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To W^bmah
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VOL.172 (Old Series.) VOL 16 (New Series.^ NO 36. WILLIAMSBURG. VA., JANUARY 28. 1909. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR
Unless Williamsburg Secures Better Fire Protection, the Virginia Insurance Trust will Sooner or Later Increase Insurance Rates Here.
Are Bust Wi
(From Tuesday's College Topics.)
Examinations have broken up
basketball games for the present,
and everything is quiet in athletic
circles. Next week however, the
thread will be taken up where it was
broken off. and games will be com?
ing thick ar.d fast. On the night of
the fifth, our team will play New?
port News Y. M. C. A. in their
gymnasium and the Brambleton
Athletic Association on the follow?
ing night in Norfolk. Manager
Schlossberg is also trying to arrange
for a game here on the night of the
fourth with the Washington and Lee
The following is taken from Sun
day's Times-Dispatch*. "Randolph
Macon. William and Mary and
Richmond College are matched in a
three-cornered relay for the cham?
pionship of the Virginia Collegiate
Association of this state. This will
be the first time that these colleges
have entered together in a relay, and
anv one of them may prove to bc
the dark horse for the other twc
Sunday's Times-Dispatch contains
the report that Joynes will be back
to play on the baseball team thi!
spring. We know not if this tx
true, but if so. our chances for the
championship seem very bright in?
Professor T. J. Stubbs, of the fae
ulty, addressed the meeting of stu
dents in the Parish house. Sunda)
evening. Professor Stubbs spok<
of the fact that the Brotherhood ol
Saint Andrew was named for An
drew, who found Peter and carriec
him to Christ, and then read a pa
per upon the call o: the world to th<
ministry. The point was brough
out that whereas men who enter th<
ministry usually stop to conside
whether such a step is the will o:
God, those entering other vocation:
do not stop to consider whether i
ts best for humanity that they tak<
such a step. He spoke of the no
bility of bringing souls to Christ
and of the heroism wrapped up ii
such work that should appeal to thi
instincts for heroism in the young.
Dr. Stubbs' address was interest
ing and a particularly one appropri
ate for the audience to whom h<
The registrar will open up his of
fice Monday morning for the pur
pose of allowing those who desire tx
remain in college during the seconc
term to register.
The burning of the depot Satur
day night afforded quite an excitini
break in the dull monotony of takini
examinations. Nearly the emir
student-body was upon fte seen
Shortly after the flames had broke
out. willing and eager to lend a help
ing hard in the little that could b
done in saving property and check
ing the spread of the flames.
Dr. Will H. Keeble will deli ve
the third of the series of month 1
addresses arranged for by the fa
culty committee on college activities
Friday night, in the chapel. Th
subject of his talk will be "Tb
Electron Theory."
Chapel services are being con
ducted regularly through the exam
'marions. Thc time has been chang
d to 8:45.
Just at present, examinations hold
the entire attention of the student -
I body, and other questions are al?
lowed to slip in only at meal time,
and very seldom then. However,
as soon as examinations are over,
the baseball team and its chances
of victory during the coming season
will be the center of thought until
the last game of the championship
series is played. Just what these
chances are we do not know, and at
this early stage, it is impossible for
anyone to predict the success or fail?
ure of our team. However, we
want to say here that we believe the
chances of putting out a winning
team are better than they have been
in many years, possibly better than
ever before. We have several old
men back and the new material is
reported to be of the best, but it is
not upon these facts that we base
our belief of putting out a winning
team?such things as haviag e
let.t material have happened at Wil?
liam and Mary before and, at the
same time, seasons have resulted in
failure. This year ho waver, there
will exist something that has never
before been known at our college?
perfect harmony between the athlet?
ic association and the faculty, and
the hearty co-operation of the latter.
Such a spirit, which has been con?
spicuous by its absence at our col?
lege in the past, has prevailed in
other colleges, and thev have put
out winning teams.
It has often been the subject of
much speculation why William and
Mary did not win games when they
had good coaches and material oi
the best. The question has been
debated in the oast and been left
unsolved, but we believe that thc
stand we are 'going to take in the
athletic world in the future will
prove that our failures in the pasi
were due largely to the spirit thai
prevailed here and the misunder?
standing between the faculty and
Just now these two bodies arc
working together and the faculty arc
showing their entire willingness tc
halp out in every wa? possible. Al
ready results of their activity ma\
be seen. The proposition in regarc
to the financial question, a most im
portant side of athletics, which is al
most certain to be adopted, will pu'
athletics on such a basis as was nev
er dreamed of before at William anc
Mary. Already, too. ably repre
sented in the committee of manage?
ment for the league, we have showr
our ability to stand up for our right!
aad not let the Richmond College
representatives run their plans rough
shod over us.
In the past, students have lookec
upon membership of an athletic
team as an honor to be highly de
sired, but at the same time, a thinf
that would throw them into higl
disfavor with the faculty. No sud
thing will be known in the future
the faculty and students, working
side by side, will henceforth strive
for onegreat common end in athlet
And so we say that the futun
looks bright from an athletic poin
of view: We have good ground;
and accommodations for spectator
at the games, and we feel proud o
it; we have the co-operation of thi
faculty, and we appreciate it, anc
we have for this reason at least. ;
good coach and _ood material anc
we believe that advantage will be ta
ken of this fact.
The examinations are now on, anc
a general quietness has settled ove
the college, broken only bv an oe
casional "war wheop" from the ir
repressible Braffertonian Indians
The most dreaded period of thi
year is with us, and the burners o
midnight oil are the most numerou
body of students in college. Ti
(Continued on page 8.)
Things You and
Have bec
[We would appreciate you
will call phone 24 and give us any
personal or social news you
know. Or write it out and we
send for it. In this way you
help make The Gazette more b
Mr. Marston Christian spent I
day here before making a thirv.
to Cuba on the transport "Sumner."
Dr. Charles E. Bishop was or
town the part o' last week,
recuperating from a slight spell of
The warm weather of the first of
the week had some of the earlv
rruit trees dangerously near the
blooming point.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Proctor ?
to thank all who lent their kindly
assistance and s- g the
illness and death of Mrs. Proctor's
mother. Mrs. Mariah Long.
All oyster dealers, peddlers or
otherwise, have been made to pay
regular license. Dick Roberts says
we'll "S-s oon h-h-av^ t-to-ppay a
license t-to d-die" in Williamsburg.
Charles E. Lipscomb, a former
student of William and Mary, who
was ieee* ted in marriage
a niece of the late James G
is now a successful and wea', thy New
York publisher.
Next Saturday at 1 o'clock P
Mrs. M. Larsor . house,
goods and k rare. bi..
cart, harness, etc.. at B. Lar
harness shap. Here is a chan- ?
get some use
Bill Already Intrc
Mr. Jno. L. Mercer's resol .
passed by the City Cou
to the buildirg bv the federal gov?
ernment of a great boulevard be?
tween Jamestown and Yorktov-.
a'.readv bearing fruit as the follow?
ing telegram from Washir -..
Washington. D. C.. Janua*
A bill providirg for the construction
of a military road from Yorktown.
Va., to Jamestown. Va., pa*
through historic Williamsburg. wa--,
introduced by Representative Lamb,
of Virginia, to dav. The road
would be built by order of the Sec?
retary of War. but the office of pub?
lic roads of the Department of Ag?
riculture, would make the necessary
surveys and superintend the con?
struction, according to the bill.
The measure appropriates $1CO.OOC
for the work.
The special committee of Council
is endeavoring to secure the co-op?
eration of the Colonial Da
Daughters of the American Revolu?
tion, and will ask the local branch
A. P. V. A. to secure the assistance
of the state organization in interest?
ing our representatives in congress
in the movement. These organiza?
tions throughout the country would
exert a gTeat influence in behalf of
the movement
Mr. John Stewart Bryan, editor
of the Richmond Times-Dispatch
writes to Mr. Mercer, chairman of
t the committee "I am in receipt of
5 , your letter of January 14th. and will
o [ take great pleasure in doing all I
can to further the excellent object
[ you have in view of connecting the
Your Neighbors
in Doing.
v>ar has ac'
his houser
at 1
Goodbar and cb
by a small negro bov e
the house. The boy ha
the < some good
detective work to lc
C. Branch
- -
attended a meeting ot
I "o., ar.
p lea
* *
tor. **> block
ed here Toano.
of tl
Mar ege,
Dr >e as th
poem "Whose
)duced for James
wri Boulevard.
n bv
ted. as wei'. it c:
commercial bodies .n t.
ing cities.
Fell in love with the Town.
Mr. 1 of Ire:
Ohio, wes a
:day. ai
say ovewith the town i:
to express it atari**
was he impressed with the histori;
church and 'he col
Mr. Jcr.es. brit gan acquaintanct
> of relatives of the editor in O
gave us great | ro shov
I about the tow ? des he is ai
roan. Anc i'-ryai
Mr. Jones' popularitv in his hom*
i county is attested by the fact
he was elected sheriff in an over
i whelming Republican stronghold
Last fall he led the fight for Cen
I gress in the ter.'h Ohio district, re
: ducing the majority of his Republi
can opponent, Hon. AR. Johnson
by 3.009.
i When he goes ba.k to his Ohic
home Mr. Jones* iii cany with hin
pleasant reioilec-o- s ti the Ole
Dominion md will not forget ti
speak a a ord for the people
: the climate and ihe po*.vbilities o
investments h*.
A. P. V. l's Tribute to Memory
ot Mrs. Cynthia Coleman.
and :
the i
- ap
;thew V.
?n tc
tb af
r late ruin, st
for ?/ calling a rt-ee*
her own home, to consider wh*
was best to be dorr *.n anc
? there in Williamsburg, the ancien
: capital of Virr'nia. with Mrs
hugh Lee thew;fe of the go.
>ur statr on Jan
J thi
." and the worl<
-scue at Jamestown began.
anv vears she was one ci
chief -* and siwa
most willing and rnthu-. orker
1 of late, when failing fc
caused her to withdraw from activt
m earnest Christian, a loyal
.an. a true patriot, a stauncl
nd. a worthy daught-r of hei
use. and a fond mother, wha
re can be said?or desired?
Amor t )wn," she lived anc
a rs and honors
from he: labors, and he:
works do follow her." Williams
rg will appear strange to us with
? her well known and com;
vidualitv. We shall miss ':
future, but we shall remem.be
the past with gratitude snd long be
' inspired by her example.
Oller Bnilflinp
he Chesa
> road Saturday
*nd ll o'clr
* looked
me new passenger
but the
? -
Thc residen.
pied by
R. Sn
lt was al
v ?
i i
books and valuable pa
?? -
g that h
I hen
? saved
ere were *ome exciting i
A freight b
.trough the fire at great risk to
jg down
- that
' W. A. Gore was caught by the wire
inrown some distance, for
fromthe train. Chairman
R. L er of tbe committee on
streets, l.ght and police, bad a heavv
iron safe to tall on one of his I
mash that he had to
be taken home in a buggy and a
lied Then a s**
een a sluder?
man. No one hurt.
I A. D. S. peroxide t*
tooth powder s? are
having a rerr.aikabie sale everywhere
and are guaranteed to whiten the
teeth without being injurious.
Jas. H. Stone.
It was resolved that this t
ite to the memory of Mrs. Cole?
man, should be placed upon
minutes of the "Association for thc
Preservation of Virginia Antiqui?
ties." and a copy seat to her family,
to attest the regard aod sympathy
of tbe whole Association.
Mrs. Joseph Bryaa. President.
Mrs. J
Aiescmii tarftat