* ***** KOL. VI?NO. 205. SPECIAL ATTRAGTIONS AT THE ONE-PRICE SM. Side band suitings, closing price, ?c a yard. Outing cloths in beautiful patterns, it 8 and 10c a yard. Flannelettes in new ami stylish ?attorns at 12 Ac a yard. ^)ress ginghams, 5. 8 and 10c a yard. A few pieces of Scotch ginghams at 20c, worth 25c a yard Still a ew challies at 4c aud Gic a yard. Also a few more pieces of checked mohair at 85c a yard. Mohairs in all shades at 25, 37* and > ks a yard. White goods in all the newest ma? terials and at lowest prices. A special bargain in pure Turkey ; e I table covers, 84, 75c and S 10 S71c each. Table linens, towels and napkins in ??ndless variety, and at prices that lefy competition. Another case of white bed quilts at vl each. Ladies' and Gents1 underwear and hosiery in great assortment and at '? ntoin prices. Larsre stock of bleoehed and un? reached cottons and sheetings in all ? klths. Childrens white lace hats and caps r in 15c up. Fans, Fans, Fans. F^ns, from 2c up SNYDEE. BASlffi IMACBA1N. \ 134 SALEM AVENUE, S. W., :** >ANOKE, - - - - VIRGINIA. WHITE BREAD FLOUR. -:::0:: WE WILL PAY 50 IN CASH To anv one who can furnish the slightest proof of the slightest adulteration in che amous and Popular WHITE BREAD FLOUR. Try "WHITE BREAD" and you will Use No Other, :0::: CMARKLEY&CO., -THE? Checkered Front Grocers 124 and 126 irsl Avenue, S. W. "JOANOKE COLLEGE, i\ SALEM VA. Choice of courses; commercial de? partment; library 17,000 volumes .ood morals; healthful cilmate; very i ioderate expenses. Students fifteen vrates, Ind. Ter., Mexico, and Japan ;h year begins Sept. l?th. Illus Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will lie received by the engineer of the lloauoke Land an.I Improvement Company until 2 o'clock p. m., of Aiiiiust 20ih, for the grading, steam rolling (steam rnllrr provided h\ company), gutters, macadamizing lay? ing of gas and water mains, timber culverts, etc., on the extensions of Jeflersou and Walnut si reels, in the city of lloauoke. Va. Profiles nud specifications may he seen at the of-( fice of the company. No. II Campbell strset, s. w. The company reserves the right to reject any and all bids J. C. RAWN, 1 E isiueer. aug9-12t NOTICE." ?t hi t: ?s; km I wiil oiler my entire stock of DRY GOODS. BOOt AND SHOPS AT PRIME COST TO DTSC9NTINUE BUSINESS F. G. M AY, 142 FIUST AVKM'K, S. W. AT COST. AT COST. fiugfl 2wks L. F. BURKS, Practical Plumber i GAS and STEAM FITTER. \ ?:o? And dealer in all kinds of Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitters1 Suppli is. Prompt Attention to Orders, and Satisfaction Go raute d. ri? Main Street. LYNCHBURG, VA. 11? Commerce Sm-rr. iel2-3mo ROANOKE, VA. B. M. LINKET, SIBERT & CO. Real Estate Agents, Moo maw Block, No. 9. ? We have a fine list of property from which to select. [u location, price and terms, we 1 hope to suit all. If you have PROPERTY To sell or exchange, call. Best of references given. junl? 1m Still keep the largest assortment of HARDWARE ? In Southwest Virginia. They^have just received a iargesppulj ?OF? Lap Robes, Horse Covers Breech Loading Guns, ?A NU? I Sporting Goods. Miner's;and Railroad Supplie A Specialty. 17 and 19 Second Street, southwes HOLLINS INSTITUTE, VIRGINIA. For the higher education of young ladies, equipped at a cost of $120,000; employs 25 otlicer? and teachers, 7 of whom are male professors, of both American and European training. Languages, Literature, Science, Art, Music, Elocution, etc., are taught under best standards. For nearly a half century it has commanded public confidence "without distinction of re? ligious beliefs. 1,200 feet above sea level, and surrounded by picturesque mountain scenery, it enjoys the fur? ther advantages of mineral waters and a bracing mountain climate. At? tendance la6t session 209 from IS states. The 48th session will open September 17th. P. O. and Station, Hollins, Va. CHAS. H. C< >CKE, jy25-tf Business Manager OUBMHD? manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, and dealers in all ki jus of COOKING and HEATING STOVES, -o Plumbiug and Gas-Fitting, Roofing Spouting and Jobbing. -o 19 Salem Avenue, ROANOKE, VA an5 6m YOUNGE. Architect and Superintendent I Boanoke, Va. Room G, Didier Ruild -ittg. All classes of public smi private WcTdTttgs. Aiafotfc anterior wtrrjc, and 1 dl&oftfw T 7 Consisting of Foreign and Domestic DRESS GOODS, Ginghams, Satines, Challies, Bleached and Unbleached Cottons and Sheetings, etc. \V!LL BE OFFERED AT PRIME COS T FOE L'HE NEXT 30 DAYS Dur Remnant Conn ter is now ready i where yon can select at any Price A Wain at, Ash or Ebony >OLE GIVEN AWAY with ivery pair of Lace Curtains )Ought to the value r?f $?.oo >er pair or upwards. mmm \m ?ii! Salem avuiiue. ? A T\T-P m) '. 11 kj i '11 ? CALL AT MounrsDiamonflFroM GROCERY AND (JET } Ofe Laundry Sow For 5 Cents. n F FHE CASH GROCER 154 SALEM AVEN? THE sckigs hing ?afQ ?AND DINING ROOMS Aro now prepared to tarnish meals at POPULAR PRICES,! rti'iilo boarders can be accommodated and Will receive prompt and careful attention. STEAKS. CHOPS, AND ALL DISHES TO OilDER SERVED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. Cold Lunch Counter attached, where cold lunches are served from 3 a. m. to 12 p. id. Fish, Clams and Game in season a specialty. Fred. 17'.. bar, "DYEiNGr CLEANING and REPAIRING i'ou will save money by bringing! your dirty clothes to be cleaned or dyed and repaired to me. Ch urges* moderate. Work first class. Wa!sak9 Corner Campbell and Htnry street RnsinoVe. Va. tf CARR THE SIGN WRITER, COR jser ThTwl avenue and First street N. W. nrafJMT VIRGINIA. THURSD SELF MURDER. W. C. YOUNG SHOOTS HIMSELF FATALLY. CRASHING UR0??H HIS B3AIF Xu Known C'niiNe for the Act Demi on Itio Floor siivich ol the Nnn'M 1.1 fo? lio m i?h Married and Lonves n Wire DiMpottition of the Body. William C. Young shot and kjl ed himself in Nelson & Myers" hardware store y< sterday evening. The man entered the store at 7.:'.') o'clock and asked one of the clerks, Mr II 11. Moore, to show him a pis? tol. He looked al a number of weap? ons, and at last selected a SSHjalibre, double action Smith & Wesson. ''This suits me" he said to the clerk. "I wish yon would load it," and he reached down into his pocket for bin purse. The clerk loaded the revolver and handed it to the man whostood waiting on the other side of t lie glass case. Without a word he took it and turning away out of reach of the clerk, he raised the weapon and sent a bullet into his head jnst behind his right ear. The man wore a soft felt hat and the fatal leaden pellet on its way to the brain cut its way clearly i h rough. The man staggered and fell to the II or. the pistol dropping from his nerveless hand Mr. Moon-, t he clerk', ran from be? hind the countermand spoke to the man, but received no answer. He was alive but his whole body seemed to be paralyzed, and he could not ?peak. Physicians were summoned but it was soon discovered that the man was beyond the reach of medical aid, j end fifteen minutes alter the shot w.i> llred Young breathed his last.! The ball had penetrated the Jjrain and remained ! here. The man was dressed as a laborer and was a stranger in the city. Prom lei ter?j fo nd in t he pocket of his coat it was learned that became originally from Franklin county. In hir pocket there was found a note from his wife, who lives in Bedford, begging him to come home to her. There was also a letter from his brother. James D. Young, who resides at Roberta. Franklin county. A bottle of whis? key, a lifeoi Jesse .lames and \~> in money was also found on the person [>f the dead man. Coroner Gray was sent for after the ;ieath of.the man and decided that nn inquesl was unnecessary. The body was taken to Woolwiue's and the relatives ol the deceased will be communicated with today. It is thought thai the burial will "he at the former home of V.r. Voting, in Frank in count y. The cause of the suicide is not as , yet kn >wn. The letters found on the corpse do not give an inkling of any family trouble, and as the man had no ac luaintauces here nothing could In earned. That he had thought of ?nding his life for some time is known, however, for yesterday morn? ing he wen: into a restrurant in Itail road avenue and tried to borrow a pistol, j The suicide was a man of about &5 , md was? married man, but it ir> tin lerstood hail no children. HIESFELD LIMIT REACHED. nie Itnilronil Locomotive of Fo-Wny lias Dune ? l?< Host. In regard to the much-discussed ' picstion as to the rapidity with w ;i"h a locomotive can run, savs the Electrical lb-view, some interesting official figures have been given by Mr. Stretton, an eminent English engi? neer, showing hrielly that the highest speed ever accurately taken was with i Bristol and Exeter broad-gauge en? gine; having nine-foot wheels, ami ; which was, as long ago as 1853, of? ficially timed at a speed of just over eighty miles an hour for a chort dis? tance, this occurring in the case of a falling gradient, and with a light road. He also distinctly asserts that LiiN speed is ih- maximum that can possibly he obtained with locomotives ol tlie present type, the cause of this being, he declared, that at such a speed as that the resistance of the uir, the back pressure of the cylin? ders, and the friction altogether have become so meat that they absorb the whole power uf the engine, while the pressure on the wrong side of the pis? ton becomes doubly increased by the fact that the exhaust steam cannot be got out ol the cylinders fast enough. A 91 INDIANA EARTHQUAKE. A Stroits Upheaval of the Earth on i?u Indiana Farm. Indianapolis, Indiana, Aug. hi. Ten acres of the farm of Ihomas Habor, late representative of the beg^Iature, three miles north ot Waldon, have been destroyed for farming purposes, and great holes have been blown in the canh.^ The course ol Flat Kock creek has been turned up stream. Birds, snakes, rabbits and fish are dead, while the li.-h tire thoroughly cooked in the heated water. All this was caused by the upheaval of the waters. A big fire was blazing in the midst of the ten acies, whet: without warning the eaith belched for its llauie; yreat tree? were burled skyward, and all tue waters of Flat Kock creek were eon vet ted to foam and steam. A vast pocket ot natural gas burst forth and the scene was beautiful. The gas took fire and blazed fiercely up above the trees, and at times many feet high and continued all yesterday and last night. Today li,e reached. (ilances at utiddles borougb, Ky., and Knoxville, Tcnn., will he had on October 21st. The Focahontas coal fields and the Crip? ple (.'reek iron mine.- will In' done October 22d. Roanoke will he visited the next day, and on the following I.ii ray Cave will lie explored. Then two days will he (1.-voted to sightsee? ing ar* the National Capital. The party will then return to New York, when a trip to Niagara Falls may he inade if desired, getting back in New York Octobe2i)r.u. With this amount if time at their disposal, the visitors will be enab'ed to form a very fair idea of the value and extent of the lountry's capacity for the producl ion )f iron ami steel. Til i: VOL 3 -1 i ? 4 1.1 It. \ Snllnfitetory Account of Wlij Hie < lull Did Xol lM.-..y Here. E litor Itonnokc Tim!>. Will you kindly allow me space in .our paper to correct a wrong im iression that exists here in regard to he non-appearance of the Columbia Ythletic Baseball Club, which was idvertised to play the Koanokes a ?ho'rf time ago. 1 believe no satisfactory reason has ?een given the public lor the failure )f this club to keep its engagement, ?.ml ?s that places the Columbia Ath etic club, of which 1 am a member, in i had light, I desire to nuke the fol ow itiir statement: While the team, together with the nanager, wen- away on a trip, a nember of the club arranged with he Roanoke Baseball Clnb for a ieries of games, which fact was duly idvertised in this city. In the mean ime no word to this effect had been lent to the Columbias, the members it which arrived home from unite an extended tour one morning and were nformed that they were scheduled to day in Roanoke that day. As this ?ity is a full day's ride from Washing on. and as tin- gentlemen comprising he teanf had business interests which lemandedtheirattention.it was im? possible to play the games and the nanager of the Roauokes was so in onned by telegraph. This explanation has been made to he Roanoke management arid ac :epted as perfectly satisfactory to hem. The two clubs are now in cor ?espondence with a view to arranging t series of gam^s in the near future ind the ball-loving citizens of Roan die will no doubt soon have an op-| )ortunity of witnessing these two ?rack clubs play. Mr. Simms, manager of the <'. A. "s , informs me that he is anxious to] irrange games with any and all clubs| n this section of the country. Trusting you * Ml publish this ex danal ion I am, roars Respectfully, IlAKKV A. Co I.MAX. Tlicj- Were STol Lost at Sen. Great anxiety has been felt recently "or the whereabouts or safety of Mr. Samuel Ballantine and little daughter \nnie, of thiscity, who left, about a month ago for a visit to friends and relatives in England and Scotland. But the fears of his family and friends have ?II been pur *o flight by a letter received by Mrs. Ballantine from her liusband on Monday, descriptive of a most delightful trip across the At lantic, with but a few hours of s?a -ickness during the entire voyage. Mr. Ballantine writes that he found ill his friends in the enjoyment of ex? cellent health, and that he is spend ing a most pleasant time among them. At the date of his writing they were iihout, leaving for Scotland, their na? tive 'and. Little Annie is enjoying her? self greatly. Several parties have been Lriven by the little folks in her ffftnor, and the twelfth anniversary of her birth was celebrated by four different sociables given*by her friends. They expect to return the latter part of September. Death of John S. Staler. Yesterday afternoon Undertaker Sisler, of this city, received tele? graphic informal ion of the death of Iiis brother. Mr. John T. Sisler, at his home in Alroona, Pa. Eighteen years ago Mr. Sisler and his brother, Pavid H., finished their apprenticeship as passenger coach builders in the Penn? sylvania railroad shop in that city. From that time up until the present they have held the respective posi? tions of inside and outside foreman of the passenger work in those shops. Mr. Sisler is well hnowu by many of our citizens, who will be sorry to learn of his death. Undertaker Sisler left on the 7.05 train yesterday even? ing to attend the funeral, which will take place today. No house in the country has a higher reputation for fine pianos and organs and reasonable prices than the Hobbie Music Company, Lyneh burg, Ya. It is therefore to your in? terest to obtain from them full inior mation before buying. They never lose a customer when quality of goods and prices count for anything. Suit Postponed, Owing to the absence of important witnesses, the case of Mrs. Willie Brent, vs. J. P. Brent, in the Hustings court of this city, which had been set for yesterday, was pOBtp?nen until W?unesuay of tfextwe-ek. JST 14, is9o: ANOTHER oTiiP. THE R. & S. GUARANTEE CO. ORGANIZED. MR- SIMMONS ELCCPED PRPSIDKNT. .?n Subscriher* Oll 11??' 1.1st T?C Mnx ltu 11 nt Capital 9100,000 Mr. Scott to Male? Hie By?I.i?wa?WUo Iii? lUrco? torn Are. The stockholders of tho company formed to guarantee the Roanoke and Southern railroad right of wayand terminal facilities in the city mot last night in Gray & Bos well's office, on Jefferson street, ami elected officers, and adopted its charter. There was a large attendance. Mr. lt. E. Scott acted as chairman and Mr. Hinton Helper as secretary. The subscription list, which w> a read, showed t hat since the last meet? ing a number of add hu al nbar*-i of stock had been taken. Among the new subscribers were: .1. M. Gauibill.$250 ! William Lind. I" I .J. A H?bbs. iW Chns.Lind. 500 . A. Patte, trustee. uOO J. \V. Spindle-. 500 .1. V. Jamison. ?l) W. S. Pole. 100 Glara Head. 250 N. M. Wilmcdi. 500 C M. \V inner. 200 The total amount of stock taken t footed up 1,003 shares, and 090 were found to be present either in person or by proxy. James S. Simmons was elected president of the company, Joseph Engleby, vice president; A. \) Rice, secretary. S. D. Ferguso", treasurer. C. n'Learv, W. 11. l'ager, W. 1'. Dupuy, A. 1' ? sons an i .1 E M Haiickel Were e-S'ted as hoard o' directors. The charter oi the company, pre pared py .Mr. R. E. Scott, was then read by the secretary. It empowers tl.e company to hay, .-ell and improve land, subscribe to stock, issue bonds, etc. tt states that the principal ob? ject, however, i- to guarantee to the Virginia and .North Carolina Con? struction company right of way and terminal facilities for the Roanoke ai d Southern in Roanoke. The min? imum capital stock was lixed at $50,1 00 divided intoeharosof ijiSOeach. lr also authorized the company to hold and own as ?l?cb as 1,000 acres of land in Roanoke and elsewhere in the State. Fixing the maximum capital stock and the number of acres *?l laud to b? held caused some discussion. The maximum capital stock wa placed at $l'?0."0n \l r. H S. Tron thought that if the company was not limited to Roanoke in its operation, its charter ought to allow it to hol? as much as 5,000 acres of land if deemed desirable. One thousand acres however, was lixed as the maxi? mum limit. L. L. Powell desired to know what certainty there was that the road would come iito?the city now that the money of the company was raised. It was stated that as soon as the charter was received the company would enter into negotiations with riii- construction company. Mr. S. YV. Jamisoi moved that Mr. R. E. Scott prepare the by-laws by the next meeting, and an adjournment was then taken until Thursday, the 24th of August, when the by-laws will be adopted and final organization per? fected. BUsiXESs >, The amount of brass going into cons.' notion is enormous. The Westinghouse company has got to Pave more capital to handle its grow? ing sale.-, and the Sawyer Man com? pany will have to build a new factory. The condition of the corn crop is the depressing argument on Atchison. In the past two weeks something I like $7.(100,000 has been shaken out of I the value market of Atchison and other securities, mainly in the stock. The relative importance of this corn crop a-gument may be judged from the fact that in 18^9 corn furnished 8 per cent, of the total freight moved by the Atchison. Even a half crop this year would result in only 1 per cent. loss on the aggregate haul of freight, which is far more than otTset by increase in other departments of the road's business. An increase in the St. Paul earnings is expected for the first week in August. The United States Treasury state? ment of the total amount of money in circulation will show an increase of about s2,000,000 for the month of July. While there has been a sharp de? cline in the value of many stocks during the past ten days, there are few groups of securities which have withstood the pressure better than the Southern railroad stocks. The three prominent members of this group are Louisville and Nashville, Richmond Terminal and Norfolk and Western prefe 'red. All three are now at aboat the lo;vest point of the year, Louisville and Nashville being the erception. It is believed that these stocks are worth more attention than they receive, as the conditions are ripe to influence inrestments in South? ern properties. Eastbound shipments from Chicago last week were 58,943 tons,an increase of 5,421 tons over the correspond? ing week in 1880. Buy vour cooking stoves from M.H Jennings & Co., a?ir ?wirket honte. Ridem rtventie. f MarahaU's <3afe?The popular re? port, farntslteB ? flrtfrcffcBB .Ciftrffr ttefty from 1 to 3 for otrtfcnt*. ferffrt! P] III'I'll AXAM ONI.VATKO. Be Had no O|>|to?>lilon In the Pulnskl Convention Yesterday. Special to Tiik Times. P?laski, Va., August13.?Tin Democratic convention to nominate a candidate for the ninth district met here [today and nominated Hon. John A. Buchanan by acclamation. He was escorted to the platform amifl tremendous applause and made an able speech on the issues of the dav. The disttict was well represented, and great enthusiasm prevailed. The convention was called to order at 11,10 o'clock by Hon. S. W. Wil? liams, of Wytheville, chairman of tin district committee. Judge C. T. Dun? can, of Lee county, was elected tem? porary chairman. On taking th chair he made a stirring speech full of enthusiasm. Mr. W. S. Hamilton, of Bristol, was made temporary sec? retary. After the appointment of the usual committees the convention adjourned until 2 30 o'clock. All the counties in the district are represented. [John Alexander Buchanan, of Ab ngdon, was born October 7, 1843 ; wns a private in the Stonewall Bri gade, Confederate army; was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, and remained in prison until Feb? ruary, 1SJG? ; graduated from Kmo and Henry College, Emory, Virginia. June, 1*70 ; studied law at the Uni? versity of Virginia, 1870 and 1871 ; is an attorney at law : was a member ol the House of Delegates of Virginia from 1885 until 1887: was elected to the Fifty-first Congress as a Demo? crat, receiving 16,520 votes agi'insi 16.042 votes for Henry Bowen, Repub? lican.] KOMI) FOH KDMUXDK. The Botetonrt Democrat* Elect Dele? gates to llio Convention. FlKCASTLE, August 11.?The Dem? ocratic county convention assembled here today. The county chairman, W. A. Glasgow, after the appointment of, C. B. Cam per and T. W. Walthall as secretaries, introduced Captain J. H. H. Figgatt, who gave us an able and lluent speech on the issues of the coming campaign. The delegations were then asked to retire to their al loted rooms,where the following dele? gates and alternates we;e appointed: Amsterdam District.?Delegate ? J.