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The Roanoke times. [volume] (Roanoke, Va.) 1890-1895, December 21, 1890, Image 8

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Have opened up a large I hi 0 of new goods
specially suited for Christmas presents.
Toilet Sets.
Klegant plush cases, hand?
some plush albums at 75c, $1,
$1-75, $2-5? to $5 cacl1
Princess Alice bags
and Pocketbooks.
Soils, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls.
Bisque and indestructable
dolls all siy.es and at all prices.
Picture books, story books,
booklets, tables and easels,
toys and games.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs.
Linen and silk, hemstitched,
embroidered and initialed,
plain and bordered, from 3c to
$3.50 each.
Ladies' & Gentlemens' Umbrellas i
Hundreds to choose from,
and at low prices.
Towels and Table Linens,
Linen sets, plain, white and
fancy borders from $2.75 to $9
a set; plain white and fancy
bordered knotted finger towels
from 19c to $1.75 each.
Wholosalo nnd retail dealers in frame, stuff, flooring, siding, laths nnd nil
kinds of lumber. Call and soo u?.
Office: Didier Building, corner Jefferson St. and Third Ave.f
up stairs. novl-3m
?1 A. llUVl'UAN.
.J. A. Ul.ka.son.
Huffman, Gleason & Company.
Real Estate Brokers, near S. V. and C. it O. depots, Buona Vista, Va.
Real estate bought, sold or exchanged on Cora inhesion. Bargains always
?n hand. Parties desiring to buy will do well to call or write to us.
TRio following is a list of tbo industries BOOurod and in operation: Iron
ftornaco, completed, $:t00,(r00; pulp and paper mills, in operation, 55100,000;
saddle ami harness factory, in operation, $10,000; lire brick works, in course
at oonstructio.i, 8100,000; steam tannery, in operation, $100,000; planing mills
*nd lumber yards, in operation, $20,000; furniture and chair factory, In opera
Mon, 810,000; red brick works, in operation, $30,000; Wise wagon works, in
operation, $25,000; wire fence factory, in operation, $10,000; woolou itsi 11s,
completed, $70,000; olootrio light plot, in operation, 810,000; First National
Bank of Buona Vista, in operation, $50,000; Buona Vista Building and In?
vestment Co., Bankers, $81,000; Buena Vista Building and Improvement Co.,
$60,000; Bueua Vista Advocate and job oiTlco, in operation, $5,000; egg orato
factory, eomplotod, $00,000; Lexington Investment Co., in operation, $100,000;
"Virginia Heal Kstato Investment Co., in operation, $100,000; three livery
Siablcs, in operaWon, $10,000; engine and boiler plant, building, $300,000;
Kfctslo Stool Works, organized, $.",00,000; Hash, door and blind factory. $50,000;
ylaning mills and wood working establishment, $|oo,000; glass works, organ
2sed, $300,000; total, $?,21l,000j
What People are Doing in and
Out of Roanoke.
Licensed to wed wore granted yester?
day from the clerk's ollice to John
Meadows and Miss Ikldie Dalnwood, and
also to llr. Jofforson Kinney and Miss
Lizzie Alice Duorsen.
Wreck car 4498 has been turned over
to tbo Shonandoah Valley for service.
Fred. U. Bennett left last night for his
: homo in Catndon, where bo will spend
tho Christmas holidays.
M. V. It. Webb, late assistant secre?
tary of the Young Men's Christian As?
sociation of this city, but for the last
four months a student at Randolph
Macon Academy, Bedford City, is home
for the holidays.
Miss Ella, daughter of Captain J. H.
Trent, who is attending the Female
State Normal school at Parmville, re?
turned home yesterday evening to spend
the holiday vacation.
Capt. J. H. Hanokel, who left some
time ago with his brother for Florida, in
the hope that the trip might restore the
' hitter's health, returned to the city
yesterday evening to spend tho holidays.
Miss Emma Howard Wright and Miss
Bertha Von Hillern aro at Hotel Botn
Mr3. W. W. Coo will leave tho city to
J morrow for hor former home at Charles
town. W. Va., whero she will spend tho
Jno. P. Pettyjohn, of Lynchburg, was
in the city for a few hours yesterday,
lie is pushing rapidly forward the Bap?
tist, Church building.
Miss Robert son. who has been the
guest of tho Misses llocknday for tho
past, month, returned yesterday morn?
ing to her homo in Richmond, much to
the regrot of her numerous friends
made during her visit to tho "Magie
Alleghany Institute has suspended
for tho holidays and will roopen on the
first Monday in January.
I TIIK TIMES receives and prints tin Sly
I Ovo timoa as much tolegraxibic news as '
j uny other paper in Roanoke.
About tho V. M. C. A.
The closing cha.-acter talk (of tho
recont series which lias proven so inter?
esting) will take place this aftornoon r.t
?f o'clock in the rooms of tbo associa?
tion ovor Tin; Timks ollloo. Dr. Flippo
will talk about Jezebel, tho wife of
Abab. All men are invited.
Come up to the rooms and try a game
of ''Tiddledy Winks."
The ladies are moving. Look out for
tho new rooms after they finish with
A chess club will probably bo organ?
ized in the association during January,
it is hoped that two hundred ladies
j will join the Ladies' Auxiliary at once.
I Tbo annual dues are only $1.00. No do
I manr. worth mentioning will be made
upon them.
Do not place your orders for blank
books for 1801 until after you havo ex?
amined our work and priors. Ham?
mond's Printing Works and Book
Bindery, 110 Jetlerson street; telephone
The Popular Shopping Place of the G
We would respectfully announce that we will offer special bargains throughout our
establishment during this month, and in order to select a useful Christmas present call
before the throug of buyers make a rush and be jostled and crowded about in such a
manner that you are not half waited upon, and don't get what you are seeking for to
make the many hearts happy.
Special Bargain No. I.
Cloak Department.
Astrakan capos 83.25, 83, 33.75 and 84.
Jersey jackets $2.50, regular price 83.
Jersey jackots S3, regular prico 83.50.
Jersey jackets 83.50, regular price ?4.
Jersey jackets 85, regular prico 80
Wido wale jackots 83.50, regular price
.Wide walo jackots $4.25, rugular price
Boavor jackets 85.50. regular price 87.
Plush jackots 810, regular price
Plush coats 825. regular price 830.
Ten per cent, discount on all inlsSQS1
and children's jackots and coats.
Special Bargain No. 2.
Blanket and Comforts Dept.
11-4 California blanket $7.50, regular
?loo 88.50.
jackets 812.50, regular price
jackets 814.50, regular prico
bo 88.50.
1-4 California blanket 80.50, rogular
BO S7.50.
11-4 All-wool, guaranteed, blanket
84.75, regular price 85.50.
10-4 All-wool, guaranteed, blanket
84. regular prico $5.
10-4 All-wool, guaranteed, blanket
83.25, reg :lar prico 554.
Comforts at 75c, $1, $1.25, 81.50, 82,
82.25, 82.50 and $3.'
Special Bargain No. 3.
Dress Goods Department.
"Worsted goods, 30 inches wide, 20c
per yard, regular price 25c.
Striped flannels 20c per yard, regular
price 25c.
All-wool serges, 30 inches wide, 25c
per yard, regular price 40c.
All-wool flannels. 30 inches wide,
37}ij'c per yard, regular prico 45c.
All-wool plaids, :i<3 inches wide, 35c
por yard, regular prico 40c.
All-wool plaids, 30 inches wide, 45c
per yard, regular price 500.
All-wool bouela, 52 inches wide, 80c
per yard, regular price $1.
Broadcloths, all colors, 95c per yard.
Black silk warp Henriettas 95c per
yard, regular price $1.25.
Special Bargain No. 4.
Dress Silk Department.
Faille Francaise, all colors, $1 per
yard, regular price $1.25.
Satin lustre, black, 81.25 per yard,
regular price 81-75.
Armuro silk, black, $1 per yard, regu?
lar price 8125.
Royal silk, black, $1 per yard, regular
prico 81.25.
Notion Department.
In this department we havo so many
useful articles that it is almost im?
possible to enumerate; however, wo will
montion a few specialties: Silk hand?
kerchiefs in abundance, Initial handker?
chiefs, lace handkerchiefs, embroidered
handkerchiefs, white and oolon^d silk
mu?lers in endless varieties, kid gloves
from the cheapest to tho best.
Millinery Department.
In this department wo carry a full
line of fur and wool felt hat?, both
trimmed and untritnmcd; birds, feathers.
Wings, etc. We have made a big re?
duction in this department, and it will
pay tho ladies to call boforo making
their purchases.
42 Saiem Avenue S,
In order to havo my store remodeled for my
Spring and Summer Stock,
1 will now offer my entire stork of clothing and gents' furnishings at
Come early and get choice selection.
Bedford City Real Estate and Stocks.
Geo. L. Colgate
Agents, IB e Clifford. OIt3r, TTa,.
A nice lino of gold watches. L). L.
1). L. Solomon special agent for
Pauline Wert/, fountain pens. A lino as?
sortment, of onyx clocks and onyx tables.
If you need oranges, dates, onions
ami lomons by the box, peanuts by the
bag, sweet potatoes by tho barrel, or
bananas by the bunch, Malaga grapes
by the barrel, call at ?DKL.I. BKOTII
RRS' produce bouse, opposite City
Market. dcc5-lm
Thousands of beautiful articles suita?
ble for Christmas presents. They arc
too numerous to mention in detail, but
can be seen at the grand opening exhi?
bition of holiday goods at Smith's
Temple of Fancy. deo9to25
Christmas prosonts, grand and beauti?
ful, all the latest novel tics, can bo found
at Smith's Tom pie of Fancy. You can't
be disappointed. deo0to25
Pure sugars sold at cost at Blount's
Diamond Front, 152 Salem avenuo.
It is in vain to try to enumerate the
things exquisite and lovely. They must
be seen to be appreciated at tho Smith's
Tom pi 0 of fancy. No trouble to show
thorn. doc9to25
A full corps of gentlemanly and ac?
commodating salesmen will spare no
pains to show the lino holiday goods at
Smith's mammoth Tomplo of Fancy.
Cull and bo convinced. dec'JtoSo"
Wo bog to call your attention to a few
seasonable specialties that wo havo in
stock and are replenishing daily. Wt?
Country buckwheat flour,
Pure maple syrup,by the gal.
California honey,
Mince meat,
Condensed mince meat,
Condensed jelly,
Chocolates, Cocoa,
Gilatine, Sauces,
Catsup, Pickles, Chow chow,
Kvaporated apples,
and Nectarines.
In prreen fruits we have
Tu Country Merchants.
The special attention of country mer?
chants is called to our immense stock of
holiday goods, school books, stationery
and fancy goods of all kinds. We will
duplicate prices from Baltimore, Rich?
mond and other cities. Your patron?
age is respectfully solited at Smith's
Temple of Fancy, two doors west of
First National Bank. doc9to25
Blount, proprietor of the Diamond
Front, has been compe lled to put on an
extra delivery wagon on account of bis
arge and increasing business.
"The shirts made for me are the best
titling 1 ever wore," writes a prominent
citizen of Roanoko. Fine shirts made to
order at Roanokk Smnx Factory. H7
Salem avenue. declS-lm
Underwear made to order atRoAXOKK
Shirt Factory, H7 Salem avenue.
Twenty-flvo per cent, saved. Buy a
Keystono watch; watches direct from
the' factory, thus saving you all inter?
mediate profits. Richardson Bros.
Why pay 25 per cent, profit for a
watch when you can purchase one at
wholesale price from Ric?ardsox Bros.
agents. dto2-lm
Blount, cash grocer. 152 Salem avenue.
Diamond Front, is the plaoo to go for
fresh, staple and fancy groceries at low?
est pric? i.
and Florida oranges.
For cakes:
Currants (without stems),
and Seedless raisins,
Fine line of crackers, cakes and eon
fecl ionarios.
^Complete fitcck of staple and fanoy
and prices the lowest. Givo us a call.
1 54 Salem Avenue.
XJOTICF.?On and after Jan. 1, 1891,
iVN the rates of commission charged by
real estato agents will bo as follows:
On all sales of 83,000 and under. 5 per
cent; on all over j i,000, 3 per ormt.
By order of the Real Estate I'xohango.
L. W. TERK1LL, Secretary. dai$-im

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