Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL,. THE CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK, ROANOKE, V A. \ APITAL STOCK, - - - - 8100,000. J. B. LEVY, President. N. PARTEE, First Vico-Prosidont. WM. M. YAGER, ?. M. DICKINSON, Second Vico-Presidont. Cashier. THE CITIZENS' RANK OF ROANOKE has boon succeeded by THE CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANKofRoanokk, with a Capital stock of S100.O0O. With in? creased capital and connection"! with tho largest banks in tho United States, wo desire to say to any persons or cor? porations wishing to mako a change in their accounts, or to those opening new accounts, we will extend every accom? modation consistent with sound aud con? servative banking, promising that noth? ing reasonable will he loft undone by ns to pleaso our patrons. Wo will ap? preciate any account, largo or small, with which our friends and the public may kindly favor us. INTEREST PA ID ON TIME DE _POSITS._ J. W. Coon, C. O'Lkakv, President. Vico-Prosidont. J. C. UavknI'OHT, Cashier. CAPITAL STOCK 5100,000. Two years old May 9, 1891. SURPLUS, ?20,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, 517,000. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, It O A N O K E V A. Does a General Ranking Business. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Accounts of corporations and firms so? licited. may23-0m H. vox Hrmbkt. G. L BoiSSKVAIN. VON HEMERT & CO., BOND AND STOCK BROKERS. "Members of the Real Estate Exchange.-' ROANOKE, VA., CAMPBELL STREET, S. W. marH-0m JAPANESE: A guaranteed Cnro for Files of whatever kind or degree?Extorual, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itohing, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $100 a box; 6 boxes, $5.00. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We gnarantoe to cnro ny oas-i of Piles. Guaranteed and sold on r by Johnson & Johnson, sole agents, Roa? noko Va. jan25-ly THE SPRING is the time to cleanse your Blood by using HBO* P^Swyiebijooo the most powerful Blood Purifier known A Treatise on Disoases of the Blood with Testimo? nials, sent to any address free 1 SOLD AT ALL ORU^T^RisTlor $1.00 a bottle, or Six bottles lor $5.00, sent by express to any address on receipt of price. A. B. C. CHEMICAL CO., P.O. BOX 921. RICHMOND, VA, Dn. E. C. Wkst's Nerve and Brain treatment, f guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convultions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headacbo, Nervous Prostration catiset by the use of nlchol or-tobacco, Wakf;fu!neun, Mental De? pression. Syftenlng ot'-ho Brain result* am ing in insanity and leading to miser; PS decay and dnafb, Prenmtr-? Ohl Agi ' Barrehni'M. Loss of Pn'vov In either *pcx, Involuntary f.oss?;a and *'\>ermat orrrea cat'se l by over-exertio?. of tho brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treat? ment. ?1.00 a ho:<. of .-i.< boxes for S.'i.oo, ec r.t by mail prepai d on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX ttOXKS to cure any case. With each order re? ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with 93^00, WO will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refunnd the money it* the treatment does not effect a cure Guarantees issued on'.y by Roan? oko Dm? Co., sole agents, 24 Campbell Street, Roanoko, Va. jan25-eoly FINANCE AND COMMERCE w. u.7S? Adams.140 Amn.112 N. W.103? N. W. prof. O. & W. 15? U. S.53 O. & M. 17 Wells.140 O. & M. pref. C. C. C. & I... 58??; Pao. M. 32? N. Y. C.99? Quick. 5 N.J. C.100? [Quick pref. Ills. C.93 iHeading.29 ObioC.R. 1.70 ? Mich. C.SS?js. F. N. Pac.22MIS. F. pref. N; Pao. pref. ..'03 [Omaha.23? Con. Pac.30 |Omaha prof... 82? U. Pac.43? St. Paul. 60? Mo. l'ac.05Hi St. Paul pref. .109) j Tox. Pao. P?? S. &C. Man. El. OS? M. L. S. 73 A. it T. II.... 27 iWab. OH A.&T. H. prof. 125 Wab. pref.21 '4 Can. So.48M B. & Q. SO1* Can. Pac. 70? P. E. iSs D. I'^i C. &A. 14 Man.103 C & 0. 10 O. N. CO I), it II.125 ,<). T. I). L. .v. W_135 R. T. Denver. 15 M. & C. Erie. 18? R. Sz D. Erie pref.47?IR. & W. P- 13? K. A T.111. ?fc A. E. S.109 'N. ? 50? L. R. <& W..... 12?IE. T. 5? L. E.&W. pref 54?IB. T. pref- 50 L. & N. 70! , M. & 0. 37 M. & E..-.^_.J_ l'UODlICt; AM> MERCHANDISE. New YoitK, Juno 27. ?I Special I ? Corn lower, active; freo sellers. No. 2, 04?@05 elevator. Options declined ?.? with wheat advanced '4, and closed heavy ?@% under yesterday on lar^e receipts; Western, July, 00%; August, 58?; September, 67?. (?als dull, lower; options fairly active, weak; July. 37?; September, 32%; spot No. 2, 37@38; mixed western, 34@40. Coffee options steady, closed unchanged to 15 down, June, 17; July, 10.50; Sep? tember, 15.15@15.80; spot Rio linn, quiet. Sugar raw, lirm, quiet; refined 11 rm. active. Molasses New Orleans, quiet, steady. Rice dull, steady; do? mestic fair to extra, 5M@0?; Japan, 5?@5?f. Petroleum steady, quiet: refined, New York, (1 90((i}7 IS. Cotton seed oil quiet; crude, oil grade. 25@2U; yellow, off grade, 33@36. Rosin dull, weak; strained, common to good, 1.40@1.45. Pork" quiet, steady. Peanuts quiet. Reef steady, dull: bams quiet, Arm. Tiorccd beef quiet, strong. Cut tneats quiet, lirm. Middles steady, dull and opened weak, closed steady; Western steam, 6.25 bid; city, 5.03; July, 0.27; Sept., 0.53. Freights quiet. OVAL STOCKS. The following quotations of Roanoke and Southwest Virginia stocks aro fur? nished by Von Homert & Co., bond and stock brokers, Roanoke. Va. UANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. ? = c p i c es o i> c;? xi. 1? > cj -> o g _ t? L. .? ? m t- ~ 1. i c p.a,a,aa.^?a< Citizens Nat. Hank. 100 100 Km 103 103 ComuieroialNat. Hunk. Km urn ... 127X125 Farmers' Nat. Ilank, Salem phi urn.150 First Nat. Hank. Itoanoke IUP ... .210 luulftmlTrust Co. 100 70... 70 70 Itoanoko Savings Hank. IK Km... UK) ... Southern Nat Hank N. V... HiO 100 ... 1U"> ... LAND IMPROVEMENT and investment COMPANIES. Basic City M. 51. Je L. Co... 100 100 ... 50 50 Huena VisttiC?. Itm 100 ... tf> U? Cliainounl IjunU'o. mi ?oo ... 135 ... Centrnl luv. Co. Itoanoke... Km 1U0 ... 80 ... Central Lund Co Huelianan 100 40... 40 ... Cloverdulo Iron Jc Land Co.. MO 40... 40 ... Coloua Co., Norfolk.. 100 25... 20 ?"> CrostOn LaudCo.. Salem... 10 L'o ... :(0 ... Crystal Spring ljind Com? pany, Hoatioke. IfK) 40 ... ::C5 40 Glon Falls L'd Co., Roanoko lo M) ... 45 ... QlomnoroLand Co., Salem 10 20 ... .ri0 ... Oraliniil Land and Imp. Co. 100 Km ... 1(0 ... Grottoes Co.. Shenclun. 100 100... 75 ... Hrckman l.aml t o , Salem. V- 20 ... 50 .10 ivanhoe Lund and imp. Co. 10 20... 20 ... Janet te Land Co-, Itoanoko 10U 40... 40 ... KenovaAssociation. iou so ... uo 50 Lake Spring/ 1-and Co,, Sa? lem (pf.). 10 1?) ... 50 80 IjikcSpring Land Co (OOin) 10 20 ... 40 ... Lundsdowno Land Cu. Itoa? noke . 100 SO ... 50 ... 1.1 nwood Land Co. 100 37... 50 ... Land Co.. Itoanoke 100 100 ...1335 70 Midvale Lnnd Co.. Pulaski 100 100 ... 50 ... Norfolk Company. 100 70... SO ... Otter View Lind Co., Bed? ford City. 10 25 ... 25 ... Pierce luv. Co.. Pulaski.... 25 100 ... 108 ... Pulaski Land and Imp- Co. 100 100 ... 130 125 itndford West End Luid Co. 100 25 . ltivermont Co., I.ynehburg, Kl iui ... ?0 .00 Hadford Development Co.lOOU 100 ... LS ... Itoanoke Building Ass'n & Investment Co. 100 27 30 ... 2iU* Itoanoke Construction and Improvement Co. 100 100 700 1000 ... Itoanoko Development Co. 100 25... 21 ... Itoanoke; Devel.nnd Guar? antee Co. 100 100 ... 00 ... Itiverview Land Co., Hud ford. 100 35 ... 20X... Salem ll'l'g \-Invest. Co.... 10 i? ... ?i ... Salem Development Co. lOlOil... Ki ... Snlom Improvement Co.... lo wo ... no iuo 10 36 ... 25 . Shenandoah Investment Co. 10 30... 30 . South Salem Land Co. 10 100 ... loo . Btcclton Land Company. Sa? lem (prefei red). 10 100... 50 100 Ptcelton Land Company, Sa? lem (eommoi ) . 10 31 ... 30 30 Virginia Finance Co.. Itoan? oke. 25 100 ... 100 175 Virginia Investment Asso? ciation, 0 porcent. pre!.: I Inelu. equal 100 100 100 115 Virginia Investment Co., of Baltimore. 100 100 ... 75 Virginia Land Co.,0 per cent. preferred. 100 100 ... 100 i Virginia Land Co.,0 percent, pref. including equal ain't, com. 100 100 ... 110 Wallstreet Investment Cc Jiki Km ... km West Lynchburg Land Co.. loioo... 50 W'gt Salem Land Co. (ul'ss O 1<XI 40... 50 INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES. ; American Urldgo and lion Companv, Ko.u.oke. Km 100. Rridgewuter Carriage Co... 50 loo ... no Cold Storage Co.. Itoanoke. 100 !>0. Comas Machine Co.. Salem., loo mi ... 150 200 Graham Kurnnco Co. 11*1 100 ... 1(0 Graham Transparent Ice Co .*><) fin ... 50 Midway iron Co., Kounoke. 100 !00 ... ].J0 Old Dominion I'h'n'gr'h Co. in 50... 50 Old D'mi'ion Paper Bag Co. lee 40 ... It". Itoanoko Iron Co. 100 Km... M) led Salem Furnace Co. 100 KKl ... 75 sbenundoah KuniaceC. Km ice ... so urn Signa Iron Co. Km 35 ... 100 VirginiaH'w'gCo.,Koanoko 100 Km ... un 125 Virginiab'mb'rCo.,Graham Km Km ... Km loo W'sh'g'n Zinc Co.. Lynchli'g lo Km ... 30 ... MISCELLA NKocs STOCKS. Inter. Ci.Mreite Mach.Co.. ltn 100 ??? 100 ... Morton Heater Co. Km nm ... ms 43 Hire's Hydratdic Engine Co. Km 100... 125 125 Itoanoko UlackMarble Co.. urn 20 ... 25 ... Roanoko Gas & Water C. urn hi im km Ki Universal Electrie Hallway Signal Co., Richmond.... 20 100 ... ;>0 PONDS. Graham Furnace Co.100? 100 ... 100 The Work .Moving. Work on the Duvall Engine Works is going right along, and it is safe 1say that Manager Korte's promise to have part of the works in operation within ninety days from the beginning of the work is likely to be fulfilled. Three weeks ago to-morrow the first shovelful of dirt was turned for tho foundations. To-morrow the carpentors will com taence work, the stone and brick work on tho foundations having been about completed. There are now 1,400 feet of foundation ready, and in a short lime th? different buildings will have become It reality. ?UILDINO ASSOCIATIONS. The Iron Belt Building and Loan Association OP ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL,, 535,000,000. OFFICERS: President?Gest. FITZHUGU LEE, ox-Govornor of Virginia. 1st Vick-Presidknt ? PEYTON L. TERRY, President Roanoke Trust, Loan and Safe Deposit Co. 2d Vice President?S. W. JAMISON, Secretary and treasurer Roanoke Trust, Loan and Safo Deposit Co. Secretary?JOHN OTT, lato Cashier City Rank of Richmond. Treasurer?J, C. DAVENPORT, Cash? ier Commercial National Rank, Roa? noko, Va. General Counsel?lion. C. A. Mo HUGH, Counsellor-at-Law, lato ol Charleston, S. C. General Manager op Agencies?D P.. JESSE, lato of Lexington, Ky. General Trustee?Hon. HENRY S. TROUT, President First National Rank, Roanoke, Va. Designated Depository ? Roanoko Trust, Loan and Safo Deposit Company. 1. INSTALLMENT STOCK. ? Mem? bership fee, si per share, which carries the stock the first month, after that tho monthly dues are 00 cents per share. 2. PAID UP INTEREST HEARING STOCK.?330 per share (par value, $100), yielding a dividend, payablo semi-an nually, January 1, and July 1, of 6 per cent, per annum, which is duly remitted by check to tho shareholder. 3. The stock is expected to mature in seven years from dato of each series re? spectively, tho samo being issued monthly. 4. There is no investment anywhere safer or rnoro profitable than its stock. With tho assets of tho Association in? vested in first mortgages on improvtd town real estate, duly insured for the benefit of tho Association, on a basis not exceeding 50 per cent, of its value, as ascertained by appraisers who are themselves stockholders of tho Associ? ation, while tho debt of the member borrowing is being curtailed every month of its e> istence, it is difficult to conceivo of a safer investment than its stock alfords to the prudent investor. Apply at Home OUlce, 110 Jellerson street, or to JAMES R. TERRY, or to SIMMONS. CARPENTER ,t TINSLEY, Roanoke, Va._ A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT. We offer the best security in tho city and pay semi-annual dividends. AS A SAVINGS RA NK this institution olfors special induce? ments. Paid up shares 850 each. In? stallment shares SI per month. Shares may be subscribed for at any time. For further information addres THE PEOPLE'S PERPETUAL LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. WM. F. WINCH, Secretary, and Treasurce. Masonic Temple. To the Public! TRY THE WANT COLUMNS OF Tie Roanoke Times 4 o H ANYTHING ?AT? ANY TIME ?IN? ROANOKE, Southwest Virginia -AND? Southern W. Virginia. TRUSTEE'S SALES. rpRTJSTEB'8 SALE?n\" VIRTUE OF A I X deed oI trust executed tonic by tho ltoan- | oko Development und Uuarantcc Company. I dated 1Mb day of Novciulicr, ltW.mid recorded on tht>23th day or April, 1??1, In deed bonk No. ii".', i>age No. 35'.', In the clerk's olllce or the I Hustings Court oI the city ot Rounoke. Va , to j secure to the Uoauoke Land and improvement Cotnpnry the payment or tho sum ot {31,803.60, os evidenced by four certain bonds, executed bythosnld Koanoke Development and Guar nntee Company. licariiK even date with tho Bald deed of trust and payable ns follows, to wit: , , $4,315.04, ptivablc In seven (7) month* from date: j-'.i.-'tS.tE.' at the end of one year from date: , $'.?.:;l."i.ft: at the end of two years from dato; $0 215.62at the end of three year? from date, with interest on till Of tlie said Installments from dato at tho rate of o por centum per an? num, payable upon the tirst installment on the date tho'snld lustttlllUOUt becomes <iti" an I on the other installments annually: an 1 tlefnult having been made In tho payment of the ilrst of said bonds awl Its inietc-I. und being TO quired so to do by the bcnoncUry un ter this ?Kid. I shall offer for sale at public auction, t;> the highest bidder, in front Of the courthouso. In the city <?! Itoanoke. Vn.,on MONDAY, the srril lj.wor july.iku, at km., the following descrlbod tracts or lots i?f l?nd lying and being in the city of Itoanoke ned statt.' oi Virginia, descriued und bounded as follows, to-wit: Tract No. 1?Rcgtnniogat thosouthwesi cor? ner of Mountain and Wheat streets, theneo along Wheat street tho following -even courses: South Mdogrooa 50 minute* west. 305.47 feet; south 4S dogives 45 minutes west. ?3.0 feet; south59 deKrecs.v: minutes west,310.83 tect; south SI degrees BS minutes west. I >VM* rcct; south 20 degrees '.' nib Utes east. 221.68 feet; south SSO degrees ->7 minutes cut, 62.21 loot; south 10degrees west,460 fict to a p-mit s null of u road: theneo south 74 degrees, cast 313 00 fei t to a point on bank of Itoanoke river: thence along same south :si degrees o uilnutei West, 420.1 feet to tt point Oll n rtll line ex? tended eastward!}" oi laud deeded to the Itoim oke lbiek and Improvement Company i>> Koanoke Und and Improvement Loin pan y; thence along line.- of Itoanoke Urlok and Im? provement Company the following three courses: North 71 dogrecs 17 minutes, west :t:ii 22 loot, passing through n true corner of Koatioko brick and Improvement Cotnpauy at IctirJ feet: south Vt degrees 48 iniautes, west r.<t feet; south 74 degrees IT minutes, cosi I7.i.:it foot ton point on bank of Itoanoke river thence following *bo river the following el.uht courses: South ?>> degrees 38 neuntes, west 98.13 foot; gouth 42 degrees 39 minutes, west 180.35 feet; south 38 degrees 80 uduutes, west 1?7.73 feet; south 30 dean us 80 minutes, west 808.01 root: south 18degrees, west 101.43 feet; south2degrees,cost ttsi.01 feet: south 22 de? grees 3J iiunu is. west 631.31 feet; south ;>.i de? grees 13 minutes, west lo*.l'-.' feet to a po.nt on a lino parallel to und 18.0 feet at right angles east ot a line through the water valves located one near the river and the other near und north of Spruce street: thence nlotiir a line purultcl touud ls.s feet at right arglescilSt iff a lino drawn through thoabovo-nionttonod water valves north la degrees 24 minutes, east 3,fcS8.73 feet to a point: thence north 15 degrees 51 mln liutcs, oust 851.(i7 fi et to a point on south lino of Mountain street; thence along same south S'-' degrees B2 ininute?, east 4 s.71 foot to the place of beginning, containing 20.38 acres ex elusive ot the hind occupied by Walnut,Spruce and Wheat streets and road. Tract No. 2.?lleginning at n point on the Sviuth lino of Mountain Street where the same is crossed by a Hue parallel to and :n> icct at right HUglca west of center line ot the ltouuoko .V Southein railroad, as now located; tlioneo along Mountain street south OSdegrees "i~ min? utes, oust V.i.Ul feet to a point: thence south 15 degrees ?4 minutes, west 167.75 t- ot ton point: thence along a line parallel to and :<0 feet m right angles west of center lineof Itoanoke & Southern railroad north 5 degrees :tl minutes, west 160.70 foot to tho plac< of beginning, con taiuing 1,001 square feet, being the same land convoyed to the itoanoke Development ur.d Cuarautco Company by tho Koutioke band and Improvement Company by dee 1 bearing date on tho 15th of Novombor. 1814), TERMS: Cash us to enough to defray ex? pense* of executing this trust. Including u trustee".* commission, and to discharge the lust bond of #4,216.04.with interest thereon fiom tho 15th duyol November. 1800, Until paid, at the rate of six per eontuin per annum, und the balance to be made payable ut such tunes as thu said retraining bends shall become duo and payable, to be properly secured. The res? idue, ii any, shall bo made payable ut such time or times as the trusti c shall think lit. and shull be announced oil the duv of sale. JO? SEPH I. DOIiAN, Trustee. rpiHTSTEE'S SALE?Ry virtue of a deed of A trust executed to me, a* trustee, by M . T. C. Jordan, dated on the ftth day of April. 1800, und rendered in the clerk's olnce of the Hus? tings Court,'of the city of Itoanoke, deed book 30, page 12, to secure to the West K.nd I.imd Company $l,0Q0.t0. payable in two cum annual Installments of ?5ou.00 oaeli, with Interest at the ran? or ti per cent, per annum, as evidence i by two certain negotiable notes of even dat. herewith ot the party of tho first part, payable to the West Kml Land Company In one and two years afterdate. And whereas default has been made in the payment o the first above mentioned note, ucd ut the request of ih< bent - ticiury so to do, I will otter for sale at public unction, on Kit I DAY. THE 31371' DAY OK JULY. 1801, AT 12 O'CLOCK, In front of the courthouse of tho cltj of of Koanoke. the fol? lowing described property, to wit: Those throe certain lot* or parcels of land situated in the city of Itoanoke, l'a., known us lots Si, 10, an<l II, block 10, u* shown by the mnp of tho West End Lind Company. TERMS: Cash sntlicicni ro pay cost of the sale and take up past due note of P500.00, with interest from the 6th day of A'nil. 1400, tho purchaser to assume one note ol ? MUM due on the?tbduvof April. 1802, with Interest from the Mb day of April. 1880. balance on such terms us will bo made known on the day of the sule. II. s. Tltoi' I'. Trustee. Junc28-4tawtds rpitUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUARLE BU8I JL ness property in Koanoke citj. under un I by Virtue of udeed <if trust, dated the I Ith day of May, 1809,? xeeuted by the King liivesttmnt Company to the undersigned trustee. to secure to J.J. Hurley tue payment of certain notes InsalddeOd of trust mentioned, and default having occurred in the pay nent of one of said notes, and, ut the request of the beneficiary, I i will sell, ut public auction, to tl o highest bid der, in front cd'I ho premises at P.'O'CLOOK Si ONTHE18TII DAY OF JULY. 1801, all thai certain parcel of land lying In the city of Koa? noke, V'tt., and described OS follows: lleginning'nt u point on the south side ol Cnmplicll street 225 feet east of Jefferson street; thence with Campbell street south s> degrees oast 25 feet ton point: theneo so ith 2 device* wost200 feet t.. an alley i Kirk rlroit): ' thence with said alley north SS degrees wcsl 26 feet to a point; theneo north Sdcgrves cast -.'ut 1 fei't to place of beginning, knowt u* lot No. I3S ward 5, according to tho map of tue Itounokt Lund und Improvement Company. TKIIMS OF SALE: Cash u- to f3,785; as tc |2,:t3UJI3 and interest thereon liom the ll'h day Ol May, 1800, on the Hth day of May. 1*02: . as to ?1.000 and interest thereon from the 3.'tli day of June, 1800, on tho Soth day of June 1302;as to *OO8.O0 with Interest thereon from tho 4th of August. 1800. on f ho ith of A,!L'ti-t. ' 1801, sndas to 1*08300 with Interest Ihereoti from the Ith day Of A tarnst, I8SI0, on iho Ith Ouy Ol August, Is".', and the residue in.und I two years from dale of sale with Illterosl fr 'ii date of sale. Til OS. tV. MILLER, junel3 tds Trusteo. of burl t: oi Sraped, and roues, bh>'<'<ids eu>. apr2\i-3m $500 Reward ! WEwllI pay tbenboTo rcw.-ti I for ?ny ears of l.Wtf Compf?iut. Dys|iepsla,Sick llcadaobo, IndlffMtlon. Can ftipa'.Inn or C"!,t.voiu-.. ,.i> ruan-t run- v ith WVtt'J VegetableLlTcrPill?,wben tt..- directions arestrleU] complied ?.'tli. They ? ??? pnrely Vegetable, and nrvor fall to give satisfaction. Bug r<\. Larva boxes, rontaintnit SSI1II?, M ? .-ni - Bewaro <-f counterfaltf ?nii latltallon* Tba iteuulne innnufHrturcd caij L/ THE JOI1? C V I.- . C HI' X'. . CIIICAUO.".*.. iso .>.,.? te Drug Co.. 21 Camp bell street. Jan2">-eoly TRUSTEES* SALES. -f TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE? Uy virtue of a lieod of trust oscccuted to mo on tho 1st of November, lssn.of record in Koanokoclty, deed book'il, pago 2,.HS. by John B. Moscley, I shall ont'iiSM) DAY OK JULY. 1891, on the premises, at 12 M. ofisald day. sell at public auction to the hlgh ost bidder tho following tot of land In Roanoko city, Va., with the dwelling house and other Improvements thereon, described as follows: it being lot N'o. 7. section U. according to the map of the lands of the Lewis Addition to said city. Fronting V? feet on south side of Kim street west or Franklin Road an 1 running Pack Ina southern direction 1*? feet to an alley. This land Is sold Ht the request of the bonoflc lary in said deed in default of the payment of two notes of :*?-> each executed November 1, lsst?. and due on the 1st of September. IM?.?, and the Ut d*y of October. IS'.*.?, respectively, with Interctt from date of their execution. The amount of debt secured by said deed of trust, is $1.-'tie. evidenced by seventy-two notes Of s2-"> euch with interest froth the dato of said notes. The tlrst of said series or notes lx com? ing due on the llr^t day of December, IStfl, and one en Oral day of each month thereafter, un? til all are paid: p.nd said deed of trust provides that in case of a sale thereunder, sufficient cnsll shall be requin d to meet the past due and unpaid notes and the costs cd' executing tho trust, an 1 the re.;! lue (If the purchase money bo Blllnolont then tor> shall be made payalde at such time or times as said remaining notes will become cue; the pavment of which shall Ih> properly secured: an 1 if after this there still be a residue of said purchase money, the same shall bo made payable at such time as the gran? tor or his assignee Shall direct, or as the trustee shall think proper, incase of failure to give such direction. TERMS. This land will bo sold upon the foregoing terms and the grantor or his as? signees in sai l deed of trust having failed to give any directions to tho trustee, as to win n thorcsWUOof the purchase money after p.iy* itig the debt secured on the deed of trust and the costs (If there be any such residue.)shall be payable The trustee hereby advertises that such residue shall tie made payable In two years from dato of sale, and that all deferred pa? meets shall be evidenced by negotiable notes st cured by deed of trust upon the prop? erty, bearing Interest from date. j. a. nrrrv, junc3-tds Tr;:<t e. rpitUSTEE'S SALE- ItY VIRTUE OF A L deed of trust da tod tho 8th day of June. l.-?. and ol record In the clerk's of the Hustings Court for tho city of Itoanoko, Vs., f:i dec 1 book :?7. pace :?:?. ?? which William li. Ferguson..). M. Watt3, and John Coon, of Cave Spring. Itoanoko county, Va., conveyed to the undersigned trustee, certain ivul estate In the city of Koanoke. Va.. therein described, intrust to secure to C. W. C. Woolwtno the payment of the sum ol s I.:i.n.:>2. evidenced by certain negotiable notes therein described, with interest, and whereas default has been made in the payment of one of said notes, at the request ol the beneficiary 1 will oiler for sale ut public auction, in 1 ront of the court house. ON MONDAY, JULY 27TH, 1801, at 11 o'clock a. in., all that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the ?Ity of Itoanoko, Va., bounded and described us follows: f?licgimiing at a point on the south side of Sllleillavenue .Yi foot WOSt Of Taylor street; thence south 1:! degrees. :M minutes west 200 feet to Rarer avenue: thence north 77 degrees IfJ minutes, west .MJ feet to a point: tlunee north 12 degrees 80 minutes, east 200 ft et to Sulem nvenue: thcnec with Salem avenue south 77 degrees :>.l minutes east .*>0 feet to the place of beginning, with the appurtenances thereto belonging. TERMS OF SALE.?Cash sufficient to pay one note for M00.00 with inter, st from the ,?iih day ol June lsini, und the cost of this sale, the purchaser to assume the payment of tho se? cured noto of ?0U6.0tt with interest from June fi, 1800. Ilalanco if any, payable on such terms as may bo made known on the day of sale. A deposit of ?100 cash will he required ot the time of sale, and a deed of trust will be taken to si cure deterred payments. rush it. nv.itit. juneStl tds Trustee. rpitUSTEE'S SALB?lly vtrturc of a deed of L trust executed to me by M. E. Tavunner audJ. V.Tavennor,dated Docimher 21, IStMi. und of record in the clerk's olHco of the Hus? tings Court for the city of Koanoke. Va., In deed book 27. page HI. to secure to.l. Thomas Cibsoii the payment of the sum of three hun? dred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-Um o and a half cents, evidenced by two certain negotiable notes, dated December St, 1850, und payable in one and two years rcpcctively from December-1, 1880, each of which notes is for the sum ol one hundred und sixty-six dol? lars and sixty-six and two-thirds cunts, with interest from date until paid, and default hav? ing been niado In the payment of tho Hist of said notes, and its Interest falling due on December21, ISO, and in lug roqulrcd to da so by L. L. 1'owcll, assignee of ?i. ThoniasGibson, [ I shall sell at public unction to the highest bid ' der, upon the property, 111 the clt vof ltoanoke. V?., on THURSDAY, THE BTH DAY OF JULY, 1801, AT 12 M., the following described lot of land, to wit: lieginnlng at a point lot) feet east from the northeast corne r of Grove and Klin streets: thence IIKI reel north to an alley: thoticc with said alley cast AO foot to a point: thence south i'M feet to F.lm Btrcol tliouec 20 feet to place of beginning, known as lot No. hi, ol section 8, of the map of tho Lewis addition to said city. TERMS: Cash sullleient to pay costs of exe? cuting this trucl and to discharge the amount of money then due and payable upon tho said notes, which latter will be about one hundred and eighty dollars, the llrst deferred payment to fall due und payable on tho 21st day of December, 1801, and tobe for an amount BUlKclontto pay olT the second of tho abOVO notes for one luindood and sixty-six dollars and sixty Six and two-thirds cents with inter? est thereon from Docombei 21,1880. and the balance payable in two equal annual install? ments, with interest tin renn at tho ratoof 0 per cent, per annum, to one und two yours from day ot sale. All deferred payments to Ik> evidenced by nogotiablo notes of the purchaser and secured by deed of trust. junoO-tdS. J C. DAY EN POUT, Trustee. The above debt has been assumed by Bllbsc incnt pur, hirers J. V. TA VENN ER. ?"pitUSTKE'S SALE, -lly virtue of adootl of .1 trust executed to mo by T. W. Spindle, J. H. Sublett and W. M. Howard, dated February 7th. 18H0, and of record in tht o crk's otlluoof the Hustings Court for tllOCityof Koanoke, Va., In deed book 81, page MM*, to secure to II. II. C'OOke, trustee, the payment ol the sum of eighteen hundred and seventy live dollars, (tfl.H7.Vl0i evidenced by two eertiilr negotiable notes, datod Fehl Ulli y 7th. 1803, and pit) able in one and two years respectfully from dale, each of which notes is for the sum of nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars and lllty cents with interest from date until paid, and default having been made in the ptyincitt of the Hist of said notes and Its Interest, which fi II due February 7th. 1890, an 1 being required so to do by li. n Cooko, trustee, I shall soil at public auction to the highest bidder. In trout nf tho courthouse In tho elty of Itoanoko, Vir? ginia, on I'll I MAY. THH2?nrll DA V OF J (" N B, is'.d. AT 12 O'CLOCK, M. the following do scribed lots ol wit: Lots Nos. 1.2, ;i. t.... n, 7,8, II and 10 of section fi of what is known as the Rogers. Fairfax and Houston addition of the city of Koanoke, Virginia, being the same property convoyed to tho said SplitdU . Sllblctl and Howard by II. II. Coke, by d< ed bearing <b*te February 7lh, i-tlS< s int. coininis the lirst note above mi ntione.l of 9KI7.50 with InteroH thereon from (hoTill day of February, IsiiO, until paid; the lirsl deterred payment to fall dm-and payaide >n tho 7th day of Febru? ary, 1802, and tc be iran amount sulllotonl to paV oil the seeon . of tbo aliove notes, for ?i,;.i7.."i'? with interest thereon from February ".t'n. 1800. until paid, end tho balance payable In two I filial annual instalments, with interest thereon from dtj of sale at the rate of six per cent, per annum. All dof< rred nay nients (o be evidenced by tlOgot able tioti sot the purchaser and secured by deed of trust on the proivrty bought by him. J.C. DAVENPORT, ii!iiv.'i-toJuly7 Trustee. Tltlsi le has I ecu postpone! till Tuesday, .in y . I 91. l.-'.O. rf, TERMS: ('ash onA h to defray expense* of executing this tru* including live percent, commission to tin- Yfusteo, and to discharge 1TRUSTEE'S SALE. -Ity Virtue of a deed of tmsi dated Ihotttheayof Jaiiuury, 1880, and i < i ordc I in the eler 'a ?>?! CO of the city of itoa n e in deed hook ill, pago -'II, from T. li. fori'i io the undorslgnol, default having been ma le in the b ints of said deed, und Udtig required so to iloby Iho lienetlclary in >nld deed, the Itoanoko lluildlug and Invest* menl to.l will,on TUESDAY THE 30TH DAY OF .1 UN B, 1801, AT 12 O'i Link NOON o'er for Mile in I rout of tho courthouse in Itoanoko olty at public auction tho following li ? i bed rurcel of Ian I: it rinnltigtn Iho smith side of Wise street, 70 le t west of I'icasants ?. t, th. n -e south 17 degr es20 minutes cast l2?)fcct tonn alley, then ? tonth 7Hdegrees 08 minulos weal 10 foot tea ;? hit, ilionca north i". degrees 20 minutes west I2ti feel to Wise s.trc* t, flu neo wlthWIse -in. i m rtli 7". degree s 08 minutes east 10 fei t t.. >??. i,. ginning. TERMS OF SALE.-Cash is lo tho cost of sole md tho sum ol i l I.KJ and as loth? sum ol 9l.lWQ.tM In monthly Installments of 120, V an l t'u residue, unie-- differently unnouncl I r?n titodar<*f sale, in one and two years wltn Interest front da) "f sale. Deferred payment* to tic secured bj dve*3 of irut. _ m?y27 tds LU( I EN ll.COCKB. Trustee. TRTJSTBJBS' SALES. TRUSTEE'S SALE-By virtue of a deed of trust executed toiue as trustee by M.T O. Jordan, dated the 23rd diiy of Jnn.. 1800, and recorded in the clerk's office of tho Hint? ing Court. 01? the city of Uoauokc. deed boot" 10; page 4.HJ, to secure t<i tho Wist End Land1 Co.. $331.32, payat'Ie in two oqual annucl in stallmcnts of $101.(W <ach, with interest from the23rd Of Jan.. IST?, and payntdo In ore and two years from above ditto. And, whereas, de? fault had been made In the payment of tho llrst of the al'ove mentioned notes, and at the request of the beneficiary so to do, I will offer for sale at public auction on Kit! DA Y, THE 3IST DA V OF JULY, ls-.o. AT 12 O'CLOCK, in front of the courthouse of Uoanoke city the following described propi rty, to wit: All flint certain parcel of land situated In the city of It anoke. Vs., and known as lot 4. block 8, us shown by the map of the West End Land Co. TERMS: Cash sufficient to pay cost of tho sale und lake up the past due note of .-;u;y*;, with interest bom the 28rddayof dun., mix), the purchasi r to assume one note of like amount due the 83rd day of Jan., 1802, wtth In? terest from the23rd of Jan.. 1893; the balance on such terms a- may be made known on tho davof sale. Ii. S. TltOUT, Trustee. Jtu e.s. Itawtds, rrtRtTSTEE'8 SALE-By virtue of a deed of T trust executed tome us trustee, by Juno and William Donaldson, dated on the Bxh day of May, 1893, and recorded in flu clerk's otlico of the Hustings Court, of the city of Koutioke. deed book 38, psjri ?77, to secure to Lelpsobla Lcvine the payment of the sum of ti'7i.i3. pay? able in one an 1 two years, equal installments, with interest from date, evidenced by the nego? tiable notes of the parties of the first part for ^ist.71 each; Mi l whereas deiuult has beon made In thepayiaenl of thoflrstof the above mentioned notes, and being requested by tho beneficiary so to do, l will offer at public auc? tion on the 2Mh day of July, l-'.d. at 1J o'clock, on the premises, thi following pro|K rty to wit: That certain house an 1 lot in the city of Uoan? oke. Va., bounded bi l described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwest corner ot Henry and Kirk strci Is: thence with Henry stn ct south 10 feet tu the 'ine or .lohn Eugloby; thence with said line west 120 feet to the lino of John and Joseph Engleby; thonco with said line north 10 feet to Kirk Street; 1 hence with : Kirk street easi 120 feet to Hcury street, tho plttci of beginning, TERMS: Cn?h sufficient tojeovor tho cost of the sale und to paj one noto Of $W7.7I with interest from the Oth day of May. 1800, until paid. The purchaser to assume one note of $487.71, duo May Mh, 1802, with interest from May 0th, 1899. Tiiis property Is sold subject to a prior lion $1.410.00, upon which $750.00 has bom paid. 1 June2C-3taw It. S. TltOUT, Trustee. 1 rpitUSTBE? SALE OF PERSONAL PHOP I 1 erty? Uy virtue of adecdof trust executed, to me by A.D. Englodovc. date 1 February 1801. recorded in tho clerk's olhce of the lfusr I tings Court for the city of Uoanoke. Va., in ! deed book 58, page 80,to secure to the Koauoko ' Has and Water Company the payment of tho sum of $144.20 payable in four cqua.1 monthly i Instalment* from dato of $30.05 ouch, and hav I ing been required so to do by tho beneficiary 1 undor this deed, I shall offer for sale, at public auction, to tho highest bidder in front of tho ' Exchange Building, on the southeast corner of Salem avenue und Jefferson street, in the eit.v of Uoanoke, Va., on TUESDAY, THE ITH DAY OF JULY, 1801, AT I- O'CLOCK M.,the? following personal property, to wit: One cer? tain bar counter, together with arge mirrors used at back of said bar, a sideboard, being a portion of said bur. n lunch counter, a show? case, two chandeliers, a stove pipe and boiler, two chairs and four stinils and also a stove and cooking utensils. This is tho property used by suid Bmrlcdovc at date of said deed of trust in conducting a bur restuurunt in said Ex? change Ititt ding. TERMS: Cash a* to enough to defray the c.v ivjnscs of executing this trust, including a trustee'* commission of the per centum, and to discharge money due Slid KoailOkO Otts and Water Company, amounting to $108.18, balance payable upon such terms as shall bo made known on dav of sah'. EDWARD W. ROBERTSON. Juno23-2wks Trustee rpitUS'f EE'S SALE.?By virtue of a certain L deed of trust executed to me us trustee by Georg? <\ Moomaw, dated the 25th day of April. 18e0,and ot record in the clerk's OtfiOQ OS tin-Hustings Court tor the city of Uounoku., Va.,In deed book31, page 160, in oust to io ouro to J. J. Feather and J. w. iio*well the - puymetit of the sum of f200,ptiyabloInonoyear from tho 2Mb day of April, 1800, a.* ? vldeuevd by two certain negotiable notes of $100 rauh drawn by George C. Moomaw, aud one of said notes payable to J. J. Feather and the other one payable to.I. W. Iloswell, und vvheroasde? fault having been made In the naynu nt oi tho one payul le to J. W. the r. qucst of the hohler thereof, the uuilorstgncd as trustee* will sell in front of the premises to the highest bidder at public unction on MOX 1 >.\ Y. '. It /.' u ril DAY OF .1 U LY, 1801, AT 12 O'CLOCK 31... that certain lot or parcel of land lying und tiu Ing In the city of Rounoke, Yu.. on lite south side of Mountain streef,bounded nildd scribvd u.* follows, to wit : Beginning at a point on tho south side of Mountain street 188 fe t wosl of Ronuoko street an l running thonco souiii 1 degree* l.'i minutes east 150 feet to an all.'}", thonco with suid 11 ley south sv degrees, IS) minuter west 10 fepl <*' u point) thence north I degree. 4"> minutes west 150 feet to Mountain stnvit; thence with Mountain stroot north 88dogroC8, 90 minutes cast 40 feet to the place of begin? ning, togothor with ull tho apptirtonancoa thereto belonging. TERMS Cash Bufllolont to pny cost of this; sale, und to pay off past due note and charges thoreon, the sum of $400.00 payable on the 22nd day of February 18112, with interest from the "-'nil dny of February, 1800,andXlu residue if any on such terms as will he announced mi daj of the sale. H. II, G It A Y, Trustee I havo8o!d this lot und tho noto referred tt> abovo was assumed by my purchaser. JuncU-t.-ls ?EO. O. MOOMAW. rpRUSTEE'S SALB OF VALUABLE l'EOF -L orty Ilv virtue ol a deed of trust executed to me by II. w. Bottenberg. Juno 10, 1890, and recorded in tho clerk's otneo of Hie Hustings Court, at Uoanoke oily, Septombor --. 18W, to secure to W. S. Gooch the payment of a cer? tain sum therein mentioned upon the property theyby conveyed, said Bottenberg being in do fault in oueot said payments, und T. I.. Handy .v Sons. who assumed the payment of tho same, being also in default and having tu en re? quested by the bonollclary so to do, I will otter tor sale, in front of the premises, at public auction, ut noon, on SATURDAY, THE Is lTl DAY OF JULY. 1891, the following described proporty: Beginning nta point on the north , si.le Ol Kiln street (Eighth BVomtO) U>1 feet west of Honry street, thettco with Elm street south. 89 dugvocs west, tc s fool to a point; thence north, 30 degrees west, i40 foot to an alley: thence north.88degrees east, tos foot 1 ton point; thence south 30 degrees oust, 149 1 foot to tiii- beginning. 'I'hls is an unpurallod onp irtunity to secure a nice residence, pleasantly situated and with all conveniences and Improvements. THUMS: Cash ?utlloiont to pay costs ol siie and execution of trust, with amount then due say. $700. Assumption of following payments: 'l hrve note* of $JD0.2S each, du: rvspocl t'oly In twoand thrco yours, from .'urn- 10, I*.?'. with Interest,and about $1,500 due in monthly payments, at $40. ?0 Homo lluildlng und Loan Association. Hal unce. if uny. to bo paid on terms announce 1 .;t sale. O. A. VAIDEN,Trustee. 1 Uoanoke, Va., Juno 10,1891. JunotOtds rpitl's PEE'S SA LE -By virtue of a deed ol 1 trust executed to me by C. i>. Murray,, dated December 21, 1880, and of roconl In Hut clerk's otlico of tho Hustings Court for the olty of Uoanoke, Virginia. In deed book ^7, pages to secure to.1. Thomas Gibson the payment of thd sum of three hundrod and thirty thrco dollars and thirty thrco and one third cents, evidenced by two certain nego? tiable notes dated December 31, I88O, and Pay ablein one and two year* respectively from December21. 1880, caolinf which note* Is fot the sum of one liundro l an i sixty-six dollars and slxtj six and twotniria cents with Inter? est from date until paid, and default having been ma lo In the payment of the first of *.u ? note*and Its interest Pilling duo Deoetnlior "it. 1800, and biing roquSrcd *o tu t.y 1.. L. Powell, assignee of J. Th ?em* Oil son, I *'eiil sellat public unction to tho hiithest bidder upon the propertv In the city of Itoutioke, Va., Till USD AY. THE Ot'H OF JULY. 1801. AT 12 >(.. tho following described lot of land, to wit: Boginnlnw' at anoint 151) font east from the northeast corner of Orvvo and Elm streets, thence 130 feet, north to an alloy, tin nee with suid alley cast 50 1 -i: to a point, thence south I'M feel to lilui street, thence W iet-I to place of bog nt.iti--. known as lot No. 17of section S. of th ? tu.?;? of tlie I . ?vi* A Idltlou to city, TEUMS: Cash sulllelenf to ray costs oS executing this iru*t and to discharge lbs? amount of money then duo and payable n;>i>r^ the sui 1 tone.*, which latter will bo about< .? hundred and eight}' dollars: the Urs,! imymeut to ta t due und |Miyablo ontho21sl ol Dceouv bor. l*'M. and to bo for an amount stullelont 1? pay off tho second of the atiove notes lorono hundred and sixty-six dollar* and slvty-slx and two ? hires cents with intoresl thereon, from Docemltor 21, IMM, und the balance pu> able In two annual Instalments wlih Interosr. te.euon at tho ni'e ofO percent, per hiuiu nJ In one and two year* from y >l sale. .'<'i doferrei payments to bo evtlemsil by !) ?-? ituhli notes of tie purehaso' and seotirod bjj deed of trust. Jf. DAVENIH1UT, juno9-tds itustee.