vhat everybody is looking for. We have not the time dot space to enu? merate the name of all we 3aave in stock, but will say 30ME AND SEE JS. You can surely find eve.-ything that is kept in OTRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE. OUR PRICES WILL SUIT YOU. YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. RESPECTFULLY, L. H. BR?GH, JEFFERSON STREET, ROANOKE, VA. YYTHE COUNTY, VA. U the janciion cf the North Caroiiu i extension and Cripple Creek extension * the Norfolk and Western Railroad. A great railroad junctiou, in the heart : ihe greatest miuing district of Southwest Virginia, and destiued soon to tk w:;h the groat industrial centers of the New South. Will Sell at Privat e Sale JULY 16th, 1890, 1,000 Lots at an average Price of $300. D All lots are favorably loc.ited oa goutly rising grounds overlooking the fiatifu] Valley of New River. The exceedingly low price at which ares to investors quick and large ret; TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash. : igh its excelleut railroad naciliti urn hiul of the enormous deposits of G ?:e world famous limonite ami mountain in c.isT haul of the celebrated Foci these lots are placed upon the market, irns. balance in one and two years, s, 1VAN1IOE is placed within miui rossan Ir?n Ore, of Carroll County, and :i ores of Cripple Creek Valley, aud also ahontas aud Flat Top coal and coke MM ENSE LIMESTON UnGOPERATED WI ? QUARRIES ARE BE THIN THE TOWN, of The Mo. 1 FurnaC-3 of tne New River Mineral . oinpeay is already in (successful opcrrtiou, while the ^varshoe Sro^ Company, .der the Presidency of Mr. Jordan L. Mott, of tho Mott Haven Irou Works, ' New York, has been or^aai.^ed for the purpose of erecting ai-other furnace 'larg capacity. The extensive mines of tho Mud River Mineral Company, r;.ug the town, are ah-esdy giving employment to a lartra number of meu. The IVANHOE ZINC COMPANY, with a capital of $500,000, has pur )a=ed imrncase deposits of exceedingly rich zinc ores, which they are now de iping, and will soon erect teverai zinc furnaces. ileh.i: city :a the S-juthern connection of the Norfolk and Western <", IVANHOE, must become a .^reat distributing poiut for the immense 0 fields and agricultural and timber d-itricts of Southwest Virgiaia aud West 0 North Carolina. Situated iu the midst of a great wool raising district, aDd "thin a short distance of the Southern cotton fields. No place in Virginia ^:eat?r a :1 vantages for woole 1 and cotton mills. Vast tracts of Red and White oak, chestnut, hickory, pice and hemlock, it at baud, furnish exceptional opportunities for wood-working establish .c-uts and steam tanneries. A $35,000 ^Ilotel will be erected at .'i.cc. Water works, planing mill and brick factory will be erected at an early Being 2,000 feet above the sea. the c imate 13 uusurpassed by ihs celebrated :a resorts of the world. A lar? e tract o-- level laud with a front ofoue 1 half miles on New 'live: has beer set asidi for manufacturing purposes, ibc::a". inducements will bo efforod all industries locating hera. Through its inactions tntfrthe steamship lines, tne Louisville and Nashville, the Cape ~ ftqiJ Yaikin Valley and rue Shsnr.adeah radroads and its outlet ou the iiio River, the Norfolk and Western Railroad places IVANHOE in direct m edo&tiOD vitk the great marke p, North, Sast, South aad West. For .; . descriptive pernphlete, etc.. apply to the Lavanhoe Land aad Improve "empsny, 01 G. M. Sanity, Socr* tary, Iv:.nLoe, Wythe county, Va. W. C VA^ DOSA3T, President. G. M. SBELEY, Stc'v aud Treas. DIRECTORS rOR3AN L. MOTT, owner J. L. Ilottlron Works, Mott-Haven, N. Y. CHAS. G. EDDY, vice president N & W. Railroad. WIN EINSTEIN, of New York City. Capitalist and director in New .vcr Mimeral Company. FEO. ILSEELEY, of New York City, Capitalist and president of New rer MiacrrJ Company. W. C. VAN DORAN, Ivanhoe, Va rEN. JOS. A. WALKER, Wythevllle, Va. 5RBERT G. HULL. New York City, capitalist and Lawyer. jyl2w COTT & R M Estate tats warranted, anil vvevy pa'r hau bit. name and price stamped on bottom. 00. here has been wonderful ac t *ity in city real estate in the, 1 st two weeks, even fori j Roanoke. Several hundred t ousand dollars worth of pro- ; I -rty changed hands at hand-* s -me prolits. One lot for-] t sample, which sold for seven j 1 jusand five hundred dollars! c ."ht days ago, was resold! 3 sterday for eleven thous a d dollars." Do/ enscfsimi-l . i 1 examples might be given, j 1 aye yoy been making any! for gentlemen. Flno Cnlf nnd Laced Waterproof Grain. The excellence nnd wearing qualities of this shoe cannot be better shown than by tho strong .niorso cionta of Us thousands of constant wearers. Se.00 Wrnnine Hnnd-.ownd. an elegant and stylish dress Shoe which commands itself. 3^? .00 Kaud-hevred Welt. A fine calf Shoo *9 unequallM for style and durability. S^?.5Q fJooiiycar Welt is the standard dress w Stop, at a popular price. Sf?.50 F'lllcemun's S*hoo leesperlnlly adapted fcr railroad men, farmer*. All nado In Congress, Ilut'on a !.nce. S3 & $2 SHOES for ladies, bavo been most favorably received since Introduced and the reoen? improvements make them superior to any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and If he cannot supply you send direct to factory enclosing advertised prfce, or ? postal for "rd< r blanks. YWi L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maas. ? oney dealing in Roanokej janiieod-6m tu th sat j X? a i - [to contractors! in Roanoke? janlleod-6m tu th sat ?, if you haven'tits you ( n fault Bids for constructing approaches ) t o bridp ;>s over the Norf olk and Weat , ern and Shenandoah Valley railroads, ! at Randolph. Henry and Park streets, I in Roanoke City, Va? will be received ' until 12 o'clock, noon, August 4th, 1890. Plans and specifications may be seen in the office of the City Engineer in Court House building. Address bids to James A. M'Connell, Chairman Bridge Committee. Roan? oke City, Va., and endorse on envel? opes, "Bid for Henry Street ap-= proache*," "Bid for'Randolph Street approaches," ' 'Bid for Park Street ap proache.i," as the case may be. Bids must be for approaches to each bridge, separately. The City Counc? reserves the right I to reject any ^.nd all bids. No money U-'x*csrn A rsvrv- 1 will be puid nffltilapproaches arecom j JCj?XAJ. Jo AflA> & pleted, ftnd accepted by the engineer m charge^ ?cring for the city. Bv i order of City( Council for City of -AT THEIR? NEW STORE NO. 110 COMMERCE STREET, Offer This Week DRESS FABRICS of every descrip? tion, suitabl? for the HOT MONTHS. See the ne w things in Persian Mm-8 I ft beautiful filihj cloth i i t lie most ex quisite [designs. i Satin striped Batiste^, at 12|c yd., : in ?frikinglv stylish figures. White Goods of every description, ! in plain, fluid and 'tripod materials, at city prices. Cathmore Ombre Satines, entirely new, at 12ic; worth 20c. New Lace Flouncings and Not in the largest assortment. New Ginghams, Outings, Percales and Prints, very cheap. New black wool Etamine, latest summer fabric. New Silks in India, Pongee, Failles, i Peau de Soie, at astonishingly low i prices. New wool Challies, at 20c yd, in the most artistic designs and colorings. Swiss Flouncings and Embroideries in full assortments. 50 dozen Hemstitched Handker? chiefs, this week at 5c. Special Bargains in Corsets, Hoisery, Gloves and Underwear. The ladies are all cordially invited to call and inspect the new things we are constantly opening. flEIROMUS & BBUGH 110 Commerce Street, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, tf Sffl YOUR DR! QuitPayingBen. BDI 100 A HOME A great majority will, of course, say I am not ablo. I have cnly a small in? come and my family must bo sup? ported. How Can I Buy a Home With Small Means ? A Tjery Easy Question To Answer. National Capital Savings, Building and Loan Society, OF. North : America, Affordst a means by which every individual can own his own CHOMEJ3 by being careful with your earnings. For particulars regarding stock and the manner by which you can 6ecure a home, apply to -)( CHAS. B. KNIGHT, General Agentr r <. 17 C srr j bt)] Srtet WANTED. Tp R E E.?STENOGRAPHY AND typewriting free. First-class facil? ities aud best of teachurs. Address With stamp for return postage. THE PARISH MFG. CO., uo9tf Parish, N. Y. I OST.-ON YESTERDAY AFTER Li noon, a plain leather pocketbook, containing $97 in notes. R. E. Mene fee's name is on the inside of the book. Finder will be liberally re? warded by returning same to Turns office. J A. FRITH. je27 Qt_ HAVE YOUR DINING ROOM CEIL ing nicely decorated in either oil or water colors. Carr can do it. marO-tf * BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOMMO dated at RorerPark Hotel. Nicely furnished rooms. Large grounds. Table set with the best the market affords. MRS. CRAWFORD. mar27-tf Proprietoress. WANTED.?Good board for gentle? man and two little boys. Address 'Pennanent," Times office, je 26 2t. ROOM AND BOARD IN A DE Ilghtful locality, 406 Fourth ave? nue, S. W. _my80 tf PRINTER WANTED, EXPONENT office* Bluefleld, West V?. Good waiges to steady man. A man who cab kick a j ob press preferred. 4y 3tf. v-..\r:- ? ? I LOCAL NOTES, i A FEW SQUIBS ABOUT THE1 COMERS AND GOERS Two Colored Hoy* Amuno a Crowd at Woodland Park?Lawrence Smiiii to be Captain of the Ilasrernfown Kiuto Ball Club-Olbor Items. Mr. Willis Liggon waa in town yes? terday. Hiss Imogen Guide, of Lynchbnrg, is visiting Mrs. W. (?. Williams. Major Burrell, of the Continental hotel, has returned from Baltimore. Mr. E. B. Seott has qualified as deputy constable before Judite Rob Iertsou. Mrs. George C. Huff, Albs Elsie Huff and Mrs. E. D. Tuckerare at Covncrs' Springs. Miss Anna, the daughter of Rev. Dr. Meade, is ill at her residence ou Roanoke street. Mr. E. B. Seott. a brother of Coun? cilman Scott, has been appointed deputy councilman. Mr. George H. Jarbose and family have arrived in the city, ami will re? side here in the future. Mr. and Mrs. CP. Read returned from a short visit to friends in Bed? ford county, yesterday. Mr. Laurence Smith, well known here, has been appointed Captain ol the Hagerstown baseball club. Mr. Walter Smith, of Pincastle, fa? miliarly known as Walt by his many friends, was in the city yesterday. The Bristol baseball team will be here on the 3rd, 4th ami SUi, and try their best to beat the Roanoke boys. Ten flat cars made at the Roanoke Machine Works were assigned to the Norfolk and "Western railroad yester? day. Miss Minnie Folsom, of Johnson City, Tennessee, is a gue of Mrs. Ballard Huff, on West Campbell street. Mr. John Moses, of this city, spent Saturday ami Sunday in Bedford county, the guest of Mr". E. T. Read's family. Mr. L. H. Powell, wife nnd family, left yesterday for the Roanoke Red, where they will spend tin- remaiudei of the heated term. Don't use your telephone during a storm. The lightning played a lively tune on the "phone of the American Bridge Company Monday. One hundred and sixty four thous? and, three hundred and seventj tons of coal were handled by tb< Pocahontas Company last month. Mr. M. C. Booth, of Vinton, com menced the erection yesterday of a three-story stone house, near the Mid? way Iron Company's spike works. C. A.Huffman and Lee H. Simmons, returned yesterday from New York City where they have been engaged ? or several weeks transact ing business. Mr. Charles Byrnes has gone re Roanoke where he takes a position in the wholesale whiskey house ol Joseph Lawson, esq.?Lynchburg Vir rinian. The revenues of Roauok.- from the first of January until the last of June, were $20,S53.66, according to there port of Commissioner Turner, whirl: has just been made. Two negro boys amused a crowd at Woodland park nearly two hours yea terday by threatening to smack" all the ingredients of a human being out ? of each other,but they finally sneakec 'off in opposite directions with idl the i pomposity and indignation of natura, born cowards. All that are indebted to the lair firm of H. H. Brownleo & Son, art hereby requested to oome forward and settle thoir accounts at unoo. Respeofully. Mr?. E. H. Browsleb. Jy2 lw No. 3, Seoond street, 8. W. On May 12th we sold our coal, wood j and lumber business to Messrs. J. C. F. Bell A Co. We sent out notices of amounts due us. Many came for? ward and promptly settled: but there are still some bills unpaid, which Wc earnestly request may lie settled with? out further notice. All accounts not settled during the I month of July will be placed in the hands of an oifieer with instruction.' to "collect according to law.'1 Respectfully. jy2 W. K. Axdrkws & Co. A beautiful stock of English, Amcr lean, and French plain and decorate., china tea, dinner and toiler sets at E. H- Stewart A' Co.'s. je21-ti Ellis Bros., are selling out their en? tire stock of clothing at prime cost, julyl-lwk. -?-? Mrs. L. R. Aminen, corner Com? merce and Campbell streets will for the next thirty days, beginning Mon? day, June 30, close out her entire stock of millinery and notions at cost, j Come early and seenre bargains. je 20 lw. _ It was Waller P. Huff and Josiah Friend who asked permission to erect | the houses and not the firm of W. P. Huff &: Co. ______ He paid thirty-one dollars doctor's | bill for his wife in one year, and one bottle of Bradfield's Female Regula? tor did her more good than ail the medicine she had taken before. H. Dale, druggist, Carnii, 111. Write Bradneld Regulator Co.. Atlanta Ga., for particulars. Sold by Budwell, Christian & Barbee. Notice the prices on clothing in Ellis Bros.1 window, julyl-lwk_ An elegant assortment of chamber and parlor suits have just been re? ceived by E. H. Stewart & Co. je21 SPECIAL l.CC.il. NOTICES* Marshall's Cafe?The popular re sort, furnishes a first-class dinner daily from 1 to 3 for 50 cents, ap?-tf ?Plaster your house with Marble Rock lime, best on the market.. If you don't believe it, call on Caruer & Co., sole agents. Remember they are the cheapest sash, door and blind manufac? turers in the city. Satisfaction guaran eed. t Buy your cooking stoves from M.H, Jennings & Co., near market house. Salem avenue. t Artists material at Picken's. janl7-t' Stoves! stoves! stoves 1 cheaper than ever at M. H. Jennings & Co., Salem avenue, near market house. oct7-tf For fire insurance call at the office of the Roanoke Truet, Loan and Safe Deposit Co. dec28-?f Geyer, the Campbell street Tailo.r I carries a large and select stock of , goods in his line. my20 tf i Go to Geyer's to get your spring; and summer suits, my20 tf. j A large and beautiful stock of car- j pets and rugs in newest styles can be' found at E. H,Stewart & Co. 's. je21-tf. j For colds,- croup, asthma-, bronchi ? fcis and sore throat ubb Dt? Thomas' j Eclectric Oil, and get the Best. .1 (?LADE ADDITION. A lieniUirii! and Convenient Location lot* litilldlni;?. No city in the- South has grown with greater rapidity than has Kotnokc, and probably not one is on a firmer foundation considering its age. Roanoke swells and grows each day, and unlike most cit ies,does not grow in any one direction more than an other, but is being rapidly built up on every side, north, east, south and west. The influx of population since 1884 has been enormous, and hundreds of buildings have gone up to supply the demand. There has boen no lull in the erection of houses this winter, ex? cept that occasioned by the rain, and drive in what direction, you will hear the sound of the hammer and evi? dences of building meet your eye. Hundreds who rented houses a few years ago pay taxes now, owning their dwellings, and the erection of res? Idences is the best index to the growth of the city and the strongest assur ance that the citv is here to stay. Tho homes that have, been built here within the past year are, many of them, as handsome, artistiu and expensive as can bo found anywhere. To accommodate the ever increasing population, numerous additions have been laid off and the lots placed on the market. Among the many valu? able properties iiereabouts, none of fer greater inducements as a place ol residence than the Glade addition. This property is situated just easl of Glade creek and is traversed by tlx Vinton extension of the Roanoki street railway, which places i; iu di? rect communication with the centra portion of the city, a person can live in that section, and it his place ol business is in the upper part of the city, or even in the West Bnd, be can take the street cai and be ready for the day's work at tho usual time. Every benefit of a Burburban residence is obtained,with Out any of its discomforts. The property is well drained and therefore healthy, it has been di? vided into lots by the laying oil oi wide streets and avenues. The view to be obtained from Glade addition i beautiful; < >n the east, towering hundreds of feet in the air, are th< Blue Ridge mountains, while on tin south the Roanoke river winds itseh like a silver thread among the hills forming one of the most beautifu bits of scenery anywhere in Southweel Virginia. One of the principal feat ures about the Glade property is tin easy terms upon which the lots can b< goiten. The prices have been placet, so low that it is within the power o every man to own his home Messrs. William M. Yager & Co., are tin agents for the company and they wil take pleasure in giving any inf?rma tiou concerning the property. Gal on them at "heir office on South Jef ferson street. EAST E3D ADDITION. I DcMlrabllity ofttud Dernau?!* lor i.-.i There. As the summer advances much ac ,' tivity in building operations i ? noticed, and many new houses are ii I process of construction. This natnr ally makes the real estate marke in lieb firmer, and agents are corres pondingly happy. Simmons A; Co nave been doing a rushing business I one of the best since the firm was es tablished. Tin* East End propert} is changing hands very rapidly, am many new bouses will be erected tili? season.4 Among the prominent additions ic the East End, is that of the Oak I Ridge Land < lompany. The additioi liesjusl east <>f Belmont and south o. the East Side Land Company's prop? erty and adjoin- the farms of Messrs I reorgc Taylor and G. W. Carr. This offers every inducement ast place Of residence. It is remove' ? from the business portiou of the city j and therefore gives a quiet, suburbaL home, while at the same time it h near the dummy line and therefore quite convenient to the city. Tho laud is uigii and dry and ha; just enough slope to give ii gone drainage. Gas and water maLaf? are being put in and new streets cse be in&Taid out. Everything is prop! tious, as5 it is destined to tsice xtt propei place In the front rank. It i.< focstod near the furnace, rollir-g mill bridge works and the machine works and offt?r?, therefore, greater Induce meuts to tho workingman, .*.9 it i near his work. A number of i;?a' cottages are going up and othersbav< been contracted for. ?lames S. Simmons & Co. are agent for the company, and they can giv< good bargain.-. The property is go mg ra pidly, and if you want to obtaii a good bargain call on them at once The prices for?tbe lots are low am the terms easy, bo every man can owi his own home. Choice Lot Male. The Bedford City Land and 1m provement Company announces a sah of choice lots on the 5th day of July 1890. The number of lots is liniite? but choice, and they will ba :old oi moderate terms. Everybody is offerei an opportunity to make big money It was intended to have this sah earlier, but it has been postponed . until after the exercises atthededica tion of Randolph Macon Academy oi the fourth of July. Large number; of our citizens and distinguishe< guests, among them several bishops Lclergymen, Dnited Senators and tin governor- of some of the Soutbori States, will be present to witness th? splendid programme prepared bj President Smith, closing with ? magnificent display of lire works at night. Wo earnestly request all visitors to remain over till the fifth and attend this sale of lots. All of the real estate agents are agents for the company. The same lot will not be sold to sev eral purchasers, but as soon as a sah is affected it will be placed on tin bulletin board. The company ha put the price low to induce persons tr build, and with all who will contract to build houses special terms will be made. It is not the policy of thi* company to boom. It offers lots, which will double in value in six mouths, at low rates fo bring citizens to the town. J. M. Berry, president. R. B. Claytor, vice-president; J. L. Campbell, secretary, of Bedford City Land and Improvement Company. Bedford City, June 24. june26tojuly3. Messrs. Johnson & Johnson have secured the sole agency in this city for Radam's Microbe Killer. Our Mr. Louis Hall has been suffering fot some time with lung trouble. He j states that since using the medicine ( he has experienced great relief, and thinks he will ultimately regain hit health. tf. Don't Trade for It. All persons are hereby warned against buying or trading for certifi? cates of stock'of the Baltimore and' Ohio Land Company, Salem, Va., number GS. 09. 70, 71, 72, To, 74, 7.3, 7t>, 77, 78, 70, 80, as they were issued by mistake. H. G. Brown, President. Akers At White have just received a fresh car load of melons, on market j today. je28 lm. The best fitting and most stylish suits in the city at Geyer's, on Camp bell street. my20tf Marshall's Cafe?For a full course, dinner servedin A 1 style daily from 1 to 3 for 50 cents. au5-tf ! All our actions take their lines from the complexion of the heart, as land scapes their variety from light. Refrigerators and ice chests of var? ious makes and sizes at E. H. Stewart & Co.'s/ je2t-tf.: The'largcst stock of lace curtiahs.-in the city andat-bottom prices at E.H, Stewart & Co.? s. . je31-tf.; A Cnrtf from TV. P. Hull. To the Editor of the Times. In your issue of the 28th I notice the statement that the City Council re? fused to grant Waller p. Huff & Co., permission to erect cottages. Sec, i wish to say that Waller P. Huff & Co., never asked permission to build cot? tages anywhere and consequently coiild not have been refused. Hoping you will make this correction. I am, respectfully. Waller P. Huff. Mrs. L. R. Aminen, corner Com .merce and Campbell streets, will for the next thirty days beginning Mon? day, June 30, close out her entire stock of millinery and notions at cost. Come early and secure bargains. junc29-twk. rmv O F IT It NISHED ROOMS~F?R I rent. Applvat 120 4th Avenue, S. W. je 20 4t. S T receiving daily our NG AND SUMMER GOOK -such as a pine: line op DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS -TO MATCH.? We make a specially in mourning Grooda.300 piecesof Dress Gingham; from ?Tcents upwards. Wo have; splendid line of 'Powells, Napkin, and Table lines. Our Motion Bepartm't SUCH AS HANDKERCHIEFS, LA dies' and Children's Hose,cannot bt surpassed in Roanoke. WE HAVE JUST 'REGEIVEr over one thousand piecesof Swiss am Hamburg Edgings, llouncings ii black and white. Do Not Make up any More Underwear when you can buy then at 29 cents and 50 cents apiece ii gowns as well as skirts. Try one of our Kabo Corset: as they are guaranteed for twelv< months We Are the Agents for th( Foster Kid Gloves, the best on thi market. We Keep a Full Line o Beaded Capes as low as $2.00 piece. In Fact You Can Find Any? thing that is kept in a first-class dn poods house at the lowest prices Do not pass us by, but come in, a we take a pleasure in showinggoods I. BACHR?GH 122 SALEM AVENUE. [ tf_ THE CELEBRATED JOS. SCHLITZ, ?ONLY AT? HOTEL FELIX. Are the Best Sum? mer Drink, ONLY" AT HOTEL FELIX. Is a t&lce Summer Drink. HOTEL FELIX. | FIRST-CLASS BUTTER CAN ALWAYS B22 FOUND. AT \1 m uiar23-tf GROCERY, 148 SALEM AVENUE C. H. JORDAN, R. N. McCANDLiSH, E. H. CLOWES. C, H. JORDAN * COMPANY Bucua Vista, Virginia, REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND INSURANCE. myl5 8m. Buy a Lot in Faimew Cemetery. At a recent meeting of tlia Board of Director* of tbfc FAIRVTEW CEMETERY COMPANY, it was decided to nut their lots on tli6 market at once. As I was appointed acent for the sale ~rthese lots, I will take great pleasure in taking ray friends and the public, at any time, to sec them. The company has receutly, at con iiderahle cost, improved and heautificd the grounds, which makes it one of the handsomest cemeteries in the city. Parties purchasing prior to the 1st of September will be allowed a discount of 10 per cent. Respectfully, J. Tl. FE ATI!ERfeTON, Of Featherston, Andrews & Co., 1 ie tf. 32 JCampbell street, Roanoke, Va FRED C FOARD, B. D. DOWNEY. W. 0. HARDOWAY. North Carolina. Eredcrick, Md. Amelia Co., Va. FOARD. DOWNEY & HARDOWAY. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ROOMS 3 and 4, MOOMAW BUILDING, JEFFERSON STREET ROAN? OKE, VIRGINIA. Will buy and sell Real Estate in Koanoke aud any other sectiou of S mthwest Virginia. Panics haviog land to sell, houses to rent or wifchicg to mate investments in Real Estate will do well by communicating witli ua at ouce. Six New Six-Room Houses for Sale. Situutiou Central, Commaudiu^ Fine Views. Prices moderate. Teim? easy, Proyerty in all rarls of the city for for Sale. jun ?9 lw. THOMAS & BURNS. GENTLEMEN: Never in the remarkable history of our big and faet increasing trade, or dur iug any of our former great Special Sales, has there been such Universal Satisfaction, such demonstration approval or such an out-pouring of the people as during our wonderful and unprecedented $9.75 and $11.75 Special Sale. The way th(\ were gobbled up iu a few days, show> couclmively how they were appreciated. THIS AND NEXT WEEK WE ARE READY WITH Hot weather Things. Boys' summer coats aud vests, 65c to $2.00 Meus' olhce coats, (good oues) 50c; seersucker coats and vests, S5c; gsnuiue India Seersucker coats aud vests, for $1.75. All shades, Mohair and Poogees from $300, coats aud vests, to $0,00. White and Fancy Vests are quite the thing, and largely woru this seasou, and we are selling lots of thembecauaewe have a large and tine stock, and our prices are extremely and invitingly LOW. Corner 3d Ave. and Jefferson Street. MI'S SMS FROM $5 TO $25. BOYS' SUITS FKOM $3 TO ? CHILDREN'S SUITS FROM $2 TO $10 MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTH'8, ?AND? CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS, IN ALL STYLES SATIN-LINED A SPECIALTY. Furnishing Department Complete ??0: CLOTHINGLY FRANK BROS. Wright Block Jefferson street.