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BOZARTH BROTHERS GENERAL MILL WORK, AND DEALERS IN BUILDERS SUPPLIES. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Ceiling, Siding. Flooring and Mouldings. Sash, Doors. Blinds, Window and Door Frames* Lime, Hair. Brick, Cement, Hard Walli Plaster and White Coat ?vyprcss Shingles of all dimensions. Tarred Roofing, Gravel and Felt Roofing. Sheathing Papers and other building Material. PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL PHONE 85 WILLIAMSBURG, VA. 9. My -t a***sl * -** Usa. who kari f-eee - -?..?-?.?- aa. .. a.^,. ? tra* tstspecfjrcg ki ra *-bs tass Brat tirane ta maay at he had sag root ta tae old tr sa aassesi a a ? ?- irr-inr-r? f****** ?-*-??. *f -od had blas ta tow. with a rd feellrg of prstte aad ? **? ht aeek aga''*. * aaid the t - - - * toa to kare -**jaa Brae*' ra* marked tk* fr"N**aal of kia koykeoi. Her* awe was .** per Moat tilings look rather roa down aroid kere.** aacstsd tko mncemamtn: * ?* ** rot a aet-er* pytx mad mtxtm aa*. Mts % -? < ~l skoalrl aay tke** i wit, tkarc's aa '--.? .ga mere Na Od taa ~eT*'d mart rae aad rsa ? ar* PM * a i *?*.-? r * ? e ? tra tt -* Bsstat rf ards to tm* uBrrn Tk: ? * : . ? * rfsSaf ttgiraees a fortasva -tttt to yam Hear* aul was kan pt a aaa la Bakfloa. ?ld aaa Hil w**ra - Ifkrar* wkat or. 7 a ssas'' BtJI *-7**o*e " a**awaj*as* Maras Caa] aa-arn*. Td follow tk* fiac* * of ra eet raf sr tr.tx.ts ama aaatac p*?*-k>rtty For tk* UkraJ-y Td aaleet " auluraii* wkoa* Uti*** woold caa* a g ? msmn htst mmtm IM -.:?---? : -? ? tr.* ?**.*(**-. *??? Hi mt a;gt* : gain In Pain I have a few good Paint (i any one kine will sell next JAMES H OPPOSITE COI a*,,... .a Car 'a - *v * . ?f all rser tt * ?v rra-ed *.S* - of **l*ii<**a fis mer-i M 'a* *' *-* total --f Itv*** r * , ? ** t *t***red ta Brai.: Sr ral B| 1*1 la Mei;ce tom - a- y rs*?snurae'*s*:T* fer* ' bas ?esra !aaa rtttmmn* . 'baa ta i ***tr*?r rocctr-ee srttt Bri .- w* are soae?r-:*si Um faed tots S lit TOD as ta tk* hoe I * ?*r.' abie: !'X i d'. .. 1. ? ta * Matta. k*at momo I! C*0 ?**<**. ?**?? lea* - ka aaaoaict la Brai ?atxrba i Moder** Mettsoda The re?**-ratir-r*i lod'.ac wras a sob la tb* blgber brascbes of ra-essa a a ar. T s* ap jr I*, ed tc tbe sassa "rsa buaiaaa* Aad bow'a Bataeklag argusaert dad tko last rrorc . * to lac I asked tbe bright you ag brat* ?rad ** Like-* Fox - Am' srraji . -ntl narr.e r*? ipllsrj -T*:. tbe tightwads ?aw re t**yiag to work your wat krougb '.- ? t tr M Mag*. Systsn* ***-?? M * td Wtll. A ravaa wslked late a railroad of lat address**I t wk i a* - . ' aait rac om mb ad a good filing sys Pke ? ? - ka was stalag, aad als say ag he would maui! Ike ?*>*?? fe ila ode* About two weeks later tbe c ? -1 r - i ' - : ?Tal* i ?? s *. .* t .ag a?a'.*-r.* **Ok "How M bu* Maatl "Not much You Be** a MtxJ h'm ba*** to speed BO ?u< : ag tr.* B. Lg g**gtar"*a ?? kai Irate left tor kuala* t ?rary s t L A t 9 ' gallons of not much of i; which I week . STONE, LON.IAL INN. rrtrrEviktitNi * t, * hrrh mttaVMSJ kv ca. rm -v WC. JOHNSTON, Editor ana Publisher .A2BTTB PIILI'IN Si Per Te*r $ | Six Montr-* Three ll on tba. . Alts itt s in A J Mt i | ?ered at the i??*?t * ititi oarg ?** ? THLTRSDAY. NOV. 4. ??**>-. .HE ELECTION IS OVER. The e.* It is use to argue over what R'ght have b I '.cat we can co or say Naturally E**H pub.icar. ?* and wi oot tee. victory, that thev we Soire _ 11 ? M r | . M Gazette was at no ; I | | s*XOW how ba*. away from partv a food citizen :s a Democrat more thai: ar: cccai:onai ob 3?ce him Much has : - jpoo it to rr tc party th d the L - I i . ?? ? ? good mT.Z BK>Xa. * tOaU r.e . todk] But thousands do cot ksotf hia* perse No man -arith a Car. ?*?; .re to high p- - to cay. I* ,e fewer sach cn in tr* mac whose private CsVioot stand the closest better kr Sotr.^ bri expose c m * . dou' Heazst m the iast p* patgn. but the results are a.*a> game. I*craker. o.* Oh.c. ;:-> - ot Oklahoma, went dov* ations ot that b.?* from New York and arr . too deep for return <*o it oe. If the aiaetaors in the Pi counties could get the pr :e? . for farm lands, the LofniiaVJ would he va.uaoie to the up their books next Btt -and .n Jame* City and York ? loot be bought for less than $25 to $100 ' per acre wheo a bomeseeke . tvound; ought to be worth more as tx Masfatmcot to the nate This "s pure runing se J r*rop> . 'he large ? up and soid to actual*. | rf foot of made to vield its harest. we I shall be ti uncling comrnu I e ho*si . a real. :. and a I . ??? : jre the cot*. - to settle up M a had ar. tion here to co -d owners, wc to g ! I - I ! rayat * to ro a * r . .*f a a l Tuoosands Hays Kidiej Trouble and Him Saspsct it How To Find Oat. - fr*-> Wa*t To Do. *MB kat v.. SmOOtf aiKl tka mt?nTtns\ BmmX(rAw\B3mtmx\ a** ? *a Oat *T***B*f *sa**t**a*i Wirring Comp li me I beautiful girl shook her head la tha Bega* .** said she. after a n-mm* deliberation **I eao r g, never be your wife Bnt 111 H I will do. Just to shaw you that thaft? ls no hard fee'fna* on my part, ' 1 will be present when you n ?one other girl and bombard you my shoe* for luck " Ah. here wa* bj ty. Quick aa a rash the young man responded ? aaa don't If you must throw -hoes, borrow them " J why not use my own*" -*re so small we '. net-er detect them from the * ' Flattery won Th* beautiful decided thea er.i rh*re that ti < ** t ran was altogether too deter for any otaer girl, so she reversed her de,cl* sioa and tbe cards ara out. ""*? .al Que.* <-. to haTP a yesrs a k - ? 'ace or Phoney Mitta**. ?""Tha Mistakes that oceur thrrmr ard hy the telep"v- ** are nuttier said the lady who had ona la ber boase "and some of them ara a* sm the others are annoying ?*ne I had happen ta me was rather curiong. My al* >w la Damed Drake aad I called her np at her housa. Tbe maid told me she ha * left wc rd to call her up at a ce: nun:! eht I had rigb I called and asked for Drak* said ? *? no such person tv know what place I can at the other end * it wa.* rt -e and he dldr I laugh when he said it. It struck me a* *. and the man asked me what I wa? le a at He hadn't seen the poir*. I rang off wit! : Mora Read ng Metter. tartka Ba treas, ls In a fine confided the rural mall ea- toing to get a raiae in salary? aaked the city board ? N pa! That wouldn't please her ch sr* the new postal ky*- * [.ai cardsT "Yeo*** bet" ? r *l I on botr Martha :h to read arary The Peninsula Bank, WILUAillaSBURa, V Tn*. itution. 1 he prttople's Depositor*, I h*: People's Choice. SAFE. HOUND. Tai ?>'t*. isula Bank Solicits You- Account. Onlv SC XYlii^kiets a I | ( Bernard Rye or College Club j Whiskey at S2 per gallon * ? h a ? ? We are the Largest and Prompiest ? I I \ Graif s Cut-rate Liquor House. 2152 and 2154. Jefferson Ave.. NEWPORT NErVS. VA V r m i J. W. CASEY, BOZAKTH'8 old BTAND, | Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, j Groceries, Hardware of all kinds i . * 'ylinder * I ting and Padd <tokoii. liea. *. ; : : Loaded Gun Shells, all sizes and kinds. rrwJ i.- ? ? ' Pa ? nd N Stove**, fc ' m >1 h**r i We carri* a Complete Line of Groceries ?At Rock-bottom Prices.? GIVE US A CALL Phone 55 J. W. CASEY. Phone 55