Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VI-NO. 182. W-PHICE STORK flffii I MM, Arc always on the lookout for BARGAINS And are receiving new and Desirable ?/Goods EVERY DAY. _ I Satin striped Batiste, at 121c a yd, French cashmere Umbre's. 25c a yd; | usual price, 37jc. Yard wide Batiste at Sc a yd. Pongee Drapery in great variety of j ?styles, at 15 and l~e a yd. Ladies' black drapery Nets from 25c a yd up. Figured Mohairs, in light shades, at 33c ayd A!l wool ('bailies. S3 inches wide, ?k'c a yd. Woo! suitings, 54 inches wide, 2Se aj yd. \V< >ol si nped Suiting, 36 inches wide, 12ic. Pin check wool Suiting, ?S inches, at 15c a yd. All wool Suiting, 3S inches wide, 20c a yd. China Silks, at 37Jc, 50c. 73c and a yd. Striped Pongee Silks in all the latest hades, at 50c; regular price, 75c. Ladies'and children's cambric and Swiss Flouncings, from 25c up. Butterick's Metropolitan Fashion Sheet has just arrived and will be given away free of charge. Snyfler, Hassler and McBain 134 SALEM AVENUE, S. W., ~'?ANOKE, .... VIRGINIA. J. F. WlNGFIELD Insurance and REAL ESTATE. AGENT, ROANOKE, VA., INSURES uiidings, Bridges, Mills. Crops, Live Stock, Merchandise, Wood, Lumber. SELLS Dwellings, Furniture, Farms. Town Lots, Stores, Mineral ana TIMBER LANDS. J3T143 SALEM AVE. P. O. Box SO feb2-tf I For this quarter and GAS BILLS for month of May are now due and payable iCOMPANY'S office Gas biiis, if paid before the 10th instant, a discount of 12i per cent, allowed. NO DISCOUNT on bills paid after the 10th instant. Failure to receive a bill does not en title consumer to the discount. Lime for Fertilizing and Disinfect? ing, also Gas Tar for sale. Applications for extensions, im? provements, taps, purchases and all other matters relating to Gas or Water should be made to J. G. Rawn, Manager. ROANOKE GAS AXD WATER CO No. 1 Third Avenue, Southwest ? r "" / ROAN< >KE GAS AND WATER CO., 310 Bullitt Building. Philadelphia, June 18th 1S!)0. The directors of the company have this day declared a semi-annual divi? dend of four (4) per cent, on the cap? ital stock of this company, as paid in, payable in cash on July 1st proximo, to the stockholders of record as of June 23. The transfer books of the company will dose on the 23d instant, and reopen on the 1st dav of July. IL E. G ERHARD, 3621,21,26,28,30. Treasurer. J. E. Mulcare & Co, Manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, And dealers in all kinds of Cooking and Heating Stove.-. Plumbing, and Gas and Steam fitting done. Tin rooting a specialty. Satisfaction guar autecd. 3No. 115 First avenue, Roan oke, Va. ap5-tf NOTICE. All parties indebted to Dr. Pedigo, are requested to come forward and pay their bills or give some good rea? son why they cannot pay, or I will nave to take some other s"teps to col? lect the same. Respectfully, L. B. DEI7ERLE. Office with W. T. Watkins, Consta? ble, je 22 to jy C. A. HEATH, The well-known Jefferson Street BARBER, Ha* opened a Barber Shop in Hotel Roanoke. Room in basement. my20 lm GARDE LANDRETH'S CELEBRATED GOOD?; SEEDS* FRESH -AND ? RELI?BL -FOR SALIC AT C. R-WERTZ, FAMILY GROCERY. lOSOommerce St. Prices as Low as the Lowest. lite Bread Ftar! I i WHITE BREAD FLOUK. AVE WILL PAY $50 IN CASH To any one who can furnish the slightest proof of the slightest adulteration in the Famous and Popular WHITE BREAD FLOUR. Try "WHITE BREAD1" and you will CMARKLEY&CO.. ?THE? Checkered Front Grocers 124 and 126 First Avenue, S. W. HICKS, BANE & KELLY, Real Estate Agents, GRAHAM, VA. They are associated with J WHicks, Attorney-at-Law, who furnishoB ab? stracts of title. apW-Su AT COST For 30 Davs. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS Consisting1 of Foreign and i Domestic DRY GOODS, Ginghams, Satines, Challie?, Bleached and Unbleached Cottons and Sheetings, etc. Will be offered at PRIME COST FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. Our Hemi)ant Coun? ter is now ready, where you can select at any Price ROSENBA?M BROS 42 Salem avenue. pay - cash FOR YOUR GROCERIES, BY DOING SO YOU CAN SAVE FIFTEEN PER CENT. AT BloirslioiiiFroQt 134 SALEM AVENUE. Use Blount's Favorite Flour, A TONET TO LOAN ON TIME, AND _t JL pnymonts to suit borrower. People's Per? petual Loan anil Iluilding' Association, of Roan oke, Va. A. 7.. K?lner, president;M.C. Thomas, vice president: W. P. Winch, <?ccratary and treasurer, Koom 1, Masonic Temple, Campbell street. Paid up shares, s<50 each. Installment shares, SI per month. H?nowers can at any time secure a loan and fix their own limit of the period forrcpayment. As a saving oank this institution offers spe? cial inducements. Installment shares may be subscribed for at any time. Jaterestis allowed on moneys placed with the association. This association is doins a successful busi? ness, paying semi-annual divi lends, and is a desirable investment for capital. apl-tf. N. SALE & CO., BEDFORD CITY, VA., Agents for The Bedford City Land and Im? provement Co. The Otter View Land Co. The Longwood Park Co. A.nd the most desirable business and residence property in the town. Refer to the First National Bank, Bedford City, Va. apl.5-3ra. Sewers, City Engirteer's Office, ^ Roajsokb, Va., June 8, 1890. i Sealed bids for laying sewer pipe will be received at this office nntil 12 oclock July 7, 1890. Specifications can be seen at this office. ? ? WM. M. DUNLAP, ;e7 30d City Engineer. >KE, VIRGINIA. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 3, iN<)0. PR m FIVE YEARS.! FLYERS FOR THE FOI Kill GREAT INCREASE IN ESTATE VALUES. REAL m FOURTH CITY OF THE STATS The Asneftsment Completed Compara? tire Statements of tbe AfMMsnienla or ms* nn<l ihm Show tin Increase or8.T,209,2r>I,7.-S. The three gentlemen appointed to j assess the value of property within the city limits of Roanoke have at last completed their labors, and the result, which is a most gratifying one, is now given to the public. No town in Virginia, nor indeed in the whole country, can show such a remarkable increase in values during the past live years. This increase is due to a steady, constant and perma? nent growth. There is not hin- of the boom about if as many people, notso fortunate as to reside here,would like to prove. The result as given will not be a surprise to the people of Roanoke, as the Timks lias a number of times pointed out the progress which was made, and foreshadowed the Nomu of the Horse* to Run at Mel rose Park Tomorrow. The races tomorrow at Melrose DrivingP?rk promise to be most in? teresting, and nearly all of the crack horses of this section have been en? tered. Mr. W. W. Bradshaw, of Lynch burg has entered his Josh Hillings and Tripple Cross, both of whom have records to be proud of. Mis brother, Mr. J. W. Bradshaw will bring Alary T. and Cricket. Then there will be Robert E. Lee, FitzhughLee, Repudi ator and Lulu T., ail Lynchbnrg horses. There will also be so eral good horses from Fincastle, and Roam kes sure or more of dyers will be on hand to prove that this city has within its limits some of the best horseflesh in the State. The races will commence promptly at 3:30 o'ejock tomorrow af? ternoon' 1 SAW ONE! A SUPPER PARTY TALK OF CENSUS ENUMERATORS, THE CAVE COUNTRY. NOT ONE (IF WHOM WERE tISTSD Vt ti.u Mr. ?oorse Sale Si: id to n Tim on Man-William A. Sielley.or.Memphis, on HIn Annual Visit to the City. And Other .ltatterHof Interest. THE MORTU SALEM LAND CEVlt. beinj, probable result, ''"he assessors d< serve the thanks of every one for their careful and painstaking work. The assessing of property is a tedious and often thankless occupation, and many changes had to be made before a sat? isfactory result could be reached. A comparative statement of the assess ments of 1883 and 1800 is given here: assessment of 1800. Buildings. Lands. 1st Ward, $775,355 1,802,778 Od Ward, 855,585 1,081,2?! 3d Ward, 803,155 352,750 Total 2,088,13 2,830,846 1,245,005 $2,524,005 4,220,780 0,750,884 assessment of I8S5. Buildings and Land. 1st Ward. $446,612.25 2d Ward, 533,515 3d Ward, 501,475 Total ?1,481,032 25. An increase of ^?.'JOO.S?l .75 in live years is something unparnllelod in the history of Viginia cities. This value represents nearly as much as some of the cities of tht. State, boasting a population as great as that of Roan? oke. For purposes of comparison, .. table of the increase in other cities is given: I vs .", l2.09l.3Vi .VlK'.'.Cl 5.708.IIU? l,4Sl,GXi [ncreas< IKjSM i?i,300 3,191 : M.TOtl Sorb Lyncburff, Norfolk. Danville. Petersburg', Kounoku, X Deel ease. It. will be seen by these (igures thai Roanoke ;s to day the fourth city in the State, in the value of her real estate and improved property. Five years ago it was the tenth. These live years have worked wonders in the way of building the city which is now the pride of the Old Dominion and the Hub of the frreai Southwest. What thenexl live years will show no one would have the!, temerity to guess. If the city 1. ' on at its present pace it i land at the very head of there is'every indication i be so. We have set th follow or fall. Bcaiitltm itiiU'iiu;; i.ots SOxlSO For 81.30 per Wee!*, For 100 Weeks. Dummy line from Roanoke wiil pass near this property ami a connection will be made with it.rhus givingpart ies living here quick transit. J^ind weli watered and drainedjdnd many villa sites will he included in the drawings, some containing two town lots of 100x:!0<? f-et. Chalybeate water on premises or easy of access. Cor romantic surroundings, lovely scenery and .accessibility this prop? erty is unsurpassed. The telephoue line from Lake Spring to Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs passes through this property. A laboring man wiil lind here line range for horse, row and pig, and his thrifty wife an excellent place for raising fowls. The wealthy man will find here villa sites unsurpassed in Virginia for boo uty of local ion. The sportsman will And deer short hunt. The writer starte one on the premises, and the moun tains are a short distance away. To the dwellers in hot, dusty crowded cities, the delightfully coo"l pure atmosphere will be refresh in and invigorating. A city man who will huiid him a cabin here anil rust cute two weeks in summer, will add teii year- To his life. The cabin can b built for ?150, and wt guarantee ten ants at $60 per annum net, if you dt sire it. Wc guarantee 50 percent, profit on these lot-, when paid for, or taketheiu off your bands. No malaria here : no doctors needed Your wives and children will be healthy and rosy and your doctor olue. As only a limited number of t lies lots will be sold at this low price those wishing to purchase had better do so at once. Apply to H. Harlan? Crown, Salem. Va.; Mahood. Ston Co., Lynchburg, Va.; Oscar D. Derr? Co., Roanoke, Va.; J. C. Parkinson 2011 E. Marshal! street, Richmond Va.: Win. Mahone, jr.. Lynchburg Va.: Par. McCall, Lynchburg, Va.; J B. Pbaris& Co., Martinsville, Va. The North Salem Land Company. President,.!. R. (!. Frown, sr.; vice president, H. B. McLaughlin; secre tary and treasurer, W. E. Brown; gen eral.manager, H. 6. Brown; attorney W. W. Ballard. Directors?J. P. Me at. Byrne, Cbas. Scott Lyncliburg.Va.; W. Lee Brand, Salem Va.; A. S. Asberry, Roanoke, Va. j b. .>. o. company. of salkm, va President, H. Garland Brown. Sa vice-president, lion. John R. Illdee^ Johnson, Christmnsburg; secretary and treasurer, W. E. Brown, Salem the list and hat this will pice, let other: L, Derr, Roanoke. C. Arthur. Bed Francis.Marion, V Awfully Frightened. Yesterday morning the attention of several railroad men and twice as many women, was attracted by a lit? tle boy near Brick Row, running to and fro frantically on the bank of Trout Run Sewer, and bawling im? mensely. Thinking that perhaps a ronipanion had fallen in and was in danger of being drowned, they rushed to the lamenting individual," only to find that the little follow's grief cen? tered on a small dog of his which was takiuga casual swim to get cooled off. The lad's dilemma was a fac? simile of that of the hen which is sub? mitted to the disagreeable fare of hatching duck eggs. He didn't knov the pup could swim. Mr: A.Streak of Fortune. W. Keller, of this city, had tin good fortune on the 10th day of April to be notified that she was the holder of a twentieth of ticket number 21,3015 of the Louisiana State Lotterv which drew the capital prize of $:iU0," 000 and last week she received a sack of twenty dollar gold pieces from the Lottery Company, amounting to $15,000, which she has deposited in the First Nationa^Bank for the pre? sent.?San Luis Obispo (Cal.) Re? public, May 10. Thrown From a Wagon. Spillow Franklin, colored, while approaching Roanoke river yesterday morning, in a wagon, the front wheels went suddenly into a gully, and he was thrown from the spring seat to the ground between the wagon and horses. Bis left shoulder was very painfully sprained. He was taken to bis home near the Old Lick, where a physician was called in to dress bis wounds. j attorney. Rush ! Directors-rHon. I ford City; W. P, Hubert Watts. Lynchburg; Georg? Gravatt, Roanoke: J. D. Carr. Roan? oke; M. A. Lovett, Roanoke: J. B. Levy, president Citizens' bank. Roan? oke. Not too hot for B. & <>. and North Salem Lot Clubs, but parties were going all day looking at and buying their lots. The cheapest and most desirable in the world this hot weather. Vesterda;. V ? des our largest. At this rate, won't have many left Saturday. Stockholders* Notice.?Stockhold? ers of the North Salem hand Com? pany of Salem will call at the ofllee of Oscar D. Derr & Co., between the hours of <i and 10 p. m., Monday, 30th June,and present their shares of stock when paid upnon-ass< -sable stock will be issued then for die number of shn res subscribe d to. Subscriptions will a so be taken to the Lot Clubs to be organized by the North Salem Land Company All stock subscribed to and not paid for will bo sold at public auction, in the name of tiie parties defaulting. Respectfully, Mahood, Stone Sc Co., Lynchburg, Ca. Oscar D. Darr & Co.. Roanoke, Va. H. G. Brown & Co., Salem, Va. H. W. Lee, 620, Clinton Ave. Baltimore, Md. W. E. Summers. Washington, D. C. Reuben Finnell, with Neal & Paris, Roanoke, Va. A Colored .Man's Invention. Calvin Cox, a wealthy colored man, residing at Emory, has invented and had patented a flange lock for fasten? ing together theendsof railroad rails, it has been tested on several roads and is pronounced to lie a very useful lf ??.??. ., , , ,, . i and ingenious invention. It will be m"ty? *? a"V \u'm"^t,,V-1?a,']^l,Iiln^1 testod on the Norfolk and ?Western uJh ? I \ }' fcfeJ-^JC?and shortly, andifit proves satisfactory, &^Ii&:^"^^^-*We'?* m experts who have examined "it ??K^/f^?^STf1*11 ,tUDe 2 think there is no doubt it will be oTtop* rePutatlou that P,aces n ! adopted.-Clade Spring Citizen. The Bobbie Music Co., Lynchburg, Va. General South? ern Agents. Send for catalogue. "Loungers? Well there are fewer loungers about the coridors of the Roanoko hotels than in any place 1 ever visited," said Mr. George Saie to a Times man yesterday. "Ever; body seems to have business to attend to, and no time to sit around. It was one of the first things that 1 remarked on coming to Roanoke. Don't you know that hotel coridors is a good pulse of the business activity of a place. J f you see the lobby crowded all day with loungers, you may put t down with a good deal of accuracy that the city is not ffoarishing to any considerable extent. If this rule holos true then Roanoke must be a pretty lively place. It was supper time at Marshall's Cafe, and there were a dozen people in the dining room when some one made a remark to the elrect that he would like to know what a census enumerator looked like, anyhow. "Couldn't say," answered Counci man McConnell, "because I haven't seen one jet." "Same here,'' said George Houstoi the big railroad contractor, "and I won't either, for I'm going to Nc York tonight." "No one has come to see me, chimed in Colonel Haas, of the Wes End furnace, "and so I couldn't de: cribe him." "Three or four people in our office,'1 said Miles Moore, the engineer, "and all of them say they haven't been enumerated. Neither have I." "No one has been to our place yet," remarked John Green, of J. R. Green A' Co., "and there are about fifteen people there." "1 saw one," said a quiet young man at the end of the table.and every? body turned to look at the man who had seen a census enumerator. "What did he look like."was asked, breathlessly. "Uh, he had a big black book under his arm and smoked a cigarette. Bur be didn't say anything to me." Then the TIMES man made a canva I if the room and discovered that no' one person there had been enum erated Comment, of course, is unnecec ? sary. Another Komarkablo Caver? Dixeov crcd Down the Shenandoah Val? ley. Messrs. Cainmack Sc Decker, of this city, proprietors of the Shenandoa'u Lime Works at Strasburgh Junction, Virginia, were informed this morning by Mr. George E. Decker, manager of the works, of the discovery of a large cave in the quarry in which they were working, The first opening into the cave was made on Monday, but considerable work was necessary before the-real character of the find could bo deter? mined. Yesterday, however, the last of the small openings was passed, and the exploring party found themselves in a series of large chambers stretch? ing out several hundred feet, and at least a hundred yards beneath the surface of the earth. Stalactities and stalagmites abound in the most beau? tiful variety, the staglamitic forma? tions being especially wonderful. ).n one of the chambers, a long, sloping 'edge of rock leads to an impassable ravine, down which a lighted ball of iampwlcksaturated with alcohol was seen to fall for seconds, being finally i lost to view without seeming todiave reached the bottom of the abyss. The 1 large chambers discovered, seemed to i be connected bya number of long cor ridors thickly filled with hanging and | upgrowing formations; In places the j vaulted roof of the largest chamber was so far overhead, as to lie invisible in the light afforded by the caudles. Washington Star. WE WEECOtt E AliFi. Mr. William A. Steffey,of Memphis. Tennessee, is paying his annual ten days visit to Roauoki. Mr. Steffey ouductsan extensive wholesale gro? cery and cotton factory business ii that city, and carries short and long listancespectacles with him where ever he goes. He is very conversant on various topics, and especially on Memphis. He is a representative citi? zen of that city, a member of the cot ton exchange, and has resided there ever since "befo'?do wall," his birth place being Maryland. He hold Roanoke's seductive' mint julips h high esteem; is a good story teller, as well as a big storyteller, and is be? yond the average in the matter o. congeniality. * * A Times man met Colonel S. A. Case in the corridor of the Felix yes terday. Colonel Cast is aslimgentle man, with a brown beard and blue eyes. He smokes cigarettes incessant!} and lias had a most eventful career. When a young man lie was witfc i-eneral Walker in bis ill starred NicaraUguan expedition and was the central figure in many adventures iL South and Central America. He [leaks Spanish like a native and can onverse most intelligently on the at fairs of our neighbors in ihe tropics He is an old Confederate soldier nm an inveterate traveller. A Pniufa' Fall. Yesterday morning while Henrj Rookerwason a ladder painting house in - he West End, he fell abou ten feet, 'njuriug his right arm am otherwise bruising and. shaking him? self up considerably. He was unable to resume work. Uoti' Roanoke At>|>ears to the Eye of the Visitor. Facts are stubborn things. Think of four hundred people growing to be twenty thousand in eight years ! Big doing and Roanoke's history. The plethoric state of trade is evidence su? preme of a constant advance to wealth in our midst and our citizens do not go away for investments. The varied and often mammoth scale upon which our great industries and railroads are conducted; the two new railroads to be herein so short ;>. time; another steel piant- now nearly complete. altogether employing thousands of tuen, give to Roanoke a guarantee of prosperity in the future, as the pa t, beyond the conception of those,interested parties who try vain? ly (if so industriously') to boom tome other less favored place. Churches, schools, charitable institutions, pro? fessional men, etc., to suit all classes and tastes. Roanoke extend-; her hand to all who may desire to come to her. She, however,does not guarantee to care for the idle or impecunious more than does other places, and pocket change will be found as desirable within her borders as elsewhere,and particularly to those who are afraid of soiling their hands.?R. M. Matthew, in the Ma nassas Gazette: A I.ady Erom South Carolina Writes: My labor was shorter and less pain ? ful than one or two former occasions; physicians astonished; 1 thank yoi-. for "Mother's Friend." It is worth its weight in gold. Address: The Bradfield Reg Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by Budwell Chris tian Sc Barbee. Death ofM Well Known I.ady. Mrs. India luce, the mother of Mr. A. D. Rice, of the re d estate firm of C. O'Le?ry & Co.,aged about no years, died yesterday at flie residence of her son onChurcb stri et, at 'J o'clock p.m. Mrs. Rice was well known in the city, i lovable Christian lady, and leaves many frit ids to mourn her loss. Mr. Rice has the sympathy of the entire community in bis gre if bereavement. The funeral service will be held al 4 o'clock t his < veuiug from Greene Memorial church, and the remains interred in East Hill cemetery, Sa? lem. Ifcutorday's i?a*c Ball Score. By United I'i i-. PLAYERS' mi AGUE. A: Buffalo?Buffalo. 17: Brookljn.ll At Pittsburi'?Pittsburgh; Boston, 4 At Cleveland?Cleveland, 6 ; New York, 7. At Chicago?Chicago, 10: Philadel? phia. ;j. national league. At Cincinnati?< lincinnati, ik Hrook lyu, 1. At Cleveland?Cle.eland 4; Bos? ton. 5. First game. At Cleveland?Cleveland 4; Boston, 5. Second game. Both games hav? ing 11 innings. At .Chicago-Chicago, -1; Philadel? phia, 7. american association. At Columbsis?Coh.mbus, 2; Syra? cuse, 7. At Louisville?Louisville. 5: Brook? lyn, 3. At St. Louis?St. Louis, 0; Roches? ter, 2. At Toledo?Toledo, 5; Athletic, 3. atlantic league. At Wilmington--Wilmington-Hart? ford, game postponed on account of rain. Baltimore ? Boltimorn-Jersey jame postpone.! on account of New York?New York-New me postponed on account -Washington, 0 For a debilitated or nervous condi? tion. A. B. C. Tonic lights to win. Trv it. Ellis Bros., are selling out their en? tire stock of clothing at prime cost, julyl-lwk. Mattresses of all kinds made to order by E. H. Stewart & Co. je21-tf. A CARD. As there seems to be an impression, that we have pledged ourselves to build an Opera House on the lots on Jefferson street, in which we hold a controlling interest, we desire to state that we have never directly or indi reetly agreed to build said Open: House, having merely expressed our intention of doing everything consis? tent with our interests to promote the enterprise. Wc would further state that we were olTered stock of the Opera House Company upon condi? tions that we would agree to build said Opera House, and we declineu j an(j adopted a platform, and noniina to purchase on any such basis. We 11 d M patterson for governor, and are, however, ready to entertain any i ... , , .. ?v ????? any propositions looking to the build- Channey Black for lieutenant gover ing of an Opera House, and shall bo j nor. glad to co-operate with the citizens pi I -? At City, rain. At Haven, of rain. At Wash it gton Worcester, ?"?. Robert Patterson For Governor. By United Press. SCR anton, Pa., July 2.?The Dem? ocratic State Convention met today Roanoke in securing this m uch needed addition to our city. Respectfully, Roanokk Construction and Im? provement Company. Remarked by R. C. Joiner, of Allen i P. O.j Hillsdal* Co., Midi.: "Noth? ing gave my rheuma'isui such quick; relief as Dr. Thomas' EclectricOii-be lieve it infalli ble for rheumatics." Bedford City . ? - ? LAND and IMPROVEMENT COMPANY CHARTERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGIRIA. Authorized Capital 81,000,000 Th* "Bedford Citv Land Company offers the best investment on the Norfolk and Western Railroad. It is a golden opportunity tftlv Tune *?rd a limited number'of lots will be offered for sale. This company has three thousand building and business lots in the western part of Bedford Citv Incomparably the best property and the most beautiful sites. The town s growing west. The new depot site is on these lands The R?mi?lnh flanon Colleee Academv is there and a new first-class hotel will be erected asoon as the architect has finished the.dramngs. Nearly 4,000 SJijT Fifteen plug tobacco concerns. Tire largest and most successful woolen mills in the State except. OharlottesvUle.. . Twenty-Are iaaa? P?e now Jid ttvm new manufacturing roterpriBBtftideway. The Bedford and James River Railroad Is to be built;?n the near future. . . ' Fo? thSse X want a safInvestment the stock and land of the Bedford City Land Company presents the greatest influceme?ts.. The present gelling Al^oi^WD?^wSii more money than the f?tal ?m?flnt of stock the company offers for sale. For patfacuhtre addre? 15 8m PRESIDENT OF THE BEDFORD CITY LAND AND IMPR0VE?ENTGCMP \NY, Bedford City.Va. ICE - - FIVE CE^TS A HARD FIGHT j TO PREVENT THE PASSAGE OF FEDERAL ELECTION BILL. ANOTHER ALABAMA tfeul iL A Georgia Constable Kiiieu -iSr ti. n Fall Oat-Only One Candidate ? o Collect KtniiMticH - Stontb 1'nrolina Politicians Red Hot. W?snrJSfGTOSr, July 3.?Tl ie jlouse met promptly this morning tit il o'clock, and immediately entered upon the consideration of the Fed ral Election Bill. By delatory the motions, the Dem? ocrats succeeded in prolonging i'.e debate all through the afternc ?, and fought every inch of the way to prevent the bill coming to a vote but their efforts were unavailing; aud it 1 o'clock this evening the Republi -i succeeded in bringing the ! iil to a vote. It was passed on the first ballot, the vote standing 153 to i m. Tm; Democrats voted solidly against the measure, and were joined by Lehl back, of New Jersey, anjl Coh man, of Lousiana, Republicans, Immediately upou the passage of the bill tlie Bouse adjourned. Another Alabama 'Irnxedy. By United Press. EoFAUXA, Ala., July 2 ?News has reached this place of a tragedy near CLirden. Henry L. Wofferd got into a dispute Friday with the laborers in Iiis father's brick yard, and shot one of them dead. He then shot and killed his wife, ;ind also fired at hex son who was approaching, but ?:i11 not hit him. A Georgia Constable Killed. By United Press. Savassah, Oa., Julyja?Constable Startling, Charles Cowart ami T< m McKeither went to the house cf a des gerate negro, named Jim Wadley, aear Millwood, Moonday to serve a warrant of arrest. Wadley fired upou :he part}*, Killing Mr. Startling and ivounding Mr. Cowart, probably fa: tally. Mr. MeKitcben fired both ba reis of his shot gun into Wadley an 1 ie is dying. Brother* Fall Out. By United Press. Parkersburg, W. Va., July.;.? t\ report has reached Lere to tic effe t that two brothers named Wilson, liv? ing in Logan county, quarrelled ;. 1 >w lays ago with their teacher n?m 1 Olark. Pistols were used by Clark, Hid the elder Wilson fed fatally wounded. Tin.' younger Wilson \. badly hurt. American Jlertiianl Marine. By United Press. Washington. July 2.? The Senate today, after disposing of routine morning business, be^au considera? tion of bills to place American Mer? chants Marine engaged in loin, i trade upon an equality with thai other nations. No conclusion was reached and the bill wentover until tomorrow. To Collect Si tat in tics.' By United Press. Washington, July 3.?Superinb n dent Porter today appointed II. Clai borne Emlson, of Petejgburg, end Cary D. French, of Mammester, Va , special agents to collect statistics of manufacturers. Only One Candidate. By United Press. Atlanta. ?Ja.. July 3.?Colon? Hardinanhas withdrawn from governorship candidauy. Thislea1 - the Held clear to Colonel Norther. South Carolina Politics Red Hot. By United Press. (Jolumuia. S. C, July 3.?At no meeting in the present State camp? aigns has such bad .blood been dis played as at Waynesboro. When Captain TiUman arose it was fully live minutes before he could speak, so great was applause on one side and hissing on another. Some one told hh to sit down. This produced wild i 3 citement. A score of Tillman's fol? lowers rushed on the stand aud car? ried him <to the edge of the platform. They swore he should speak. At this point the attention of the audience was called to the fact that twenty of Mr. Tillman's supporters had their hands on their pistols. Al this an? nouncement there was the greatesi confusion. A terrible riot was mo? mentarily expected and a single shot or blow would have brought it on. The tension was very grearf until the end of the most heated meeting of the ? campaign. Results or Nlief pHlieisd Buy Ra?e*i. By United Press skekp5heai) Bat, N. Y.. July 2.? First race, 1 mile?Diablo, first; Co porter, second; Granite, third. Time, 1.41 2-5. Second race, double event, 2 mile Russell, first: Strathmeath, second; - Reckon, third. Time, 1.111-5. Third race, I mile, selling?Shot over, first; Ycngeur, second: Dalsy rian, third. Time, 1.30. Fourth race, realization stakes, 1.5-S miles?Tournament, first: Her High? ness, second: Banquet, third. Time 2.51. Fifth race, stirrup cup, H, miles? Cassius, first; Prather, second; Ecu, third; time 2.38 1-5. Sixth raee, i mile,sellk?g?Lepanto, first; Bvangeline, second; Tourist, ^third. Time,1.13 1-5. * Seventh race, 2 miles on iurf?Stv Luke, Hist; Little Jim, second; Tai-i^ gon,thirtf. Time 3.35.