, Opposite iUiiion PASSENGER :DEPOT. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA New Building, New and Elegant Fur ' niture FIRST-CL^SS SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COft M EROl AL TB A VE L BRS. RO o&e. va. 3- CSLg H l % B ras* Bluefieid9 W. Va. The above houses offer superior accommodations ro the Travelling Public. Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. J^lxJznD. 3D. FOSTER, tf 2vrr>,::c.7cr. * f! v 0 H' a. imoc ters and Wholesale LIQ 0 0 R D No 3 Jefferson Street, Gale Blocks Have iu store and for sale ?O barrels Chester whiskey, our own distillation, 50 barrels celebrated Glenwood whiskey of which we are sole proprietors, .:IfO Lawson's choice old velvet and Wilson, and other brands of whiskey too numerous to mention. Imported and domestic brandies, yins, wines, &e., all of the celebrated brands in wood and glass 50. cases aliimiu's champagnes just receiyed. Can furnish anything hi our line at lowest figures. Special Attention Paid to Orders from Dry Districts. Come and See Us. 122-tf H, SILVERTHORN, IMPORTER AND REPAIRER OF FINE WATCHES. OUE BE?AISING DSPASTMitiET a in charge of the very finest workmen that can be h:ul, and v. e guarantee ot do work whicn cannot be duplicated in the city. Send your to SILVERTHQRW'S _AND GET ?"TRST CLASS WORK L. B. HUFF \ - Manager tf H. CHIPMAN. , T. G. MASSIE. Chipman, lassie & Co. ? ? 109 Saiem Avenue, Roanoke, Vav City'and Country property, Miueral and Coal Lands sold. Houses and Stores rented and Collections made. .mar27t CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.