Newspaper Page Text
SALEM F, A. LO BAXiHM ADVERTISEMENTS. MOSES SPU BLOCK'S SURS CURE FOR Chicken Cholera and Roup. Easllv admin? istered. Uighly indorsed by those who have tried it. Full direction! with euch bottle. Kor sale by Di Hard it l'crsinger, Salem, and W. K. Bngleby, Hoanoke. 4 15 lm ICE! ICE! ICE! Having leased the Crystal Ico Com? pany's plant for a term of years, I am now ready to furnish the trade with ico by tho carload or 100 pounds at the low? est market prico. Address A. KALTHOFF, 3 17 4m SALEM, VA. gAJuBM MINORCA YARDS. Minoren? a specialty. Eggs from prize winning blrde. Black Minoroae, fi 95 for 13; white .Ml norcas, $1.50 for 13; securely packed. Address J. 13. FOLOEN, Salem, Va. 2 81 lm. COMMISSIONERS' 8ALE3, COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF VALUABLE residence property in the city of Koauoke. Virginia By vlrtne of a decree entered In the corporation conrt for the city of Roanoke on March 30. 1S04, In the chancery cause therein Eending, styled New York Nationul Building and oan Association vs. James 11. Crablll, et,als. I, the undersigned, appointed i>y said coori as special commissioner lu said cause for that purpose, and the said defendants falling to pay the money Hierin decreed to be paid within the time therein limited, will, ON MONDAY. TUB 1STH DAY OF JUNE. 1S94, AT 1 O'l LOCK P. M., jirocccd to sell at public auction to the htgocst bidder. In front of theconrthoneo in the city of Hoanoke, nil thai curtain parcel of !md lyins; in the said city and described as follows: Beginning at the seutlioast corner of Tazcwoll avenue ana Bdgowood street, ihence cast with Taaewol) avenue 40 feet to n point, thence south parallel with Edgewood Btreel 130 lectio an al? ley, thuuee with said alley west 4" feet to Edge ?wood street, thence north with Edgewood street 130 feel to the place of beginning, being known as lot No. 1, section 3. according to the map of the Bolmont ailditlon to the eitv of Roanoke. TERMS: Cash as to enough to pay the cost of enit and of sale, and the sum of (1,613 50 with in? terest from the loth day o! February. 1894, and the rosidue, if any, shall be made payable in two equal instalments from day of sale, wit ti Interest from such dav, to be secured by deed of taust on said laud. ' Til OS. W. MILLER, Special Commissioner. I, S. S, Brooke, clerk of the corporation court tor the city of Hoanoke do certify that Thomas W, Miller, the commissioner above named in said cause, has given bond with approved security in the penalty of $1.500, as by tin- -aid decree is provided. S. S. BROOKE. 1 17 td Clerk COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF VALUABLE residence property in the city of Hoanoke. Virginia.?By virtue of a decree entered in the corporation conrt lor the city of Roanoke, on March 30th, 1804, in the chancery cju-c therein Jlending, styled New York National Building snd K>an Association vs. George Washington et us, L tho undersigned, appointed by said court as special commissioner In said canse for that .pur? pose, and the said defendants failing to pay the money therein decreed to be paid within the time therein limited, will, ON MONDAY, TUB 1ST1I DAT OF JUNE, ISM, AT 1*2:45 O'CLOCK 1'. M., proceed to sell at public auction to the highest blddrr, in front of the courthouse in the city of Roanokr, all tint certain nurce! of laud, lying in the said city, and described a- follows: Being a portion of lot No. 3, seetion 2, of the Rogers, Fairfax and Houston addition to the city of Koauoke. Said lot has a frontage ol i". feet on West Patton street and runs back between par? allel lines 180 feet, more or less, to an alley, with eiiuai width riom front to rear line. TERMS: Cash as to enough to pav the cost of suit and of sale and the sum of $753.71 with Interest from October 1, 1898, and the residue, If any, shall be made payable in two equal annual installments from day of sale, with Interest from such date, to be secured bv deed of trust upon said laud. THUS. W. MILLER, Specia! Commissioner. I, S. S. Brooke, clerk of the corporation court for theolty of Hoanoke, do certify that Thomas W. Miller, the commissioner above-named in said cause, has given bond with approved secur? ity In itie penalty of $1,00,, as by the said de? creed is provided. S. BROOKE. \ 5 W td._Cork. .LEXANDEH THOMAS, ASSIGNEE,VS.THB ristol I ton and Steel Company, and the other anscs heard therewith. Pursuant to a decree en? tered In the above styled causes by the corpora? tion conrt of Bristol, \ a., on the l'.'tb of Decem? ber, 1S93, we,the undersigned special coramotslon ers, will ON THURSDAY, TU 11 33T1J OF JUNE, 1894, AT 9 O'CLOCK p. in., ou tho premises in the city ol Bristol, Virginia, expose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder the furnace plant, the tract of laud upon which the same is situated, and all the buildings and appurtenances thereon contained, likewise all the iron ore, die!, Band, limestone, laboratory mnterlals, tools, up pllanccs und all the persona! property of what? ever kind, all of ?aid property being owned by the Bristol iron and Sir*: Company. The plant is a mammoth one. being we-:; constructed, and one of the liest situated blast furnaces In the whole country. TERMS OF SALE: Bnongh cash to pay off the costs of these suits, the- co-r- or said sale, the amounts owing by the receiver In said causes, and an additional sum of $5,000, the residue of the purchase money in three equal credit Instal? ments, at nine, tlfteen, and twenty-one months from the day of i-uic, the said Instalments hear? ing Interest from the day of tale, the purchaser giving negotiable notes with approved personal security thereof, title to said propcrt) to be re? tained until the full purchase money is paid and a conveyance directed by the court. Given under our hands this the 35th day Of April, 1894. 11. G. PETERS, ) R. M. FAOK, 5-Special Conirs. EDWARD \V. ROBERTSON, | I, Arthur Huberts, clerk of the corporation court for the city of Radford, Va., do certify that II. <;. Peters, H. M. Page and B. W. Robertson, three of tint special commissioners appointed by decree entered lu the above-styled causes, have entered into and acknowledged Bt-pcrate bonds In the penalty ol $50,000 euch, with good secur? ity, in my office, as required by sal 1 decree, Done in the corporation oon*r| clerk's offii c ior the city of Uadford, April 84, 16H4. 4 2B tu_AI'.TUl. H HollEUTS COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF VALUABLE business property.- Uy virtue of a decree of the corporation court of the city of Honuoke entered April 19, 1894, In the s,uit of Williams & Fetors vs. (Mil Dominion Paper Hag Company et als , the undersigned special commissioners, ap? pointed by the said decree, will sell by nubile auction in front of tho courthouse in the city or Hoanoke, at 13 o'clock m., ON TIIB33D DAY OF JUNE, 1891, all ofthat property known aa the Old Dominion Paper Bag Factory lying on the southeast coiner of Franklin and Commerce streets in the cltj of Ronnoke, described us fol? lows: Beginning at n point on the east side ol Com? merce street ?!.?> fret south of Hie southwest cor? ner of the factory building, thence north 80 de? grees IS minutes west 103.80 feet to Tarewell street, thence along Tazewell street north87 de? grees 45 minutes eagi (?5 feet to a point, thence south 0 degrees 35 minutes west 10J feet to a point, thence 8T degrees 07 minutes west 67 feet to the beginning TERMS: One-third cash, the residue payable in one and two years, equal Instalments, hearing interest from date ol Bale. Bonds m :ih good Be curlty shall be required rur the deferred Instal? ments and a Hen retail ed on tho -ironerty HOY it. smith' EDW. W. ROBERTSON, W.M. A. GLASGOW, Jr., special Commissioners, I, S.S. Brooke, clerk of the corporation conrt tor Roanoke city, berohy certify u .t the bond required or the commissioners under theiiecroc above referred to has been executed 523 tds S.S. BROOKE, Clerk. A "Sometime ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Cham berlain's pain balm and wan completely cured. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try the remedy and all ?peak highly of it."? Simon Ooijuiaum, San Louis Roy, Cal. For sale by Tho Charles Lylo Drug Com? pany, druggists. Old papers for aale at this ofllco for 10 cents per 100. NEWS. V ELUCK, Atront and Correspondent. THE TIMES KODAK. Interesting News Items Gath? ered Around Salem. A shooting gallery is in full blast in tbo Allen blook. Miss Lilla Wolfondon, of Wytheville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. C. Wolfon? don. Rev. W. U. Rook, of Clifton Forgo, will proach at tho Christian Church to? night. There is a large encampment of gyp? sies at Mason's creek, noar tho olectric car line. Matson Dibroll and family, of Nor? folk, are the gueBtB of Maj. W. W. Ballard. Mrs. J. T. Ponn, who has boon dan? gerously ill for several .days, is somo what better. A friend of Roanoko College in New York, who withholds his name, has just given 52,000 to the endowment fund. The friends of Coi. R. II. Logan will submit bis namo to tbo convention as a candidate for tho Democratic Congres? sional nomination for this, the sixth, district. Mrs. W. II. Tinsley entertained sev? eral of the students of Roanoko Collego who are studying for the Episcopal ministry at her home in Wost Salom Wednosday night. M. W. Strickland, of North Carolina, father of Dr. Strickland, who has re? cently purchased tho Turner house on Broad streot, expects to move there this week with his family. G. E. Patrick, telegraph oporator at Deyorle's, accompanied by Miss Bettle May, of tho county, mado a Hying trip to Bristol Wednesday, and they returned man and wife. Dr. B. P. Saunders. Col. A. M. How man, Thomas 1. Preston and other Salomitc-s wont to Radford yesterday as witnesses in tho case of the Salem De? velopment Company vs. O. C. Peters. A well known Populist in this town has received a letter from a Salem Populist in Wa*hlngton in which the latter said that Mahone's execu? tive committee at its recent meeting there did nothing and that the Popu? lists don't proposo to coalesce with them this fall, but will go it "on their own hook." At the Baptist Church on Sunday night twelve persons were baptized and on Tuesday afternoon two. On Wednes? day evening the ordinance of baptism was again administered to thirteen persons. Thus far about thirty Ovo have been received into the fellowship of the Baptist Church as a result of tho rec?nt revival meeting. Those vpung men or women who are ambitious to secure tho higher educa? tion at State institutions should apply to County Superintendent Stearnes, who has vacancies for State appointments for Roanoke county at Blacksburg, Farm ville and William and Mary Col? lege for whites, and for colored at Peters? burg. At the Baptist Church on Wednesday, June 20, at 0 p. m., Miss Bessio M. Har lowe, daughter of Rev. J. M. Uarlowo, will be married to Rev. Nathan May nard, pastor of the Baptist Church at Covington, Tenn. Immediately after tho ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Maynard will take the train for Baltimore, near to which city they will visit friends. At a meeting of the school trustee electoral board of Roanoko county, con? sisting of tho county judge, common? wealth's attorney and county superin? tendent, held Thursday in tbo court? house, thejfollowing trustees were re elected for the term ending July, 1897: Catawba district, Joseph R. Woods: central di-urlc-, A. T. Bealip; Big Lick district, I). E Kefauver; Cave Spring district, L 11 Kirkwooi: Salem dis? trict, S. A. Willson. Ohamberlain'o Eye and Skin Ointment Is a r ertain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, Files, Eczema,Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head, 2? cents per box. For Kile by druggists, TO HORSlT?wNERS. For jiutting a horr-c in a fine healthy con? dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, givirsj j new life to an old or over worked horse. 2n oent? per package. For tale by druggiete. j The Charles Lylo Drug Co., agents. Oaltfornln Kxcurslons. Tho well known Phillips Excursion Company have arranged to run week'y excursions to all principal California and other Pacific Coast cities from all points on the Baltimore and Ohio rail read . Tho parties will leave the East on Wednesday of each week, commencing January 17th, and passengers will bo booked through to destination. There are no Pacific Coast tours offoring as good accommodations at less expense. For full information addres A. Phillips & Co., No 111 S. 9th street, Philadel? phia, or call on nearest ticket agent B. & O. B B Co. _ Guaranteed Cur?. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery lor consumption, coughs and colds upon this condition. If you aro afflicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chess trouble, and will ubo this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no bonnlit, you may return the bottle and have your money re? funded. Wo could not mako this oifor did we not know that Dr. King's Now Discovery could bo relied on. U never disappoints. Trial bottles free atChris tion & Barbee's. Largo size 50c. and 81. "I uavb two little grand children who aro teething this hot summer woather and are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoie remedy and it acts like a charm I earnestly recommend it for children with bowel troubles. I was myself taken with a severe attack of bloody llux. with cramps and pains in my stomach; one-third of a bottle of this remedy cured me. Within twenty-four hours I was out of bed and doing my house work?Mits. W. L. dukagan, Bon-aqua, Hickman County, Tenn. For sale by Tho Charloa Lylo Drug Com? pany, druggists. THE QUEEN OF WHIST. Her Majesty I? i? Wry Clover Woman Named miss Kate Irwin Wheeioek. Mrs. Jackson \V. Showaltor hns long been known us tho qucon of tho royal game of obos8, and now whist is also tho happy possessor of it fair monarch. Her namo is Miss Kate Irwin Wlicolook, anil the title was given hor by ''Cavendish," tho whist king. She teaches whist for a livelihood and is known by players from one end of tho country to tho other. Miss Wlicolook MISH KATE IKWIN WHEKLOCK. first attracted attention in whist circles about uino years ago, when her rare pro ficiency led friends in Milwaukee to urge her to instruct beginners in the frame. Last year Miss Whcelock was tho (Uily woman playing at tho whist congress in Chicago, und she bus boon honored with a membership In tho American Whist league, nn honor no other woman has over received before or since. As a teacher she Is a great success. In San Francisco not loan ago she taught 840 pupils in a single week. She Is now contemplating trips to Euro 1X3 and to Hawaii, owing to tho solici? tation of whist players who uro anxious to receive the benefit of her Instruction. Her method of instruction Is her own, but the whist she teaches is tho whist of Cavendish. THEY PLAY GOOD BALL. riie TJtdvorrttty of Michigan Mnu Is Oi?o of tho Northwest's Crack Trams. College baseball is not so old iu the grivit uorthwest as it is In New England, but for all that several of the nines In the former section put up a very good article of base? ball. One of the best is the University of Michigan team. Last season the crack ama? teurs of the Wolver? ene State made a 10 days' trip through Ohio, Kentucky, Illi? nois aud Wisconsin, played eight games with strong col lego nines and won overy RICHAKI) A.PPERSOX. game. The club also m a d e a creditable record this year. One "?' of the catchers of tin team is Richard Ap person, a budding young legal lumina? ry from Kentucky. KBOOMAN. He has had several years of experience on college nines and makes a remarkably good backstop. H. H. Krogman, oneof the team's best pitchers, was in the box last year and did the bulk of the hard work. He pitched In the 11 inning game Michigan lost to Cor? nell by a score of 0 to 5. He Is cool, speedy and reliable and has good control over the ball. C. B. Smeltzer and J. W. Hollister are change catcher and pitcher of the nine respectively. The. team Is considered the Btar colli de team of the west, but it would undoubtedly come out second best in games with the strong teams of 1'rincetou, Yale aud Harvard. TALK OF THE TENNIS PLAYERS. Fred Flovey, the famous tennis player, will be seen very little on I he courts this year. He la studying law. Many tennis sharps believe Clarence Bud long may develop into the sensational play? er of 1804. Walter Lamed has temporarily abandon? ed tennis for baseball and is playing on the Columbia college team. lie will be on fleck, however, when the tennis season is well under way. Miss Aline M. Terry, the lady champion of America, hns become a New Yorker and will defend her title this year. It is reported that Ernest and William Rensbaw, the famous English players, will visit, America this year. Tho rumor will probably prove a falso one. JIIITa I.oin,- Unlryrle Itlde. From New York to Chicago on a unlcyclc Is the latest novelty in long distance wheel? ing. H. H. Hill, a young cyclist of Geneva, N. Y., is ambitious to perform the feat and recently started from New York on his dif? ficult journey. His unlcycle is the front wheel of an ordinary machine and has no . saddle. The Geneva cyclist, who Is only 17 years of age, is the first man to attempt to ride a distance on publio roads on a unicy cle. Hill is accompanied by bis manager, En gene Peltiea, who rides on a safety bicycle. At Chicago Hill will change his unicyole for a safety and will then bend for San Francisco. From there Hill and his man? ager will go to the Sandwich Islands. Colored Wheelmen May Itaee. Chairman Raymond of the. racing board of the League of American Wheelmen has decided that colored riders are eligible to compete at race meets held under league rules. Mr. Raymond holds that the action of the league in barring colored men from membership in the organization did not make, them ineligible to race In L. A. W. club meets. The insertion of tho word "white" in tho league's constitution, he ex Elaincd, only deprived t he colored men of i. A. \V. membership privileges, but in no way affected their status hh amateur racing men. All the colored riders In the country can now enter as many meets as they like, provided they do not violate the rules of the league. Supporter* of the Actors' Fund. It Is an extraordinary fact tbnt the nnm ! ber of actors and actresses who maintain membership in the Actors' fund by pay? ment of annual dues Of $2 is less thau 400. Most of these are humble workers in the profession, whose sympathies in the objects jf the fund seem to be more acute and practical than those of their better paid and more conspicuous bret hren, who, strango to say, are generally the greatest fault, j Quders of the management. Rheum at is.n ftemerty VIII, > I 11 *? 1111 l.l 11 p. 111 pcillllfll ?I,., ,', .,, kflltllK (-?IIIS III tlllV |Ntll iii ii |> I. .1 , Sic.hmlOOv, nt.iiuiu.iii? iikIiiI .?.., i one ? * for mil lit til rt,'it;xiiuit<ii?|t."! in. cum. tou.-lli.-r tvuii 1 V ? i lll-: KAM 11."% . t yuti Irtti Uv ii|. .It ? 4 ?. .... llceiit? Nu In.ill. ? \ .? Imvc llltll wil.i ? ii . . ..i Mill cum v.u. CAU"I i' ? Muiiwii l*H|iell?i| .\ nil i . MUNSON'vS : ? ? ? '?<i ?? ? ? II!*' .Meli ? ! ... Apply to Charles D. Fox, 205 Com? merce stroot, and Johnson A Johnson, corner Jellerson street and First avenue, Roanoko Va. 3 29 eod 3m BUMMER RESORTS. Open July BKDVOBD ALUM. IKON AND IODINE RPB1NG9. OP VIRGINIA. Most l'opnlar Rosort Tor Health nnd Pleasure in tho State. Invalids get cured here when all other remedies have tailed. Sulendld slindo and lawn far children. KATES KEDUCEO. Mend for Interesting pamphlet of r>o pages. J. R. MAREN. Trustee, Proprietor, 6 15 Im Redford Springs P. O., Vu. THOMPSON'S Bromine and Arsenic Springs, OBUMPLBB P. O., asm i: CO, N. C. Hotel Accommodates HA) Guests. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY,-W i The Water eures all Skin Diseases?Scrofula, Dyspepsia and all diseases resulting from impure blood. W. 11. WILEY, (IS 1 in Manager, Grumpier, Aehe Co., N. C. MOUNTAIN LAKE HOTEL, GILES CO.. Va.?4.G00 feet above sea level. Beautiful lake, J, mile long by X mile wide. Surrounded by laurels and rhododendrom. Cool, soft, pure water, climate unsurpassed, grand scenery, the loveliest spot on earth. Low rates aud good table, rollte and attentive servants. No flies und mosquitoes. Write for circulars. Hacks meet all trains at Pembroke, Ya , N. & W. R. R. F. E. DUNKLEE X CO., Mountain Lake. Giles Co., Ya. G Hi Sin OCEAN VIEW HOTEL, OCEAN VIEW, VA. Opens lor coming season first Monday in June. Best bathing, fishing and boating on the Atlantic coast. Write for terms and fui particulars to D. W. PRATT, .12*5 3m Proprietor, ALLEGHANY SPRINGS VA. OPENS JUNE 1. The greatest Dyspepsia Water known. Indorsed by tho State Medical Society. Most popular summer resort in the mountains of Virginia. Accommodations first class. Beautiful lawn of forty acres; Qno walks and drives: good livery; band of music; Dost, telegraph and ex? press ofllces. Write for circular. C. A. COLUOUN, 5 16 2m Proprietor. BLUB RIDGE SPRINGS. ONLY ELEVEN MILES EAST OF ROANOKE. Railroad Summit of the Mountain. Will Open for Guests June II. PHIL F. BROWN. DEER PARK AND OAKLAND, On tho Crost of tho Allogbaules, (Main Line B. ,fc O. R. H.) Season Opens June 23, 1894. Rates SCO, S75 and S90 per month, ac? cording to location. Address GEORGE D. DeSHIELDS, Managor, Cumberland, Md., up to Juno 10; after that date, either Deer Park or Oakland, Garrett County, Mi. I In I'osincc, ws Mill Ht>n?l Z A Kample Envelope.of either f WIUTE, FLESH or BBUMETTE $ ! OZZONIS OWDER. Yon have seen it ndvertiscd for many years, but have you over triod it??If not,?you do not*know what uu Ideal ? o;i4|ii< xlon I'miilcr 3s. H POZZONTS t bcsldos boliiR an acknowledged bomitlfler, 1 lias many ndreshliig uhoh. 11 prevents cliaf / log, sun-burn, wliid-l mi, lessens persplrntlon, A do.; In fuctltlatiiiiosUlollcutouiiddiMdriifolo w protection to tho fiico during liotweutlior. I It la Sold I: very where. For snniple, address Jj.A.POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mol Ii\\ MKNTIQ.V THIS VKVVM._ _ JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL! Inst nit Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Cure.? RHEUMATISM, NEURAL. < 11A, I.nmo Bock, Sprains Urulfics, Swelling'*, Stiff Joints, COLIOnnd .(MIAMI'S Instantly. Cholera Mor Ria?, Croup.DiptheriA, RoroThroat, 111 RABAOHE. nsif by magic THE HORSE BRAND, ^ffSJSfSSSA the most Powerful mid Penel ruUngMnlmentloc Man or Dent-tin existence. Largofl sizo75c,6oc size Wo. ?JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. ^".ertleated nnd To.:.:. The Oront Skin Cure nnd F.ioo Beeutlfler. Lntlloo will find 11 tho mo.-t jollcnto and highly porfumed Toilet Sonv> on tho market. It i - rtlisolutoly puro. Mokea tho I skin soft nnd vetvuty nnd restores, tho low com? plexion; is n luxury for tho B ath for Infunts. I It nlaya Itching, cleanses thus.-alp nnd promotes the growth of hulr. Prlco 25c. For sale by GIFT FREE FREE with EVERY 52.06 GASH PURCHASE ^ ?- vV YORK BA ZAAR. "The Wonders of the World's Fair and the Midway Plaisance/' This Beautiful Work CONTAINS 256 PAGES, OVER 200 BEAUTIFUL CUTS, AND IS COMPLETE IN 16 PARTS. IT IS INSTRUCTIVE, AMUSING, AN ORNAMENT TO YOUR PARLOR. We Have This Week Received A FEW THINGS That Deserve Special Mention. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: Beautiful Figured Lawns, Former price 12lc; now 8c. Beautiful All-wool Figured Batiste, 42 inches, Former price $1; now 60c. Silk Mitts and Silk Gloves, In all colors, 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c, $ I K?a. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hose in Black and Colors, 10c, I2'c, 15c, 25c, 50c.' The latest Dress Duck, Piain Colored Grounds, Stripes and Figured, QEJ^XS Just received a large assortment of UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. You can buy a good one for 98c and up. PjJ^|^g in endless variety, from 1 cent up to $5 each. Sailors, Bonnets, Toques and Leghorns in Endless Variety. Flowers, Feathers, \ ? ? ? b Wi r nil = the Largest Stock, Ribbons, Laces, ft Jill I llULHf the L*tcst Styley> Braids, and Oma i |V| | LLIIV Lll I the As5^ ments. We have ;.& ment andjfirst-clasa Milliners to put them together. Respectfully,