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THE TIMES. EVERY MORNING. EXCEPT ROANOKE TIMES PUBLISHING CO., Publishers and Proprietor*. TIMES BUILDING, 12J CAMPBELL AVBNUE 8. W. TERMS, BY MAIL. (Postage Prepaid.) Pally, one month.* ?50 ? three months ... ? ? six months jj-w ? one year -.?-w All papers sent ontot th city must be paid ;tor ^variably In sdvence. TELEPHONE NUMBER 124. The Timks is delivered in Roanoke, Saicm and Vlnton every morning by carriers for 60 cents per month. THE WEEKLY TIMES Tns Wekkly Times, containing tue news of toe-week In a more condensed form, one year, fcl.OO In advance. Advertising rates made known on application. items of newa, communications, etc., should bo addressed to tho Editor of TnE Tuns. Remrttances, by express, money-order, rcgls tered letter, check, or draft, should be addressed and made'payable to Roanoke Times Publishing Company. Entered at the postofflce at Roanoke as eecond lftes matter. THE! times can De touno regularly on ale at the fbUowlng placets: Roanoke, Va.?Hotels Roanoke and Ponce de Laon, M. L>. Bmlth, W. Frank Csrr, Terry Building-, Elks' News stand, ?84 Salem Avenue, R. Goldstein, Jefferson street. Bristol, Tonu. Humner and Sullivan. Pocahontas, Va.?PocahontaB Inn. Radford, Va.?Radlord News Depot. East Radford, Vs.?Radford News Depot. Balem, Va.?P. A. Iiove'ock, WythevUle, Va.?B. H. Bailey. Norfolk and Western trains. Bowell'a American Newspaper Direc? tory (or 1891 pots the circulation of TUB ?OANOKB TIMKS above that of any tilber paper In South-west Virginia, and at score than that of all the other papers of JRssnoke combined. BOANOKE, VA.. NOVEMBER 11?, 1893. As had been anticipated Admiral Mello's revolutionary tactics against President Peixto at Rio de Janeiro were but a mask to cover his real purpose cf replacing an emperor over the Brazilian people. In this he has not the sympathy of tho United States. It seems from the lateBt report from Hawaii that all iB quiet and peaceful, where it had been foared war and riot might have occurred within the time of departure of the last two steamers bringing the news from that place. It would seem also that the criticism of the instructions, which it was alleged President Cleveland and Secretary Gresham had given to Minister Willis, were too premature. Thus far the action of the minister has been directly contrary to what the newspaper reporter had anticipated it wouldbo, and they cannot but feel chagrined over their false proph? ecy of what those instructions were. As thus far the relations are all amicable it is generally believed that no disturb? ance will follow. President Cleveland has again vindicated himslf. u li.I. THE BUILDINGS REMAIN".' Those who were among the fortunate to visit the World's Fair during Its reign of glory will bo pleased to learn that a movement is on foot in Chicago, engineered by C. W. Caryl, of Phila? delphia, for maintaining the buildings i n their present location and condition, with a view to the inauguration of an? other exposition next year. The idea is to leave tho buildings in? tact and open them to the public again in May or June, with such exhibits as can be retained for that purposo and such others as may bo secured in the meantime. Director of Works Burnham estimates that it would cost about SI,500,000 to care for tho property, S3.5000,000 to run the Fair for another sis months and ?1,000,000 to close it, or a total outlay of 555,000,000. lie counts on receipts from visitors of $15,000,000 and a clear profit of 810,000,000. Tho Illinois State commissioners are unanimously in favor of tho scheme, and the executive committee of the board of directors of the fair have adopted a resolution asking that the buildings bo allowed to stand for an indefinite period. But thus far the South park commissioners appear to be 6tubbornly opposed to the project, and are insisting upon immediate reposses? sion of tho park in order that tho work of its improvement may be proceeded with, and this, of course, would necessi? tate the early destruction or removal of the great structures by which it is now ?coupled. The question is Btill in abeyance, with the chances apparently against any re openlngof tbe fair. Itseeras like vandal? ism to demolish the buildings, not only because of their architectural beauty, but because of tho memorable associa? tions with which they are identified, but unless some pressing popular de? mand should arise for their preservation they are likely to go, though some of them may be reconstructed in other portions of the city. It is doubtful if the great expectations entertained by Mr. Burnham of another exposition next summer would bo realized unless Means can be devised for exhibiting a good deal moro than tho more shell of the fair. Traded His Win. for Cattle. Eufaula, I.T., Nov. 18.- Inareplevin suit here yesterday between halfbreeds over a number of cattle tho defendant alleged that he had traded his wifo for tho cattle. Tho plaintiff proved that ho had been forced to mako the trade. The court held that it was against public policy to allow a man to trade his wife for cattle, and awarded tbe plain tiff tbe animals. TBK SMAIXPOX CASK AT PULA8KI. The Boy Und Only a Mild Attack and la Mow Convaleicont. Pulaski, Nov. 18.?All rumors re? ported by papers in adjaoent towns about tho smallpox are largely exag? gerated, as there is but one case here, and that is in a mild form. Tho boy who has had the smallpox hore is now convalescent and is able to cut and oarry his own wood. Tdero is no danger whatever now. The council held a moetiug a few days ago and passed an ordinance that all citizens residing in this place should bo allowed a limited time tobe vaccinated, and if they had not compiled within that time a fine of 81 to S5 would be imposed upon such persons according to the number of days af ton the expired time. Dr. W. H. Bramblitt is ill. Frank Harrison left Monday last on route to tho'valley of Virginia and also New England, where he will remain till Christmas. He is attending to import? ant business. R. W. Owens, who has been salesman for S. B. Steger for two years past, left this woekfor his home at Bellevue, Va. The county jail at Newbern is being built by Wydai, McCollough & Co., of Radford, Va. There will be no danger of prisoners making their esoapo by undermining it whon completed, as, after removing tho dirt for tho founda? tion, there was discovered a level bed of limestone rock, making it impossible for anyone to dig his way out. J. C. Wysor, of Newbern, was in the city Monday on business. C. L. Creger has removed to his newly repaired store, and has a handsome little stand on Railroad avenue. The doctors gave orders to the au? thorities of tho public school to con? tinue the Bchool last Monday, as there was no danger. Tho Y. M. C. A. is holding a series of prayer meetings, which began Monday night and will close to night. J?d Ratcliff, who has had typhoid fever, died at his homo yesterday. BEDFORD CITY BUDGET. Not a Case of Smallpox?Rnndolplt-Alucon Academy WlnB at Football. Bedford City, Nov. is ?Mayor Saunders is my authority for stating that you wore misinformed in regard to smallpox being in Bedford City. A tramp was in town one day this week who was suffering with another disease, but he was here only a fow hours. The common council did not sustain tho charges of lncompetcncy made against City Engineer P. M. Caboll and investigated by them at the meeting on Thursday night. The Agricultural and Mechanical College football team of Biacksburg played a match game with Randolph Maoon Acadomy this afternoon, result? ing in a score of 38 to 0 in favor of Ran dolph-Macon Academy. The Blacks burg boys outweighed the homo team considerably. With the exception of two or three long runs, the touchdowns were made by short line plays. Tho features of the game wore, en Academy Bide, an eighty yard run by Ragland on a feint wedge, and center work by Huott, Ramsey and Brown. Blacks burg interference was very effective. Best of feeling prevailed. Their best plays were made by Friend and Martin. The men lined up as follows: BANDOLl-n-lIACOK. POSITION. BLACKS It URO. II. Thomas.Lett end. Porcher Orlffln ....'..Left tackle.Wayland Ramsey.Left guard.Stall Ilaott.Center.Say r re Brown .Might guard.Patrick lieu .1 our-.Right tucklc.Kertoot Allen.Right end.Dachield Nettles.-.Quarter back. Robinson II. Hunt.Left half back.Harvey Ragland.Right half back.Friend Dolly.Full back.Mnrttu > ;oo,ooo Blaze In Kanins City. Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 18.?Firedes troyed the four-story'brick building of the Western Warehouse and Storage Company at, Eleventh aud Santa Fe Btroets to night. Loss about $200,000 worth of property and the serious, if not fatal, injury of threo firomon?Matt Clarkin, John Burke and Walter Her. Bunk Failure at Knmvllle, Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. is.?The Knoxville Hanking Company mado an assignment to-day. Liabilities. $135,000; assets, s225,000. Cause inability to make collection s Columbia Averaged Nearly S3 Knot*. boston, Nov. 18.?The cruiser Columbia on ? her official trip to day averaged 22 81 knots an hour on a four hour's run under forced draught. Sad and Gloomy Weak and Dyspeptic Hood's Sarsapavtlla Gave BtroagU? and Perfectly Cured. J>r. J. If. White Birmingham, Alabama. "I havo not words enough to express my thanks for the great benefits received from a fow bottles of Hood's Sarsapartlla, I was weak, and it made me strong; I was a dyspep? tic, and It cured me; I was sad and gloomy, and it made me cheerful and hopeful. And last, though not least, It made me an ardent and Hood's x Cures working democrat. All who have taken Hood's Barsaparilla with my advice, ruport good re? sult*. I gladly recommend It to all sufferers' J. R, WniTB, M. D., Birmingham, Ala. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Bar? saparilla do not bo Induced to buy any other Instead. Insist upon hood'S. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic, get/la and effective. Try a box as cents. ' Hard Times Soft Prices, Heap some of our coats on Jack Frost's head. UNDERWEAR in Sanitary, Lamb's Wool, Camel's Hair, Maco and Balbriggan. GLOVES in kid, dogskin, English chevrette, Scotch knit and cashmere. Ear muffs, pulse warmers, natural wool sox and mits. They're bound to keep the weather out and solid com? fort in. GILKBSON & CHILD, s9. Hatters and Gents' Furnishers. CASH 1 KU MAY'S DISMISSAL. None of tUe Bank of England. Dlreotors Involved In the Scandal. London, Nov. 18.?The Economist says in an article concerning rumors of irregularities in the Hank ot England: "The reaignation of Mr. May, chief cashier, was brought about owing to the character of certain transactions in securities with ono or more trust com? panies which bo sano?onod. In regard to tboso transactions, we understand that something graver than more fault of judgmont was conneotod. Mr. May, it would appear, not only ex? ceeded his authority, but also acted in a manner which he must have known was contrary to the .emulations by which the bank is governed. For that offonso he suffered. "It would now be ungenerous to dwell upon the matter, and after all the ques? tion is whether the bank knowingly lent support to the companies whoso financial methods proved to be of such a very dubious nature. That iB the gravamen of the imper? fectly formulated charges which one hears. It is satisfactory, therefore, to be able to say that as far as we can ascertain, such rumors are unfounded. As regards the responsibility of tbe di? rectors, we believe that no greater re? sponsibility attaches to the individual than to the .vbolo board. Therefore wo may lav aside the rumors of Impending resignations." Tho Succeaaur to Judge Bond. Washington, Nov. 18. ? President Cleveland has Indicated as his his de? sire that no delegations visit blm in the interest of any of the candidates for United States circuit court judge to succeed the late Judge Hond, of Haiti more. Ho prefers that all applications and recommendations bo forwarded to him. He will not take up for considera? tion tbe filling of the vacancy until tho reassembling of Congress in Decomber. Hefore an appointment is made the President will liberally canvass tho views of the Senators and Representa? tives from tho several States compris? ing the circuit. More Bicycle Records Ilroken. Nasiivii.i.k, Tonn., Nov. 18.?Two bicycle records were brokon at West Sldo Park to-day. M. F. Hornberger, of Buffalo, N. Y., in a flying start, half mile dash, made a record of 54 seconds, beating Johnson's record by one second. J. R. Bliss, of Chicago, wich a standing start in a half mile dash, made a rocord of 50 3 5. The best previous record was by Johnson, being 59 2 5. Tho third of a mile was made in 38 1-5, which is also a new record. The track was soft and the wind strong. More Trouble In the Ryan Company. Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 18.?The Ryan Company, dry goods dealers, went into a rccoivorsbip to night with liabilities of $180,009 and assets amounting to $310,000. E. H. Thornton, of Atlanta, was appointed receiver by Judge Lump kin and he gave a 850,000 bond. The Ryan Company is tho successor of tho Steve Ryan Company, which failed in 1S01 for S3,000,000. Fraud was charged by some creditors, and Stevo Ryan was sent, to jail and kept thoro for thirteen months. Colonel H?ge at I.on Angeles, Oul. Washington, Nov. 18.?Tho frionds of Col. J. Hampton H?ge, who was ap? pointed as consul at Amoy, China, and who was summoned at San Francisco to return to Washington to answer charges preferred against him, are much dis? appointed at his failure to comply more promptly with Secretary Gresham's order for his return. It is stated that Colonel Iloge is as Los Angeles, Cali? fornia. _' Laldlaw'a Damage Suit Against Sage. New York, Nov. 18.?The general term of tho supremo court has reversed the decision of tho lower court dis missing tho action brought bv William R. Laidlaw to recover $50,000 damages from Russell Sago for injuries received by Laidlaw duriner tho dynamite ex? plosion In Sago's office. A now trial is ordered. Rc-enforclng the Melllla Garrison. Madrid. Nov. 18.?A Proas corres? pondent at Melilla telegraphs that 1,500 more troops arrived there last evening from Maiaga, and that to day General Maciaa, commander-in-chief at Melilla, would review all tho 13,000 of the garrison. There was no fighting yostorday. _ A Woman In the Case. Foi.kston, Ga , Nov. 18.?August German was found dead in tho woods near this place this afternoon about 1 o'clock. An inquest was held, and the jury found that ho was murdered by E. F. Long, who shot him in the head and Ht.-:nboct him to the heart. A woman is implicated. The murderer escaped. 1.1st of Injured Increasing. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 18.?It was learned to day that an unknown young woman was burned to death ? with Thomas Driver in the wreck on tho East Alabama railroad near I.afayeote yesterday morninc. The list of injurod, at first reported at 10, has reached 35. Will Not be Permitted to Knter tho Harbor. Havana, Nov. 18.?It is said that tho steamer Ravensdalo, which is about to arrlvo hero from Newport News, will not be permitted to enter tho harbor because she has a largo quantity of dynamite on board. Bx-Secretary Itunk Slightly Better. ViRoyuA, WiB;, Nov. 18.?General Rusk rested well to-day, and his gen? eral condition 1b thought tobe Improved over yesterday. THE ROANOKE TROST, LOAN AND SAFE DEPOSIT GO.. Roanoke - - - - - Va. Capital and Profits $434,633,15 General Banking and Brokerage, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Interest paid on Deposits. Accounts solicited. Special attontlon paid to Collections. We have the finest Steel, Burglar-Proof Vaults in tho Stato. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT ON EA.SY TERMS. P. Li. Terry, Pres. H. S. Trout, Vice-Pros. 0. W. Jamison, Soc'y and Treas. H. M. Darnalx, Ass't Sec'y and Treas. C. R. WERTZ, ? GROCER. Choice stock of both staple and fancy Groceries and canned goods of every de? scription. Yon will find all of our Groceries fresh and pure. We guarantee satisfaction and should you find anything com? ing from our store to be not exactly what we represent it, let us know and we will ar? range matters to your entire I satisfaction. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. C. R. WERTZ, GROCER, 208 COMMERCE ST. VIKGINIA NEWS AND NOTES. it chin of Interest From all lOver the Old Dominion State. In the United States circuit court of Richmond, the jury in the caso of \V. F. Lordly against the. Richmond and Dan villo Railroad Company agreed that the plaintiff was ontitlud to damage", hut could not agree as to the amount, and wcro discharged. Lordly sued for S10, 000 damages for injury to person by falling through ono of the defendant company's bridges. Thirty rooms havo been engaged at tho Hygeia Hotel, Fort Monroe, for tho Faulkner-Whiting wedding during the first week in January. A government boat will likely take a large party of prominent Washingtonlans, friends of Senator Faulkner, down at that time. At tho New York horse show yester? day tho hor603 of Ilonry Fairfax, of Loudoun county, took several prizes. Georgo Lyons, while hunting a fow days ago near Woodford's in Caroline county, 9hot a wild turkoy which had two heads, three eyes and two tongues. It was quite a curiosity.?Exchange. This story Implied that the hunter saw double. MONOCLE AND TILE. Mr. Kilkenny Is the name of an eminently Seaceable citizen in Centralin, Mo., and he oesn't own any cats. Jacob H. Simms, who was born in slavery and came north at the end of the war, is foremost among the colored lawyers of New York city. Ben Dixon, a Center Creek (Mo.) miner, bas experienced three great falls during his life. The distances, it is claimed, were 200 feet, 145 feet and 60 feet. The Rev. Ishnm Mills, a Massachusetts ax-clergyman, has applied for n patent for welting shoes. He hasn't entirely relin gnished the care of soles. Thomas Perry, 78 years old, tho janitor Of the Presbyterian church at New Rich? mond, Ind., is a descendant of Joseph Brandy, the once famous Iroquois chief. M. de Lucy, the French nnturalist, baa shown, at least to his own satisfaction, that if man ever flies ho will have to use wings twice the size of the ordinary door. Samuel and Simms Gammel of Hickory Flats, Simpson county, Ky., are probably the largest twin brothers In the United States. Their combined weight. is 542 pounds. Senator Jones of Nevada is so thoroughly the master of the subject of finance that he does not need to read up on tho authorities. He is an authority himself and has a turn for original investigation. THREE DAYS MORE ?_A2STID THE SPECIAL BOOK SALE Becomes a Thing of the Past A Word Here to Those Who Buy Books Fro in the Much Dreaded Book Agents, Our Prices Will Explain our Position. Dickens' Complete Works, 15 vols., $4.0O Bulwer's Complete Works, 12 vols., $4-75 Dumas' Works, 8 vols., $ 1.75 Prescott's Conquest Peru, 2 vols., 90c Prescott's Mexico, 3 vols., $ 1.25 Napoleon and His Marshalls, 2 vols., $1.00 Also Complete sets of Lyle, Scott, Thackeray, Hume, Macaulay, Gibbon, Plutarch, Kinsley, Geo. Eliot, . Guizot, Frank Stockton, And Others at CORRESPONDINGLY LOW PRICES Oxford Teachers Bibles. We have also placed these Bibles along with the special sale. Our price saves you One to Tl^xee XDollstxs per book. These prices only good dur? ing the Baptist gathering which is now in session among us. 250 STANDARD BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL WORKS with some fiction mixed with the assortment. REDUCED FROM $1.00 to 58c. This is an offer for the next three days only, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY. 175 Miscellaneous Books, Historical, Biograph? ical, Also Fiction and Travel. Reduced From 75c. to 55c. BOOKS. Several large shipments give us the largest assortment of new books ever offered. Prince India, Lew Wallace, Sweet Bells Out of Tune, Mrs- Har? rison, Crawfords New Book, Also Stevecson, Page, Stockton and Other Popular Wiiters. Drop in and spend TIME looking us over 10 CAMPBELL AVENUE.